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tv   [untitled]    May 2, 2024 10:30am-11:01am EEST

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guide joints, move freely. there are discounts represented by coco may discounts on estesefin 15% in the pharmacies of plantain, bam and oskad. olenivka is a prison in the occupied territory of ukraine, where the russians held thousands of prisoners of war and civilian hostages. they wrapped them with tape and very tightly. journalists found those involved in the crimes. it's so small, and my stroke is so soft. the names of those responsible for the crimes in olenivka in the new film investigation olenivka, curators of evil. on the espresso tv channel. may 6 at 9:15 p.m. vasyl winter's big broadcast. 2 th hour of airtime, 2 hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is about. two hours to... keep abreast
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of economic news and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become likeable to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart people and those who don't care, in the evening for espresso. gentlemen, we continue our broadcast, les voklyuk, andriy sachuk is working for you today and with... you know, in our social network network bubbles, bubbles, that's what they say now, it used to be called a nice scientific term by reference groups and so on, now it's all just bubbles, but less of that, but one visualization that is made by scientists who are currently studying the fates, in particular scientists who worked at the ukrainian academy of sciences, the interwar period, the interwar period, and you know, i... i just look at what is available, the first
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sources, one has almost a thousand circulations, the second has half a thousand, and i don’t know that, just real figures of coverage, their the authors of the publications know, but i suspect that there are dozens thousands of views in ukraine 100%, i.e. not only in ukraine, because i have already seen it, people are spreading it abroad as well, to show what kind of visualization this is, how russia loved ukrainians, every dot here is the name of a famous ukrainian scientist , you see there on... there is hrushevsky and so on, and this is the time scale, and you can see how the 37th year there is a whole line of dots, very heart dots, that's how the serb literally cut the 37th year from such there was annihilation of scientists, and we already have one of the authors of this particular graphic with us, this is oleksiy bolderiv, molecular biologist, neurophysiologist, oleksiy, glad to see you, good morning, it's oleksiy and me. i know her a little
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personally, and that’s why i’m actually really glad to see oleksia as a neurophysiologist and a molecular biologist, in fact, it’s tangential to this story , how did this idea come about, well, in general, i ’ve been interested in history for a long time, since school days, but it’s such an amateur, and then somehow working on the hearts of fish in singapore. my supervisor there is volodymyr korysh, a well-known singaporean researcher from zhytomyr, now he is in poland, he told me, sitting under such a large sprawling tropical rambutan tree, the story of boris balinsky, this is one of the dots on this graph that i marked, he was a ... biologist, zoologist, embryologist, he
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worked in kyiv, just this interwar period at the academy sciences, taught at the university, first gave a ukrainian lecture on zoology at kyiv university, and he emigrated from ukraine, er, such a tragic, but such an interesting story, came to south africa, and there he also became the founder of the local, this whole industry. local science, and somehow i became interested in this, which emigrant scientists were persecuted, and i turned to my field of neurophysiology, i saw that why the person who made the first electroencephalogram without cutting open the abdomen, and what is done in our country in all the clinics of the world, is not known to the whole world. who developed this technique, she developed it in... volodymyr,
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truthfully minsky. and why didn't he become famous, why do they write about others? and because he was arrested, because he was expelled from kyiv, and... he was trusted for many years for tobacco and it turned out that there are enough of such people and quite a lot of which we do not know, about which there is nothing in the literature at all, i began to go to the archives, and at some point my colleague oleksiy egnatenko, a mathematician, took over and began to collect this database, digitizing the already available well-known publications of ukrainian historians, but trying collect the dock and get. some kind of statistical picture, well, these are the first attempts, but here there are somewhere close, probably thousands, maybe even less points, about whom we know exactly when they were born and when they died, but it is interesting about what died,
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mr. ignatenko says that for some scientists , the year of death was not recorded as the 37th, although he did not die in the 37th, but rather in the 42nd. yes, it happened very often, because the relatives did not want to be told what happened to their, er, repressed, er, loved ones, i.e., er, when rehabilitation began, in the 50s, they really gave out that he had died there in the camps, from some disease there, instead of honestly saying that he was shot there... or the camp, so yes, it was all hushed up, and for the more famous scientists it was established, historians worked on it, but you see
