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tv   [untitled]    May 2, 2024 2:30am-3:01am EEST

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military management systems. and finally , i would like to ask about whether there is progress with the staffing of your unit with qualified engineers, because this is like a litmus test for me, whether there really are any positive changes between the desire of the military to serve in a specific part and the mechanisms, whether there are such the mechanisms of really guiding a person to the part where he wants to serve. well, my experience is negative, but uh... well, for sure, some departments have contacts with direct contacts at the horizontal level, and they can use them. currently , there is no such legally established procedure regarding the possibility of direct involvement of people with certain professional, professional training in civilian life. unfortunately, mobilization is practiced today, which as the first stage sends a person to... basic military training, and
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after that there is a distribution, in which the middle or operational-tactical level does not intervene, that is , brigade commanders cannot influence this distribution, because distribution is carried out by the main personnel department. mr. pavle, thank you for your explanations, for your service, for your work, i hope that we will continue to discuss the actual problems of the life of our troops with you. let me remind you that it was pavlo kishkar, major of the armed forces, chief of staff, deputy battalion commander of the armed forces of ukraine. these were the main military results of this day, and more international and economic news later on vasyl zima's big broadcast, so stay tuned to the espresso channel. thank you very much, it was serhii sgurets, the director of the defense express agency and the host of the military news column. we talked today and thank you for it
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a lot of important and interesting information, but now we will talk about the situation in kharkiv and kharkiv oblast, the region, the city and the region, which are constantly under enemy fire, unfortunately, the enemy hit both the city and the region, and this day, and about we will talk about the consequences of hostile, vile terrorist attacks with serhii zhukov, deputy of the kharkiv regional council, mr. serhii, i congratulate you, congratulations, good day. i am glad to see and hear, so today the enemy struck again both in kharkiv and in kharkiv oblast, unfortunately, there dead, different, different settlements are named, where they flew, then cabs, then some other means of defeat, if possible, in general the picture as of the evening at 18:34, how this day passed and the most important consequences, i know that, unfortunately, its killed people wounded by enemy attacks, so today there were blows to the car. in the region
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and in the first half of the day, i.e. before noon, came under fire again, little danylivka, that is, i apologize, and the city, shevchenkivski, kyiv districts, as well as settlements in the region, and it was in the region that at least three people were killed civilian people were killed by state, for now this is what was officially reported, and if we talk about, if we talk about the situation. in the energy sector, i know that there again, once again, the schedules of the blackout in kharkiv are being adjusted, is it possible, well , again, there are some secrets that should not be talked about, is it possible to somehow normalize, stabilize , to fix something that the enemy, that the enemy attacked and bring the situation to a more or less normal state with the supply, first of all, of electricity, well, look, if to talk about how
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the people of kharkiv live today, in general the situation is more or less stable with electricity supply, there is no light for up to three hours a day on average, that's why schedules are usually clarified, schedules are adjusted, today there is a message from of the regional military administration regarding the adjustment of schedules and the introduction of additional, let's say, hours for turning off the lights, but in general... in general , residents of kharkiv with electricity are there for most of the day and have the opportunity to enjoy the benefits of civilization, well, if we speak in general about life in the city, we understand, well, not only in the city, if we talk about the region, but let's now concentrate first on the regional center, and here are these constant enemy attacks, how do they affect the fact that people leave, maybe someone is coming back, is it enough... are the shelters safe for the townspeople,
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is it possible that work is underway to build or equip new shelters, because we understand that something that arrives very often or gives very little time for a person to be able to... well, more - less secure yourself, or sometimes i do not leave such an opportunity at all, well , look, shelter is a problem, of course there are not enough of them, it is 100%, well, the biggest shelter is probably our subway, but you perfectly understand that not always and not everyone has the opportunity to go down under the ground, if there is an air alarm, especially since the arrivals and air alarms between them... the time distance is very short, and sometimes even the arrival of the air alarm can happen, so the majority of kharkiv residents perceive air alarms as part of the landscape, let's say so, and a part life, and maybe
