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tv   [untitled]    May 2, 2024 7:30am-8:00am EEST

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during care at one of the roadblocks, and somewhere, let's say, it lit up, and after that it spread, now he was covered, and everyone already thought that they had forgotten about the moscow patriarchate, but no, here luka reminded himself, and now we expect, perhaps, based on the results of the searches, suspicions will be announced, you know, it is not the first time in ukraine that they have tried to accuse someone of inciting there... this one, of inter-religious enmity, but it is usually very difficult to prove, and does this luka fall under under such a definition in your opinion, such a peres, well, in my opinion, in my opinion subjective opinion, in general, the moscow patriarchate does not fall under religion, because it is not a religion, it is a commercial enterprise, which for many years, both in ukraine and, by the way, in russia, used the privileges that were given to them, therefore which is no secret that... in russia they have privileges for trading
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in excise goods without paying excise duty, and they make money from it, at the same time they make money from the parishioners, not having their own tomos from the ecumenical patriarchate, nothing, so let's say, that this is some religious difference, well it's more treason, among luka's subordinates who help the occupiers and in that... in his activities, this metropolitan luka, or did he actually do something like that before treason, what can you blame him for, in your opinion, he may have called for something in his sermons, or i don't know what , well, regularly both before the full-scale invasion and after the full-scale invasion, his rhetoric was in favor of...
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appeals that by and large inclined people to non-resistance, to submit to the occupiers, not to resist, not to try to resist, but let's quietly and peacefully make it so that they let us occupy, well , this is roughly the meaning that could be interpreted more than once in his sermon, mr. sergius, we have a week before easter and under... the same people to celebrate prayers, and will probably go to the church of the moscow patriarchate as well, the fact is that most people, in principle, unfortunately, do not distinguish between the church of the moscow patriarchate or the church of the kyiv patriarchate or the ecumenical patriarchate, in zaporizhzhia there was a case when one, relatively speaking, father he simply built a building that looks like a church from the outside, and people began to go there, and...
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he continued to conduct services for them, not being connected to either the moscow or kyiv patriarchate, at that time, let's say so, well, simply because he has it there was business, and everything was fine for people, people began to believe that they should go to easter, consecrate eggs, baptize children there, so what, they began to do it, and at the same time, without understanding where, what and how, they but they don't care, the main thing for them is to go to church, so they will go church of the moscow patriarchate, because there is no other, let's say so. it's as if moskal is doing such cruel lessons, you know, he's already trying that heavenly punishment like this, hitting him in the forehead like this, and in the forehead and halfway across the forehead, as they say, in the forehead, well, well, something's wrong with this one, no does not work, yes, that is, the reason is the witness connection, yes, this is a muscovite, the muscovite is abandoning us because ania, i recently saw a video with ivan of those people who... let's say this, are trying
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to understand something, to understand, and as one of my familiar, most of those who walk in the church, these are not parishioners, these are visitors, people who just went there, that's all, well, here it is for these visitors, it, it, it's all the same, they don't read the signs to them, they saw the crosses, so i recently saw a video, when the journalist came, as you say, the one who built such a house, and then people started... a priest came there, yes , there, they are priests of the moscow patriarchate, but in such a private house they organized, apparently they are afraid in ivano-frankivsk under to do it with domes, because they are afraid of some kind of provocation, and the boy says: let's do it all don't mix it up, it's faith, eh, we don't glorify cyril anymore, and i, my father is at the front, my brother died. but i go to this
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church and it's hard for me to even imagine such people in my head and you somehow because in this case it is a conscious choice of moscow. patriarchy, because they do not go to church in its, let's say, ordinary person's understanding, they go specifically to the moscow priests, they believe that they should be with them. mr. sergey, let's talk more about what is happening in the occupied territories, for example, they say that in melitopol received joy from russia, well, besides the fact that it is the occupiers, the occupiers brought it, they decided to bring it to melitopol. a circus, circus performers from russia are coming, this show will be called, wait, it’s called something beautiful, wild planet, nothing surprising, but you, well, in fact, regularly in the occupied
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territories they bring all-round russian artists, all possible russian ones, and the theater performances there were c... there were even some musicians in berdyansk who gave a concert, and they gave a concert of a russian scale, and therefore, in in principle, the process that they started from the very beginning, the involvement of the local population in the russian cultural space, is taking place, this is part of the culture, why, why not involve them, and therefore, in principle, there is nothing surprising here, and i think that these processes in the future will become more and more active and continue. will attract people, bring some performances, some ballets and so on and so on. does it comfort the locals? well, people who haven't been able to leave to see the circus for two years, but the children want to, will definitely go there, especially since in
