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tv   [untitled]    May 2, 2024 12:00pm-12:29pm EEST

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powerful strong saws, what you need, call. news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. at least two explosions were heard in kharkiv this afternoon. the air force of the ukrainian armed forces reported that the russians attacked with guided aerial bombs of destruction and that no casualties were reported at this time. the information is still being clarified. and president volodymyr zelenskyi said that the first global peace summit. will be held
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on june 15-16 in switzerland, according to him , the meeting will be a platform on which leaders of states from all continents will be able to discuss ways to achieve peace in ukraine. zelensky notes that it will not only be about ukraine, but also about respect for international law and peaceful coexistence around the world. in the meantime, the national police showed a video from the site of the odesa shelling. at night, the russians hit the sorting facility. of the new post office, a strong fire broke out, civil infrastructure was damaged, windows were broken in the surrounding houses. according to the head of the regional military administration oleg kiper, there were no casualties, 14 people were injured. but the military does not exclude possible russian missile attacks on ukraine on easter night, said air force spokesman ilya yevlash, according to him, the vile insidious enemy may simply want to spoil things in this way. people have a big
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religious holiday, instead, the air force of ukraine is ready to repel an enemy attack. at the same time, yevlazh urged ukrainians to be attentive and not to ignore alarms. since december 2023, the russian occupiers have executed at least 15 soldiers of the armed forces of ukraine and possibly six more who tried to surrender. this is stated in the human rights report watch. law enforcement officers investigated five cases of loss of ukrainian military personnel, which were published. in social networks, organizations emphasize that these tragic cases should be investigated as war crimes. human rights watch sent a letter to the minister of defense of the russian federation serhiy shuig, asking him whether the military was ordered to kill prisoners, but did not receive an answer. i would like to note that the un previously stated that from december 1 to february 29, the russians lost 32 ukrainian prisoners of war. the sbu detained an informant in wagnerivka. in
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donetsk region. at the behest of the occupiers, the man searched for and gave them the exact coordinates of the airfields on which combat helicopters of the armed forces of ukraine are based. the people of fagner also wanted to know the position of our military. with this information, the russians planned an offensive in the kramatorsk and slavyansk directions. currently, the suspect faces up to eight years in prison. and the united states accused russia of using chemical weapons against ukraine. this is stated in the report. us state department. according to their data , the russians use chloropicrin, an asphyxiating gas that was actively used during the war the first world war. this type of ammunition is officially considered destroyed in russia, its use is prohibited in accordance with the convention on chemical weapons. the city of chasiv yar in donetsk region, which has been stormed and shelled by the occupying forces for months, today resembles ruins. the associated press published. video of a destroyed
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settlement in the city, there are practically no intact buildings left. the publication notes that the destruction underscores the scorched -earth tactics that russia used in ukraine during more than two years of war. would to return home, but as long as the war continues, residents of luhansk region are forced to look for new homes all over the country. how the lysichan city military administration helps them in this and where they can settle luhan. our correspondents learned, we will tell about the new life in the capital later in the story: we really want to come to ukrainian luhansk, but i don't know how it will turn out. yulia tells how her family had to look for a new home three times. in 2014, they moved from luhansk to north donetsk, in 2022 from there to the dnipro, and then to the capital. before this it is impossible to prepare. every time it is so
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sudden, well, the first time we still thought, we hoped, we hoped that we would return home, when it was already the second time, when you are packing... you are packing, you realize that most of all you just you will not return to your house, you will not return to this city, so the third time was a little easier, yulia has a large family, previously she and her husband, two children and parents rented an apartment, but the rent prices in the capital skyrocketed, so we had to look for something else. the woman saw that the lysichan city military administration offers housing for idps in kyiv. i thought that it was... only for lysichanskyi, because we were from severodonetsk, no, i called, they told me that they accept everyone from luhansk region, so it is possible, and we decided to move. now they will live in the dormitory of mykhailo drahomanov ukrainian state university. the memorandum on cooperation with
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the institution of higher education was signed by the lysychan city military administration. so from now on they will be able to build their new nest here about five hundred. of internally displaced persons, many have signed up because people are leaving the countryside, they know that you can find work in kyiv, so some are finishing the school year, some have signed up for the summer, we even have several families who will come on monday from hot points from the donetsk region, through volunteers they applied. living here is free, residents will pay only for utilities. in addition, in the building. organize access to various services, our tsna palishchanska service will work here of the military administration, our szn service, territorial centers of population assistance will work here. the lysychan city military administration has been supporting idps since the beginning of the great war.
