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tv   [untitled]    May 2, 2024 4:00am-4:31am EEST

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it didn’t happen at all, a lot of my comrades died in my vorvarovka, my company’s tank burned down, his gunner also burned down the tank, only one mechanic was still alive, he got out when the car was on fire, he managed to get out, that’s all, then they fought a little in the front line, then i was sent to such a town for pastoral care, russia sent most of its... special forces for pastoral care, we as special forces there fought with the local lpr, dpr and their, their special forces, and that's why it was very difficult for us. our cambrikh died there, they constantly fired at us, we didn't we had time to leave, when no large-caliber guns came at us, rounds of aviation, aerial bombs, it was very scary, shepherds, er... there was a woman walking,
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we were at our place, well, there was lunch, yes, so-called, like, because war is war, and lunch according to the schedule, as they say, we had lunch and walked towards the car, because our cars were just standing like that, well, in the landing, well, so that it wouldn’t be seen, well, a woman was walking alongside our car, we didn’t let her in, and she started crying , and we are western ukraine, here we understand everything, we made concessions to her and missed out. and warned her what was ahead the road is mined, and she walked, looked where each mine lay, and after 15 minutes, artillery shelling, they cleared the road, two tanks and three bmps were going to break through, they immediately started bursting, i remember that i ran out of that building and a tank shell flew straight into the house, shrapnel fell, i was lying on...
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then another shell, well, they fired without interruption, their tank was reloading, bmp fired, their artillery poured in, well, but thanks to our tourists, they burned one tank and two bnt , and the others ran away, because they realized that they would not go any further, but there were very, very many hard threes. it was very difficult to deliver ammunition, it was very difficult, they were there, but it was difficult to deliver them to us, because all the roads that led to the pasture, all the roads were shot at, and it was very terribly shot at from all corners, they were delivered, but i say it like this, literally 15 minutes, we had time, we had time to threaten, threatened that we didn't have time for the car to turn around and immediately drove off.
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i was wounded somewhere on march 23, it was around 12:30, i called the team to leave, to work, because the enemy was a box drove in, it was necessary to work so that we could leave, when i ran out to run to the car, i heard the exit, i heard such a hard exit, i did not hear a whistle, but it turned out that the mine was flying right at me. and 3 m from me it broke into the wall, i was thrown, well , somewhere on the meter maybe five or six i was thrown away by a wave and i lie like this, conscious, lying with my eyes open, noise, noise in my head, a pile of dust, i tried to fight back myself , i realized that it was not going to work, because i didn't even have a heel, splinters flew there, i saw bleeding from the eye.
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i try with that hand, those fingers are stuck, because there is a penetrating wound, i tried with that hand, i look, blood is also flowing, i realized that nothing, that hand was torn off right away on the left and everything and i started to say goodbye, well, i knew that was all, i raise my head, look my commander, then my commander pulled me out, i was able to get to the tank that i was driving, and he pulled me out from under fire, they gave me first medical aid, put everything on me, took me away, put me in the car, took me to the ambulance by car, loaded it into ambulance, evacuation took place during shelling, and everyone was taken out soldiers who were wounded, we drove for about 20 minutes, then mines fell behind us, because the road was shot through, mines just fell behind us and that was it, well, maybe two or three kilometers, they overloaded me in an ambulance, they also provided med...
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aid there they sent me to pervomaiske, trained there, then sent me to the dnipro, in general they said that i was born in a shirt, because i am a lot. then i lost blood, they already poured blood there, and i was in the dnipro for a day, and i was sent to the hospital in lviv, and there the first operation, the second operation, the third operation, the fourth operation, four operations were performed on me, the fourth one was done on my hand last time, and that's it, i spent maybe a month here in the hospital and i was in rehabilitation, because i was healing a lot. and i was sent to the city of kuskavytsi. smt lyubinya received a protest, then i was sent to the vlk, passing through sek. they gave me a second group for life. passed the vlk, made limited fit. i was transferred from the military unit, where i
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served, i was transferred to the drohobytsk rtcc and sp, in the company guard. i am already in the drugobytsk rtc more than six months. well, during those six months , relations are very terrible, people think that i bought a group for myself, that i was not there, it is very, very difficult, you simply explain to people that there is a war in ukraine, they say, there is no war, it is very difficult here, psychologically here it is very difficult to maintain iron nerves, people watch the internet, there are videos, they do not understand that here the boys of drohobytskyi mertelskav, i don't think that no one fought here, here all the boys are fighters, half of them.
