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tv   [untitled]    May 2, 2024 9:00am-9:30am EEST

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russian aggressor. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.
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the sbu detains the priests of the ukrainian church of the moscow patriarchate on the eve of easter, what is happening and when the moscow church will be banned, let's start with the news from odessa, my name is kateryna nekrecha, this is svoboda ranok, thank you for joining this broadcast. the russian army again attacked odessa with ballistic weapons, this is already the third such attack in the last three days, late in the evening in explosions rang out in the city, after which a large-scale fire broke out, as a result of the attack , civilian infrastructure was damaged, and in particular , a missile hit the warehouses of the new post office. according to odesa chief oleg kiper, as of midnight , 14 people are known to have been wounded. one man was hospitalized in a moderate condition
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, there were no deaths or injuries among the employees of the new post office. the co-owner of the company, volodymyr popereshnyuk , wrote on his facebook the day before that all employees hid in a shelter during the alarm, managed to do this, but about 900 shipments were affected by the attack. kateryna, the banking correspondent of radio svoboda, joins our broadcast. katerina, welcome to our broadcast, please tell us what the consequences are. of the russian attack, what is happening at the place of arrival? good morning, katya, right now i am right next to the sorting station and cargo department of the new post, which were hit by a ballistic missile at night, rescuers are still working here, because this building continues to smolder, and it was quite difficult to put it out, reported in the emergency services, by the way, are alone... immediately after
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the explosion, literally 20 minutes, rescuers were already working on the site, and the air alarm sounded again, so everyone had to stop work and go to a safe shelter in order not to fall under the probable a second strike, so all this time, while the second air alarm was going on, and the fire was spreading, so the consequences were becoming more serious. but it's actually good that the people who were here on shift were not hurt, i was told that this, at this sorting station, they put such a temporary concrete shelter, so people managed to get there very quickly and in an organized manner, and that is why they were saved, because rockets were launched from the temporarily occupied crimea to odessa, it is literally two or three minutes, so to go somewhere in an equipped... sometimes there is simply no cover
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time, among the injured 14 people, all of them in normal condition, received only light injuries, so they did not even go to the hospital, only one, one person was taken with injuries of medium severity. i will repeat once again that this is the third day in a row that odessa has been bombarded with ballistic missiles, the day before they hit the coast. er, and also in the center of odessa. actually, i have everything. katerina, please tell me what is happening now at the place of arrival and, in your opinion, is it subjective, or is there really a lot of damage there? ah, well, actually, in my opinion, and not only in my opinion, yes, indeed, the building was quite badly damaged, ah, and people are still working here, so the extinguishing went on all night. people are also working
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around, collecting glass, collecting fragments of buildings that are simply scattered throughout the area and by the way. does the smell of burning still very much it is strongly felt, by the way, the fire department was also affected, but fortunately all the rescuers were in shelter during the attack, so no one was injured, and bugs were also killed in residential buildings, but also, fortunately , without serious consequences. katya, thank you very much for joining in, telling all the details from the scene of the incident, take care of yourself and i wish you peaceful days, because... the last three days odesa has been in the news because of these events. kateryna abankova, a correspondent of radio liberty, reports what is happening there. follow up on the radio liberty website, as well as our news, we are actively monitoring the situation in ukraine and the consequences of russian attacks. next, we talk about the situation at the front.
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the russian military continues ground attacks on the line kupyansk-svatov, kremina. this is reported in the american institute for the study of war. in... in the general staff of ukraine, they say that 14 attacks were repelled in the kupinsky direction over the last day, this is less than in the bakhmutsky or avdiivsk directions, but if you compare it with the statistics of the previous weeks, then the assaults have really increased more. according to the statement of the general staff , during most days of march and april , russian forces did not carry out assaults in the kupinsky direction at all, or their number was small. the head of the kharkiv regional military administration, oleg synigubov, also announced about their recovery the other day, he... says that this happened after the russian military recovered the losses inflicted on them by the defense forces of ukraine during an almost two-month break. andrii besedin, head of the kupina city military administration, joins our broadcast. mr. andriy, welcome to our broadcast, thank you for joining. congratulations, glory to ukraine.
