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tv   [untitled]    May 1, 2024 7:30am-8:00am EEST

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because public figures and local politicians have joined and are actively trying to calm people down. you see, mrs. andriano, you said that people are afraid that they will be deceived again, and i think what a huge irreparable damage was done by the lie in the run-up to the invasion. two autumns of the 21st at the beginning of the 22nd year, and people now simply, well, that is, this mistrust, it is sown in people, it has deepened even more due to the activities of the oligarchic channels that i it seems that the only news was connected to the national marathon of this, people simply stopped believing, above all trusting, and a huge loss for a country that is at war...
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the truth, well absolutely, absolutely, i want to say that you should not underestimate the power of the truth, the truth has much more power and with the people, with the population, with the ukrainians, we need to speak honestly, talk about these real dangers and talk about what we are doing to prevent these dangers from happening, talk like this and explain, the government must explain what it sees certain risks. and well not to say that there is absolutely no risk, and to show that there are different scenarios, because this is a game with people and for some reason sometimes politicians, you know, think that people are kind of stupid, they can't handle their emotions, they can panic , in fact, by explaining that there is a plan, there are various options for the scenario, in fact, it will strengthen trust and understanding that the authorities are in place and can do something, and we have never had politics. so
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close to the people in the sense that they roughly reflect the average average average height in society, but i wanted to say, you know, to tell a short story like this, if you allow, which might be interesting to our viewers, recently one of my acquaintances told, she herself went astray, although she herself is from luhansk and once upon a time after in the 14th year, she emigrated, well... the last time, and this is the same , unannounced visits always happen, and our friend is just returning in her car and suddenly sees that there are some kind of tank, anti-tank checkpoints, and she is just under impulse, impulse, she runs home, it's enough alarmingly, he throws his bag into the car and stops in... in vinnytsia, this is a person who
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survived the occupation in buche, sat in the basement, this is a completely adequate, intelligent, educated person who knows how to analyze, but, but when a person has survived alone if that's the case, then she already has it at such moments when she sees some hedgehogs, the radio is turned off, you understand just how much there is no this... this trust, there is no this trust, on the one hand, they tell you something there, smart people, every evening, president zelensky records his blog, but the reality is different, people now they do not believe that it is there, as they said, that there are barbecues and so on, and everything is calm, nothing will happen, there are no shock groups on the border, well, now no one believes it, no, well, but no one believes , in fact, instead, it should be noted that there is faith... in ourselves, there is faith in the people
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around us, in volunteers, in the armed forces of ukraine, perhaps this is, you know, the period of transformation of power, political power, local power, which failed to establish honest, such honest communication, to develop honest communication in conditions of war with people, but again, there are these points of strength, sources of strength in people, and we are still... well, able to fight and withstand the consequences of negative war, and i also want to say, in fact, we will have a lot of such, well, such impulsive decisions , because we still react to sounds, we still react to certain sensations, and today ukrainians need to learn, in fact, to move away from these, you know, fears and increasingly turn to the radio, this... means that here
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are local, some such local services are aimed at increasing psycho-emotional state, work with your own fears. working on managing your emotions is very important, that is, you already know this, it is such a very important part of working with yourself that we will have to start now, we have to start now and for many years after the war we will manage our emotions, thoughts, instincts and adapt to another format of life. finally, i will say that the residents of okhtyrka, they are obviously people from... hardened and they have no russian ipso, no information about any kadyriv people there near the border of sumy oblast, they do not scare, yesterday in in okhtyrka, someone stole about 100 tulips from a flower bed, and these are people, probably, who think
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that everything will be fine, they need to steal the main tulips, plant them somewhere near the house so that they bloom well, and they probably thought that no one would notice will find out, look, we... found out about it and showed it to everyone. but you know, this is funny on the one hand, sad on the other, because we laugh at the muscovites and wonder how they stole everything in a row, well, here, well, they planted tulips, for beauty, for you, a sabotage group came in, stole and returned to russian, wait, rhyme zyubina v in kyiv, she also made a small flower bed near her house, near an apartment building, planted it and says: i am worried, because already... before that, some flowers from the past came out, or when a rose was planted there the year before last, they dug it up, and in a word, how to be with it? well, look, actually, let's be honest, last week the drg entered the territory of sumy oblast three times,
