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tv   [untitled]    May 1, 2024 4:30pm-5:00pm EEST

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from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day with a phone survey, turn on and tune in, the verdict is with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. the tv channel's information day continues, well, today at lunch two people were killed and six were injured as a result of guided aerial bomb attacks on the village of zolochiv, in the kharkiv region, this was reported by the head of the kharkiv regional administration, oleg synigubov, i quote: at 10:00, russia did not strike with kabami
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a civilian man and woman were killed by shelling on a car and a private house in the village of zolochiv, bogoduhiv district, who were in the car, and later sinigubov added that as of 1 p.m. it became known that the number of victims had increased to six, among them an 11-year-old boy, a 64-year-old man and a 38-year-old woman died, both locals were in a car in the area hitting the enemy kabu. that's the news. well, there is an important message from the minister of economy. yulia sveredenko, acting as first vice prime minister, she stated that ukraine reached pre-war export figures in april of this year, in fact we have a record for the entire time of full-scale invasion, and for example, in march, exports amounted to 11.8 million tons, in january, 12 million tons, and in general, it says that in monetary terms, if we speak, in april we broke a new record. export
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of goods from ukraine 13.1 million tons of ukrainian cargo in monetary terms - this is cargo worth more than 3 billion dollars, that is, we understand that even in such difficult and difficult conditions of war , our economy, our entrepreneurs are trying to work and actually show fantastic results, but we will also talk about how it is possible to help in these difficult conditions to adapt and somehow it is also possible to run one's own business. activities and not only for our veterans. dmytro oleksienko, vice-president of icc ukraine. we are already in touch. mr. dmitry, we congratulate you. i congratulate you. good day. yes, and i would like to talk with you about state support for veterans. i approached this question from such an economic point of view. well, but we understand that supporting veterans is not only about giving them certain opportunities for running a business, generally adapting to life, yes, to being themselves.
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the ministry of veteran affairs, together with non-governmental organizations and representatives of other institutions of civil society , conducted an analysis of the draft law on the basic principles of veterans' policy in ukraine. well , the corresponding draft law has not yet been published, so we would like to ask you right away what it might contain and what... in your opinion, i don't know, there are moments that are not enough, and why, and why in general it is still not in free access? look, he's still there is being developed by the ministry of veterans, and i would like to paraphrase ms. and mr. marta in the opposite way, that there should be not only social support and adaptation of veterans' society, but also economic, economic factors and tax benefits, why? because i...
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the ministry of veterans of ukraine has already announced that this law will be precisely about the adaptation of veterans from the war to public life, but as we see. as practice shows, our business is not very willing to hire veterans, our veterans have problems starting after the war business, well, they have nowhere to turn and so on, now the ministry of veterans is still at such an initial stage of implementation, here we see the second month of the new team in the ministry in this and... but what was said, what was announced, that will be in this draft law, well, in my opinion, it is still not enough, there is no answer to these questions, ah, namely, how will veteran business differ from ordinary business. well,
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look, yes, mr. dmitry, we understand that, well, supporting veteran business is a very important story, well, but one would always like to distinguish the wheat from the chaff, that is , to have a certain system... of criteria that could really support what is called a veteran business, so here we are , minister solsky, so to speak, in a legal way tries to explain certain abuses, so to speak, that were connected with land, for example, for veterans, that is , nothing illegal, well, in theory there is none, so they wanted to get land, that is, they got land, and then sold it, well, here it is always with there are some not indifferent citizens. on who would like to use people with veteran status, well, here is the question, how should all this be in reality, so that it would be fair and useful for veterans, of course, in ukraine we always struggle with the consequences of some kind of
