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tv   [untitled]    May 1, 2024 4:30am-5:01am EEST

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and they repeatedly, from the mouths of various retired and currently active military personnel, especially generals, insisted that the appropriate parameters and strategies be prepared, and on the basis of these parameters , the answer to the question, what is needed, urgent, temporary, temporary supply, do we need lendlease, because well, we understand very well what we are going for... we are talking about the question of the timeliness of the strategy, what are the terms of its implementation and under what to bring it under, what to take from the warehouses, then, to repair what is in the warehouses disposal, to repair what is simply temporarily out of use, or to produce new equipment, because 10 years of war, mr. antin, it is clear to a blind man what russia is fighting for,
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so it is clear what to attack it with, well, if it is clear, then this is such a technique and need, now one more thing, i can't understand all this fuss about mobilization or non-mobilization, due to the circumstances i had to re -read everything there is in this plan, so manpower is the first thing i analyze... when a strategy is being built, that is, a human strategy potential, actually mob resource, yes, actually, if you understand your human potential, then you equip it not only with appropriate ammunition, armored vehicles, tactics, appropriate strategy and so on, that is , there are 12 parameters by which these things are determined, with the americans on this topic says... it's very difficult, because they
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understand it all, they understand it at the level of aerobatics, that is, if you formulate answers to these questions, then you are all right. if you don't even stage them , because starting from manpower, ending with the infrastructure, all these are components of the conditional basic indicators of development, and strategies in that, and including, yes. therefore, it is obvious that the task of the current moment is to come into contact with both one and the other, and preferably with those who actually form the position of the military-political lobby of one and the other political force, and to give an answer to these questions, because the figures concerning of necessity, what supply depending on the strategy, these are formulaic things, they will say it very much. quickly stocks
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, including allow in three directions to develop or start a lendlease, but everyone understands very well that the enterprise is a yoke, they are disassembled, the part is disassembled for scrap metal, that is, it is necessary to talk about completely different things, it is possible to technologically raise the level much higher and thereby compensate for many of the components that we just talked about, the third one can use what stands in the desert. and what was talked about so much, but it never moved, because the quantitative parameters there will amaze many, if we talk about the possibility of bringing them to operational capabilities, so today, if we can recommend with you to the military and political leadership of ukraine, those who, and this has been known for a long time, washington is in contact with both those who develop these approaches, it is necessary.
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enter into a dialogue and do some serious serious work, because this is not only an answer to the question of how things that have already been decided will be implemented, because that is also important, but also including, actually, what will happen in a year, because let's understand , including americans, that we will give you when we we don’t know what this is for, well, here’s the question, mr. roman, you know, the readiness... for russia to arrange an exchange, whether it be one to five or one to 10 military personnel, i think that the russian interventionists calculated their mob resource very well, yes and the possibility and prospects of attracting some additional, formation, i don’t know, mercenaries from the countries there, i don’t know, the near east of africa and not only from there, and the second point is the question of the strategic depth of the enemy, and we understand that the missile complexcoms - it is very good for 300 km, but the strategic depth gives
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certain advantages to the enemy. of course, this is a super important thing. and it is clear that the topic of strategy development, she. to a greater extent, it gives an answer to the question that you have just formulated, if there is an understanding of the relevant threats, then it will be clearly understood, and how these potential threats can be eliminated, or compensated for, or prevented, or struck at a stage still there, for example, the conditions of conditional preparation for application and so on, all this depends on the understanding, the objective understanding of the situation, what we are dealing with, i come to you... you know, i want to name one thing, here we are we heard, well, in my opinion, since december that first there will be a russian counteroffensive in march, then in april, now they say that it will be in june, it is also important to understand
