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tv   [untitled]    May 1, 2024 5:30am-6:01am EEST

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and because of that, horsemen were always in the program of the soviet school, by the way, i also studied horsemen at school, we were not given a master of the ship in the appropriate one, but now the children of the master of the ship are studying, yes, as far as i know, he is in most programs, well there are variations of the program, but in principle the master of the ship is just now a program work, yes, what i too, by the way, in the 10th grade or in the 11th to understand the master of the ship, well, i don't know, i don't know that, that. .. and therefore the next point i want to discuss with you is nationalism yanovsky in the 45th year, he works as a correspondent at the nuremberg procession, and then in the post-war period he writes the novel living water, writes about the ukrainian village, the one that survived the fascist navala, about that, about this one, about reconstruction. from
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the ukrainian world destroyed by the fascists and so on, and by the way, and and and this reminds me so much of dovzhenko's ukraine on fire, because in fact, what they beat dovzhenko for ukraine on fire, for the same reason they started beating yanovsky for living water, and from kaganovich's presentation, i understand that, yes, he is being scolded for the fact that this is nationalism, he is branded, he is forced to redo it. a novel, and this novel turns out to be something like that, but i have not read the novel mir, it is a revised novel from this living water, i confess that i have also read it, yes, well, but my question is not about the novel, but about how he succeeded to avoid repression, how he managed to save his life and survive, this is such a question, there is no answer to it, i believe that the nature of repression among the ukrainian intelligentsia was a coincidence. so
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selective, it was destroyed purposefully, but every single person is a set of coincidences, they could shoot bazhan, they could shoot yanovsky, they could shoot tychyna, and he could have survived, i don’t know, the gravedigger could have survived, i don’t know who, that is, there are no regularities in this, besides, there is a story about vasyl mysyk, when they came from... with a warrant for vasyl mynk, but they made a mistake and got to mysik's apartment, they also have similar surnames, and mynko himself, i remember seeing a documentary where stryi mynko tells that they say mysik served time for me, the story is the same about how they should have been arrested, after the repentance of some gatherings in collaborators, the poet poet ivan malovichko and critics of polterac malovichko. he went home on the word and
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was soon arrested in the evening, and poltaratsky went to drink out of grief, and wandered somewhere all night, he came in the morning, he was told that there was a knock on his door, poltoratsky packed his suitcase and sat at home for a month, did not leave, waiting for the they would come for him, but they didn’t come for him already, but he was already recruited later, that is, it could be like this, it’s all a terrible fate, it’s a lottery in which there was no winning in principle, but those people were afraid for... their lives and not all of them were brave, i am talking about brave people, i am reading, i just happened to buy a book of texts and memories about maksym arilskyi, and actually about him and his texts, and i want to quote such a small passage, literally, how maksym rylskyi defends yuriy yanovskyi . already after the death of yury yanovsky,
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so this is an article called truth is always truth, in memory of yury yanovsky, writes maksym rylskyi, this is the 62nd year, imagine, it has already thawed, so it is no longer a regime of repression or a regime when simply destroy, come and people are taken away, but look how carefully and with what fear maksym tadeyovych writes, defending, defending yanovsky. so, he says that yanovsky is a very national character, and i stand by this, but with a national character, - writes rylsky. the concepts of national separateness, separateness, exclusivity or exceptionality should not be confused by any means. the friendship of nations was one of the most precious tablets.