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they are a bit fatalistic about these things, unfortunately, or not unfortunately, but that’s how it is, well, in principle, you are probably also aware that the whole of ukraine is aware that we have built a me... school, an underground school, that in children are educated in the underground, but again, this is only a part of our schoolchildren who study underground, most of them are still forced to receive educational services in an online format, ugh, well, actually the enemy hit zolochiv, if we talk about communities, the zolochiv community, which is suffering from enemy attacks, which communities are now in the biggest problems and, well, connected, first of all, of course, with the fact that... that the enemy is attacking them in the humanitarian sphere, in the communal sphere, in the security sphere, in the sphere of simply providing assistance to people, i mean medical assistance, social assistance , and again the question of evacuation, is it still relevant, does the evacuation of people from certain settlements continue at will, and
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do people express such desires, evacuation is permanent in our country, it is a constant process of evacuation, partial evacuation the population is from... more dangerous communities, but for more than a month now, we have practically no safe places in the kharkiv region, when the russians started using these modernized aerial bombs , and again, since the end of march, aviation has been operating in the city, unfortunately , this is what happens, as for the communities that suffer the most in our country, well, in fact, all communities, as i said, are in the risk zone, but most often this situation has not changed since the fall of 22, most often the russians hit the communities , which are border and are, which are actually front, that is, this is the kupyansk community, this is the vovchansk
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community, which were under daily fire, even until march-april, when the intensification began in... the shelling of the city of kharkiv and the region itself, and it was already perceived as such a routine, apparently in the news, and it never became , let's say, a sensation, or it still continues in the city, well, on the one hand, there is some kind of information attack, on the other hand , ordinary human discussion, and sometimes bordering on panic, sometimes just bordering on anxiety, questions about... a possible attack the enemy is on kharkiv, and at one time the degree of this issue was raised very high, raised very high, as now with this, has actually this peak of intimidation and anxiety passed and the city continues to live at least a difficult life, well,
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but without everyday, now the enemy will go to kharkiv ? eh, the information attacks of the enemy, they intensified at the same time as... genetic attacks, that is, with the intensification of shelling since the end of march , the number of information attacks on kharkiv has increased many times, almost every day some new leaks appeared, and the russians use all the mechanisms for that , to scare the citizens, and to spread panic, to spread and raise the level of anxiety, and spam messages in sms, and in various messengers, and some messages in anonymous... various fakes about the evacuation of authorities there and so on, and this is all literally , well, it is thrown into the information space almost every day, and the people of kharkiv before it, well, actually speaking, in order to speak with some confidence about the influence on the mood in the city or
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about the reaction of the people of kharkiv to it, you must have sociology, but we can see that's why that the monitoring of social networks reveals. a slightly distorted understanding of what is happening, because you can see the activation of bots, the activation of trolls, who are scribbling comments in all social networks about the fact that kharkiv... gives, drains, leaves, flees and so on, if you look at the streets of the city, then we will see a huge number of people, a huge number of cars, that is, the city is alive, the city is working, with regard to the general general level of anxiety, so you can hear certain such moods with people in conversations, or rather some anxious thoughts, but such panicky moods and the desire to run away from behind the scenes. well , at least i am not watching, thank you very much, mr. serhiy, take care, serhiy zhukov, deputy
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of the kharkiv regional council about enemy attacks on kharkiv and on kharkiv, that unfortunately people died as a result of this vile terrorist attack, these are vile terrorist attacks that unfortunately, they are repeated almost every day in kharkiv, there in the kharkiv region, we talked with serhiy zhokov, and now we will talk about political and not only domestic political topics, but also foreign policy, which are usually immediate. are related to ukraine, in fact, there is not much happening in the world that is somehow not related to the war that russia has unleashed against our country. oleksiy gran, professor of kyiv-meghlyan political science at the kyiv-meghlyan academy, mr. oleksiy, i congratulate you, and i am also the scientific director of the tem initiative fund. first of all, first of all i would like to congratulate you. mr. oleksii, with the fact that the british ambassador martin garis presented you with the british
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empire medal, we will now even show if, if have not yet shown, now we will show a photo report from this event, and if there is not yet, well, we will show it, i would like you to tell us a little more, for what merits, what kind of medal it is, because it is important to understand, actually, no, well, come on , let's keep it short, yes, because we don't have much time, there are a lot of questions, thank you for the greetings, so. this medal, which was given to me by charles ii, yes, that is, it is a medal, so to speak, from the hands of the king, but mediated, so it is really, if a great honor, it says, for what, it is written that for the contribution to the strengthening of the ukrainian-british strategic partner, that is, by and large, this is an assessment of this great analytical work done by the democratic initiatives foundation, yes, because we prepared very... a lot of different analytical materials on the eve of the war, after it
