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tv   [untitled]    May 1, 2024 8:30pm-9:00pm EEST

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by the ukrainians during shelling or when transmitting information about the movement of the armed forces of ukraine? ukraine must abandon telegram, this is the only way. i do not believe in telegram, which is controlled by the fsb, and which was created and is headed by a former member of the special services of the russian federation, you see, that's all. i don’t know, it’s some kind of phantom, we got ourselves into a trap and can’t get out of it, so we just have to stop using telegram, there have already been many verified cases when certain things were blocked at the request of the fsb, when in some the moment the fsb interfered with the work of the telegram, when it turned out that the correspondence of the telegram became known to... the fsb and the russian
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special services, so i emphasize once again that the only one, i am not saying that everyone there should stop reading, they want to read, but in official bodies, officials, i would advise you to leave this platform, especially since there are many platforms on which you can do all this, and they are not that much worse or somehow work differently than telegram, mr. general, from information has just appeared that ilya vityuk has been dismissed from the post of chief department of counterintelligence protection of the state's interests in the field of information security of the sbu, but not because he had any problems with his work or with the performance of his official duties, because in early april the info investigation published an investigation that the vityuk family owns real estate at least for 25 million hryvnias. at market value, and then
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he was simply suspended from performing his duties, but today a decree appeared, as soon as the presidential decree appeared to dismiss vityuk from this position, you were the deputy the head of the security service of ukraine, and obviously such matters are completely controlled and the security service can monitor its employees, in what way could it happen that what... what vityuk had was not noticed by the internal security service of the sbu, well, you know my position is very categorical, i try not to comment on things related to personnel appointments and the definition of such things, i think that this is one of those bells that are within the competence of internal security and state and sbi state state bureau of investigations. let
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they figure it out, because, well, listen, if journalists can dig into things like this and ask questions that are not comfortable for certain people, then i think that before appointing certain people, you should still look at what they breathed and where they are were before, what worried me most about this story was not that he has estates there, he has money there, i was worried that this person was involved in ... participation in the events of 2014, and from that side, with that i would not like to see him there, that worried me more, everything else is so derivative, you understand, because if the decision is not made at the top, then there is a gap somewhere in the preparation of documents or the preparation of recommendations for the appointment of this or that person, mr. general, let's return to the telegram, the head of the parliamentary committee on... freedom of speech
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yaroslav yurchyshyn said on the air of our tv channel that the competent authorities are already working on regulating the activities of such electronic networks as telegram in ukraine, in particular, it may be about limiting its use in official communications. let's listen to what he said pantyhose if the intelligence committee under the president clearly indicates that this network is hostile and destroys information security, then in principle we have it. the experience of blocking classmates and vkontakte, the report and decision of the national security council have already been prepared, the presidential decree has been put into effect by sanctioning mechanisms, the verkhovna rada cannot adopt a law regarding a specific network, it cannot but adopt some measures in principle to block, for this we have special bodies, and as far as i know they are active sir general apart from the telegram do you see any other... any signs
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or networks that the russian federation is trying to use in order to influence ukrainian society and the ukrainian information space? well, the main threat in our country is... this is something that is actively used, it is actually under the operational control of the chinese comrades, what they record there, what they block there and what they do there, no one knows, the americans clearly said, if you do not transfer the management of this structure into independent hands, do not sell it and it will not leave the legal legal control of china. tiktok will be banned in the united states, through tiktok, unfortunately, using these small videos, there is a massive psychological attack, in particular , an attack on everything related to mobilization and the protection of the ukrainian state .