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yanovsky's worldview, you just imagine, this is me, so that people understand what was the context we are talking about, er, so he is talking, by the way, about the peak of creativity. of yanovsky that these are riders, in his article about this novel, louis aragon mentioned stendhal, and this is not at all a reproach to yanovsky, but this is the highest praise in the mouth of a french writer, both he and rylsky write that i want to protect yanovsky from all suspicious isms, one should also review the novel master of the ship, which was at one time the same manifestation of creative searches and daring as the example of gar. and the days of fedin, and the four sabers, and it is worth re-reading yury yanovsky's post-war novel living water. so, look at what rylsky is doing. rylsky, in order to protect the master of the ship, he mentions the russian writer
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fedin, who wrote horoda i hody. just imagine how much and under what conditions writers had to write about ukrainian history in general. and ukrainian, ukrainian culture, in order to have the right to mention at all, even if only in a word, yes, about the tragedy of, say, the second world war on the territory of ukraine, i deliberately quoted this, because it seems very revealing to me, as they tried to protect each other in their literary workshop, but the main story, the main question that i want to ask, i have not yet asked you, it is about ostap bender and tom key. and it is interesting that at the same time, in fact at the same time, that the master of the ship comes out , ilf and petrov come out, write the golden one, the golden figure, and in fact appear,
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the myth of odessa appears, which is embodied for me in actually in this specific humor of astap bender. an adventurer and such a specific sense of humor is ukrainian odessa, or at least that is the point of the ukrainian ukrainian city, what a germ, which was not destined to grow, was there a chance for this myth in ukrainian odessa to defeat the myth of russian odessa. this humor and irony of ukrainian odesa, because there is also a lot of irony in the book master of the ship, so that it defeated the humor and irony of such a russian-soviet group. speaking of the 20s, this is the lost chance,
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i am extremely sorry for everything that, as a result of political and historical events, we in odessa lost a ukrainian, because ukrainians... the element was very strong, no only the jewish element, but the outskirts of odesa, they came from the steppe, all these odesa bazaars, milkmaids from nearby ukrainian villages traded there, and vuvku appeared there, and this is not the only such focus of ukrainian culture, as the professor describes it, in those in the fragments that did not make it into the final edition of the novel, there is a large footnote about how the editor, that is, yanovsky. editor, and he says: it's good that you came, we will spread our ukrainian settlement together. a settlement is a cell, an environment, they want
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to expand their ukrainian environment, i i can even give an example, we know very little about that odessa, but everyone knows about ilf and petrov, because... they were published in millions of copies, and i will tell you about the master of the ship, three lifetime editions, then posthumous editions, in a five-volume book twice in the 50s, at the end of the 50s and in 83, and once in the series maritime library in odessa, i don't remember the circulation, but you have many collections of works at home, yes, that is, a wide readership buys one separate book, buys a novel, but does not always collect... for that, all the writers there, and only this thin odessa book to the maritime library, it is all from the reprints of the master of the ship, i will also remind you of the memories when a writer died in the soviet union, the union took care of his creative heritage, it was republished there, transferred to the archive,
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for example, and the union took care of the publication in the same way a collection of memoirs about the writer, yanovsky died in 54, and his wife is a widow... the actress tamara zhevchenko died a year later, she almost, she could not live without her yuri ivanovich, ugh, and a collection of memoirs was published in 1985, after three. 30 years after yanovsky's death, because she was cared for not so much by the union of writers as by friends, the translator tetyana stakh was a hard worker, and it was she and rylskyi, that is, those who were alive, they cared, in particular bazhan, who lived a long life, they cared about the memory writer's house, not a union, not some soviet institution, but returning to odessa, it is not the only one, that is, the film factory, the odessa film factory is not... the only center of ukrainian culture in the 25th year before odessa
