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tv   [untitled]    May 1, 2024 5:00am-5:31am EEST

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having experience working with the occupiers, simanova got the position of head of the branch of the russian state fund defenders of the fatherland in the kherson region, and later became putin's confidant as a candidate for the presidency of the russian federation in the kherson region. since february 23, congratulations, here's to you too. as the head of the fund of black garbage bags, well, or defenders of the motherland, she takes care of the fact that the chumps receive holiday gifts and medical care. so that those who became fertilizer are not forgotten, and their families advance in the queue for receiving fur coat or zhiguli. the optimism of the residents of the kherson region is certainly visible, and i am very happy to see it too. it would be better to deal with the wholesale purchase of garbage bags, the benefit would be much greater. olga highlights her work in the telegram channel, where she has 770 subscribers. i advise this traitor to conduct it more actively, so our law enforcement agencies will have... more evidence
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to declare suspicion, the verdict in this case will not be taken away, i am sure of it. it was the program collaborators and i, olena kononenko. if you have information about the kremlin sellers, write to us at this e-mail address or simply on facebook, together we will send all the traitors after the russian ship. see you in a week on espresso. see this week in the program judicial control with tatyana shustrova. another bribe from themidi. how the police detained judge burhan. receipt of funds by the persons involved was documented. but why did the supreme court lower the quality of judging judges. the higher commission throws the qualifications into the trash. all those facts about judges, their dishonesty, their property. see in thursday, may 2, at 5:45 p.m., the judicial control program with tetyana shustrova on the espresso tv channel. greetings, good evening, my name is
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myroslava barchuk, and this is a program of my own name, a joint project of the ukrainian pen-club and espresso tv channel. today we will talk with you about hollywood on the shores of the black sea. this is exactly what they say about roman yury yanovsky, master of the ship. we will talk about ukrainian odessa in the 20s. was, her embryo was, but then this embryo itself was killed. my guest today is yaryna tsymbal, she is a literary critic and whatnot it is important for us, yaryna, a researcher of the literature of the 20s, and also yaryna, the author of the project our 20s at the tempora publishing house and the curator of the vivat classics series at the vivat publishing house, just now they published, the vivat publishing house, published the book master of the ship, and... yuriy
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yanovsky. congratulations irina. good evening, marislav. good evening. i will start by saying that this novel, master of the ship, i decided to talk about it, because it is a novel about a whole era, about a whole, about a whole such life of the ukrainian bohemian in odessa, yes, at the film factory. which, suddenly, it's very heavy the text, how, how for me, yes, i think that this is a difficult text, but this... the text is terribly popular among the sumerians and millennials, at least among such an aesthetic part of these young people, what is the reason for this, that suddenly the master of the ship , in your opinion, is being discussed so much right now, well there is literally no literary podcast where young people are not discussing the master of the ship, why? i am extremely pleased, first of all, that they talk about the master of the ship, but usually not... only vivat recently released the master
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ship and in all prefaces and in most conversations about this, about this novel, about this book, they mention that it is about the sea, cinema, odessa, love. ah, but, i repeat, this is primarily a novel about youth. there is the first quote from gogol. and, in the automatic translation, it seems to me, in the translation of yanovsky himself, about going out... or on the road, leaving, saying goodbye to youth, don’t forget the things that are important to you there, and this novel is written on behalf of a 70-year-old friend of the master of cinema, although yanovsky himself is 25 at the time when he writes this, but he writes as if looking back at his youth, and he really looks back at it, just literally at yesterday, in the book it seems like it was 50 years ago, half a century has passed. and
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it seems to me that this young drive, which yanovsky himself experienced at that time, affects such a young audience and young readers. and there it is interesting that he writes on behalf of. 70-year-old himself, yes, well, yanovsky writes, yes, because he is and is the prototype of the main character tom key, a fellow master of cinema, and he says that i am 70 years old, yanovsky himself died very early, he, he did not live, he was 52, 51, 62 years old, so he died in 54, or something, but in 54, but the day, he died in february, and his birthday is in august , that is, in p'. 51.5 years, roughly speaking, and as vera ageeva says, nothing happens out of nowhere, in the 28th year a master of a ship appears in ukraine, the city of pidmogilny appears in ukraine, a girl appears in ukraine near montovych with a bear, and i heard
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, it seems that this is faith too, vera pavlina said that if ukraine published such novels every year, then we would all be nobel laureates there awards would take, what do you think it was born from, why is there such a surge in the forms of the novel, because these are complex forms, and we will talk later about how complex the novel is, how complex yanovsky's novel is, so this one, because it is complex in form , yes, but what gave birth to such literature in the 28th year, there were many readers, and you know that, and it reminds us a little today. because recently, as ukrainian literature, or rather criticism , demanded a great novel from literature, it was also the case in the 20s, because they end liberation contests, the ukrainian revolution is ending, and literature gives poetry and small
