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tv   [untitled]    May 1, 2024 6:00pm-6:30pm EEST

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problems, thank you, thank you, this is maksym matviichuk, commander of the intelligence platoon of the rubizh brigade, an officer of the ngu, well, actually, i remind you, always join our meetings, now it’s fpv, well , our time is up, then we have news, so stay tuned espresso, well, we 'll see you in a week. how many rockets do muscovites have in their arsenal, evacuation under fire, how people are taken out of donetsk region and why ukraine will fight with the occupiers in space? my greetings, with you is annaeva melnyk and the news editor summarizes the results of the day. what passes: 40
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the occupiers now have zircon hypersonic missiles and they are able to produce up to 10 of them per month, writes the army inform publication with reference to the main intelligence department. as of the end of april , the muscovites also have 400 onyx weapons with which the occupiers hit the southern part of ukraine. the putinists also have 270 caliber and 45 kh-69 guided missiles. the last ones. difficult to produce, so they make from one to three per month. for security purposes, ukraine plans to limit space surveys of the country's territory. for this, the ministry of defense will cooperate with one of the largest satellite companies - said deputy minister of defense for digitalization kateryna chornogorenko. according to her, this will limit the russians' access to photos of the territory of ukraine. the name of the company with which
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they are negotiating is not disclosed, but chornogorenko notes that such cooperation should become an example for other satellite companies. two people died and six were injured. these are the preliminary consequences of the shelling of the city of hirnyk in donetsk region. according to the message of the head of the region vadim filashkin, the russians attacked with hurricanes. a 57-year-old woman and a 64-year-old man were victims of the attack. the victims are provided with the necessary assistance. according to the prosecutor's office , falling debris caused several fires, damaged residential buildings and farm buildings. four people were wounded by the russians in nikopol. two of them are in the hospital, informs the head of the dnipropetrovsk regional military administration, serhiy lysak. the occupiers hit the city with a drone and artillery. panivechiny department of the local hospital, an emergency school and a sports ground. seven suffered injuries
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private houses, six farm buildings, power lines, a car also caught fire, the fire was extinguished. a 67-year-old woman died as a result of an attack on lillyukivka in the kharkiv region, and the number of injured as a result of airstrikes on zolochiv increased to eight, including an 11-year-old boy, he is in the hospital, two more people died, the ministry of internal affairs reported. muscovites hit the center of the village with an airplane. destroyed private residential buildings and administrative buildings, 20 cars in nivychchyna, specialists are working on the spot, the occupiers also caused strikes on the civilian infrastructure of kharkiv and dropped guided aerial bombs on the lipotsk community, this is a private building, as you can see, there is no military equipment, not a single military one, a projectile flew into the ministry of defense. 30,
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approximately 100 kg, of explosive material is in it, according to solochev, the central part of the city, at least three cabs flew into the central square, at the moment there are two dead civilians and six wounded, a very large number of people were in the square at that time, that's why such a number of victims, there is a flight in in the temporarily occupied mariupol, the adviser to the mayor petro andryushchenko writes that... russian analog anti-aircraft missile system went off in the north-eastern part of the city, the locals saw the missile fly by, and the occupiers had to raise the plane into the sky. hits were recorded at the bases of the occupiers, after which the muscovites relocated to the left-bank area, informs the center of the mariupol resistance. and the collection of the tv channel for communication and security equipment for the intelligence unit of the third regiment of special forces continues. of operations in
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the hot eastern direction, they are in difficult ones they fight for our independence with you. thanks to these brave soldiers, we can live, work, study, and in order to give thanks in some way, let's do it as soon as possible. close the collection. the goal is ambitious - uah 720,000. only 175 left to collect. there are no small donations. every hryvnia of yours is of great importance. join, you can see all the details on the screen. deception deceived the hero's family. a swindler who demanded money from relatives will be tried in kharkiv. the deceased defender was reported to the regional prosecutor's office, the perpetrator learned that his friend had died in the war, but the body was not was found, so he convinced the wife of the deceased that her husband was in russian captivity, promised to help bring him home, and asked for $10,000 for this.
