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tv   [untitled]    May 2, 2024 4:30am-5:00am EEST

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to quote, this is the 28th year, friends, and look, back in the year 28, it was already soviet power, and this is the period of ukrainization, but what else could have been written, so yanovsky writes about himself, obviously, and how everyone understood that i had one bride, a bride from the cradle, about whom i probably thought even when i did not know how to speak, a bride for whom i lived these... lives, dedicated a steel sword to her and for her i put a heavy shield under the sword, for her i loved the sea, i put an anchor on the coat of arms, an iron heavy anchor that is accepted and all the seas of the world, and a mighty ship sways above it, the culture of the nation, its name, that is, these things could still be said in 28, and even then all this was completely closed, and then... that is, after all, the ship
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is the young ukrainian republic, it is possible to interpret it in this way, it is possible, this level of reading is also embedded there, we have already mentioned several times, you have already mentioned to myroslava several times that the novel is difficult, ah, it seems to me that it is difficult, for one thing on the one hand, apparently, and on the other hand, it is really difficult, but difficult in that it means that there are many levels of reading, and we can... read about morykina and love, and we can read about much more interesting things, some deeper things that are present even for the author himself to read, but we have already mentioned that that the city was published this year, that they are almost the same age as yanovsky, the gravestone yanovsky, and these are the first debut novels, which are immediately so outstanding, the kyiv magazine... obus about conducted a survey about
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the master of the ship, well, they asked critics, writers, cultural figures, and among them was podmohylyny, because this is a kyiv magazine, the gravedigger is nearby, and the gravedigger is very interested, i read this novel in one sitting with undistracted, that is, delight and interest, he considers it, he is the author of the city, he thinks. his outstanding already then in the 28th year, an outstanding phenomenon of ukrainian literature, and in the 28th year, there was still in kyiv a thick literary monthly life revolution, and andrii nikovskyi, a figure of the era of the ukrainian people's republic, a famous person, a politician and also a literary critic, during the year in life of the revolution included two articles: one about yuri yanovsky and the second about valerian pidmohylny, i.e. he who wrote reviews there of the first books of the series and
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supported him, who wrote about the first editions of semenko, this year he singled out two novelists and devoted large articles to them, although they each had one novel written, and about yanovsky in particular he wrote that more there is no master of the ship, that is, his article for the master of the ship just came out, but yanovsky already had baigorod, there was a collection of the blood of the earth, and in the master of the ship, they drink wine, contraband wine of the blood of the earth. yanovsky rhymes himself, you see, gives us such hints about some additional reading and about the connection with his other works, yes, but it is not necessary to know this, yes, you can read, understand and love the novel without it, but nikovsky predicts for him the great future of yanovsky, which was completely crushed as a result of the cultural policy of the soviet government . in essence, yanovsky's roman
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is such a crack, a window into the world that we did not manage to save, it can be interpreted as such, you called this resolution, i also wrote it in the 32nd year of the resolution of the central committee of the communist party of ukraine on the restructuring of literary and artistic organizations, that is, it transformed the literary process from... you write a gray collective farm from a rocky fair, and surrounded by cheerful good-natured people the union of ukrainian soviet writers, that is, this was his last, last flash of this cheerful, good-natured, bright something, or did he still try to do something after this, but already these, it was already considered isms, nationalism and everything, well, nationalism...