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greetings, good evening, my name is myroslava barchuk and this program is my own name, shared a project of the ukrainian pen club and espresso tv channel. today we will talk with you about hollywood on the banks of the black sea. of the sea, that's how they say about roman yury yanovskyi, master of the ship. we will talk about ukrainian odessa, which existed in the 20s, its germ was there, but then this germ itself was killed. my guest today is yaryna tsymbal, she is
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a literary critic, and what is important for us, yaryna is a researcher of the literature of the 1920s, and also yaryna, the author of the project our 20s in... a book was published by the master of the ship yuriy yanovsky. congratulations irina. good evening, moryslava good evening. i will start by saying that this novel, master of the ship, i decided to talk about it, because it is a novel about a whole era, about a whole, about a whole life of ukrainian bohemia. in odesa, yes, at the film factory, uh, what, uh, suddenly, this is a very difficult text, as for me, yes, i think that this is a difficult text, but this text is terribly popular among, the sumerians and millennials, at least among such aesthetic
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part, these young people in fact, what is the reason for this, that suddenly the master of the ship, in your opinion, is being discussed so much now, well there's literally no literary podcast where... young people don't discuss the master of the ship, why? i am extremely pleased , first of all, that they talk about the master of the ship, usually, but not only vivat recently published the master of the ship, and in all prefaces and in most conversations about this, about this novel, about this book, they mention that it is about the sea, cinema, odesa, love, but, i repeat, this is first of all. a novel about youth, there is the first quote from gogol, and in the automatic translation, i think, in the translation of yanovsky himself, about that when going out, on the road, leaving, saying goodbye to youth, do not forget the things that are important to you there, and this novel is written
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on behalf of a 70-year-old friend of the master of cinema, although yanovsky himself is 25 at the time when he writes it, but he writes as if... looking back at his youth, and he really looks back at it, just at literally yesterday, in the book it is as if it was 50 years ago, half a century has passed, and it seems to me that this young man... the thrill that he experienced yanovsky himself at that time, affected such a young audience and young readers and readers, and it is interesting that he writes on behalf of his 70-year-old self, yes, well, yanovsky writes, yes, because he is and is the prototype of the main character tom key, a fellow master of cinema, and he says that i am 70 years old, yanovsky himself died very early, he did not live to live, he was 52, 51, or 52 years old, yes, he died in 54 or so. and so in 54, but in the 54th year, but the day, he died in
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february, and his birthday was in august, that is, in 51.5 years, roughly speaking, and as vera ageeva says, nothing happens out of nothing , the master appears in ukraine for the 28th year of a ship, the city of pidmogilnoy appears in ukraine, a girl appears in montovych with... a doctor, i heard, it seems that this is faith too, pavlin's faith said that if ukraine gave such novels every year, we would be like this there, all the nobel prizes would be taken, what do you think it was born from, why is there such a surge in the form of the novel, because these are complex forms, and we will talk later about how complex the novel is, how complex yanovsky’s novel is, so this one, because it is complex in form... yes, but what gave birth to such literature in the 28th year,
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there were many readers, and you know that, and it reminds us a little today, because as ukrainian literature recently, more precisely, criticism demanded a great novel from literature, so it was also in the 20s, because the liberation struggles are ending, the ukrainian revolution is ending, and literature gives poetry and small prose. forms, that one is so wavy, it’s crazy, it’s the 27th year, he also only has short stories, even if there were some separate texts, they were not so skillful, did not attract attention, and this desire for a great novel finally came true, but why yes, at the same time, maybe these young people, here is yanovsky, the gravedigger, the gravedigger for two years, for... only a year older than yanovskyi, that is, they, they are the same generation, they are very young, and these are their first novels in
