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tv   [untitled]    May 2, 2024 6:30am-7:01am EEST

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for a large-scale attack in the direction of our territories, either on chernihiv, or on suma, or on kharkiv, it is unlikely that it is enough, for the fact that you know that we have carried out a considerable amount of work on the creation of engineering fortifications along the border with russia federation, but nevertheless the trend is quite intriguing and i think that it is worth waiting for the official reports from our intelligence, what will happen in the future, for all of us to understand the following: most likely, the same auxiliary direction in the kharkiv region will play a considerable role in the intensification of hostilities, because precisely because of the short shoulder of transporting everything and everything for the needs of the russian occupiers operating on this part of the front, there can be a rather intense and dynamic situation there. well, in addition, judging by everything, there may simply be an attempt to divert our forces again, to drag them there, therefore to exclude even those involved in some form. sumy direction, kharkiv direction,
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well, you can't. yes, in fact, it is very important to emphasize this, because despite the fact that it is unlikely to stick a shovel for the purpose of occupation, for example sorry, but most likely , subversive intelligence groups will also operate, along our border, enemy mortars and enemy artillery will be actively working, the enemy will also actively use the aviation component to launch an air-guided bomb in our direction, that is, such calls are definitely there is, and it should be taken into account. but with regard to a large-scale offensive operation, as it was in february 22, then hardly. well, and another thing too, there were reports about the f-16 after easter, and at the same time there were reports that the russians were pulling back own, well, planes somewhere deeper in russia, well, that is, from those airfields that were directly along the border, and this is the impression that these are some kind of interconnected events.
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what do you think? i think that the enemy reflects on the processes that take place at airfields located up to 300 km from the line of combat with the ukrainian defense forces, because the further we are, the more often we use our drones when it comes to the territories of the russian federation. as well as our missiles including, if it is about temporarily occupied territories of our country in order to hunt the same planes. vorak is taking losses, including aviation equipment, and in order to protect it from the influence of our drones and missiles, he moves them further. in fact, this is a serious challenge and problem for the russians, because if the radius of combat use of enemy aircraft is physically increased, then the capabilities of the russian attack aircraft will be somewhat reduced, and this creates certain advantages for us, certain opportunities, will the wondervafi become a fighter for us f16, i have quite careful. for an obvious reason, we do not
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know with what kind of missile equipment and weapons we will receive the same f-16 fighters, and precisely on this depends their combat capabilities of these f-16s and, accordingly, the ability to destroy enemy equipment, enemy salad, that is, support with the help of v-16 actions of ukrainian troops both on dry land and, i hope, in the future over the waters of the black and azov seas, the challenge is very serious, but i think that these re'. do not become public, that is, missile weapons, which will be be transmitted together with the f-16, for absolutely obvious reasons, the less the general public knows about such information, the less the enemy knows about it, i hope that our air forces , together with western partners, are preparing a lot of unpleasant surprises for enemy troops and forces. well, how do you evaluate the conversations about the fact that f-16s can be based there in romania, take off from there and then there...
