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tv   [untitled]    May 1, 2024 2:30am-3:00am EEST

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infantry and then they just turn around and at maximum speed try to increase the distance to our anti-tank weapons so that the minimum time they are in the radius e thank you for these explanations, and about the ammunition, because everyone says that american help or czech help with ammunition is about to will come, is it felt, is it already on the front line, how is your archdivision working, does it have enough? the amount of ammunition to destroy the enemy, so i would say that the divisions of the brigade have ammunition there are and they work extremely effectively, and surprisingly, there is more ammunition for the 155th artillery than for mortars, both soviet and western models, so battalions often call for brigade artillery support. and
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it works very, very efficiently, and therefore, in principle, there is no large shortage of large-caliber ammunition, but we have not yet felt any significant increase in ammunition for the main calibers of artillery, he suspects that more ammunition will arrive in the near future and... artillery will still work as the situation now with the replenishment, because i understand that mobilization is, well, a difficult moment related to the existence and activity of our units, whether the replenishment is coming, or we are compensating at the expense of the territorial defense battalions that appear there in those areas, where it is necessary to strengthen the front line, how it actually happens, and...
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and secondly, almost every line battalion has additional units in the form of separate tro battalions, which work together with the assault battalions, strengthen them, strengthen them primarily with people, their fire means, regarding replenishment, we get people not like that, not in such a volume, in which it would really be necessary, and it is very difficult to replenish directly in the conditions. engagement with the enemy without recovery and leaving the position, but still people come, people of different levels of education, thank god, we have the opportunity and experience in additional training, replenishment in our conditions only because they really need it, and we it is possible to significantly increase the training of people by the time they first enter oleksia, but how does training take place or
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the training of sergeants or junior officers, because in fact they are the same, junior officers come from training, and sergeants must be educated independently, as is the case with all the important elements of combat management in your country, so naturally, when young officers arrive who have recently been mobilized after training centers for personnel officers in... a minority, let's say, they basically first work in the same way with their soldiers, on training grounds, they additionally undergo the same training as the soldiers undergo, and then we work with them separately, their mentors, their commanders work conditionally with them, who convey exactly what they need to know from the experience of managing people at different levels. in principle, we have
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the opportunity to send to training centers for some basic leadership courses, basic sergeant courses, and yet the bulk of sergeants are initiative soldiers, whom we consider on the spot from newly arrived personnel, or those who have already proven themselves in combat, and we try as much as possible to give people the opportunity to grow, and the one who manifests himself. is willing to work shows his skills, leadership, management skills, he has a constant growth, constantly receives the next military ranks and the following positions, well, the question is whether or not the direction of his own recruiting is still relatively speaking, the brigade is only deploying, as i understand it, are there directions after all cooperation, where it is still possible to replenish the personnel precisely at the expense of ... recruiting the brigade itself, we
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cannot work yet and there was no such task as the third assault, for example, but indeed the working groups work without ... directly in tcs work in educational institutions centers and try to recruit people in advance from among those already mobilized, or, let's say, it is very common to involve familiar people, to mobilize directly into the brigade in order to bypass some bureaucratic mechanisms and distribution to other units, there is a possibility. to immediately mobilize a person for a certain position, so that he does not doubt that he will be deceived somewhere, will not be placed where he was promised, and so on, so we try to work with this, of course, there are not always enough resources
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to conduct active combat operations and at we still have to remove the officers or sergeants who will be involved in recruiting, but we are trying to get on with it, mr. oleksiy, thank you very much. thank you for what you do for our country, for our defense. let me remind you that it was oleksiy tarasenko, deputy battalion commander of the fifth separate assault brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. i will also remind you that there is currently a collection for this brigade, for means of radio-electronic warfare, in order to protect the soldiers of this brigade from enemy drones, now you see a qr-code with a through. links to which you can donate to support this brigade, these were the main military results of this day, more international and economic news later on vasyl zima's big broadcast, so stay tuned to the espresso channel. thank you very much to serhiy zgorts,
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thank you to his guest and thank you very much, well, in fact , not even 15 minutes plus or minus passed and you closed this collection, i believed in you and... that the armed forces of ukraine believe in the viewers of the tv channel and the readers of our website , youtube viewers, so we collected 102,484 uah, that is, in fact , we were able to collect 7,500 uah in 15 minutes and to close this collection, thank you very, very much, and i think that in the near future what the fighters of the brigade we talked about need, the 65th, they will buy, thank you once again, and for... now i have a plot for your attention, which i suggest you watch. at their own request and without summons, recruiting centers become a voluntary alternative to mobilization, how does such a system work, and where can one turn in kyiv?