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whether this is just an informational balancing thing, or is it, let's say, serious assessment of the decisions of the military and political leadership of the enemy, or is this... not guesswork, after all, in ukrainian society there is a part of people who do not suffer from multiple sclerosis, and they record all this, and if they are also americans, then they scan it in 10 once, and they: yes, yes, yes, yes, well, if the answer is that it is in order to to withstand, conditionally speaking, the psychological state of society, to level it from the point of view of the disinformation that comes in, i accept it, but you have to... also understand that our partners are great masters in monitoring such things, and they pay attention to everything , because such things as you and i discussed just now, plus the topic of the information field, they are primarily interested in, because they
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understand that everything else is a derivative of how society feels, what is the setting in it, when they are told every day about... some other treaty initiatives, then there are no existing agreements of erdogan, projects, some talks in europe and so on, which, apart from a certain kind of informational attacks , are not perceived by normal people, then it is obvious that these are all attacks to which ukrainian society is subjected, and they too fix, including, fix partners and track, and what is the actual reaction? ukrainians, the ukrainian government, the political leadership, all these ridiculous steps are racist, i'm not saying anymore, but pay attention, it's another nuclear blackmail, here's an interesting thing, this time apart from ukrainian
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the parties were silent, london, washington, paris, did not say a word, that is , two conclusions can be drawn from this: the first, that the fool is telling that it is rolling from above, so no one pays attention to it anymore, this option is possible, it is permissible in this situation, and secondly, when it is stated that you can babble whatever you want there, just try to do it, we see you all the same, although in the last six months there have been several large monographs in the united states of america, in great britain, people who are directly related to the topic ... nuclear balance, of the nuclear shield, and there it is clearly indicated that any gunpowder, of any, even a small charge, is fixed, this means that they have very good information and understand, in fact, what is happening, therefore
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to kyiv, if kyiv understands it , its political leadership, it must be said that once again moscow is launching the topic of nuclear blackmail, only now... through the mouth of this sick old cognac. the swiss format, mr. ambassador, do you believe that, will it be possible to formulate some consolidated position that would allow to move the place from a diplomatic dead point, right? i don't have information whether china will be involved as a mediator and observer, yes, but in any case , secretary of state antony blinken did his, i won't say kissinger, well, but without regrets. an important visit, and they showed the chinese and outlined certain lines, said: make up your mind, dear inhabitants of the sky. these two visits, a telephone conversation, or rather a telephone conversation, then a visit by secretary ellen to the secretary of the treasury of the united states of america, now blinken,
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which took place according to the arrangements of the telephone conversation between joseph biden and sidney pinney, which they showed, and... the united states of america is focused on security issues, because these two, these two trips to beijing were related to the first group of issues that i am referring to... ukraine, it is that chinese banks, including the state bank, finance the defense and industrial enterprises of the russian federation. the second is that china supplies dual-purpose equipment, goods and technologies, which means that there are also components and spare parts. parts for individual weapons. the third very dangerous thing is that the volume of coper grows. walkie-talkies between the enterprises of the military-industrial complex of china and russia, and two weeks
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ago, when yelen was on a trip to beijing, she met with the minister of finance, also the vice prime minister, with the head of the central bank, the state bank, and china, where it was clearly emphasized that any movement by chinese entities, businesses or banks to continue a... will be met with sanctions by the united states of america, despite the fact that as the united states america and china, economically, financially, they are tied together like siamese twins, because one is indebted to china with american resources, and america has borrowed too many resources from china to feel completely free, in terms of obligations to china, but she... pointed out very strongly about these things that the united states will not allow china to do this,
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threatening the so-called long sanctions, that is, it means that they will hit not only on the first phase, but also on the second one there about subcontractors and so on, with similar ones things with the addition of the situation in the south china sea, the tension between china and japan and the topic of taming the cock... of the korean chubby dictator, blinken also came to visit, and on this topic there was a conversation, including the supply of dual technologies to russia and the possibility of participation china, as of now, china insists that the russian federation should be at the meeting, which means that the representative of china will not be present at the time. and the peace summit, as far as this global peace summit is concerned, is from mine