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found an accomplice who pretended to be an employee of the sbu. in this way, the perpetrators extorted money from the widow, and they were arrested in the fall. now there will be a trial, both face up to eight years behind bars. he demanded a bribe. in kyiv, law enforcement officers kidnapped an official of the desnyansk district state administration. previously, the suspect was approached by a woman with a request for placement of shopping sites for the sale of alcohol and cigarettes. did the official allow her to carry out retail trade without permits? however, he demanded to pay him uah 10,000 from each location every month. the police detained the violator while receiving the money. the ukrainian pysanka festival was organized in the capital. craftsmen from different regions of ukraine gathered
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to pass on their experience to the younger generation and set a record for the mass painting of easter eggs. let's see how it was. i want to create a unique. protected me and my family. ten-year-old sofia holds in her hands for the first time pen the girl dreamed of learning how to write easter eggs, and such master classes for children and adults were organized at the capital festival. here they will not only teach how to paint eggs correctly, but also explain what these drawings mean. i wanted to learn how to paint eggs. but i always thought it was boring. and today i found out that... it's very interesting, well, i'm drawing twigs, they mean life, dots, grain, and symbols of infinity. the festival is designed to support an element of the national list
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of intangible cultural heritage, ukrainian easter egg, tradition and art. if pysanka is accepted into the intangible cultural heritage of humanity by unesco. then we will win on the cultural front, as well as with borscht, because we will prove to the world that we have our own identical codes, which have been preserved on the territory of ukraine for a very long time historically, and identify us as a separate nation. we have been preparing for the festival for over a month. 50 craftsmen from all over ukraine came to the event, and the number of visitors exceeded all expectations. pysanka is such an authentic charm of ours, in which simply many, hundreds of years, and we have to maintain, and on easter cards, only good charms, only charms of health, goodness, happiness, and as long as we write easter cards, we will be a good nation, we will have peace and tranquility, so we do not
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have to stop, we have to constantly write easter eggs, the organizers set a goal to set a record for the longest easter egg making, and it... 530 people made 800 easter eggs within 5 hours. the organizers promised to hand over all the easter eggs created at the festival to the military, because the masters carved a charm into each pattern. dmytro didora, myroslav novosaad, oscar janson, espresso tv channel. at this moment, the news editor told about the most important. actions, i tell you, see you tomorrow, i will wait for you in this studio at 2 p.m., then terpresso will be picked up by my colleagues from the great broadcast of vasyl sima,
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velikiy lviv talks about the most important things, on the espresso tv channel. verdict with serhiy rudenko. from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and feedback. you can express your opinion. at the end of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. what to do when there will be a liver, alochol, and what for the bile? alohol, it protects the liver and gall bladder, alohol with care and respect for the liver and gall bladder. good evening, we are from ukraine! greetings, dear tv viewers, this is the great ether on the spresso tv channel, my name is
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vasyl zema, for the next hour and 46 minutes, i and my colleagues will be with you talk about the most important thing, of course, we will talk with our ambitious 630, we need hryvnias to buy this minibus, so that the military can drive, and not move on foot in this difficult situation, so let's start, as they say, i believe in you. and we believe that we will be able to do it quickly enough, because for this money, for this car, the most important minibus, ours, our military are waiting, well , what about the situation on the front line, in different directions, somewhere it is more difficult, and it in fact, everywhere is difficult, somewhere it is simply hotter, somewhat less, but of course the enemy is on the move, well, plus these constant rumors about an offensive, although the military themselves say what an offensive is, it has already begun, it is already underway, and what concerns... weapons, supplies, what to expect and what we have already received from our
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partners, serhiy sgurets, director of the defense express agency and host of the military summaries of the day, will talk about it. sergey, glad to see you, please, good evening. good evening, i congratulate you, vasyl, i congratulate our viewers, today in our column we will talk about another blow on russian oil refineries with our drones, can ukraine count... on patriot systems from israel and about our defense and technological mobilization, as it is happening now in the armed forces, what are the successes and shortcomings? more on that in a moment. today, on the night of may 1st , another long-range attack was carried out using kamikaze drones on the russian oil refining industry. the ryazan oil refinery, which is located in the immediate suburbs
