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tv   [untitled]    May 1, 2024 7:00pm-7:30pm EEST

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but - if the usa does not provide us with assistance, it will be difficult enough for us , so security, a security agreement, so, well, in principle, this is not bad, and what is even good is that we sign such security agreements, because the parties undertake , undertake obligations, yes, this is good, the only thing we have to remember, constantly remember, is that these are not security guarantees, because the authorities and... this tells us: oh, we signed about security , it's not about security guarantees, it's about security assistance guarantees, but it's not means that someone will be there for us, someone will fight for us or take over and close the sky over ukraine, unfortunately, putin intimidated enough here with nuclear blackmail, and that is why the west is trying not to raise the stakes here, but if the west will provide us with what we need. .. the necessary weapons, then this will also be
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good, and we will then be able to successfully defend ourselves and hope that we will change the situation, change the situation at the front. 83% of ukrainians believe in victory, but of these they do not, excuse me, 83, yes, of these 83, 26% see, of these 83, 26%, they see victory, even if under... they have to make some territorial concessions, so everything depends on the situation on the field, we will thank you, mr. oleksiy, i will remind only for the people that there are good words in scripture: faith without deeds is dead, and the more people will be involved in the creation of victory, the more realistic it will be. thank you very much, mr. oleksiy, thank you for your work, first of all, congratulations once again on the award from the king of britain, charles ii. oleksiy geran, scientific director of the dem-initiative foundation, professor of political science,
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mohyla academy, and i will tell you in detail about the most important news in just a moment. good evening, we are from ukraine. well, the second hour of the big broadcast is ahead, we have prepared a lot of interesting and important information for you, there will be yuliy fizar, the world about ukraine, money during the war with oleksandr morchivka, sports news from yevhen pastukhov. does the intrigue persist in the ukrainian football premier league, or does one of the leaders there lose points, and the weather has given. this is also important and relevant for understanding. two people, unfortunately, died and six wounded, these are the preliminary consequences of the shelling of the town of hirnyk in donetsk region. according to reports from the head of the region, vadym filashkin, the russians attacked with hurricanes. a 57-year-old woman and a 64-year-old man were victims of the attack. the victims are provided with the necessary assistance, information on the number of injured and the amount of destruction is still being clarified.
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unfortunately, a 67-year-old woman died as a result of the shelling of a lalyukivka in kharkiv oblast, the number of injured as a result of airstrikes on zolochiv increased to eight. among them is an 11-year-old boy, he is in the hospital, and two other people died this was reported to the ministry of internal affairs. muscovites hit the center of the village with air strikes, destroyed private residential buildings and administrative buildings. specialists are working on the site of mutilated 20 cars. the occupiers also attacked civilian infrastructure. kharkiv and dropped guided aerial bombs on the lipetsk community, this is a private building, as you can see, there is no military equipment, there is no military, a projectile arrived in the mpb d-30, approximately 100 kg, it contains explosives, along solochev to the central part of the city, on at least three cabs flew to the central square. at the moment there are two dead
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civilians and six wounded, a very large number of people were found in the square at that time, that is why such a number of victims, you know, people continue to say, there are no soldiers here, there is no equipment here, we all understand very well that these words now , probably for no one, because the enemy perfectly understands that he is not hitting on equipment, not always on equipment, and not on the military, not on some production capacities of the ukrainian defense industry, he just kills people, and by the way, the day before yesterday... the story in odesa clearly demonstrated this, as did the story in zolochiv, well, like the story in nikopol, which continues to suffer from enemy attacks for two years in a row, four people were wounded by russians in nikopol, dnipropetrovsk oblast , two of them are in the hospital, the head of the dnipropetrovsk regional military administration serhiy lesak informs, the occupiers hit the city with a drone and artillery. damage to the branch of the local hospital, the emergency school and the sports ground , seven private houses were destroyed.
