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tv   [untitled]    May 2, 2024 8:00am-8:31am EEST

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uh, but at the age of 20, in principle, you can already have, uh, your own vision, and if you don't want it, she has it, she has it, she has it, yes, and must live up to her words, and so on , i, it seems to me that the apple always falls not far from the apple tree, so we need to shake the apple tree, thank you very much, ms. khrystyna, kalyushek paltek was with us, who will now go to the regional council and shake the same apple tree, well , meanwhile, well, in the meantime, we're watching the news, kateryna. rokopoyas is already with us and with you and already has a fresh selection of what happened in ukraine and the world for the last time, colleagues, i will quickly tell you about the most important events as of this hour:
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news on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. missile attack on odesa at night, the russians hit the sorting department of the new post office. according to the head of the regional military administration oleg kiper, there are no casualties. 14 people were injured. civil infrastructure in the surrounding houses was damaged, windows were allegedly broken. a large-scale fire broke out on the spot, which was already extinguished by firefighters. the number has increased victims of the russian airstrike on zolochiv in the kharkiv region. it is known about 13 people who were injured, among the victims an 11-year-old boy, a man and his 38-year-old daughter were killed. they were in the same car. this is reported by the kharkiv regional prosecutor's office. damaged civil infrastructure and residential buildings. and in russia , they complain about the night attack of drones in krasnodar. and local residents heard explosions
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near the settlement of afipskyi. they claim that the drones were flying towards the oil refinery, but they were shot down russian air defense. meanwhile, in the oryol and kursk regions, local residents wrote on social networks about the explosions. later there was a power outage. the authorities of the regions announced attacks on energy facilities, and the air defense forces of the russian federation worked in the rostov and smolensk regions. the authorities assure that... there were no damages or victims. more than a thousand occupiers were destroyed by ukrainian defenders during the day. in general, since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, the russian army has lost about 471 thousand of its terrorists in ukraine. also the armed forces of ukraine burned 20 russian tanks, 29 armored vehicles, two dozen artists, and also managed to destroy four air defense systems. eight units of special
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equipment, 48 cars and tanks. the data added by the general staff are indicative. in the meantime , i urge you to join the gathering for our defenders. means of communication and security, needed by the intelligence unit of the third regiment of special operations forces. they fight for the independence of our country in difficult battles on the eastern front and give us the opportunity to live, work and study. in general, our goal is 720. uah. with your help, we have already made an advance payment and we have less than uah 200,00 left to collect. so, let's not delay, the war continues, the help of each of us is crucial. you can now see all the necessary details on your screens. in the meantime, in ukraine, the electronic office of conscripts will be operational from may 18. deputy minister of defense kateryna chornogorenko stated this on radio svoboda. now, to update the credentials
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of the military officers, it will be enough to download the mobile application, log in and fill in the required information. over the course of 2023, ukrainians created more than 30,000 new companies in poland. this is 10% of the total number of individual entrepreneurs registered during this period. this was reported to ukrinform by the diya-business consulting center. in warsaw, in general, during the first two years of the war, ukrainians created almost 50 thousand fops in poland. more often, ukrainians start their own business in warsaw, krakow and wrosliv. more sanctions. the us treasury announced a new package of restrictions aimed at russia military-industrial base. this was announced on the official page of the us treasury. the sanctions affect almost 60 individuals around the world. they help moscow to buy
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technology and equipment from abroad that is absolutely necessary for the war. and in georgia , protests have resumed due to the adoption by the parliament. the second reading of the draft law on agents. eight people were injured in clashes with the police in tbilisi. according to the ministry of health there, their condition is satisfactory. in the evening , thousands of people stormed the parliament. georgian law enforcement officers began to disperse people using water cannons and tear gas. in addition, the police used rubber bullets against the rioters. this was reported by echo of the caucasus. in the ministry of internal affairs. georgia denies this. the protest ended in the morning. the third and final reading of the law on inagents by the parliament of georgia should take place in two weeks. restoration in the village of myrotske in the kyiv region. benefactors have rebuilt
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a residential building that was destroyed by the occupiers at the beginning of the full-scale invasion. our dmytro ditora also saw a new home. what you they did something to us with our apartment, and we lived here peacefully, and you, what you did, in march 2022, the village of myrotske near buchi was under occupation, when the ukrainian defense forces were vacating the settlement, the russians were destroying everything around, a direct hit by an enemy projectile a big fire broke out in the house, four apartments were destroyed... completely, two partially, there was such a crash, there was smoke, when we looked out the window there was smoke, we immediately jumped out of the apartment because it was on fire and they were shooting, my balcony completely blew apart it was broken into pieces, glass, everything fell, immediately you started to beat, because it