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work on the territory, how realistic is this story? well, this is actually the direct participation of romania, if we talk about this country as a country that is directly a participant in the russian-ukrainian conflict, and this is actually the involvement of nato in this conflict, it is unlikely that there will be any legal basis for the implementation of these missions, i think that it is still worth trusting the statement of the spokesman of the air force command, mr. yevlash, who speaks about... that , that underground bunkers, protective, concrete bunkers are being built to protect our aviation equipment, in addition, litovych, including operational airfields in our country or, in the territory of our country, there are many, and precisely by means of dispersion, as well as reliable cover these military objects with the help of air defense systems can be achieved, it is possible to achieve the corresponding successes, for example, the lithuanian village near the settlement of starok kostiantynov in the territory of khmelnytskyi, where the enemy is constantly heading. its drones, its
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missiles, does it then have a profit, it seems not, because the territory is quite large, the air defense system is quite powerful there , and i think that the enemy does not... itself constantly strikes there with missiles and drones , so that previous his missile and drone strikes did not achieve the appropriate results and the appropriate missions were not implemented, it is quite likely that there are other military bases located in this part of our country, that is, the western, southwestern part of our country can be used for this purpose, although again, unlikely in the nearest future, we will also find out the location of the f16, it is... true and exactly how they will act, although the fact that the aviation component is now quite actively used for the implementation of certain missions, in particular, over the territory of the temporarily occupied crimea, because not only drones, not only dtpatak missiles are flying over crimea , storm shadow and scalpy are also flying there, and we
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know that the carriers of these missiles are our good old so-24 bombers, so these aircraft also perform a very important mission of destruction. military potential in crimea and sevastopol, well, let's hope, the most important thing for us, in principle, is that the enemy does not find out where the planes are, or cannot throw anything there, cannot attack, this is a top priority for us, and literally briefly in a word, how far the russians can drag their planes away from the front line, and for them to still fly to this front line, how many kilometers is it, i think that it may be about distances. approximately 400 km, no more, because then it will be completely ineffective, as it relates specifically to attack aircraft, well, that is, in theory, after all, attacks, if it were thrown there, then it would be realistic to get it, so more or less from some certain places, well maybe, maybe, yes, yes, thanks
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to vladyslav seliznyov, this is a military expert, colonel of the armed forces, spokesman of the general staff in 2014-17, now we have a break, i remind you of our meeting. on fpv drones for the 93rd brigade of the kholony yara of the 72nd brigade of the black zaporizhzhyas, remember this, join in, and actually now there is a pause, after the pause we will return to the conversation about the direction of the temporal ravine, as well as again about the work of rep , about the work of drones, about various things like that with a direct person who is on the front line, so wait. there are discounts represented by coco discounts may nadolgit cream 150 g 20% ​​in pharmacies plantain bam and savings watch this week's judicial
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control with tatyana shustrova in the program. another bribe from femidi. how the police detained judge burhan. receipt of funds by the persons involved was documented. but why did the vkks lower the quality of the evaluation. the higher qualification commission throws all the facts about judges, their dishonesty, and their property into the dustbin. on thursday, may 2 at 5:45 p.m., watch the judicial control program with tatiana shustrova on the espresso tv channel. hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project. radio svoboda. top guests every day. this is a ship's kherson district. turn on live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00. verdict with serhiy rudenko. from now on in a new
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two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests. foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world, the front, society. and feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day with the help of a phone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 on espresso.
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so, we are coming back, i remind you about the collection of fpv drones for the 93rd kholodny yar brigade and the 72nd brigade of black zaporozhets, we are collecting 2 million for our own production, testing, variations for the needs of the defenders, join, see privat monobank, see the qr code, it is very important and we really hope for... your support, because there is already a small part left, and one more guest has joined us, this is
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maksym matviychuk, commander of the reconnaissance platoon of the rubish brigade, an officer of the national guard of ukraine. congratulations, maxim. congratulations studio, congratulations audience. well, as far as i understand, you are now in the direction of chasiv yar. and then tell me a little bit, because it seems that the situation there has also escalated, literally these days as well, as far as we know, and it is true, the enemy does not stop continuing the assault actions in the direction of the temporal ravine, often in the near-front, let's say, body, he is trying to bypass the settlement from the flanks, why, because to take time and enter again. in urban battles, well, the enemy understands that it will be very difficult for them, in some cases even impossible,
