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tv   [untitled]    May 1, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm EEST

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to our broadcast, i welcome you, well, first of all, mr. mykhailo, let's talk about the situation that is developing around the temporal ravine, because this is the city that the russians are now trying to enter , as our leaders of the armed forces of ukraine and the state have repeatedly said that until the ninth or seventh of may, when the so-called inauguration of the so-called president putin will take place, that the russians want to go there... to enter this city, the spokesman of the khortytsia operational-strategic group of troops, nazar voloshin, told on our air that the russians continue to press for the time being, the occupiers do not spare either personnel or equipment for this, but there is no enemy army in the city yet, the defense forces control the situation, let's listen to what nazar voloshin said, and to capture him for the time being, the russian army is trying to ... just go around on the flanks through
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bohdanivka and ivanivske, there they dare to storm these villages in order to take, so to speak, the remnants of the times, but they do not manage to do this, the enemy conducts assaults, these are mobile fire groups, which you may have already seen on the video , there is a lot of this on the internet videos, on golf carts, motorcycles, dirt bikes, assaults continue 24 hours a day, but the enemy does nothing there. mr. mykhailo, so far the enemy has not succeeded, but obviously he is striving for it. how do you assess the situation that is currently developing around the time gap, and what makes russians admire this city? well, actually, the russians are attacking not only in the direction of the temporal gap, they are trying to act in several directions at the same time, we have already talked several times in and in the programs, and analyzing the situation, what in principle the russians will try...
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to use may as efficiently as possible, because they understand that the window of opportunity is closing, and as ukraine receives american and european assistance, it will have more opportunities, first of all, more ammunition, more opportunities to use artillery fire in order not to to allow a breakthrough with different intentions, but now, while ukraine mainly uses fpv drones, they... are trying to improve armored vehicles, including using their so-called ingenuity, in order to precisely with fpv drones it was not possible to destroy their means of delivery, let's say personnel to the assault areas, and since there is a limited amount of artillery, since there is a limited amount of anti-tank means, the russians are trying to take advantage of this moment. as soon as ukraine, the armed forces
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of ukraine will have enough artillery ammunition, enough anti-tank means and plus fp drones, i think that this will be the end of their offensive, but again everything depends on the pace of delivery, the promised aid, because the decision of president bayten signed, now bureaucracy is included, logistics is included, and here we understand that there may be a certain time lag, which russia is trying to... use and i emphasize, not only in the time gap. after the official announcement by washington of the decision to provide long-range atakams missiles to ukraine. berlin continues to refuse the supply of taurus missiles and, as polish foreign minister radislaw sikorski says in an interview with a group of german publications, washington's transfer of atakams missiles to ukraine should persuade berlin to transfer them to kyiv. let's
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let's hear what radislav sikorsky said. i hope that the events of the last few days will have a positive effect on the chancellor. in particular, the usa provided ukraine with long -range missiles, the famous atakams with a range of 300 km. and i hope that the chancellor understands that this is a response to a sharp escalation on the part of russia. well , mr. mykhailo. what can you say about this intransigence or fear of germany, that their missiles would fly towards the temporarily occupied territories of russia, i understand that this is the biggest problem, and most of all, the biggest fear of scholz, that these missiles will fly to crimea, and then russia will accuse germany of entering the war on the side of ukraine, well, accordingly. to wait for some kind of answer from
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putin, i did not accuse, germany is one of our biggest. friends and partners from the point of view of providing aid, and i would like to draw attention to the fact that germany just now, uh , still found an opportunity to hand over to us the first patriot, the first battery complex, when president zelensky of ukraine started talking about the seven patriots that we minimum necessary to stop these blows on ukrainian civil infrastructure, on energy, on other... military and civilian objects, and germany is precisely the leader of this process, therefore, in principle, if germany leads the anti-missile and anti-aircraft coalition, i think that this is quite an effective use of those funds, large funds, by the way, there are about seven billion dollars, which germany
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promised to spend on ukrainian aid this year, this is also quite effective. regarding taurus, there are several points, except, in principle , psychological and political. complexes itself chancellor, there are a few more technical points, that is, specialists say that taurus, unlike stormshadow and scalp, is not so easy to adapt to soviet aircraft, that is, this process is difficult, expensive and long, that is, of course, if it could have been started a year ago , then now in any case we would have these missiles in our arsenal, but it turned out that germany still does not ... wants to do it, i think that if it concentrates on anti-missile assistance, it will be not bad , and if indeed the united states, again, we are now talking more about what's being published in the press, we don't know for sure if, for example, the united states is going to give us