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kateryna galko will tell. military accounting. i am a junior sergeant. choose a vacancy in the defense forces at your own will. centers of recruiting to the ukrainian army are fundamentally different from the tsk, as they are formed in a civilian environment. you can apply here repeatedly, leave your data and find the position most relevant to your experience. without coercion, voluntary, summonses are not served in this place. that's why it's a place where you can decide on a position and a military unit, where to serve in the future. from now on , there is one in kyiv as well. the first capital recruiting center operates on the basis of the tsnap of the solomyan district, where it is most convenient for people to receive administrative
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services we already have several hundred people who have already signed contracts with military units and are undergoing training there. or are already in their military units, and we continue to deploy this network, by the end of spring we plan to deploy several dozen more centers. from a driver to a gunner, the recruiting center will be able to offer a variety of positions in many brigades and units. the military is told that they need not only infantrymen. these are mainly the combat specialties of the vos rifle groups, as well. it specialties of engineering groups, military accounting specialties, also specialties, respectively, communication units, artillery, as well as a new direction of unmanned aircraft complexes, there is a need for vacancies, and we need to fill
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people, and we do not want to take people from the street either , and we want to hire specialists, well, as they say, this is in the interests of each of you, because the podposhnik must be a specialist. and after choosing a vacancy, the process is also clear. an interview with the military unit, receiving a letter of recommendation, registration at the tccp, teaching. all this time you. they promise to coordinate in the recruiting center, when a person has arrived for training, we contact the unit again, we send the person to the unit directly, and until this very stage, until this very time, when the person has not gone to the unit, we contact him and lead her until then. in addition, they assure future defenders not to worry that they will not be sent to the place where they signed up, according to the ministry of defense, this process is regulated by the normative acts of genshu. taboo, there are relevant institutions, the orders that determine this process,
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the very promotion of recruiting goes, thanks to this, and people who choose this or that specialty, they get into units and already serve in that specialty and in that position that they have chosen. the recruiting center for the ukrainian army in kyiv became the 18th in ukraine. they promise to expand their network so that as many ukrainians as possible can vote. own place in the army to protect our country, so of course you should use the services of recruiting centers if you want to choose a profession and know where you will be the most useful in the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine in the ranks of the defense forces, which include different units, different types of troops, then of course it is worth applying, well, closer to the time when the law on mobilization does not come into force, we will talk more about what innovations . what changes, and today, by the way, we will talk a little later with our guest about these restrictions or non-restrictions
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of human rights, because at first they wrote to the council of europe that we are suspending the operation of the convention, now they are already writing that we are not suspending it, well, we will today to find out how it really is, because these are our rights with you, we are ready to limit them in the name of victory, in the name of the victory of ukraine and the defeat of the enemy, but of course everything should be, as they say, everything should be according to the law and fair. we will now have a conversation about odesa, and the city, which survived another, vile, hostile, terrorist attack, as of yesterday, serhiy syzonenko, deputy of the odesa district council, mr. serhiy, i congratulate you and offer my sincere condolences for the victims of the enemy attack on the city odesa, which happened yesterday, congratulations studio, congratulations ukraine, thank you for your sympathy, i hope that there will be fewer... such acts of, let's say, aggression against the civilian population, but
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we shouldn't expect this from our enemy, so we can only hope for the strength of our air defense guys, for their phage and ability to protect us. five dead, 23 injured, four people in the hospital in a serious condition, that's what is known as of now, i'll ask now, my colleagues have prepared a video, we'll just look at the arrival of this... rocket that had cassettes in it , cluster munitions, the flight of debris was 1.5 km, let's see, well, actually, this is a moment, it's just a moment, and wherever these tapes broke, people either died or people were injured, well, besides the fact that people died, unfortunately, this is the worst, and also as a result of the impact houses, a yacht club and a restaurant were damaged, well, of course, everything can be restored, fought back, etc., but... in any case , we see according to different estimates what i read today from my friends from odessa and on
