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tv   [untitled]    May 1, 2024 2:30pm-3:00pm EEST

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border, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. the information day of the tv channel continues, 1:40 p.m. the security service of ukraine reported. about the suspicion, i apologize, the 30th, half past three, i looked in the wrong place, but for the sbu, i informed the metropolitan of zaporizhzhya and melitopol of the suspicion of luka andrii kovalenko in the pcp, in peace, i am quoting now press service of the security service of ukraine. according to the materials of the investigation, the metropolitan publicly expressed his disdainful attitude towards parishioners of other denominations, he repeatedly mentioned this during communication with parishioners and during the event. church
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liturgies. the cleric posted provocative posts on his personal telegram channel, where he insulted the religious feelings of representatives of other faiths, and, according to the sbu, undermined the socio-political situation in the frontline region in favor of the country, the aggressor. yes, the examination confirmed the facts, and it was reported about the suspicion of a member of the uocp, it is a violation of the equality of citizens, depending on their racial, national, regional affiliation. beliefs and on other grounds, and the perpetrator is even threatened with imprisonment, well, but taking into account the fact that an electronic bracelet was removed from pasha's mercedes, so to speak, an electronic bracelet, well, as they say, let's wait and see what happens with this metropolitan of the uoc mp. we are adding a guest to our list, oleg kalashnikov, head of the press service of the 26th separate artillery of the brigade named after general khorunju roman deshkevich, we are in touch, mr. oleg, we welcome you. glory to ukraine. glory to heroes.
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good day everyone. please share with us the situation in the bakhmud area. of particular interest is the goldsmith. what is happening there? we know that the enemy is trying to press head on to the city. well, but our brave soldiers are trying to prevent this in every possible way. you have a word. yes, the situation is not easy, complicated, nevertheless, we control it with the defense forces of ukraine. really makes the maximum efforts that he can, uses all its available resources on our section of the front and tries to storm the immediate direction of the ravine, carries out attacks such as lisivke, ivanske, bohdanivske, directly looks for a weakness in our defense in order to break through and get as close as possible to the place itself, but it must be recognized it...
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fails, he suffers rather significant losses, both in weapons and in personnel, but he simply does not abandon these attempts. if we talk about the enemy's attempts to capture the ravine of time, so to speak, that is, we understand that powerful flanking strikes are ongoing, well, they cannot take chasiv head-on, we understand that, they can only strike and use artillery, aviation, and so on and so forth, they try to do evasive maneuvers here and there. how powerful they are, and if we talk about the current situation, as of may 1, he really has, or rather intended flank, this is the direction of ivanovske, which continues to defend itself, there are quite a few of them going there heavy, heavy battles, near ivannisk, this is...
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usually west-south, here the 102nd motorized rifle regiment is storming, then we have klyshchivka, andriivka, which are also holding, moreover, they are holding very well, despite the fact that the enemy strengthened his group here, and now this same settlement, these positions are under attack by several motos, several motorized rifle regiments, and the 83rd separate long-range assault brigade is also involved here. that is, precisely these locations, precisely these positions of ours do not allow the enemy to create exactly such a southern half the flank, i.e. to take the ring, as he did in some other places, but he does not succeed in that zhovdiivka, so he tries to storm directly in the forehead, besides, after all, i understand that he has deadlines, which he tries all to do it on may 9, and that's why he really doesn't regret not...
