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tv   [untitled]    May 1, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm EEST

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exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. svobodalai is frank and impartial. you draw your own conclusions. so, we are coming back, i remind you about the fpv collection of drones for the 93rd kholodny yar brigade and the 72nd brigade of black zaporozhets from... it is very important and we really hope for your support, because there is only a small part left, and to us another guest joined, this is maksym matviychuk, commander of the intelligence platoon of the brigade. rubizh, an officer
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of the national guard of ukraine. congratulations, maxim. greetings from the studio, greetings from the viewers. well, here as far as i understand, you are now in the direction of chasiv yar, and, uh, well, tell me a little bit then, because the situation seems to have escalated for you there as well, literally these days as well, as far as we know. ah, yes, that's right, the enemy does not leave. to continue assault actions in the direction of the temporal ravine, in the front-line, let's say, bodies, he is trying to bypass the settlement from the flanks, why, because it takes time to re-enter the city battles, well, this is so that the enemy understands what it will be for them very difficult, in some cases even impossible, that is, they are actually putting in a sufficient number of their personnel, which they cannot do now, they are frankly also running out of people, they... already have insufficient
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reserves, they are being removed by combat units from other areas of the front in order to develop success even though b where now they act according to a different principle, that they conduct reconnaissance of battles in various sections of the battle line, find the glory of the city and then carry out assault actions there. now they have intensified, this is the first nuance, the second a nuance: the enemy has increased the number of artillery and aviation in this direction, that is, in fact , at the moment, he is now completely... destroying not only our consolidated strongholds, but the city itself as a whole. well, a week ago you said on our broadcast that, in principle , you use fpv drones quite effectively as a substitute for other types of weapons that are in short supply. but it is interesting to what extent the enemy manages to use drones just as effectively. does it work, well, our reb somehow has a little. to change these possibilities, and yes,
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first of all, the enemy also uses podrons, they saw its effectiveness from us, they liked it and they also adopt this tactic little by little, but so far their power, which is on a temporary cliff, as seen by me, my comrades from the rubizh brigade, not much larger than ours, that is, conventionally, for one of their epividrons there are three of ours, now in this case we are, let ’s say, much better developed in terms of those technologies and can... clearly and better destroy the enemy at the expense of the reb, the enemy works quite well namely large-scale reb, such as radar, zoo and so on, which are completely trying to silence not only the fpv drones themselves, but also communication in general, their main purpose of creation was precisely that, so they are now finishing, reworking certain means of rep for that of making it impossible for our normal drones to work, that drones in pv.
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but on the other hand, we went to a different tactic, these are trench raps, which directly on the spot do not allow the enemy to work on the demarcation line itself, firstly, they are small and easily portable, secondly, they can be install in almost any position, in order to make it impossible for the enemy to work, and the more of them, the better, on the one hand, and on the other, we can control them and use them as we want, conditionally, he, his radius of work is not such large, and with our forces and with our... forces, we can conditionally turn off trench rebs in one direction so that our fpvs fly over, destroy the enemy, and then turn it on, creating a kind of tiny dome again, which will not allow the enemy to use their drones to destroy ours forces well, a week ago we spoke with yehor firsov from the avdiiv district, and he says that there is a problem, after all , the work is not fully coordinated, that is, there is no such... application that would allow us to
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effectively and timely understand who included something, in your direction, how much do you feel otaku the problem of miscommunication? problems moment such a problem concerns the majority of the fact that there are various types of subdivisions from left to right, and as long as the information reaches, let's say, directly to the position, in connection with the operational environment, in connection with the communication itself, and in connection with the timely transfer of the team, because the more, let's say, these intermediate links, the more difficult it is, so yes, there are problems with this always and everywhere, but here depends on the question of time, if you take again the fighters of the brigade. during its coordination, it happens almost instantly, because this system of transmission of communication and commands has been set up a long time ago and there have been no problems with this so far in our area, as it happens in others units, with some it may be better, with some worse, it all depends only on
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the operational situation on the spot, whether the enemy is trying to jam the transmission link and prevent the possibility of transmitting data even through the same radio station, well, you probably too... have already seen these guys that the russians put on tanks, they hang everything there, how effective it is and these braziers and these guys on tanks, and how much in principle we have already managed to somehow also apply it, well, frankly, if they were not effective, the enemy would not have them used, we cannot point out the fact that the opponents there are brainless, no, they have intelligence, they know how, they... do not adapt to war, and all eyes, as we say, barbecues were created by trial and error, that is, frankly, the enemy tried to make at least some means to make it impossible for fpv to work, and so far they have come to exactly this, to the so-called barbecues, some simply, no matter how it
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sounds, mask their sensitive ordinary homes, some simply do with they have one additional armor plate, it is effective, effective, but one-time, frankly, why, because once... an fpv flies over it, it destroys it, the second time it destroys the tank itself, that is, instead of making it impossible to work, they just increase the number of fpv that should fly by one, uh, and you know, i also want to talk about such reconnaissance drones that work at longer distances, well, for example, we have a video from the luhansk region, where you can see how they shop there, well, if they can show it. where the russians have accumulated enough there in the body area, there are some tanks standing there, there are armored vehicles, and they are there something there, and they flew there, well, i don’t know what ’s ours there, we won’t tell you, these are the details, you see, here they are, there are so many russians there, they flew there, everything is beautiful, they