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i would say that in the same list you can include e and everything that is connected with - with wai. this is a belarusian development, despite the fact that everything is there, everyone uses it, and everything is there, including official things, so we have to decide, probably with those and those platforms that are well controlled, but they are at least controlled by our allies, yes, then i have some problems with communication with general yagu. now we will try to restore that connection, the connection has been restored, sir general, please, had any problem with the connection, i mean, yes, i mean, we have the ability to use those platforms, which are created
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in the united states, and i understand that they have their own security systems and protocols, but i don't think it will be as dangerous as using telegram. another network, but no longer in the virtual world, in the real world, this is the ukrainian orthodox church of the moscow patriarchate, and today the sbu came to search the metropolitan of the uoc mp in zaporizhzhia , metropolitan luka andrii kovalenko, and he is on the list of traitors, who made the movement honestly, because he probably spread pro-russian propaganda and justified russian armed aggression. federation against ukraine, and mr. general, well, the question is quite rhetorical, what to do in the current situation, when the issue or problem of the ukrainian orthodox church is again postponed to then, and we see that there is simply no solution,
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we see how the russians are trying to use this network, the large network of the ukrainian orthodox church, and eh... as they say, there is no way to do that, so what, what to do in this situation? look, the security service is doing everything within its competence, it simply cannot raise its head above, it boils down to what the verkhovna rada accepts or does not accept, and why is there no pressure from the one who can actually manage the verkhovna rada with parties, that is, if there was a decision by the president that this law... the draft is urgent, i think that there would be votes for it, for its adoption in the verkhovna rada. the problem is different, the problem is that the law itself is imperfect, and extremely many issues will arise in its implementation, but at the same time, at least such a law, so that it will already go into
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operation and we could start slowly cleaning ukraine from this dirt . but here, mr. general. this problem with a branch of the russian orthodox church, it is a problem of national security and defense, and the nsdc could quite uh-uh take on the function of an arbitrator, or a structure that will make a decision there, which can then be transformed either into a bill or into a presidential decree, that is, in your opinion, could the national security council do with... a branch of the russian orthodox church in the same way as they once did with social networks vkontakte and classmates, when it was , let's say, it was adopted in the context of a threat to national security and defense, unfortunately,
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there is no simple solution here, it must be understood that the religious, religious issue now reaches even the first, first steps and it quite actively influenced... providing us with assistance in of the united states, and those lobbyists who, with the money of certain oligarchs, and more recently this oligarch novinsky, had the money, they in... used certain representatives of the legislative branch of government in the united states to stir up this situation on an equal footing, so we need it is very neat and beautiful to go through all those things, and yet it is necessary to adopt a law within the framework of which, without even naming who is who, namely within the framework of the law regarding those structures that... adopt their governing bodies in the country of the aggressor, to make the right decisions and in the event, if to
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we will have some claims from some international organizations regarding religious intolerance or persecution there, clearly show the legislative acts that have been adopted in accordance with all norms, so this is a very, very, very... fraught topic, and it must be handled very nicely , without violating the constancy that we have. thank you, mr. general, it was viktor yagun, major general of the reserve sbu, former deputy head of the security service of ukraine. friends, we work live on tv channel so, as well as on ours platforms on youtube and facebook. for those who are currently watching us live there. please subscribe to our pages and take part in our survey. today we ask you about this, do you see a threat to democracy in? in ukraine, yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, if you have a special opinion, please leave it in the comments under
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this video, if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote, if so, then 0800 211 381 or 0800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free of charge, call us, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of our voting, then we have roman tsimbalyuk, a former journalist, on the phone. roman, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today, congratulations, sergey, hello, by chance, i invite viewers to the youtube channel of roman tsymbalyuk, a person who has more than 1 million subscribers, become a follower of roman tsymbalyuk and you will know the truth and daily comments you will hear roman tsymbalyuk precisely on his youtube channel. let's start, roman, our conversation with information about the tribunal special tribunal for russia. the committee of ministers of the council of europe passed a decision regarding
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the special tribunal for russia, instructing the secretary general of the council of europe to prepare the necessary documents to facilitate consultations in the main group and to prepare a potential draft of the agreement with ukraine on the actual creation of the tribunal. the ukrainian foreign ministry has already stated that this is an important practical step on the way to creating a special tribunal regarding the aggression of the russian federation. what do you think... roman, you can see this tribunal, a special tribunal, and only, or only russia should have a special tribunal for war criminals, such as putin, shoigu and their entire campaign? well, we won't single anyone out here, but before we talk about who will judge whom and when, let's just speak the harsh truth: those who lose will be judged. war, this is an important moment, because sometimes i analyze the questions that