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the strength of the resources he's throwing at the assault now, and what kind of resources and forces are these, how prepared are these units, what are they? here we can really observe them. elite, it has been quite a long time, we have 98 air tithes brigade, all three of its regiments are involved here, as well as the 11th, a separate amphibious assault brigade returned again on december 15 and continues its assaults exactly where we are and in the direction of ivanovske, that is, we can observe that it is quite prepared, if we take sub-divisions, the prepared composition is quite sufficient, however, it is quite significant... the number and partially mobilized, who were simply thrown here for the sake of numbers, so in order to press us in mass, there are such and such, there is also a voluntary assault corps of theirs , a unit that simply names change they change, but the essence remains the same, they
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are also here with us, we see them, and of course the storm z is already such a common phenomenon here at the front, when these semi-criminal and criminal units are also behind... in hostilities, that is, in there is such a mix of them, some are more prepared, some are less prepared, but they try to involve everyone in the attacks. and what is the numerical advantage of the enemy now in your direction? well, i won't tell you the ratio there, you know, in terms of numerical superiority, but i 'll just point out that today there are assault actions directly in our direction units are carried out, until the total number will be somewhere between 20 and 20. mr. head of the press service, i would like to ask you about the concentration and intensity of artillery fire from the enemy side in the direction of chasiv yar? they try to use the maximum of their capabilities in terms of shots, that is, what they have
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available, both for the artillery of the barrel and for the mlrs, but it is not the number that they would need, if you take ... well, a start may, the beginning of may 22nd, when they were conducting active offensive actions, then then they used in this period on the entire section of our front something like 40-50 thousand shots per day, today they have this number, it is 10,000, that is, not 10,000 on our shade along the front line, that is, it is not the same the number they need, but, nevertheless , their artillery is working hard. it directly supports the assault actions of its units and works on our positions in the breaks between assaults. and if, for example, we talk about the quality of their artillery, well, relatively speaking, that is, it is soviet and russian artillery, did they get some or other
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unmarked artillery systems from russian allies, maybe in iran, maybe in north korea, or maybe some or other chinese companies supply them with something, are supplying them. if we take the pro-artillery installations directly, then this is still russian production, russian soviet production, because we can observe at our front in the 1940s, too, an artillery system, although i would like to note that today it is towed towed artillery, so which are still self-propelled artillery installations - this is 219, 2s5, which we saw before, they appeared somewhere. they can be observed, but in a very small number, most likely this is due to the consumption of their shells, it is for these installations, they are slightly different, the 152 caliber is slightly different from different artillery installations, so today we will observe a larger number precisely trailed
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towed guns, but it should also be noted that their number on our section of the front increased after the ovid... walkie-talkie, they tipped something here have increased their artillery contingent, and if we are talking about the use of drones both by us and by the russian occupiers, to what extent are they now trying to somehow modernize them, so as to bypass the detection capabilities of our rebs, and what does the enemy have with rebs, including? indeed, today drones are very significant. this is a component of hostilities, and the struggle is also developing, if you take one slave at a time, then the enemy slave is represented in quite a significant number at the front, and that is , they also follow our drones, they they are trying to modernize it,
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adapt it to our frequency, but it should be noted that we are also developing quite well in this direction today, an increasing number have already been presented to us. rap, which also muffles, oppresses, oppresses, enemy drones, directly we can see that our leaders are such guys who know how to work. with electronics improve the ttx indicators of our drones precisely against their reb, that is, we currently have such confrontations in this case, and i would like to note that our drone pilots after all, they are more professional than the russian ones, they know how to target moving targets while our enemy tries to work more on... thank you, oleg kalashnikov, head of the press service of the 26th separate artillery
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brigade named after general khorundzhy roman dashkevich, was ether espresso. we thank him and let's move on, in literally a few minutes we will continue to inform you about important events, i would like to remind you that today there was information that the journalist should be given access to the verkhovna rada, and we will actually have for a few minutes, the people's deputy of ukraine, dmytro razumkov, we will ask him about this and... well, we will not only ask about this, so stay with us, in a few minutes we will continue. you need to mend clothes, hem curtains, shorten trousers, and the prices in the atelier are sky-high, we present a sewing machine, assistant, unpack the tv. light, compact, multifunctional, and the price is only from uah 499. the machine-assistant sews fabrics, almost any. strength, dense linen, soft cotton, delicate silk and even denim. now
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22:00. studio event with anton borkovsky at espresso. greetings, this is svoboda live on the radio freedom. we have already approached the snake itself. the following shots may shock you. live news from the scene. drone attacks, kamikaze. objectively and meaningfully, there is no political season, exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. shot! freedom of life - frankly and impartially, you draw your own conclusions. the tv channel's information day is ongoing, we are now adding dmytro razumkov, the leader of the deputy association smart policy, to our broadcast. glory to ukraine, mr. dmytro, glory to the heroes. well, we would like to start, you know, with journalistic, but it hurt, and so
