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tv   [untitled]    May 2, 2024 11:00am-11:31am EEST

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and order a reliable and convenient tool from only uah 999 with the possibility of free delivery, powerful saws strong, what you need, call. greetings, it's news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. at this moment, 16 ukrainian military personnel are saying goodbye in chernivtsi. they will be buried in the bratska grave. soldiers from the 10th separate mountain assault brigade edelweiss. they died from an enemy aerial bomb dropped by the russians on lyudvynivka in the kyiv region on march 11, 2022. i will tell you about it. in
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chernivtsi city council. farewell continues at sad hora cemetery. let me remind you that after the terrible impact of the russian airstrike on ludvynivka, more than 20 ukrainian soldiers were considered missing for a long time. they were identified thanks to dna tests. and two people died and six more were injured. the day before, the russians shelled the town of hirnyk in donetsk region. this is reported by the state emergency service. she fell asleep at the place of impact. set fires in residential buildings and farm buildings, the consequences of the russian terror is still being clarified. air defense forces shot down an enemy kh-59 cruise missile over the mykolaiv region. this was announced by the head of the regional military administration , vitaly kim. missile debris damaged the transport infrastructure. vova noted that in the evening, the water area of ​​the ochakiv community was subjected to artillery shelling. there were no
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casualties. and from the evening until the very morning , russia terrorized nikopol with heavy artillery and mlrs. the dnipropetrovsk military administration reported that the enemy also targeted marganetska and mirivska communities the russians carried out nine attacks by kaminkadze drones. an administrative building, an agricultural firm and a two-story residential building were damaged. last day under enemy fire and airstrikes. more than 20 settlements of the kherson region were found, as reported by the head of the regional military administration oleksandr prokudin. the occupiers targeted residential areas, in particular, damaged a high-rise building and two private houses, and the enemy also hit a hangar and a utility building of victims and civilian casualties population, fortunately there is none. russian army.
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in the temporarily occupied territories of the kherson region , residents of bare prystan, kokhaniv and gladkivka are forcibly evicted. this was reported by the center of national resistance. people are forcibly taken to the south of the kherson region and to the crimea. they are also campaigning to move to russia. in this way, the occupiers vacate the homes and apartments of ukrainians in order to move russians there. since december 2023, the russian occupiers have executed. at least 15 soldiers of the armed forces of ukraine and possibly six more who tried to surrender this is stated in the human rights watch report. law enforcement officers investigated five cases of loss of ukrainian military personnel, which were published on social networks. the organization emphasizes that these tragic cases should be investigated as war crimes. human rights watch sent a letter to the minister of defense of the russian federation serhii shuigu. he was asked whether the military was ordered to ... prisoners, they did not
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receive an answer. i would like to note that earlier the un stated that from december 1 to february 29, the russians executed 32 ukrainian prisoners of war. ukrainian intelligence received evidence that the occupiers had equipped launch sites for their uavs right next to the sixth reactor of the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant. gur representative andriy chernyak said in a comment to the babel publication that russia...does not use the territory of the armed forces to launch drones, because the defense forces of ukraine cannot return fire in a one and a half kilometer zone to the hall of the nuclear power plant. the city of chasivyar in donetsk region, which has been stormed and shelled by the occupying forces for months, today resembles ruins. the associated press published the video destroyed settlement. almost none of the city remained intact. buildings in
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the publication notes that the destruction underscores the scorched-earth tactics russia used in ukraine during more than two years of war. so, in order to stop the russian terror as soon as possible, i urge you to join the gathering for our defenders. means of communication and security, needed by the intelligence unit of the third regiment of special operations forces. they fight for the independence of our country in difficult battles on the eastern front and give you and i an opportunity live, work and study. in general, our goal is uah 720,000. thanks to you, we have already made an advance payment and we have a little less than 200,000 left to collect. hryvnias, so let's not delay, the war continues, and the help of each of us is very important. now you can see all the necessary details on the screen, so nothing can stop you from hitting the ground running. it makes no sense to sit down at the negotiating table with russia, since it is impossible