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was sewn to him forever, maybe not from the master of the ship, but from four sabers, for sure, and, because in the end, this is a truly nationalist novel, four sabers, horsemen is from... his wartime novels, this is, of course, the weakest text, probably because of this, he was there, where he already had to fulfill many standards, some requirements, and because of that , horsemen were always in the program of the soviet school, i riders also studied things at school, we were not given a ship master , respectively, listen, and now the children of the ship master study, yes, as far as i know, he is from most programs, well, there are variations of the program, but in principle, the ship master. it's just now a piece of software, yeah, what am i too, by the way, in the 10th grade or in the 11th to understand the master of the ship, well, i don't know, it's, i don't know, it's quite difficult, but you see, you see, children love, and so next, here's the next point
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that i want to discuss with you, this is yanovsky's nationalism, in 1945 he worked as a correspondent at the nuremberg trials and then during the war. time is writing the novel "living water", he is writing about a ukrainian village that survived the fascist invasion, about that, about this, about the reconstruction of the ukrainian world destroyed by the fascists, and so on, and by the way, and this i am so reminded of dovzhenko's ukraine by the lights, because in fact, what they beat dovzhenko for ukraine by the lights, they also began to beat yanovsky for living water, and from kagano's input. i understand, he is being scolded for the fact that it is nationalism, he is branded, he is forced to rework this novel, and this novel turns out to be something like this, but i have not read the novel mir, it is a reworked novel from this living water, i
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confess , i haven't read either, but my question is not about roman, but about how he managed to avoid repression, how did he manage to save his life and survive? this is a question miroslav has no answer to that, i believe that the nature of the repression among the ukrainian intelligentsia was accidental, not in the sense that it was selective, it was destroyed in a targeted manner, but each individual person is a set of coincidences, they could shoot bazan, or they could to shoot yanovsky, they could have shot techyn, but he could have survived, i don't know, the gravedigger could have survived. to live, i don’t know who, that is, there are no regularities in this, not only that, there is also a story about vasyl mysyk, when they came with a warrant for vasyl mynk, but they made a mistake and ended up in mysyk's apartment, they also have similar surnames, and minko himself, i
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remember seeing a documentary where stryi mynko tells what mysyk used to say for me from sidi, there is also a story about how they had arrest. after the repentance of some gatherings in the union, the poet, the poet ivan malovichko and the critics polteratsky, malovichko came home to the word and was soon arrested in the evening, and polteratsky went to drink upstairs, and wandered somewhere all night, he came in the morning, he was told that he was knocked on. poltoratskyi packed a suitcase and sat at home for a month without leaving, waiting for them to come for him, but they did not come for him, but he was already recruited later. that is, it could have been such a terrible fate, it was a lottery in which there was no winning in principle, but those people
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were afraid for their lives and not all of them were brave. maksym arylskyi, and and and actually about him and his texts and... i want to quote such a small literal passage, how maksym rylskyi defends yuri yanovskyi already after death of yury yanovsky, so this is an article called the truth is always the truth in memory of yury yanovsky, writes maksym rylskyi, this is the 62nd year, imagine, it's already thawed, so it's no longer a regime. or a regime when they simply destroy, come and take people away, but look how carefully and with what fear maksym tadeyovych writes, defending, defending yanovsky, so he says that yanovsky is a very
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national character, and i stand by this, but with national character - writes rylskyi, one should not confuse the concept... friendship nations was one of the most precious tablets of yanovsky's worldview. then imagine, this is me, so that people understand what was the context we are talking about, so he is talking, by the way, about the peak of janovsky's work, that these are riders, in his article about this novel, louis aragon mentioned stendhal, and this is not at all a reproach to yanovsky, but it is the highest praise in the mouth of a french writer, both he and rylskyi write that i want to protect yanovsky from... any suspicious isms , the novel master of the ship, which was in his time, should also be reviewed
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the same manifestation of creative searches and daring, as in the example of garad and goda fedin, and four sabers, and it is worth reading in a new way yuri yanovsky's post-war novel living water. so, look at what rylsky is doing. rylsky , in order to protect the master of the ship, he mentions the russian writer fedin. who wrote cities and times, just imagine the conditions under which writers had to write about ukrainian history in general and ukrainian, ukrainian culture, in order to have the right to even mention at all, although in short, about the tragedy of, let's say, the second world war on the territory of ukraine, i deliberately quoted this, because it seems to me very revealing how they in their literary workshop tried to protect... one thing, but the main story, the main question , which i want to perform, i have not yet