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facebook, the main thing of course, but they wrote in such a way that from two to three, someone wrote for 3-5 minutes, it was a period, this short time for rescue, from when the air raid alarm sounded, to when they started, when they heard the explosions of this ballistic missile, how many minutes had passed, and in fact, if a person was somewhere in the city, well, relatively speaking... how to hide, it's not here the fact that someone is to blame for this, that it was not there, well, just to say how dangerous it is, and no matter how many shelters you build here, two or three minutes, what can be done? well, it was somewhere up to 5 minutes, i didn't exactly measure the time, but at the moment my daughter and i were on the street, i was on my way from the hospital with her through the park home when they heard the alarm, thank god we were not in the city. let's say, the defeat of this ballistic missile, but the time is very short, there is very little
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time to hide, we see from our, let's say, friends who tell us from kharkiv and so on that it is extremely difficult, only god can to protect us, so again our air defense guys, because no matter how many shelters there are in this coastal time... it's very big, there are a lot of people walking there, especially on weekends, i don't even i understand what these warehouses should be there, how they are and to what extent people should, let's say, be concerned with... responsibly, because we understand that the war has been going on in our country for two years now, but still not everyone treats anxiety is serious, there are a lot of people who rely on god's mercy, on the fact that this disaster can somehow save them, so i think that it is still necessary to carry out some kind of explanatory work, both to the local authorities, and in general to central level,
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regarding how exactly ukrainians should act in in similar situations, take care, because we already see that there are different messages when the alarm starts, already very often, when ballistics warns that it is ballistics, there is already an opportunity to warn people that it is ballistics, or that it is an alarm - it is shahedis, therefore, i think that it is necessary to develop some kind of plan of action, somehow convey it to the society through the leaders of public opinion, through the authorities, how to act in this or that situation and demarcate this situation depending on the risks and the speed at which damage can occur, well yes... we perfectly understand that nato forces, air forces are working over the waters of the black sea, well, actually, it’s not a big secret, it’s been known for a long time, and the activity of the enemy’s forces and means, namely missile forces, there are these ground batteries, and so on and so forth, what are they there?
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are launched, so it is clear that it becomes known, cluster munitions are so scary, but you saw on the video that... it breaks and these cartridges fly away, and this is actually a damage, well, they are used on the battlefield to damage the enemy's manpower, but this not enemy manpower, it's civilians citizens, it’s the same, you just have to understand that the same cassette can fly, the same cassettes can fly to kyiv, odessa, cherkasy, poltava, lviv, and anywhere else, actually you can fly, and you have to understand how here in your opinion, and here are two questions, one is short, in your opinion, and the goal, well, it's just murder, murder. a lot of people will still go to odessa in the summer, but we understand that there will be a large crowd of people in the evening, at night, especially young people, it will be, if someone does not treat it, and martial law, we all understand, it will happen, here is the question of how to secure here, because excuse me,
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in this case, the arrival of one such cluster missile can simply cause... streams of blood, unfortunately, well, look, we are talking about one, our moronic insidious enemy can launch 10 missiles, and 50 missiles, it's not a problem for them, we understand that, so, but look, we all also understand that every such strike on the civilian population is also, let's say, one nail in the grave of putin and this russian machine, because in any case no adequate normal person can look at it with any understanding. therefore, both our partners and some, perhaps, the citizens of mordor will also, let's say, become more and more aware that the only chance to get rid of this life at all is to overcome putin's regime, and it can be overcome only by helping ukraine, in mainly it is military, it is economic,
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to strangle that russian federation already, not to trade with it, not to engage in igniting with the enemy, but simply... to repulse it all together, i also i wanted to ask, but i read that work is currently underway to repair and bring to an ideal condition those routes that lead to, well, this is open information, i am not giving away any secrets, because now they say, why are you telling, the enemy does not need to tell what he needs, as we see, unfortunately, he finds out himself, or even if he doesn't find out, he hits wherever he wants, entrances to maritime logistics... centers, or is it only connected with the fact that ukraine is preparing for the harvest, which will take place in the summer and in any case everything it will be necessary to pass these vessels with grain through the sea corridor, and i hope that the naval forces of ukraine, as well as the sbu gur , will make every effort of the defense forces to ensure the passage of this grain corridor, somehow it actually makes it possible for the ukrainian
