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tv   [untitled]    May 1, 2024 9:30am-10:00am EEST

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in the event that military actions approach their place of residence, and 35% are focused on work and providing immediate non- military aid. 24% of respondents say that they will try to simply survive, 5% will try to leave the country, and 15% do not know what to do. but our correspondents asked people on the streets of kyiv, rivne, dnipro and odesa, and whether there are more people around who are ready to... mobilize and let's listen to what they say, and in the meantime write in the comments whether you have changed your opinion on mobilization, or did the law motivate you to go to the shopping center? there are fewer people willing to mobilize, why? well, because in truth, more people believe that being a soldier is not a duty, but rather a profession, and not everyone is ready for this profession.
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to be, firstly, well, and secondly, not all people are morally ready for this, in my environment, well, those who are already in the armed forces, they are in the armed forces, those who stayed here, well, they say, well, if there is a summons, then i will go, well, let's say this, such an aggressive attitude that, well, it would be terrible, i have not seen in my environment, i think, in in any case, there will be a greater influence of men, because the law of zobo is so powerful, if coercion, i think it should not be done, but that people will be able to leave, i think it will be true, the law is not an incentive, an incentive here and there, there were more young people who would like to go to defend their native land, their family, their family, their women, children, well, i
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think that, to be honest, not much has happened, but why? well, everyone is afraid for himself, for his life, for his health, it's been 5 years, it's been 5 years, since i last time i updated my data and i want to update it now, i am writing in order to officially manage to get a job, there is a possibility that there will be armor, there will be no armor, then i applied for the third stormtrooper. oleksiy haran, professor of political science at the kyiv-mohyla academy, scientific director of the ilko kucharev foundation for democratic initiatives. to our broadcast, congratulations, thank you for joining, congratulations, thank you, tell us what sentiments you have recorded regarding mobilization, whether ukrainians who are conscripted for military service are ready for this process of mobilization, and to what extent widespread aspirations to avoid mobilization, or somehow this process can be delayed. well, you actually already voiced these data, yes, so i can only repeat here, or analyze already, as, as, say, a political scientist, yes,
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look, well, let's start with, well, not with the negative, so to speak, of those people who are not ready to categorically go to the front at all, 24% say that they will not try to just survive, and another 5% say that they are ready to leave the country, so it's 29%, yes, almost, almost 30, so , well, relatively speaking, a little less than a third of the respondents, they say that it is mine house, so to speak, from the edge, i am not ready to go to the army. at the same time, if we sum up those who are already serving, those who will join the defense forces if they are mobilized, and those who will join the defense forces if hostilities approach their place of residence, it is a total of 19% . is it a lot or
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a little, well, i think that in principle it is quite a lot, well, we would like to see, of course , a higher number, but it is bad enough, yes, because we are really talking about war, and everyone is ready, and and there is fear for myself, for loved ones, and well, various questions arise, mr. oleksiy, and you noted there that moods differ in different regions, and what does it depend on and... why does this happen? if possible, i will still complete it, but another 35% is very important, they say that they are not ready to go to the front, but are ready to provide all possible military assistance, that is, with money, work, blood donation and so on and so on further. that is, we clearly see, ah, 55% of ukrainians who care, who are ready to work for our victory in one way or another. that's why i would said yes, these are... not bad indicators, yes,
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not bad indicators, these indicators do not yet reflect the mood of ukrainians after the adoption of the law, because... we conducted a poll at the end of march, and actually then there was no such influence, we did not could record this, this this influence, yes, if we talk about the regions, now a second, a second, a second, a second, oh, here i have to open another one, mr. oleksiy, maybe you know, so generally really, from a political point of view.. will you tell me if this situation is changing, that is, you noticed that this is what we are talking about they said that a survey was conducted in march, obviously, if you repeat it, then and there now or a little later, the situation may definitely change, because military aid has already appeared there, it may have a positive effect, or it may have a negative effect , like queues to csk, yes, and how in general, how
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dynamic are the changes over these two years, have you followed it, yes, we have, we have followed it, and even during, let’s say... well , it is clear that somewhat the desire of ukrainians , say, going to the front, it has decreased, somewhat, yes, but i would say that it is not, that is, it is not is critical, again, when we the people, when we asked these questions, the people said quite clearly, so what are they, and what are they going to do, so i would say that in recent times... . we obviously heard a lot of criticism about the mobilization, and we heard it on all channels, and especially it rocked the boat telegram and youtube, which are the main sources of ukrainians about