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abuse and, let's say, throw the baby out with the bathwater, business is first of all natural persons, veterans, these are enterprises that must be determined, for example, as i propose, 50 plus one share or share in the authorized capital belongs to veterans , and veteran such businesses should be provided tax benefits and preferences, of course, there can be overlaps, but we see how to fight them and how to prevent this at the legislative level, so my proposal is to involve not only the veteran community and the public council in this bill ministry of veterans affairs, but also the ministry of finance, but also the ministry of economy, so that
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the benefits for veterans would be of such a substantial nature, and a veteran who leaves, calls for service, can count on his future precisely in business, because the minister himself said that more than 60 veterans, military personnel interviewed by the ministry, said that they plan to open their own business, and on the other hand, we see the national revenue strategy, approved by the cabinet, which, for example, cancels the simplified taxation system there for the next three years. years, you know, to leave our veterans on their own with taxation in the name of hetmantsev, well, i wouldn’t want to, i would give the united states of america as an example,
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there are now 19 million veterans, and among them the lowest unemployment rate, somewhere around 4%, 4,4,4%. only unemployment among veterans, in general in america this indicator is 5.3, that is, the state involves veterans as much as possible in business, it gives preferences, and because a veteran who does not work is such a threat, perhaps this is an explosion, a danger, dangerous, such the situation when a veteran is alone with... without a business, without a job, we understand and support dmytro oleksienko, vice president of icc ukraine, was on the air of espresso and we talked about how the state should actually allow russian veterans to adapt ukrainian war, in particular through their businesses, so as to
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give them the opportunity to open certain startups, and the state should think about how the tax pressure on them could be reduced so that these people who return from the war. who are adapting to post-war life in civilian life had every opportunity to do it as much as possible in comfortable and acceptable conditions for them, we are now going on a short break. after it, we will continue our broadcast, but, by the way, i want to remind you about something that we did not mention today, rather, i mentioned at the beginning of our broadcast, but it has been several hours, i think it will not be out of place to remind you again that we are currently collecting funds to purchase props, and we understand that the military that is currently protecting us, they hope that we will continue to help them in the rear here in the future, therefore uah 2 million is now our goal, which we want to close. to purchase as many semi-drones as possible, which will make cotton for the russians, and our boys and girls
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know how to use them correctly for for them to be as effective as possible, so please throw your 10, 20, 50, 500 hryvnias at whoever has what opportunities, we understand that they are different for everyone, but the main thing is not to remain indifferent to the needs of our soldiers, so we ask you to join, and that, we are going for a short break, we will continue our broadcast after it. thinking about a new mattress, but what's stopping you? have you ever thought about what you sleep on? old mattresses accumulate not only dust, but also moisture that a person releases during sleep. a new mattress topper or bed linen only aesthetically will be able to improve the mattress. choose a camel orthopedic mattress and your sleep will become noticeably better. take advantage of the super offer for half the price. call now and order a camel orthopedic mattress. instead of paying the full price of the mattress,
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vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of air time, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like family to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. events of the day in two hours. big broadcast of vasyl zima, a project for intelligent and caring people, in the evening at espresso. the information day of the tv channel continues, well , there are a lot of events today, but some individual directions should be analyzed, which are extremely important, oleksandr povlichenko, executive director ukrainian helsinki union of human affairs, contact us. glory to ukraine, mr.