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six farm buildings, power lines, a car also caught fire, the fire was, however, extinguished. and in the kherson region. a person died as a result of the fire, the regional emergency service reported. rescuers unblocked a man's body in bilozersk community while extinguishing a fire in an outbuilding. law enforcement officers are establishing the cause of the fire and the identity of the deceased. and loudly in mariupol, temporarily occupied by the enemy, the adviser to the mayor, petro andryushchenko, writes that the russian analogue missile defense system has worked in the northeastern part cities the locals saw the rocket fly by, and the occupiers had to raise the plane into the sky, but the hits were still recorded at the occupiers' bases. after the arrival , the muscovites relocated to the left-bank area, the center of the mariupol resistance informed about this. under enemy
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fire, white-collar workers evacuated a seriously wounded resident of krasnohorivka in donetsk region. this was reported to the national police. a 73-year-old man's legs were crushed by fragments, the victim was in need of hospitalization during the evacuation an enemy projectile exploded next to the crew, it is a very difficult and dangerous job to evacuate people under such shelling, fortunately the car's armor withstood the impact of these fragments, the police did take the wounded man to the hospital, actually saving his life. laid down on... at the very bottom, mercenaries from nepal are escaping en masse from the russian army, informs the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense of ukraine. previously, foreigners resorted to such steps due to huge losses in the so -called meat assaults, to which they continue the russian aggressors stubbornly manage to do so and because of
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the threat of execution for refusing to fight against the ukrainians. according to the central intelligence agency, muscovites are looking for deserters in luhansk region and other temporarily occupied territories of ukraine. here the only question arises, why didn't you sit in nepal in the middle of the himalayas, everything was definitely much calmer there than in this unjustly unleashed war by the enemy against a peaceful state and a peaceful people. well, now we have a plot for your attention: in may, in addition to the last bell and the graduation of the eleventh graders they are also preparing for exams, and i don't even know which of these is more important. or what will be remembered for a long time this year is to take the national multi-subject test, almost as many participants registered as last year, the nmt will last 4 hours with a break, see how belotserki graduates are preparing for the test, see our material. in may, the national
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multitest 2024 will start, the main period of registration for the test has already ended, according to the information of the head of the ukrainian... center for evaluating the quality of education tetyana vakulenko at the nmt more than 286 thousand participants are pre-registered. they will take exams in four subjects in one day. among the three mandatory ones are the ukrainian language, mathematics and the history of ukraine. the latter is chosen by the student: ukrainian literature, foreign language, biology, geography, physics or chemistry. also , now an hour will be allocated for each subject. two blocks are planned. for 120 minutes and a break between them. despite the fact that the trial exam was canceled this year, local schools are trying to immerse future applicants in the atmosphere fateful exam. for two months already, we have been giving them the opportunity, creating such
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conditional sandwich tests, when children take, for example, ukrainian, one-on-one with a computer in the computer science room, in conditions close to those of passing the nmt. languages ​​and mathematics or history and mathematics, in this way they can monitor how time is spent, whether they have time, or how they generally react to the fact that the computer or system hangs, or they did not have time to do some questions. to prepare well for nmt and enter the dream job university, eleventh-graders make a lot of effort, visit tutors, watch free webinars, etc., anastasia shares. i prepare almost independently for nmt, i attend various webinars on topics that interest me and that i need, i can also come with a question to the teacher who teaches this subject here and ask him something that is not clear to me. also, i pass the tests
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of previous years of zno and nmt, because sometimes the same questions that were last year come across. maksym dreams of entering a logistics university, so the exam is for him extremely important, worried that the alarm will sound during the exam and the results may be invalidated. i am worried that if there can be anxiety, and i, for example, have been judging by... tests for three hours and there will be anxiety, they cancel all the tests and say to retake them the next day, all of them again, and this is again an experience, you wasted it my time, preparation again, i don't know if i will drink sedatives, because i am always calm, it was passed on to me from my father too, i am always calm, the main testing sessions will last from... may 13 to june 25, already on may 8, nmt participants will be able to download