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this is the first time, so i'm joking a little, but if, if we are to be serious again, then this is an example of what is possible. returns to such a normal life civilian, well, again, and if we speak even more honestly, frankly, then we probably need to review how we arrange and beautify our territories, it is very important to involve people in this beautification, if we do something for someone, then it is not appreciated, but if we do something together with someone, then it will be appreciated, and that's why the population, those people who live in these territories... will not want to pull those flowers, litter there, misbehave somehow, carelessly treat public, public things , yes, because they will be involved, probably, including communal services, it is necessary to get involved in
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involving people, learn to involve people in such communities, common improvement, you are right, madam... andrianna, because when a person does something with his own hands, then he no longer has wants to do some harm, because she understands the price of this work. thank you for the conversation, andriana kostenko, doctor of political sciences, head of the center for social research, member of the board of the public organization intelligence of sumy region, was with us, well, before those residents, or who is there in the end of the world, tulips, listen, kill the muscovite in you, this is also a fight against the russian peace, because it is the russian peace that steals it. steals from someone and is comforted by it. with us is evgenia virlych, editor-in-chief of the kherson publication cavun city. let's talk about the kherson region, the russian measure is full now. god willing, our military is doing everything possible to knock him out. ms. yevgenia, we congratulate you. good
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morning how is this morning in kherson and in the kherson region? traditionally loud, very loud it was also yesterday, in fact, like every day, we are all very strong. we are worried about odesa, because it was also very noisy there, there were a lot of flights yesterday, because you can see it in the news, there were casualties, even deaths on the territory of kizomomysu - it is not far from kherson, very large destruction and traditionally , you can even see in your video, these are residential areas, recently they hit the university... the building of the university, that is, nothing changes very much, by the way, yesterday they also tried to aim at infrastructure, i.e. the lights went out, there were no trolleybuses in kherson, well , the bereslav district traditionally suffers a lot, it’s
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a community along the dnipro, somewhere like that, but what else, i ask, that means after... natali humenyuk’s bid, which, to which journalists joined, has anything really changed in the activities of journalists in the kherson region, in particular, because it was one of the points that were rejected. mrs. natali, that she somehow did not prevent journalists from working freely in these territories, well, since the time when the media woman did not came home, so it's hard for me to compare, there were always certain problems, because working in a territory that is under fire is always very, very difficult. kherson oblast is zaporizhzhia, or even in odesa there were different cases, so it is really very difficult to work. when you... a publication, you have accreditation, there are much fewer problems, although, as it was, and still
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is, for example, bloggers can freely take pictures, post in so -called anonymous channels, and nothing happens to them for this, if it you're a media guy if you're not you hide your faces and work, there are always some questions, well, let's say this happened recently, so i didn't see any drastic changes, but then again, i haven't been like a media person at home yet, so i can't say that anything it has changed a lot, in principle, i worked both then and now, my correspondents worked, as then without special questions, as they do today. i don't know if it's related to the fact that ms. nataliya gumenyuk resigned, but at least a video of how the curls look like appeared, er, where is going on... heavy battles, and the picture is apocalyptic - this is what we have already seen in
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some mariintsa, this is what we see, what the russians turned into bakhmut, my familiar journalist, with whom we once worked together, nataliya kovalyova, who is from kherson, she wrote that in krynk, many people had dachas, well, but there is nothing left of those dachas, mrs. evgenia, you probably know more than me and than what i read in natalya, she has on facebook, eh, well, the video from krinkov appeared before, yes, but this video is so very creepy, in reality, krynyk was a very important place for many people, it was a place of such relaxation and rest, and actually those residents who lived there, that is, there were dachas there, yes, that is, it was for those who came, and there were those who lived there, this it was quite prosperous such, er... a village with a very interesting history, because there was one of ostap vyshnya's favorite houses, and