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come up so well in ukraine, such as when russia will collapse there, when putin will die, or when he will be taken out of the refrigerator, and he is not will be divided, or something else, that is, of course, at the level of the ministry of foreign affairs, at the level of politics, this is all right and everyone should do it, but this does not replace the main thesis that i am talking about, and... it is clear that this is a nazi state and there are personal war criminals, and this list is not complete, russian propagandists will definitely be included in it, in addition to security forces, even these are not propagandists, they are russian information criminals, so, well, i don’t know if this de-notification will be, it is on of the russian state, for the germans, it became for the results of the second world war, in japan. as a result of the war and nuclear strikes,
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there are many issues with russia, so of course i support it, but this is not the main issue for today, beyond all doubt, although in all these discussions, when they arise there, but wait, not all of them are russians, somewhere around 10% or 7% of them. should be collective or personal in russians, like you? you think, but this has been done for a long time, in fact, that means war criminals, they answer personally, we the circle has already been outlined in principle, we need to add some more, and the team will be complete, well , at least this is the immediate circle of today's führer, these are the members of the russian security council, with whom he calls on skype every friday,
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usually, well, at least that's what they say , and regarding the population, of course, it can be a collective responsibility. to be only moral, ukrainians like it , they don't like it, it won't be any other way, even in the best case, it's clear that, as for me , first of all, within the framework of this moral responsibility, who are there, teachers russian schools must be inspected first of all, because this is the greatest evil, as far as i'm concerned, if someone thinks that there will be some body that... wants to judge every russian and every russian soldier there, the one who survives the war for the russians invaders, well , with a high probability , they will die later, as part of vladimir putin's will, from vodka, no, not prison, if we are talking about the enlisted personnel, maybe the officers, there already, let's
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remember after adolf, how it was there, how many people were tried, there were not many of them, there how many... about 17, if i am not mistaken, those from the closest circle, well, now there will probably be something similar, but nevertheless, the germans, in many generations of germans after the second world war, atone for this guilt and understood this guilt, are the russians capable even understand what wine is? again, only the war will show, come on, now somehow i don’t even want these parallels about... because germany has changed, there are completely different people, they are brought up differently, they have a different value system, but after 45 year those who served in the wehrmacht and adolf served, that is, in fact, denazification began, when a new generation of people had already grown up under the influence and pressure of the allies, to talk about modern russians, well
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, i think it is a utopia, you understand, well , look what they are there, how? even the drawings that are used in the russian federation, well, this is a pure reich and only yulia navalnaya and the rest of these theoreticians who dream about the terrible and beautiful russia of the future, they talk about it out loud, but even aesthetically, it is no different, even even if i find it quickly now... photos like one führer, one nation, one state, well, that's it, well, well, well, how can it be perceived normally, it, ah, well, look, well, i don't know, it will be visible or not , it is clear, it is clear, here is one country, one people, one president, anfolk, airay,
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henfur, sorry, this, this is not artificial. intelligence took this top photo, i want to tell you that it seems to me, against the background of this, why in germany, these ultra-left, ultra-right, well, that is , putin's friends, began to lose support, because as i understand it, the germans looked at it, and they say, that's how we taught it in the textbooks, how the nation is turned into this sect, well, in this case, into...
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roman, another problem that is now being articulated, in particular by the minister of defense of germany, boris'. sorious, he says that the russians have started to produce a lot of weapons, very simply, and blinkin is talking about it. he says that the secretary of state of the united states of america, that thanks to the help of china, over the last year, russia has significantly accelerated the pace of weapons production, he said this while in saudi arabia. let's hear what blinkin said. if you look at what russia has done in the last year in terms of... production of munitions, missiles, tanks and armored vehicles, you will see that they are producing them faster than at any time in modern history, including during the cold war , when the soviet union existed. how does she manage to do this? because it receives significant volumes of machine tools, microelectronics, optics, mainly from china. 70% of machine tools and 90% of microelectronics
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come from china. roman, the arms race in the soviet union, which was trying to catch up united states of america, ended with the collapse of the soviet union. the current arms race in russia, how can it end? you see, it seems to me that the most important thing in today's world is a person, but in the literal sense of the word, a soldier, i don't know, there the military says manpower, modern technologies, there is robotics, and so on and so forth, well, i guess it allows you to increase labor productivity, the only thing that arises here is this consta, pistorios, blinken, very cool officials, high officials, people who have earned a career. so to me, if honestly, this statement is not enough, so i want to ask and, apparently, something should be done then, some other decisions should be made, maybe we should