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invitations in their personal accounts, which will indicate the date, time and place of the exam. an additional session will be held from july 11 to 19. applicants belonging to preferential categories will be able to enter without the results of the multimedia test, but only on the basis of an individual interview. in addition, enter on another. 11th-graders who live or have lived in the temporarily occupied territories can undergo the procedure. olena boyko, oleksandr kuga, espresso, bila tserkva. well, the multi-subject national test is it always responsibly, i wish the graduates to prepare for it, both those in ukraine and those who will take it outside the borders of our country. it is no less responsible to talk about events outside the borders of ukraine, and yuriy fizar will deal with this responsible work. he is already with me. good evening, please. good evening to you vasyl, good evening to everyone who joined us at this time. as always, there is a lot of news, in particular
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i will talk about the following. macron, the french president, wants to convince xi jinping, put pressure on putin, stop him barbaric war in ukraine. the pentagon is preparing a strategy to support ukraine, and will trump help ukraine if he becomes president of the united states of america. about this and other things in a moment in the rubric world about ukraine. well , i'll start with this, the next expansion of the european union will be a historic moment, because ukraine can be accepted into its composition? the president of the european council, charles michel, said this in an interview with the spanish publication elmund. according to him, we, that is, ukraine, will need a special transitional period, because he says so mr. the president, a special, unique case, because of the size of ukraine, because of its
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agriculture, and because of the war. at the same time, charles michel emphasized that the expansion of the european union is a natural and necessary moment. and then a short quote from him: if there were only 15 of us in february 2020, it would be a nightmare. and if a number of countries had not become members of the european union 20 years ago, then a new iron curtain would have arisen for these countries. and by the way, in the same interview, and then again yesterday during a speech in brussels, the president of the european councilor charles michel said, he once again emphasized that the expansion of the european union, including ukraine, should take place by 2030, and he named the conditions for this accession , and both sides, that is, both the european union and ukraine must be ready for this, and the european union must introduce ... reforms are necessary, because something is not working that way anymore, and ukraine should introduce reforms that
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would allow it to become a full member of the european community. french president emmanuel macron intends to convince, well at least chinese leader xi jinping to try to pressure the president of the aggressor country , vladimir putin, to stop his war in ukraine and withdraw all his troops from the territory. of our country, this was reported by bloomberg journalists with reference to their own sources in the elysee palace. according to the published information, the french leader plans to talk about this during a meeting with mr. xi in paris, where the latter will visit in early may, moreover, another tripartite meeting will also take place with the chinese leader. a meeting in which the president of the european commission, ursula funderla, will also take part. well, i suspect that not only charles michel and ursula fondelain will
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meet, i'm sorry, macron and ursula fondelain will meet with kszydenpin, i have a suspicion that there are other representatives of the european union who will also want to talk to him, whether he wants to talk to them xi jinping himself is unknown, but those who watch the world about ukraine column remember that the chinese leader will have a very busy schedule from the 5th to the 10th. may it will be on the territory of europe and france, serbia and hungary will visit three countries. if everything is clear with france, then with hungary , serbia and hungary will be certain. question, because this is a group of like-minded people, a team of like-minded people on how to end the war in ukraine, at the negotiating table, of course. at the beginning of june this year, the administration of the current president of the united states of america will present to congress a strategy for further support to ukraine. about this during the hearings in the committee on
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armed forces of the house of representatives the american highest legislative body, said the secretary of defense of the united states. america's lloyd austin. according to him, his department together with the state department have already started working on this document, and will make every effort to meet this deadline. at the same time, the head of the pentagon did not reveal the details of what specific provisions this report will contain. next is a short quote from lloyd austin. our goal regarding ukraine is that it, i.e. ukraine, should be democratic, independent, sovereign. a state that has the ability to defend itself and prevent aggression in the future. by the way, during these hearings in the house of representatives of the american congress, one of the congressmen asked the chief of the joint chiefs of staff of the united states of america
