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tv   [untitled]    May 2, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm EEST

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biologists, because it seemed to someone there that it was necessary to destroy the embryos after three months, who came up with it, whether it will be possible to implement it and how it will affect the birth rate in ukraine, which is suffering from a demographic crisis, all this will be discussed later , stay with us when you sleep... on an uneven surface, the spine takes the wrong position, because you cannot feel energetic in the morning and productive in the afternoon, and with the matryk stopper you will forget that you are sleeping on an imperfect surface. order topper matryk for a comfortable sleep for at an affordable price. more and more ukrainian families choose the mattrik topper, which comes in a convenient package that is easy enough to remove. within a day after removing the factory film, it can be used. a unique cover that you can hide in. your topper will become not
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judicial control with tetyana shustrova on the espresso tv channel. verdict with serhii rudenko is now in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests - foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world, the front, society. and feedback. you can express your opinion on the bad day with a phone survey. turn on and turn on the verdict with serhiy rudenko every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. what to do when there is a liver? alohol, but what for bile? alohol, it protects the liver and gallbladder. alohol, with care and respect for the liver and bile. dear friends, we are returning to the ether. we just already have guests, that's why we're here for a little while there was a break, er. jumped in a few
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phrases, our guest is stefan khmil, a professor, doctor of medical sciences and reproductive medicine doctor, and our topic is one that, you know, affects everyone now, because ukraine is experiencing. demographic crisis, and we are now one way or another thinking about how to increase the birth rate, how to stimulate, the poles are very interesting now, i don't know if they have already decided, adopted a very interesting bill, which lays state support not on born children, but on the fact that people can give birth to children, those who have the money to raise them and the mind to raise them, then there is a completely different approach. we will talk about it, but it is interesting that we, on the contrary , have some new initiative every time. very, very original, and now there is an initiative from the ministry of health, which, so far, this is a draft law that they are developing, and there are several points that the community of gynecologists, reproducologists, embryologists were a bit
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alarmed, and they say, and this community says that this is a harmful bill, it says that the embryos, yes... after three months, after they have already appeared, will be disposed of, mr. stefan, you probably know more details about this draft law and these strange regulations that are currently being prescribed there, what exactly it is about, what kind of embryos they are, what they are needed for and what does it mean to dispose of them? good afternoon, it is very nice that you raise such a great current topic. birth rate in ukraine, because the demographic situation in our country is extremely and extremely difficult today. we occupy the last place in the world in terms of birth rate. the fertility rate is 0.7. for the revival of the nation, for the nation
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to be at this level, it is necessary for every married couple to have 2.2 children, we have zero. seven, this is a disaster, the last place in the world, for 300 years, since 1719, for 300 years, there has not been such a low birth rate in ukraine as last year, 187,00 children were born in ukraine, despite the fact that in 1716 year, in 1716, when the population was 5.7 million, in ukraine within the same limits 285 thousand were born out of 5 million, 285, that is the lowest rate in 300 years, here you need
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to use all methods and methods, as to help revive the ukrainian nation, we will rebuild factories, factories, houses, everything else, but who will... let's think, so this issue needs to be given a lot of attention, i'm sorry that i started with such a preamble, yes, but once again wanted to emphasize that the demographic situation is critical today, and how about me emphasize that we must do everything possible for this, i would not like to say that nothing is being done in the country, it is being done this year for... the program of the national health service has been launched, 12 clinics are participating in it, including and our clinic, we take part in this, the state allocates funds for programs, albeit insignificant funds, but we have already joined this program, there was hope,
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uh, there was hope, that funds for the revival of the nation have already appeared, that the state allocates, is going discussion about what will be increased by each program. that people will be able to get pregnant more, and here comes a bill that wants to cut off our wings, and this ncsu program, where the state allocates funds, you understand, and to all of us reproductive specialists, please explain why the state should pay attention specifically to reproductive specialists, to reproductive science, why should they give birth in the most natural way and that's how ukrainians should increase. in those cases when nature itself cannot, there are some diseases in a man or in a woman that lead to infertility, and this is one in five a married couple faces this problem in the world, today there are 80
