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tv   [untitled]    May 1, 2024 11:00am-11:30am EEST

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strong - what you need, call! greetings, it's news time on the espresso tv channel, kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio, the enemy. is actively shelling kharkiv oblast, civilian and critical infrastructure, garages, cars, premises, railways and a railway station were damaged in the area, ten civilians were injured, a 26-year-old man was killed from the front-line villages and towns of the region, 89 children and their families were evacuated. collected materials for talk show stories of russian propagandists skabeeva and solovyov. sbu detained in kharkiv
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a collaborator who helped the kremlin forces to justify an aggressive war against ukraine. the woman prepared theses, which were used in commissioned materials by russian tv channels, in particular regarding the russian missile and bomb attacks on the critical infrastructure of kharkiv. in the future, her messages were dispersed in the stories of kremlin operatives. currently, the perpetrator is in custody, she faces up to 12 years in prison. the security service of ukraine is conducting a search of andriy kovalenko, metropolitan of the uoc mp zaporizhia and melitopol. this is reported by the public with reference to sources in law enforcement agencies. according to the movement, metropolitan luka previously spread pro-russian propaganda and justified the armed aggression of the russian federation against ukraine. the official reason for the searches is currently unknown. special operation in the center of kyiv. the sbu conducts counterintelligence in
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the shevchenkiv district of the capital, this is reported on the official page of the security service. kyiv citizens are warned about possible restrictions on the passage and passage through the city streets, the verification of citizens' documents and the inspection of motor vehicles will continue, among the main locations sofia and mykhailivska squares and the surrounding area. more than 6 million hryvnias of such losses were caused to the local budget by the director and the chief. the accountant of the carpathian biosphere reserve, the state bureau of investigation reports. the reserve uses more than 66,000 hectares of land, for the use of which the reserve must pay a tax to the local budget. the impersonators organized a scheme to reduce the payment of funds. in vyshgorod, rescuers evacuated 84 people, including 20 children, from the smoke-filled entrance of a multi-story building. she reported about it dersluzhba no emergencies. according to
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their information, a car tire caught fire on the 18th floor of a high-rise building, and there was a strong shaking from the 10th to the 22nd floor. the cause of the fire is currently being determined. for the first time in history, the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine created a digital person with the help of artificial intelligence. victoria shi will officially comment on consular information for the media. i will tell you about it. in the department. the avatar was created on the basis of the real person of the ukrainian singer rosela nombre, who agreed to be in the role prototype the consular representative will appear on the air on tv and radio in moments of crisis, when the ministry of foreign affairs receives dozens of requests. victoria speaks english and ukrainian . first of all, i will inform the public and convey operational and verified information of the consular service of the mfa of ukraine. i will let you know. news about the work
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of consuls to protect the rights and interests of ukrainian citizens abroad. i will also talk about the response of the ministry of foreign affairs to incidents or emergency situations abroad and inform about other important consular question. at night, drones hit the ryazan oil refinery in russia. according to rbc ukraine, it was a successful operation of the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense of ukraine. eyewitnesses heard four explosions. around two o'clock in the morning, after which a large-scale fire started, at the same time the local ministry of emergency situations warned about the danger of drones. i will note that the plant processes 17-18 million tons of oil per year, most of which is exported. and the armed forces of poland reported on the massive transfer of military equipment to the north of the country, in particular to the borders with kaliningrad region of russia. dershava
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explained the redeployment of troops by conducting nato exercises in early may. the movement of military columns will take place between may 4 and 6. let me remind you that nato is the largest since the cold war. training of nato countries lasts from february to may. about 90,000 servicemen of the alliance take part in them. russia called the exercises provocations. mass protests in georgia. in the capital of the country, tbilisi. the police detained 63 participants of the action, the georgian ministry of internal affairs reported. the department also admitted that used tear gas canisters against the activists. and water cannons, also said that there are also wounded, protests in the country have been going on for two weeks, citizens are outraged by the scandalous draft law on foreign agents, which is currently being considered by the parliament. thousands of people gathered at the exit of the parliament to meet the lawmakers who