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, charles brown, who was also present there, about the news regarding the supply of aircraft and fighter jets to ukraine. f-16. well, mr. general answered this question, and even more. let's hear general brown speak directly. it's not just about the fighter, but also about the training of pilots, the training of technical personnel. in addition, we also want to send planes along with weapons that they can use. we are negotiating about this not only with those countries that have agreed to give ukraine f-16 fighter jets, but also with those that are members of the contact group. there is an avi'. the coalition, which includes the united states of america, as part of it, we conduct a dialogue about not only giving ukraine planes, but also ensuring that they are in full combat readiness. that is, they give us not just tin cans that have been repainted somewhere, prepared, no, these will be planes that will be in full combat readiness with all the weapons that they can
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carry under their wings, in their hatches, and everything that can be impressive. and there is also the responsibility for the ukrainian side, i think, with the support of our colleagues, to create sufficient conditions for the storage of these planes, because if we remember the story of how the plan of the kotor attack ended up on the table in the kremlin, as it was said leadership of the state, well, i really didn't want it, god forbid something else ended up on the table in the kremlin, so here it is our responsibility, our partners are doing what they can, well, our responsibility is not only to use these f-16s effectively in the sky over ukraine, but maybe not only over ukraine. we can see, well, for starters, in the sky over ukraine, but also to preserve them, in good quality, and by the way, i read today, i don’t know if you read this news that the first f-16 planes in ukraine can to appear already after easter, that's the first thing, and the second thing is that nato countries are like that somewhere behind the scenes are considering the possibility that polish
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fighter jets could shoot down russian missiles on the territory of ukraine in the event. necessary, at what stage these conversations are now, i do not know, but it would be good if it were so. let's go further: the support of ukraine concerns the security and stability of the whole of europe, in general and norway, in particular, that is why the official oslo allocates another package in the amount of 635 million dollars to help ukraine. norwegian prime minister jonas garstrore announced this during a press conference. at the same time, according to him , almost 550 million dollars from this amount will be used for military purchases, the remaining about 100 million for civilian programs, moreover, the head of the norwegian government said that the total amount of aid to ukraine from norway this year will amount to almost 2 billion dollars. all that remains is to thank,
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thank, thank our friends from norway, after all, all the scandinavians who participated so actively. to help ukraine, for some reason they understand how important it is that ukraine wins in this war, which is aggressive on the part of russia in the war, but some of our neighbors they stubbornly continue to either not understand this, or they pretend that they do not understand and say that the only way to end this war is only at the negotiating table, well, whoever watches the world column about ukraine knows which countries i am talking about: i love europe, i love... europeans, i don't want anything bad to happen to them, but they have to pay more because now they're just using us, the 45th president of the united states of america said. donald trump said in an interview with time magazine. therefore, when he becomes president, he says trump, as a real negotiator, will force europe to pay its share, firstly, to nato, and
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secondly - to ukraine. next, a short quote from the ex-owner of the white house, who has every chance to settle there again for another four years. i will try to help ukraine, but europe must also step up and pay its fair share. with. trump's motivation is as simple as a board, in europe, europe needs it more, because the war is nearby, and the usa and russia are separated by an ocean. well, in this interview , trump once again emphasized the fact: what if i were president, not joe biden, i would definitely do that. after all, putin himself would never have attacked ukraine in his life, two, even more than two years ago, although this time in this interview he did not say how he was going to impeach the president. zelenskyi and volodymyr putin at the negotiating table and something , give someone more money, take more money from someone, and that's it, and the war will end. here in this interview, he did not say this, but he mentioned his own again. the
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united states of america has decided to temporarily abandon russian uranium. in accordance the resolution was passed tonight kyiv time in the senate, the upper house of the american congress. this is, in particular, the import of low-enriched uranium, which can be used for nuclear power. power plants, the adopted restriction will be valid until 2000, sorry, until the 40th year and will come into force 90 days after signing, however, this law has an exception, if washington does not find other suppliers of such uranium, then the ministry of energy can permit its import from russia to issue until 2028. well, a purely political decision and very important for us, because... perhaps, perhaps, after this decision, at least europe, which now very much does not want to give up russian uranium, will think, as in the end, from russian
