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tv   [untitled]    May 1, 2024 4:00am-4:31am EEST

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we pace, but still slowly. so we understand that russia is training troops, russia is preparing additional resources not only of manpower, yes, but technical resources, and we understand that russia has set itself the goal of a long war, a protracted war, and at the moment they are proactive, that is, they are exhibiting aggression, as only we will get atacoms, the situation may change, well, but in any case , everyone was very worried when president macron on... started talking about a front line that can run along the dnieper, well, accordingly, as now the vision of what needs to be done and what our various allies, friends and so on will be ready to do has changed, the fear that russia is armed to the teeth and is ready to reach the lamaze canal, if there is no nato unification and strengthened restoration of capabilities european nato countries and so on, it is already behind. the situation at the front,
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as ukrainian experts and the military say, is not as tragic as it might seem, to them, i understand, with all my, well, support and all the feelings that can be expressed to the residents of kharkiv, who every day is a target, well, of those terrorist attacks from russia, but to take a city like kharkiv, as i understand it, all military experts say that it... would require several hundred thousandths of a thousand russian horde, avdiivka was taken by a russian group , which numbered more than 80,000 soldiers, and it took them several months there, and even in the attack itself they say that if there had been a supply earlier of shells, artillery shells, then the audiivka would never have been taken, even jack sullivan said about it, and this well, our leading pigeon is peace and everything else in america and so on, and he said. if you had given help earlier,
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then avdiivka would not have fallen, but avdiivka fell and now it is about maintaining the front line. what i mean, now is a war of attrition, in fact the russians may think that they are winning, but this is far from the case, because the americans and the europeans have the same understanding of several factors: firstly, russia cannot do a war of attrition to win... by definition, it is too weak, in confrontation with nato, with i.e by the european union, the united states, canada, it is clear, moreover, the potential of europe itself both in the defense sphere and in the military, already in the narrower sense, that is , both aircraft and artillery, and the armed forces themselves, the military and so on, can to resist in russia, and russia will not take a conditional attack.
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against nato, it has been fighting against ukraine for more than 10 years, let's not forget that this is a war, well , the issue of the level of intensity of the fighting, and now we see that the level of intensity is not decreasing, only gradually, gradually it is added, although it's just hell over there on some parts of the front, that's right, that's why, first of all, it's impossible to match potential, russia won't win a war of attrition, firstly, secondly, it's a long-term perspective, and this process has already begun, the west... turned his attention not only to the provision of armaments money of ukraine, but also to the restoration of ukraine's economic potential and defense potential. now they are going, well, i understand, because some cases are secret, of course, but extensive work is underway to restore the work of ukrainian defense factories, manufacturing and projectiles and everything else, from the speech of american officials , you can understand that now... america and europe
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will do everything to ensure that ukraine stands very firmly on its feet, so the transfer of atakamsa, i take into account, of course, that this is a repulsion of the russian planes with cabs and so on, but in fact it is about crimea, about novorossiysk, about the black sea fleet, that is, ensuring the safety of odessa and black sea ships, so that ukraine has an open window for exporting them. export of its products and import of products from the world, that is, to be an economically capable state. the military goals now, as i understand it, are for ukraine to level the front line and gain the capabilities to inflict such losses on the russians that they will not be able to compensate for them. this is what all military experts say now. the russians mobilize somewhere around 30-40,000 troops every month. somewhere around
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25-30,000 are destroyed, and it is about making their losses greater than the possibilities of mobilization, and now it is about that. and the third factor, which we cannot ignore absolutely, this is what the americans are already directly declaring, and secretary of state blinkin went to pakin to talk to china and say this, friends, you have to decide: either you support russia, then you will be sanctioned and you will have a problem with the full program, how those who support the aggressor, or you are curtailing this aid, because i have to say, i did not know this figure, but it is amazing that 90% of machines for the production of barrels, tanks, and shells are even supplied to russia china, 70%, i don't know if there is any more separate equipment, that's why joe biden spoke