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to get it to faithfully fulfill the agreements. this was stated by the minister of foreign affairs of ukraine dmytro kuleba in the foreign commentary policy. according to him, the global peace summit provides. a coalition of countries that share the same principles. in his opinion, there are two ways to bring russia to negotiations. this is success on the battlefield and the creation of a coalition of countries that will force putin's regime to make peace. koleba added that communication with russia can only take place after the summit. the president of georgia , salome zorabishvili, supported the participants of the mass protest in tbilisi, and also urged people not to storm the parliament building. and not to provoke the security forces, according to her, the determination of the people must still force the anti-european laws of the current parliament to be repealed. as you know, at night thousands of georgians blocked the parliament building as a sign of protest against the law on foreign agents, which is also
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called russian, passed in the second reading. police used water cannons and rubber bullets against people. the ministry of internal affairs of georgia denies this, at least eight people were injured. in the american state of wisconsin, the police shot dead a student who came to school with a weapon, the guardian reports. after the incident schoolchildren and teachers were kept inside the premises of the educational institution for several hours. i would like to note that, according to law enforcement officers , the number of shootings in american schools has increased in recent years. this year alone , 115 such incidents took place, dozens were killed and injured. in may, in addition to the last bell and graduation, eleventh-graders also prepare for exams. almost as many participants registered to take the national multi-subject test this year as last year. the nmt will last four hours with a break. as
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belotserki graduates are preparing for testing, see the story further. in may , the national multitest 2024 will start, the main... period of registration for the test has already ended, according to the head of the ukrainian center for the evaluation of the quality of education tetyana vakulenko, more than 286 thousand participants are pre-registered for the nmt. they will take exams in four subjects in one day, among the three mandatory ones - ukrainian language, mathematics and history of ukraine. the latter of the student's choice: ukrainian literature, foreign language, biology, geography. physics or chemistry. also, now an hour will be allocated for each subject. two blocks of 120 minutes each and a break between them are planned. despite the fact that the mock exam was canceled this year, local schools are trying to immerse future applicants in the atmosphere of the fateful
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exam. for two months already, we have been giving them the opportunity, creating such conditionally sandwich tests, when children take, for example, the ukrainian language and mathematics, in conditions close to... passing the nmt one-on-one with a computer in the computer science room, or history and mathematics, in this way they can monitor how time is spent, whether they have time, or how they generally react to the fact that the computer or system crashed, or did not have time to do some questions, in order to prepare well for the nmt and enter the dream higher education, 11th-graders translate a lot of... visit tutors, watch free webinars, etc., anastasia shares. i am preparing for the dnmt almost on my own, i attend various webinars on topics that interest me and that i need, i can also come with questions to the teacher who teaches this subject here and
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to ask him what i do not understand. i also pass the tests of previous years, zno and nmt, because sometimes the same questions that ... were last year's also come across. maksym dreams of entering a logistics university, so the exam is extremely important for him. he is worried that an alarm will sound during the exam and the results may... cancel. i am worried that if there can be anxiety, and i, for example, have been judging by the tests for the third hour, and there will be anxiety, they cancel all the tests and say to retake them the next day, again everyone, and it's a worry again, and it's you who wasted your time, preparation again, and i don't know if i 'll drink sedatives, because i'm always calm. it was also passed on to me from my father, i am always calm. the main testing sessions
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will last from may 14 to june 25, as early as may 8, nmt participants will be able to download invitations in their personal accounts, which will indicate the date, time and place of the exam. an additional session will be held from july 11 to 19. without the results of the multimedia test, but only on the basis of an individual interview from... applicants who belong to preferential categories can enter. in addition, 11th-graders who live or have lived in the temporarily occupied territories can enter according to a different procedure. olena boyko, oleksandr kuga, espresso, bila tserkva. to learn more interesting and relevant information, subscribe and update information on our website and in our social networks. in a moment, meet my colleagues andriy saichuk and lesya vakalyuk. we will see you. in less than an hour. dear