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support the document in the corridor of shame. clashes began among the injured journalists and opposition leaders. in may, in addition to the last... bell and graduation, eleventh-graders are also preparing for exams this year almost the same number of participants registered to take the national multi-subject test as last year. the nmt will last 4 hours with a break. let's see in the story how bilotserk graduates are preparing for the test. the national multitest 224 will start in may . the main period of registration for the test has already ended. according to the head of the ukrainian center for the evaluation of the quality of education tetyana vakulenko , more than 286,000 participants are pre-registered at the nmt. they will take exams in four subjects in one day, among the three mandatory ones - ukrainian language, mathematics and history
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of ukraine. the latter is chosen by the student: ukrainian literature, foreign language, biology, geography, physics or chemistry. also, now there will be for each subject'. to fly for an hour, two blocks of 120 minutes and a break between them are planned. despite the fact that the mock exam has been canceled, local schools are trying to immerse future applicants in the atmosphere of the fateful exam. for two months already, we have been giving them the opportunity, creating such conditionally sandwich tests, when children in conditions of close before completing the nmt, one on one with a computer in the office. computer scientists take, for example, the ukrainian language and mathematics, or history and mathematics, in this way they can, well , monitor how time is spent, whether they have time, or how they generally react to the fact that the computer system has hung up, whether
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some questions have not made it in time to do in order to prepare well for the nmt and enter the university of their dreams, 11th-graders put in a lot of effort, visit tutors, watch free webinars, and so on, anastasia shares. i prepare almost independently for dnmt, i pass different ones webinars on topics that interest me and that i need. i can also come with a question to the teacher who teaches this subject here and ask him something that is not clear to me. also, i pass the tests of previous years of zno and nmt, because sometimes the same questions that were last year come across. maksym dreams of entering a logistics... university, so the exam is extremely important to him, he is worried that an alarm will sound during the exam and the results may be canceled. i am worried that if there can be anxiety, and i, for example, am already three i judge by the tests for hours, and there will be anxiety,
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they cancel all the tests and say to retake them the next day, again all of them, and this is again an experience, and you wasted your time. preparation again, i don't know if i will drink when i'm calm, because i'm always calm, it was passed on to me from my father, i'm always calm. the main testing sessions will last from may 14 to june 25, as early as may 8, nmt participants will be able to download invitations in their personal accounts, which will indicate the date, time and place of the exam. an additional session will be held. from july 11 to 19, without the results of the multimedia test, but only on the basis of an individual interview , applicants who belong to preferential categories will be able to enter. in addition, 11th-graders who live or have lived in the temporarily
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occupied territories can enter according to a different procedure. olena boyko, oleksandr kuga, espresso bila tserkva. meanwhile, i remind you and ask you. join the gathering for our defenders, communication and security equipment is needed by the reconnaissance unit of the 3rd special operations forces regiment, they are fighting for the independence of our country in difficult battles on the eastern front. and give you and i the opportunity to live, work and study. in general, our goal is uah 720,000. and thanks to you , we have already made an advance payment. we have less than uah 200,000 left to collect. so let's not delay, the war continues, the help of each of us is crucial. now on the screens you can see all the necessary details, so please scan and provide. for now, that's all the news for this hour, then it's up to you. my colleagues lesya vokolyuk and andriy saichuk are waiting on the air. we will see each other in less than a year an hour dear friends, here we are, lesya vakulyuk,
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andriy saichuk, and this is our final hour on the espresso tv channel. it's a pleasure to welcome all those who have just joined us and all those who have been watching us, maybe since 7:10 in the morning, because that's when we're open. dear friends, i want to remind you that we have a fundraiser going on, and today we accumulated quite a bit of money with you for our guys from the 93rd kholodny yar brigade and the 72nd brigade of black zaporozhets. and you still have an opportunity to donate, if you haven't already, on your screens now you can see the corresponding qr codes and card numbers and also see what we collect for, we collect for f'. drones and we need uah 2 million for all this,