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was scary. the woman temporarily moved in with her neighbors, now she and her brother live in buch, they really want to return to their home, anastasia serhiivna admits. she wants it, but it's scary, you know. they just start from scratch, when you had everything and nothing, it’s scary, there is no way to move, as nothing is connected, the light is not connected, the gas is also not connected, there is nothing, you will arrive, you have nothing to sit on, nothing to sit for , and not gas stoves, nothing is a refrigerator, there is nothing, it is empty, the american organization global empowerment mission, in partnership with the representative office of the un agency for refugees, undertook to restore the residential building. this is the first time that jim and unhcr. have come together to help families renovate their apartments, but i mean, on our side, there are programs that we've done, so unhcr has helped almost 29,000 families to renovate their houses or apartments so far. 300 projects, including
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clinics, apartment buildings, some very big, we also focused on the window repair program, so we've already replaced 140. thousand windows, which is a lot of people, it's very important. reconstruction of the house cost 185 thousand dollars. thanks to the financial support of partners and donors, it was possible to restore the facade and roof, replace windows and doors, and repair apartments and attics. i have hope and a great desire that all these houses will be repaired or rebuilt. many different participants and countries are needed to support ukraine and these families. we are one, but so is much of our work is to encourage others to join us and support because it really is a collective effort. so far
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, almost 18,000 objects have been restored in the kyiv region, the regional military administration noted, including about 9,000 with the assistance of international partners and funds. dmytro didora. and dmytro nikiferov, espresso tv channel. national educational platform povir. it is designed to help schoolchildren overcome educational gaps. by the end of this year, the project will work in test mode for two thousand students of the seventh, ninth and 11th grades. currently, three school subjects are available - mathematics, ukrainian and english. students will be able to receive individual consultations or join the series. 10 meeting in groups of up to six people. the educational system should contribute to the fact that every individual, every person can maximally develop their abilities, their potential in order to achieve the greatest success in
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the future. this is critical today for the survival of our country, tomorrow. this is an opportunity for teachers to have additional income on the platform, because they have free time they just give additional ones. which are paid for them, and for children it is a free opportunity to get personalized advice, this is very important, because when you have half an hour of mathematics on a specific topic, with a specific teacher, it is much more... more effective than he will work with a large group of children . search for espresso on youtube and be sure to subscribe, there are live broadcasts, all program releases and special projects that can only be seen here, as well as videos on hot topics in the shorts section , subscribe, comment on your important thoughts, be there every day. to find out more interesting and up-to-date information, follow the updates on our website and on our social networks . meet my colleagues andrii seicha and lesya vakalyuk in a moment, we will see you at 10 o'clock.
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dear friends, we are returning to the ether, continuing our marathon, lesya vakulyuk, andriy saichuk, we are working for you in this studio, let me remind you, we work until 12 o'clock, and i will also remind you that we... we are collecting we are getting closer to the finish line, i wanted to say what a good day you and i have had collected, i have to count now, because as of the morning when we started, there was only one amount, and while the air was going on, somehow someone donated 200 from you viewers, and we haven't even... or a reminder of this, and it's nice , dear friends, 53,000 we have collected with you yesterday
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until this morning, actually until this moment, when i remind you about the collection, and thus you and i have, now i will tell you how much we have with you, 1,854 thousand out of the 2 million necessary , which means that you and i need to collect. less than uah 150,000, expensive friends, this is incredible, it sounds like something unreal, because 2 million seemed like a very scary amount, but we managed it with you and now only some 146 00 separate us from this amount, you now see qr codes on your screens, on the left, if facing the screen, this is the qr code of privatbank, it must be scanned if you have the privat-24 application. open this application, find the scanner function in it, point it and it will transfer you to the payment