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enough atakams exactly 300 km, i would say that ballistic missiles are a pretty good addition to the missiles that we have sculptor plus ukrainian neptunes, it would be possible to create a complex threat for , for example, a grouping of russian occupying forces in occupied crimea, and this would have its effect from the point of view of precisely preparing the operation for the pre-occupation of crimea, even without the tauros, that is, still the resources are limited, and now we need to provide the most effective, fastest possible help, that is , if the atakams can be quickly delivered ... to ukraine, i would still bet on the atakams, plus tom shadow and scalp, since they are already adapted to our planes. and then, germany still concentrates on patriot, on iriste, and possibly other systems, including, for example, short- range ones, because we constantly talk about
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medium-range systems, we mean patriot and iriste, but those systems , which could help us. to fight with russian drones, and not only strike drones, but also reconnaissance drones, which now pose a huge threat, because they fly, sometimes to a depth of 100 or more kilometers behind the front line, create problems in the front-line areas, in odessa and so on, they are the ones who lead reconnaissance and iskander strikes, dagger strikes and other means, air-launched cruise missiles, and that's a huge problem and... maybe you've seen the i50 like the 55 being used, but in terms of a more effective anti-aircraft missile we need a shield, including, for example , german air defense equipment with a short range,
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it would be good, mr. mykhailo, but, well , considering the fact that our western partners give us help regularly, but... it is not enough for to create a parity of forces on the russian-ukrainian front, what and how can this parity be created, what is missing now , what our western partners are not adding yet and whether they are able to give ukraine enough weapons to equalize, well, that parity, about which i say on the front when the ukrainians will not look weaker in terms of... weapons, it is clear that the motivation of the ukrainian troops is much higher than that of the russians, but there are still not many weapons, what is missing, that is what the western partners do not dare to give ukraine so far, and this is absolutely necessary for us, well, in principle , politically, in fact, almost all systems are already
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allowed, but precisely because the united states did not give six months, did not make a decision, they were engaged in their own political processes, about... there was a rather powerful gap in ammunition as well, both in artillery and not only in atakams, but in any means of long-range, anti-tank means, that is, in ours. in principle, quite a lot of elements fell out and it is too early to talk about parity now, that is, i would say the first thing is ammunition, that is, the basic element is artillery, ukrainian artillery must carry russian infantry and artillery to a depth sufficient for the russians to not even be able to plan their assaults, offensives and so on, now of course this cannot be done, the main means remains the means of countering assaults. fpi remains the russian tum drones, this is clearly not enough, we don’t need to go out, if we went out for a skirmish with russia in
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artillery, it would already be a huge relief for the ukrainian troops, well, then we are talking about the same fresh-remembered atakamsya and f-16, of course , which should neutralize russian dominance in the air, but if we have these three elements, well, plus, of course, one could also say about anti-tank means to... really guarantee the destruction of any armored vehicles that appear in from the point of view of ukrainian soldiers, it would be generally good. currently, we are very far from parity in all the mentioned directions, we have a huge deficit, i hope that the adoption of a political decision by the united states, it gave the necessary impetus, but even at the meeting with the secretary general of nato, president zelensky said , that the decision has been made, but the process. the supply of serious weapons will be delayed, why this is happening, it is difficult
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to say, but one can imagine, well, for example, if indeed in the absence of budgeting on the part of the decision on the part of congress, then budgeting by the administration, in the ministry of defense of the united states, for example, the necessary processes were not launched not only for production, which in principle is a long process, but also for the preparation of such weapons from the arsenals of the united states armed forces, because obviously this requires appropriate decisions, in that including financial ones, and this, of course, created such and such a gap , again a gap that is now beginning to be filled, but again, these weapons are delivered from overseas, and of course the same ammunition cannot be delivered quickly, unless to use the arsenals of the european united states. mr. mykhailo, a few days ago the minister of defense of germany boris... stated that there are signs that the russian federation is not only covering the needs
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it currently has, but is beginning to produce much more weapons and is trying to move these weapons to warehouses , uh, what does that mean, it means that uh, our western partners are not keeping up with russia, that is, in russia, this military-industrial complex is much... more quickly deployed during wartime, and we see that they are making more weapons, they are trying to stockpile these weapons, is it still a misleading impression that russia still uses not only its own weapons, but also north korean ballistic missiles and iranian drones, and obviously some dual-purpose products are coming from china, and it’s just the illusion that russia is such a big, arms-building monster... which is trying to do much more than it needs, and in order to simply
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include the whole world in an arms race, as the united states of america once included the soviet union, and as a result soviet the union fell apart. well, i will say right away that there is no way to compete with russia and the axis of evil, if we exclude china and other countries from there, because the economic potential of the west. the big west, let's say, the wide west, it is much bigger, and there is nothing to talk about here, it's just that russia transfers its economy to military rails much faster, unlike our partners, our partners had the impression that if, if if congress had not decided on aid, the united states would, for example, excluded themselves from the process of supporting ukraine, and this would lead to... very, very negative consequences, but if we talk specifically about the information of the minister of defense of germany, then of course
