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tv   [untitled]    May 1, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EEST

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let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.
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an oil refinery is on fire in ryazan, what happened there? the occupiers say they have shot down the new american atacoms over crimea, and men in kyiv are already standing in lines at the tsk, although in surveys people tell us... that the law on mobilization did not motivate them to register. well, tonight the residents of kharkiv oblast, sumy oblast, poltava oblast, zaporozhye and dnipro saw a bright flash in the sky, although there were no sounds there were no explosions. it was previously burned by a meteor. write in the comments if you have seen this phenomenon. this is svoboda ranok, my name is kateryna nekrecha, and we are starting. today, odessa was again shelled by the russian army.
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the head of the military administration oleg kiper says that these were ballistic missiles, three people died, three more were injured, the impact damaged houses, the windows of apartments were blown out, several minutes passed from the alarm signal to the explosions. in the meantime, some details of the explosions in the occupied crimea, which were reported by residents of the perekop district and on the eve of simferopol , crimea's head of occupation, serhii aksyonov, said that it was... an attack by american missiles to attacks from ukraine, according to him, the downed missile allegedly fell apart and did not detonate near the village of donskoe. meanwhile, the russian telegram astra writes about an attack on the military units of the russian air defense forces in the occupied crimea, as well as on the military airport in dzhankoya. according to astra's calculations, a total of nine russian soldiers were wounded at these facilities. russian ministry of defense about these attacks
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does not write any details, but reports about six allegedly downed american atakams missiles. white house adviser john kirby had to respond to these statements, who could not confirm the destruction of a single missile by an attack with the russian army. he was also asked about the number of these missiles transferred to ukraine, but he evasively answered, i quote: "i can simply say that it was a significant number." meanwhile , drones attacked the ryazan oil refinery in russia, according to russian telegram channels. as a result of the explosion , a strong fire broke out there, writes astra. according to the information of the governor of the soviet region, pavel malkov, there were no casualties. the russian ministry of defense reports that six drones were allegedly shot down during the night, one of which happened to be in the ryazan region. telegram channels astra, shot, base, write. that before
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the explosion and the fire at the plant, residents heard the buzz of drones in the air, the ukrainian side has not yet reported anything about these explosions in ryazan. however, we will ask our guest ihor romanenko about them, a military expert, retired lieutenant general joined the our broadcast. mr. igor, welcome to our broadcast, thank you for joining. i congratulate you. what can currently be asserted, said, understood about these explosions in... which rang out this night in the early hours of the morning, in particular about the oil refinery in ryazan, what can you tell and what this plant is, is it powerful there, where does it supply fuel or abroad, or to support russian troops. these actions continue the implementation of the strategy by the defense forces of ukraine regarding the impact on the enemy, including on its territory, so... thanks to the actions of
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our so-called drone triad devices, missile complexes, as well as the actions of special structures, from gur, sbu, special operations forces. an impression is made on the operational and strategic, i emphasize this, a depth of more than 100 km on the relevant objects, tatarstan, we remember, the factory for the production of shaheds, well, and others, so, that means, blows are made on the objects of the fuel system , on weapons factories, primarily aviation and missile, and... on airfields and equipment, aviation equipment, as well as launchers, that is, on missile and weapons seeds, regarding means of destruction, moreover, these objects, they are defined
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by the objective laws of war, i emphasize this, and these are the objects that were defined by the americans and the british back in the 43rd year. in casablanca, when the normandy landings were being prepared, and the military were told that in order to weaken the influence of the nazi luftwaffe, it was necessary to strike at such objects, and at that time they did it, but the time has come when we must defend ourselves, and when we begin to act in this way, if the americans do not advise and do not approve of this kind of action, well, since it is our weapon, then we make the decision ourselves, because we see how... it affects, in addition , we speak and after the attacks we also spoke about the fact that if there is something here, let's say, do not hit on the territory of the mpz, and not others to the objective targets, for which i listed, then give us missiles, respectively, except for attack-