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system, so you can pay, on the right, if you are facing the screen, this is the qr code of monobank, and it also appears in our ether, well, above the qr codes, respectively, the card numbers of these banks, and also on the title it is indicated separately in large numbers for your convenience, the card number for us to dial. in half-buckets, which are causing such trouble to the moscow machinery, so please, let's make it so that you and i collect those 146,000 as soon as possible and close that collection, and then hire a new one, well, in the meantime, we will add to our conversations of petro andryushchenko, adviser to the mayor of mariupol, mr. petro, good morning, glory ukraine, good morning, mr. peter, glory to the heroes, and what are you doing in mariupol? there were some explosions, well yesterday there were explosions, yesterday
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we almost had a blast, let’s say so, because what we know for sure this morning is that yesterday the russians twice tried to shoot down something that was moving towards the rostov region, our people saw the rocket fly by, recorded it, and then the russian air defense hit the point of concentration near mariupol, actually russian... not far from nevsky, and then they became very worried about it, and they massively relocated from there, at least operational-tactical weapons depots, operational-tactical ammunition depots and some of their personnel were relocated to the left bank of mariupol, away from the threat, because they, i think, really expected that there would be a second strike, and that's why they rushed so very, very quickly , and after that , counter-guerrilla measures were actively started again in a strange way, that is, the main
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avenue was actually blocked, and all 100% of the cars driving from the exact direction from where the hit was from, from where the fall was air defense forces also stopped, checked cars, checked documents, well, that is, the anxiety at maximum speed was quite serious in mariupol yesterday, mr. petar, and what is happening in mariupol on... and what about the kebabs there is a separate interesting story, they tried everything the russians came after the war, and they tried to compromise us and constantly posted all kinds of pictures, you know, in the chat rooms, so that we could show smoke from barbecues and say that it was a hit, so that we wouldn’t be able to gloat later, but oh well you can see how it went
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may day and may day directly in mariupol, everything was as it should be, drunk people at bus stops. we slept, hung out in the parks, there was also a proper sabbath on the sea, it was very interesting to watch this cotton wool of ours, which went out with red flags, next to these migrants who came, this is some kind of surrealism, which i think we can never even imagine they couldn't, that this could happen in mariupol, to be honest, that's why it's a laugh and a sin, you know, you can't say otherwise, well, the same thing will actually happen on may 9, of course, that preparations are underway... there won't be any global total demonstrations or anything else there, because they are afraid, but we won't beat that may 9 is like today for odesa, for mariupol the same as may 9, that's when rusnia provoked and when there was an attempt to capture our ministry of internal affairs, so there will be , again, like last year, a certain confrontation between the russian and our
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pochukuns, our cotton about this in the ministry of internal affairs, because it... is being analyzed, well, there are separate interesting stories, but 9 may will be served again as it is a sacred date, i say it will be the same as odesa will be presented today, has it already been presented from the point of view of russian propaganda, so this is actually the day when mariupol was completely occupied, it is clear that they are preparing for it in their own way, but how it will be, well, we will see , we know for sure that they are going to expel the children to dance on freedom square, but it has not been decided whether there will be... any official festivities or not, well, at least in some minimal version, so let's see, the immortal regiment somehow like this and somewhere i didn't get off much this year, probably because of something that was also added by our fellow partisans in melitopol, when the konovalians were placed by the occupation administration of melitopol as in
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an immortal regiment, well, they are separate, i mean there is always laughter and sin, that is, our resistance. in the occupied territories, i realized that these sacred dates of may 1 and may 9 are a very vulnerable group, they are very vulnerable, it is very easy to troll them, it is very easy to provoke them, but they also understood that this is so, therefore, referring to some security measures, constantly cancel all the holidays that are possible, by the way, about to mention odesa in this way, i see that you also mention those events in the telegram channel, and my facebook, for example, reminded me that i... wrote in the 14th year, actually i was then working as a public broadcaster and graduation, and i remember that i just remembered what i wrote on that day, i just wrote about the impression that the police was acting on behalf of those pro-russian separatists, it was a very clear impression, and we didn't understand whether we still
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control them in odessa, well, that's how it was that, well, that's how it was, yes... it was in odessa and not only in odessa, you know, there are a lot of mythologies, we ourselves have to remember how it was, just remember, because what we have rosnya teases, rosnya insists that , from their point of view, they want to establish a conditional war, it started precisely from odessa, but excuse me, girkin was already in slavyansk during the period that odessa was, i am completely silent about the occupied crimea and already officially, it seems to me that at that time it became part of the russian federation, so what is odessa, well, what is this talk about, and what all this... people who worked in the police at that time and are working now, i understand, somewhere in the fields in the swamps, well, that's how it is, and they fully participated, completely provoked, well, is this a secret or no, we have, for example, once again, excuse me, let me return to our mariupol, when there was an attempt to seize the raid division, who seized it, it is clear that there was this pro-russian bastard
