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tv   [untitled]    May 2, 2024 1:00am-1:31am EEST

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with viber, this is a belarusian development, despite the fact that everything is there, everyone uses it, and everything is there, including official things, so we need to decide, probably, after all, with those platforms that, well are controlled, but they are at least controlled by our allies, yes, i have, we have some problems with communication with... general yagun, now we will try to restore this connection, the connection has been restored, mr. general, please had some kind of communication problem, i mean, yes, i mean, we have an opportunity to use those platforms that are created in the united states, and i understand that they have their own security systems and protocols, but i don't think it will be as dangerous as... another network, but not in
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the virtual world, in in reality, this is the ukrainian orthodox church of the moscow patriarchate, and today the sbu came to search the metropolitan of the uoc mp in zaporizhzhia , metropolitan luka, andriy kovalenko, and he is a figure in the register of traitors, who compiled the movement honestly, because he probably spread pro-russian propaganda and justified armed of the russian federation against ukraine. and mr. general, the question is quite rhetorical, what to do in the current situation, when the issue or problem of the ukrainian orthodox church is again postponed for later, and we see that there is simply no solution, we see how this network, the large network of the ukrainian orthodox church they are trying to use the russians, and... well, as they say,
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there is no way to do that, so what to do in this situation? look, the security service is doing everything in its competence, it simply cannot jump its head above, it all boils down to because what the verkhovna rada accepts or does not accept, and why there is no pressure from someone who can actually manage the verkhovna rada from the outside, that is, if there was a decision by the president that... the draft law is urgent, i think that there were votes for it, for its adoption in the verkhovna rada, the problem is something else, the problem is that the law itself is not imperfect and extremely many questions will arise in its implementation, but at the same time , at least such a law that it should go already into work and we could begin to slowly clean up ukraine from this filth, but here, mr. general, this problem with the roc branch, it is
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a problem of national security and defense, and the nsdc could very well take on the function of an arbitrator, or a structure that will make a decision there, which can then be transformed either into a bill or into a presidential decree, that is, in your opinion, could the national security council... do with a branch of the russian orthodox church, in the same way as they once did with social networks vkontakte and classmates, when it was, let's say, decided in the context threats to national security and defense. unfortunately, there is no simple solution here. it is necessary to understand that the religious, religious issue now reaches even the first, first steps and it has quite an active influence. to help us in
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the united states, and those lobbyists who, for the money, certain oligarchs, or rather novinsky's oligarchs, had the money, they used certain representatives of the legislative branch of the united states to inflame this situation on an equal footing, so we need very neatly beautiful. go through all those things, and still it is necessary to adopt a law within the framework of which, without even naming who, who is who, namely within the framework of the law, regarding those structures that have their governing bodies in the country of the aggressor, to make the right decisions, and in case there are any claims by some international organizations regarding the religious there.
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culpability or persecution, clearly point to the legislative acts, to the legislative acts that were adopted in accordance with all the norms, so this is a very, really very... fragile topic, and it must be passed very nicely, without violating of the constancy that we have. thank you, mr. general, it was viktor yagun, major general of the reserve sbu, former deputy head of the security service of ukraine. friends, we are working live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are currently watching us live there. please subscribe to our pages and take part in our survey. today , we ask you about whether you see a threat. in ukraine, yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, if you have a special opinion, please leave it in the comments below video, if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote, if yes, then 0800 211 381 no
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0800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free, call us, at the end of the program we will sum up our vote, next, we will be in touch with roman tsymbalyuk, roman, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. i congratulate sergey, hello. by chance, i invite tv viewers to the youtube channel of roman tsymbalyuk. a person who has more than 1 million followers. become a follower of roman tsymbalyuk and you will know the truth and everyday you will hear roman tsimbalyuk's comments on his youtube channel. roman, let's start our conversation with information about the stand. special tribunal for russia. the committee of ministers of the council of europe made a decision regarding the special tribunal for russia, instructing the secretary general of the council of europe to prepare the necessary documents to facilitate consultations in the main group and to prepare a potential draft of the agreement with