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that is, they are actually putting in a sufficient number of their personnel, which they cannot do now, they are frankly also running out of people, they already have insufficient reserves, they are being removed by combat units from other areas of the front in order to develop success at least somewhere. now they operate on a different principle, that they conduct reconnaissance of the battle in different sections of the battle line, are located. the weak points are still being attacked there, now they have intensified, this is the first nuance, the second nuance, the enemy has increased the number of artillery and aviation in this direction, that is, in fact , at the moment , he is now completely destroying our combined strongholds and the city as a whole. well, a week ago, you said on our broadcast that, in principle , you use fpv drones quite effectively as a replacement there. other types of weapons, which are lacking, but it is interesting to what
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extent the enemy is able to use drones as effectively, er, is it possible, well, our guys are somehow able to change these capabilities a little, ah, yes, first of all, the enemy also uses drones, they saw its effectiveness from us, they liked it, and they are also adopting this tactic a little bit, but so far their power, which... on the temporal abyss, as seen by me and by my comrades from the rubizh brigade, which is not much larger than ours, that is, conventionally, for one of their epividrons there are three of ours, now in this case we are, let ’s say, much better developed with these technologies and can clearly and better destroy the enemy, at the expense of the reb, in the enemy works quite well nominally large-scale reb, such as the radar, the zoo and so on, which are completely trying to silence not only the fpv drones themselves, but... communication in general, their main purpose was to create precisely this, so they are now
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finalizing, reworking certain of their rep tools , in order to make it impossible for our normal drones, fpv drones to work, but on the other hand, we went to another tactic, these are trench raps, which directly on the spot do not allow the enemy to work on the demarcation line itself, firstly, they are small and easily portable , secondly, they can set in almost any position, so that they are possible... the work of the enemy, and the more of them, the better, from one side and from the other, we can control them and use them as we want, conditionally, he, his radius robot is not so big, and with our forces, we can turn off conventional trenches in one direction so that our fpvs arrive and destroy the enemy, and then turn it on, creating a kind of tiny dome again, which will not allow the enemy to use their drones for destruction. of our forces, well, a week ago we spoke with yehor firsov from the avdiiv district, and
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he says that there is a problem, after all , the work is not fully coordinated, that is, there is no such joint application that would allow us to effectively and timely understand, who included something. in your direction, to what extent do you feel this problem of miscommunication? at the moment, such a problem concerns most of it. that there are various types of subdivisions from left to right and until , let's say, information arrives directly to the position in connection with the operational situation, in connection with the communication itself, and in connection with the transfer on time. teams, because the more, let's say, these intermediate links, the more difficult it is, so yes, there are problems with this always and everywhere, but here the question depends on time, if we take again the fighters of the rubizh brigade, its coordination, this happens almost instantly, because this system of communication and command transmission has been configured a long, long time ago, and
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there have been no problems with this so far in our area, as it happens with with other units, with some... maybe better, with some worse, it all depends only on the operational situation on the spot, whether the enemy is trying to jam the transmission link and prevent the possibility of transmitting data even through the same radio station, well, probably you too we have already seen the rebs that the russians put on tanks, they hang everything there, how effective it is and these braziers and these and rebs on tanks and how much in principle we have already managed to somehow also apply it. well, frankly, if they were not effective, the enemy would not have them used, we cannot but note that the adversaries there, well, they are brainless, no, they have intelligence, they know how, they adapt to war, and all these, as we say, barbecues were created by trial and error, that is, frankly the enemy tried to make at least some
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means to disable fpv, and that's all they've come to so far. to the so-called barbecues, some simply, no matter how it sounds, mask their sensitive ordinary homes, some simply make them one more armor plate, it is effective, effective, but disposable, frankly, why, because once an fpv flies over it, it destroys it, the second time it destroys the tank itself, that is, instead of making it impossible to work, they just increase the number of fpv that should fly by one, uh, and you know, i want more ... to talk about such reconnaissance drones that work at longer distances, well, for example, we have a video from the luhansk region, where you can see how they shop there, well, if they can show where the russians shopped there enough in body area, they have some tanks there, there are armored vehicles, and so on they have something there, and they flew there, well, i don't
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know what ours is there, we won't tell, these are details, you see, they are there. such a cluster of russians flew there, everything is fine, they were bombed there as a result, but we can’t say that the russians fired, and actually this is a shot from a drone, that is, the drone did fly there, apparently, but a similar story is happening and on the other hand, that is , russian reconnaissance drones can fly far enough, and how would you assess this threat now, that is, uh... are these drones successful scouts to see, shoot down, whether it is something that is a big problem in principle, yes, it is in this video, we observe the operation of a regular uav, only already tactical or operational level, at the enemy’s main uav of this kind, it is the old orlan x, or