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with sisius pinius, he warned him that you are coming to a point where we will use all means against you, and that's why chancellor scholz was, in may, he is going to come to paris to talk, it will all be the day before, forum the swiss, that is exactly what we are approaching, what will the observers from beijing bring to switzerland, we understand that there will be no russians, they would rather be, well, maybe belarusians would be of the quality of observers, at the moment i do not have this information, in any case the civilized western world will outline its parameters of vision, not just form. peace, but also the readiness to support ukraine, that is , the geopolitical clocks that will now be set in switzerland, the event will be decided in switzerland, the event will be decided, representatives of the so-called global south will come there, and the only question that remains is whether china will come or not china will come, belarus is like that, with
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all due respect to belarus and the belarusian people, of course, china will come even as an observer, but not as a participant and so on further, that is, negotiations are underway, and china stands... really at such a crossroads, whether it will be or not. instead, it is about the global south. the principles on which a new world order can be established and a formula for ending the war in ukraine can be decided have already been written. the formula is the plan of president zelensky, where the first point is to observe the sovereignty and inviolability of the territorial integrity of all states. this is the first point. it stands there, the rest is secondary to this first point, and the first point will determine everything, that's why the russians are doing, standing on their ears, conditionally, in order to torpedo this summit, because the summit, when you arrive and when you discuss the formula
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of president zelensky's peace plan, then the first point is restoration, well, of course, restoration within the borders of 1991, by 2000 there in the 22nd year, where they have trouble. only the zaporizhia and kherson regions, that is , the russians, so everything will be determined here, either you stand on this side, or these, or on that side, and here it is impossible not to stand like this between yours and ours, the formula of china, which you can be a mediator and go to ukraine for some territorial compromises, she is hopeful and she will not be, fine, but we understand, you can support ukraine, here is germany. zhno supports ukraine in the matter of taurus supply, there is a certain line that the germans do not want to cross. when we talk about aviation, we, we still talk about the f-16, not the f-35 and so on and so forth. we understand that the issue of delineating the framework is one story, and
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the readiness to adhere to and force russia to this or that peace formula is a little different. well, that is, on paper very often everything looks very smooth, but when we talk about the fringes. to russia, anton, well, the atakams have already arrived, the red lines have already been destroyed, those atakams are 300 km, well, the taus, of course, it would be good for them to come, but this, this is not a defiance, this is just a demonstration of what we can say and call for one , but that should always be followed by very specific, sometimes harsh actions, of course, everyone should help ukraine, that's the point, well, but there is the internal situation of individual states, well, in america it took six months at... absolutely persistence and the total but total commitment of president biden, it took half a year for the republicans to support this deal, and it was, well, half and half, that really, how critical it was,
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what did what, what badge did president biden have when signed the agreement when he signed the eyes of the law, a badge with the flags of the united states and ukraine, not israel, not taiwan. or with everyone, only with ukraine, because it was a fundamental question that played, well played differently, trump and johnson, that's what happened there, trump. and and and johnson, played vladimir vladimirovich putin, because he gave an interview to carson in the beginning of february, what he calls carson, tucker carson, yes, tucker carson, gave an interview where he revealed that he is handing out cards in the american elections, and these are american deep state prussia, reaganites, republicans, because there are still such, ugh, besides holding the heads of the intelligence, defense, and apparently foreign affairs committees there. the house of representatives, they are such reagan hawks, so they were very sorry
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, camillo, because volodymyr vladimirovych came and said who the americans should elect president, and he also says no, well , actually, we would be better off if there was biden, well, these are not games like that with the americans, well, that's why they were broken very much, and this breakdown happened so, well, so brilliantly, because once... these trumpists succeeded in overthrowing mccarthy, the speaker of the house of representatives, for the first time in 240 years, so that it was simply an unheard of phenomenon, the democrats made a mistake here, of course, that they supported this proposal, not without foreseeing the consequences that would follow, and then their game with with johnson, what is it like to dislodge him from the speaker's chair, well, it's not it was successful, and well, various factors are talking about it and they played with it... they say that the court hearings of trump himself showed him that it