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actually ostap vyshnya used to say who was in the crimea, and i was in krynyk, and a lot had to do with it , there were also certain recreation centers nearby, that is , it’s creepy to talk about it now, well, here are such videos, similar videos appeared from the military from time to time, of course such videos appear after a certain time, because it is impossible. and the military knows this well, it is not possible to provide fresh videos from such places, and in the wells, in fact, everything that we see is still being shelled by motorists, that is, it is bare land, where there are no longer even tall trees, bushes, that is, everything is visible, our military continues to hold this bridgehead in extreme danger, and a week or two ago there was a report that they had expanded it a little, actually very little information about what's going on in... in the krynks, people who have, i don't know, some relatives who are in the marines,
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they tell some really scary stories, motorists about what 's going on there on this bridgehead , there were also some publications in foreign media, the new york times, it seems that they published some comments or interviews with marines who visited there, and there was very little information in fact, whether this is normal or not. is it normal that in principle we do not know, do not fully understand the logic of these things that are there is happening, and we don't know the price we pay, well, you know, on the one hand, for relatives, those who serve there, who are in those locations, it's terrible, not knowing anything at all, not getting in touch, on the other hand, we understand that this is a war, and if more than two or three people know it, yes, the enemy can know it, he doesn't need to know it, huh. so, of course, as a military, i think it's absolutely right to hide
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certain things that we don't need to know, but over time, again, videos come out, information comes out, and we already know about the fact that a few weeks ago it was quite loud, in krynyk, the russians executed three ukrainian soldiers there, it was very loud, very scary, but later we found out about it anyway, the military documents, that is , there are videos that appear from at times, and it seems to me that this informational silence that continues in the territories that are under fire is... only for the best, of course, it should not last forever, so we still have to know over time how we , for example, we recently learned from the general staff that the zsu has established itself on one of the islands, between the right and left banks, that is, this is great news, but again, we learned about it later, it is correct, in my opinion, huh, well, here it is just a very simple question, if we do not
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understand the price, which is paid, then accordingly this price is paid... only those who died, you know what i'm talking about, and their families, their families, that is, we don't know if it was, if it was a good decision, like commanders, you know, in our country, legal proceedings are still ongoing in ilovaisk, where in principle, everything was clear, the russians entered with regular troops, which no one expected at that time, surrounded ours, promised to let them leave, and shot them on the way out, and we still have different there... tracking who is in this is the fault of one of our commanders, how did they do this, thousands of people are dying in our country today at the front, in some, some operations and special operations, and we, as a society, do not control these processes at all, and here, it seems to me, should be everything - still, you know, there is military censorship, and there is
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military censorship, no one is against military censorship, no one is against what is called military censorship. but we do not want military censorship, this is when it is justified to close important information simply because it is a war, there is no need to investigate how much we are currently stealing from the ministry of defense, because it is a war now, let's not rock this boat, we are all in it together, but if what, then we'll just go to some luxembourg and have a good time there, and you go to the crimea, absolutely, absolutely, here it is really impossible somehow... to clearly and simply divide into what we can show, what we cannot, yes, that is, each case is special, and we must analyze this case both from the point of view of common sense and from the point of view security, and here the military is our help, because we, for example, in our publication, whenever there is any information about which we have doubts, we simply consult with the military that
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we know, what do you think, can we give it , that's why, of course, there is no cover. absolutely all information, and if any information leaked, then there should be prompt comments, there should be prompt permission, if possible, but in any case, in my opinion, the leadership should be aware of both the military and the civilian, which is a danger, that it is necessary to say no, and in as a result, we have to talk about everything. ms. yevheniya, thank you for your opinion, yevheniya virlych, editor-in-chief of the kherson publication cavun city, spoke about kherson. puppy and not only, but only about the truth. we are going now for a short break, then we will return and dmytro platenchuk, the head of the center, will be with us strategic communications of the defense forces of the south, we will talk about the shelling of odessa and what is happening in the seas of ukraine. stay with us. you need to fix clothes, hem