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there are two card numbers, there is a monobank and there is a private bank, if you face the screen, then here is the qr code and the card number indicated above, this is a private bank, the qr code of a private the bank must be scanned with the corresponding scanner, which must be in your privat 24 application, open this application and find the scanner and scan. well, the qr code that you see on your screens right now is the qr code of monobank and also mono card number, bank. in addition, you can also go to our youtube broadcast, for this you can subscribe, or simply search for espresso in youtube, espresso tv channel and thus watch us there and find relevant information there. i want to tell you where we are today. with you , we collected 34,000, and
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all we have to do is collect some 165,000 in order to reach two million, and you still have an hour for this, at least on our airwaves, but if you don’t have time, you will, oh someone wrote to us, a viewer with the nickname katya m wrote to us, donat has left, thank you, we accept, and we are extremely glad that you support us. collection, and we will talk now about may day, you know, by the way, if it were not for the viewers, although i suspect that these are some flirting bots, kremlebots, who, by the way, uh, attack our youtube broadcast with strikes, so you can support our youtube broadcast with a thumbs up so that we are visible, today from the very morning we already wrote: happy holiday to you, i thought so much, i think, happy holiday, what kind of holiday, everyone's day you work hard worker, listen, i just know that people who are not very hardworking prefer to celebrate that holiday the most, i have
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a wonderful story, we will now add to our air vasyl kmettya, historian, archivist, candidate of historical sciences and director of the lviv municipal libraries, mr. vasyl, glad to see you, i have a wonderful story from my life in kyiv, i once bought an apartment in such an area in kyiv as the minsk massif, er, an apartment. was located on a beautiful street with the name of marshal rakasovsky, this name has remained until now, this is the shortest avenue in kyiv, and a full-scale invasion had already begun, and the issue of decommunization was raised again, and somehow that name somehow stuck to that avenue, there was a long building on that avenue, a building in which there were only one-room apartments, owls were settled there yetskyi... the times of people who came to kyiv from some surrounding villages, towns, came to some
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factories and were given those apartments, they didn't give me an apartment, i bought it on credit, paid off the loan and had an opportunity to watch how these people from the villages, who once worked on the land, and then the soviet government decided to make them workers, and how they gradually lost their minds, not having access to... to the land, and drank themselves and that's the first in may, i somehow got a day off, because journalists always work a little outside of that weekend, and i think i will use this day off to shake the pillows there. you know, clean up the house, wipe off the gunpowder, and then there is a knock on the door, i think what is it, the neighbor across the street comes to my house and says: "happy holiday, little girl", i think she guessed that for me cleaning and the fact that i have a day off at work is a holiday, so i say, thank you, thank you, and, what kind
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of holiday do you think, and she wanted to borrow money from me, because she wanted to celebrate this holiday, when i already went outside... to the yard to shake the pillows, i realized, then i looked at the calendar, realized that it was a holiday for all workers, but the workers decided to rest, and they rested on the street, it was about 10 years ago, but maybe 12, but i i suspect that for some people may day is still, still, a sacred holiday, and they still celebrate it without working. actually resting and celebrating, mr. mykola, mr. vasyl, i apologize, what should we do with such people, you somehow explain, you explain to them, but it's still soviet so soviet this story, it sticks like a louse on a coat, yes sir vasyl, you're saying something,
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but we can't hear you, because there's something wrong with the sound, now we'll try to fix it, so that... we can finally hear what you're saying, uh, yes, and in the meantime, take advantage, while we repair the connection with mr. vasyl kmet, with whom we talk about the may holidays and how to celebrate them, take advantage of this opportunity qr code you see, eh, and the donation is small, it doesn't have to be big, you know, sometimes i update our link to the bank, and sometimes there it is... 1,598,839 uah, and then a bang and 849 uah, and so little by little, little by little, it moves us forward, to the finish line and to those two million, mr. vasyl is already with us, they tell us, mr. vasyl, yes, anu, can we hear you, yes, congratulations, again, is there a sound, oh, yes, great, hear,
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great, so what to do with such people, well, i think that all this soviet rhetoric, ideology, it will fade into oblivion. at times, and now it is simple, i think, to ignore and form new narratives, less attached to what was - what was before, that is, of course, that we are these narratives of holidays, celebrations, they of course, have a huge layering of that of the old communist regime, because if in the 19th century may 1 had a certain meaning and marked certain social transformations, the formation of workers' self-definition. and ultimately the protection of certain basic rights, in the 20th century the soviet regime turned it into, let's say, one of the may days, when certain ideological narratives could be introduced, when the day of workers' solidarity was supposed to be a symbol of the spread of the socialist revolution into the capitalist world, and such