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send, knock back a secret telegram to kyiv, something like that, well, maybe you don’t need to, but you don’t need to go there , there is no need to hit there, as was the case before the consideration in the congress. but help, i don’t know, it seems to me that they need to watch more russian television in our presentation, because they or the russians directly set the task, articulate it with their mouths and their voices about the destruction of states, for striking the united states, and they say that you cannot corner the rat, that is , putin, because he will use nuclear weapons, that is, once again, we are in a situation where these are statements, tears, this is not enough, well, it seems, after all , antony blinken, he didn’t go to china just like that, and certain changes, well, at least that’s how
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the russians themselves began to say that the chinese began to send them a little less, they don’t accept payments, that is, everything is regulated and it works out if the western world plays at full strength, and the russians have to be played in full force. then the situation changes, do you remember when the terrorist girkin was still at large and pleased us with his predictions, he very often repeated the following formulation: it is necessary to fight for real, so this advice, surprisingly, is for our western partners are very, very useful, here it is not possible, but here, here we help. country, here we somehow balance, russia, china, geopolitics, there, well , all these, so that nuclear weapons do not spread around the world and so on and so on, so
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the time has come when all measures must be taken relevant, well, it seems that the western world still has them, well, i am an optimist here, because adolf, excuse me, vladimir, vladimir, yes, he still ... knows everyone in his terrible intentions, which is different you can't with them. in your opinion, what should the west demonstrate now, what could it do, that is , announce the demilitarization of putin's russia, the denuclearization of russia, the de-rasification of russia, that is, what should the west say in... in the current, well our western partners, in the current situation, because when voldemar threatens the whole world, then he has to get some signal that what
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will happen to him, if suddenly something, why, why, why isn't there? well, that means denuclearization may come one day, but at the moment no one is even talking about it, the topic of de-rasification, here again, this... these definitions are not permanent and, as it were, unappealable in the west, and as for me in today's situation, well, since it is already taking such a turn, the next thing to say is that we are declaring an unmanned zone on the territory of ukraine, within its internationally recognized borders, there is such a possibility without the use of nuclear weapons and... there is, this could change the situation, but with us , you see how it is with these planes, it's all as long as they are at once, but we have all hopes
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for f6. how they will show themselves in a war with the russians, that is also a question, the planes are old, but they have new ones, and we are taking apart the russian iskanders, which are sometimes scattered around our city and the neighboring ones, there are a lot of western components and so on and so on further, that is, i don’t know, it seems to me that these are general territorialized things, they are, well, they are interesting and... on this, on this is what political scientists and some journalists live by, but i am still a supporter of such a practical approach, ah, there must be a military-technical answer, that's all, the rest is all simple, well, for today 's conversations, they are not just like that , there in moscow, the damaged equipment from the nato countries
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was dragged to... to the exhibition and there are queues of russian pacifists, these are the very ones about whom yulia navalnaya told that there are those who are against the war, in this way they demonstrate to the russian population, that putin is right, so you see, we attacked ukraine, a nato is already there, well, since nato is already there, then take appropriate steps, well, in fact, everything is moving in this direction, it's just a matter of time, really. and money, including, including western taxpayers, because there would have been these deliveries a year ago, the decision on planes and so on and so forth were praised, immediately, well at least immediately after the invasion, well , look, the situation was different, well, they brought us cool leopard tanks, they were shot from the air, together with our servicemen very often, well, it's somehow surprisingly simple. well
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in your opinion, can accelerate the collapse of putin's russia? yes, this is, you know, an eternal question, yes, it’s like a plane crash, it has a lot to do with it, it seems to me, well , for starters, ukrainian victories in the theaters of military operations with the help of high-tech weapons, there we have a lot of american and not only american retired generals, they like to think that how cool it was, because we still had to present it like this, when i was there, general khodzhits served, we had 300 planes, we would have taken off now, flew, everyone there was bombed, they would all have died, so the question is, it's not pensioners talking about it, but 300 planes, as it was, and remained, in short, all the same
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, only weapons, thank you roman. thank you for the conversation, it was roman tsymbalyuk, my colleague, journalist and vlogger, who has a fairly large youtube channel, subscribe to his youtube channel, and friends, during this broadcast we conducted a survey, we are conducting a survey, now we will see the intermediate results of this survey , do you see a threat to democracy in ukraine, 92%, yes, 8% no, these are the results of our television survey, besides, we continue the survey and... 87% yes, 13%, no. then we have news from the bbc: in 15 minutes we will return to the studio, we will have political experts vitaly kulyk and viktor boberenko as guests, we will talk about the internal situation in ukraine, about what is happening and what are the prospects for the development of domestic politics, and of course let's talk about the war first. please wait for us, we will be back in 15 minutes.
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the parliament of georgia took another step towards adoption of the scandalous bill on the transparency of foreign influence, whether the protests will turn into a revolution, this is what we're talking about on bbc ukraine, i'm olga polomaryuk. protests in georgia have been going on for the third week. people took to the streets after the parliament passed the first reading of the bill on the transparency of foreign influence in mid-april. when it began to be considered in the second reading, thousands of people came to the square, and the situation:


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