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the war, unfortunately, and not verified mass media, and of course, a lot of criticism. is fair, yes, but at the same time we are many we hear, everything has disappeared, total corruption... nothing will work out and so on, and this does not encourage people to go to go to the army, in addition , there were some communication problems, let's say problems with how the authorities communicated all this, yes, but right now i think that this figure will remain more or less, more or less constant, yes, maybe, maybe somewhat, let's say, under... it's hard to actually predict here, yes, maybe it will increase somewhat, but the proportion of those who, who cares, yes, but, well, even from your own polling on the streets, we saw that people are ready, yes, and they say, it will come
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summons, then we will go, yes, although the difficulties here are great, we need a clear information campaign, clear messages, we need to talk to society. to you about difficult topics and to talk frankly, i opened a sign that talks about regions, then from those who, now, now, now, now, now, a second, here we have a slightly different question, it is about your acquaintances, your acquaintances, let's say , that you know, are they evading or not evading? and here is the opinion of ukrainians from their, so to speak, inter-urban environment, which they try to avoid the most in the east, this 39%, by the way, it is interesting that in the west, yes, the south is 32%, the west is 29% and the center is only 15%, yes
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, but on the other hand, when we ask, who is ready... to be mobilized from your, from of your entourage, here even in the east 9%, in the west five, well, the best measures are the south and 5%, and the largest number of those who are ready to be mobilized in the center is 15%. yes, that is, let's say, where is the east smaller, where is the east larger, even than the west, well, it's interesting that we... see, the majority, the majority of those who are ready to mobilize, this is precisely the central, central region, i would not over did not overestimate, let's say, these questions, yes, because it is evaluative, yes, that is, we do not ask people directly, but we
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ask, and you have such acquaintances, acquaintances, about relatives and so on, the most receives, the most gets a response, some avoid, some ready to be mobilized, right? here and i will tell you that if i were to answer, i would also say the same, because in my environment there are people such and such and such and such, i will note for our viewers that this research is actually interesting, there are many others. interesting questions, not only about mobilization, on on the website of the democratic initiative foundation, it can be read for everyone. to you, mr. oleksii, thank you for joining, oleksii haran was a guest of svoboda ranok. the armed forces of ukraine do not expect a truce for the olympic games. ilya ivlash, the spokesman of the air force of the ukrainian armed forces , told onv that there is no need to hope for a cessation of hostilities during the summer olympic games. they will take place, by the way, from july 26 to august 11 in paris. according to yevlesh, the russian army does not weaken the attack and does not take into account even holidays. with
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initiative of the olympic truce, earlier, let me remind you, french president emmanuel macron spoke. he stated that he hopes to achieve a truce both in russia's war against ukraine and in the conflict between israel and hamas. in these days. volodymyr zelenskyi questioned this initiative. the kremlin also expressed skepticism that kyiv will use this time to its advantage. meanwhile, ukrainian athletes are already preparing for the competition, they have already won. more than 70 licenses for participation in almost two dozen sports. belarusian and russian athletes this year, i would like to remind you, will also participate in the olympics, but with restrictions they will perform under a neutral flag, in order to prevent conflicts, the national olympic committee of ukraine is developing a protocol for the behavior of ukrainian athletes with representatives of russia and belarus. and matvii bidny, head of the ministry of youth and sports, joins our broadcast. welcome to our broadcast, thank you for joining. i have a question for you, what recommendations will ukraine provide to athletes who will participate in
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the olympic games, what are the instructions? good morning, well, let's not say that the instructions are recommendations, we try to protect our athletes from provocations from a security point of view, well, of course, not shaking hands, of course, do not take pictures, do not stand next to them, do not talk, do not contact, in principle , give joint interviews, comments, well, in fact, do not communicate with them... and in general, it is desirable to pretend that they do not even exist there, well, because, well, we understand that during the competition, the athlete is in a state euphoria, and well, sometimes it's difficult to control yourself, it's difficult to understand what is happening around, and here it must be, we have to be very vigilant in order to prevent our athletes from being used for russian propaganda, and here we have to say that already... today there are qualifying competitions, and our athletes, as you can see, do not give a reason
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to accuse them of such careless behavior, everyone understands what they are dealing with, everyone is very alert, careful, everyone understands the high mission they are carrying out today on international competition. and what is ukraine's official position regarding participation in the olympics, even under a neutral flag, but still athletes from russia and belarus, why was it not possible to press this issue so that they are excluded and not allowed to participate. well, this struggle is still going on, our position is unchanged and principled, as long as the war lasts, there should not be any neutral athletes hidden by the aggressors at international competitions, and we see that many federations do not allow russians to enter belarus, we see examples of such federations as the international federation badminton, what excluded, excluded again, suspended the membership of the federation of the russian federation, did not allow spretsmen we. we see that the federation, the international basketball federation , did the same, and in particular