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friends, this is our final hour in the marathon on espresso. olesya vakulyuk, andriy saichuk, we will spend this hour for you, and we have two more guests and several interesting topics for you. to begin with , i want to remind you that you can still take advantage of this... that our collection is ongoing and it is already moving towards its completion, you and i have collected, collected 28 00 hryvnias for today, it is not the end, now you can see the corresponding amounts on your screens requisites and you see what we are collecting for in the end, we are collecting fpv drones for the 93rd kholodny yar brigade and the 72nd black zaporizhzhya brigade. on the left, if you look at screen. qr code of privatbank, you need to scan it if you have the privat-24 application,
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find the scanner function there, click on this scanner, this square, it is in the bottom line, and actually point the square over the qr code. the card number is indicated at the top, if you don't know how to use those qr codes and you don't have privat 24, the monobank case is easier there, you can just open the phone camera and point at this qr code, or write down the card number. it's even easier, with this card number you can come to, i don't know, some bank come and tell me how much you don't mind, dear friends, please join in, every hryvnia is important, and every hryvnia actually brings us closer to completing this collection, we need a very small amount for this, we still need to collect 118 hryvnias, this is very little compared to the amount that we have already collected and will soon be 2 million, i really hope that it will be this week, we will make such an easter gift for our
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defenders, well, boryslav bereza is already with us , politician, public figure, people's deputy of ukraine of the eighth convocation, mr. boryslav, we congratulate you, congratulations, glory to ukraine, mr. boryslav, you know, i don’t know what algorithms are in google, but google pulled me up, pulled me up a publication that was almost exactly 5 months old, wrote: and australian major general mick cryan, and it was called : here, zelenskyi fires a truant, that if zelensky fires the truant, and actually general ryan, general ryan actually here lists the possible risks associated with this, there is a loss of trust in society in general, then about what will be a number of commanders of other branches were dismissed together with the zaluzhny, and about what to change for... whom he called a general who knows how to protect the lives of soldiers and an intellectual,
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it is very difficult, and in the end he summed it up that although such crises are natural for democracies and during war, i mean between the military and civilian command, nevertheless he said that if it came to this release, it would be a trage... for ukraine and the military personnel, i.e. now 5 months after we can we say about that? what do we have in connection with the resignation of the employee, what have we received? well , let's look at the consequences of the resignation of the veteran: well, first of all, we liberated crimea, liberated the donetsk-luhansk region, we see continuous victories, we see a qualitatively conducted mobilization, we see that the ukrainian army has become better at fighting, after
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that, we no, wait, we don't see that, then why did they change him, the news... that the bad guy was fired, what were the results that they said at the event, which were incredible, you know, let's be serious, now even without sarcasm, when zelenskyi appointed zaluzhnyi under the pressure of western partners, it was our ticket to victory, the very fact that zaluzhnyi was at the beginning of a full-scale invasion, the very fact that zaluzhnyi did not form an office... zaluzhnyi used mobile defense, which almost no one used before him, it led to the fact that we not only managed to stop the enemy, fought back and began to return our territories, he was also able to stabilize the front, and then conducted several operations that helped ukraine regain part of the lost territory zaluzhny explained what needed
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to be done. zaluzhny explained this openly, publicly, saying in his articles what it was all about. we need to prepare, what steps need to be taken and what kind of war awaits us now, but this did not suit the president, moreover, one more thing did not suit the president: the fact that zaluzhnyi has a better reputation than him, more trust in society than zelensky, and the rating of zaluzhny showed that he is already becoming the personification of the future of some... ukraine, and all this scared zelensky so much that he fired despite repeated requests from our partners not to do so. he fired zaluzhny, he appointed syrskyi, and he actually cleaned out the president's office, cleaned out the entire leadership of the armed forces of ukraine, which was in any way connected to zaluzhny. today we
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see the consequences, today they could not even carry out the rotation, because of which they lost their position when the 47th brigade had already left, and the 115th had not entered, and this is the level of those commanders who have now been appointed instead of those who were there before, you know, let's also be honest, you who were hardworking together, they cooperated with western partners, they studied in the west, they gained experience in combat, and now ukraine says, we don't need all this, sorry, it's not ukraine who says. this is what zelensky and his entourage say, we don't need these experienced generals, we don't need these experienced commanders, we don't need them at all, we need something else. on february 8, zelenskyi, when appointing syrskyi, said that he expected an action plan of the armed forces of ukraine in the near future, taking into account the events at the front.