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both of them , for domontovych, this is the first and for a long time the last, that is, petrov realized himself first of all as a scientist, after all , he turned to literature in various forms, so he has biographical novels, but about... dumantovych, it should still be said that this is a hoax, and he always refused authorship of the girl with the bear, so it is in general, a specific phenomenon is separate, and speaking of it, it’s not the only novel, for example, borys teneta’s novel harmony and pigs was published that year, it’s also the first novel, so the 28th year, it’s also the first novel, a prose novel, no longer a beginner, but to the novel form, somehow they all matured at the same time, although in... they were all young, they managed to produce masterpieces. and so, if we talk about the 28th year, and
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now we are talking about literature, but the novel master of the ship is about how movies are made, yes, young people, and this, by the way, is amazing, you say 25 years, 25 years yanovsky comes to odesa and becomes an editor at a film studio, it is now to imagine that some 25-year-old green guy, i drew in a film studio. young people and there i just imagine this life on the seashore, this is beautiful odessa, this warm sea, this smell of the sea, which yanovsky talks about all the time, he admires this sea from every side, and a young bohemian, so a ukrainian young a bohemian who makes films, what was the odesa film factory at that time and what was this vuvku, tell me what it was vuvku - this is the all-ukrainian photocinema administration, that is... an institution which she was involved in everything from cinema and photography,
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we should not forget about that, and as a legacy, the vufka was inherited from sarat by the tsarist authorities, two film studios, yalta, mensha and odessa, and the film studio in kyiv was built from scratch, and it was a big achievements, the new film studio in kyiv, vuvku moves, vuvku was housed in kharkiv, moves to kyiv, a film magazine is published in kyiv, edited by mykola. there is such a moment in the 20s, it is a great independence, separation from the central government and the central culture, that is, there is a small the window was yes, that is, quite small, but they jumped into it and they made their own, their own movie, they did not care, they released
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it for rental, they independently negotiated, for example, with... foreign film companies, these are all interesting stories, how can i be distracted, so let's focus on our channel, and cinema, its own cinema, and its own tour, and its own actors, and natuvachnadze could be invited, for example, they were invited to act, there was no language barrier, because the films were not sound and with intertitles, well, in general. there was a passion to create one's own, first of all, and there was a feeling and conditions to make it, and it was very exciting, both young cinema and young people, it seems to me that it was somehow logical, because they could not come to young cinema, to new art for ukrainian culture in general, old people could not come with their own stereotypes, templates and so on, that is, of course, there were older directors who
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worked in the cinema until the 17th year, but the younger generation, which gradually supplanted them, well, it is powerful, in the end, it gave dovzhenko, what can i say , only dovzhenka it is enough, how many years are left before stalin becomes the main producer of the country, how long is it, when, when stalin completely blocked this freedom, cinema, it happened gradually, but in cinema, i won’t say, but this is the moment when for ... they open vuvka and turn it into ukraine film, and then ukrainfilm no longer had such an independent role in cinema as vuvka had. this is the beginning of the 30s, after all, like all cultural processes are centralized, unions are created, the union of writers, these congresses are held, artists,
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writers, everyone unites. in the 32nd year, let me remind you, a resolution was issued about, a resolution of the central committee of the communist party of ukraine. about the reorganization of artistic organizations, their unification into a single one, this was, and this was the point from which the already gray collective farm council began, of course, and you asked about dovzhenko, so we have to talk about prototypes, because everyone is here, yes, the novel the master of the ship is a kind of biographical novel, yes, but there are many novels within novels, yes, that is, there is a very complex structure, but also a beautiful structure. of course, when a movie is being shot here and there, here is a beautiful, beautiful city, by the way, we understand that this is odessa, although yanovsky says, you are a city now, yes, here are port girls, here is some music, jazz, here, here are some loves, i am not a triangle, this is me calculated that it is a hexagon, because the ballerina, she has relationships, has