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, a ukrainian drama theater was created in odessa , and it competed with russian drama theater, which was usually there, there was even such a thing that they staged a play at the same time, and the reviewers and newspapers recognized that the ukrainian production was more interesting, the director vasyl vasylku, a student of les kurbes, triumphed that they succeeded, so they succeeded, and this moment is in his memory. and this ukrainian theater, it was called the theater of the october revolution, the troupe of the hnat mykhailichenko theater was specially transported from kyiv, and director marko tereshchenko was the first director of the odessa state drama, their prima donna was natalie ozhvai, he met her there in odessa mykhailo semenko, the editor of the film factory, left nayanovsky's film factory and took his life with him and went to kharkiv. where she became berezol's first lady, he began to publish the magazine nova
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generatsia, and well, my favorite moment is about the ukrainian poet sava galavanivskyi, who , like yanovskyi, was a jew from kropyvnytskyi, from kropyvnytskyi, or rather from the kherson province at that time, and odesa was also the center for the south of ukraine, golovanivskyi went to... study at an agricultural institute in odesa, and one day he was writing poems, and one day he saw an advertisement tours, tours of the futurist vladimir mayakovsky, he did not know what futurism was, well, he decided to go see it, and when he arrived, he saw a huge crowd, there were no tickets, he thought that as a student, he would always wander there, make his way and so on, and he decided to send a note to mayakovsky that there is also a young futurist poet here, saying, i want to go to a concert with you, like before... and mayakovsky suddenly appeared on the threshold from the back door and
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said: who is a futurist here, and in golovanivskyi from surprise, that means the gift of words in general disappeared, he was still standing, squealing, but maikovsky sensed him, so to speak, and he extended his hand to him and through the whole crowd, so he pulled out, and golovanivsky listened to mayakovsky, then he learned what futurism was, what poems volodymyr mayakovsky wrote, but golovnitsky did not become a russian futurist. in russian-speaking, mainly russian-speaking odessa, after such an acquaintance with volodymyr mayakovsky, who undoubtedly influenced the minds of young people, especially poetic young people, and golovanivskyi chose to become a ukrainian poet, i.e. ukrainian culture could and did win, even in such isolated cases, golovnitskyi wrote a whole poem about this meeting, a very... good futuristic poem, written quite late meeting with maikovsky? yes, he became a ukrainian
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futurist and went to mykhailo semenko in kharkiv, because he threw the same in odesa film factory on yanovsk, he went to kharkiv, became a futurist, wrote futuristic poems, and then in his old age corrected them and killed this spirit of futurism, and he also wrote about himself in various critical articles futurism toyed with youth, the mistakes of youth. i already know him. at this stage, when he was already criticizing, but i also know and, i also remember and this speech is grand and simple, you hear, the trumpets have sounded, this is the time of reckoning, and it was different, certainly, we only have one minute left, and my the question is that there are two myths of two cities, russian myths, bulgakov's myth of the city, which entered kyiv and we with... now we are simply trying to somehow overcome it
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with a ukrainian myth, which is actually organic and true, and it is the myth of russian odesa, and this is a myth that ilfi petrov and not only them, so what do you think, is there a chance that actually at that historical point and in that catastrophe that we are going through, people will still succeed at least... well, if not to change the view, at least to show that the majority of people, yes , that there is another ukrainian myth of these cities and odessa, and... what do you need to know for this first of all, that is, i know, i tell, i do how much i can, i gave the geushkurupia a female battalion girl back in the 18th year and wrote that there is a shaved bolgakov with a garden ukrainian kyiv, ugeushka rupiah, read it, there is also ukrainian odessa, there is the master of the ship, there is over the black sea by nehuja levytskyi, soon
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a classic will also be released in the vivat series, there is dawn over the sea by yury smolich, later a novel. but odessa is also very interesting in it, there are a lot of stories from the 20s, we can tell some anecdotes from the golden calf or from 12 chairs, but leonid chernov, meetings with readers, you are driving me away from the chair, and why are you here have arrived, the artist who paints vasyl vrazhlyvy from kharkiv has arrived landing of writers, and what will you be? let's perform, and what do you have, well, nothing, and why does it travel then, but there are interesting things, when on the same trip mikey hanson, they performed at the factory, and the workers asked why you are not in a claim, but with curiosity, and why do you speak in ukrainian, to which hansen, a german himself, replied, well, you understand me, well, that's what