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coms with cluster, armor-piercing warheads and everything else more decisively and remove the permission to give to aviation, which should have been long ago... come to us f16 and not only permission sweden on gripin and so on, and then we can hear such wishes, but in the meantime, if the price of gasoline rises by a few cents during the election campaign, let them think it over and , based on economic analysis, tell the world that our actions of this kind have almost no effect, but someone needs to argue their political one. the election campaign precisely at the expense of the fact that the events of ukrainians and the actions of the defense forces of ukraine affect in this way. that is, there is a struggle, including in these directions. but, mr. igor, i am curious about the strikes on the refinery, we heard such concerns from white house, yes, and that biden's politics seem
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to disagree with this. nevertheless, by the way, on the air, when we had the representative of gur, mr. andriy yusuf, i asked him if the ukrainian leadership had such a task to stop hitting the refinery. he said at the time that he could not give an answer to this question, but we see as a result that such strikes continue, but about what, now i will quote you the following quote, i will give: the largest oil country in the world has run out of gasoline, and local prices on fuel increased sharply, wrote a policy about it, or is it in your opinion no no exaggeration, or indeed all these strikes on russian refineries, they cause such a rather critical situation for russia. of the federation, unfortunately, it is not critical yet, but it definitely has a substantial effect, about 14% is already damaged, and this greatly affects, first of all , gasoline, gasoline in particular, and gasoline is used by the citizens of the russian federation, this is good, they should as soon as possible, all the more
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to experience all these e-e charms of a special military operation, which they already see for themselves, being in the third year. it's far from special, it's a war, and it's good, but with with diesel engines, their situation will improve, but it is also quite important, and the main thing is that it somehow indirectly begins to affect the supply of enemy troops and equipment, so far quite slowly, small indicators, but taking into account the fact that we adhere to this approach, of such a perspective, i too... was arguing about the fact that we had a pause there for a week or two, do you remember when we stopped beating, so whether this decision was ours from a military and political point of view, or whether it was really preparation gaining strength, and i got the answer if words that this task remains, in such
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strikes, this is the implementation of this strategy, about which we objectively legalized the war, he emphasizes. this is not the desire of syrskyi, zelenskyi, anyone, these are the objective laws of war, and they must be studied, respected and conducted combat operations, training according to them, and it is done, it is... quite important, well, and then soon so we would see that the strikes continue and we have confirmation that ours are steadfast here, i see some compromises there, what if the americans there lift these bans for aviation, will missiles still be resolutely provided, accordingly, something there can be changed to accommodate, we always said that we are such granddaughters and... we see and hear and are ready, but this does not mean that thus not giving
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us six months of help to demand help from us to change our line of conduct regarding the use of the means we have. mr. igor, summing up the means like this, maybe occupied crimea, because as far as we understand, western partners give weapons to their occupied territories, ukraine can use them to beat and, but on russian... ukrainian weapons are used in the territories there, in relation to previous attacks in crimea, russian telegram channels and the occupation authorities of crimea say that attacks were recorded there, well, in your opinion , they were shot down, and the russian side says so, in your opinion, is it true these new deliveries, attacks, they have already been used in crimea, including those bases where russian air defenses are concentrated, our official source did not confirm. and they do everything correctly, because in order not to annoy the americans, once again, let them
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advance by millimeters, but to the side determination to give us weapons, but the means, foreign sources say, not to mention the russians, that it was precisely the attack of the previous strikes, you remember, on the s-400, on the location stations in this area, and now. .. is happening, that is, because there in terms of power, well, according to external signs, it is quite similar with a great belief that it is the atakamsa, especially since the americans themselves discovered there about the fact that in 300 million that passed somewhere there by chance they searched, despite the fact that six months in the congress they explained that today, but it was the same for israel and for the f-35, which several times... such