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crushes there with different men, and in fact everyone... every main character has his prototype, let's start with the fact that tomaki is a fellow master of cinema, this is yanovsky himself, and he remembers his young self as an editor, that is, about tomaki, we somehow after 10 pages of the first one we forget and he is primarily an editor for us who came to work at the film studio with e tak, and there is already a director he knows, sev, and in the first edition of the novel his name is sashko. yes, and yanovsky did not want us to recognize these prototypes, and in the first edition, there is even a separate paragraph about this, he directly says: i do not want you to guess who is behind this, so i will not name names when i speak he mentions the name of the smaller heroes, he mentions mykhailo semenko, so this is the only real one, and i thought, i have no answers, i thought why did he call semenko mykhailo, because it
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is obvious to everyone, mykhailo, the leader of the left-wing poets of our country, was not enough to be great. there is, there is, he, and, this is exactly, a paragraph that was cut during yanovsky’s lifetime, it is in the third edition of the novel, i believe that it is self-censorship, he threw out half a paragraph about semenko, in the first edition, there are generally whole two pages of a conversation with him, don't be a jerk and a centurion, semenko tells him, hey, yes, it's about semenko, there's a lot of interesting stuff, but it was semenko who brought and his, and dovzhenka, correctly. to the odesa film studio and yanovsky and dovzhenko, that's right, he brought them all somewhere, he brought yanovsky to literature as well, he sent a man for him, so to speak, when about... i read his first poems in the newspaper in kyivska, he allowed the man to inquire who and bring it to their photography organization, he also brought it when he first went from kyiv to
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kharkiv to work in the uvku, he also passed everyone there, including yanovsky and bazhan, and geushko rupiya, a kyiv futurist poet, who later to kyiv returned, but he also did not miss the cinema, because he shot and wrote the script for two films, both of which were screened, but both... the films, unfortunately, are lost and both were shot at the odesa film studio, obviously, well, not obviously, in those days, when yanovskyi worked there as an editor, that is, their world was tight, they correctly moved from kyiv futurism to odesa cinema, it is the same as now, everyone knows everyone, so in this literary environment, everyone cooperated with everyone somewhere, everyone knows everyone , well, sit down - this is dovzhenko, who else is there? italian by origin, my father is italian, yes the ballerina is a moscow ballerina, her name was ita, because of that, ita penzo, she was 21
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years old when she was shooting, when they were shooting the movie, the movie they are going to shoot, this is the depurier bag as a result , a film by oleksandr dovzhenko, and there's a lot going on, close-up, huh. she appears to be older, that is, 21 years old is strange, and her life was not at all the same as everyone else's in roman, in roman , you remember, she stays with the sailor bohdan, and for me, by the way, this is not obvious, i for me, i suspect other things, well because of what yanosky did not want us to guess, and in fact it is not an autobiographical novel, but it is still an artistic reality invented by him, where there are some separate elements. with the reality that really surrounded him, and the prototypes are also only elements, because in fact, and the buddha, even the buddha is real, this buddha figurine, but
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you will be amazed where it was found, where it was discovered in the 60s, it was in kyiv, i think she is still somewhere in kyiv, and it intrigues me very much to find this figure, but matros bohdan - this is his prototype, the director was hryhoriy cherykovar, or... or gricher from hryhoriy cherykovarsky’s rendition gricher or gricher, he has a really adventurous biography, all these stories about islands, bye, yes, it’s all true, and it was discovered by his widow in the 60s this buddha, no one gave it to any ballerina, she did not end up in any temaki, but she ended up in the structure of sailors. bohdana, listen, but, i don’t know, it seemed to me that you intrigued me very much now that she stayed with
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matros bohdan, because i suspected that maybe these are the two sons of tomaka, maybe it’s from a ballerina and they themselves suspect so, and we readers also suspect so, and i and i were inclined to the fact that maybe this is how she died after giving birth to her second child, so he writes to 70-year-olds, and he does not want to directly tell them about it, one way or another, but the fate of this ita penzo was very tragic, and her husband was repressed, then she was repressed a second time, she served time in the camps, and of course that after the camps, she did not return to her profession, but she was found by an odessa journalist who started so...