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they said, so i must speak in russian. a good, good story, in fact, it is a story about what you need to know in order to love, and here are all these the names and all the texts we talked about are worth knowing in order to love and love the ukrainian version of your city, in particular. thank you, yaryna tsymbal, a literary critic, a researcher of the literature of the 20s, was my guest, i am myroslava barchuk, my real names, thank you for being with you, see you in a week, thank you, congratulations, the search for 17-year-old stefania tylenina has been going on for more than six months , who disappeared in
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january 2024, nina, who disappeared in january. and immediately i want to urge you, please share this video on your social networks, because in this way there will be much more chances to find the missing child. so, stefania lived in a foster family in the kharkiv region, in the village of lozivske. when the full-scale invasion began, the girl and her adoptive mother evacuated to the czech republic, and after some time they returned to ukraine. we talked with stefania's adoptive mother, and let's... listen to a fragment of the conversation, we returned to ukraine after four or five months, we returned in july, in october she ran away on vacation just in time. mrs. marina says that she and stefania had a good relationship, they fixed and went home, she definitely not because of conflicts in the family. we had a very good relationship,
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she has been in my family for 8 years, there were no problems with her at all, she helped me in the institution, she... got into it, we didn't have any such people to fight with. the girl's foster mother says that the likely reason for the escape is stefania's desire to live abroad. at least, she spoke about it more than once after returning from the czech republic to ukraine. why did you run away? well, she didn't want to be here in ukraine, and she didn't want to come back here, she liked it there. mrs. marina told that stefania left home in october 2022. at first she contacted me, although she did not tell me where she was, only that she was alive and well, but the last time she called was on august 1 , 2023, and there was no further contact with her. unfortunately, all this time stefania has not announced herself, so where the girl is now in ukraine,
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abroad, and if indeed abroad, then in which country, is not known for sure. however, her adoptive mother said that she has information that stefania crossed the border of slovakia in october 2023. so quite it is likely that she is in slovakia. therefore, we, in turn, after talking with ms. marina, contacted our colleagues from the international federation of missing children europe, who made a request to the slovak police. however, unfortunately, there is no actual information about the girl yet. and that's why... if you know at least something about stefania tielenina, or if, perhaps, you live in slovakia and you suddenly see her or learn something about her, immediately call 116. 116-30 is the only the european missing children's hotline, which operates in 28 countries of europe we really hope that stefania
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will be found and we are doing everything possible for this, but in general it is worth saying that it is teenagers who most often resort to running away from home, and the reasons are very different, conflicts in the family, insufficient or, on the contrary, excessive attention of parents, bullying at school, unfortunately... violence or the banal search for adventure, independence and freedom. the children's search service has prepared a series of advice for parents from a psychologist about the first things you should do to prevent a child from running away from home. one of these advice - to be attentive to the child and monitor his emotional manifestations and behavior. let's listen. be attentive to your child. there are some manifestations in the behavior of children and adolescents. which indicate that we need to take more care of them, we need to take more care of them. what could it be? first of all, it is a disturbed sleep pattern. when a child goes to bed
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at three o'clock, gets up at 12 o'clock, it's definitely not good, it's definitely a reason to worry. further, it may be a depressed state where the child is depressed most of the day for more than two days weeks, this is definitely a reason to take care of her. if you notice any problems with the child's memory, attention, productivity, this can also be... evidence that he has some strong negative experiences, if nothing brings joy to the child, satisfaction, if nothing pleases him, this also a reason to take care of her, have some kind of warm trusting conversation with her, support, help, and sometimes refer to specialists, refer for help to a psychologist or other specialists. we 've created a resource where you can report any crime against a child. in any city, at any time, just go to the site and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal.
