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tv   [untitled]    May 1, 2024 11:30am-12:00pm EEST

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that year, when it comes to the end of the victorious war for the ussr, few people also mention that the real document that marked the end of the war was signed only in january 1955, when the presidium of the verkhovna rada of the ssr adopted a resolution on the end of the war with germany , and until the 65th year, there was not a single day off on may 9 or that victory day, because at that time there were still alive and... there were active participants, real participants in hostilities, well, those who were born and were alive participants of the first world war, those who witnessed the 33rd, in 1937, after all, by 1965, those who were seriously wounded, who saw the realities of war, and were not just active komsomol members who glorified the regime, died, and then young veterans, who were 40 years old, received this carte blanche and... the soviet government
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of 1965, with its new decree, declaring may 9 as a day off, begins the promotion of the very victory that we have , the consequences of which we are reaping and the fruits of which we are reaping to this day. the presentation of medals for the 20th anniversary of the victory begins here no previous anniversary has been anything like this, millions of soviet citizens are involved in this propaganda and accordingly a completely new one is being formed. narratively, what could be the soviet victory day? you know, there were several of them, even in the year 45, because after the surrender of japan , september 3 was declared victory day, and in the year 47 , they were canceled, relatively speaking, both of these dates, they ceased to be days off, so that the soviet union was at war with germany, deportations continued, took place the corresponding political changes in eastern europe and , realistically speaking, stalinist...
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didn't know until the end that he would declare, declare a real victory, that's why it became obvious already in brezhnev's time, that's why this narrative of may and broke, someone, someone calls to mr. vasyl, he is obviously connecting to us from the phone and disconnected us . dear friends, i think that if vasyl, thank you very much for the conversation, vasyl kmet was with us, we thank each other, archivist candidate of historical sciences with the director. well i think so if you study the true ukrainian history, and not the propagandist one, then a piece of shish kebab, on the may holidays, friends, you won't get stuck in your throat, let's take a short break and continue, then we will talk about international politics, of course, what will happen to us in the context of ukraine maksym nasiitelov, international political scientist, stay with us. when you sleep on an uneven surface, the spine takes the wrong place.
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looks like something that can promote peace, then serbia and hungary is somehow not on the side of peace, it seems to me that the serbs, among other things, refused to join brics, not everything is so simple. mr. maxim, what to expect from this visit? in fact, the visit is very interesting, shijin pinya was not in europe, god bless the memory, five years ago, probably somewhere like that, if my memory is really not working, ah, and this, to me seems to have become a sign that there has been a certain weakening of relations between with europe and the united states of america, that geopolitical influence and such general political influence of the united states of america on europe has weakened, and not least because of this
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crisis caused by the pre-election period and all these trump statements, europe is preparing for the possibility of , that trump will become president even before this unpredictability. and further interaction with the usa, including europe itself, is taking the initiative to improve it improvement of cooperation with china, a number of visa visits to china took place, now sezinpin's visit to france, but it seems to me that the task of these visits to france, to serbia, to hungary, is completely different. if we are talking about serbia and hungary, then here it is about a meeting with such sates. we, who for a long period of time were satellites of the russian federation, but since the russian federation is gradually turning into a vassal dependence on china, china is trying to take over the influence on the influence on those countries that it had before the influence of the russian federation, well, it
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still has, with the balkans they did not succeed, well , partially, there they were able to occupy montenegro to a greater extent, in fact, credit expansion. uh, but it's not the scale they expected, now they're trying to step it up, i think orbán will just be excited that xijin ping will come to him, he'll start to consider himself even more... so serious an influential political figure, he also met with trump, and then ct was flying on one belt, one way, now it’s over will come, just now he is in the seventh heaven , and so is vujicic in serbia, i think he will be extremely satisfied with this misit, this is such a plan b, if it is not possible to reach an agreement with the leading countries of the european union, then to introduce certain destructiveness through countries such as oh... hungary and serbia, and the meeting with macron is precisely the story of the fact
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that both the united states of america and china perceive the european union as such a single political organism, and in the paradigm of such superpowers, in their imagination , they want to talk specifically with someone and about to agree on something, in europe for a very long time there was no such... person or country who would be an unconditional leader, with whom you sit down and agree on something, and you agree with the whole of europe, conditionally, and over the last period of time , such the picture that france, and in particular emmanuel macron, began to claim such a conditional letter of the united europe, and china had the opportunity to sit down with someone, talk and tentatively agree on relations with the whole of europe, i do not think that it will strong talk about... as such, because china is still not very interested in making this peace happen,