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cannot be like that, it may be that he will not be a candidate, because when he is, i heard such a version that donald trump understood, so that he played his isolationist card and exhausted certain resources, so to speak, from his electoral sympathies, he needs to go to another field, that is, that he should, so to speak, be a big player, and not a pro-russian one or another action. because well the issue of russian aggression against ukraine is serious, even for american politics. so you think well of donald trump, i'm a little bit worse, i just see the behavior of johnson, yes, i mean johnson, johnson, johnson, i think it worked, he really wanted the republicans to keep the party together, well, it didn't work, and he stood in front of such people, stefanchuk would have gone against the decision of, for example, president zelenskyi, so we understand that well... johnson is not by himself johnson the speaker of the congress, well, he secured the support of trump even after that
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vote trump said that he is our good guy, that is, trump supported johnson, and it must be said yes, supported, why, why, why, why, i think that there was a very clear situation, and it is based on such very serious matters , that is, you get access to all intelligence as a speaker. from the house of representatives at the briefings, almost presidential information, and there it was written in black and white, as i understand it, johnson himself simply said, it is a secret, he was told that if he did not support ukraine, then our soldiers and our boys to be sent to europe to defend nato, and then the responsibility of such a person who knew that they would send american boys to die and did not provide help to ukraine, even though ukraine is heroically resisting russian aggression, then the responsibility is punishment, uh, to
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the american by the court, well, jones trump is reprimanded for many cases, among others for january 6, 2020, it is true, nothing is forgotten, there the citizen goes to court and come on, and then the parents of those boys who, for example, would have died in europe, because we need them was to be sent to some front in conditional lithuania or conditional poland or estonia. and then johnson would have been told: you're a dude, you had an opportunity to prevent my son from dying, and you did it. and what? yes , well, you yourself mentioned the story about the return of the boys, and accordingly , we understand that ukrainian citizens are now in the european union and in poland, in particular, hundreds of thousands, millions of people, and accordingly, our ministry of foreign affairs has put forward such an initiative , in particular, when it comes to failure to provide temporary consular services until the law on mobilization comes into force, and accordingly, perhaps it would be worthwhile to come from
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the other side, to start one or another negotiations with individual capitals of the european union in order to help ukraine bring its sons home, somehow, well, but in any case, the story caused a very heated discussion, that is, i don't know what to do with the non-provision of consular services, well, but if there are possible return mechanisms, maybe it should be used? well of course, that there is a mechanism, i am in general, well, i am not a citizen of ukraine, but i am generally surprised by the discussion about mobilization, well, i have been in ukraine for a while and i feel the mood of the society in half or in the second. half of last year, there were no such moods that people, let's say, did not understand that it would be necessary to mobilize, well, they understood, there is a state, its needs, some have been at the front for two years, they need reserves, well, everything is clear, instead, there is a problem of mobilization a political game began, and it was a parallel game, you like conspiracies, it is necessary
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was to follow, everyone loves conspiracies, why the question of mobilization, which did not stand ugh. on the agenda of discussion by ukrainians, because the trust in the armed forces of ukraine was complete and continues to be, why neither the village nor fell parallel to all the problems with the supply of weapons to ukraine, military aid, financial aid, internal problems of confrontation began, well, that's how it should be said , or a conflict between the military leadership, the political leadership, where there were no grounds for this. it was said that those are unknown, give me plans, because you don't know why why do you want to call for 400,000, and not 500, and maybe less is needed, who are you to discuss this, there is room for this to go into the political plane, into the public plane, well, that was irresponsible, i apologize, and among others, the irresponsibility that emerges in today's situation, i know a little of those