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, the international olympic committee itself suspended the membership of the russian olympic committee due to their unprecedented violation of the olympic charter, connected with the so-called annexation of cells from our temporarily occupied territories, so our position is unchanged, we believe that... that a passport is a kind of contract with the state, which means therefore, an athlete who has a russian passport supports the policy of his country, supports this war, if he does not, if he wants to be neutral, he can change his citizenship, he can change his sports citizenship, the international olympic committee has created all the conditions for this, everything else is done by us are considered exclusively as agents of hybrid influence, mr. matvia, thank you for joining, i already know... there are people who are actually waiting for the olympic games to watch both this event in general and
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ukrainian athletes, so thank you, what you joined, it is important, despite the terrible war that is happening, and to talk about sports, it is on and to support it, and matvii bidny, the head of the ministry of youth and sports , was a guest of freedom of the morning, thank you, by the way, you can write in the comments, and are you waiting for the olympic games or are you planning to watch them? or what kinds of sports you are interested in and which ukrainian athletes you cheer for, write it in the comments under this video, thank you very much for all your views, likes, for what you did. this video, ours video with your friends and acquaintances, it supports us immensely both morally and with views, have a good day, kateryna nekrecha and the whole team of freedom of mornings were with you, see you tomorrow,
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dear friends, we are back, olesya vakalyuk, andriy saichu, we work for you in this studio, we remind you that we are open until 12 o'clock, so spend these few hours in our company, we hope that you like our company, we like it very much, especially your likes for our youtube broadcast, because it helps the tv channel to be visible on youtube and to be in the suggested ones. and to stay afloat, repel russian attacks, which are also not only in the air, not only on the territory of ukraine, but the russians are also hitting the ukrainian information field and trying to knock out ukrainian tv channels from that field, so help us with your fingers up, help our army with your donations,
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only uah 1000, uah 1000 is missing. in order for 30,000 to be collected at the moment, well , in general, we lack some 170,000 to collect the necessary 2 million for the two teams for which we are collecting drones for fpv, so the card number, qr code, watch follow them and follow our conversation, and now people's deputy of ukraine oksana savchuk will be with us, ms. oksana is already with us, ms. oksana, we welcome you. good morning, greetings, ms. oksana, how are you, how long have you been in dubai, did you drink coconut there? i have never been to dubai, but you see, you just probably not in the right faction, the daughter of the deputy of the regional council, although the council of dniprovsk, dnipropetrovsk, alsu aleynikov, from the servants of the people, the daughter, the deputy, recently
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came to light in a bright scandal, we can probably even show a little, we had to translate the truth from... still understandable to our internally comprehensible language, so to speak , in ukrainian and throw away the matyuks , bake a little, as it is, the day after tomorrow i will fly to dubai, i will lie down, drink coconuts, go to the shops and feel great, and you will sit and further in the war, hide, run to the basement, suck your paw and think when you will open a zara or a hive, because you are. but you are all stupid, so you know what i was thinking, children are not responsible for their parents, but are parents responsible for their children, because if
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you look at that daughter like that, then in principle you can form a certain idea about what the deputy, mother is like , mother, well, because i know that there is, for example, victoria syumar, if i did not know her, a member of the verkhovna rada, i just know that her daughter was or was not was one of only two? there were children in the class at the kyiv gymnasium who spoke ukrainian, did not switch to russian, even communicating with their peers, this was the daughter of victoria syumar, and why do i know about this, and my daughter, because they were friends, they went to the same school together class, and i wouldn't even know victoria syumar, i would know for sure that she is a pro-ukrainian person, because that's how she raised a child with patriotic views, what can you say about that, you have many such servants of the people. hands under the dome of the supreme councilors, well, look, i will tell you honestly that i hope that in the next elections of all, to all levels of councils, to the highest level
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of the council, we will reach the point that those people who will want to become its people's elected representatives, deputies , mayors, they will first of all make such family decisions and will understand that this... first of all , it is a very big responsibility not only for you personally, as a parliamentarian or deputy of the local council, but for your entire family, because everyone they really carry this service to the people, this in fact, the family too, because it has to support, given that we are now public people, it is very important to adhere to the principles that we declare, and that's why i'm really happy, i'm happy that... the daughter says what she thinks, here, here the parents are well done, they raised a child who is not afraid to say what she thinks, i like such people, i want to tell you that
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it no longer looked like what she thinks, maybe she really thinks so primitively, because she lives in another world, a little different from the one that is more real, but it really another scandal, including those that should give an assessment. the real world is like that, and the other world can also be real, the world of lamborghinis, luxury parties and so on, and there, i don't know, but you know, and theft at tenders, for example, what this girl says, yes, how much she is 20 or so years old there, yes, because i was still surprised, i thought maybe she was a teenager, teenagers often have, you know, some kind of rebellion, to do something like that, so outrageous to shock, to touch, well, but here it is already not a teenager, then already, already... a formed person is young, therefore what he thinks, what he says, what he voices, eh, but we heard something similar from