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three shelters are already functioning in this way, thanks to them the displaced people from luhansk region have a chance to build a life in a new city, and also not to lose hope of returning one day. to his hometown. the russian army in the temporarily occupied territories of the kherson region forcibly evicts the inhabitants of the bare pier, lovers and gladkivka. this is reported by the center national resistance. people are forcibly taken to the south of the kherson region and to the crimea. they are also campaigning to move to russia. in this way, the occupiers vacate the homes and apartments of ukrainians in order to move russian occupiers there. to be faster. to stop the russian terror, i urge you to join the gathering for our defenders, the means of communication and security are needed by the intelligence unit of the third regiment of special operations forces, they fight for our independence in hard battles on the eastern front and give us the opportunity to live, work as well as study. our goal is
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uah 720,000. with your help, we have already made an advance payment, and we have less than uah 200,00 left to collect. so let's not delay, the war continues, and everyone's help. of us is overwhelming. you can now see all the required details on the screen, so scan and add them. a mass evacuation took place due to a fire in one of the five floors in the village of mykhailivska rubezhivka in the kyiv region. this is reported in the state emergency service of the city. rescuers evacuated 13 residents of the building, including five children, u two people were poisoned by carbon monoxide. doctors are currently taking care of them. in the united states of america, the draft law on innoagents, which was adopted by the parliament of georgia in the second reading, was condemned. the law itself and the anti-western rhetoric of the ruling georgian dream party put the country at risk. this was stated by the spokesman of the us state department, matthew
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miller. according to him, the actions of the georgian government are incompatible with democratic values ​​and thus call into question georgia's path to euro-atlantic integration. the usa also supports the georgian people. in his seeking to be heard and condemning the use of violence against peaceful protests. and in the american state of wisconsin , the police shot dead a student who came to school with a weapon. the guardian writes about it. after the incident, schoolchildren and teachers were kept inside the premises of the educational institution for several hours. i would like to note that, according to rights activists, the number of shootings in american schools has increased in recent years. this year alone, 115 such incidents occurred. search for espresso on youtube and be sure to subscribe, we have live ether broadcasts there, all episodes programs and special projects that can only be seen here, as well as a short video on hot topics in the short section, subscribe, comment
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your important thoughts to us, be with us every day to learn more interesting and relevant information, update information on our espresso website. tv and our social networks. we will see you tomorrow. today in the verdict program with serhii rudenko. it was bright, ukrainian intelligence was satisfied with the results of the drone strike on the ryazan refinery. how serious a danger is total for putin destruction of the russian oil refinery. telegram as a national security threat created by the russians. form has a significant impact on the information space of ukraine, as evidenced by the blocking
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of ukrainian intelligence chatbots and how to secure state communications. a month of important events. in may, the five-year term of zelenskyi's presidency will expire and new legislation on mobilization will come into force. how will it affect society and democracy in ukraine. glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program, my name is serhiy rudenko, i congratulate everyone and wish everyone good health. in the following for two hours we talk about ukraine, the world, the war and our victory. gur destroys the russian refinery, telegram as a threat to national security, what other challenges ukraine will face in the next month, we will talk about it all for the next hour. the guests of today's studio will be the general. sbu viktor yagun, doctor of political sciences maksym rozumny and my colleague, journalist
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roman tsimbalyuk. the second part of our program will feature political experts vitaliy kulyk and viktor boberenko. however, before starting our big conversation, i suggest watch a video of an attempted assault by russians in the area of ​​chasovoy yar. the russian btr-82 clearly blew up on a mine. the video was made public by the fighters of archery drones in the warehouse. 102nd separate assault brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. let's see.