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people who are in poland and in other countries, and there is a different contingent of people, some left earlier. someone has already got a job, got a job, no, he does not submit to the ukrainian embassy, ​​ukrainian citizenship, yes, a person who is already working there, but wants to return to ukraine, different situations, millions of different situations, and in each one, instead, you hit it with an ax like this, without analyzing anything, and in fact, in fact, i cause a lot of people to doubt, but i have to keep connection with such a country, there... there are tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of students up to the 25th year who are not subject to mobilization at all, the law itself has not entered into force, why, for example, the polish state could contribute for example, the ukrainian state, if if our state would officially turn to warsaw, for example, there with a request to help put it on the record, for example, i don't know
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how to return it, and of course, even the deputy prime minister, minister of defense koshinyak kamesh said the day before yesterday, it seems... that he , that poland is ready to contribute on some normal basis, so in the register these citizens in ukraine are also in polish, they are employed somewhere, studying somewhere and so on, they are given some rights, benefits and so on, so ukraine applies, or you have such citizens, as many as there are and so further, well, the polish services say teto, teto, teto, yes, so much, so many, yes, such, such, such categories, well, we will work with you to see how many... voluntarily wants to return to ranks of the armed forces of ukraine, well, they say, they want that much, tens of thousands, yes, well, in what order we establish that they will move to us, we provide them with this, that, well, these are civilized ways, and not in an urgent order, it is not known that now the photos that people rushed do not want to serve, or what, instead of this, ukraine gained
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absolute recognition in the world for its courage, unity, and it wants to defend itself, now this image is being destroyed. without paying attention to the strange actions, i will say so, very mildly, strange actions of the ukrainian authorities, which are not the actions of a normal bureaucratic system, the bureaucratic system works according to its own rules, according to laws and so on, and here it is necessary to prepare people for this, and other countries would be calm, saying: well, you think you need to do this, we want to help you in this process, to do it according to such and such rules, and everyone, and people know. what awaits them, and not the image: my mother is dear, they will throw me there in avdiivka or near avdiivka and there i will die, well, this is not true, now the information is late, the command of the ground forces of ukraine says that queues are lined up in front of the recruitment centers, well then people have a normal attitude to this, the state said, well, a lot of sociological polls , in the end, very interestingly show that among
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men of conscription age, half are either ready to join voluntarily, or they will say: they will come hangman, then we are leaving, half of the men are ready today, well, approach them in a normal civilized way, and not in such a way that scares you, well, why is this, i don't understand this approach, well, as they say, let's live, we'll see, well but at one time, aldous huxley wrote such an eloquent piece called a strange new world for a reason, in any case , thank you very much for the conversation, i want to remind our tv viewers that myroslav cheh, a historian, was currently working on espresso. publicist, deputy of the polish sejm of the second and third term, thank you, thank you, congratulations, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already come to the snake itself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene. live kamikaze drone attacks. political analytics,
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objectively and meaningfully. there is no political season. exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. frankly and impartially. you draw your own conclusions. verdict with serhii rudenko from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on a bad day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. vasyl zima's big broadcast, two hours of airtime, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is like, two
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hours to keep up with economic news and sports news, two hours in the company of your favorite presenters, presenters who to many, they became like relatives, as well as honored guests of the studio, events day in two hours, a big broadcast of vasyl zima, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening. and now the iconic ukrainian politician and diplomat roman bezsmertny will work on the espresso tv channel. glory to ukraine, mr. roman, i congratulate you. glory to the heroes, i congratulate you, mr. antin. well, the key story: the united states determined, the united states signed everything that had to be signed, and president joseph biden even wore a badge, not just an american presidential badge, but an american-ukrainian one. it is symbolic but... the story is a medium-term perspective of the introduction of war with the aggressor state the russian federation, here we come to an extremely big dilemma, mr.
