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tv   [untitled]    May 2, 2024 8:30am-9:01am EEST

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for all other times, because there is a very big mythology, which was planted in principle by the soviets, that when the germans left mariupol, they burned it to the ground, it was actually the russian bombing, actually what they did to mariupol again, and airplanes simply slandered, burned the whole city and later wrote it off in history on the germans, well, in fact, the truth is different, everyone understands it, it does not make the nazis good, it just puts the truth in one well... calls a spade a spade, that the soviet union and nazism are one and the same, actually. actually, the truth is important mr. peter, and thank you for telling the truth of mariupol as it is. petro andryushchenko, adviser to the mayor of mariupol, was in touch with us, we talked about what life is like in the occupied city now, we are going on a short break now, we will come back and continue, please stay with us, and i want to say thank you for the 11 00 hryvnias that we collected with you while we are talking.
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8:34 am
hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. it ship district, kherson. turn on live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00. verdict with serhii rudenko from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, as well as feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day by phone survey, turn on and turn on, verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso.
8:35 am
dear friends, we are back on the air, continuing our marathon, i want to remind you that we have a collection going on and thank you for those. 1100 hryvnias, which you and i collected from the moment of the announcement, reminder about this collection, we already have less than 140,000 left with you to collect and close this collection so that we have 2 million, so you see the qr code, number you can see the maps, in addition, you can also find all the necessary details under our youtube broadcast, if you go, go to the description from. click on the button more and there you will see all the necessary details for what do we collect, how much do we collect and for whom? uah 2 million for fpv drones for the 93rd and 72nd brigades. well , now we will tell you about our defender from
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the 24th separate mechanized brigade named after king danylo, danyla, ivan with the call sign cardan took part in hostilities in the east of ukraine, fought with the russians. by special forces and local fighters, he was wounded, and now he serves in the drohobytskyi territorial center of manpower, our khrystyna parobiy told about how he defended the luhansk region. let's look at this hero. and locals who knew every street, everyone the locksmiths knew our location, where we were based. my name is ivan, callsign kardan, i am currently serving in the drohobytsky rtc in the guard company, in the position of senior rifleman, in the 15th year, it was my late father's dream that the youngest son, because
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there were only two of us in the family, the elder brother and as it turned out, my father just died, it wasn't even 40 days since my father died, i joined the army, i went myself, i didn't wait for that summons. it was on the contract that i went, in the 13th year i was in the rear guarding bridges until the 17th year, in the 17th came, worked a little in the civilian structure, realized that it was not for me, and in the 21st year signed a contract, in the 21st year there were no such intense battles, there were shootouts, that kind of thing, but mostly they shot from their side, from the side of the aggressor, we...we had no right to open fire, because we had the minsk agreements, and we had no right to respond. and the war began on february 24 , 2022, we were a rapid reaction company, we were sent in a column to the city of starobilsk, and
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it all started with starobilsk. we they held back the column, not one, there were two of them going there, one was held back, the second was held back. restrained and we had to retreat, because there was a very large armored vehicle, there were a lot of them. at the beginning , we still had the power to hold back, but there were twice as many of them as we had, all the equipment from all the borders was simply going to break through. there was no aviation, there were wheeled vehicles and there was heavy armored vehicles, these are tanks, howitzers. we restrained the first battle until... everything was going very well, only in the first battle, we destroyed their entire column, well , we destroyed the entire column that was moving, but we destroyed the column of wheeled vehicles, and the heavy armored vehicles were on the second road, we had to retreat, because at the moment
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we only had four boxes of ours there , we had to retreat, because there were more than 100 of their units and... and we that 's why we retreated, we held it for two, then three days, then we were transferred to a settlement between the border, a settlement that was varvarovka, because it was very, very difficult there, but we held on there until the last, not only russians were there, there and there were those who were for the lpr, the dnr, the local residents were for russia, what about us constantly passed. just surrender and the 152nd caliber, 120th mortar, tanks were working on us, well, it was very difficult, we were standing at the roadblock, passing the varvarovka, a car was driving from the side of the rough, in the direction of vorvarovka, we
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entered it with the headlights off, we they stopped, they tried to stop her, she didn't react in any way, and we... sometimes their so-called priest of the moscow patriarchate and his mentor were in the car, sometimes the mentor was on the phone. there were photos of all our positions and in the car we also found grenades, stretch marks, and chances it didn’t happen at all, a lot of my comrades died in my vorvarovka, my company’s tank was burned, his gunner was also burned by a tank, only one mechanic was still alive, he got out when the car was on fire, he managed to get out, that’s all, then in a rough place a little. fought, then i was sent to such a town to graze. russia
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sent most of its special forces to pokhasto. we fought there as special forces with the places of the lpr, dnr and their, their special forces. and that's why it was very difficult for us. our cambric died there, we were constantly fired upon. we are not managed to leave. as no large-caliber guns came to us, rounds of aviation, aerial bombs, it was very scary there, there was a woman walking along the pasture, we were in our house, well, we had lunch, so-called tipa, because war is war, and lunch is according to the schedule, as they say, we had lunch and walked in the direction of the car, because our cars were standing just like that, well, in the landing, well, so that it wouldn't be seen, well, a woman was walking alongside ours. rank, we didn't let her in, and she started crying, and we are western ukraine, here we