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a difficult situation at the front, were delivered exactly in that tranche in this supply for 300 million in these attacks, and now they are going and but while with the old warheads, they are cluster, they only have such a narrow purpose, but... if we hit their anti-terrorist defenses, location stations, their infantry, then putin hits our peaceful citizens in odessa in any case, yes, we also inform our viewers about this, and we started the issue with the situation in odesa, thank you mr. igor for joining, igor romanenko, military expert, retired lieutenant general, was a guest of svoboda ranok. meanwhile, the men who specified. or their military registration data, will be able to receive consular services abroad, such a new clarification was issued by
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the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine. the department emphasizes that the restrictions are temporary and do not apply to all men, but only to those of conscription age. however, in case emergency situations happen to them abroad, consulates should help them of the mechanism for updating military registration data for men abroad, it is currently still being determined, that is, a week ago, almost a month before the new law on mobile phones comes into force. at the request of the ministry of foreign affairs, ukrainian diplomatic institutions abroad stopped providing services to men aged 16 to 60, citing the need for such men to update their data at the tcc. the innovation caused a wave of indignation among those citizens of ukraine who live abroad. and here is the deputy prime minister for european and euro-atlantic integration of ukraine olga stefanishyna assures that ukraine will not forcibly return men from abroad, she... informed about this in an interview with dechevela, she says that updating military registration data does not mean automatic sending to
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the front. ukraine has passed a law on mobilization, and we need to understand to what extent we can replace the guys at the front, it is about the mobilization potential, accounting and information, and this is the primary goal of our decision. therefore , there will be no restriction or forced return of ukrainian citizens of any gender or age to a warring country. but in there are no easy solutions to the issues of war, and let's not forget that the war is on and we have to win it. in europe, too , the debate about the return of men to ukraine continues. estonia does not plan to forcefully send ukrainian men of conscription age home, the ministry of internal affairs of the country informed, and the president and prime minister of lithuania spoke in favor of helping ukraine with the return of the men. our colleague in brussels, olena abramovych, will tell more details about the discussions in the eu. how exactly to respond to restrictions on consular services
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for ukrainian men of conscription age in the eu countries are still being discussed. on the one hand, western. governments want to support ukraine in resisting russian aggression. on the other hand, european legislation provides protection for citizens of countries where war is ongoing. there is also an international practice where countries do not share with consulates the personal data of foreign citizens residing in them. on lithuanian radio, this topic was raised during a political debate with the prime minister and the president of the country. both said that they want to help ukraine with mobilization ukraine. ukraine must have its own mobilization plans, because after the presidential elections in russia, it is obvious that there will be a new wave of mobilization in russian society, today, unfortunately, the forces are not equal. ukraine must have the means and tools to attract its boys to fulfill their duty to the motherland. we could probably look for some way to
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make sure that a person has fulfilled his mobilization duty, or is exempt from it, when we are considering. the issue of extending a temporary residence permit, but here we really have to cooperate not only with ukrainian institutions, but also more widely, since now the so-called temporary protection is in effect for citizens of ukraine in the european union. in response to the journalist's clarifying question, how lithuania itself can help, the lithuanian president said that it is necessary to cooperate with ukraine in all possible ways. and the prime minister noted that the guarantees are within the framework of those'. protections provided to citizens of ukraine in the european union are very large, and that this cannot be an issue that will solve one or two states, that is, it is necessary to act jointly at the level of the european union. the migration service of lithuania commented on the situation, they said that there are currently no legal grounds that would oblige lithuania to help ukraine in the mobilization process, and a member
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of the lithuanian seimas explained in a comment to radio liberty that the ministry of internal affairs is currently looking for options. affairs of the country and if changes are needed in the national legislation, the votes in the lithuanian parliament will be found. if there are requests from ukraine, we will do it quickly. i spoke with our party, with other parties from the other side, there will be support. in lithuania, currently, according to the migration department, almost 30 thousand ukrainians of military age have residence permits. meanwhile, in estonia, such... and the estonian ministry of internal affairs said that they have no plans for forced repatriation of citizens of ukraine who legally reside in estonia, for example, who fled because of the war, the same applies to those who may be affected by mobilization. the documents say they will continue. the absence of a valid travel document is not limits the possibilities of submitting an application for obtaining