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ukraine on the actual creation of the tribunal. the ukrainian foreign ministry has already stated that this is an important practical step on the way to creation of the special tribunal regarding the aggression of the russian federation. i... what do you think, roman, of this tribunal, a special tribunal, and only, is it necessary only for russia, or a special tribunal for war criminals, such as putin, shoigu and their whole gang? well, here we will not single anyone out, but before discussing who will judge whom and when, let's just speak the harsh truth: those who will be judged will... then lose the war, this is an important point, because sometimes, this is how i analyze, here are the questions that we have cool in ukraine, for example, when russia will collapse there, when putin dies, or he will be taken out of the refrigerator and he will not thaw, or something else, that is, of course,
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at the level of the ministry of foreign affairs, at the level of politics, this is all correct, and everyone has to do, but this does not replace the main thesis i am talking about. well, it is clear that this is a nazi state, and there are personal war criminals here, and this list is not complete, it will necessarily include, in addition to security forces, russian propagandists, even these are not propagandists, this russian information criminals, well, i don't know if this denozification will be on the russian state, on the germans, it happened as a result of the second world war. in japan , also as a result of the war and nuclear strikes, but with russia there are many issues, so of course i support it, but this is not the main issue for today, beyond all
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doubt, although in all these discussions, when they arise there, and wait, not all are russians, somewhere around 10% or somewhere around 7%. does not agree with putin's decisions and in general with they condemn the war, they quietly condemn it in their kitchens, should the responsibility be collective or personal for the russians, what do you think, and yet it has long been passed, in fact, it means war criminals, they are personally responsible, we have already outlined the circle in principle, there it is necessary add a few more and the team will be complete, well, at least this is the inner circle. of today's führer, these are the members of the russian security council, with whom he skypes every friday, usually, well, at least that's what they say, and regarding the population, of course, collective responsibility, it can only be moral, i like it, ukrainians don't like it, it won't be any other way, even in
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the best case, it's clear that, well, as far as i'm concerned, first of all, within the framework of this moral responsibility, who well... the teachers of russian schools should be examined first of all, because this is, in my opinion, the greatest evil. everything, if someone thinks that there will be some... body that wants to judge every russian and every russian soldier there, and whoever survives the war for the russian invaders, well, with a high probability after all, they will die later, as per vladimir putin's will, from vodka, not prison, if we are talking about the enlisted men, and maybe the officers, there already , let's remember from adolf, how it was there, how many people were tried, there there were not many of them. there are as many as 17, if i am not mistaken , those from the closest circle, well, now
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there will probably be something similar, but despite that, the germans for many generations of germans after the second world war atoned for this guilt and understood this guilt, are russians even capable of understanding what is fault? again, only the war will show, let’s do it, now somehow i don’t even want to draw these parallels, because germany has changed, there are completely different people, they are brought up differently, they have a different system of values, but after 45- of the year those who served in the wehrmacht and adolf served, that is , de-nazification actually began, when a new generation of people grew up under the influence and pressure of the allies, to talk about modern russians, well, i think it’s a utopia, you understand, well, look what they there, how? even here are the pictures that are used in
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the russian federation, well, this is a pure reich and only yulia navalnaya and the rest of these theoreticians who dream of a terrible, beautiful russia of the future, talk about it in their voices, and even aesthetically, it is no different, even if i find it now quickly. these photos are like one furor, one people, that there is one state, well, well, well, well, how can it be perceived normally, it, ah, well, look, well, i don't know if it will be visible or not, yes, you can see, you can see, here, one country, one people, and one president, anfolk, ein reich, hanführer, i'm sorry, it's, it's not artificial intelligence that took this top photo, i want to tell you what it seems to me, against the background of this, why
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did the ultra-left, ultra-right, well, that is, putin's friends, start to lose support in germany, because as i understand it, the germans looked at it and said, that's how we taught it in the textbooks, how a nation is turned into this sect, well, in this case. not adolf, but volodymyr, but technologically it works the same, the only thing is that adolf did not have a television, but adolf, the ideological son of adolf, everything is fine with television, you see, who jumps up, shouts, we won there, and so on, well, let's not call him volodymyr, but valdemar, it will be much fairer in this situation, roman, another problem that is now being articulated, in particular by the german minister of defense. boris pistorius, he says that the russians have started to produce a lot of weapons, very simply, and
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blinken talks about this, he says that the secretary of state of the united states of america, that thanks to the help of china, over the last year, russia has significantly accelerated the pace of weapons production, he stated this while in saudi arabia. let's listen to what blinkin said. if you look at what russia has done. year in terms of the production of ammunition, missiles, tanks and armored vehicles, you will find that it is producing them faster than at any time in modern history, including during the cold war, when the soviet union existed. how does she manage to do this? because it receives significant volumes of machine tools, microelectronics, optics, mainly from china. 70% of machine tools and 90% of microelectronics come from china. roman the arms race in the soviet union, which was trying to catch up with the united states of america,