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began, well, we hope that there is not even a small contribution, but that britain supports us, so once again this is a joint effort dem initiative, but thank you for the congratulations of course, and well, we will discuss several topics , we will definitely make time for the most important ones, of course, and we will talk about a sociological survey that democratic initiatives were carried out by the foundation, it sounds so complicated, maybe... but in fact, very interesting topics were raised, socio-political democracy, democracy, populism, mobilization, and here too it is very important to understand that there are people in ukraine who are convinced that the best way to ensure order in our country can be authoritarianism, by the way, 19%, 42% of respondents believe that only democracy, the rule of law can ensure order, well... 23% believe that it is possible to combine democratic and authoritarian practices, this is how we are, how
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representative was this survey, what is the error, because these numbers, which i just announced, in fact, they are not something to be alarmed, whether it is a result of the war, or it is the desire for a strong year again, what is the reason, please let's first calm down and say that all is not lost, yes, because, look, actually, when we talk about a strong hand, that is, it does not necessarily mean that it is an authoritarian, authoritarian leader , yes, that is, de gaulle, thatcher, and reagan, they were all strong leaders, yes, concentrated power in their hands, but at the same time they were forced to follow democratic procedures, yes, and when you quoted 19%, it was precisely the question that it was all the power. a strong leader and his political power must take responsibility, that
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is, the persons i mentioned, they took this responsibility upon themselves, and therefore i would not equate it, that is , directly with authoritarianism, although we ourselves wrote about it in a press release, this, let's say , may be the basis for certain authoritarian tendencies, but i think it is telling that 42% say that only democracy, the rule of law and an independent court. yes, and for a strong leader and his political power, it is 19%, so it is actually a good result, and we asked the question sometime after the beginning. war is pretty rough, do you think that democracy is better, can some, even individual measures be authoritarian, ah, and then the ratio was 64 to 14, yes, that is, these are indicators that, let's say, would be envious of western society as well, that is ukrainians actually continue to believe in democracy,
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in the same poll we put asked... the question, and if the goal justifies the means, then it is possible to achieve a good goal for the good, to break the law, and the ukrainians said no, that's why, again, in general , i think that these results are not bad, well, 2000 respondents were interviewed, theoretical error, 2,3, these are so standard, yes, although we know that sociology during the war. well, it is very difficult to calculate all this correctly and unexpected, unexpected factors can intervene, but again, if we see, that is, we have to analyze trends, trends are not show that ukrainians are ready to go under the dictatorship, let's say no, by the way, there is also
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an important question here, which, well, i don't know, it's hard for me to say, whether it shows that people have moved away from... ah, the soviet type of thinking and life, because we actually have a lot of people in ukraine who have never lived in the soviet union at all, but the division of opinions regarding who should provide a person with an adequate standard of living, well, again, here is the question, what will you explain now that this is a proper standard of living, and citizens have it equally to provide the state and the citizens themselves with a standard of living of more than half of 52%, well, this is actually normal, this is the practice of such democratic socialisms. let's say in sweden, let's say in other countries, where there is a state and everything, but there are laws and rules that work, so the rich pay more, who is there, well, that is, there is their own order, yes, why does it work for of all citizens, then the state is obliged to ensure an adequate standard of living for all citizens, and 22%,
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which means that the communal service is three kopecks and so on, so on and so on, and everything has to be done by someone to do, well, it should depend on him himself, but... people who think in a completely modern way like this believe that you yourself are the creator of your own happiness, sua esquistkoi, everyone is a fabre of your happiness, please, well, look, here in these figures that you gave, it is alarming, it is only this figure of 22%, which says that the state must provide everything, i already... to be honest, i thought that there was not everything- after all, there are 1/5 of such people, because this is exactly what paternalism is, it is what comes from soviet union, and of course, these views, they, they are not really positive, they are really dangerous, but yes, about the same number of people adhere to libertarian approaches, yes,