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million married couples in the world who do not face this problem, ugh, the poles announced that they have 3 million, ugh, who cannot have, but those who want . who want, i.e. it's plus 3 million even now, but they can't, they want to, but they can't, you know, they want to, but they can't, and that's why there are also a large number of people in ukraine who want to. but they can't, they can't, but war, it affects infertility, significantly, significantly, multifacetedly affects, it is a man on at the front, the woman went abroad, or here, there are not enough funds, you see, and this significantly affects the fact that they do not have the opportunity to get pregnant, and those women, those married couples who still want it, then we must support them, help various . methods to help them, here comes a draft law in which the preamble sounds beautifully, that for
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the revival of the ukrainian nation for the sake of beauty, then something that cuts off all the wings, because you know, i don’t know if it’s incompetence or something else, but when i got acquainted with the law in... poland, which came out, by the way, the other day, yes, yes, they took part there, and they emphasize in the preamble, doctors, obstetricians, gynecologists, doctors of gynecological endocrinology, perenatologists, reproductive specialists, oncologists, yes, embryologists, dozens of specialists took part in the development of this law, you know, they made a wonderful, wonderful, they are going to europe, they have been in europe for a long time. we are going to europe, and please take it as a basis, see what the civilized world has done,
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if the wheel of a bicycle is round, why make it square or triangular, and what is the point the law that the poles passed can be divided into two points, the first is the financial side, and the second is the medical side, the financial side they allow every woman to have, every married couple. can carry out six cycles of extracorporeal fertilization at the expense of the state, yes, for free, for free, that is , the state pays, for each cycle it allocates 4.5 thousand dollars, somewhere around 16 there are 300 zlotys, thousands of zlotys, that is somewhere more than 4 thousand dollars for each couple, and if a married couple does not have their eggs, the woman does not have eggs, either please take donor eggs, no sperm, please, donor sperm, no sperm and
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eggs, married couples, neither, neither, please, take an embryo and the state will pay you for the transfer of this embryo, you see, all conditions, all conditions are accepted for revival, for improvement of the demographic situation in the country, well, when i get acquainted with this law, to whom i returned from the congress the other day. from rome and visited his colleagues in krakow at the clinic, and they showed me this law, it was just last week in a new one was published on thursday, he says: listen, stefan, these are the conditions, he says, our government made us, and this, okay, okay, let’s move on to our sheep, sorry for the metaphor, what our government proposes in our bill for for in your field, you know, in paragraph 15, point two, there are several... such moments, first, such a moment, that, during three, we can have
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only two or three embryos, uh, and how do we know how many we will receive embryos, and the others will be disposed of, and we can transfer only for three months, further dispose of, mania, how to dispose of, this is incompetence, unprofessionalism, or any other word you can choose, a trash can, maybe it’s some religious superstition, maybe... no, it’s the other way around, nobody disposes of embryos in poland, ugh, the state pays , keep, if patients refuse, then they are used as donor ones. an embryo is basically that, it's a child, yes, it's already a child, you understand how to dispose of them, kill them, it's just nonsense, and what to do with those cells, if only in order to, well look, please consider this way, in order to get a positive pregnancy, we need... according to international guidelines, international publications, we need about
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14-15 cells, uh, because not every eccell is still healthy, that's how nature lays , and depending on the age of the woman, on the disease of the patient, the percentage may be a healthy 50, or it may be only 10, and we will get, for example, 15, but on average it is calculated that if there are 14-15 eggs, we will get a pregnancy, we will get a certain number of embryos, those embryos can also to be still 50% blastocysts, still genetically damaged, and... that's why we can't regulate, and what to do with the rest, it's nonsense, throw away, dispose, if we haven't transferred within two, within three months, those two embryos in rare cases are three, they emphasize, and with others, that the cells dispose of such precious material, you know, here it is necessary for professionals to be enlisted in the development of this
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law, so that specialists help to do it correctly, and not apply. because it will cause a lot of damage, even to the nssu program, which yes, they planned that 10-15,000 children would be born, according to that program, and if such a law is introduced, there will be less than a thousand, and imagine our military at the front, well, yes, if they did not have time to transfer within three to three months , because it is necessary to prepare the body for transfer, you understand that the embryos of their military dispose of the woman's body, yes, yes, in the woman's body. well, i just read what an embryologist wrote about what happens that after this therapy that a woman takes, she takes certain medications that actually increase the number eggs and increase her chances for a successful embryo, for a successful pregnancy, then you can't carry out a transfer right away, because it can simply kill the woman, you can do this, it
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can be a complication of hyperstimulation syndrome in patients with polycystic ovary syndrome. ovaries, and if you transfer her for embryos, it will worsen her condition and can lead to extremely serious consequences for this patient, you see, it is not possible, and that's why we basically transfer in cryoprotocols, they have to be frozen, and then in cryoprotocols we transfer when the body will recover, only then can we tolerate, well, a few more such moments that i said, that genetic kinship should not be allowed only.