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ended with the collapse of the soviet union. the current arms race in russia, how can it end? you see, it seems to me that the most important thing in the modern world is a person, but in the literal sense of the word, a soldier, i don’t know, there the military says manpower, modern technologies, there is robotics , and so on and so forth, well, i guess it allows more. labor productivity, the only thing that arises here is the moment, here is consta pistorius blinken, very cool officials, tall officials, people who are for... a career, to be honest, this statement is not enough for me, so i want to ask and, apparently, something should be done then, some other decisions should be made, maybe we should send, knock back a telegram secretly to kyiv , like, well, maybe it's not necessary, but there's no need
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to hit there, there's no need to hit there, as it was before the consideration in... in the congress according to help, i don't know, i think they need to watch more russian television but in our presentation, because they russians directly set the problem, articulate something with his mouth and his voice about the destruction of states, about striking the united states, and they say that you cannot drive the rat, that is, putin into a corner, because he will use nuclear weapons, that is, once again. we are in a situation where these statements, tears, this is not enough, well, it seems, after all , to antony blinken, he did not go to china just like that, and certain changes, well, at least this is how the russians themselves began to say that the chinese have become a little bit send them less, they do not accept payments, that is, it is all regulated and works out if the western world
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plays at full strength, and with the russians you have to play at full... strength, then the situation changes, do you remember when the terrorist girkin was still at large, and pleased us with his forecasts there, he very often repeated the following formulation: we must fight in fact, this parade, no wonder, is for our western partners, it is very, very useful, it is not possible here, but here, here we... help ukraine, here we somehow balance, russia, china , geopolitics there, well, all these, so that nuclear weapons do not spread around the world and so so on and so forth, so the time has come when it is necessary to take all the appropriate measures, well , it seems that the western world still has them, well, i am an optimist here, because adolf, excuse me
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, volodymyr, yes, he... still after all, he will convince everyone in his terrible intentions that there is no other way to deal with them. in your opinion, what should the west demonstrate now, what could it do, that is, announce the demilitarization of putin's russia, the denuclearization of russia, the de-rasification of russia, that is, what should the west say? in the current, well, our western ones partners, in the current situation, because when waldemar threatens the whole world, then he must receive some signal that what will happen to him, if suddenly something, why, why, why is there no such thing, well, then denuclearization may come someday, but at the moment, no one is even
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talking about it out loud, the topic of de-rasification, here again, these and these definitions are not permanent and, as it were, unappealable in the west, and as far as i am concerned, in today's situation, well, since it is already taking such a turn, then the following thing must be said that we announce an unmanned zone on the territory of ukraine, within its internationally recognized borders, is possible without the use of nuclear weapons. yes, it could change the situation, but you see with us, how about these planes, this is all as long as they are at once, we have all hopes for the f-16, how they will show themselves in the war with with the russians, this is also a question, the planes are old, but theirs are new, we disassemble the russian iskanders,
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which are sometimes scattered around our city and the neighboring ones... scattered, there are a lot of western components and so on and so forth, i.e. i don’t know, it seems to me that these are general territorialized things, they are, well, they are interesting, and this is what political scientists and some journalists live on, but i am still a supporter of such a practical approach, ah, there should be a military - a technical answer, that's all. the rest is all just talk, well, for today, they are not just there in moscow, knocked down equipment from nato countries. dragged into the exhibition, and there are queues of russian pacifists, that is, exactly those about whom yulia navalnaya told that there is someone there
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against the war, they thus demonstrate to the russian population that putin is right, so you see, we attacked ukraine, and nato is already there , well, since nato is already there, well, then take appropriate steps, well, in fact, everything is moving in this direction, it's just time. in fact, money, including, including western taxpayers, because these deliveries would have been made a year ago, decisions would have been made on planes and so on and so on, immediately, well at least immediately after the invasion, well, look, and the situation there was another one, so what did they bring us cool leopard tanks, they were shot down from the air together with our servicemen very often, well, it's somehow... simple, well, what do you think can accelerate the collapse
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of putin's russia? yes, this is, you know, an eternal question, it's like a plane crash, it seems to me that there is a lot to do with it, well, for starters, ukrainian victories in the theater of military operations with the help of high-tech weapons. there we have many retired american and not only american generals, they like to think that how cool it was, because here we it still had to be presented like this, when i was there, general khodzhits served, we had 300 planes, we would have taken off, flown, bombed everyone there, they would all have died, so the question is, these are not pensioners they are talking about it, and 300 planes, as they were, remained, in short, they are still only weapons. thank you roman for the conversation, it was roman tsymbalyuk, my colleague, journalist and vlogger who has a fairly large youtube channel, subscribe to his youtube