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defense forces to pass through, or is this also about roads of some regional importance, or is it... after all, it is primarily connected with logistics in order to be able to export ukrainian products of high quality? well i hope so was connected precisely with logistics and increasing, let's say, the economic ability of ukraine to resist the enemy, and not with the fact that on the ground, let's say, steal somewhere these funds for the repair of these roads, i really hope that the plan was such , which still strengthens the country. and not to steal during the war, but we will see how it will be implemented firstly, secondly, what will be the result, so far it is difficult to say with 100% certainty, but let's hope that it is still being done for content. our economy, well here is another interesting question, i read today that it turns out that india
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is also investing in the odesa region and providing humanitarian aid, in particular india will help in the repair of the regional children's hospital, what kind of investment is it, from what can be said, why exactly did india choose clothes, maybe it is connected with the fact that, well, india has access to the ocean, the truth is, and odessa is a sea city. or how it is and how much it is, well, from what you know, maybe not all of it is revealed, how large-scale it is an investment, in what interest, to what extent this is serious humanitarian aid, and again, in what way it manifests itself, well, because we know, let's say, that the kingdom of denmark has taken over the mykolaiv oblast, is actively working, well, maybe india wants to take over odesa oblast, well, we have very there are many projects, there is also italy, which is interested in restoring the historical monuments of the city, in fact. with regard to cooperation with our indian partners, i am not very aware of who conducted them and thanks to whom it is happening, but i know people who cooperated with our partners from the north
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koreans, who started one of such large investment projects in ukraine as uman smart city, which is already, let's say, in full swing in uman, so a lot of foreigners really want to work with ukraine, they are not scared by the fact that we have military . works, they are ready to invest funds, the most important thing, the most important thing in this process is reliable partners from ukraine. in fact, unfortunately, there are still problems with this, because some of our city officials are afraid, some do not understand how to work, some are used to something different, let's say so, but i am sure that together with joint efforts, we will be able to overcome all this, and we will have normal, adequate cooperation on an equal footing with our international partners, they talked about helping italy, as far as i understand, i may be wrong now, in my opinion, it was the transfiguration cathedral that suffered, and if yes, we have a higher mind
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calling us there, now we will see what happened there, and if i am not mistaken, mr. serhiy, if i am not mistaken, it was the preobrazhensky pomsobor that was hit by an enemy attack, they pretty much smashed it there, and how much i remember exactly what the italians wanted disappeared again'. yes, they will tell me now. yes, mr. serhiy, and as far as i understand, the italians then wanted to help in the restoration of a religious building, well, a historical building, a cultural monument. no, not only, not only the cathedral, there were also negotiations in the cathedral. we have a lot of cities, not so many, several sister cities from italy, with which odessa cooperates fruitfully, with their mayors, in general with italians, the italians built odessa in their time, one of those who, let's say, started... who were here and engaged in construction, not in word, but in deed of our city, also, in general, the reconstruction of the historical center, which was damaged
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due to the impact of russian missiles, they emphasized that they are ready to take part in this, ready to invest in this, let's see what will come of it, in fact, the transfiguration cathedral already, let's say this, it is being repaired little by little, what i saw, the forests are already standing, people are already working there, that is , it is already being rebuilt a little bit, let's hope that all the architectural monuments and in general all the buildings that were destroyed by our enemy, will either be rebuilt or built anew, in a higher quality, more, let's say, modern style. then i will ask now about what, we are talking about local budgets, and i sometimes try to ask representatives of the deputy corps, different levels, district, regional, city. well , to a lesser extent, the deputies of the verkhovna rada, because it does not concern them so much, to ask how the situation with the filling of the budget, with ensuring that the articles