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understand everything, we took her to the introductions and let her in, and warned her that there the road in front is mined, and she walked, looked where each mine lay, and after 15 minutes, art shelling, demined the road and two tanks and three bmps went to break through, they started right away. hit, i remember that i ran out of that building and a projectile flew straight into the house, a tank projectile, shrapnel fell, i was lying down, then another projectile, well, they fired without interruption, for a little while theirs was reloading, the bmp fired, their artillery poured in, well , thanks to our tourists, one tank and two bnts were burned. burned, and there they ran away, because they realized that they would not go any further, but
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there were very, very many, there were heavy threes, it was very difficult to deliver, ammunition was very difficult, they were, but it was difficult to deliver them to us, because all the roads that led to the pasture, all the roads were shot at, and they were very terribly shot at from all corners, they delivered, but... i say it like this , we literally had time for 15 minutes, if we had time to threaten, we unloaded, if we did not have time, the car turned around and drove away immediately, i was wounded somewhere on march 23, it was around 12-30, a team came to us , so that we leave and work, because we are with the enemy the box drove in, it was necessary to work so that we could leave, when i ran out to run... to the car, i heard the exit, then i heard such a hard exit, i did not hear a whistle, but it turned out that
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the mine was flying towards me, and 3 meters from me into the wall, it broke, i was thrown away, maybe five or six meters away, i was thrown away by a wave, and i am lying like this, lying conscious, eyes open, noise, noise in my head, a bunch of diapers, i tried it myself.. . from retaliating, i realized that it is not possible, because i don't have a heel, i added that the shards were flying, i see blood flowing from the mirror, i try with that hand, those fingers are stuck, because there is a penetrating wound, i try with that hand and look , the blood is also flowing, i realized that nothing, that hand was torn off immediately on the left, and that was it, and i started to say goodbye, well, i knew that was all, i raised my head, i'm looking... this is my commander, my commander pulled me out, my type of tank that
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i was driving, and he pulled me out from under fire, they gave me first aid, applied cornicates, took me away, put me in the car, drove me to the meeting the ambulance was taken, overloaded in the ambulance, evacuation was taking place during shelling, they took out all the soldiers who were wounded, we drove for about 20 minutes, then there were mines behind us. were falling, because the road was shot through, mines were just falling behind and that was it, well, maybe two or three kilometers, the ambulances cut me open, provided me with medical help there, sent me away. in pervomaiske , they camped there, so they sent me to the dnipro, they generally said that i was born in a shirt, because i lost a lot of blood, they already poured blood there, and i was in the dnipro for a day, and i was sent to the hospital in lviv, and there the first
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operation, second operation, third operation, the fourth operation, four operations were performed on me. the fourth was the last time they did my hands and that was it, i was in the hospital for maybe a month, and i was in rehabilitation, because i was healing very quickly, and i was sent to the city of kuskavits, the garbage collector received a protest, then i was sent to the vlk through sek , they gave me the second group for life, i passed the vlk, was made limitedly fit, i was transferred from the military unit, where i... served my service, i was transferred to the drogoblitsk state central committee and sp, the guards. i've been in drugobytskyi for more than a year six months, well, during those six months, relations are very terrible, people think that i bought a group for myself, that i was not there, it is very, very difficult, you simply explain to people that there is a war in ukraine, they
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say, there is no war, it is very difficult here , psychologically, it is very difficult to maintain iron nerves here. people watch those videos on the internet, they don’t understand that the guys here are from the town of mordelsk, they think that no one fought here, all the guys here are soldiers, half of the 24th, there is no one with an eye here, but people don’t understand that, here i was told in general what's the point of talking to that person, that's all, the guys have to be changed, no one wants to, everyone is running away and afraid, and it's hard for the guys there, who have been sitting there for the third year, not only that the physical is already... it's hard and morally so much it's very difficult, my brother is just a relative, that's why i know that it's very difficult there,
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8:50 am
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gallbladder, an unusual look at the news: good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen, a sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions, in america they also say, let's have better roads , we will have even better ones, a special view on events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond. what a dream world, norman, can we imagine it? all this in informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 5:10 p.m., sunday 6:15 p.m. at espresso. the new law on mobilization, who, where and how will serve summonses from may 18, where to apply, what documents to carry, and what awaits evaders. all the most important today at 21:15 in the project. says velikiy lviv, a platform where everyone has a say and everyone is heard. on the air of the espresso tv channel. dear