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glory to the heroes, in your opinion, and what is the reason for the increase or renewal of assaults in the kupinsky direction? indeed, we observed a certain lull before these assaults, which took place constantly and continue to take place in the kupyan direction, including on the territory of our community, and on the territory of our community, today they are increasing, increasing, most likely the enemy has been equipped, found reserves, because our armed forces are really very powerful destroy the enemy, manpower, enemy equipment. and most likely it was necessary to regroup, re-staff the terrorist country in order to renew attempts to push through our defenses, to find weak points and to go to the borders that were allegedly indicated to them by their command,
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but again, in fact, nothing works, again after all, they are losing, they are losing a lot of people, they are losing a lot of equipment, and we are sure, communicating every day with... our boys and girls, the armed forces, that the enemy will not give anything. and russian forces, you say, and not only did you restore your losses there, strengthen your army in this direction, we also remember the words of the president of ukraine and the head of the commissar that russian forces are preparing such a large-scale offensive for may and june, i.e. right now, do you expect such a large offensive in the kupinsky direction? we have these attacks constantly, and in fact the enemy’s efforts are constant, well, if we don’t take two or three weeks of april there, yes, which were such a real comfort, then we are used to it, we we are constantly waiting, we are constantly aware, and
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the military knows the intentions of the enemy, where he wants to go, what means he uses, how many weapons are there, how much equipment, how many personnel he has. which settlements or locations there are of interest to them, if we go back there to the moment of occupation, then we know that kupyansk for them was supposedly the center of kharkiv of their military administration, where all the leadership was, so for them it is a sacred city, a sacred community, including the kupyansk junction, it is a railway junction, which is very necessary to them, but again, a year and a half of their taunts, perhaps... led only to huge losses among personnel, equipment, the only thing that the enemy really knows how to do, knows how to do qualitatively, is to terrorize the population, the destruction of our places, villages, critical civil infrastructure, and for this
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he uses all weapons, the entire range of weapons, including artillery, mlrs, and guided aerial bombs, which really cause very large losses and material. mr. andrii, considering such threats, are there other communities for the residents of kupyansk, perhaps you can name them, there is accelerating, maybe evacuation, maybe you... more actively encourage people to leave and help, assist them in this? evacuation has been ongoing for almost a year, we constantly emphasize that for now it is better to leave the territory of the community, safer places, or the city of kharkiv or to other regions of our country, but unfortunately, they neglect, neglect, write refusals, now 7,500 population is in the territory of the kupyan community, 217 of them are children, each of them wrote a refusal, we emphasize every day, communicating personally in our information, on
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our information resources, that for now it is better to leave, expose yourself, your loved ones, especially children to danger, and what is the situation in kislivka, the institute for the study of war and the deep state wrote about its capture, what is the situation there, or there are people there, and what can you say about this village, it is a small settlement, it is... our community, a neighboring community, but the enemy really tried to actively conduct assaults there, he had some local successes there, but again, it was not at the expense of that which they are powerful and can push through there, and due to the fact that our commanders are primarily thinking about the personnel, about the lives and health of our boys and girls, and these are certain tactical maneuvers, position changes, i am sure that everything will return to... those yes to the line that was, and besides, we are waiting not only
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for defensive actions, but we know that the bill on the allocation of funds has been signed, we are waiting for equipment, weapons, i am sure that after that our defenders, our armed forces, defense forces, will go on the offensive and will to liberate those settlements, those territories that are currently under occupation. mr. andriy, thank you for joining our morning. andriy besedin, head of the kupin city military administration , was a guest of svoboda ranok. and then we will talk with you about the detention of priests of the ukrainian church of the moscow patriarchate and the banning of the uocp in general. the security service of ukraine announced suspicion to a sanctioned priest from zaporizhzhia. we are talking about metropolitan luka andrii kovalenko, against whom there are still personal sanctions introduced by the council of national security and defense in december 22. the priest is suspected of... inciting religious enmity, this is reported by the sbu, and kovalenko
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was also searched by the special service, and the investigation claims that the churchman publicly expressed contempt for parishioners of other denominations during the liturgy and communication with his congregation, as well he posted provocative and offensive posts in his personal telegram channel, according to the sbu. currently , the issue of a preventive measure for the suspect is being resolved, he is threatened with prison imprisonment. meanwhile, another suspect , metropolitan pavlo lebedev, you know him, you have heard a lot of news about him. i will remind you that he was the abbot of the kyiv-pechersk lavra, and the court changed his preventive measure and decided to remove his electronic bracelet. this priest has two suspicions: denial of russia's armed aggression against ukraine and inciting inter-religious enmity. metropolitan pavlo was under house arrest, then they wanted to send him to the pre-trial detention center, but bail was posted for him. in the amount of attention 33.3 million hryvnias. the cleric faces up to eight years in prison, the case is already