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so that it is completely up to the citizen to decide for himself, which also obviously not everyone will be in... yes , it's about initiative, about one's own energy, relying on oneself, but we know that life circumstances can be different, yes, that's why i think that the majority of ukrainians, you gave this figure of 52%, that they would like to and the citizens themselves, and still the state helped them, you are absolutely right that this is do, by the way, it's not only scandinavian socialism, so-called, it's almost all western socialism. europe, to a lesser extent the usa, to a greater extent canada, but where very, where there are also social packages, well, like, like, you know, now many ukrainians have gone abroad and, let's say, they even see my german acquaintances there, who say , there are people who constantly live on some kind of payments, social benefits, do not work at all, they are fine,
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well, they are not grabbing stars from the sky, but they are fine, and why do i think, and why is it so in ukraine can't be, right gdp in germany? moreover, i am still here, before we move on to the question of mobilization, a very important topic, and i would like you to say that these are really people who have learned from the negative experience of the last elections, i am not talking specifically about president zelensky, i am talking about many people who accidentally got into power, and the degree of agreement with the statement that our country should be run by people from the people, and not by representatives of the ruling elite, well, as if the elite is not the people, and the second, similar topic, often the opinion of ordinary people people is more important than the opinion of professionals, and that about... the fact that only 15% of the people should be in charge, that is, the people understood on... probably, seeing people from the people in the verkhovna rada, who do not know anything at all, that well, this is a kind of management, vasyl, well, if we
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sum up some numbers, well, numbers, yes, in the answer options, then still more people still believe that the country should be run by people from the people, although the opposition in it is, but when we put... and this is the result of our populism, actually, it was what was demonstrated in 2019, but when we narrow it down, and you narrow it down to specifics, and you want to be represented in politics by an average citizen, not a professional politician, and that's where people's point changes, they say, well no, after all , the majority, well, not the majority of people, relatively the majority there... they think that no, let me be better represented by a professional politician, and the majority of those interviewed, they hesitate, yes, that is, again, when you ask abstractly,
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well, the people are better, the people will say how they will tie, and the political elite is all, all rotten, all bad and so on, there is some truth here, but in the first option populism wins, let's give people from the people, but when you ask specifically... who do you want to represent you, people change their opinion, they understand that, after all, in politics it should not be a person from the street, not some kind of wedding photographer, and so on, we know these characters, after all, it should be an expert, well , to be fair, then the servants also have good professional experts, they say, it should be a person from the people, and the one you have pulls wallets out of a bag in transport, is it the ruling elite, or is it a person from the people? the very person from the people can become a deputy and will not extract money from you, but extract billions from the budget, and the question of mobilization, i will go through several points here at once, well, firstly , the assessment of the actions of the majority of acquaintances of conscription age
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who are able by the state of health, the situation of military mobilization , the majority tries to avoid, i would not take this question, because we are asking who in your circle of acquaintances, that is , it is people who would evaluate, and the evaluation can always to be subjective, hard you'. read, but we specifically asked what you will do in the event of an escalation or a prolongation of the war, yes, 3% of them are already serving, 7% will join if we mobilize, that is, another 10%, 9% say they will join if military action approaches to their place of residence, that is , relatively speaking, the amount either went to the front or is ready to go... by 19%, this is quite a lot in fact, because the following figure shows that 35% will submit
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to provide military aid, money, volunteering, work, blood donor, this is 35%, yes, that is, the vast majority of ukrainians do not take the position of my house from the edge, there are people who take such a position, 24% say that they will try to simply survive, yes, they will try to leave the country, another 5%, that is, you see, and there are 24 + 5 of such people, well there are almost 29, almost 30%, but still we are talking about the fact that 55% say, no, we will not, we will help, that is, these numbers are actually, if we had 20% there , agrees to mobilization, this means that we have such a reserve, by the way, we asked similar questions. put to the beginning of the war, and the ukrainians, well, the indicators were approximately, approximately the same, because there was a share of people who generally believed that russia