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its modifications, known to all military personnel, we also have, let's say, working analogues of the russian orlan. the beginning of a full-scale, one of such examples, a well-known characteristic, that is, it is also a long-range, long-range reconnaissance drone, thanks to which we can find the enemy in their rears, their accumulations, their headquarters, and destroy them even before they start doing something, so now that we, the enemy, are actively conducting reconnaissance specifically of each other's rears, and trying to observe why it is difficult to detect them, to detect them by themselves it is not difficult, because they light up at certain frequencies, it is difficult to detect and destroy almost everyone, why, because, frankly, even if the airspace of ukraine is closed from aircraft, uavs of various levels are located here, and our air defense forces are very often sometimes difficult to detect , as they watch on the radar, to understand, it is conventionally orland or our bepyla, or our aviation, or something else, everything
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that is in the air, the radar of our air defense systems records and reports, and in this regard, in order to destroy... it is necessary to confirm that it is the enemy, and not our target, and until, let's say, we find it all out, the enemy may or may not run away, but in most cases those who fly directly into specific bodies try to destroy them instantly and units of them turn back, most difficult at the dividing line, where it is very difficult to recognize where where are ours, where are theirs, and the third is also not having enough air defenses for us to be able to hit every uav, why... because frankly, one air defense missile will be a basket that will destroy the uav, it will cost too much, rather than the destruction of the same uav, therefore, there are nuances, and in any case, air defense forces are necessary. develop in order to better close the rear space of ukraine to prevent the flight of any reconnaissance equipment. well, how would you rate it in this particular form
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weapons, in this type of long-range reconnaissance uavs, what is the balance of our russian ones, who will win here? here i can only say that about... the enemy clearly at the beginning of the war had a great advantage in this, since the plants that produced their power were developed quite well, even at the beginning of the full-scale war, but as of today, i can safely to say that we, if not on par, are clearly head and shoulders above them, it is very, very difficult for the enemy to create new uav systems by calculating that the last factories were destroyed, which were located in the european territory of russia. on the other hand, it is becoming more and more difficult for the enemy to pass through our line of demarcation, through the forces of our reb, that is , they are being modernized every time, but what is
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ours, what is theirs, it is becoming more and more difficult and difficult to carry out these reconnaissance uavs, that is, it is a good tool, but is not a panacea, we use it only when we need to familiarize ourselves with some specific area, which is possible based on other data... interception finds a piece of equipment, i.e. conditionally, that radio-electronic intelligence or agent intelligence learns about the location of some equipment in some square, a reconnaissance uav is already calmly sent there, which already begins to search for it, invent and destroy it, i.e. adjust the artillery, well, but in principle, well , we saw that the russian occupying forces nevertheless managed to establish such, you know... not bad, i would say, interaction, they did not succeed in this for a very long time, but they succeeded in the end, when quickly enough, the uav, when somewhere, even quite far from the front, he sees
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some kind of accumulation of equipment, even a little, it has stopped somewhere, and it is instantly transmitted to where they have an iskander or something, and it flies there, it is such a serious danger, in fact, this the interaction between these two such components, because , well, it... does not allow us to freely move equipment, freely move even the same ppo systems, well, that is, the threat itself is very unpleasant, unfortunately, it will always be so unpleasant, why, that’s why what did i say opponent does not stand still and is always evolving, its development is constant, just like development, and conditionally they found a method to bypass our defense forces, our air defense, our rep means, we at the same moment immediately begin to look for... opportunities to bypass his maneuver, yes, that is, he found some kind of loophole in our system, we immediately try to close this loophole, and just like that it starts to change, and so
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playing cat-and-mouse already throughout the full-scale second. well, we have literally 20 seconds, just your opinion about the fact that now there is a window of opportunity for the russians that we need this window of opportunity for them to close at the front in their advance, continuously increase the number of artillery, continuously increase. the amount of equipment from the air defense force in order to make their aviation and artillery impossible, that is, the main task is to suppress their fire means so that we can maneuver more, without fear, let's say, of a threat from the sky. if we can overcome that, that's another thing, meaning destroying their enemy manpower won't be a big problem for us. thank you, thank you, this is maksym matviychuk, commander of the intelligence platoon of the rubish brigade, an officer of the ngu, well, actually, i remind you, always join our meetings, now it's... fpv, well, our time is up, we have news next, so stay with espresso, well, we are with you see you in a week,
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congratulations, the search for 17-year-old stefania tylenina, who disappeared in january, has been going on for more than six months. 2024. and i immediately want to urge you, please share this video on your social networks, because yes, the chances of finding a missing child will be much higher. so stefania lived in a foster family on kharkiv region, in the village of lozivske. when the full-scale invasion began, the girl, together with her adoptive mother, evacuated to the czech republic, and after some time they returned to ukraine. we spoke with stefania's adoptive mother. and let's listen to a fragment of the conversation. we returned to ukraine four to five months later. we returned from july, in october, it is warm, on vacation, just in time.