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military administration oleg kiper reports, russia hit again with ballistic missiles, and there is damage to civil infrastructure. we are waiting for a call from dmytro pletenchuk, the head of the strategic communications center of the southern defense forces, we don't know if he will be able to get in touch, because he... uh, he's on the road now and they say that it's almost, almost already have they are setting him up, he is currently on some business, let's try to get in touch and find out, actually, why did the russians decide to just spray odessa with their missiles every day, what purpose are they pursuing, other than to intimidate the resident. the cities are already there, mr. dmytro, we are on the phone, mr. dmytro, we welcome you, i congratulate the judge, i congratulate the audience, mr. dmytro, odesa again, ballistics again,
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and again there are dead and wounded, what is pursuing russia, in addition to intimidating and taking away peace to the residents of odessa, in fact their goal is shake our numbers, our will to fight. in this way, they try to convince us that it is useless to fight, that it is difficult to fight, but we know very well that if we capitulate, there will be heaps and heaps on the territory of ukraine, you know, when the russians strike somewhere late in the evening or at night, it's still - it's still difficult, it's difficult to understand this logic, because people press a button somewhere, a rocket flies out, and they don't even have in their heads that
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a child, a person, an elder will die from this rocket age, middle age, it doesn't matter, the animal will die, but when they do it, i mean the previous strike on odesa, when they do it in broad daylight, and when they strike at place, this is this harry potter house, which is also called the kivalov residence, that, what at this moment, what is their purpose, when this, this is a crowded place in odessa, where people went for a run, and people are talking about what was 30 seconds from the time the air alert is announced, to the moment this ballistics arrives, more than that, with these cassettes. projectiles designed to kill as many people as possible wound, and in 30 seconds, well, even if
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you... take all the air alarms, seriously? well, if you went for a run, like the girl went for a walk with her dog, you can hardly hide somewhere? well, in fact, the goal is obvious - it is the killing of peaceful residents of odessa, because this is not the type of ammunition that somehow randomly hits some location, no, it is quite accurate. in fact, and this strike, it is planned, balanced, and this decision was made, of course, at the highest level, by the leadership of the russian federation, because their rhetoric, it is constantly around odessa, was such that they believe that they are very much expected in this city, and of course, if
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they strike... at such locations, this is not a line of military confrontation, this is not conventional kherson , which is located, yes, directly on the wall, this particular city, which is located at a fairly long distance, eh, and this strike is planned, it is planned for more than one day, so yes, a targeted attack, again, it is difficult to fully understand the purpose of this attack , because...
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i grant that mr. dmitry, i will still ask which one the current situation on the black sea, are there any signs of any imminent missile attacks by the russians? currently, carriers are absent in the black sea, the enemy understands that it is dangerous to go to sea. there is no mention of ships at all at the moment, in principle there are no ships at sea, no submarines. but of course, do not ignore the danger signals. and usually this minute is one and a half, because odessa is all ballistics, and these minutes and a half can save your life, especially when it comes to cluster ammunition, then in principle for this an ordinary wall is enough. what is happening in crimea? something is happening in the crimea, about which...
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the russians, in principle, 10 years ago stuck to their yes, unfortunately, we have lost contact, mr. dmytro is on the phone with us, because he is currently on the road and is obviously walking around, because there is no verified case, but any cases that happen in crimea, which are related to work. military infrastructure of the russians, unpleasant cases for them, of course, they tend to repeat it. mr. dmytro, thank you, despite the fact that you are on the road now and in business found time for us and found an opportunity to connect to us on the air. dmytro plytenchuk, the head of the strategic communications center of the defense forces of the south, was in touch with us, dear friends, and says that the missile carriers have not been withdrawn at the moment, but ah... but we still
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have to be careful. thank you for being with us, now we are watching the news, kateryna shirokopist will tell us about it, here she is already, katre, i welcome you. greetings colleagues, in a moment we will talk about the consequences for russia of ukrainian drone attacks oil refineries and what is happening in the capital of georgia. news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. the enemy attacked odessa with ballistic missiles at night. three people died. three more are injured. there is damage to civil infrastructure, the regional military administration reports.


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