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or extending a residence permit, including on the basis of temporary protection. the current order also allows. identification or confirmation of the person on the basis of other evidence, however, a foreigner cannot apply for a visa in the absence of a genuine travel document. similar to the estonian position, germany already voiced it earlier, they also said that they will give a residence permit to those who can also issue an expired passport and travel document. well, a common policy towards ukrainians, everyone conscripts and generally refugees from the war, the eu should agree in the coming months, they want to take into account the positions here. in may , european commissioner for internal affairs and immigration ilva johansson will arrive in kyiv to discuss with the ukrainian authorities the issue of the further legal status of ukrainians abroad, because the temporary protection of the eu, which ukrainians currently enjoy, will be valid only until march 2025, it was already extended to the maximum number of times and have to
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decide what to do next? olena abramovich, marek hajduk, radio liberty, if you are in favor border, then you can write your thoughts and your experience, maybe you have already faced these questions about updating documents in ukrainian consulates, and also, if you live directly in ukraine and are currently updating your data, tell me how it happens, is there queues, here in kyiv near the shopping center, near several shopping centers, men are already standing in lines for several hours in order to update these data, the excitement explains the approval. of the law on mobilization, they say, when it enters into force, on may 18, everyone will rush en masse to update the documents, and let's listen to what these men in the queues are saying, we are 27 years old, i am a student, a doctor, and therefore i need to fill in these data and get a military ticket, and for sure i think that after the approval the queue will be a little longer, i am getting a registration at the tcc, without
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this it is impossible to apply, so as a responsible citizen, i come here, i came to update my data, go through the vlk, i want to pass after the new law to accept the accepted one, yes, i have been standing for maybe an hour, i was called to update documents . i came then blk and now i came 60 59th in the draft, i came at 6:20, signed up on the 8th, but the old queue came, because there was no light yesterday, and they rebooked them for today and another 28 people from top to front they are standing, everything is banal simple, everything is banal simple, here they make lists, and these lists disappear somewhere, i stood up yesterday, i come here all day, but i am no longer on that list, they have already drawn a new list, where are the old people? who does not know, the organization is zero. zero organization. have you, dear viewers, already been in the queues of tsk, what is your experience, in your cities, write in the comments,
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the head of the public relations service of the poltava regional territorial center of recruitment and social support, major roman estomin, joins our broadcast. greetings, mr. roman, thank you for joining. good day. what is the current situation with mobilization, where you work, what do you see, well, if you know globally, you can too. to tell you, well, the situation is, so to speak, stable, that we have in poltava oblast, yes, i understand that throughout ukraine, mobilization continues, just as it continues, the russian war against ukraine, er, russia, as before, is trying to destroy, we, as, us, as ukrainians, we are trying to protect ourselves from it, er, in order to protect ourselves , first of all, people, military personnel are needed. who will be able to defend their country, since in wartime conditions the main method of recruiting the armed forces of ukraine is mobilization, accordingly we,
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tsc, carry it out on the same level as selection for contract military service. mr. roman, but are there more people now, or is there a problem with queues, because ours is in kyiv the correspondents were there, and these queues were noticed, and men stand there for several days, alone. day they come, sign up for a queue, the next day they are there, can they wait their turn, or are your services now in demand, let's say so. if you mean whether things have changed during the last few days, then the queues we have, in particular in poltava, near the poltava city trade center, have been, by and large, always, since the 22nd year, at first it was volunteers, later the queue. became much smaller, but they were still there because someone needed them to update military registration data, because he, for example, is entering a university, someone needs
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to get a deferment, someone was issued a summons, he arrived on a summons, the majority of those who are currently standing in queues are, after all, conscripts who have either reasons for postponement, or have, so to speak, reasons for... if we talk about exactly as of last days, the queues have indeed increased a little, but there are more non-conscripts who arrived, let's say, voluntarily or at least for summonses, and precisely conscripts, who are sent by companies for, well, for reservation, well, we should also not forget that the release of conscripted servicemen, a certain part of them, who come to register for military service , are also in these queues, yes, that is, they come. people who, let's say, know that they will not go to the army there tomorrow, i understand that to update the documents, because also in these polls that our journalists did, people there say that simply from may 18