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we understand that our population wants to learn not in portions, but quite adequately and preferably. in real time, what is happening in the verkhovna rada, you know, so that everyone's stupidity is understood and seen and evaluated properly, and here we understand that certain positive signals are coming, but sometimes, you know, i scroll through facebook, read these or other posts of mariana bezgulo, and here i see that if mariana bezgulo advocates for the return of journalists to the verkhovna rada, then perhaps such a the administration... they praise the relevant decision, and then somehow, i don't know, it will be properly carried out in the rest of the institution, instances. well, i don't know how it will be approved, and whether this applies only to journalists, you said, they hurt yours, not only yours, but also ukrainian society, because in fact the situation is very difficult, and today we have to talk about the fact that access
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to mass media there is no information, today they do not show the work of the verkhovna rada, and in fact we... faced the usurpation of information at a single marathon, and there are some positive developments, today there really was a round table, here i wanted to thank the specialized committee and the apparatus of the verkhovna rada, because unlike the opinion of the majority, the leadership of the verkhovna rada, they are ready to return journalists to the verkhovna rada, so far we are talking about the return in the regime that i was in the days of kovid, then... then i worked in the press center, but today i raised the issue that at least they allowed to put cameras on the balcony so that it was possible to broadcast the meeting of the verkhovna rada. they do not agree to this as of today, no they agree to the broadcast being online, i don't know why, the story about the security component does not stand up to any criticism, everyone knows when
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the verkhovna rada is meeting, what is going on there and how it is going, therefore... objectively, this absolutely crazy. nevertheless, it is better than nothing that journalists will return to the walls of the verkhovna rada, that they are ready to return them at least to the press center, in order to provide objective, quick information about what is happening in the verkhovna rada, and about what is adopted in the verkhovna rada, and for so that journalists could still ask deputies what they vote for and what they are guided by. when certain decisions are made, very often completely illogical, i did not refer to maryana or anyone else here, the issue here is that our international partners have already started talking about the untimeliness of a single marathon, and they are talking about , and the state department said about it that in fact this is a usurpation of the information space, and this is a story that harms democracy and the work of not only
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the parliament, but the work of state institutions, in this respect it is very reminiscent of russia. mr. dmytro, and how will they... select those who will be allowed, because, i quote, more than 4,000 journalists were previously accredited in the verkhovna rada, they plan to give 20, at most 30 representatives of the media the opportunity to stay, and actually, how will they filter, well, if we, and i will tell you right away, the representatives of the single marathon will be accredited in the number of 90% of the personnel, that is what i am taking, well, for example, espresso journalists there... i doubt it, i just raised this issue today, so that it would be objective presentation of journalists, so that they are from different media mass media, could present different opinions so that there would not be a single marathon, especially since the tv channel rada already has access to both the hall of the verkhovna rada and the sidelines, so
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it is unfair if these cats are given to everyone else who is present in .. the only marathon, but there is indeed a limit of 30 journalists, the explanation is that there is not enough space in the shelter in the verkhovna rada, i do not understand what my colleagues are talking about, because even if you look at the hall of the verkhovna rada, we do not have all of them mps go to work, so it would be it is not bad to give this quota to journalists, they will be more useful than some people's deputies, and some even people's deputies who go to meetings of the verkhovna rada, and... questions were raised about fair representation, let's see, because this will be the area of ​​responsibility of the apparatus of the verkhovna rada, i hope that they will have enough intelligence and inner strength. inner strength not to engage in what the united marathon is doing, to give access to all journalists, including espress journalists. it is known, known
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the television channel, which does not exclusively engage in government propaganda, provides objective information, and it is very important that other mass media that will be presented there are independent, impartial and do not really depend on the decisions made at the bank. let's see, it will be here already. proceed from specific results, but i repeat once again, it is better than nothing, because before this neither stefanchuk nor the representatives of the monomajority allowed, there are relevant resolutions, my resolution was registered on september 5, 2022, about returning journalists to the walls of the verkhovna rada, unfortunately, this did not happen, it was not even brought to the hall of the verkhovna rada, this is the direct area of ​​responsibility of the monomajority, because they influence the formation of the agenda and stefanchuk and... the chairman of the verkhovna rada, but they really don't want journalists to be there, they really don't want to see what a mess one of the main bodies of our state often turns into, so
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all the same, i would like to thank those who help to shift these are stones from the dead points, we will see further, we will work, if there is another attempt to usurp the information space, we will do everything so that... and from the press are represented in the walls of the verkhovna rada and can convey real objective information, well, let's hope that it will be successful , so to speak , to solve this story, and i wanted to ask you, mr. dmytro, recently there was a conversation with the government, or rather with its representatives, and, as far as we understand, quite specific and tough questions were asked, in particular, regarding the situation with using considerable funds from the state budget, which should, so to speak, be used in order to... dream of our energy industry. this is also about specific energy facilities, their safety, and so on and so forth. well, in order to figure it out, we even involved relevant specialists, well, a very