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would not attack ukraine, yes, but these percentages, they were approximately the same, that is , i cannot say what if, well, according to this, according to these data , the situation worsened dramatically, well, we obviously know what we hear, and unfortunately... we hear it not only from publications that provide verified information, including the espressa channel, our well, this is our survey, we made another presentation, it showed where people are from they take information about the war, in the first place is telegram, in second place are the people around me with whom i communicate, and in third place is youtube, and we know how much unverified information there is, the telegram channel in one telegram channel shows you how in theory, russian tanks are exploding, in another telegram channel they show you how difficult it is for ukrainian fighters, and here, as they say, and there is mainly black and white, we have literally three
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minutes, but i can't help but ask... brief statement was from lloyd austin, head of the pentagon, that ukraine and the usa can, oh, ukraine and russia may start negotiations in the summer, but i saw that this news appeared in the 22nd year and earlier, that is, this, but also this security agreement that ukraine and the usa are preparing to sign, maybe briefly about austin's statement and more about the deal, what exactly is in the statement, there's really nothing surprising about austin's statement, yeah, well, actually it's going to depend on. of the further development of events, yes, that is, if the west gives us, will give us the proper help, if we can launch a successful offensive to liberate our territories, well, this is one scenario, and the other is if it will be as it has been there for the last six months, there is no proper help, there is not enough ammunition and the russians are trying, yes, that is, i do not rule out that in such a situation at some point there may be
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a freeze in the conflict. in one form or another, right? that is, once again, these will rather not be public negotiations, but there will be some kind of, ah, as they say, back channel, yes, that is, through the back door, yes, some kind of contact is being made, well, we understand that, in fact , negotiations are going even now, and, that is, they are simply related to some technical things, there is the exchange of prisoners, etc., but, unfortunately, they do not concern, say, issues of liberation. nuclear facilities, the general cessation of bombing and so on, that is why this position, it is not new for the west, whether he, whether they would give us the necessary weapons, here, of course, there are many very unknowns, first of all, these are the elections in the united states, we see that europe is changing its position, yes, but if the us does not give us help, it will be difficult enough for us, so security,
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a security agreement. so, well, in principle, this is not bad, and what is even good is that we are we sign such security agreements, because the parties undertake, undertake obligations, this is good, the only thing we have to remember, constantly remember, is that these are not security guarantees, because the authorities sometimes tell us so, oh, we signed about security, it's not about security guarantees, it's about guarantees of providing security. help, but this does not mean that someone will be there for us, someone will fight for us, or will take over and close the sky over ukraine, unfortunately, putin intimidated enough here with nuclear blackmail, and therefore the west is trying not to raise pond, but if the west will provide us with the necessary, necessary weapons, then that will also be good, and then we will be able to successfully defend ourselves and hope that we
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will change... the situation, change the situation at the front. 83% of ukrainians believe in victory, but out of these 80, no, no, sorry, 83, yes, out of these 83 , 26% see, out of these 83, 26%, they see victory, even if they have to go to some territorial concessions, so everything depends on the situation on the field, we will thank you, mr. oleksiy. i will remind only for people that there are good words in the scriptures: faith without works is dead, and the more people will be involved in works to create victory, the more realistic it will be. thank you very much, mr. oleksiy, thank you for your work, first of all, congratulations once again on the award from the king of britain, charles ii. oleksiy geran, scientific director of the democratic initiative foundation, professor of political science at the kyiv-mohyla academy. well , i will tell you in detail about the most important news in just a moment. good evening, we are with
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well, the second hour of the big broadcast is ahead, a lot of interesting and important information for you we have prepared, there will be yuliy fizar, the world about ukraine, money during the war with oleksandr morshevka, sports news from yevhen pastokhov, is there still intrigue in the ukrainian football premier league, has one of the leaders there lost points, and the weather from natalka didenko, this is also important and relevant for understanding. two people, unfortunately, died and six were wounded, such are the preliminary consequences of the shelling of the city. entered donetsk region. according to the reports of the head of the region vadym filashkin, the russians attacked with hurricanes. a 57-year-old woman and a 64-year-old man became victims of the attack. the victims are provided with the necessary assistance, information on the number of injured and the amount of destruction is still being clarified. and, unfortunately, a 67-year-old woman died as a result of the shelling of lalyukivka in kharkiv oblast and up to eight.


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