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where is the action plan? he has not appeared since february 8. this morning. i looked at what he has been posting since the morning, i looked at what our commander-in-chief has been posting, he has posts on his page that are posted by regular telegram channels, this is what he can post now, when there are already battles with the occupiers on the outskirts of chasuvayar, and he is about it is silent, not telling our society what is happening, it is silent because there is an order from the president's office only positive news, he has already given one positive. news about the island and what happened next? yes, the russians focused on this island, they began to bomb it, and the russian landing force is trying to gain a foothold there. this says only one thing: there is no plan, no improvement after the changes. the dismissal of the incompetent was no, it's not even a crime, it's much worse, it's a mistake that will cost
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ukraine dearly, but zelensky's ambitions led to the fact that he still fired him. despite all the explanations of experts, both military and political, he does not understand this, he has only one thing in front of his eyes: victory in the upcoming elections, and what this may not happen, due to the fact that there may not be elections at all, he does not even imagine. you know, by the way, well, literally just about these elections, the latest results of polls conducted by the socialist party show that if suddenly the elections were held. tomorrow, in the first round with a result of 67.5%, the hard-working one wins, and this does not surprise me, in general, i will tell you more. well, when zaluzhny was removed, his rating did not fall, although the president's office expected that he would fall due to the fact that he disappeared from the information space, but the rating
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zelensky fell, the trust rating of zelensky fell and continues to fall. the last poll conducted by knys showed that the majority of ukrainians already believe that ukraine is being led in the wrong direction, that it is moving in the wrong direction, this was not the case before the release of zaluzhnyi, there was another variation. demoralization actually took place at the front due to not only the dismissal of the hard-working, but also the appointment of some persons who have, i would say, a very odious reputation, especially since we see today that they are appointing not competent, but loyal to the office, this is not necessary, well this, this is shameful, this terrible, and they should not be appointed during the war for the survival of the country, so we see that... from the office of the president, he wanted to get one result, got, as usual, a completely different one. and today we already see how instead of stories about the victory of coffee in crimea and
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other things, we hear the statement of the minister of foreign affairs kolebyk, who says that after the june peace summit in switzerland there will be talks with the russians. this speaks only of one thing, that now in the office of the president in... they no longer talk and think about victory, but talk and think about the end of the war, but i want to remind you that any negotiations with russia will end in a new war with russia, it is impossible to trust russia, the only guarantee that this will not happen is if ukraine joins nato, but the same zelensky said that ukraine is in nato until the end will not enter the war, but our western experts and partners say that under zelensky and after the war, ukraine will not be a member of nato. mr. borislav, i also wanted to ask you about another target of attacks, as happened with valery zaluzhny, and we were watching, you reminded me about this plan here,
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about which every day, every god's day, the morning began with the fact that maryanala, where is the plan, where is the plan, where is the syrian plan, where is the plan, something, there are no such posts now, but now there are other posts, there are posts about the public broadcaster and about that there is no such thing as money. that they are not well looked at, that maybe they should be thrown out of the marathon, well, in short, all kinds of things that look like complete lies, there is a refutation of all that, but when maryana, we now understand, writes about someone or something, and writes such far-fetched, invented things, this means that it's not just that, what should we get used to in relation to the public, mr. borislav, there is a saying that in a sober mind, then in a drunkard's tongue, the same with
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maryana, the president's office, that what they want to broadcast in the office, maryana voices, she warms up society and prepares it for certain decisions, why do they want to close such a public broadcaster, first of all, it is a truly independent broadcaster. secondly, they provide a platform for the opposition to speak, and for the authorities it is actually almost treason, because the only people who can say something are the people agreed with the president's office, padalyak, leshchenko and other tatars for rahamiyam, yes or maryana, yes, what is happening is an attempt to clear the information space from all those who give the real state, the real state of affairs and the maidan. for the speeches of the opposition, that's it, nothing else will happen, maryana is now starting to warm up society, old technology, but her office has been constantly stepping