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an alleged solidarity with the workers, well, because ours had all the rights and everything was fine with us, but... those unfortunates were traditionally there disenfranchised, i.e. and this great soviet support, it was supposed to mark the transition to some revolutionary events there, therefore the destruction of soviet narratives, the destruction of ideological narratives, it itself leads to the leveling of this ideological underpinning of the basis of the day of may 1 as one of of such pillars of ideology in the context, because there you remember may 1-2, plus later the ninth was added, and this was such a whole cycle , well, from... of course, that in the conditions of the soviet existence at the time, so to speak, for the average working-peasant mass, let's say this, it was just another extra day off, which you could use as you wanted, you know that by the way, if there are still alive and healthy dastrapers in ukraine, they already have them today there are still birthdays, they must
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be congratulated, at least these people, if there are still such, and by the way, you know, desdraperma, cheers... there is an idea, kukutsapol, oh, i already, something stuck me, and it turns out that it is corn, queen of the fields, kokutapapol, so on. so every day we learn something new about soviet things, but you know, right now i
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would like to come from funny, but one second, sir, mr. vasyl, i would still like you to react, because our viewers are writing to us, who, perhaps, a full-scale invasion, perhaps fate threw it at other countries of the world, and they say, what are you doing here with the soviet union, and now i am over there in germany in... we already had a discussion here about the eighth of march, huh, and it's just a question of what we invest in this day, yes, it is a matter of actually forming new narratives or understanding those narratives that exist in the west, you know, outwardly, if you look at the type of homo sapiens and somosoviekus and her european man, they looked absolutely the same. it looks very similar to those of our celebrations, that is, in fact, what looks the same is not always the same, because if the european or world practice
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had anything in its history, in the end, it transformed those basic days, connected with the social struggle, with the status of workers, with the struggle for women's rights, outlined it in certain basic social categories, then in in the ussr, it acquired an absolutely ideological, political... meaning, distorting anything. actually, you yourself gave this wonderful example that if in the 19th century it was about the struggle for the struggle for rights, for the eight-hour work day, for not abusing the work of women, for not involving children in the work, yes, then in the 20th century, at that moment , when these basic social rights were ensured, it is obvious that this movement had to take on a slightly different form, a different context, and at a time when in european... countries pro-union structures were formed there, or certain other professional measures were formed, which were aimed at the declaration and development of these rights, these powers, then in the ussr it
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actually happened rather ugly, because it was impossible to formally recognize that we were fighting for rights, well, what the soviet a citizen did not have the right to fight god, but no, of course, he had to have the right to fight not god, but lenin or whatever, but when it came to her or that. spacious, then yes, of course, it is may 1 gift of presence, let's say in the world the international day, the day of workers' solidarity, was declared in 1972, and accordingly other narratives were built around it, that is, at the time when there was talk of labor day, of certain traditional things, in the ussr they talked about the day of consolidation for the sake of some great revolution , because in the ukrainian tradition we can also talk about this link, when, if you remember, in the 17th year there was talk of renaming the day of solidarity of workers to labor day, actually, associating it with european world practice, then here we actually referred to the historical
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experience of galicia, when in 1890 galician workers, lviv workers, poles, jews, ukrainians gathered for the same protection of their rights, it was about the strong development of the oil industry, oil production in galicia at that time, and when these mayans, when... this may 1 as a labor day had a certain meaning for them, that is, if it is a matter of tradition, if it is a matter of the meaning of, let's say , such a day, then without a doubt, here we can have certain parallels and talk about the fact that their experience is somewhat commensurate with our traditions, but at least as of the end of the 19th century, instead, when we talk about may 1 as a construct that, together with may 9 and november 7, formed the ideology of that particular day. totalitarian communist space, it is obvious that it is actually not the same thing, in the ukrainian context we need to work on the formation of exactly those narratives, we have restored the day of thrift, we