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channel. there are discounts represent coco discounts may na dolgit cream 150 g, 20% in pharmacies plantain bam and oskad. there are discounts represented by coco may discounts on tizin 20% in pharmacies plantain bam and savings. vasyl zima's big broadcast, this is a big broadcast, my name is vasyl zima, and we are starting, two hours of air time, two hours of your time, many important topics we will discuss with you today, two hours to learn about the war, right now and about the war let's talk more, serhiy zgurets is with us, and what the world is like, now about what happened in the world, in more detail yuriy phys. will speak. two hours to catch up on economic news, time to talk about money in wartime. oleksandr morchivka is with us, oleksandr, please welcome and sports news. a review of sports
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events from yevhen postahov. two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. thank you very much, elina chechenii, for the information about culture news. presenters who have become like relatives to many. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather on the day of preyedeshna, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio. andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also chairman of the verkhovna rada. the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, espresso in the evening. there is a war going on, and not only for territories, it is also a war for minds. we are engaged in propaganda. russia is throwing millions of petrodollars into turning ukrainians into little russians. ukraine will become russia. countering russian information attacks in the chronicles of information war project with olga len. tuesday, thursday at 17:15, repeat, tuesday, friday at 22:00. see
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this week in the program judicial control with tatyana shustrova. another bribe from femidi. how the police detained judge burhan. receipt of funds by the participants was documented. but why did the supreme court lower the quality of judging judges. throws into the dustbin all those facts about judges, their dishonesty, their property. on thursday, may 2 at 5:45 p.m., watch the judicial control program with tatiana shustrova on the espresso tv channel. exclusively on the air of our channel. congratulations, friends, politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week: russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on... the border between ukraine and poland, topics causing resonance in our society: drone attack on kyiv and other cities
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of ukraine, drone attacks. to moscow and other cities of russia, analysis of processes that change the country and each of us. the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored because there is nothing to fight about. let's make up, help to understand the present and predict the future. for the world, a second trump presidency will be terrifying. a project for those who care and think. political club. every sunday at 20:10 on sp.
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greetings, friends, this is the second part of the verdict program, we are working live on the tv channel, my name is serhii rudenko, today in the program. zelensky's five-year rule, peculiarities of ukrainian democracy in conditions of war and absence
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of elections. is the threat of authoritarianism in ukraine real? restriction of rights and freedoms against the background of mobilization. the announcement of the withdrawal from the convention on human rights caused a public outcry. is there treason in the actions of the government? diplomacy with artificial intelligence. consular a virtual spokeswoman will now comment on questions on behalf of the ministry of foreign affairs. will a digital official be trusted? we will talk about all this in the next 45 minutes with our guests, but before introducing them, i will remind you that we are not only working live on the channel, but also on our platforms on youtube and facebook, for those who are currently watch us there live, please subscribe to our pages, and also take part in our survey, today we ask you about whether you see a threat to democracy in ukraine, yes, no, on youtube is quite simple, if you sit
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in front of the tv and watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote yes 0800 211 381 no 0800 211 382 all calls to these numbers are free and we have our first guest is viktor boberenko, an expert of the policy analysis bureau. mr. viktor, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. kulik in two minutes, good health, mr. sergey. vitaly will join us in literally two minutes. kulyk, but let's start with you in the format of a quick question, we ask ours tv viewers about what and viewers, do they see a threat to democracy in ukraine, do you see a threat to democracy in ukraine? unequivocally yes, i see a threat and zelenskyi's government, well, zelenskyi's team is trying to usurp power, they are trying to make this power.
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if extended in time, we remember, zelenskyi said that i 'm going there for one term, but in fact i'm not, and now they're already thinking, and that's not all, well, when we're talking, why do you think so, in i have a very large evidence base, yes, if, well, now it's up to you blitz is necessary, yes, that is, i have a large evidence base in order to really claim that zelenskyi’s team... wants to usurp power in ukraine, and the usurpation of power is, well, it is the biggest threat to democracy, we of this program , we will talk about it, of course, and about the trends that we see, and even more so, we must not forget that may this year, it is quite difficult for president zelenskyi, and for the team, and for society, and for those who must be
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