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in recent years, and what can we do, because freedom of speech is important, and this is which is one of the requirements for ukraine to enter to the european union, and after all, we are now fighting this war. are we going not only to survive, but also to be a european country? look, it is already clear that zelenskyi and his entourage will turn ukraine step by step into belarus, not even into hungary with orbanshchynova, but into belarus, that's what we had to think about in 2019, when zelenskyi was given all the power , everything having elected a monomajority in the parliament, it was then that zelenskyy got the opportunity to do... anything, and now he is doing it, what can be done, well first of all, we must not forget that we have western partners who will nevertheless protect freedom of speech in ukraine, which is under attack by
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the authorities. secondly, it should be recalled that the single telethon was included in the report on violations of the rights and freedoms of ukrainians by the state department of the united states, and they believe that the single telethon is one of those violations where the government , usurping the information space, is trying to actually destroy pluralism and freedom of thought, and also in fact does not provide an opportunity to express freedom of speech in ukraine, so it must be understood that what is happening now... is nothing new, this is the continuation of the strategy, the destruction of freedom of speech in the name of the upcoming elections in ukraine, this is what zelenskyi, yermak, tatarov, shurma, and other arahamians want to stay in power at the expense of, well, if they do it, then it must be said, we are no better than belarus, by the way, when they
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offered to refuse consular services. to ukrainians abroad, this is practiced only by one country - belarus, so i say once again that we are stepping in the direction of belarus, not even russia, and we should not forget about this either, well, the state department expressed its opinion about of this single news marathon, but at the same time , serhii leshchenko, adviser to the president's office, a former journalist, and your colleague also spoke about the single news marathon. he said that if our mutual colleague in the past disappears, you can put it this way, if the single news marathon disappears, then there will be media in the country, moreover, those people who are against the single news marathon, they say the same thing as speaks russian, russian agents, mr. borislav, serhii leshchenko works his salary in
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ukrzaliznytsia, you see, a comfortable life is very important to serhii lechenko, and that is why he first calls people to mobilize, in the evening he goes to play sets in nightclubs. that is why he talks about the fact that there will be chaos if information on the single telethon is banned, and also says that any attacks on the single telethon are russian pso, then he blames the united states state defense for what they are working on. on russia, are they an element of russian ipso, and in any case we see how a person who disgraced himself and destroyed his reputation, who defended his wife, who went to moscow and worked during the war in a moscow club and earned russian rubles, this person is now working off his money, which he receives in the profit council of ukrazaliznytsia, so you should pay attention to him exclusively in order
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to... see how a person who was a journalist is transformed into an ordinary propagandist of the government for little money. mr. boryslav, thank you for the conversation, boryslav bereza, politician, public figure, people's deputy of ukraine of the eighth convocation was from we, dear friends, are now going on a short break and want to remind you that you can subscribe to our youtube channel, subscribe to our social networks, leave your favorites under our broadcast, which will help the espresso tv channel to be you. and among those offered on youtube, this is a small thing for you, and a big help for espresso, let's, let's support the channel with a small, small click, let's go to a break, come back and talk about the bill, which is still a bill, but which has already stirred up the community reproductive specialists, gynecologists, embryologists,
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because someone... there thought that it was necessary to destroy embryos after three months. crisis, all this will be discussed later. stay with us. when you sleep on an uneven surface, the spine is misaligned. position, because you cannot feel energetic in the morning and productive in the afternoon, and with the matryk topper you will forget that you are sleeping on an imperfect surface. order topper matryk for comfortable sleep at an affordable price. more and more ukrainian families choose topper matryk, which comes in a convenient package that is easy enough to remove. within a day after removing the factory film, it can be used. a unique cover that you can hide in.


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