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performed for you, it is about ostap bender and tom key, and it is interesting that at the same time, in fact, at the same time that the master of the ship comes out , ilf and petrov come out, write a golden golden body, and actually appear, a myth appears. odessa, which, which is embodied for me, in this specific humor of astap bender and pilitya shura pilitya and so on, yes, that is , an adventurer and such a specific sense of humor appear, and there is a ukrainian odessa, or at least such a point of some ukrainian ukrainian city, which is the germ, who, who is not judged. to grow, was there a chance for this myth
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of ukrainian odessa to defeat the myth of russian odessa, this humor and irony of ukrainian odessa, because there is also a lot of irony in the book master of the ship, so that it defeated the humor and irony of such a russian-soviet shtyba, speaking of the 20s, this is the lost... chance, i am extremely sorry for everything that, as a result of political and historical events, we in odessa lost the ukrainian element, because the ukrainian element was very strong, not only the jewish element , but the outskirts of odesa, they came from the tepu, all these odesa bazaars, milkmaids from nearby ukrainian villages traded there, and there appeared a vuvku, and this is not the only ukrainian focus. culture, as the professor describes it, in those fragments that did not make it into the final version of the novel, there is a large ledge
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about how the editor, i.e. yanovsky , talks to the professor for the first time at the film factory, and the professor tells him, you are here for a long time, well , as long as it will work, the editor answers him, and he says: it is good that you have come, we will together spread our ukrainian settlement, settlement - this is a cell, an environment, they want to expand... their ukrainian environment, i can even give an example, we know very little about that odessa, but everyone knows about ilf and petrov, because they were published in millions of copies, and i will tell you about the master of the ship, three lifetime editions, then posthumous editions as part of a five-volume volume twice in the 50s, at the end of the 50s and in 83, and once in the series maritime library in odessa, i don't remember the editions, but... well, you have many collections of works at home, yes, that is, the general
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reading public buys one individual book, buys a novel, but does not always collect the pzt of all the writers there, and only this thin odessa book, the maritime library, it is all from the reprints of the master of the ship, i will remind you of the memories when i was dying a writer in the soviet union, the union took care of him creative heritage, it was republished there, transferred to the archive, for example. and in the same way , the union took care of the publication of a collection of memoirs about the writer. yanovsky died in the 54th year, and his wife, the widowed actress tamara zhevchenko. she died a year later, she almost, she could not live without her yuri ivanovych, and the collection of memories was published in 1985, 30 years after yanovsky's death, and because she was cared for not so much by the writers' union as by friends, the translator tetyana stakh was a hard worker , and it is she and rylskyi, that is
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, those who were alive, they cared, in particular bazhan, who lived a long life. they cared about the memory of the writer, not the union, not some soviet institution, but returning to odessa, uvko is not the only one, that is, the film factory, the odessa film factory is not the only focus of ukrainian culture, 25 years before odessa, in odessa created a ukrainian drama theater, and it competed with the russian drama theater, which was usually there, there was even such a case that a play and reviewers were staged at the same time. newspapers recognized that the ukrainian production was more interesting, directed by vasyl vasylko, a student of les korbes, triumphed that they succeeded, so they succeeded, and this moment is in his memories, and this ukrainian theater, it was called the theater of the october revolution, er, the troupe of the theater of hnat mykhailichenko was specially transported from kyiv , and director
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marko tereshchenko was the first director of the odesa state drama, their prima donna. was natalya ozhviy, there in odesa the editor of the film factory mykhailo semenko met her, he left the film factory on yanovsky, and took uzhviy with him, went to kharkiv, where she became berezol's first lady, he started publishing the nova magazine generation, and well, my favorite moment about the ukrainian poet sava galavanivskyi, who is a jew from as well as yanovskyi from... from kropyvnytskyi, from kropyvnytskyi, more precisely, from the kherson province at that time, and odesa was the center for the south of ukraine. golovanivskyi went to study at an agricultural institute in odesa, and one day he wrote poems. and one day i saw an announcement of a tour, a tour of the futurist vladimir mayakovsky. he didn't know
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what futurism was, so he decided to go see it. and when he came, he saw a huge mound, there are no tickets, he thought that the yaktu... will get through and so on, and he decided to send a note to mayakovsky that there is also a young poet, a photojournalist here, saying, i want to come to you for a concert, like to sergei zhadan, approximately , and mayakovsky unexpectedly appeared on the threshold from the back door and said, who is the futurist here, and golovanivsky was surprised, so the gift of speech was completely lost, he was still standing, squeaking, but maikovsky sensed him, so to speak, and he extended his hand to him and through the whole crowd, so he slipped out. and golovanivsky listened mayakovsky, then he learned what futurism was, what poems volodymyr mayakovsky wrote, but holoniyskyi did not become a russian futurist in russian-speaking, mainly russian-speaking odessa, after such an acquaintance with volodymyr mayakovsky, who undoubtedly influenced the minds of young people, especially