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, an imported russian bastard, but there were their own policemen who started to shoot our normal ukrainians and when he died on... yes the same happened in odessa, the same happened in donetsk, i will tell you, i know a lot of patriots, policemen from donetsk who did not betray their oath, what they tell, and these are all myths that the russians are trying to show their picture of the beginning of the war and occupation in the 14th year, it does not respond at all, it is very important for us, very important, i think, to remind everyone and ourselves how it really started, about the rallies in the same year. in pro-ukrainian ones in donetsk, in luhansk, about how russians were brought abroad. i'm sure that if it wasn't odesa, if there was no such light, then odesa did not give, i was there. well, donetsk and the same history odessa was saved not only by a large number of the pro-ukrainian community, there was plenty of it and in donetsk it was saved by the great
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distance from the russian border. the russians simply could not get the required number of russians, unlike donetsk or luhansk. therefore, or the same mariupol, because our people say, and we saw it, that there was already 50% in the square in front of the city council or the city executive committee at that time. clear of our builders, and 50% and the provocateurs were imported from the territory of the russian federation, no one was particularly hiding, well, in fact, that is why we must remind this, we must return to this and say again, russia started the war first with the occupation of crimea, then the attempt to occupy slavyansk with the direct entry of its subversive unit , and then there was a repulse in odesa, and it is absolutely fair, there was a repulsion, as we see it, odesa is holding on. the occupier is still fighting back, but no matter what happens, i think you can look at luhansk and understand the whatever it was, donetsk, as well as
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mariupol, when he fought back on may 9 at first, then was de-occupied, and for 86 days before a full-scale attack, they could not take the city even with a full-scale attack, because he held on to the pro-ukrainian spirit, and that ’s it. well, if not conditionally, this is our heroic garrison, and these are civilians who helped. and understood what was happening, that's why it's very important to remind the truth, in fact, i will agree with you absolutely here, regarding odessa, that odessa has become such a turning point, i think that this is when the russians say that became the trigger of the war, if they are right, then it seems to me that the plan of novorossiya broke down in odesa, when they wanted, literally there, i don't know, foolishly to get ukrainian territories, using such and such hybrid methods. wars, and i would argue with you here, i would say that it was not even odesa that resisted the russian peace, honestly, the resistance to the russian peace and its hybrid wars, occupations
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, at one time, was resisted by the dnipro and zaporizhzhia, because it was immediately demonstrated at the stage of these demonstrations , when there were, if you remember when these communists passed, broke all the man-made monuments of the maidan and the revolution of dignity then, and zaporizhzhia and the dnipro came out, well actually odessa, yes. and they repelled the communists of their time, then it became clear that it would not go so easily, and dsna simply put the final point, simply demonstrated that it is necessary, well , i will not say this word that is used by our opposition, yes, what should be done with rusnia on a permanent basis in order to remain free, and we prove it, and to this day, until we exterminate them all, and this is the zone of our security, until they understand that it is impossible to return alive from the territory of ukraine, the war will still continue, unfortunately, er, by the way, you mentioned that our resistance hints, or directly says that you and the living are not get out, there again someone was poisoned by alcohol, but the occupiers somehow
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exaggerate the number of those poisoned, well, this is a strange situation, yes, again, in principle, over the last year, almost, our resistance very successfully began to use measures to poison the occupiers, because, well, alcohol is evil, holidays - evil for... russians, we understand this, and we are this we use, and that is why we always wait for confirmation from the russian side, here it really passed nine occupiers at first, we confirm, nine occupiers forever, in principle, they will never go anywhere, and this was a corresponding action in the direction of the russian guard, which again entered the territory of mariupol, because part of the kadyriv residents of the russian guard have now been taken to energodar, they have brought in new russians in their place, but there are russians... unlike the kadyriv residents, at least they are still very loyal to alcohol, so far, again may 1 the day before, and therefore ours handed over alcohol accordingly, nine people were poisoned to death there,
