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tv   [untitled]    May 2, 2024 7:00am-7:31am EEST

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at any time, just go to the site and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal. stopcraim ua. news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shiropols works in the studio. rocket attack on odesa. at night, the russians hit the sorting department of the new post office. according to the head of the local administration oleg kiper. there are no casualties. 14 people were injured. damaged
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civil infrastructure, in particular warehouses . a large-scale fire broke out on the spot, which was already extinguished by firefighters. the number of victims due to the russian airstrike on zolochev in the kharkiv region has increased. it is known about 13 people who were injured. an 11-year-old boy was among the injured, a man and his 38-year-old daughter were killed. they were in the same car. this is reported by kharkiv oblast. prosecutor's office, damaged civil infrastructure and residential buildings. well, in russia, they are complaining about the night attack of drones in the krasnodar region, local residents heard explosions near the settlement of afipskyi. they claim that the drones were allegedly flying in the direction of the oil refinery plant, but they were shot down by russian air defense. meanwhile , in the oryol and kurd regions, local residents wrote about the explosions on social networks. later there was a power outage. power.
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regions announced attacks on energy facilities, the air defense of the russian federation also worked in the rostov and smolensk regions, but the authorities assure that there were no injuries or casualties. meanwhile, in ukraine, the electronic office of conscripts will be operational from may 18, deputy minister of defense kateryna chornogorenko said. on the air of radio svoboda. now enough to update credentials in the military. will download the mobile application, log in and fill in the required information. during 2023 , ukrainians created more than 30,000 new companies in poland. this is 10% of the total number of individual entrepreneurs registered during this period. this was reported to ukrinform by the diya-business consulting center in warsaw. that is, every 10th new enterprise. became a ukrainian in poland.
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more often, ukrainians start their own business in warsaw, krakow and wroclaw. more sanctions the us treasury announced a new package of restrictions aimed at the russian military-industrial base. this was reported on the official page of the us treasury. sanctions apply to almost 60 individuals around the world, they help moscow buy much-needed technologies and equipment abroad. such a two companies participating in the construction of gas infrastructure of the russian federation became sub-sanctioned. and in georgia, protests resumed due to the adoption by the parliament in the second reading of the draft law about inagents. eight people were injured in clashes with the police in tbilisi. according to the ministry of health there, their condition is satisfactory. in the evening , thousands of people stormed the parliament. georgian law enforcement officers. began to disperse people with
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the help of water cannons and tear gas. in addition, the police used rubber bullets against the protesters. this was reported by echo of the caucasus. the ministry of internal affairs of georgia denies this. the protest ended in the morning. the third and final reading should take place in two weeks parliament of georgia of the law on inagents. and in ukraine, the national educational platform povir has started working. to help schoolchildren overcome educational gaps, until the end of this project will work in test mode for 2 thousand students of the seventh, ninth and 11th grades, three school subjects are currently available: mathematics, ukrainian and english. students will be able to receive individual consultations or join a series of ten meetings in groups of up to six people. the educational system should contribute to the fact that...