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because so far it is benefiting for itself, but in the long term, of course , economic interaction with the european union and the united states of america is beneficial for china, because this is about 80% of their gdp, and the benefits they receive from this war and rapprochement with russia are, of course, incomparable, by the way, about blinkin, who also... visited beijing, and how successful it was, everyone they say that there was an unsuccessful, even a failed visit, i am with that one met with the opinion, did the american diplomacy actually succeed in achieving its goals during this visit to china, it seems to me that just this visit made europe blue, it will not show how successful the visit was, because it probably wants to check the current position of europe and the usa , is common as far as it is coordinated and unified, because if he now meets with macron and understands
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that what blinkin told him about is no reinforcement from europe, then the visit can really be characterized as trovalny, because, i will repeat, china's economy is tied to trade with the west, if the west puts forward some kind of ultimatum towards china with a united front. then it will work, but if this common position between the united states of america and europe does not exist, then china will, it seems to me, strengthen its interaction specifically with the european union as much as possible and try, due to economic benefits, to gradually drag them to its side, well, or at least there weaken europe's interaction with the united states. blinskin said. that the help of china, russia, makes this, turns this war into
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an eternal one, uh, how can the world stop china, and and is it possible for the civilized world? well, exactly, this, this is a matter of joint, joint coordination of the united states and europe, because well, there are two options, either economic pressure or direct physical pressure. we are talking about some kind of armed conflict, here the question is what other priorities are 100% china's, what is it betting on? if they are betting on such an aggressive expansion, on the capture of south china seas of the sea and then the seizure of taiwan, then most likely there will not be a direct confrontation here, if china nevertheless sets for itself the main issue of strengthening its... economic capacity, overcoming the crisis, which is also connected with connected with the bubble that has formed in
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the construction market, china will be more inclined to certain rational agreements, both with the united states and with europe, but if trump becomes the president of the united states, then it is unlikely that he will somehow negotiate, because trump used to spend. all his negotiations, all his policy from the position of strength, we remember what his presidency was marked by in relations with china, there was such a rather tough confrontation, there were also... trade wars and in general it was a period of quite powerful tension, but then there was no such tension between the usa and europe, and for china too, i think a lot will depend on the results of the elections in the united states of america, because despite the fact that biden continues the policy of containing china, but
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his administration still it does more gently and she tries to negotiate and lead. well, to maintain a certain dialogue with takino, well , a little bit about the united states as well, there everything is now tied to the campuses of columbia university, there is a lot of attention, there the students seized the premises of the university, it all happened at night, now it seems that there was an assault by the police, the administration of the owner of the university is threatening the students, who started those about pro-palestinian students who started. all disturbances are their exclusion, here, by the way, there is such an interesting moment when two such tall blonds defend the gate of the university of one of premises from the crowd in masks, so to speak asian, most likely the origin of others or students or the protest of the protesters, we do not know, it is some kind of rather almost
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caricature sketch on the subject of this takeover of columbia university. aunt, by the way, well, many famous people react in some way, for example, hollywood actor, star of the comedian series michael rapport also posted a video on his twitter, where he also came to these protesters today and writes that he checked how things were going near the columbia university itself, and i do not amazed free palestine from hamas that 's the right message and... i'd applaud any of these protestants if they brought it up but if you just hate jews you're going to lose that's how hot things are at columbia university, and we know that a similar situation occurs in other campuses, other universities, why are there such strong pro-palestinian sentiments in american universities? well, such
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sentiments, they are characteristic of such... left-wing youth, left-wing sentiments, unfortunately, are popular, because, well, they are always among young people are popular because it is in their imagination, it is about some kind of social justice and so on, and about, but about the lack of a real understanding of how this world is organized, what are the real sentiments, i am very happy when, you know, at pro-palestinian rallies they rise lgbtq flags, communities, and... i would really hate for these young people, representatives of this community, to ever end up in palestine and the gaza strip, because it is amazing, every time among those first hostages and those who died during this festival, what we are talking about they said that in fact, the current war started, and with hamas in israel, there were many, probably also representatives of such left-wing youth with left-wing