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from the point of view, the maximum that can be expected from him is some text, well, a text that is agreed, and those who will, but it must be understood that if china does not exist, then there will not be a whole number of states, the so-called global south, as far as it is affects the situation, well, from my point of view, it affects... statistics, no more, no less, because it will be simple enough, but donate for a member of the reinforced concrete union, those who are devoted to the idea of ​​democracy, who are devoted to the idea of ​​a civilized world, its future, because you can get into a situation that ended up with the same budapest memorandum in the person of china, will join joined, moreover, even in 2011, china confirmed these
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guarantees in writing, a bilateral agreement was signed on the confirmation of real guarantees, as it is written, in my opinion, it was even june 2000 or what, i have already forgotten 2011, but this does not prevent china now from saying that we actually have nothing to do with the situation, we did not create it, that is why we are still talking about the fact that did not sign, i am here, when such things i hear, well, when it’s so-so, when lord david cameron says it there, who at that time was still in distant student weddings and parties, and doesn’t remember much about these things, well, when it’s said by wang yi, who has written on his forehead , that i was at the same time, i remember how these confirmations of these guarantees were signed in kyiv, and right away he tells at the munich conference that we... there is nothing to do with it, at least it looks like it from the point of view of even chinese philosophy,
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a little , well, forgive me for that, i will say, so, so , well, well, this, this, this, this is not european, and not in chinese, and by no means, because you, during all these processes, were already in the function of almost the head of the ministry at that time, and it is so obvious that everything here needs to be weighed very carefully. to understand to what extent there may be variants of events, and in my opinion, understanding that the situation is not developing in the right way... decline of exacerbation, increase of exacerbation, then, as the classical system says, it is necessary to cement this core and strengthen it the core and go not just to words and texts, but to the fact that this core is to unite, to form a joint combat kulak, to form a headquarters, well, at least in
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geneva, if it becomes clear that china will not be there, the so-called countries of the global... the south will not, then in fact it is necessary to immediately move on to cementing and having a conversation about what, what this, well, how much further, well , the situation with israel, the situation in ukraine, the situation in the indo-pacific region, she is already, she is already talking, she is shouting that if we do not stop now, and here we must understand very well that the biggest beneficiary of tension in two regions, it is close in the east, he belongs to those... moscow will win the ocean region. and in many respects it initiates these processes. i don't say africa anymore. well, everyone knows that the situation there is dire. and in six to five african states, the power is actually captured by private militants of various ministries and departments of the russian federation.
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you talked about the fist and the headquarters. who would you think would react? undeclaredly join ukraine and generally build some effective additional structure? well, from my point of view, they have been doing this for a long time, over this is what the british are working on, and somehow i have the idea that there is confirmation that the minister of defense of great britain shabs, he was actually appointed to this position in order to conduct such work. the latest decisions made by the british government reveal a lot. i do not rule out that we should return to the idea that zbigniem berzynski once expressed, that military and political stability in the eurasian space can be achieved only thanks to the union of france, germany, poland and ukraine, this is a serious matter,
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we need to work on this, but i will say once again, from my point of view, this is leadership. the process should be given to the british, and why? their understanding and vision of the eurasian space is connected both with interests in europe and with interests in the far east in the indo-tech region, it is clear how they are starting to work independently. it is obvious that they understand the situation that has developed and will develop in the coming years in the united states of america, and they are starting on their own. to work out all these components, the thesis about the transfer of the economy to military rails, which was declared decisive, well, for many of us it gave goosebumps, for great britain it means that the state gets priority in orders for defense products, notes that most companies
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will be obliged to postpone all contracts at the request of the state. and do only what the state says, that is, rishi sonak made it clear to everyone, but if you will step over each other, then we will take this responsibility and work. thank you very much, mr. ambassador, for this extraordinary one an important and meaningful conversation. and i want to remind our tv viewers that the iconic ukrainian politician and diplomat roman bezsmertnyi is currently working on the air of the tv channel. well, the time of our program has run out, stay with the tv channel. my colleagues will inform you about all the most important events of the day. take care of yourself and your loved ones. see you on air. see this week in the collaborators program. how did a shoe salesman become the head of the occupying public chamber? as a result of