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being considered by the court. but a week earlier, another abbot , metropolitan arseny of sviatohirskaya lavra in donetsk region, was arrested on suspicion of collaborating with the russian army. the sbu claims that it handed over the locations of ukrainian defense forces checkpoints to russian troops. the metropolitan also called russian aggression - i quote: "civil conflict". for yes since the start of the full-scale russian invasion, the sbu has opened 68 criminal proceedings against representatives of the former uocmp, and among the crimes of treason and collaborationism, meanwhile the verkhovna rada wants to ban the activities of this religious organization in ukraine in general, however, in almost one and a half years, consideration of the bill on the ban did not go beyond the first reading. yulia klymenko, people's deputy of ukraine from the voice party, you gathered. signatures in support of the law on banning pcmp in ukraine. welcome to our broadcast. thank you for joining. good morning.
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let's start right away with the work of parliamentarians. yes, last fall in in the first reading, the council voted for the bill on banning the uocp, then there were about a thousand amendments. you and your colleagues wanted the document to be adopted by the second anniversary of the beginning of the great war. months of discussion in the wrong committee. and why has this not happened yet, why has the verkhovna rada not yet adopted this law. the draft, well, actually, uh, there are over 2,000 edits, and the committee still worked through even 200 edits between first and second reading, but somehow... you know, mysteriously, the committee's decision was made, but the document itself got stuck in apparatus of the verkhovna rada councils, moreover, this, well, as you understand, is not a political body, it is absolutely an administrative body that supports the work of deputies, so at the moment, in fact, the table is stuck until the second reading, and
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it has been lying there for two months, and it does not bear it in the hall, and although we at each conciliatory meeting ask that this... project be tabled and considered in the second reading, it concerns, i want to say, clarify that it concerns all religious organizations, that is, which connected with the russian federation, this not only concerns the moscow church, if it is any other denomination that is connected with russia, this law will also apply to it, this is a matter of influence and national security, that is, its connections with russia should be. let's say, torn in all spheres of our activity and life. mrs. yulia, but you say that the draft law is a little stuck, right? and why is this happening? well, maybe you have some, some information, maybe it's unofficial, but nevertheless, well, what's the reason, why so, why did it happen? you know, i think it's absolutely political will, it means that
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someone is holding it and does not bring it into the hall, and you saw that before... there were many attempts to disrupt the first reading, there is a sufficiently powerful lobbying group named novinsky and kultenko, who lobby the interests of the russian church in ukraine, there is very many other groups as well, including canadian and american lobbyists, lawyers, who, in fact, are delaying the second reading of this bill as much as they can, so i think that this is a question of lobbying, this is a question of money, this is a question of the influence of the russian federation , which remains, remains big in ukraine, on politicians, on deputies, on various spheres of life, taking into account everything that you have listed, do you believe that the adoption will still happen, that still, despite all this, the verkhovna rada
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made such decisions , and in the pcmp and other such organizations, they will still be defended in ukraine for activities with...? i would like to remind you that we are talking on the air with mrs. yuliya klymenko, people's deputy of ukraine from voice. there is a will to steal from ukrainians. ugh, and strictly speaking, if 70% of ukrainians believe that such influence should be prohibited, then this is the will ukrainians, which deputies must fulfill. here the question is that... that just someone, individual, let's say, politicians and influential people, just make money from it. mrs. yulia, well, let's imagine, let's imagine that the approval has taken place, what will happen next, how will it be regulated, and on the one hand, the law there, which means that these churches will be closed, these communities, where they will be, where and the purpose, to which
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churches , and won't there be some, well, maybe resistance from the communities or some...some dissatisfaction, because we all remember the picture from the kiev-pechersk lavra and that just happened for weeks. i think that there will be no opposition from communities, there will be opposition, again during implementation there will be opposition at the level of russian lobby groups and the fsb. in fact, you understand that in many ways this church is used by the fsb as one of its tools to influence ukrainians. therefore , there will definitely be opposition, but... from the opposite communities, honestly, i travel a lot, i have never seen, many communities have long since made the decision to move to other, to other churches, to other denominations, and no one actually, well, has such you know, it’s not, it doesn’t cause any big opposition, definitely somewhere there are controversial points, somewhere more, let’s say people are supported by