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oleksandr. glory to the heroes, have a good day. well, they would ask you as a person, which, as a person. very well understands the specifics of the fulfillment of certain obligations and , in particular, the interpretation of the relevant processes by our ministry of justice, so we would like to ask you for an appropriate professional comment. there was information that ukraine was withdrawing from the convention on human rights, and who began to refute this information? minister of justice of ukraine, mr. malyuska. so, i'm quoting now, ministry of justice. the information that... since april 24th, the protection of property rights and the right to fair elections has been suspended is false, this is what the ministry of justice said, and earlier there was information, i would like to remind you that ukraine is temporarily withdrawing from the human rights convention , it is in particular about the cancellation of the right to dispose of one's own property and so on and so on, you have the floor, yes,
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thank you, first, let's talk about the fact that during emergency situations, such as... war, for example, a possible natural disaster, the state, which undertakes to comply with standards, norms, in accordance with such documents as the european convention on human rights, the international covenant on civil and political rights, has the right to deviate from its obligations. well, moreover, look at when ukraine ratified the european convention, and this happened in 1997 in... on july 17, there was ratification in the parliament, and accordingly, on september 11 , the convention entered into force, then the state could make certain reservations during the ratification or application restrictions some rights, this was done by other states, if you look, for example, at the list of states and
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the ratification is there with reservations or without reservations, then a lot of states enter reservations regarding which... on specific rights, especially when it happens during such situations , as we have a large-scale war with the russian federation, then a corresponding retreat from obligations is made, and what does this mean? well, firstly, first of all, when we talk about er, the state, when it ratifies the european convention on human rights, it undertakes adhere to the standards of rights defined in the articles. of this convention, do not violate them, however, all states violate them a little bit, let's say, the european court is a controlling mechanism that stands on guard of compliance by states with cases defined in this convention, considers both individual statements and interstate statements , determines in which cases a violation occurred, no
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violation occurred and makes a decision on the relevant cases, giving accordingly. states have the task of correcting the situation with violations and ee not to violate in the future, when the state finds itself in a situation, as ukraine is currently at war with the russian federation, then it understands that it cannot provide all rights, provide, i repeat, not fulfill, but provide, and in 2014, understanding that the territory of the autonomous republic of crimea remains. legally ukrainian, but ukraine cannot ensure the right, for example, not to be subjected to torture, the right to a fair trial, the right to property. ukraine withdraws from its obligations under these rights, noting that such territories, such as donetsk, luhansk regions, for example, are not controlled by ukraine, or
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are not under the control of the government of ukraine, as it is legally defined, or the territory of the arc, they are, de facto. are not under the control of ukraine, accordingly, ukraine declares its withdrawal from its obligations to comply with the standards of the european convention in these territories, the rights of the european convention in full or with some reservations. now for this last of our precedent with the corresponding notice of departure from obligations. in this the document states that there are a number of rights. under which the obligations are derogated from, and some of these rights were cited back in march, i think march 2022, it was the same... this is called a derogation, a stated derogation or a derogation from the obligations of a number of rights, it is said primarily about such rights as here in this
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document, article eight is the right to privacy, article 10: the right to freedom of expression, article 11 the right of association, the right to peaceful assembly, and what is important, one of the basic rights is the right ownership of the first article of the first. the right to peaceful assembly is the second article of the peace protocol, the right to education is the third article of the same first protocol, and one important rule is the second article of the fourth protocol, the right to freely leave the state as a citizen, or to return to the territory of this state. ukraine made these changes precisely with a view to implementation. of the recently adopted legislation relating to mobilization, and accordingly, in order to avoid possible appeals to the european court of human rights, is called
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this is a statement of application to the european court in the future, which could relate to exactly this category of relevant violations of rights, the state makes a reservation, at the same time giving an argument as to why it does it and in which... specific situations, i.e. it is not about canceling the right for peaceful possession of property, no, but the state, in accordance with the legislation that has been adopted, can, for example, requisition some vehicles in accordance with the protocol adopted there, let's say, as it should be carried out, with compensation, with all the guarantees of this process respected, but there is such a right so that there is no, let's say , an appeal to the european... court, that this is an arbitrary action of the state, of course, mr. oleksandr, look, i'm sorry to interrupt you , you simply explain in great detail, and i think it is important for our viewers to understand