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difficult, but very promising matter, because it is about the use of tens, i am so modestly voicing the amount, tens of millions of state funds, and maybe even hundreds of millions, well, accordingly, even wanted to create a temporary investigative commission. of money, you will correct me, i think you are much better. in those sums, they were going to create a temporary investigative commission, but as far as i understand, the vote did not allow it to be created, but we would still like society to find out, yes, well, where did the money go, the money for the energy industry, for the energy industry, if we are assured in the fact that, somehow , everything is not too rosy, indeed, the question is correct, we did not receive a single answer, it was a meeting on friday, kubrakov was present, he... he did not give all the answers to all the questions, he did not give any adequate response, and in fact, billions of funds were spent and
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billions of funds are being spent on strengthening critical infrastructure facilities, but by and large this is not happening, there were also issues related to the spending of funds on substations, about which naim once told that by the end of winter will be after... everyone is fortified, and today they are under shelling by the rashists and, unfortunately, successful shelling by the rashists, and billions of hryvnias have been spent on this, and there is no answer as to where they went, there is a kind of nonsense beginning to tell people about the second, third level it doesn't matter, there is no light in kharkiv, there was no light in odesa, today we receive constant emergency flows from the european union, and this is all the area of ​​responsibility of kubrakov and nayem, directly, therefore... but i would like specific answers, which were not there, in parallel, i i asked questions about the spending of funds, for example, they are spending 5 billion hryvnias on the construction of a bridge in
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the chernihiv region, i understand that it is needed, but today there is this crossing, the construction of a four-lane bridge, and 50 km from the border with rashisti, well i'm not sure that today it is a key priority, as well as the construction of a district road... in mykolaiv, where they want to spend 12 billion uah on it, and today there is no port infrastructure either in mykolaiv or in kherson, and it is unlikely that it will appear tomorrow, and today to spend such huge public funds on such, on such issues, well, very, very illogical and very wrong, in my opinion, but they find an explanation why they do it and continue, so this is it... it looks like a crucifixion of the budget, as an attempt to bury and roll money into the asphalt, and not in order to use them for the needs of the security, defense, business assistance, and
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aid sectors. and to the protected sections of the population, we are talking live with you, well, here is the news from the editor-in-chief of censornet, yuriy butusov, so i am quoting the editor-in-chief now, the minister of infrastructure kubrakov can be fired, and the incumbent appointed in his place, attention of the minister of defense rustem umerov, here is the information from butusov, maybe you can comment, maybe you have some additional details. as far as i know this is not true, they are now they will not change kubrakov, he is very involved in all areas, including large-scale construction, and he is connected with the president's office, so i do not think that this will happen today, plus he is supported by some embassies, so i do not think , that such changes
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will take place in the near future precisely because of kubrakov, or will they... not because of the cabinet, i think so, but because of other personalities, hint, be kind, hint, mr. dmytro, hint, well, who, there are many people who out of place, starting with those who once occupied a position so that ukrainians do not return home, such as virishchuk, the vice-prime minister, malyuska, who likes to sign something from under the table, and many other random people who are in the cabinet of ministers of ukraine today do not... that is, as far as i understand, this is a certain tension, so that iryna vereshchuk can lead some, i don't know, powerful diplomatic mission in tropical or subtropical africa, i understand correctly, or not, whether she will be promoted, shmigaly, she just headed something else, not related to diplomatic missions, because we have been transformed diplomatic missions as a graveyard for inefficient officials. mr. dmytro, we have two minutes, but i would like you
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to react to serhii le's statement. the adviser to the head of ope, who said that if we close the marathon, we will have media. well, but it sounds funny against the background of the statement of the state department, which in its report says that the marathon, on the contrary, created a monopoly of the information space in prime time on television news, and actually, how do you think we are going to get away with the united states, which gives us help with such statements? i would like to understand that lishchenko said this as the talking head of the president's office. or as a dj between sets that he plays at night, eh, or as a person who receives 300 uah or more, as a member of the supervisory board, it is not clear for what, for an hour of work per month, and then it would be desirable that he engaged in his immediate business, he is better at playing sets in a nightclub, it is more effective for him, firstly,
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secondly, this is the only marathon, and there he... tells that it is russian epso, eh 37%, if i'm not mistaken, he trusts a single marathon, that is, based on leshchenko's logic, more than 60% of our citizens work for russia, let him better look at himself and what he said before a full-scale invasion, what he said in relation to how to prepare before the war and that there will be no war, let's first deal with his statements, he will apologize for them, including to... the families of those who died in erpin, buchia, gastomil, etc., and then we will talk about everything else, about all the other stuff he carries. thank you, dmytro rozymkov, the leader of the deputy association sensible politics, was ether espresso, we thank him for the inclusion. well, let's now pass the floor to our colleagues, because it's already past news time on the espresso tv channel, and our colleagues have prepared fresh information that we need to know with you right now. we pass the floor to anna.
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we congratulate you, colleague, and give you the floor, please tell us briefly what you managed to find out about. thank you for your work, the newsroom is working, let's talk about the most important things and i'll start with the consequences of the attacks muscovites to our cities and villages. be with us. one person was killed and two more wounded russians fired at kalynov in donetsk region, the head of the region, vadym filashkin, said. for the second time in a day, the occupiers raided the village, as a result of the shelling, residential buildings and farm buildings were destroyed. emergency services are on site.


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