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are restoring the day of labor, we are restoring other days, but which of them were supposed to be holidays on weekends, obviously time will tell when the war will end, because now we don't have weekends or celebrations, but the fact that this day must be decommunized and that it must cease to be like that... right, it's obvious that it's the muses that need to get rid of it, you know, about such soviet citizens, you can often hear from them that you don't like our holidays, leave us our holidays, don't move them, shashliks, you're taking away the garin from us , you take us away with barbecues, mayskyi, i was impressed such a small schedule, which spread very much in my bubble on... this is the project of oleksiy ignatenko with oleksiy bolderov, scientists oleksiy, maybe they will be with us tomorrow in etheria, it is already so small, i am making an announcement for tomorrow for our
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viewers oleksiy, it's good. knows personally, and they are making a project, digitizing, in particular , data on ukrainian scientists, the ukrainian academy of sciences, academicians, which was still founded under skoropatskyi, and then russia, well, if the soviet union had left it there, and if you look at the schedule of the deaths of scientists ukrainian, and among them there are many world names, people who could, as oleksiy bolderev wrote, why don't we have our own nobel, for example, in chemistry, because the potential whole group later received the nobel. and the ukrainian of this group, just look at this graph, what can we show it now, but these, you see, such a line comes from below, underlined, so rough, bold, and we just can, and this is the 37th year, this is 37- and year, every aunt is one academician, one scientist, he was gone, who was gone in the 37th year, was gone not of his own accord will, but because he was shot, and this is what
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we, ukraine, lost. ukrainians, ukrainian culture, ukrainian science from the soviet government, as well as the ideology of the so-called labor legislation and the labor movement, it largely opposed and formed the basis for the destruction of that bourgeois so -called elite in order to emphasize the fact that only the workers' priorities in we are recognized, and i will repeat, no one thought about them, they were a priori recognized as recognized, and actually this led to those so'. and shifts and shifts in mentality in psychology that we have ugly today, there is another may ninth, and we, we have a holiday that appeared in our calendar, not a holiday, a day, because it is difficult to call it a holiday, last may we had it in such a way, wow, we didn't even reflect on the topic of the eighth, ninth, especially, it's a day
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of remembrance and reconciliation. it wasn't before, and it has a different connotation, it's not like that in our country, this day appeared not so long ago, ugh, but may 9 still holds, those ukrainians who taught soviet history, who, which they chanted that it was victory day, and all these soviet songs were sung, and all these soviet films about the war, where all these soldiers are in the military in this one, these soldiers with clean fingernails in those films. was even this narrative of the type of our great national war, that this is our real great national war, or is this a useful narrative, where does it lead us? eh, this is a fatal narrative, we talk about it a lot, and this is the narrative that also has a cannula, we have to get rid of it categorically, we have to clearly form the basic historical narratives and to realize that the capitulation of germany was signed on may 7, general sosloparov,
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ivan sosloparov, a famous intelligence officer. the soviet diplomat, who did not have the authority to sign the act of surrender, caused stalin's indignation. there was a request from dotrumin to churchill not to make this information public, but the german press had already informed about this capitulation on may 7 , the british press had already informed, that is, it was already known in the world, but the re-signing of the treaty took place at the request of stalin, and then the events on may 7th, it was announced as a kind of pre-accession agreement, something so absurd. that is, this reims agreement was not recognized. this second capitulation was already signed near berlin on the eighth, but at the turn of the century it turned out to be the eighth-9th, so in fact, if we are talking about may 9, then this is only an exclusively invented soviet narrative that did not carry anything behind it. but if we abstract from the war events, then let's talk about the fact that may 9 is actually a completely political ideological communist construct of 1965. when speech
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it is about... the end of a victorious war for the ussr, then few people also mention that the real document that marked the end of the war was signed only in january 1955, when the presidium of the verkhovna rada of the ussr adopted a resolution on the end of the war with germany, and until the 1965th year, there was not a single day off on may 9, or such a victory, because at that time there were still alive and there were active participants, real participants. hostilities, were alive, those who were born and were participants in the first world war, those who witnessed the 33rd, in the 37th year, eventually by the 65th year, those who were seriously wounded, who saw the realities of war, and were not just active komsomol members who glorified the regime and...


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