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stopcrime ua. all, absolutely all events, in one way or another, leave their mark in the information space. and i don't get tired of repeating it: anyone with a smartphone can easily be a journalist, a photographer, and most importantly, a co-author of a digital chronicle of events. therefore , there are de facto no white spots in modern history. my name is rudenko. this is a review of the official military video. and here i draw your attention to the phrase official video, because we are talking about the events of the ongoing war, that is, some of the information that can be found on the internet is
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a lie, in other words, disinformation, or misleading the enemy. in such conditions , the value of official sources in particular increases significantly, although simply reporting reliable information is no longer enough, because no matter how dramatic it sounds, even the war must be told, it is interesting. can an ordinary sailor become a unit commander and how much time should be spent on such career growth? the answer to the question can be found in the new report of the cycle of the victory team, which is periodically released on the youtube channel of the strategic committee of the armed forces of independence defenders of independence. in 2014, after the start of the anti-terrorist operation, mykola returned from... europe to ukraine and joined the ranks of the marines, where as a result he rose to become the chief of intelligence of a separate battalion, about the great war, attempts
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to unblock mariupol, dozens of units of captured enemy equipment, about the current the situation in the combat zone, about plans for the future, priorities and dreams. mykola, the commander of the unit, couriers of the apostle peter, the 36th brigade of marines, there you have to constantly think of something, well... and you have to read constantly, if, well, what isn't there, well, you need at least one or two books you have to read there at least once a month, i’m even reading now, why are we going to eat in the south now, i’m trying to pick up tactics from the kiefs, because it’s their land, and the most important thing is that it’s an mpz, but when they have a mental . nastan, if pompe would kill them, we read intercepts that they are not there want to go to the position, that they also have a lot of deserters, crossbowmen, five hundred,
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that they are running away from the position there. so now the war is going on in us, no one is destroying, who is going to set the pace. it so happened that the war makes geographical names unfamiliar to the general public known to the whole world. unfortunately, the silver forest is now one of those hot spots in every sense. not so long ago there was nature, fresh air, silence and beauty. now there is fierce fighting going on there and accordingly... it is very dangerous. 13 brigade the national guard of ukraine posted a video about the brigade's mortarmen on its official youtube channel. fighters talk about the peculiarities of artillery work in a forest area, about the density of the battlefield and the tactics of the enemy. but another important thing: the video is not focused on the technical component, but pays attention to people, their professional and personal qualities, because as has been
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said more than once, and will be repeated more than once... without people, nothing shoots, drives and doesn't work, and it's the people that make the difference between losing and winning, they work for almost everyone, for everyone the main, main danger is this, it’s a cab, from it, well, let’s put it this way, it’s not particularly easy to hide and... well, what can i say, not every shelter, practically no shelter saves from it, these are cabs, mainly the russians work with bm-21s from hails, they fire at squares, this is their main task, i understood that, well, in our area, precisely in our area, which we hold the defense, the situation is moderately stable, it is so say, this is a forest, this feature is specific for any artilleryman,
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the difficulty is that there are branches up to... we were all shooting, there was a time when we were clinging to branches, the terrain, the most difficult terrain, even if you take a position, there were times when water came in to mask the mortar, this is the main difficulty in what , the russians are trying to break through the offensive, they are modernizing, training and so on, they are doing something new, well , this is basically a war of drones, they mainly use drones, they still know how to dig very well, they are superior in the number of weapons and in numbers. personnel, trying to push through the defense, a person's physical condition and strength are important, but they are nothing without the spirit, and the strength of this spirit is able to overcome the difficult challenges of fate and overcome difficult circumstances. stanislav osieev can tell a lot about the trials of fate, because he is a ukrainian writer, journalist and rights activist, who at one time worked in
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the occupied by the militants of the so-called dpr. donetsk. actually, for this he spent more than two years in the isolation concentration camp, having been accused by the occupiers of espionage in favor of ukraine. after release from as a result of the exchange, asiyev wrote a book about his captivity, which was awarded the shevchenko prize. and now stanislav osieev is a serviceman of the armed forces of ukraine. and a short interview with him appeared on the official youtube channel of the 109th territorial defense brigade. neither the loss of donbas, nor even if you fantasize and say that some rdk will come to belgorod, and even occupy this city, or liberate it, whatever you want to call it, it will not affect vladimir putin and the russians, but the loss of crimea, with considering how much propaganda tried all these 10 years, i think that vladimir putin will not be able to explain to his closest political and military entourage, nor to the russians, how it happened that they lost crimea, and
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he will start with that. this is his personal, at least political end, and maybe even a physical one, i think that we should still direct all our efforts to the south, to the crimea. the more drones there are, the more chances we have to quickly end it all and expel the enemy. these are the words of an fp bucket pilot who has a pseudo cap. and here comes the pun, because what has been said it's as if it's obvious. but jokes. side. it would seem that toy drones in modern realities have become a formidable weapon that even the most modern tanks are afraid of. the 68th hunter brigade published a report on the work of a company of unmanned strike systems on its youtube channel. in addition to vivid videos of the destruction of enemy equipment, you can watch the people who control these drones. the previously mentioned kep learned to pilot fpv in a month, but even now


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