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massif, we now have about 2,500 em in the database, then somewhere about more than 800, we could not find anything, maybe there are professionals there. a little more, that's why we are open to cooperation and want to make this database more accurate before presenting it in some such convenient interface for people. mr. oleksiy, we very often hear about the fact that ukraine was such an agricultural country, some peasants cultivated the land, but finally the soviet union came, and ukraine began to turn into a civilized country, industrial and... such good appeared and life became better, here are these, here are these dots on the graph, which mean a specific life, a specific human history and a specific human drama, and moreover, a drama for not
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just a specific family, but also a drama for ukrainian science, because these are scientists, or they will convince those people who still say that the soviet union was a great, incredible, beautiful country, and this soviet period did a lot of good for ukraine and its civilization, well, i have quite a lot of experience in discussions on social networks, discussions in classrooms, unfortunately, it is almost impossible to convince a person in anything. that is, you can make arguments, you can somehow appeal with logic, facts, if a person is sure of something, if this is his psychological comfort, it will be difficult to convince, many were convinced by
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stress, yes, that is, they were convinced by rockets falling on their heads or somewhere nearby , war, horror, but not all many people. remain with their opinion, and i do not know how much they need to be convinced, and we are mainly fighting for information, for e informing the public, yes, that is, people have heard something about it, yes, but when you see a graph like this, on this graph, unfortunately, not everyone can read graphs, yes, that is , there should have been a diagonal such a beautiful line, yes all these points. should have converged, but this line that falls to the right and down, this is not only the 37th year, yes, but this is all skewed left to right down, it just shows that many destinies were broken, even if people were not killed, not shot, not
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tortured, but a lot of people suffered, inform, show, introduce, and... and the most important thing is that the soviet authorities wanted us to forget these people, that is, the task of each of these missing points is erased, so that it disappears, so that no one... will ever remember these people, well, we see the task on the contrary, why, and why, i'm sorry, andriy, why should we forget about the man who invented this encephalogram and was the first in the world to do it, because he was bad, he did not conform to the dictates of the soviet authorities at the time, he did not go to communist sabbaticals , did not join the party, did not even bother to join it the house in which he lived and where he could place his nephews was taken from him. silik, they didn't like that, they didn't like this person, and they persecuted her,
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didn't let her work, she was a social stranger, they called her in a criminal case, there is such a term, former people, yes, former people, that is, well, a former person cannot be a soviet person, so they, them, they were simply suppressed, and there were different people, there were also people who... believed in communist ideals there, wanted to do something, most of these people wanted something to do, but the guys usually want to work and do something, but they didn’t approach, they didn’t approach and they were squeezed out, you know, volodymyr vasylenko, creator, ukrainian politician, diplomat, one of the authors of the declaration on the state sovereignty of ukraine, which was actually perceived at the time as a declaration of independence in in the 90th year, it was celebrated as independence day. then in 91, and he to me, he died last
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year, and, uh, i was lucky enough to interview him before the war, and he said a phrase that i still remember forever life, he said that our main problem in 1990-1991 was that we actually did not have our own ukrainian elite, so the elite that did exist were mostly writers who had to be soviet, such how is dmytro pavlych there? for example, as a brawler, they, they, they had to mimic all this, the penis, the same one there, well, at one time, and also in order to survive, because otherwise it was impossible to survive, but the problem was that there was no of this elite, and now i actually want to say that this schedule it illustrates two things for me personally, the first is that the intelligentsia is very important for every nation, this is... this is the intellectual elite, the cultural elite, extremely important, we see what happened to afghanistan, a country