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their thinking, well, it's a circus, well, it's not evil, but children want to see clowns and animals and acrobats, why not, why not go, and they will go and... and the fact that the children will be happy, they will be comforted, and the fact that there is a circus with soviet propaganda, well , i don't know about that, well, we remember, the soviet circus, param-pam, well , the circus is the most important of all arts for us, lenin said, sir serhiy, thank you very much for the conversation, serhiy lyshenko was with us, a volunteer, deputy of the zaporizhia regional council, to know more interesting and relevant information, please visit espresso tv website, our social networks, search for espresso on youtube. be sure to subscribe, because there you will find all our best programs already recorded, you can watch them as many times as you want, and of course subscribe and like, it helps us a lot to promote our content and get more people joined the free voice of ukraine. by the way, we
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showed you a video of how our defenders hit a line-up of muscovites somewhere on ukrainian soil, and i suspect that now some kremlebots and... will send strikes to the espresso tv channel, because they really don't like such a video, so dear friends, listen to what they did, well, i don't know what they don't like, we like it too, so friends, that's it this thumbs up under our youtube broadcast will actually help us to save ourselves from these strikes, which we muscovites actually do so that fewer people see this video, so please support us and it will help us to be in the offered ones, it will help us not to fall somewhere . in the list of those youtube channels that offered by youtube, so we count on your support and count on you to stand with us against the kremlinbots that are infested with youtube. we just admitted that we really love muskals, but there is a nuance, to
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dead muskals, dead muskals, we love you, gentlemen, let's take a short break, no, we're not going to take a break, we're going to talk to yuriy sobolevsky now , the first deputy chairman of the kherson regional council and he is already with us, mr. yuriy. good morning, i greet you, friends, how is kherson region? kherson oblast is not broken, although the security situation is still difficult, and subjectively, in the last week, the number of shelling, the amount of ammunition used by the enemy during these shellings has increased significantly. there were no appeals to medical institutions, i hope that now information will be collected from hospitals that i did not eat there either. this information about the wounded or dead, it is currently being discussed whether a new attack on kherson is possible, how people react to this news, whether they discuss it among themselves, what they are discussing, whether it is possible again are forced to pack their bags, someone, having already experienced
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the russian occupation and the presence of russians once, may be planning to leave somewhere for a while, you know, most people... they do not react to this so-called information, it is not official, and it is not the first time that we have heard that the orcs are planning some kind of remote operation there. that ukraine is going to leave kherson, other settlements, of course, well, people are sensitive to such information, and it is discussed, but also the trust our people now have in the defense forces, it is very high, and people see that defense lines are also being built, and they see information that every day the armed forces are succeeding, that these are being destroyed. people hear how our artillery works, how
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the counter-battery fight is conducted, well, of course, these are already facts that refute this information, that the armed forces of ukraine are practically not there already, and on the right bank of the country. well, at least theoretically, at the same time, they say, well, how is it possible for the russians to land on the right bank in order to create something like wells and a bridgehead. well, theoretically, you know, everything is possible in this life, but i can say that now this entire territory is under fire control, not only the dnipro, but also a significant territory of the right-bank part of the kherson region, and in some areas and locations they try not to appear at all, because they destroy them there very quickly , i.e. control is to be carried out now, well... my personal opinion is that it would be very, very
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difficult for them to carry out a large-scale amphibious operation and they lost there, it is difficult for me to even say how many personnel and equipment, because this is really the first line of defense along the dnieper , it is powerful, and not only that they have drones, let's say so, and in some areas there, the effectiveness of our guys who... use it is very high, there already, well, professionals work there, who destroy everything that comes into the water there from that side. meanwhile, what is happening in the occupied parts of the kherson region? the theater of the absurd, which the occupation administration calls reintegration processes into the russian peace, unfortunately continues, now they have legal holidays, that's why the military police apparatus, even the punishment. bodies, like the investigative committee, like their military, even the police,