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were bombed there as a result, but we can’t to say that the russians, well, actually, this is a shot from a drone, that is, the drone still flew there, judging by it. apparently, a similar story is happening from the other side, that is, russian reconnaissance drones can fly far enough, and how would you assess this threat now, i.e., do these reconnaissance drones manage to be seen, shot down, or so far some thing that, well, in principle is a big problem, is that in this video we observe the work of course. the enemy's main uav of this type is the well-known orland 10 or its modification, which is already tactical or operational level. we also have, let's say, analogues of the russian eagle, which have been working full-scale since the beginning. one of such
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examples is the well-known byraktar, that is, it is also a long-range, long-range reconnaissance uav, thanks to which we can find the enemy in their rear, in their stockpiles, in their headquarters, and to destroy even before they start doing something, so now that we, the enemy is actively scouting uh, namely behind each other, and i'm trying to see why it's difficult to detect them, it's not difficult to detect them by themselves, because they light up at certain frequencies in almost everyone, it is difficult to detect and destroy why, because, frankly, the airspace of ukraine, although closed to aircraft, but uavs of various levels are located here, and our air defense forces very often... sometimes it is difficult to detect, yes how they look at the radar to understand, it is conventionally an eagle, or our uav, or our aviation, or something else, everything that is in the air, the radar of our air defense systems records and reports, and in this regard, in order to destroy it, confirmation is needed, that it is the enemy, not our target, and
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until, let's say, we learn all this, the enemy may or may not flee, but in the majority of those who fly specifically to specific rears, they try to... instantly destroy and units of them are turning back, most of all at the demarcation line, where it is very difficult to recognize where ours are, where are theirs, and the third is also the lack of enough air defense where... for us to be able to hit every uav, why, because frankly, one air defense missile will be a basket that will destroy the uav, will cost too much to destroy of the same uav, therefore , there are nuances, and in any case, the air defense forces must be developed in order to better cover the rear space of ukraine in order to prevent the flight of any reconnaissance equipment. well, how would you rate this in this particular type of weaponry in this. in the form of intelligence such long-range uavs, what is the balance
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of the ratio of our russian ones, who will win here? here i can only say that the enemy clearly at the beginning of the war had a great advantage in this, since the plants that produced their power were developed quite well, even at the beginning of the full-scale war, but as of today, i can... safely say , that we, if not equal, are clearly head and shoulders above them , it is very, very difficult for the enemy to create new uav systems, taking into account the fact that the last factories were destroyed, which were located in on the european territory of russia, on the other hand, it is becoming more and more difficult for the enemy to pass through our demarcation line, through the forces of our reb, that is , they are being modernized every time, but what is ours, what is theirs is becoming more and more difficult. to carry out these reconnaissance uavs, that is, it is a good tool, but it is not a panacea,
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we use it only when we need to familiarize ourselves with a certain area, which may, based on other given intercepts , find equipment for itself, that is, conditionally, that radio-electronic intelligence or intelligence the intelligence finds out about the location of some equipment in some square, it goes there calmly already... the reconnaissance uav, which already begins to search for it, invent and destroy it, that is, to adjust the artillery. well, but in principle, well, we saw that the russian occupying forces still managed to establish such, you know, er, not bad, i would say, interaction, they did not succeed in this for a very long time, but they succeeded in the end, when quickly enough uavs, when somewhere, even quite far from the front, you see some kind of accumulation of equipment, even... it stopped a little somewhere and immediately it is transferred to where they have an iskander
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or something and it flies there, it is such a serious danger, in fact, this interaction between these two such components because, well, it does not allow us to freely move the equipment freely, even those well, moving ppo systems, that is, the threat itself is very unpleasant , unfortunately, not... it will always be pleasant, why? because, as i said, the enemy does not stand still and is always evolving, its development is constant, just like development, and conditionally, they found a method to bypass our defense forces, our air defense systems, our rep means, we at the same moment immediately begin to look for an opportunity to bypass his maneuver, yes, that is, he found some loophole in our system, we try to immediately close this loophole and the same begins to change, and thus playing cat and mouse throughout the entire full-scale invasion, well, literally. 20 seconds, just your opinion on the fact that now there is a window of opportunity for the russians, that we need this window
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of opportunity for them to close on the front in their promotion? continuous increase in the number of artillery, continuous increase in the number of equipment from the air defense force in order to make their aviation and artillery impossible, that is , the main task is to suppress their fire means so that we can already maneuver more, without fear, let's say, of threats from the sky , if we can...overcome that, that's another thing, that is, destroying their enemy manpower won't be a big problem for us. thank you, thank you, this is maksym matviychuk, the commander of the intelligence platoon of the rubizh brigade, an officer of the nsu, and actually, i remind you, always join of our meetings, now it's fpv, and we 're out of time, next we have news, so stay with espresso, and we 'll see you in a week. what is
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bahmud? bahmud is a place of fear and a place of bravery. no matter what anyone says, bravery is not the absence of fear. bahmud is the adventure that will stay with us until the end. lemberg, mother, don't cry. a book by the writer olena cherninka. a mother's book about her son, a hero who was one of the first to volunteer to defend ukraine, and went missing in the vast expanses of donbas.