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ambassador, would i ask you to outline it? the question is very interesting and correct, because now in ukraine, in the souls and eyes of ukrainians, there are several questions, the first of which is what is the last help, what is the next. will there be further help, what will be the help, for how long? in this situation, according to the course of events, emotions, i will not turn everyone, few paid attention to the fact that both during the discussion and in the text itself document, there is a direct reference to the need to develop a strategy, i.e. from setting a goal to the corresponding steps, which would involve filling from... with various weapons, technical and tactical parameters, armored vehicles, ammunition, and so on, because in fact the most oppressive place in
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in this half-yearly almost discussion, the topic that attacked both the white house and ukraine was, show the strategy, or at least, well, let's say, the outlines are certain, well, actually, it began to be developed and formed. as setting a problem for them as well answers back in the autumn of last year, when the so-called article appeared, or it was called the interview of the chief of the general staff of general zalozhny. actually, do you remember how much violence was committed then. this scientific work, it was only an addition to what was heard from washington, because at that time already... the chairman of the committee of the chiefs of staff, who was leaving and announced that last fall he would leave, actually said the same thing about the need to develop
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a strategy, about new approaches, new tools for the introduction of war, and there, if you look these two materials, they are synchronized, and in a strange way for some, but they are also related to the well-known article of the previous year of 2022. general zabrosskyi and general zaluzhnyi, these are such backbone things, on which you can further string tactical instruments, and under them we can already talk about provision, and this is a very important thing, because without answers to these questions, it is very difficult after the adoption of such a complex the decision to move on, along with the first thing i can do to reassure people who are asking the questions i listed above. it will, for example, be or not will be, will be, why will be, because bicameral support remained, bipartisan support
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remained and... everyone understood very well that if this draft law, no matter how it was drafted, was put to a vote in october, in november, in december, in in january, it would have been voted for by a larger, slightly smaller number, but it would have been accepted, that is, what you and i said, that the situation came down to the state of affairs in the republican party itself, or rather at its top, it was only confirmed, together however, i really like, impresses what in... in the final version, the things that the republicans talked about appeared, this is the thing that is connected with the supply of long-range atakams complexes, and the second is those under-sanctioned seized resources of russian legal entities and the state of russia in the accounts of american banks, this a very important thing, it means that among republicans... there is not only
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a yes or no principle, but there is a meaningful analysis of the situation, these are two positions that clearly indicate that support will be maintained. you outlined a very important point, forgive me for interfering with the attacks, it's my own at the time, we understand, yes, the communication channel on the burns to ryshkin line sounded yes, aviation no, long-range missile systems, no, and now the biden administration, not even the pentagon, the biden administration yes... well , and president joseph biden, according to my information, who tried to delay the supply of long-range systems in every way, takams now agreed. certainly, these days, and the democrats, led by joseph biden, have taken two steps that are completely uncharacteristic of democrats. well, actually, the democrats used to do it back in the day truman, when in a strange way... ah
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they used republican tactics, what do i mean? the first is the action to help israel, which looks like a strange miracle, in fact, they found out in 10 days through intelligence that there was an instruction to prepare an attack on the 13th-14th, and during 10 days a titanic work was carried out, because it is one thing when we we're just talking, not understanding what it is, but... it's another matter, what is it like when there are 300 objects in the air and disperse them between the israeli anti-missile and anti-aircraft defense systems, french planes, great britain and the united states of america. we understand what we are talking about, what a colossal volume of work, the involvement of appropriate equipment, monitoring systems, guidance, i'm not saying, there is the introduction of fire.
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and this is the first thing that struck me from the point of view of how the democrats acted, and the second thing is that they accepted this position of the republicans regarding the provision of long-range attack weapons to ukraine, well, we can ask questions with you about how this will be done in the future, but that , that they accepted, agreed, further, and it just can set them up for the fact that they will be whipped with whips and for the fact that they will not do, let's say. yes, because in this case, everyone understands very well that during the election campaign, both one and the other side will use this argument, some will talk about one thing, and others about another, however, i can say that as in the environment democrats, as well as among republicans, there are much more republicans, the military wing is much more serious and deeper, and they have
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repeatedly ... already from the mouths of various retired and currently active military the generals, especially, insisted that the appropriate parameters and strategies be prepared, and based on these parameters , the answer to the question was actually developed: what is needed, urgent, temporary, fixed-term supplies, or do we need lend-lease, because well, we understand perfectly well what we are talking about on the question of timeliness. strategy, what are the terms of its implementation and what should it be brought under, what should be taken from warehouses, further, repair what is in disposal warehouses, repair what is simply temporarily not in use, or release new equipment, because 10 years of war, mr. antin, already...


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