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diamonds and some other things that they do not want to give up . georgia is not calm. the day before , in the capital of this country, tbilisi , a protest action continued until late at night, despite the adoption in the second reading by the country's parliament, in the first reading, by the country's parliament. and consideration in the second of the so-called law on foreign agents, which is very similar to the russian one. the day before, the rallies were not as peaceful as before, in some places they turned into clashes with the police, as a result of which the security forces had to use special means, including light and noise grenades, rubber bullets, tear gas and even water cannons. however , this did not scare the protesters, after midnight they did start erecting barricades near the parliament building, although it was closer to four o'clock. in the morning they still began to disperse, but promised to meet again, however, more than 60 georgians dissatisfied with the actions of the parliament spent the night behind bars, and the last
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the footage you saw on your screens is how the georgian security forces dispersed, used water cannons and special equipment. and it is sad that a person who - for a long time played for kyiv dynamo, and now there are meront bylis and kakha kaladze, after that this morning thanked the security forces for the fact that they did not allow these protests to grow and that they acted so actively, you saw how they actively acted, by the way, i saw in the georgian mass media that the aunts were also recorded. at these protests and when they are they provoked something there and even beat the protestors with one word, i, you know, yuriy , well, speaking of khakhaber kaladze, who
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at one time played as a defender for dynamo kyiv, then andriy shevchenko was dragged by milan, well, actually in milan to the italian team, but this is just as an example, you know the ukrainian player anatoly tymoshchuk, who was very ukrainian, wore yellow and blue ribbons, there was hair. he dyed the color when he was playing for the national team, and then calmly came to zenit and today he is sitting, quietly, calmly, he still wants to return all his the awards are a lot of money, because zanit is actually putin's team, gazprom's team, and everything is fine with him, so, well, there are football players like vladyslav vashchuk, who, by the way, played at one time for skaladza in kyiv dynamo, the legendary 90's, which in general left the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine, that 's why it's not because he's a dynamo football player or not a dynamo football player, it's just people, there are different people, and finally. chronicles from the other side, that is, from russia, the zoo, yes, the zoo of the city of lipetsk handed over to the invaders, who are now dying, enriching the lands of ukraine
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humanitarian aid there should have been a drum beat here, two peacocks were transferred to the zone of the so-called special military operation. the management of the zoo said that the svoshniks themselves had asked for this and that it would boost their spirits and morale, so they handed over the male and female peacocks to them. the most interesting thing is that yesterday this news was on the page of the lipetsk zoo itself, i read it, today it is no longer there, but telegram saves everything, including this russian idiot. why vesvo peacocks, and they were so proud of it and said, wow, like us let's raise the spirit of the soldiers. well, that's all i have in the world about ukraine section, that's all only for today, there will be more tomorrow and more will be in our further broadcast, so don't switch.
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territory of ukraine, where the russians received thousands of prisoners of war and civilian hostages. they wrapped them with tape and beat them very hard. journalists found those involved in the crimes. the names of those responsible for the crimes in olenivka in the new film on the investigation of olenivka. curators of evil. on the air of espresso tv channel. on may 6 at 9:15 p.m., the verdict with serhii rudenko will now be available in a new two-hour format with even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day with the help of a telephone survey, switch on and switch on, verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from... to
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10 p.m. at espresso. what to do when there is a liver? alohol, but what for bile? alohol, it protects the liver and gall bladder, alohol with care and respect for the liver and gall bladder. good evening, we are from ukraine. let's go back i hope you haven't gone anywhere from the screens of your gadgets or tvs, because the big ether continues, and now it's time to talk about... important things about money oleksandr moshchevka next to me, oleksandr, congratulations, good evening, please, thank you vasyl, you will find out in the next few minutes , to be or not to be russian assets in ukraine, as well as the government made an important decision, made certain changes to the business lending program, what exactly changed, all in detail in a moment.


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