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they are now involved in all this propaganda, they do saturdays there, they plant some trees there, they constantly, unfortunately, work with our children, they wear these st. george's ribbons on them, they hold some kind of advice there, well, that's it this propaganda, this brainwashing, it is unfortunately very powerful and they do not stop at the topics. they do not reduce, they do not decrease, we constantly see that they put a lot of effort into pseudo-culture, pseudo-education, and the goal is the same, to pump up the local population, that in fact they are not are ukrainians, they are half-russian there, yes, and i can’t say that this has no result at all, well, of course , most people understand what is happening, but... unfortunately, time is playing against us there, because the more people
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are in this 24/7 information vacuum, the worse for and for these people and for ukraine. i recently had such a report from radio svoboda, they did an interview with a trans woman from oleshki, for those who don't know... this is a man who decided that he wants to be a woman, now she's already border, but she talks about the hell of life in oleshki, she managed to leave, and she says that it happened more than once that she was afraid that she might just be raped, because she says, i just went outside with an unwashed head , in some old rag, putting some pillows, pretending. pregnant, because they are just these russian occupiers roaming the streets and raping everyone, that is
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, they do not distinguish, women, men, young, old, it doesn't matter, we have very little information about such everyday things life in the occupation, but when it reaches us, it is some very terrible evidence, you understand, the closer to the line of confrontation to... where active hostilities are taking place, the greater the presence of the occupation administration, the military police, and the more , and there are more russians only military, and we see that in... in such cases , the number of crimes against our people always increases significantly, first of all, these are of a property nature, these are crimes, these are murders, robberies, but unfortunately, and even in conditions of limited access to information, to our people, they are intimidated there, crimes are recorded, when people
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are simply killed, not to mention rape and other things, in general, well, well, these are not people, these are the russian military, what are they, when they are relatively there uncontrolled, it's just some kind of wild, uncivilized horde, and our people try to stay away from them as much as possible, but it doesn't always help, because they go there on their own and look for adventures, mr. yuriy, thank you for the conversation, thank you for the stories about... i am in the kherson region in in the occupied part, in the part controlled by ukraine, yuriy sobolevskyi, the first deputy chairman of the kherson regional council, was in touch with us. we are going for a short break and coming back, we will continue our roll call: dnipropetrovsk will be further, stay with us. tired of heavy and bulky
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evrofast softcaps, 20% in psarynyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. haven't you seen the classics in trusakhnyky or something? i wrote a children's poem here, listen, a tractor is in a field of holes, so why did we freeze, the war is going on, and not only for territories, it is also a war for minds, we are engaged in propaganda, russia is throwing millions of oil dollars to transform ukraine. we are countering the information attacks of the russians in the information war chronicle project with olga ley. tuesday-thursday at 17:15, repeat, tuesday-friday at 22:00. the new law on mobilization, who, where and how will serve summonses from may 18. where to
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go, what documents to carry, and what awaits ... evaders. the most important thing today at 21:15 in the project is spoken by velikiy lviv. a square where everyone gets to speak and everyone is heard. on the air of the espresso tv channel. join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. protect yours. the result of their work is our safety. they, the boys from volyn, proved that everyone can be a warrior. the strong in spirit appreciate the ability to stand side by side with their brothers until the holy victory. every one who pilots uavs, understands it, prepares, treats, repairs, rolls kilometers of roads for... fills piles of documents, significantly strengthens those who cover the enemy with heavy fire and return meter by meter our native land, join the ranks of the hundredth separate
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mechanized brigade armed forces, let's stand together. dear friends, we are back on the air and now we will ask about how the night passed in dnipropetrovsk region, and what news there is now. khrystyna kalyushik, peltek, deputy of the dnipropetrovsk regional council, is already joining our team. mrs. khrystyna, you are welcome morning, good morning, how was the night or was it quiet? the night was quiet on the dnipro itself, but nikopolshchyna, myrivsk, myrivsk and myrhorod communities were under shelling day and night since yesterday. unfortunately, it was damaged, people were not injured, fortunately, fortunately, people were not injured, but... unfortunately, communal property, infrastructure facilities and houses were damaged. in the dnipro itself, meanwhile, i don’t know if you
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observed this phenomenon, it was on the night of may 1, a bright flash was visible in the sky, or people were frightened by this flash, because now we have flares in the sky, is it like... some russian missiles that our air defense can destroy? yes, unfortunately, i observed this phenomenon, uh, well, i can say about myself, uh, that it was very light, and the light was white, uh, well, first of all, in these two years of full scale and the fact that we, well, i can't say that we are very used to... shelling, but we are used to the fact that we are in constant