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and where there is chromosomal pathology in patients, chromosomal diseases are predicted, that is where it should be done, and therefore, you know, how many moments are needed to involve specialists, to regulate and improve the demographic situation, one of the authors of the law, who is presented deputy minister serhii dubrov, dubrov, professor of doctoral sciences, he can be beautiful an anesthesiologist, he heads, i understand, the association of anesthesiologists. country, but it's not a fact that he actually understands this subject, but experts were involved, well, i don't know, you know, it's even strange, even strange, for 5 minutes they involved the ukrainian association of reproductive medicine, they said that it was you who were following your interest, they were disconnected, ugh, this is a paradox, i told you in poland how many dozens of specialists were involved in
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the development of this law, we also need a ukrainian association of reproductive medicine, there is knowledge... reproductive specialists who know how things are done in the world, how to do better, they must be involved, and all methods and methods must be used, but i would like to emphasize that we are now, for the second year running a social project of free extracorporeal insemination for the military, we are already made 3455 345 in vitro fertilizations free of charge for two years. yes, yes, yes, we have already done 340 for free, this is for the military, for the military, ugh, my clinics in ternopil and lviv, and we continue this project with the aim of reviving of the ukrainian nation, we have frozen a large amount of already biological material of the spermatozoa of our soldiers, which from the front
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can sustain injuries or affect spermatogenesis, they will return. and they can use their biological material to carry out, you understand, and there is still an unsettled question about what to do if a person has died, but he has, well, now you see, this law is against the law, the law has already been regulated, it is being improved somewhat, by-laws are being developed , there are already positive points in this direction, here worked, because before that there were questions, and then there were also questions about disposal, and i think that smart heads. they will work on that law, and it will also be worked out, and i would even honestly like to send this polish law to everyone so that they can look at it and on the basis of it they will go to... and we are going to europe, so we must learn from them and do as they are, i repeat again, a bicycle, round wheels, you don’t need to make square ones, maybe let’s make triangular
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wheels, let’s invent something else, and then cut off the corners a little on each side, and that's why, i think i remember, you told a story on our air about a military man who came to your clinic with his wife, they couldn't get pregnant. and then the war intervened and broke all the plans, and her wife eventually became pregnant, twins were born, yes, but the husband unfortunately died, that is, these twins are his continuation already after his death, uh, on the one hand it is very scary and a sad story, on the other hand, it's a story about the future, er, i don't know, it's just that now the military, which just now, how do they know such news that is being developed... the draft law, or it is time for the child to come into the world, it is time, it is not immediately, not the first attempt, for sure, it may be how they react to such bills,
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you know, it is very nice, this wife of ours a soldier gave birth to two children, i took part, performed caesarean sections rostyn, and she is happy, she takes care of those children, we help her, support her, and we also support her morally, and she is with us... she was registered at the clinic, she is happy, she that children remained after him, and the military, you know, react negatively, that's why that every day i receive in my clinics both in lviv and in ternopil such patients, military personnel, who apply, the edge of negativism, he says: we are defending ukraine, we are fighting, we want to leave behind offspring, our wings are still being clipped, well where the mind is here, i know what to base. wanted to ask, i know that, for example, in europe, in america, if a person works for a large corporation there, a woman, and she is, for example, still
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young, of reproductive age, and wants to pursue a career, she does not have time for children, she is offered to freeze her own at the company's expense egg cells, because when she will be there 35 plus, women suddenly face the fact that they are not strong and fertile, yes, and at this moment they can simply. to get up and take care of the child, because they have matured to what, we have three months, where, for what, so we are also for military women, we conduct freezing, from urgent maternity, we also conduct egg freezing, those who wish, we also do it for free we do this and also train motherhood, you see, there is another very interesting case, in short, we have a female patient her son died at the front, she herself went to fight, she turned to me for an extracural ... dna, she no longer has eggs, because she is already an adult, her husband has no sperm, i can no longer help her, according to this law, i then i won't be able to help her, and there will be a lot of
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such soldiers who will come and say how, and they will delineate our clinics, they will say how can't we, we want children, and you can't help us, and that's why i think that here it is necessary to hire specialists to finalize this one law, glory to ukraine, we will revive the ukrainian nation and help. but i say once again, let us involve specialists, reproductive specialists, others, we will help to improve this law and rebuild the ukrainian nation, i hope that they will hear the voice of reason, thank you, mr. stefan, for participating in our broadcast and for the clarification, stefan khmil, professor, doctor of medical sciences, reproductive medicine doctor, talked with him about the bill that the ministry of health wants to make, according to which embryos will be destroyed after three months dear friends, thank you for being with us, les vakulyuk, andriy saichuk. in the studio worked for you, see you tomorrow at 7:10, stay with espresso, the air continues,
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the possibility of free delivery, powerful saws, strong, what you need, call. news time on espressu tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. at least two explosions rang out in kharkiv today. the air force of the ukrainian armed forces reported that the russians attacked with guided aerial bombs of destruction and that no casualties were reported at this time. the information is still being clarified.
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president volodymyr zelenskyi said. that the first global peace summit.


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