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what was described in her image was not from her, a lot of things turned out to be true, but a lot , for example, manka, no one called her that, it's a completely different relationship from completely different people, that's the buddha. but for example, she really has a photo of her in a swimsuit in italy, where she went to visit her aunt, described in the novel, such a photo existed on the right, she wants a redhead, she was old and gray, at the time when she was seen, but i know she's only in the early 80's she read this novel only in the early 80's wonder how how she reacted to it, that is, no, no, not in the early 80s, no, she read it, and she had the book. with yanovsky's beautiful inscription, that is, she read it even then, but she did not quite know ukrainian, that is , it was quite difficult for her, and she did not
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hide it, everything is certain. iryna, what language did they speak, no, let's go first, we will now this will be a teaser about what language the heroes spoke in odessa, but my first question, my other question, the last one, is about the professor, yes, the professor who insists that the ship being made for filming cinema, it should be wooden, beautiful, beautiful, the professor tells, and this, and this professor is also a historical character, yes, the professor is vasyl hryhorovych krychevskyi, an artist. an architect, a painter with a capital li, a master of capital letters, they were close friends with yanovsky, and just as i was preparing this vivatov book for printing, i came across a letter from kry gryva, kry hyphen gry, hyphen va, in his file cabinet in the yanorsky foundation described as a letter from an unidentified person, but it is krychevskyi hryhorovych vasyl, so there it is
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about the novel, i heard, you brought me out in the novel, and they had such a humorous address, oh, uncle, he is writing to yanovsky, they have a huge age difference, and it is clear that krychevsky loves yanovsky, well, maybe like a son, even that yanovsky also loves krychevsky, from yanovsky's correspondence and article, i wrote vasyl krichevsky in him, i wrote them, all yanovsky's essays about those people who became prototypes, i...
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and here is this cover to the master of the ship, that's krychevsky, yes, yes, this is also krychevsky, he even made two covers, because the first and the second edition came out, where there are sailboats in which a human face can be guessed, and then the third edition he made a different cover, there are only fonts, and there is the color red and blue, he arranged the letters like this, the master of the ship, interestingly, this is also such an original avant-garde cover . bazhan's memoirs, both he and bazhan write that there was indeed a great sympathy between krychevsky and yanovsky, and that yanovsky and dovzhenko, they were not inclined to trust anyone, but they trusted krychevsky, because krychevsky made many films on then at the odesa film factory, and they, and they trusted krychevsky very much, i want to ask you now about, you have such and such, such a good text called...
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ukraine without sundermokh, what would have happened if there had been no sundermokh , and you have such a whole, well , such a whole essay about how literature could develop, how many nobel laureates could have and international contact, if it were not for sundermog, and when you read this text, what else attracts me is the master of the ship , by the fact that you are reading this, and you are reading this already as utopia, you you... you understand that all the main characters, all the main characters, mykhailo semenko will be shot, yes, dovzhenko will correct his biography all his life and in the end he will be chopped into pieces, as he said, right? tomaki yanovsky himself, he will not live to be 70 years old and he will also be constantly oppressed because of this nationalism of his, right? who else is there? ballerina tanah will sit in the camps in golag, right?
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and, but here it is. this is tomaki's phrase, i want to quote it, it's the 28th year, friends, and look that back in 28, it was already the soviet government, and this is the period of ukrainization, but what else could have been written? so, yanovsky writes about himself, obviously, and how was it for everyone to understand that i have one bride, a bride from the cradle, about whom i thought, probably, even when i did not know how to speak, a bride. that for her i lived my whole life, i dedicated a steel sword to her, and for her i put a heavy shield under my sword, for her i loved the sea, put an anchor on my coat of arms, an iron heavy anchor, which is accepted by all the seas of the world, and sways over it the mighty the ship, the culture of the nation, its name, that is, here these things could still be said in 28, and even
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then all this...


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