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watch this week. the judicial control program with tetyana shustrova. quick evaluations of the vkks, how the judge's wife passed the interview in 7 minutes. i have worked in the judicial system all my life. but where did the candidate's daughter of an ex-deputy get valuable property. my brother gave me his apartment. congratulations. judicial control is on the air. institutional reboot and personnel renewal of the judiciary authorities on the basis of norms of professional ethics and integrity, this is the basis. judicial reform currently being carried out in ukraine. its successful implementation is the main requirement for our further path to the eu. however, how successful it is. we will talk about transformation and whether the moral and professional qualities of justice officials meet high standards today, but first to the news.
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the supreme council of justice dismissed volodymyr kupin, a judge of the balakli district court of the kharkiv region, who is suspected of treason under martial law. by materials of the investigation even at the beginning of the full-scale invasion on february 27, 22 , the judge moved to capture. kupyansk by the russians and began to cooperate with the occupiers. for several months , kupin, as a representative of the occupation authorities, was already consulting local residents on legal issues under the legislation of the russian federation in the premises of the kupyan district state administration. during the liberation of kupyansk by the armed forces of ukraine, volodymyr kupin fled to russia. the supreme council of justice also dismissed alla dymydovska, the judge of the solomyan district court of kyiv. in 2015, the decision the then high council of justice decided to dismiss the judge. the parliament released damidovska by its resolution, and the judge appealed the decision. the grand chamber of the supreme court announced the verdict only that year in june. the decision of the high council of justice on dismissal
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is upheld. in march 2013, alla demidovskaya was caught by the security service and the prosecutor's office while receiving a bribe. she, along with another judge andriy makuha and lawyer yevgeny pedenka, received $700 for speeding up the proceedings regarding the violation of customs legislation. in the special service they claimed that they would stop. by agreement, alla demidovska was supposed to receive $500, and despite the criminal case, demidovska continued to hold the position of a judge and during the revolution of dignity, she chose a preventive measure against the activist vladyslav tsylytskyi, allegedly detained due to mass riots and disobedience to law enforcement officers. in the protocol, the suspect stated that after the arrest, he was brutally beaten and put in a closed van, after being examined by paramedics, he was taken to an emergency hospital . judge odesnyanskyi. mountain of judgment svitlana kolegayeva of kyiv mobilized to the armed forces of ukraine and asks to stop the case against her regarding drunk driving. in 2021, an intoxicated judge
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driving an audi registered to her mother ran off the road, knocked down a pole and crashed into a tree. no one was injured by the smoke. the obolon district court of kyiv fined the judge uah 17 and deprived him of his driver's license for one year. at the same time, public activists sent a complaint against kolegaeva to the supreme council of justice. with a demand to dismiss her from her position, because the disciplinary commission of the ukrainian workers' party recently finally started processing the judges' complaints that have been piling up. in recent years, svitlana koligayeva's future as a judge has been under threat, so she decided to mobilize. accordingly, she asked the supreme council of justice to suspend the consideration of the disciplinary case against her during martial law. according to the anti-corruption center, the judge's lawyer did not provide the vrp with evidence that kolegaeva was really mobilizing. however, the third. the disciplinary chamber unanimously granted the judge's request, so kolegaeva retains her status judge and will continue to receive a judge's fee. last year she earned uah 1,300.