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the coup on the maidan, the legitimate government was overthrown power in ukraine. but why does zaprodenka from luhansk take care of russian soldiers? i congratulate you on february 23. greetings, i'm olena kononenko and this is a collaborator program about traitors who went to serve the russian occupiers at the call of their hearts and wallets. how much does a collaborator's oregano cost? for what benefit from the occupiers , the citizens of ukraine are ready to sell themselves to telbukhs and serve murderers. an idea, money, ghostly fame or a dream position. everyone has a price. but all sellers have one thing in common: they will have to pay for their insidious betrayal. today's issue of ours is about those who in the temporarily occupied territories are blindly guided by the orders of the kremlin and... vainly think that they will be able to avoid punishment, exchanged their mandate as a ukrainian politician for a career as a traitor, as we are used to the fact
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that we do not have an escalation of such hostilities actions in the east, and the state really thought that the issue was already over, but this conflict did not go anywhere, this is bulyuk vitaly viktorovych, he is 55, a native of the village of gladkivka, kherson region. in this video, three... years ago, he, as a deputy of the kherson regional council says that it is necessary to increase the funding of ground defense, at first glance, a politician who is concerned with issues of national security, but as it turns out later, the issue of national defense, unity and ukraine in general was of little interest to him. bulyuk's career began to develop rapidly in 2003, when he was appointed deputy chief of kherson customs. soon the man was promoted from 2007 to 2000. bulyuk was the head of the kherson customs office almost continuously for 15 years, in parallel took the first steps in politics, since 2010 he was a deputy of the kherson regional
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council from various parties, the now banned communist party and our region. a party appeared that united all the people of the cause in itself. i made such a decision for myself to cooperate with this party. but when putin launched a full-scale war in february 22, bolyuk decided to keep his cool. a place in the deputy seat at any price. after seeing russian tanks in the kherson region, he put the credentials of a ukrainian politician far away in a drawer and joyfully ran to earn the crust of a russian official. according to law enforcement agencies, on april 16, 2022 , bulyuk helped rioters seize the building of one of the city councils in the region, and also convinced local residents not to prevent the occupiers from distributing so-called humanitarian aid. i made a choice too, i am for peace, for friendship, i am for the fact that
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fascism will never happen again on the territory of the kherson region. for his pro-russian choice, he received dividends in the form of positions. initially , the zagardniki appointed him one of the volodymyr saldo, gauleiter's deputy, already on august 17, 2022, vitaliy bulyuk became a temporary deputy. the fake head of the military-civilian administration of the kherson region. planting trees is timed to the day of reunification with the great motherland , russia, so we start, continue and continue such events. bulyuk has now been given a new position. now he is the first deputy head of the illegal government of the kherson region for finance and economy. but the betrayal did not go unnoticed. ukrainian partisans they arranged a big boom for him. right next to his house in temporarily occupied skadovsk. bulyuk miraculously survived, but his driver died. an attempt was made on our associate, our
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friend who works in the government. there was a specific attempt on his life. as he was leaving his house, an explosion rang out, the device was hidden across the street. fortunately, he remained alive. but bulyuk didn't have much time to be happy about the fact that he remained alive, i'm sure that soon our law enforcement officers will arrest him. the question of choosing one's future destiny, life with a great powerful country. ago i'm in a great mood. the case of this seller is already under consideration in the kherson city court. but who knows, maybe before the verdict in bulyuk's yard , one more woman will happen, spring thunderstorms are so unpredictable. in the temporarily occupied territories of the kherson region, the russians completed the formation of a local so-called public chamber. what is this body and who manages it. the public chamber is a body without
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powers, which should create the illusion of public society in russia. in fact, the chamber issues a certificate of a public figure and evaluates legislative initiatives. the leadership of the chamber is appointed by the president of the russian federation, putin. you would think that someone of influence would be appointed to the position of speaker of this house. or famous, but not, he became a shoe seller. i would very much like for people on the other side to feel, not only in ukraine, but preferably far away, where the puppeteers are sitting, controlling everything that is happening, to feel the bursts of rockets, artillery strikes, the smell of fires and pain. this is igor vadimovich kachur, a native of the kherson region, about his biography until the 24th of that year ukrainian sources only know that he was a private entrepreneur and sold shoes, but this is what he tells the propagandist russian media about himself. kacher