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the moscow patriarchate, in fact, most of the people, those i’ve met and seen, they... just don’t know at all that their church belongs to the moscow, to the russian church, well, they are in the community, they have a church or in the village, they have been going to this church for many generations and years, and the fact that it is controlled by the moscow patriarchate, which belongs to the russian church , they sometimes they may not even know, that's why the process is going on, this law, among other things, provides for a simplified transition to other denominations, to other churches, so the only question is that it is absolutely good. there is no closure of churches in principle in this law, there is no, and this is all an absolutely democratic, expert judicial procedure in case... there is a real threat to national safety, security, there is a judicial procedure, and no one just like that, neither close nor let's put it this way, nothing
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will be taken away from the communities, as the communities lived with the church in the village, that's how they will live, and this is their choice, the majority of which have actually already accepted it, the transition from the moscow church, away from the russian church, therefore a completely democratic and completely calm bill, in which there is no, you know, as some say, that there is persecution of religion or freedom, no, this is absolutely not about this law mrs. yulia, but let's talk about those churches, about those communities that are there, in which they have not converted to the orthodox church of ukraine, there are priests, here is the community, there is a church, there is a uocp priest, the law is being passed, he says, there, i don't want what will happen, he will be fired there this post and they will send a priest from the orthodox church in... the country, but how will this simply happen in practice? in practice, the community decides, in fact, you understand, most of the property, most of the churches belong to the communities, and the community decides if
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it makes a decision to transition, including due to the fact that the church, let's say, is under the influence of the russian church, then the priest can, he has a way out, he either moves according to the decision of the community, attention, not according to the decision of the state, not according to the decision of the circle, according to the decision. he goes to that church, chosen by the congregation, or he resigns and does something else, so here the question, strictly speaking, is in the hands of the congregations, the congregations themselves will decide what to do in this particular situation, and if the congregation does not want it, the priest does not want it, the congregation doesn't want it, so what? if the community does not want it, then the question is that, the question is in the civil service. which deals with freedom of speech, excuse me, freedom of religion, which will determine whether it deems it necessary to refer to an expert, to an expert
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the commission that will determine the threat, and then, perhaps, if it is really the case, as you showed before our broadcast, where the priests directly surrender to the position of the armed forces, refuses to honor the ukrainian soldiers. a lot of things, there the matter will go to the court, and the court will decide what to do with it, but this is how this sbu system works now, we see, there are certain cases, there are courts, yes, that is, why is this law in in this sense then it will change at all what it will affect, it just simplifies all these procedures, now the procedure is so complicated, that there are a lot of cases of detention and suspicion of priests who work for the fsb, de facto, yes, and for the russian federation, and... but there is no normal procedure to bring it to court and prohibit it, so it is rather a law that gives the tools,
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including law enforcement agencies and the sbu, to deal with their direct work, namely national security, anti-terrorist activities and so on, that is, simply simplifying procedures, as well as simplifying procedures for transition communities, if they make such a decision. as you said, there is no political one yet will, we will see in time whether it will appear. thank you for participating in our broadcast. yulia klymenko, people's deputy of ukraine, was a guest of svoboda ranok. we will now talk about the transition, about the churches further on this broadcast, about the transition of individual parishes from the uoc mmp to the orthodox church of ukraine, it is still ongoing, as we talked about, some communities do not dare to make this transition because they doubt its legality, although recently, in april, this year , the supreme court of ukraine issued the same ruling. the decision by which he recognized the legality of the transition from the uocmp to ocu, however, some representatives of the uocmp are against transitions and mergers, the ukrainian church of the moscow patriarchate, quote: works only
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on separation, this opinion was expressed to me by the vicar of the holy assumption kyiv-pechersk lavra avraami, and he noted that the dialogue between the uocmp and the orthodox church of ukraine there is no well, at present there is no such dialogue, because the representatives of the moscow patriarchate are openly public. they declare, talk about the fact that they do not need anything, no association, some people put forward their demands, and of course, in this direction, they themselves block this process. the orthodox church of ukraine, as our most blessed metropolitan epiphany always declares, is open, it is ready for dialogue, it is ready to accept everyone and reject absolutely all those. things that were until now, because everyone has their own ambitions, some beliefs, but for the good of the state, for the good of our people and...