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stress and constant threat, er, to be somewhere in the epicenter, let's say so, and the first thing that what the people of the dnipro do is when we see a flash or some bright light or explosions, we start counting whether the rocket might fly, then... we start counting in order to understand how far it is from us, that is, there from at the moment you hear a cruise missile flying, it has such a very specific sound, in principle, they all have different er different, let's say the sounds that accompany their flight over the city, overhead, here there was no sound, but it was very such a bright light, and my first thought was this: i counted to two, and then i think, what nucleus, well, if i can already see this very light, this light very closely, then in principle
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there is no point in counting it, because i am definitely in the zone of damage, well, okay, so, well, i guess we have already experienced a lot of things , and we have already... changed our attitude towards this whole thing, well, i lived an interesting life, maybe not the longest, but hey, we can't somehow, in this case, when you see such a bright light, that's why what happened, well, like in the day, it was a few seconds, but it was very, very light, c in principle, those who saw who i was with... had the same thoughts, someone thought that it had flown down somewhere on the tets, or on the power plant on some
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nearby one, but there was no explosion, the sound of an explosion and subsequent explosions, exactly what accompanies when it flies over power plants, so, well, well, everyone looked, decided, checked telegram channels, there was an explosion, there was no explosion, well, they fell asleep further, so i can say that we already have our psychological state has changed so much that we even, you know, treat it like, well, what, what to do, and how everything, as bequeathed by dr. strand love, how we stopped, you know, worrying and fell in love with the atomic bomb, you know, it's a movie classic cube, something like that, and the nucleus and the nucleus yo. but in fact it was a meteorite, a meter in diameter, as we know, and it simply burned up not in the upper, but in such lower layers
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of the atmosphere, there is another very interesting one. the story that shook the whole of ukraine this week became famous, that is, both mother and daughter really became famous, so to speak, mother, alsa alenikova is the daughter, and mother, my god, mother, mom, mom's name is ba, bam, dina, myth, and myth and khutdinova, i apologize, and a little bonnet with the last name, the word mother, a deputy of the regional council. both champion speakers, very cool athletes, well, but my daughter, but my daughter said such and such, recorded such and such a video, we can watch it now, the day after tomorrow i will fly to dubai, i will lie down, drink coconuts, go to the shops and feel great, and you will continue to sit in the war, hide, run to the basements, suck your paw and think when you
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will open a zara or rage. air alarm, then all deputies must go to the basement to the basement and wait for the end of the air alarm and only after that the session continues, since the mother of this girl is a deputy of the regional council, then the mother of this girl also goes to the basement together with everyone and sits until the end of the air alarm ,
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there are no coconuts. there is nothing like that there, everyone is waiting for the end of the air alarm in order to continue voting and discussing the decisions of the regional council, but nevertheless in the regional council, as you perceived it, your colleagues, colleagues from the faction to discuss this, and this lady, religious artunivna, khurdinova, she is from the servants of the people, as far as i know, so she is not part of our... faction, she is from the servants of the people, i did not see an explanation or maybe some comment, er, i would have seen this video, it is, as you know, such a snow avalanche, swept everywhere, there were no comments on this matter, i can say that this girl, the girl is already 20,
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seems to be years old, well, she. .. quite a young person, no longer a child, ugh, that is, in principle , she, well, in our circumstances, it is very difficult so, to say that he has his own opinion on this matter, and eh, well, in principle, you can say something like that, even from this, it doesn't matter if you are from dnipro or not from dnipro, from dnipropetrovsk region or not from the region itself. is it possible from some other area, does it border or not border the line with the demarcation line with the front line, in principle these words are quite strange, as for a person who remains in the dnipro and in ukraine, but at the age of 20, in principle, you can
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have your. your vision, and if you don't want to. she is his, she has him. and must answer my words, and in the same way, it seems to me that the apple always falls far from the apple tree, so it is necessary to shake the apple tree. thank you very much, ms. khrystyna. kalyushek paltek was with us, who will now go to the regional council and shake the same apple tree. well, in the meantime, well, in the meantime, we are watching the news. kateryna shirokopoyas is already with us and with you and already has a fresh selection of what has happened in ukraine and the world recently. colleagues, i will quickly tell you about the most important events as of this hour in a moment. time.


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