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of this city, came under attack. direct distance to this plant from the border of ukraine is more than four. 450 km, the first four explosions, according to eyewitnesses, thundered at about 2 o'clock in the morning, after which a large-scale fire broke out on the territory of the enterprise, and this attack led to the impression of the installation of primary oil processing at this plant. ukrainian media , citing their own sources, unanimously claimed that this is a special operation of the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense of ukraine, and let me remind you that this is the razyansky... plant, which belongs to rosneft, has a declared the volume of petroleum products processing there is about 17 million tons per year, and this is actually one of the top plants of the russian federation, and by the way, this is not the first attack on this plant, the first was somewhere on march 13, but then it was not possible to hit
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the oil refinery itself these capacities, it was now possible to do it and... by the way, a number of american publications, in particular , the political publication there wrote about the fact that these strikes on russian factories led to the fact that the russians had certain problems with palov, in particular, the cost of diesel fuel increased there , traveled by 20 percent, gasoline became more expensive, and in fact, in almost nine regions of the russian federation , 13 russian factories were struck, which... basically affects the political, military, and economic capabilities of the russian federation, and we expect, of course, that this long-range drone tactic will continue , at this time we understand that the enemy is also using missile strikes and missiles to strike our targets, and the issue of strengthening our air defense is becoming
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extremely urgent, and against this background , the story related to ... with the fact that israel removes patriot complexes from combat duty, israel has four patriot batteries there, and now a number of publications have reported that there is probably a possibility that these patriots end up in ukraine, but in israel itself, the mass media have already appeared in the comments of officials from this country , who say that these patriot systems will not be directly transferred to ukraine on... and most likely the option will be implemented when the united states can buy these complexes or take them to itself, carry out their modernization, and only then transfer them to the armed forces forces of ukraine. let me remind you that today there are three pet complexes in ukraine, at least three were officially discussed, our diplomats
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and heads of state are talking about what needs to be obtained. at least seven more patriot air defense systems and negotiations are underway with various countries, we know that just recently the united states tried to convince greece and spain to share their patriot complexes, greece refused , while spain is ready to hand over not the mirrors, but part of the missiles to the patriot complexes, which also extremely important. so. i would also like to remind you that the patriot complexes are currently the most modern in the equipment of the ukrainian army, they are used to shoot down enemy missiles of various purposes, and just today the main intelligence department submitted data on how many missiles the enemy manufactures and what
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types, primarily in this message from gur, what surprised me was just the amount of... production of the zircon missile, it's actually a new conditionally hypersonic missile, and the main intelligence agency reported that the stockpile the enemy has 40 such missiles, and the production rate is 10 missiles per month, these are quite high indicators for a new type of weaponry, and most likely it can be assumed that the conclusion can be drawn that, first of all, russia plans to use these missiles primarily from... ground launchers installations, and then it is possible to say , with a certain logic, why they want to increase the pace of production of these missiles, as for other samples, actually other modern ones. as they consider the treasure, the x69 rocket is produced in the amount of one to three units per month with a reserve of 45 units, as for other
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missiles, in particular, when we talk about caliber missiles, their reserves are 270 units with a production rate of 30-40 missiles per month. we also know that for the production of these missile weapons, the russians use the elemental base of various countries. in particular, these are european countries, but recently it is the chinese elemental base that is being used more and more often, and it is precisely china that has become such an important partner for the russian federation today for the production of certain types of weapons, relying on the chinese elemental base, and also china supplies the russian federation with a significant amount of machine tool equipment, on which this or that is manufactured. weapons, then we want to talk about the changes that are taking place today in our defense industry, we know that the prime minister of ukraine
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announced that a significant amount has been allocated for the purchase of drones for the armed forces of ukraine. yesterday, prime minister shmygel announced that more than 15 million hryvnias will be allocated, and this is an addition to the 43 billion hryvnias that have already been allocated were allocated this year for the purchase of unmanned complexes for various purposes, these are quite significant indicators, they are precisely managed to have the opportunity to manufacture weapons infections, disembodied complexes from fpv to long-range strike drones, and this is an extremely positive trend, but. .. one nuance: this uah 15 billion is not allocated to the budget of the ministry of defense, but is allocated, first of all, to the state