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he speaks, obviously relying on the reports of german intelligence, and maybe they have such information, for example, i have not seen such information, of course, in the public domain, that the russians have started stockpiling something, well, for example, with armored vehicles, they are definitely continuing to... let's say, cleaning up their bases for storing weapons and military equipment are located it has been there since soviet times, satellite images prove that they choose all possible equipment. they cannibalize it, collect three out of 10 tanks there, armored personnel carriers and bmps as well and try to replenish their units and units, units with equipment, but in fact they don’t always have it, even that works out, they don’t keep up with this pace, for good reason golf carts, motorcycles and other improvised means appear, loaves,
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armored urals, sheathed in iron and so on, that is , all this indicates that the armored vehicles... are lacking in them, so it can be concluded that that they are not stocking up somewhere already , the same with ammunition, they have north korea working for them, that is true, and this allows them to hold the lead compared to ukraine in this segment, but i would like to emphasize that if you count all the programs launched in the european union, the czech initiative, plus the united states, we can say that in the 24th year, somewhere in the second half of the year, ukraine can, if... if we are not talking about parity, again it will be let it depend how much north korea will transfer to russia this year, but somewhere ukraine will have 2.5 million munitions, this is a very good level, which will still allow to neutralize the threat or such a radical advantage of russian artillery, that is, with artillery, with ammunition, artillery too, i
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will not say that they are already starting to gather somewhere some bases are kept. and somewhere they are already preparing for new offensives on europe or, for example, in terms of ammunition, with planes in the same way, with missiles in the same way, that is, i do not have such information that would confirm the words of the german defense minister, but he may have had keep in mind that after all, europe needs to quickly transition to a military economy and prepare for difficult times, do not think that now the war will end quickly and you can do nothing, i think that perhaps this meaning was put into his words by the minister of defense. of germany mr. mykhailo, at the very end of our conversation, i would like to ask you about the shelling of odesa, because yesterday the russians hit with an iskander missile, which was, as experts say, filled with shrapnel to give the impression of manpower. to date, five people have died, more than 30 people have been injured, four are in serious condition
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condition two children, aged 16 and 5, and a pregnant woman were injured. how often do the russians use these weapons and what kind of weapons are they, i.e. they are cassette blocks for iskander, in what form is this shrapnel, i.e. there is an ordinary iskander, well, the missiles that are launched by iskander are filled with shrapnel, i.e. it is some other modification, which simply has a very large radius of impression and living, living people, if, if they. they spit at the epicenter, well, yes, this is an iskander, just an iskander with a combat, cluster combat unit, it is, in principle, a full-time combat unit, there is a unitary one, there is cartridge, and as a rule it is really used to increase the area of ​​damage and manpower of the enemy and armored vehicles, that is, it can destroy these because
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these elements can also destroy armored vehicles, but... here the very fact is that this is an outright war crime , when a country uses a ballistic missile with a cluster warhead, it is completely prohibited, in fact, of course, it is completely prohibited to hit civilian objects, but when you also use a cluster warhead in a ballistic missile, well, it is completely beyond comprehension, and i not to be honest, i have not yet seen a statement from the european union, un, osce or others. organizations that would simply, well, not that they condemned, but started talking about the opening of another criminal case regarding the use of such a weapon against the city of millionaire, just a peaceful city of millionaire, against him, why is this ballistic missile being used, and it was obvious, that this missile
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was aimed at this area, it is difficult to say where exactly, or at this castle, so-called... or maybe it was somewhere, i don't know, another way district, but a cluster combat unit aimed somewhere in this area, that is, it was not a specific target, but for a large area, and there are definitely no military units located here, they may come, i don’t know, there are those who like to talk things out, accuse ukraine of some kind of excessive force and so on, but, but let the international organizations come. and they will look at what russia is doing, i think that putin can be brought to the international court for this case alone, because the attack was made in broad daylight for... and a civilian city with a million in europe, i think that this is beyond the limit of general understanding, well, i understand there, if they hit a railway
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junction with iskander, you can say that okay, this is a war, there is a railway the military transports are somehow pulled by the ears, but here specifically it just seems to me that putin is specifically mocking the international community and simply demonstrates that he can do anything, but... sanctions do not work, at the same time it just struck me in general, parallel to this with this event, in the united states an order is issued to remove sanctions from russia's largest energy-related banks, that is, the biden administration obviously does not want their gasoline price tag to rise before the election, as the americans say, due to the fact that some russian banks there will not be able to transfer funds or trade oil, i don't know what exactly the americans mean when they lift sanctions from these russian energy-related banks, it is clearly written there, it is oil, gas and so on, but it looks very