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poetic youth, and golovanivskyi chose to become ukrainian poet. that is, ukrainian culture could and did win, even in such and such individual stories and cases. golovnisky wrote a whole poem about this meeting, a very good, futuristic one a poem written quite late meeting with maikovsky? yes, he became a ukrainian futurist and went to mykhailo semenko in kharkiv, because he had already abandoned the odesa film factory in yanovsk. he went to kharkov, became a futurist, wrote futurist poems, and then in his old age...corrected and killed this spirit of futurism, and also wrote about himself in various critical articles there, what he said in his youth, the mistakes of youth, played with futurism, this is me i know him already at this stage, when he was already criticizing, but i also know and i also remember that this language is majestic and simple, you hear, the trumpets have sounded, this is the time of reckoning
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and the other thing was unquestionable, we only have one minute left, and my... question is that there are two myths of two cities, russian myths, bulgakov's myth of the city, which entered kyiv , and we are just trying to fight it somehow with a ukrainian myth, which is actually organic and true, and there is a myth of russian odesa, and this is a myth that ilfi petrov and not only them, so how? do you think there is a chance that at that historical point and in that catastrophe we are going through, after all at least people will succeed, if not change. flower-viewing, then at least show that most people, yes, that there is another ukrainian myth of these cities and odessa and
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kyiv, that for this you need to know first of all, that is, i know, i tell, i do as much as i can, i issued a geoshkoropiya to a female battalion member in the 18th year and wrote that here is the one with a shaved bolgakov with a garden, there is ukrainian kyiv, ugeushka rupee, read, here is ukrainian odessa, there is a master of a ship, there is alevytsky over the black sea, soon it will come out too in the vivat classic series, there is a dawn over the sea by yury smolich, later a novel, but odessa is also very interesting in it, there are a lot of stories from the 20s, we can tell some anecdotes from the golden calf or from 12 chairs, but, leonid chernov, meetings with readers , you’re going to get me a chair, and... why did you come here, the artist who paints vasyl vrazhlyvy, a landing force of writers came from kharkov and what will you do, we will
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perform, here and what do you all have, well, nothing, why are you traveling then , but there are interesting things when on the same trip mike and hanson, they spoke at the factory, and the workers asked why, not in complaint, but with curiosity, and why do you speak ukrainian , ours? hansen, himself a german, answered: well , you understand me, well, they said, yes, i must speak in russian, a good, good story, in fact, it is a story about what in order to love, you need to know, and all these names and all the texts we talked about are worth knowing in order to love and love ukrainian. version of your city, in particular. thank you, yaryna tsymbal, literary critic, researcher literature of the 20s, was my guest, i'm myroslava barchuk, these are my names, thank you
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for being with you, see you in a week. watch this week's judicial control with tetyana shustrova in the program. quick evaluations of the supreme court of justice of the russian federation, the judge passed the interview in seven minutes, i have been working in the judicial system all my life, and where did the candidate's daughter of the ex-deputy get valuable property. my brother gave me his apartment. congratulations, judicial control is on the air. institutional rebooting and personnel renewal of the judiciary based on the norms of professional ethics and integrity, this is the basis of the judicial reform currently underway in ukraine. its successful implementation is... the main requirement for our further path to the eu,
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we will talk about how successful the transformation is and whether the moral and professional qualities of the judges meet high standards today, but first the news: the supreme council of justice dismissed judge balakliya of volodymyr kupin of the district court of the kharkiv region, who is suspected of treason under martial law. according to the investigation materials, it is still at the beginning full-scale invasion, on february 27, 22 , the judge moved to kupyansk, captured by the russians, and began to cooperate with the invaders. for several months , kupin, as a representative of the occupation authorities, was already consulting local residents on legal issues under the legislation of the russian federation in the premises of the kupyan district state administration. during the liberation of kupyansk by the armed forces of ukraine, volodymyr kupin fled to russia. the supreme council of justice also dismissed the judge of the solomyan district court of kyiv. alla demidovskaya. in 2015, the decision the then high council of justice decided to dismiss the judge. parliament dismissed demidovska by its resolution, and the judge appealed