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there are a certain number of poisoned others, but the strange thing, the strange thing is that the anti-fakers woke up, for some reason there were 16 out of nine, and instead of alcohol there was shawarma , well, in principle , we understand it in this way, they are trying to cover up their sweep of migrants, but this is a totally made-up story and they deny the very make-up. well, we haven't seen anything like this yet, to be honest, our resistance posted, as usual, a photo report on how they transmitted this alcohol, besides, if you remember somewhere in the winter, there was also a video report of how poisonous products were transferred, well, that's why it works, because in fact the russians are very poorly provided for in the location, where they are, quite bad, and from the point of view . from the point of view of the water there, well, it cannot be compared with our armed forces, and we constantly use it, it is especially interesting when the officers gather, it all started when
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it was the flag day of the russian federation. the first was a successful campaign when he was an officer such a beaumont, and they were tripled right at this corporate party, and there were also some 19 people poisoned there, and it went normally and they don’t learn, well , they are really uneducable, these russians, well , that’s actually a good thing, it’s in our hands, but ah are there among the residents of mariupol, among the locals, such tender-hearted sympathizers who may actually be worried about these boys who are not being fed? there is, there is, well there is, well, i would lie, i would say no, that’s how there were 10-20% of the people there frankly, and that’s how it remained, relatively speaking, the entire pro-russian population on happiness remained in mariupol, you know, in this way we got rid of them so far, i think that they will be the first to flee the city when we go to reoccupy, how much they are afraid, they are all almost documented, even at the household level, i will say that the mariupol people unlike from the 14th year to the 22nd, they will no longer forgive,
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that is, not everything is so unambiguous. will not pass, and everyone is quite radical, and if i were a pro-russian man from mariupol, i would not stay in the city before the occupation, because there is a very big risk that it could be, well there will be big troubles, let's say so, but they are, there are, and, you know, it is surprising mostly the young people who stayed behind and who have such thoughts, we now see our 20-year-olds writing there, some in mariupol, that odesa, i remember, is not simple , what do you remember? i'm sorry, you still learned how to wipe your nose, and you remember something, well, that is, but it's clear what the growth of the population is, it's absolutely marginality, in fact, regardless of age, if it's marginal, then there's a 90% probability that you you will be russian- minded, and the russians actually work with by them, and that is why they actually marginalize the population even now in mariupol, until now alcohol is available there almost for the price
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of bread, yes at first. during the occupation, a bottle of vodka cost almost as much as a bottle of water, well, that's why they are moving confidently in this direction and that's why the russians are like that, they successfully marginalized themselves for 30 years, now they have a herd that is now going to ukraine to die just like that, because yes, even they cannot explain why they are climbing here, well, it is unlikely that such people can be fully called citizens, fully in understanding of this word, you know, in the 14th year there were lviv and halychyna. nine months under the russian occupation of the army there in 1914 and more than 100 years 100 110 years ago and these nine months of occupation they did a good deed because after the russian troops were thrown out of western ukraine and there were no muscophiles left in lviv and there were many of them, it was an influential current that said that we galicians are russian people from the beginning, and i will say that the russians in
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mariupol are very successful, i am sure that not only in mariupol, i can say the same for berdyansk, according to bolnovakha, they carried out denazification very successfully, clearly, they simply did not expect that it would reverse, that is, they even from mariupol residents who lived there, and we , the national minority, have the right to the russian language, you today you will not hear such a thing, that is, unequivocally everyone believes that they are ukrainians, ukrainians, and the most radical type, you know, every mariupol resident is a tedder. vaus is not ashamed to say this, conditionally speaking, and there are no more disputes whether the upa are heroes or not heroes, the same is true of galicia and everything else, and to the german and russian occupation, i will say more, today the community, the historical community has begun to compare and finally tell the truth out loud, regarding the german occupation of mariupol during the second world war and the russian occupation
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during all other times, because... a very big mythology, planted in principle by the soviets, that when the germans left mariupol, they burned it to the ground, in fact it was a russian bombing, actually what they did to mariupol again, they simply bombarded it with airplanes, burned the whole city and later wrote it off in history on the germans, well , in fact, the truth is different, and everyone understands it, it does not make the nazis good, it just puts the truth in one, well, calls a spade a spade, that the soviets. and nazism are one and the same, actually, the truth is important, mr. peter, and we thank you for telling the truth of mariupol as it is, petro andryushchenko, adviser to the mayor of mariupol, was in touch with us , we talked about what life is like in an occupied city now, we are going for a short break, we will come back and continue, stay, please be with us, and i want to say thank you for the 11 00 hryvnias that we collected with you while we were talking.


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