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of the budgets are ensured, or at least protected, and there are budgets of communities, there are budgets of districts, there are budgets of cities, regions, we know that the military levy was taken before no the military levy, and the single personal income tax, the one paid by the military, the state emergency service, the police, they were taken to the central budget, and there they are already... compared, they buy drones or what they buy there, i don’t know, then the audit service will say later, what was bought for what, but if we talk about the odesa district, what is the situation with the possibility of counting on real money now, or is it again, as they say, fortune-telling on the coffee grounds, we will collect this month, we will not collect this month, as it is business and so on, i understand that odessa has its priorities, certain advantages in location in... well, of course, always where there is trade, where there are resort moments, rest, there is always business, but please, but the odesa district, it is, let's say, in our budget - this is just
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fortune-telling. in principle, it is almost non-existent, that is , we did not count on anything with the deputy corps, and the head of the district council, we talked about it, we understood that, let's put it this way, there was nothing left from our budget, things are a little better, to put it mildly , a little much better things in the city, better things in the regional budget, but again very much we have a lot of money from the regional budget for the construction of protective structures. very, let's say, since the beginning of the full scale, the regional state administration, let's say, has a very strict attitude to the budget, and there is also a constant dialogue between the head of the kermanych region and the head of the odesa district of the regional council, i apologize, that's why we in the district council do not calculate any budget, we work within the limits of what we can do, we try to make the deputy corps more involved in volunteer activities, and we try as
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much as we can, thank you mr. serhiy, thank you for your comments, thank you for joining, serhiy syzonenko, deputy of the odesa district council, once again, sincere condolences, sorrow and mourning for the dead, five victims of the enemy attack, 23 injured, four people in serious condition after yesterday's ballistic enemy attack, with cassette filling, and now we will add victoria ptashnyk to the conversation, we won't have much time, but we will discuss the main issue, mrs. victoria, deputy of the kyiv city council, lawyer, mrs. vitoria, i congratulate you. good evening, i even took it for myself, so brought out so as not to make a mistake, one day ago there was information that ukraine was temporarily withdrawing from the convention on human rights, the council of europe informed about it, having received a corresponding appeal or a corresponding message from the ukrainian authorities, well, obviously it was the ministry of foreign affairs, and so it would should have been, the minister of justice malyuska writes today, also the same day one day ago the news, ukraine did not suspend the clauses of the convention on
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human rights, and so... subscribe to that well-known meme and subscribe and you don't understand what is happening, please look, it's not enough that our government did not explain whether ukraine suspended, or did not suspend, the actual implementation of the rights granted to citizens by the convention, human affairs and international pact about political and civil rights, they still haven't explained at all what this procedure means, i'm not talking about these documents that you issued, i want to tell our ukrainians, well, first of all, that this is a procedure, this retreat is really provided for from the realization of rights, and it is provided for by the convention, and the convention really says that in special situations, in a special period, well , what is obviously meant by war, indeed, the states that are signatories to this convention can step back from ensuring the realization of certain rights, but within the limits required by the urgency of the situation and under the conditions. that
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this will not conflict with our other international obligations, and it was not the first time that ukraine applied for a certain concession, and certain procedures were also applied in 2015, and then there were no such problems, because then it was done competently within the framework of what is provided for by the convention, absolutely, well, for example, then ukraine does not exercise control over a specific territory, our... state authorities do not operate there, and obviously we we cannot ensure the realization in those occupied territories, the realization of our rights as citizens, however, what did our government do back in the 22nd year, it resorted to such a retreat after a full-scale invasion, they crammed there absolutely all genders in a row, who, seeing what they saw in the convention, pushed it, and after that, and now after, in
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november 22... the council of europe issues a legal opinion, where they write that some rights, you cannot withdraw from them, and some your statements, well, this is completely nonsense, and it is directly in the legal opinion of the council of europe, it says so, and for example, they, so we wrote that we withdraw from limiting the political activity of foreigners, we have this right, yes, to limit the political activity of foreigners during the war, for example, and we from this... we are doing, and the council of europe writes to us that this is completely untenable, because in this way you say that you allow the political activity of foreigners on the territory of ukraine during martial law, i have one more question, that is, in essence we understand that now with this statement of his , the minister of justice malyuska said that while we are retreating, the council of europe.


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