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friends, we are back on the air, alesya vakulyuk, andriy saichuk. let me remind you, in this studio we work for you today until 12 o'clock, there is a huge amount guest list of topics for discussion, just now we will talk about affairs at the front. thank you to all those who support our military with donations, already +15. for this morning was added to our account, which means that 131 00 is needed to close the collection only 131 00 of 2 million, this is what we have left to collect, dear friends, so scan the qr code, see, the card number here is the title here, here, here are the points, you can write it down too, this is monobank, qr code of monobank and card number of monobank, if... you want private, you can go to our youtube broadcast, there are also all the necessary details in the description, and you can also see the details in this way, on the left is the actual
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qr code and the card number of the private bank above it, on the right, if you are facing the screen, this is monobank, so join in, fpvs will fly to our military, as soon as all the necessary 2 million, we will collect our military from the 93rd and 72nd. brigades are waiting for these fpv drones, most of all they are waiting for fpv drones, muscovites, for ukrainian fpv drones, because those fpv drones will send those muscovites home in different states, and simply in different configurations, to turn them into the russians we love, yes, good, good russian, dead russian, meanwhile, into bad russians, the main news now, which is being discussed on all their media, is a picture that is... just a ukrainian diplomat, kislytsia , serhii kyslitsa, kyslitsa now, he is a prion representative, you know, and before that,
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actually, linas linkevičius, the former head of the ministry of foreign affairs of lithuania, who, by the way, now works as the lithuanian ambassador to sweden, he tweeted that people say, who still wants to take a picture near the crimean bridge, then do it now, because while there is an opportunity, we will show it today. how the attackers successfully attacked the muscovites far, far from the front with cluster munitions, which are precisely for the destruction of light armored vehicles and so on, so, here kislytsia continued the topic and published the following types of bridges that exist in nature, there are various arched, suspension bridges, rope bridges and the kerch bridge, and now it is terribly discussed in russia. we will now discuss it with andrii rezhenko, captain of the first early reserve of the navy of the armed forces of ukraine, strategic expert of the company sonata, deputy chief of staff of the armed forces of the armed forces of ukraine in 2004-2020, mr. andrii, is it really possible
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to destroy the kerch bridge in the end now that we have something to give us, and there are others, well, i think that with the arrival of that of the equipment that was announced, especially in the extreme package, well, in the extreme package from the side. of the united states of america is really quite, and the destruction of the crimean bridge or even its damage, i think we are talking about its damage, will give us the opportunity to deprive the russian federation, or rather the group that is in crimea, of this logistics artery, it is quite clear, it has been talked about for a long time, and i want to remind you that this unsinkable smuggler crimea, he he... is supplied from two, well, from two directions, from the northern direction, it is a spillway, there to the kherson region , kalynchak, that means,
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well... the district of chuka, and the crimean bridge, if it is blocked, then the entire group that is in the crimea, including the black sea fleet, remains virtually without logistics, perhaps, of course, the supply of logistics there by sea by air, but it will be completely different volumes, and also, if we briefly talk about the situation at the front, say all our experts, such as mykhailo samos, for example, the director of the new geopolitics research network, or this is what my extremely australian major general says, and in retired, that now the russians are trying to use their window of opportunity as much as possible, until the mobilized new ukrainian soldiers arrived and help did not come, and the help did not arrive in full, well, on the approach of the 16th, as we
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know. that is, we even hear about the fact that the history of the war says that they even transfer paratroopers from the zaporozhye direction to moscow, all to the donbas, in order to try to push through as much as possible there. how should we deal with this and should we give up territories now for the sake of the soldiers, perhaps? well, it 's true, well, it was expected that the russians, when they saw that really, well, let's say, well... the strategic weakness that existed before the decision of the united states government to give us such a large aid package, so because that weakness , it is very fast, it will pass, and we get a significant amount of and ammunition for artillery, and missile systems, and armored vehicles, and eventually these v16 planes, of course they are now...
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to seize ukrainian lands as much as possible in order to, perhaps, use this argument as, well, let's say, an argument at negotiations, we have heard many times from these such and such ambitious positions of the russians, that they are now saying that such a task is set for them at the political level, they are doing it, but i think that really with the arrival of... techniques of additional ammunition with the approach of additional forces of our demobilized forces, this situation will change, because well, the russians are also a resource, it is not unlimited, and the equipment they use, in fact, it was all removed from long-term storage, and it is not new, it, i mean mainly these are armored vehicles, automobiles and... well
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, there are also a lot of questions, they are very bad about anti-aircraft systems, because we regularly destroy them, and it is known, for example, that recently last week after another system the s-400 air defense system was destroyed in the region dzhankoy in crimea, this alleged head of crimea personally appealed to putin personally with a request to install such a system, there are also very few such systems, that's why. seriously, we damaged this element, because the russians are just using time now, i think that time passes very quickly for them. thank you, mr. andriy, andriy, ryzhenko, captain of the first rank reserve of the navy of the armed forces of ukraine, centenary expert of the senate company, was with us. thank you, deputy chief of staff of the navy of the armed forces in the 4-20s. expensive friends, well, at 9 o'clock we honor the memory
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of all those ukrainians. who, unfortunately, died because of the russian aggressor. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.


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