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and our ukrainian church, we must be united more than ever, and especially at this time of this terrible unjustified war, but as we can see, i repeat, they are only working on division, because when there is unity, when there is unanimity, then we can really defeat the enemy, and when there is no such situation, of course, it can last for a long time. taras antoshevsky, director of the religious information service of ukraine, joins our broadcast. mr. taras, welcome to our broadcast, thank you for joining. you and i just listened to archimandrite avraamiy, and by the way, he was the first of the monks of the ukrainian orthodox church in the kyiv-pechersk lavra to transfer to the ukrainian orthodox church, or in these two years there were many such transitions, we can say that almost everyone who wanted to have already moved there, there was time for that, you can explain it in some percentage sense,
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it is difficult for me to say about... the pochersk lavra or about other monasteries, in fact, in fact, with regard to monasticism, there are practically no transitions, that is, these are isolated cases, such as bishop avramya and several other people who have transitioned somewhere and somewhere and do not even advertise it very much, but there are transitions of clergymen and there are transitions of communities without clergymen, but themselves monks, well, in fact, these are still just cases, when they have not completely moved on, when some dialogue, cooperation begins, and actually here i would like... well, if i could say that if there is no dialogue at the level of the episcopate or someone else, a public dialogue, maybe it is closed somewhere, and very well, for it to be, well, there is a dialogue at the level of clergymen, and this is very important for communities, people and the clergymen themselves to talk to each other, you know, the situation is like this, that is, neighbors live, they lived, quarreled, tried together one
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to ignore, and... but here the situation is such that something must be done, because the house is collapsing, and they either start talking and kill all their pride and kill all their, let's say, prejudices in someone, one, in someone else, in fact, they are from the same, let's say, once they left, because the origin of the kyiv metropolis is one, there is no other, and those who are now in the ocu are mostly their own, or if they are young people, they immediately ended up in the kyiv patriarchate or in the autocephalous church, and... the older generation, they also the moscow patriarchate took over, so you just have to start to speak, and then many problems that arise in transitions or in general, for some reason others will begin to disappear, and it is simply very important that the communities transition together with their superiors, so that it is not so, let's say that they transition, later they wait, when a priest will be sent to them, because it is certain that there are not enough of them to assure all the congregations that
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pass. have they transferred in recent years, mr. taras, and why are they not transferring, why have they not transferred yet, what are the reasons and how many parishes remain in the pcmp in ukraine, where are they concentrated, is there such a map, the most parishes in the pcp have always been podillia and volyn, even, let's say, even such eastern regions, where there were quite a lot of them, a large part of them were, relatively speaking, left-wing, that is, not formal, yes. instead , such large and powerful parishes of the moscow patriarchate in ukraine were in vinnytsia, khmelnytskyi, rivne, volyn, zhytomyr, and kyiv regions, actually in central ukraine, but primarily in these regions, that is why there are the largest number of transitions, in some regions there are already and pose 100 communities passed long ago, in some it already seems that khmelnytskyi region is among the leaders , and i cannot say for sure. figures, there are
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also regions where a sufficient number of communities have moved recently, this is, for example, also in the kyiv region, there were many transitions in other such regions, now we can say that the transitions have stopped somewhat, if in the 22nd year in may could, for example, move beyond 20 communities in one day, now there are somewhere around 20 communities in a month, that is , transitions do not happen every day, why so? i think that those who already wanted to transition are already transitioning, if the community transitions with its clergy, then this transition takes place in the most calm, peaceful way, there are fewer conflicts, if there are no such initiators of that transition , then sometimes they move to those communities with the help of, let's say, people who come and tell them how it is...


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