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prose forms, he is such a waver, he is content, this is the 27th year, he also only has stories, even if there were. some individual texts, they were not so masterful, they did not attract attention, and this desire for a great novel, finally it came true, but why so immediately at the same time, maybe these young people, that yanovsky, is a gravedigger, a gravedigger for two years, for a year, for a year only older than yanovsky, that is, they, they are of the same generation, they are quite young, and these are their first novels in both of them, in the dismantling room. although this is the first and for a long time the last, that is, m. petrov realized himself first of all as a scientist , and he turned to literature in various forms, yes, he has biographical novels, but
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it should still be said about dumantovych that this is a hoax, and he always refused from the authorship of a girl with a bear, that's why it's such a specific, separate phenomenon, huh. speaking, these are not the only novels, for example, that year borys teneta's novel, harmony and pigs, was also published, this is also the first novel, so the 28th year, this is also the first novel, a novelist, no longer a beginner, but to the novel form, somehow they all matured at the same time, and although they were all young, they managed to produce masterpieces, and now, if we talk about the 28th year and talk now, we are talking about literature, but the novel... the master of the ship is about how movies are made, so young people, and this, by the way , is amazing, you say 25 years, 25 years, yanovsky comes to odessa and becomes an editor at a film studio, it is now to imagine that some a 25-year-old green boy was headed, there was
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young cinema and it was headed by young people, and and there, i just imagine, this life by the sea, this beautiful odessa, this warm sea, this smell of the sea, about which you... time speaks, yanovsky, he admires this sea from every side, and young bohemia, yes, a ukrainian young bohemian who makes movies, what was the odessa film factory at that time and what is this woofku, tell me what it was? vovku is the all-ukrainian photocinema management, that is , an institution that was involved in everything from cinema and photography, we should not forget about that, ah, and as a legacy. vufka inherited two film studios even from sarat from the tsarist authorities yalta mensha and odesa film studio in kyiv were built from scratch and it was a great
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achievement new film studio in kyiv vuvku is moved vuvku was housed in kharkiv moves to kyiv in kyiv exits. they made their own movie, they were independent, they released it for rental, they negotiated independently, for example, with rental companies abroad, these are all interesting stories, how can i be distracted, so let's focus on our channel, and... er, and cinema, its own cinema, and its own auto tour, and its own actors, er, and
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they could invite natuvachnadze, for example, were invited to act, there was no language barrier, because the films were not sound with intertitles, uh, well, in general, there was a passion to create one's own, first of all, and there was a feeling and conditions to do it, and this really excited both young cinema and young people. people, it seems to me that it was somehow logical, because they could not come to young cinema, to new art for ukrainian culture in general, old people could not come with their own stereotypes, templates and so on, that is, of course, there were older directors who worked in the cinema even before the age of 17, but the younger generation, which they gradually supplanted, well, it is powerful, in the end it gave way to women, what can i say. how many years remained before stalin became
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the main producer of the country, how long it was, when, when stalin had already completely blocked this freedom of cinema, it gradually happened in the cinema, i will not say, but this is the moment when the wolf is closed and turned into ukraine is a film, and at that time in ukraine the film no longer had such an independent role in cinema as it used to have. in vuvuk, it is the beginning of the 30s, after all, like all cultural processes centralize, unions, writers' unions are created, these congresses of artists and writers are held, everyone unites, in the 32nd year, let me remind you, there was a resolution on, a resolution of the central committee of the communist party of ukraine on the reorganization of artistic organizations, their unification, and that was it, and that was it the point from which the already gray collective farm began and the year ended. yes, and you asked for a sequel, so we have to talk about prototypes, because they are all here, yes
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, the master of the ship novel is like a biographical novel, yes, but there are many novels within the novel, yes, that is, there is a very complex structure, but also a beautiful structure, of course, when a movie is shot here and there, here is this beautiful, beautiful city, by the way, we understand that this is odessa, although yanovsky says, you are a city, yes. here are port girls, here is some music, jazz, here, here are some loves, i am not a triangle, i calculated that it is a hexagon, because the ballerina, she has relationships, she has crushes there with different men, yes, and and and in fact everyone, every main character has a prototype, let's start with the fact that tomaki is a fellow master cinema, this is yanovsky himself, and he also remembers his young self as an editor.