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views, and who became victims of these militants, well, but it's nothing, as we see, nothing. not with those victims, representatives of the lgbt community, for example, who died in the first days of these terrorist actions, but in solidarity with their actual executioners, and with those people who murdered them, amazingly, as a person who was recently a student , i can still remember those times i can say that when you are a student, especially active... socially, you have a lot of enthusiasm, you have a lot of desire to stand up for everything for everything good and against everything bad, everything is very simple for you, you have black or white, there is no gray, and you try to fight by all means, there is little experience, there is still little experience, there is not enough intelligence, but there is a lot of enthusiasm and energy, and
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you want to use it for the good, but these are the rallies in the united states of america, especially the attempts to seize them ... from buildings, they usually lead to the opposite result, they do not put any pressure on the authorities, as we remember, the capture of the capitol, there is no such thing that it leads to the fact that the authorities begin to doubt and play along with the protesters, because the usa negotiated with terrorists and with such boisterous demonstrators , they don't do it, despite the fact that this country is a democracy, but we also remember the occupy wall street campaign, which happened long enough ago. but the protestors there did not achieve their, their goal, they are so calm to themselves dispersed through the buildings, that was the end of it. it seems to me that such actions, on the contrary, can motivate even more. the united states of america to support israel, because israel in this regard, it conducts a more competent policy, they are engaged in lobbying, they are engaged in institutional,
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institutional pressure, this works in the states, but such actions, they usually lead only to the opposite result, well when i was a student, it was a long time ago, but here in the 90s, but i remember that i had a great admiration for ernesto cheguivara, of course, and his... this is this line about feeling any injustice in any corner of the world like the one directed right now against you, and that was a certain slogan, and then you know that ernesto chegivaro was a maniac, a scoundrel and a psychopath, and well, not a very smart person, because in the future all his actions ended in failure, so here everyone is already sharing their memories of student life, and i remember that i teach as a student. at the faculty of journalism at the lviv national university, we went to actions against kuchma and against his arbitrariness. well,
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that was it, yes. so this is the case when that student enthusiasm can be directed in some wise constructive direction. come on, we have literally two minutes left, maybe we'll have time to talk briefly about other mass protests, this is what's happening now in tbilisi, in georgia, there it's being covered again after that. how the demonstrators were dispersed at night, the police are again blocking the approaches to the ministry of justice, what is happening now in tbilisi, in short, what can we predict? to me it seems that this is the last time for georgia, i'm sorry, the last chance to break out, well , the last chance for a long enough period of time to break out from under this russian yoke, because this georgian dream is what it is for me. not a phenomenon, in fact, as much as i love the georgian people, georgian traditions, culture, georgians themselves are beautiful people, it is amazing to me that this party
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was able to seize power there and impose such frankly, well, directly laws that are tracings of russian, and despite the fact that they are still trying to blackmail the european with it union, that there accept us in yesa, then we will cancel this law, such an absolute moron. it seems to me that it is time to show the georgian people that this government does not represent their interests, and indeed, it is very good that these protests are only gaining momentum, because, judging by the rhetoric of the authorities, they are very similar to the rhetoric that was in the ukrainian authorities during the revolution of dignity, because they say that they are ready to disperse all these rioters, imprison them and so on, that is, they are not at all disposed to dialogue with the protesters, are dying their... line, and if this protest fails now, then the authorities in georgia will only tighten the nuts, so i express my hope and such support to the georgian
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people that they overthrow the government, which is very much , and we also join in this, mr. maksym, thank you for the conversation, maksym nesvitailov, an international political scientist, was with us, we talked a little about what is happening in the world and what is related, of course, to ukraine. 40 thousand, friends, today you and i gathered for assembly for... our military on fpv drones and for us now only 159 00 left to complete this collection and have 2 million and send fpv drones to the front line. lesya vakulyuk, andriy seychuk worked in this studio for you, see you tomorrow at 7:10, well, you stay with espresso, because etereso continues, pa-pa. gasoline trimmers are so heavy, loud and uncomfortable, and as always , the fuel ran out in no time, and you want to have a beautiful, well-groomed area. there is a solution. garden trimmer
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12:00 pm
news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shirokopoyas works in the studio. in the morning, the russians hit a car and a private house in the kharkiv region with clubs. a man and a woman who were in the car died, three other cars that were nearby also caught fire, pensioners were injured, a 77-year-old man and a 74-year-old woman, collected materials for stories, talk shows of russian propagandists skabeeva and solovyov. the sbu detained a female collaborator in kharkiv.


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