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the truth, as well as the simple essence of all this, because when information appeared that this list of rights restrictions could be the right to property, then actually this was created this news that ukraine can officially restrict people in this right, but then there was an explanation from... the ministry of justice that, in principle, we already have such a restriction in place since the 22nd year, we did not come up with anything new, we just continue to inform about the restrictions that can theoretically occur in our country, but again we also see that the state does not always apply these restrictions, and in fact, why ukrainians began to worry so much about this issue, because many thought that the state, perhaps intends, after all, this is his right to limit, these rights are now being tried to be rebuked... to be used, and someone already thinks that some movements in this direction will begin, let's explain in a simple way to people what we can expect next, that is, we
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see that the state is turning to the european advice about what can limit certain rights, but there is no guarantee that the state will actually do it, that is, it can happen only if the state shows such a desire, see, first, the state does not cancel these rights, let's first, there are none of these rights canceled or limited. the state declares that in some cases it may not comply with the standards defined by the european court of human rights in its case-law regarding the application of the european convention, that is , this derogation does not mean that these rights are abolished, all of them will be valid, implemented by the state, but there will be certain situations when eh... in other cases, let's say this, in peacetime, it was considered a violation that could be appealed to the european court of human rights, but in this situation, the state will have an argument, it
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has informed about this deviation from obligations, and there is a reason, the reason is this legislation, which is also stated in this document, so no one needs to be very afraid of anything, you have to look at these laws, which are currently day were adopted and they are also ... themselves appearing in this list of documents submitted to the council of europe, and accordingly , these documents should be taken into account if someone is going to challenge their illegal nature, that is, this is what we are talking about, you understand, we are talking about the strategic level protection of human rights at the level of the european court of human rights, and here the state says that now we have narrowed a little, it is called the field, or rather... they have expanded the field of discretion of the state, there is such a concept defined in the first article of the european convention, these are the limits, in which the state independently decides
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to what extent it can provide or not for... it is possible to adjust these or other rights and yes, well, we understand that with small steps the freedom of our fellow citizens with you, that is, there is no such fear, i would not say so , probably it should be said that we need to carefully monitor all situations where we believe that these rights may be violated. that is why this document works for us, and i would like to remind you that the second chapter of the constitution was actually drawn from the european convention on human rights with an almost verbatim wording of those
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rights that existed. transferred from the text of the articles of the convention to our constitution, so to talk about the fact that we limited our rights, we limited, and the government limited our rights, no, this is not true, our rights were not limited, there are situations that the state notes when it she may act with no provision or incomplete provision of rights in accordance with the standard. which are defined at the level of the european convention on human rights, in short, yes, that is, everything works, but there may be exceptions to this rule, and when before these exceptions could be appealed to the echr, the european court of human rights with appeals, and i know that we will be able to win such a case and the state will bear responsibility, then in this case the state has such an indulgence, let's call it that, caused by wartime and
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legislation, was adopted by this state precisely during wartime, and if we are talking about a mobilization bill that provides for the mobilization of vehicles, then this is exactly the case when the state essentially informs the council of europe that in this case we can there, for example, to mobilize the vehicles of certain ukrainians according to such and such criteria, respectively, so that the ukrainian from whom this vehicle is mobilized does not go to the european court of human rights and write. drinks for ukraine, which took it from him car, it simulates the situation anyway, thank you, thank you for the honest warning, that is, well, the queue to the european court of human rights is a little shorter. oleksandr pavlichenko was in touch with us, the executive director of the ukrainian helsinki union of human affairs, analyzed the situation extremely carefully, well , today's live broadcast with marta is gradually coming to an end, but, but, but, marta, by the way, about one more thing limitation.
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the department of defense is negotiating with one of the largest satellite companies to to limit the filming of the territory of ukraine. this was reported by the press service of the agency, and a meeting of the leadership of the ministry of defense and the company, whose name is not disclosed for security reasons, has already taken place on this occasion, and they are actually doing it so that the satellite images do not fall into one or another not-so-good hands. now i am quoting deputy minister of defense kateryna chernogor chernogorenko, she says that every day. some companies are surveying the territory of ukraine and these images can be used by the enemy, so we are grateful to our partners for the willingness to sign a memorandum with us and jointly implement a mechanism to limit the filming of our territory, and we know that russia uses satellite images to adjust even its strikes. well, more news will be told to you by our colleagues who will continue to work on the air of the espresso tv channel, well, antin and i are saying goodbye to you today, we will see you tomorrow in this studio at the same time. good bye.
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greetings to all who are from espresso, i am a name and this is news, two people. six died wounded such are the preliminary consequences of the settlement of the city of hirnyk in donetsk region. according to the message of the head of the region vadym filashkin. the russians attacked with hurricanes. a 57-year-old woman and a 64-year-old man were victims of the attack. the victims are provided with the necessary assistance. information on the number of wounded and volume.


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