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he knows the director sev and in the first edition to work for a film studio with a novel, his name is sashko. yeah, and yanovsky didn't want us to recognize these prototypes, and in the first edition, there's even a separate paragraph about it, he says directly: i don't want you to guess who's behind this, so... i won't name names , when he talks about smaller heroes, but he mentions one name, he names mykhailo semenko, so this is the only real one, and i thought, i have no answers, i thought, why did he call smk mykhailo, because it is obvious to everyone, mykhailo is one of the heavyweights of the left-wing poets of our country, mine was not enough to be great, but mykhailo is still there, there is, he is the one, this is exactly the paragraph that was cut during yanovsky's lifetime, he is in the third edition of the novel, i... believe that this is self-censorship, he threw out half a paragraph about semenko, in the first edition
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there are actually two whole pages of conversations with him, semenko tells him not to be a jerk and a santymenshchik. wow, that semenko, there is a lot of interesting stuff, it was semenko who brought him and dovzhenko, that’s right, to the odesa film studio, and yanovsky and dovzhenko, that's right, he brought them all somewhere, he also brought yanovsky to literature, sent a pony. his beloved, so to speak, when he read his first poems in a newspaper in kyiv, asked his beloved to inquire who he was and bring him to their futuristic organization, he brought kol in the same way. he first went from kyiv to kharkiv to work in the uvku, but he also passed by everyone in the world there, including yanuvskyi and bazhanov and geush korupia, the kyiv futurist poet, who later returned to kyiv, but he also did not miss the cinema, because he shot and wrote the script for two films, both were screened, but both films , unfortunately, have been lost and both were shot at the odesa film studio, obviously not obvious, in
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the days when yanovsky worked there as an editor, that is, their world. was tight, they correctly moved from kyiv futurism to odesa cinema, it’s the same as now, everyone knows everyone, so in this literary environment, everyone cooperated with everyone somewhere, everyone knows everyone, it’s tsenko, who else there is, well, ballerina next, yes ballerina, yes ballerina, this is a ballerina from moscow, she is italian by birth, her father is italian, her name is... ita because of that, ita penzo, she was 21 years old when she was shooting, when they were shooting the movie, the movie that they are going to make, it is a bag as a result depuriera, a film by oleksandr dovzhenko, and there are a lot of close-ups, she seems older, that is, 21 years old is strange, and her life turned out not at all
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like in roman, in roman she leaves. remember with the sailor bohdan, and for me it is not obvious by the way, for me i suspect other things, well, because yanosky did not want us to guess, and in fact it is not an autobiographical novel, but it is still an artistic reality invented by him, where there are some separate elements from the reality that really surrounded him, and prototypes - these are also only elements, because in fact the buddha, even the real buddha, is this figurine of the buddha. but you will be amazed where she was found, where she was discovered in the 60s, she was in kyiv, i think she is still somewhere in kyiv, and it intrigues me very much, to find this figure, but matros bohdan is his prototype was a director hryhoriy cherikovar, or gricher, from hryhoriy cherykover, abbreviation of gricher or
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grichera, he has a really adventurous biography, all these stories about the islands. pao, yes, it’s all true, and this buddha was discovered by his widow in the 60s, no one gave it to any ballerina, she didn’t end up in any tamaki, but she ended up in the structure of the sailor bohdan, listen, but i i don't know, it seemed to me that you really intrigued me now that she stayed. with the sailor bohdan, because i suspected that maybe these two sons of tomak, maybe it from the ballerina, and they themselves suspect so, and we readers, female readers, also suspect so, and i and i leaned towards the fact that it is possible, here she is, she died giving birth to the second child, so he writes to the 70-year-old, and he does not want directly to tell them
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about it, one way or another, but the fate of this ita penzo. turned out to be very tragic, but her husband was repressed, then she herself was repressed a second time, she served time in the camps, and of course, after the camps she did not return to her profession, but she was found by an odessa journalist, who began to untangle all these threads of prototypes, hryhoriy georgiy ostrovsky, and in the late 80s he published a long article where he talked about meeting her, calling her. then met, a lot of things turned out to be true, but a lot of what was described in her image was not from her, for example, manka, no one called her that, this is a completely different relationship, completely from other people, so uh, that is buddha, but for example, she really has a photo where she is in a swimsuit in italy, where she went to visit