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they are expected probably even longer queues, that's why it is better to update these documents now, and please tell me, those people who come to update their documents, who do not have a reservation there from the employer, for example, and their documents are not updated, they automatically get a fine now, as far as i understand, it is from 1700 to 5 thousand if we talk about the law that everyone is discussing, that is, which makes changes to
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the series, let's say so. legislative acts, in particular on mobilization issues, specifically provide for the updating of military registration data within 60 days, but it is necessary to understand that if a conscript, let's say, does not update his military registration data during these 60 days, this does not mean that the amount of the fine under article 210 will change, just that these actions will fall under article 210/1, violation of the legislation on mobilization defense. this is a different article, correspondingly different amounts of fines, from uah 5,100 to uah 8,500. what you say obviously means the draft law that was adopted as a basis on april 10, but it has not even been adopted yet, well, in general, it is currently in a state of development, not that it has not entered into force, this is bill 10379, which really provides for a very significant increase in fines,
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then... more precisely, the introduction of changes to article 210 and article 2101, but it is too early to talk about it now, because as i say, it is only accepted as a basis, and i have the following clarification, we only have a minute left, how many cases of evasion did your tsc, for example, hand over to the law enforcement officers, how many such cases did you record, eh, well , if we talk about evasion, it is a very broad concept, you need to understand what evasion is, so to speak, there are different ones, i i will say this, that as of now... about 30,000 appeals to the national police regarding citizens who were issued summonses, who did not appear for them, and regarding, and from now on are subject to precisely the administrative, well , fine, imposition , the imposition of a fine, that is , those who have committed an administrative offense, we notify the police about an administrative offense for violating the rules of military accounting, and they, accordingly, ...
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well, they are obliged to deliver them to the tsp shopping center for, well , to issue a resolution on the administrative offense, uh, i thank you that joined, the head of the public relations service of the poltava regional territorial center for staffing and social support, major roman stomin, was a guest of the freedom morning. thank you, i asked you to write about your experience in the comments, well, i have a question from sergey, why are there still queues, why haven't they been added yet? people to receive citizens, and a person writes that he does not want to spend six months in the military in the 22nd year, write about your experience, if you can indicate specific locations, what problems you are facing, you can see, we attach to these broadcasts various people who are responsible for these processes, and we will continue to ask them these questions, but sociologists are already studying the readiness for mobilization in ukrainian society, and it is at an average level, not at a low
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level, it may happen to you... but such conclusions are drawn by the ilko kuchariv foundation for democratic initiatives. according to the results of the survey, which was conducted from march 21 to 27, together with the razumkov center. it was held in 22 regions of ukraine and in the city of kyiv. the theoretical error does not exceed 2.3%. so, 25% of respondents noted that most of their entourage try to avoid mobilization. at the same time, 47% note that some of the acquaintances... avoid, and some are ready to be mobilized. another 10%, for the most part, are ready to be mobilized, and 18% of respondents find it difficult to answer this question. among the respondents, the willingness to join the struggle in one way or another prevails, as they say in the democratic initiatives, in particular, 7% of the respondents expressed their willingness to join the defense forces in the event of mobilization, 9% in the event that military actions
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approach the... place their residence, and 35% are focused on work and the provision of courier, specifically non-military assistance. 24% of respondents say that they will try to simply survive, 5% will try to leave the country, and 15% do not know what to do. but our correspondents asked people on the streets of kyiv, rivne, dnipro and odesa if there are more people around who are ready to mobilize, and let's listen. what do they say, and in the meantime, write in the comments, did you change your mind about mobilization, or did the law motivate you to go to the shopping center? there are fewer people willing to mobilize, why? well, because really, to be in the military, more people believe that it is not a duty, but rather a profession, and not everyone is ready for this profession.


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