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mrs. marina says that she and stefania had a good relationship, they were making amends and she left home, she definitely did not because of conflicts in the family. very we had a good relationship, she has been in my family for 8 years, there were no problems with her at all, she helped me at the institution, she performed, we didn't have any quarrels. the girl's foster mother says that the likely reason for the escape is stefania's desire to live abroad. at least she spoke about it more than once after returning from the czech republic to ukraine. why did you run away? i wanted to be here in ukraine and did not want to return here. she liked it there. mrs. marina said that stefania left home in october 2022. at first, she contacted her, although she did not tell where she was, only that she was alive and everything was fine. however, she called for the last time.
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august 2023 and there was no further contact with her. unfortunately, all this time stefania does not notify about herself. so, where the girl is now in ukraine, abroad, and if indeed abroad, then in which country, is not known for sure. however, her adoptive mother said that she has information that stefania crossed the border of slovakia in october 2023 . so, it is likely that she is. precisely in slovakia, so we, in turn , after talking with ms. marina, contacted our colleagues from the international federation missing children europe, who made a request to the slovak police. however, unfortunately, there is no actual information about the girl yet. therefore, if you know at least something about stefania tielenina, or if, perhaps, you live in slovakia, and you suddenly see her or learn something about her, immediately call
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the number. 116-30. 1163 is the only european hotline for missing children that works in 28 european countries. we really hope that stefania will be found, and we are doing everything possible for this, but in general, it is worth saying that it is teenagers who most often resort to running away from home. and the reasons are very different. conflicts in the family, insufficient or vice versa, excessive attention of parents, bullying at school. unfortunately, violence, or the banal search for adventure, independence and freedom. the children's search service has prepared a series of advice for parents from a psychologist about the first things you should do to prevent a child from running away from home. one of these tips is to be attentive to the child and monitor her emotional expressions and behavior. let's listen. be attentive to your child. there are some manifestations in the behavior
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of children and adolescents. which indicate that we need to take more care of them, we need to take more care of them. what could it be? first of all, it is a disturbed sleep pattern. when a child goes to bed at three o'clock, gets up at 12 o'clock, it's definitely not good, it's definitely a reason to worry. further, it can be a depressed state, when the child is depressed most of the day for more than two weeks, this is definitely a reason to take care of her if you notice any problems with the child's memory, attention, productivity, this too... may be evidence that he has some strong negative experiences, if nothing brings the child joy, satisfaction, if nothing pleases him, it also a reason to take care of her, have some kind of warm and trusting conversation with her, support, help, and sometimes refer to specialists, refer for help to a psychologist or other specialists. we have created a resource through which you can report
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any crime against a child. in any city, at any time, just go to the site and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal. stopcrime ua. kateryna shirokopes works in the studio for news time on the express tv channel. rocket attack on odessa. at night, the russians hit the sorting department of the new post office. according to the head of the local administration oleg kiper,
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there are no casualties. 14 people were injured.


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