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every personality, every person could to maximally develop your abilities, your potential in order to achieve the greatest success in the future, this is critically important. today for the survival of our country tomorrow, this is an opportunity for teachers to have additional earnings on the platform, because they have free time, they just give additional consultations, which are paid for them, and for children it is a free opportunity to receive a personalized consultation, this is very important, because when you have half an hour of mathematics on a specific topic, with a specific teacher, it is much more effective than he will work with a large group of children. by profession, he is a conductor of passenger cars, and... but he has never worn the uniform of a railwayman, instead he cannot wear another military uniform. his uncle, the hero of the heavenly hundred, who died on the maidan in the 14th, defending the freedom of ukraine. our journalists will tell the story of the defenseman with the nickname plyusyk. this is andriy lysak, but all his relatives
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and brothers call him plyusyk. the guy comes from the city of yavoriv, ​​lviv region. he studied to be a conductor of passenger cars, but the heart. understood that his vocation - military service. from 2014 to 2023, plyusyk defended our country from the russian aggressor in donbas. but i didn't have to travel by train, because i had, well, since childhood, since my father is a soldier, he has been in the service for 28 years. when i came to varozheika for the first time, i saw weapons, well, that's my desire, i just love weapons, that's why weapons are. i went further up the ranks, advanced to the rank of senior sergeant, was the commander of the repair platoon branch, this is mine. rubizhne, kreminna, maryinka, krasnohorivka, bakhmut, toretsk, popasna, these are not all settlements where
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andriy visited. the guy remembers that during 10 years of military service he saw different things, but not such hell in donbas as after the full-scale invasion. it's hell, it's hell, from full-scale it's hell and especially in the very first days, no one understood anything, who where, where our, where, where, where russian troops are regular, where they went, it could be that they could get just on his own in uniform and he could also shoot in the same way, because because no one knew and everyone took a risk, the first week was full-scale... artillery fire did not subsided, the enemy released 60-70 hail packets per day, and so without stopping, the cities and villages of donbas were simply razed to the ground, but plyusyk and his comrades did not give up and fought the enemies with all their might. we went to
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popasna and there were already such fierce battles at popasna, well, bakhmut can't even prove this, because we were there in the first days. well, without such support there in terms of weapons at all, well , there were no fully automatic assault rifles as such, they just came at us, you can say that a herd of around 100 people came, especially to the depot, then our 17 people broke their group almost up to 100 people, andrii started the struggle for a free and independent ukraine back in the days of... the revolution of dignity. together with his uncle roman senyk, he was an active participant in the maidan, where he was injured. but roman was hit by a bullet on january 22, 2014. he died in the hospital a few days later. today, ukraine
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knows him as the hero of the heavenly hundred. i was with him on the maidan, only i came a little later for four days, i was also injured, for the baptism. such in the subway, we were told that there aunties stop by the subway, i just walked on the side next to the door, missed the door and from there a man in a mask came out and hit him on the head. plyusyk finished military service in 2023 after receiving complex shrapnel wounds, however , even today, the man cannot imagine life without the army, so he found his place in the veteranshub organization, which is engaged in support.
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which deals with legal assistance, psychological assistance, helps with grants, managers. recently, he became the performer of the song "onukam", which was written by his girlfriend elizabeth. the composition was born from frontline stories, dedicated to the struggle for ukraine and true love that lives despite the war. one day i will wake up in a world where the lives of little children will not be destroyed. and as long as the angel is there to walk with me, i will stand up for my country. ana golunova, yulia belska, espresso tv channel. in the meantime, i urge you
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to join the collection for our defenders, means of communication and security. intelligence units of the third regiment of special operations forces are needed. they fight for the independence of our country in difficult battles on the eastern front and give us the opportunity to live, work and study. in general, our goal is uah 720,000. thanks to you, we have already contributed advance payment and we have less than 200,000 left to collect, so let's not delay, the war continues, the help of each of us is crucial, every hryvnia of yours is of great importance, you can now see all the necessary details on your screens. for now, that's all the news for this hour, for more information stay tuned to our website and our social media. later , my colleagues lesya vakulyuk and andriy saichuk are waiting for you on the air. you and i have already seen each other in less than an hour,
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so gentlemen, well, we are starting our today's telethon is its segment, 700 , 900, 799 is already a day, tomorrow will be 800 days, how is the large-scale russian war going on, can we say that its edge is no longer visible, it seems to me that this edge is groping somewhere over the horizon, in russian there is still a window of opportunity, they will of course use it this spring, but we have all heard that the f-16 is already on the approach, you can say, already after easter, right after the holiday, they say, and, you know, in western ukraine, we will definitely have this gift for mocha yes, well, we certainly hope that it