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that can be said to have defeated the three biggest empires in 100 years, and where in fact the country is degraded, a country that has a very unclear future, but a country that even in the 70s seemed like a possible tiger close to central asia, which was secular, which was progressive, where universities worked, where something happened... and for me, that's it too a symbol of the fact that the russian recipe for genocide is the destruction of the elite and then the rewriting of everyone in russian. to me, this is an illustration of what you actually put out as researchers, well, besides, look, you say, the writers who were supposed to swear, academics... the same, yes, that is, those who were not shot, who were not killed, they saw what could happen if you
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were somehow not like that, but not like that, and it was not clear how you should be not like that, among these scientists there were also people, really old -fashioned, who believed that russian was better, yes, there were people who wanted to do something truly ukrainian, they worked there at the institute of the ukrainian scientific language, produced dictionaries, developed this language, yes, which was later said that no, there can be no ukrainian language, most of these people were repressed, and they were in general , who were just engaged in science, we don't want any politics, no national issues, we just want to study cells there, how they grow outside the body, but it was a roller-coaster ride on everything, and that is, as a result, this fear settled in people , you can't c... to start with power, you can't do something original, you can't be different
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from others at all, well, it's terrible, and it seems to me that many of our problems were sown then, this kind of random youth, which fell on people's heads, gave birth to this fear, it seems to me that it was very non-random, it was very selective in fact, this hammer cut off those who did not raise their heads, it seems to me that it is clearly from well... you can trace it in every fate of this particular spot in that line. oleksiy, thank you very much. oleksiy bolderiv, molecular biologist, neurophysiologist, the physiologist was with us, they talked about it, they talked about how. the czech machine destroyed the blossoming of ukrainian science in the 37th year, scientists have actually investigated this and shown clearly on the graph how in the 37th year there were many deaths among scientists, history does not tolerate any conditional conditional ifs, but if these people had remained alive, i wonder what
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our science would look like today, how many nobel laureates we would have, for example, from those people... just not if the world definitely knew about ukrainians, and did not learn about them only now, after russia launched a full-scale invasion. dear friends, kateryna yamshchikova, the secretary of the poltava city council, is with us now, we will join her on ether, we will ask about how things are going in poltava, in fact, poltava city day has been officially moved to june 29 and thus... a little corrected such a certain historical, historical , historical bias, because september 23 was the previous, was the previous day of the city, it was celebrated, it was celebrated in honor of the withdrawal of nazi troops from poltava, the day
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the liberation of the city, as it has always been, ms. kateryna, we are glad to see you... congratulations, i wish you health, ms. kateryna, please tell us about how things are now in poltava, how the townspeople reacted to this change of dates the postponement of the city day, indeed, yesterday at the session of the poltava city council, in accordance with the procedure that must be passed after public discussions and public voting, initiated, by the way, by the community, this is not... do not rejoice, we will now celebrate the city day on the day of the first chronicle mentions, june 29, and this is certainly not the 44th year of 1900, remind us, once again, how old is this mention in this mention, since, well,
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as far as i remember now, in 1174 was the first... mention and from now on we fill it with ukrainian meanings, our national identity, including the date of our city. russia was already in that year, well, russia was definitely not in this year, russia roughly begins with peter the first, and by the way, about peter the first, when even before the very beginning of the russian invasion , a famous british historian, not british, it is probably worth saying that neil ferguson, a scottish historian, spoke about it. be careful with putin, it seems that he plans to spend this summer, next summer, and it was just the anniversary of the battle of poltava, to hold councils in poltava, this did not happen either next summer or the summer after, and we hope that it will not happen, but mrs. kateryna, this will definitely never happen, it will definitely never happen, we can see now,
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just here you are standing, and there someone is loading windows, i understand that this is not preparation for the day of the city. then something else and this again correcting what the muscovites did in poltava, tell us a little more about that? at the beginning of april, the russian federation attacked our civilian infrastructure, attacked the civilian population, we had 16 victims, now four people are still in the hospital and there is one dead, unfortunately, but for now i want to say that 27 buildings needed for... windows, window frames, the double-glazed windows themselves, and i am already behind the unloading of the first batch of windows, which we received thanks to cooperation with the international organization gem, which works in support and in partnership with the buffett foundation, we have applications for 503 windows, they