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updating and reforming continues at all levels of the judicial system of ukraine, and the further, the more problems surface. competition commissions and expert groups work to exhaustion. every day they have to study biographies, career path and balance the debit. credit in the declarations of candidates for judicial positions and active servants of themis. the second panel of the higher qualification commission of judges is apparently very tired. ruslan sydorovych, lyudmila volkova and roman kydesiuk expertly manage to conduct the fastest interviews with candidates. for example, one of them lasted only 7 minutes with olena mikhalyuk, assistant to the head of the northern commercial court of appeal. from early years, yes, especially from high school, when we started teaching the discipline of law. and i took part in school olympiads, i dreamed of becoming a lawyer. olena mykhalyuk, wife of oleg matushchak, judge of the western commercial court of appeal, has 37 thousand dollars and 175 uah of her own
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savings, but already in the midst of a full-scale war, she bought a mercedes-benz for over a million hryvnias. however, the vkks board was not interested in this. please briefly describe your motivation for becoming a judge. the first is how convenient it will be for you to move. mr. roman. that's right, there won't be too many judges in one family. these are all questions from the commission to mykhalyuk. thus, without further clarification, the members of the supreme court of appeals decided that the candidate was suitable for the position of judge and recommended her to the lyubashiv district court of the odesa region. another quick interview with no extras issues, the members of the committee of the supreme court conducted with yulia bulanova, a candidate for the position of judge of the shevchenkiv district court of kyiv. according to the anti-corruption center. she is the daughter of the rector of the zaporizhia national university and people's deputy of the eighth convocation mykola frolov. any court is a very responsible, accountable court. activists
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have many questions about bulanova's property, for example, in 2022, her brother, who works as a lawyer, gave her an apartment in kyiv with an area of ​​93.5 square meters. the market value of the property, according to the experts of the countermeasures center corruption - more than uah 8 million. in the declaration , 100 uah is indicated. the members of the commission, on the other hand , had no questions about the brother's ability to earn money on such an expensive gift, nor about the significantly higher value of the real estate than that indicated in the declaration. in 2021, i transferred to work in the office of the prosecutor general and moved with my children to the city of kyiv, after the divorce. and taking into account these circumstances, in the 22nd year , my brother gave me his own apartment. in april 2020 , bulanova's father, an ex-people's deputy, bought it
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car nissan kashkay. already in may he gave it to her, here too without additional questions from the members of the commission, they did not see anything suspicious, he bought it for his own needs, but certain circumstances of my family life developed in such a way that i divorced in may of the 20th year, and this prompted my father to change his plans for this car and temporarily transfer it to him... i have this car for use. yulia bulanova's professional competence is questionable. the candidate for the position of judge has been working in the prosecutor's office for more than 20 years. currently, she is a prosecutor in the office prosecutor general and could not answer the question correctly. please, can the prosecutor's office now file lawsuits in the interests of the state or state-owned enterprises?
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no, unfortunately, not at this time. instead, the procedure for organizing the activity of prosecutors in representing the interests of the state, which includes, in particular, the filing of lawsuits, was determined by the order of the prosecutor general of ukraine back in 2018. it is surprising that yuliya bulanova, a prosecutor with many years of experience, does not know this. she also believes that a judge has no right to own property. however, the members of the commission are not not only did they focus on the ignorance of judges' rights and duties, but they also persistently pushed the candidate to do the right thing. answers, in general, according to the status of a judge, a person can have corporate rights, a judge, no, he cannot, and corporate rights are, according to the european court of justice, it is the property of the first protocol to it, it seems so, so why can’t it be legal and peaceful possession of property? yes, well, for example, you have an apartment in zaporizhzhia, yes, you can rent it out as a judge, yes.
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can you make a profit? yes, i can from my property, well despite such gaps in knowledge of the laws, the commission unanimously recommended appointing yulia bulanova to the position of judge of the shevchenkiv district court of kyiv. now the recommendation must be considered by the supreme council of justice. we hope that she will have more inspiration and time to research and weigh all the pros and cons of appointing candidates to honorary judicial positions. and for today i have everything, it was the court control and i am tatiana shustrova. if you know the facts of corruption in the judicial system, or you want to report an unscrupulous judge who issues wrong decisions, write to me on facebook or to the email address you see on the screen. it's all good, we'll meet in exactly one week.
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greetings, this is svoboda live, my name is vlasta lazur. today we are talking about new, and also old suspicions for the ministers of the uocmp. today , another head of this church, metropolitan zaporizhia, received suspicion from the sbu. luka, all these suspicions and accusations: is this a real struggle against the influence of the russian orthodox church in ukraine, or just an imitation? we will figure it out. we will also touch on the topic of mobilization, but we will start from the front. ukrainian soldiers defending chasiv yar say they are still waiting for american ammunition, even though it has been a week since the aid law was signed.


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