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will dilute our prospects a little. well, roman lasenko is already with us, the head of the severodonetsk district military administration. mr. roman, good morning. good morning, glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. do you think we will survive until the end of the year, how will events develop in us now? well, i guess we have no other choice. first, we had a very difficult six months, basically without american help, i think that this is also an understanding of what is needed more to count on one's own strength, resources and somehow adjust the processes inside our country and inside our military industry, and in addition, to diversify that assistance. that we are getting, those security agreements are happening,
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those aid packages from our european partners, nevertheless, they give confidence that those cataclysms are also political, which at the end of the year will be there in the united states, i mean the elections, they are not this is how they will be reflected in the course of the... defense campaign at the beginning of our hostilities by the armed forces of ukraine, and i think that of course american support has a significant impact on the progress, but it was difficult for her for six months, what can we do if we... i apologize to
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the audience, the ability to communicate is interrupted a little bit, it is the sound that i hope will be fixed now, mr. roman, i will also ask, we are talking about the fact that the severodonetsk district, it has been occupied for a long time, almost all of it, and when we talk about occupation, we of course mean occupation in the first place. territorially, but if we say, but the main thing is still people, but if we now talk about people in percentage terms, where where are they now, where are most of the northerners now? how they were scattered now by this whole situation, perhaps the majority remains now in the district, how many percent left then, where are they now concentrated, well , if we are talking directly about, as i already said, this is the only district where there was more or less an
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evacuation, 80-90% of people still had the opportunity. with our help or without our help to a more or less peaceful territory of ukraine or abroad, and today we, in principle, our residents are, well , i think that most of all the dnipro, this is kyiv, yes, these are some other regions of central ukraine. less in western ukraine, but i say that in principle there is an understanding, we have opened hubs in each oblast to support our migrants from luhansk region, in fact , there are such hubs in every regional center, in some oblasts there are several of them, in the same one
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dnipro, kyiv, that is why we work with our immigrants. we are trying to help, and it is not only humanitarian aid, it is some administrative and social services, it is legal psychological assistance, it is a question of employment, and we are trying to unite, we hold some social events related to our work, with the celebration of some dates, and... annual events related to the community, and we try to maintain this communication. actually, one of these dates, it is now from the celebration of the 90th anniversary of that city, from severodonetsk, there was some discussion about whether it was worth printing a book there with budget money, and about
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severodonetsk, in your opinion, after all, is it worth noting that, despite the fact that the city is under occupation this day and that is creating this or that, this or that center, he can, of course, to liberate the city, it would be a completely different story, well, but to support this this this this is the center of gravity for those who are now outside the city, who are now scattered abroad, in the dnipro and so on, there in kyiv, in your opinion, how this is... it is a celebration , how does it work, how did you respond to the criticism, in fact, that there was a high-profile discussion on facebook, on the internet, after that the public of the city of severodonetsk organized a more formal discussion with the involvement of the sirodonetsk military administration, and there were, as it were, two the main ones
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the first question is, is it necessary in principle to celebrate this... date of the event, and it was around the book and the use of budget funds that the second part of the discussion was, well, first of all, it was as if a decision had been made that, well, we will not call it a holiday and it will not be a celebration, in principle it will be some kind of historical date, firstly, secondly, it can be communicated with the public, as the day of resistance of the city of severodonetsk, russian occupation. and i still believe that this day can unite the community, can unite patriotic northerners and in every part of ukraine, not only ukraine, can celebrate this date as the day of the foundation of severodonetsk, as the day when we continue the struggle and resistance to russian aggression and
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hope for the de-occupation, liberation of severodonetsk, as for the book, that was also the case. .. to the military administration, after all, review the amount, revise, more specifically communicate with the community, what circulation is it about, what price for one copy is it about, and most likely this amount will be significantly reduced, there will be some a small circulation was issued so that it is possible to distribute it to delegations there, to donate it somewhere at some events by the same. military volunteers, it is possible to use it in order to hold meetings for the military, in order to do some, well... some benefit there for the army and for the defenders from severodonetsk and the defenders of severodonetsk, so i think that in this case the military administration went
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meet, she conducted this communication with the public, and i think that now these decisions will be perceived less critically locally, i think that we sometimes underestimate the power and words and... cultures and books, which can actually keep people and territories connected for decades and centuries, and in fact they can be stronger than tanks, armies and missiles , i think we have yet to learn that lesson too. mr. roman, thank you very much for this conversation, roman vlasenko was with us, the head of the severodonetsk district military administration, we are going for a short break and then we will continue with leseya vokulyuk to lead this term. turn on well - this is when everything is like you you want click and now you control the game. the bird and