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also come complete with doors that go next to the window, in particular, if it is a balcony. we have already arrived in our community today, thanks to international partners , the first 159 kits, which will immediately begin to be installed, in particular, today you can see their unloading, we are also working with other international partners in cooperation with all levels of military administrations, with international foundations, humanitarian missions, we will definitely stand side by side and we will definitely cope with it. the consequences of the terrible aggression with which our community and our civilians were attacked . what else is the city living now, tell us, please, what is it living now? from poltava? well, in particular, yesterday we had a session of the poltava city council and the executive committee of the poltava city council. basically
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, we work like the rest of the country. our priorities are the support of our servicemen and our army. in particular, i would like to say that yesterday an excavator was handed over to our local landfill, in order to be able to build positions faster and better. about 30 drones and 10 optical. devices, the amount of funding was supported and increased at the session of the poltava city council, more than 8 million, now we have a program to support manufacturers of uavs, as well as dual-purpose goods that work to bring our victory closer, and also 750,000 is allocated for vouchers for veteran entrepreneurs who have passed our local competition, but these are not any finishing positions, this is all... from which we begin the development of our programs that work precisely in to this block, well, we also had a number of adopted issues important for the economy of our country, these are land issues, as well as
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a social block, of course, now we are talking about the shelters that our institutions need, where our children study, educational institutions, preschool and school, allocated funds both for capital repairs and for current repairs for our children's shelters. there are also a number of issues that we highlighted and uploaded to the website of the poltava city council, because i can tell you about our community or whether we will make a living very much and thank you for the opportunity to join accordingly, panina, it's a good enthusiasm, thank you, thank you for taking the time to be on the case as well, and we are glad that people will now have, will have normal homes with windows, with doors, is trying to deprive us moscow is the 1074th, it seems the year i remembered correctly, wow, poltava, you see, a very not young city with a long history, listen, about poltava very briefly, to
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sports news, there was a match between the local poltava on the 28th vorskla and lviv carpathians, to be honest, i don't know how they played, but what happened, the incident happened, the fans, in particular, anton petrik. saw that in the fan sector there was a former mp from opz, from the regionals, more precisely, ihor shurma, a 65-year-old politician, an emotional conversation took place with him, where he was asked to leave the sector with a little profanity, and shurma left. they reminded him that shurma was once associated with viktor medvedchuk, opposed yushchenko, refused to recognize the... dpr, did not vote for recognition of russia as an aggressor. tim sometimes. what a good memory the fan. sometimes, you see, they are so well-educated,
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you know, hemmed in, so to speak - but i don't know if it will pass or not, because, for example, rostyslav shurma, igor shurma's son , feels very comfortable in president zelensky's office, he is one of yermak's deputies, supervises the entire economic bloc, and he was, by the way, also his own. a deputy of the donetsk regional council, i saw that from lviv it was reported from the party of regions up to the 14th year, brother, as you know, rostyslava shurme has a large business with of green energy, and there was an investigation by bius-info that they received illegal income from telelzelene , the president's office should talk to those football fans about football and that's what he found out, he would talk to football fans and then they would think whether they should take this too. andriy saichuk, we in this studio are working for you and there will be another hour ahead, so stay with us, er, because we still have a lot of interesting topics
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convenient tool. only from uah 999 with the possibility of free delivery, powerful saws strong, what you need, call. greetings, it's news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. at this moment, 16 ukrainian military personnel are saying goodbye in chernivtsi. they will be buried in a mass grave. soldiers from the tenth separate mountain assault brigade edelweiss. they died from an enemy aerial bomb, which the russians dropped on ludvynivka in the kyiv region on march 11, 2022. let us know about it.


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