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cynical, that is, on background of this blow sanctions are lifted, uranium is traded, business as usual continues, while they say that ukraine cannot strike at the refinery, well, this is simply beyond comprehension, and well, sorry, it is very difficult to explain it here, although in fact it is only possible for this putin would be attracted. putin personally, because he is the supreme commander, and for this strike he can clearly be held accountable as a war criminal. thank you, mr. mykhailo, for the conversation, it was mykhailo samus, a military expert. friends, we work in live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are currently watching us on these platforms, please subscribe to our pages and participate in our vote. today we ask you the following: do you support the activity? independent public broadcaster, yes, no, it's pretty simple on youtube and there are actually only two options, and you can also leave
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are abroad, for whom consular services in countries outside of ukraine have been stopped, and they say that they have to update their data in the tsc, of ​​course, the electronic cabinet is not working yet, on which ukrainians who live outside of ukraine and do not use snapy are supposed to... a mobilization campaign, like how as a result of this, does the government communicate, does it somehow try to communicate and explain, to tell all men from 18 to 60 years old that... that there is a constitutional norm, there is a constitutional duty, and all citizens must fulfill this duty regarding the protection of ukraine during the war, why
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do people have such a reaction to such a decision, well, considering that the war is now in a hot phase, we understand that obviously mobilization will affect many men, well, 90% are correct, well, in general, the government acts in mode patching holes and extinguishing constant fires, which itself provokes, if you take into account the style with which i will introduce, well , in general, the government approached the writing of the draft law on mobilization, and then the implementation of this draft law in the council, as it all turned out, one gets the feeling that the government is the main destroyer in country, because with... such an approach does not actually improve the defense capability, and the nervousness of the society is inflamed to
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such a level that people already... especially you, who are abroad, will think about giving up of ukrainian citizenship, because even in a situation where the law has been voted, this arbitrariness regarding consular services has put ukrainians in a very strange position, when the native state refuses to protect the interests of its citizens abroad, although it itself demands respect for itself and... fulfillment of obligations connection, in particular, the duty to defend one's country, citizens of ukraine, but it should be remembered that hundreds of thousands of ukrainians found themselves already after the start of hostilities abroad, due to the schematism of the authorities, because how many representatives of the ruling party sluga the people are involved in the customs clearance of people abroad, let's recall at least the story of such a...
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mp from ternopil, who threw away a wad of 500 dollars, a bribe for customs clearance, for the fence of her building, and she, by the way, still walks around the parliament, she it seems that she even voted for this law, that is, in essence , what is called the government, initially approved, there is such a household term, a part of itself. him abroad, and now he will try to bring him back, again arranging, well, absolute bullying. the law has not yet entered into force, and ukrainians are deprived of the right to obtain passports, where the law on mobilization prescribes the refusal of the state to issue passports abroad, this is some kind of, well, this is the confusion that
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has arisen. just leave a part of the active ukrainian population firmly abroad, people, and so ela libanova spoke earlier about the fact that 30% of ukrainian displaced persons abroad will not return to ukraine, i now think that thanks to such efforts of the authorities, well, half of the men will definitely not will return, that's how and in what way... men will return it is also not clear yet, because germany said that even if the ukrainians do not get their passports extended, they will issue them temporary passports, which will mean, well, in fact, the passport of a ukrainian in germany or in the countries of the european union, at the same time the president of lithuania gitanas nauseda and
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prime minister "ingrid". supported the idea of ​​returning to ukraine men of draft age living abroad, they stated this during a debate on lrt radio. let's hear what they said. ukraine, ukraine must have the means and tools to invite their young men to serve their country. we must cooperate with ukraine in all senses. we could probably find some ways. to make sure that a person has fulfilled his mobilization duty, or is released from it, when we consider the issue of extending a temporary residence permit, but we need to work not only with the ukrainian authorities, but also more widely, because the so-called temporary protection for ukrainians. you see, mr. volodymyr, that the countries that are part of of the european union, they say that there is
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legislation that... guarantees people who fled the war, in what way they fled there, and there is a part of people who did not flee, but left early, live abroad, that they guarantee them temporary protection, but mr. serhiy, there is another interesting mechanism, if ukrainians do not trust, and some ukrainians do not trust the ukrainian authorities, the authorities of zelensky, because of which they see how inconsistent and... destructive, i think, this authority is. that would be an interesting experiment if the countries in which ukrainian men and ukrainian refugees live, offered service to ukrainians on the terms of these countries, under social guarantees of these countries, ukrainians could then come to ukraine and would have a chance
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to return to their country of residence after... the end of the war, a contract with


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