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oleksiy aristovych about the fact that i will lie somewhere there, eh , or whether on some yacht i will swim, sunbathe, eat lobsters, and you, and you will be fools, and i have, you know, this kind of strange feeling... it turns out that there is a division into those who, as you say, are very if you love ukraine, then you die for it, and we, and we are something else, well, look, actually, we want it or not , but really in ukrainian society, even during the war, there is a category of people who think like this, that is, it is simply a voicing of a certain opinion of those who, who think like this today, you even saw where... when the last sociological such polls of street people, when young people were asked about , what she knows about the battles that took place in the last
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two years in ukraine, and in which cities the most active hostilities took place, and some of them do not quite remember what happened 2 years ago, and unfortunately, this the very information space that they have for themselves every day consume, this is what... they close their eyes, that our nightclubs open in the evening, and it opens in the morning, and these people spend all their time at night, night silence, when they should be at home, they are in nightclubs, this is the fact that they still sell alcohol when they are not supposed to sell it during the curfew, and many, including the police, know this, that is, it is actually a demonstration of the fact that even in this time of war, we... really exist in our country, but fortunately the percentage of those people who are adequate, who think and understand what is in this the war must be helped, it is bigger, but
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such... like this girl, too, unfortunately, there are, you know, recently i just had a few posts, my friends, journalists and colleagues, well, first of all, our vasyl zima the presenter, er, wrote the impressions of another one of our presenters, oleksandr morshchevka, who, as he shared, went for a run and heard, became an involuntary witness of some dance class or something, where i... as i understand it, the graduates are preparing for the graduation waltz and the teacher taught them this waltz in russian. more a journalist i know, oleg manchera, wrote a post a few days ago about the fact that in osokorky there was borshchagivka, who is not from kyiv, then such a sleepy district of osokorky, who is not from kyiv, this is another sleepy district of kyiv, and this is the capital, you understand , and oleg manchera
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writes about the fact that in the third... year of the war, he heard how teenagers, teenagers, this is the most terrible thing, because when older people speak, it's a different matter, but when young people in the third year of the great war, and because the war has been going on for a long time, they say that, but why are they afraid of me, there are no soldiers, they are herding ukrainians, well and in general, well, what, that the russians will come, moscow lives beautifully, i saw, and it is somehow. it's scary, well, look, first of all, i think that parents who still haven't understood that a child should be taught to speak ukrainian, this is global, because it all comes, if someone thinks that this feeling is for their country, it is transmitted only with a document or a birth certificate, because this is not entirely true, it is transmitted through many factors, it is because of what is in the family, or in general
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there is a feeling in the family... that people belong to some nation, i sometimes get the impression that we have a category of people who, no matter where we put them, they would adapt everywhere, they don't care whether you are ukrainian, or you are russian, or you are belarusian, well , that is, they are exclusively interested in how to live this day, how to eat something there, how to earn something there, and in principle, they still have a lot of matters, but this question actually becomes more acute during the war. and many things, remember, we talked even in the parliament about how we need state support, national-patriotic education, giving opportunities as much as possible to finance programs where children from school years go to various organizations that provide exactly this, such as plast, a national scouting organization, where they give children a slightly different world of communication, where they attract to something better, and were afraid
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then.. . to do this and now, in principle, there is nothing to brag about, that the state understands that it has to educate citizens consciously, and this has been happening since childhood, and we have a consequence, and the worst thing is that we have to draw conclusions, and these conclusions are today, well, let's let's be frank, the ministry of culture is without a head, there is no head there, the ministry of sports, in principle, too, in principle, the key ministries that should be engaged in such national-patriotic programs, they are doing practically nothing, and we are not we will be surprised that after the war we will also have a category of teenagers who, in principle , will not care where they are and what they are and who they are, and this is a real cruel truth, unfortunately. thank you for talking about this cruel truth, maybe it is somewhere out there to someone, well, i don't know, at least with
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mom will definitely have a conversation with this girl. i don't think so, i think that it's not just my mother, because she cast a kind shadow on my mother, deputy, go to dubai so that you won't be here for six months, drink some coconut there, relax, thank you ms. oksana for the conversation, oksana sarchuk, people's deputy ukraine was with us, kateryna shirokopoyas is already appearing and we are watching the news, what has happened there in ukraine and the world in the last hour, i congratulate my colleagues, in a moment i will tell you about the most operative information, as of this hour, wait. news time on the espresso tv channel. in the studio kateryna shiropoyas works. special operation in the center of kyiv. the sbu conducts counter-intelligence.


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