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positions himself as a journalist. activist and defender of the russian language in ukraine. apparently, since 1992, he began to publish regularly. these were articles on military and political topics that were published, in particular, in the central editions of russia. for a long time , the man was a member of the world search service "zhdiminya" in the territory of the kherson region. and in 2014, kachuru for his articles in russian publications, the security service of ukraine incriminated separatism and anti-state activities. because of. the coup on the maidan , the legitimate government in ukraine was overthrown, and from that moment a series of events started, which eventually led to the beginning of the svo. an ideal biography to occupy a high chair in russian institutions, they say, i am for mother russia, i waited for you for a long time, i defended the russian language, wrote laudatory articles about the kremlin, i am tired of selling shoes, well, give me at least some
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position, don't. that when the full-scale invasion began, kachur ran embrace murderers it was impossible to remain in the same life and in the state in which the people of kherson lived for the past 30 years, and finally such an opportunity appeared. at first, he helped the occupiers in holding a pseudo-referendum, was a member of the territorial election commissions for counting votes, and engaged in pro-russian agitation among the residents of the kherson region. well, he went on to... a significant promotion, he was made the head of the occupying public chamber of the kherson region, this chamber has a telegram page with 300 subscribers, they regularly post there photo reports of kachur's activities, such as him attending a conference of his master putin, accusing ukraine of shelling civilians, and telling school children who to vote for when they grow up. kachur hopes that the botox stuffed animal will sit in the chair
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under the red for a long time. a star, well, a pure scumbag, with such disorders of thinking, it would not hurt him to dig in in a completely different chamber, and not to lead the public chamber, the school of young voters is designed as a way to involve young people in electoral processes, and, of course, if the mental processes are unattainable, it is necessary to engage in electoral ones. kachur also spreads russian propaganda and agitations on his personal page in telegram, it is called "zone of personal attention". we will emphasize the poverty of the channel of idiots with the symbolism of russian murderers, but the word zone is encouraging, i am sure that soon this salesman will learn about alternative interpretations of this noun. and finally, i will tell you about the head of the russian defender of the fatherland fund, olga volodymyrivna simanova , born in 1983, originally from the luhansk region. one one of the priority directions of our fund is the perpetuation of the memory of the participants of the special
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military operation. olga graduated from luhansk dali university with a degree in political science. until 2014, she worked in various projects and was even the head of the social partnership charity fund. when the russian army began the occupation of donetsk and luhansk regions in the 14th year, olga and her son went to the temporarily occupied crimea, only to soon return home to luhansk region. i would like to express my gratitude to president volodymyr to vladimir putin, i have been volunteering for many years. activities, and all these years i feel the support of the government and the president. in this way, olga explained what she had been doing in recent years in the temporarily occupied part of luhansk region. it seems that her climbing was not appreciated there and no money was given. so, with the beginning of a full-scale war, the woman decided to move to a place where russia opens new illegal ministries, creates state organizations, and throws millions of wooden rubles into the kherson region for russification. having experience working with occupiers.
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simanova received the position of head of the branch of the russian state fund defenders of the fatherland in the kherson region, and later became a confidant of putin as a candidate for the presidency of the russian federation in the kherson region. since february 23, congratulations, here's to you too. as the head of the fund of black garbage bags, or as they say , defenders of the motherland, she takes care that the people receive holiday gifts, medical care, so that those who became fertilizer for not... and their families advance in the queue to receive fur coats or zhigulis . of course, i can see the optimism of the residents of the kherson region, and so can i very happy to see it too. it would be better to deal with the wholesale purchase of garbage bags, the benefit would be much greater. olga highlights her work in the telegram channel, where she has 770 subscribers. i advise these traitors to conduct it more actively. yes, our law enforcement agencies will.


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