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her aunt, described in the novel, such a photo existed in reality, even if she was a redhead. "she was old and grey, at the time i saw her, but, but i know she's only in her early 80s, she only read this novel in the early 80s, i wonder how, how she reacted to it, i mean no- no, not in the early 80s, no, she read it, and she had a book with yanovsky’s gift inscription, that is, she read it even then, but she didn’t quite know ukrainian, that is , it was quite difficult for her, she i won't hide it." anyway, but what language did they speak, no , let's go first. now, this will be a teaser about what language the heroes spoke in odessa, but my first question is another question of mine. the last one is about a professor, yes, a professor who insists that a ship that is made for filming a movie must be wooden, beautiful, beautiful, the professor
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tells, and this, and this professor is also a historical character, yes , the professor is vasyl hryhorovych krychevsky, an artist, an architect, an artist with a capital li, a master of capital letters, they were close friends with yanovsky, and just as i was preparing this... vativ book for printing, i came across a letter from kryhryv in the yanorsky fund , cree, hyphen, games, hyphen va, in the card file it is described as a letter from an unidentified person, but it is krychevskyi hryhorovych vasyl, from the context there and about the novel, i heard that you brought me out in the novel, and they had some kind of humorous appeal, oh uncle, he writes to yanovsky, they have a huge one. age difference, and it is clear that krychevsky loves yanovsky, well, maybe like a son, even that yanovsky also loves krychevsky, from the correspondence from
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yanovsky’s article, he has an essay by vasyl krychevsky, i have all of yanovsky’s essays about those people who became prototypes, i collected and added to this book in the vivativ edition, and in yanovsky's archive there is still a notebook so beautiful with a red cover, you just... you open the cover and there is a nice, pretty drawing of a sailboat, or rather sails, written by yuriy yanovsky, on the back it is written by yuryka yanovsky, this one the notebook was given to me by vasyl hryhoriyovych kerchevsky in odessa in the 27th year, and he wrote it with his own hand, yes, and here is this cover to the master of the ship, this is krychevsky, so it is also krychevsky, he even made two covers, because... the first and the second edition came out where the sailboats, in which a human face is guessed, and then the third edition he made a different cover, there are only fonts, and there is the color red and
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blue, and he arranged the letters like this, the master of the ship is interested, also the original avant-garde cover, i read bazhan's memoirs, and he and bazhan write that there was indeed a great sympathy between krychevsky and yanovsky, and that they were not inclined to yanovsky and dovzhenko. to trust no one, but krychevsky was trusted, because krychevsky made many films at the odesa film factory at the time, and they without and they trusted krychevsky very much, i want to ask you now about you have such a good so good text called ukraine without sundermog, what would have happened if there was no sundermog, and you also have such a whole, well, a whole essay about how literature could develop, how many nobel laureates we could have and international contact, if it weren't for sundermog, and eh, when you read this text, what else does it
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attract me to, the master of the ship, the fact that you read it, and you read it already as a utopia, you you, you understand that all the main characters, all most importantly, mykhailo semenko will be shot, yes, dovzhenko will correct his biography all his life, and in the end he will be chopped into pieces, as he... said so, tomaki yanovsky himself, he will not live to be 70 years old and he will also be constantly crushed because of this his nationalism, and who else will be sitting in the camps in golag, yes, but there is a phrase of tomaki, i want to quote it, this is the 28th year, friends, and look what is still in the 28th year, it was already soviet. power and this is the period of ukrainization, but what else was possible write? so, yanovsky writes about himself, obviously, and how was it for everyone to understand that i have
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one bride, a bride from the cradle, about whom i probably thought, even then, when i did not know how, did not yet know how to say, a bride, that i am for her i lived my whole life, dedicated a steel sword to her, and placed a heavy shield under my sword for her, for her i loved the sea, put an anchor on the coat of arms, a heavy iron anchor that is accepted by all the seas of the world, and a mighty ship sways above it, the culture of the nation , her name is, that is , these things could still be said in 28, and so on then all this completely closed, that is , after all, the ship, this is a young ukrainian republic, you can interpret it that way, you can.