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we tell the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime. two hours of your time. two hours to learn about war and how the world lives. two hours to catch up. news and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like-minded to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio: the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, at dinner at espresso. see this week in the program judicial control with tetyana shustrova. another bribe from femidi. like the police. detained judge burhan, the receipt of funds by the defendants was documented, and why the supreme court of appeals lowered the quality of judging judges, the higher quality commission throws all those facts about
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judges, their dishonesty, and their property into the trash. on thursday, may 2 at 5:45 p.m., watch the judicial control program with tatiana shustrova on the espresso tv channel. dear friends, we are coming back, we continue our roll call, olesya vakulyuk, andriy saichuk, we work in this studios for you. until 12 o'clock, our part of the marathon on espresso continues on the air, and now we will move with you to the zaporizhzhia region, we will ask what is happening there, what is happening in the occupied parts of the territory, in particular, and andriy wants to share a beautiful video with you, why i say beautiful, because you know that, in the background, against the background of the news coming from, for example, odesa, which the russians have now decided to simply... destroy and hit this city every day, it's like that, you know, some kind of retribution from our defenders to the muscovites who are taking the lives of our people,
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yes, listen, a cool super video, they write about the fact that it is in the vicinity of the village of rogovo , luhansk region, it is approximately 100 km from kupinsk, and they brought muscovites soldiers there to celebrate the formation of muscovites, it is claimed that this there is a ninth management team, that is, those who provide, and here you see, the ground is boiling, somewhere on a hundred square meters , an entire field is boiling, maybe not a square. kilometer, this is the arrival of a cassette atakams, so atakams works on the area, it is not yet known how many muscovites were definitely killed, someone will say that more than 150 were killed at the same time, that is, they are staff members who ensure communication between the military branches and so on, so this is a tangible strong blow, they did not spare them for as many as 3 atacoms, as they write, well here so here i am...
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what's interesting about this whole video, all this filming is being done, it's obviously being done with a drone, the drone is working from more than 100 km from the front line, at a huge height, what kind of drone is it, for example , look what an absolutely superb picture, and at what height he is works, that is, it's not a mavik on some one there, you know, who drops a grenade into a nearby trench, something like this very solid technique is working here, which is obvious. we have, well, we sometimes read about those british, some scandinavian cool drones that are handed over to us by intelligence agencies, and we may actually underestimate their need, well, in a word, you can watch it endlessly forever, and you know what i like about this video, two points, firstly, these clouds of smoke over the bodies of the muscovites, i hope that this blow was accurate, and there will be no more...
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there will be such situations, as thin as ditches, and i still look and think, my god, how beautiful ukraine is from a bird’s eye view, if it were not for moscow, it flourished and prospered, of course, with its problems, but we would have our problems to ourselves they gave advice, here we have to give more, our owners, where they lived quietly, they have a lot of them, they want everything to be like this, with such poor swamps, their country. dear friends, serhiy lyshenko, a volunteer, deputy of the zaporizhia regional council, is already with us. sir sergey, good morning. good morning. as for zaporizhia, some brains have the impression that they have detached themselves from the zaporizhia region now, switched to odesa, or do you from zaporizhia have a different opinion, what do you say? well, for zaporizhzhia, the situation is really not calm anymore in recent days, but this... in
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principle, it is normal for the police, there were waves for two or three days there, a week, almost daily shelling, then for several weeks there, a month , maybe even more quietly, then again like that before in principle, it's another time to sit back and wait for a new wave, but it's not going anywhere it will happen unfortunately, but in the meantime, while there is such reassurance on the part of muscovites, we still have news from zaporizhzhia, for example, the wonderful news about the searches of the metropolitan of the uoc mp of zaporizhzhia and melitopol luka, how zaporizhzhia is reacting to this, how do the lukas feel about this, i'm sorry, i don't know, but searches in luka, what luka metropolitan, your zaporizhia, say about this, but the fact is that before that there was an incident related to the luka
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during care. at one of the roadblocks, ah, somewhere, let's say, it lit up, and after it spread, now he was searched, and everyone already thought that they had forgotten about the moscow patriarchate, but no, luka reminded himself and now we are waiting, maybe according to the results of the search, suspicions will be announced, you know, this is not the first time they have tried to in ukraine, it is wrong to accuse someone of inciting this inter-religious enmity there. but this, as a rule, is very difficult to prove, and does this luka fall under such a definition in your opinion, such a pere, well, in my, in my subjective opinion, in general, the moscow patriarchate under religion does not apply, because it is not a religion, it is a commercial enterprise, which for many years, both in ukraine and, by the way, in russia, used the benefits that were given to them, because it is no secret that...


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