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special communications services, through which drones are purchased by the ministry of digital information. now it seems that there is such a certain competition in the manufacture and ordering of drones, the ministry of defense orders drones precisely through its agencies. using the approaches of the prozoro agency, where chinese drones for various purposes are primarily purchased, and new developments are now purchased through the ministry of digital, and this is probably because now the vice-prime minister is demonstrating such a more active activity related to the introduction of technological solutions , which are used by the armed forces of ukraine. and in general, when we talk, by the way, about the purchase of weapons for... the armed forces, there is such an interesting trend that, in fact, this year for the needs of purchasing weapons, if we look at the budget of the ministry of defense,
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it amounts to about 6 billion dollars for the purchase of those, for the purchase of equipment for various purposes, with because the entire budget of the ministry of defense this year amounts to 40 billion, and 30 billion of them are actually salaries and wages for the military. and 10 billion is precisely the purchase of fuel, clothing, and in these 10 billion there are also about 6 billion for the purchase of weapons, despite the fact that the entire potential of our defense industry now is much higher than this indicator of 6 billion, and now our enterprises can actually produce three times more products, the problem is that there is a lack of money, and right now the minister of technology and the ministry of defense are just... now they are trying to find variations, when even our foreign partners will transfer money so that we can use foreign money to purchase weapons
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manufactured by our defense enterprises. and now we will talk about our defense-technological mobilization with our guest, who is joining us pavlo kishkar, this is an officer of the armed forces of ukraine, who... is also currently the deputy battalion commander, the battalion chief of staff, and for a long time and is currently taking care of the problems related to the supply of technological samples for various purposes to the armed forces, to the armed forces, mr. pavle, i congratulate you, i am glad to see and hear, i congratulate mr. serhiy, i congratulate ukraine, i would like you to emphasize the situation related to what is happening in the relationship between the armed forces and the defense industry, so what at one time, the president of ukraine said that it is important for our military to know what
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our defense industry is doing, but... but it seems that not all areas have such an unequivocal understanding between the military and industrialists. well, if we talk about technical cooperation, yes, the development of modern platforms, robotic, automated systems of control of troops and fire, then our cooperation is constant, i had an example today, from now it is even difficult to remember. it's so many meetings but three big ones that talked about what the armed forces in constant contact with our ukrainian manufacturers, and we tell them, as we have seen it from combat experience, developers offer and every day update their developments, in particular with regard to mobile platforms, today there were several engineers who have
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experience... eh , which advance us ahead of the enemy, many, many months in advance, these are machines that can drive up, and mine, and explode in remote mode, so this is, for example, only my activity, and others, in other directions, people are also in constant contacts with manufacturers, ukrainian manufacturers of weapons, armaments and military equipment, and what is most important now... manufacturers, well, they ask the military what they want from the point of view: technical requirements, forecasted orders, constant contact, what worries manufacturers the most now, so in contacts with you, you have to understand the procedure that not everyone understands, including within the military structure, it is quite complicated, it is not formalized from the point of view of the documents that the developers must submit for
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codification. and the main problem is this the speed of concluding contracts, their terms, the manufacturer is also concerned about the lack of opportunities to export military and dual-use goods, because this often makes his rend impossible, well, that is, the search and development of his invention, because profitability is limited by the procurement capabilities of our ministry of defense. yes, one or another type of weapon, and this is wrong, we have a powerful locomotive and the opportunity to break into foreign markets, i think that we should use this right now, during the war, our manufacturers have the opportunity to enter other markets, the arms markets of the world's leading countries, and the economy will only benefit from that, and people will get jobs, veterans in
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the armed forces will get jobs... i think that this is the right direction for the state to move. mr. pavle, i cannot but ask you about a story related to automated control systems. we know about the nettle, which significantly increases the effectiveness of the use of artillery there, shortens the decision-making cycle there for the use of certain means of impression. we know that there are operational systems of the strategic level, which significantly increase the effectiveness of the use of brigades and even others. the higher-level groups, i mean the bell system, and now we have a history of actually ordering quite a bit of that system, even though actually the officers who have worked on that system say that it really does significantly increase effectiveness on the battlefield, what do you think about this, where are we going with our automation, i...


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