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the decision. the grand chamber of the supreme court announced the verdict only last year in june. the decision of the high council of justice on dismissal is upheld. in march 2013, alla demidovskaya was caught by the security service and the prosecutor's office while receiving a bribe. she, together with another judge andriy makuha and lawyer yevhen pedenka, received seven. for speeding up the consideration of the case regarding violation of customs legislation. in the special service claimed that alladovska was supposed to receive $500 according to the previous agreement. but despite the criminal case, demidovska continued to hold the position of judge and during the revolution of dignity, chose a precautionary measure against the activist vladyslav tsylytskyi. detention allegedly due to mass riots and disobedience to law enforcement officers. in the report, the suspect stated that after his arrest, he was brutally beaten and put in a closed cell. gorgon, after being examined by paramedics, was taken to an emergency hospital . judge of the dysnian district court of kyiv svitlana kolegayeva mobilized to the armed
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forces of ukraine and asks to stop. against her for drunk driving. in 2021, an intoxicated judge driving an audi registered to her mother ran off the road, knocked down a pole and crashed into a tree. no one was injured by the smoke. the obolon district court of kyiv fined the judge uah 17 and deprived him of his driver's license for one year. at the same time , public activists sent a complaint against kolegaeva to the supreme council of justice with a demand to dismiss her from her post. because it is disciplinary the grp commission recently finally started. consideration of the accumulated complaints of judges. in recent years , svitlana koligaeva's future as a judge has been under threat. so she decided to mobilize, accordingly, she asked the supreme council of justice to suspend the disciplinary case against her for the duration of martial law. according to the anti- corruption center, the judge's lawyer did not provide the vrp with evidence that kolegaeva was really mobilizing. however, the third disciplinary chamber unanimously granted the judge's request. so kolegaeva retains the status of a judge. and
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will continue to receive a referee's fee. last year she earned uah 1,300. updating and reforming continues at all levels of the judicial system of ukraine. and what's next, more problems come to the surface. competition commissions and expert groups work to exhaustion. every day they have to study the biographies, career path and balance the debit and credit in the declarations of candidates for judicial positions and active servants of themis. the second panel is higher. judging by everything, the qualification commission of judges is very tired. ruslan sydorovych, lyudmila volkova and roman kydesyuk expertly manage to conduct the fastest interviews with candidates. for example, one of them lasted only 7 minutes with olena mikhalyuk, assistant to the head of the northern commercial court of appeal. from early years, yes, especially from high school, when we started teaching the discipline of law and i participated in school olympiads, i dreamed of becoming
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a lawyer. chaka, a judge of the western commercial court of appeal, has $37,000 and uah 175 of her own savings, and already in the midst of a full-scale war, she bought a mercedes-benz for more than a million hryvnias. however, the vkk board was not interested in this. please briefly describe your motivation for taking up the position of judge, first and how convenient it will be for you to move. mr. roman, two judges in one family will not be too much trouble. these are all questions. from the commission to mykhalyuk. thus, without further clarification, the members of the supreme court of appeals decided that the candidate was suitable for the position of judge and recommended her to the lyubashiv district court of the odesa region. one more quick interview without additional questions, the members of the ccc conducted with the candidate for the position of judge shevchenkivskyi kyiv district court, yulia bulanova. according to the anti-corruption center, she is the daughter of the rector of the zaporizhia national university and a people's deputy
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of mykola's 8th convocation. any court is a very responsible, responsible court. public activists have many questions about bulanova's property. for example, in 2022, her brother, who works as a lawyer, gave her an apartment in kyiv with an area of ​​93.5 square meters. the market value of the property, according to experts of the anti-corruption center, is more than uah 8 million. in the declaration, 100 uah is indicated. in the members commission, instead of questions, nor about the capabilities of the brother. there was no way to make money on such a valuable gift, nor on the significantly higher value of the real estate than that indicated in the declaration. in 2021, i transferred to work in the office of the general prosecutor and moved with my children to the city of kyiv, after the divorce, and taking into account these circumstances, in the 22nd year, my brother gave me his own
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apartment. in april 2020, bulanova's father , an ex-people's deputy, bought a nissan kashkai car, which he gave to her already in may, here too without additional questions from the commission members, they did not see anything suspicious. he bought it for his own needs, but certain circumstances of my family life developed in such a way that i divorced in may of the 20th year, and this prompted my father. change the plans for this car and temporarily transfer this car from me to him for use. yulia bulanova's professional competence is questionable. the candidate for the position of judge has been working in the prosecutor's office for more than 20 years. she is currently a prosecutor in the prosecutor general's office and could not do it right answer the question.


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