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on the one hand, apparently, and on the other hand , really complex, but complex in the sense that there are many levels of reading and we can read about morikina and love, and we can read about much more interesting things, some deeper things that are present for to read the author himself, but we have already mentioned that the city was released this year, that they are almost the same age as yanovsky, the gravestone yanovsky. and these are the first debut novels which immediately so prominent, the kyiv magazine globus about conducted a survey about the master of the ship, well, they asked critics, writers, cultural figures, and among them was pidmogilny, because this is a kyiv magazine, the pyre is near here, and the pyre is very interesting, i read this novel from in one
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attack with... with unmitigated, that is, delight and interest, he considers him, here he, the author of the city, considers him outstanding even then in the year 28, an outstanding phenomenon of ukrainian literature, and in the year 28, he was still in kyiv a thick literary, monthly magazine of life revolution, and andrii nikovskyi, a figure of the era of the ukrainian people's republic, a famous person, a politician and also a literary critic, during a year in his life. included two articles: one about yury yanovsky and the other about valeriyan pidmogilny, i.e. he who wrote reviews of the first books of techeina there and supported him, who wrote about the first editions of semenko, this year he singled out two novelists and devoted large articles to them, although each of them wrote one novel, and about yanovsky, in particular, he wrote that there is still no master of the ship, that is
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, his article about the master of the ship is just right. yanovsky himself rhymes, you see, he gives us such hints about some additional reading and about the connection with his other works, well, yes, but it is not necessary to know this, so you can read, understand and love the novel without it, but nikovsky foresees a great future for yanovsky. which was completely crushed as a result of the cultural policy of the soviet authorities, in essence yanovsky's roman is such a crack, a window into the world, which we did not manage to save, it can be interpreted that way, that's what you called this resolution, i she also wrote it out, in the 32nd year of the resolution of the central committee of the communist party of ukraine
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on the restructuring of literary and artistic organizations, that is, she turned the literary process from a colorful fair , you write, into a gray collective farm, she turned the union of ukrainian soviet writers into a mass of cheerful good-natured people, that is, it was the last of its kind flash of this cheerful, good-natured, bright. something, did he try to do something else after that, but already these, it was already considered isms, nationalism, and that's all, well, nationalism was sewn to him forever, maybe not from the master of the ship, but of the four sabers, probably, and because, after all, this is a truly nationalist novel, the four sabers, the horsemen are from his pre-war novels, this is certainly the weakest text, probably because of this, where he already had to write many. regulations,
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some requirements, and because of that, horsemen were always in the program of the soviet school, i, by the way , also studied horsemen at school, we were not given a master of the ship, respectively, and now the children of the master of the ship are studying, yes, as far as i know, he is from most programs, well, exist same variations of the program, but in principle the master of the ship is just now a program work, yes, that i, too, by the way, am in the 10th or 11th grade to understand the master of the ship. well, i don't know, it's, i don't know, it's quite difficult, but you see, you see, children love it, and therefore, the next point i want to discuss with you is yanovsky's nationalism. in the 45th year, he works as a correspondent at the nuremberg trial, and then, in the post-war period , he writes the novel "living water". he writes about the ukrainian village, the one that survived the fascist navala,
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about... where about about this one about reconstruction.


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