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glory to the armed forces of ukraine! friends, we are working live on the tv channel. and also on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are currently watching us live there. please subscribe to our pages and take part in our survey. today we ask you this: do you see a threat democracy in ukraine? yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, if you have your own opinion about this, please leave it in the comments below this video. if you watch us on tv, grab your smart phone or phone and vote. if you see a threat to democracy in ukraine (0800). 211 381 no 0800 211382 all calls to these numbers are
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free, vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. we have our first guest on the phone, this is maksym rozumny, political expert, doctor of political sciences. mr. maxim, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. good evening. so, mr. maksym, may has started quite a month. a difficult month for the ukrainian state and for ukrainian politics, obviously, because it is also for ukrainian society, because on may 4 the law on fitness and unfitness in the armed forces of ukraine enters into force, on may 18 the law on mobilization is drafted and enters into force, the order of mobilization in ukraine is changing, strengthening, well, may 20 is 5 years since the inauguration of president zelensky, how will all these three events affect and will they affect on ukrainian society, taking into account the fact that
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there were quite high-profile steps taken regarding mobilization, regarding the termination of consular services for ukrainians who are conscripted into the military, and we saw this sharp reaction from those people who are abroad, and obviously we still we will see a sharp reaction from a part of the ukrainian... society, which will line up to the tcc in order to update their data or pass military medical commissions, so these events. are obviously very socially resonant and politically significant, but it seems to me that the peak of publicity, well, for example, around those new mobilization measures, we have mostly already passed and the culmination was this statement and decision, the statement of minister kuleba and the decision of the ministry of foreign affairs on the termination
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of consular service for men of conscription age. i will explain my opinion, there is a lot of evidence, well, in any case, they write about it in social networks, that ukrainian men, when the authorities actually switched from words to action, uh, mass-moved to the territorial recruitment centers, and it turned out that that these centers are not ready to receive such a large number of those who want to register. update data about yourself, about your status, your location and so on, that is, it means that most likely nothing revolutionary and nothing very new will happen on may 18, that is, most likely this date is simply not noticed by me, and
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next time we will, so to speak, return to this topic, when finally the department is responsible. for this issue, including the ministry of foreign affairs and the military department responsible for mobilization, will finally adopt by-laws, regulating documents that will clarify many things in this area, and nothing will start on may 18, i think that nothing in particular will happen on may 20, when this is also a topic, let's say, for the counterattack of such a propagandistic counterattack of the ukrainian state. but when we talk about all these decisions, which in one way or another affect people's rights, people's freedom, the question always arises: where is the border where there is a need to introduce some
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radical changes and restrictions, and... -th phase, which we call the transition there in authoritarianism or the concentration of power in one hand, or whether ukraine is not threatened by this after 2019, when, in principle, monopoly power is already in one hand, or do you observe trends that indicate that democracy, which has always been the main thing in ukraine element of building an independent state, that something threatens this democracy, we mean not from outside, but some internal events, and well, the last phrase about russian reflections on our situation, it is very funny, in fact, to see , so to speak, attempts to say that here is a person for 5 years power, and that's all, it's already a threat
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to democracy, when in russia itself, a person has been in power for 25 years, and no one seems to be bothered by it. regarding, well, in this we are very different from russia, and when answering the question, i saw this question to the audience as well, is there a threat to democracy today? obviously, democracy is a form of government that is always under threat from one side or another, but i think that today this threat is not so much from authoritarian tendencies. that is, from the absence of political competition or the absence of alternative opinions in society or any pressure on a different opinion in society, rather we have a threat to democracy from the side of its effectiveness, that is, from the side of the effectiveness of power institutions that were
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created according to democratic mechanisms and... procedures, there is, there is a big, big , so to speak, the danger of being disappointed in democracy, i would say so, because certain internal contradictions, conflicts, i would even say, are growing in ukrainian society, the government cannot do anything about it, it does not manage effectively enough, like many spheres of social life, as well as attitudes in society, that is... if you go back to the previous question about mobilization laws and the publicity surrounding this issue, we see, well, critically ineffective communication between the government and the people, and this... is also a kind of threat to democracy , communication is not only what the government hears, but obviously what it says, that is, we perceive
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communication in a different way, that is, we hear you calmly, we hear, we will do everything, yes, that is not how it works with society and that's not how it works with the outside world, and now we all live in premonitions of the global peace summit, which is to be held in switzerland in mid-june, and... here the question is also quite similar, let's say, subtle, because the world understands and the world can obviously talk not only about zelenskyi's peace formula, the peace formula for ukraine, and obviously, this formula can be expanded , in your opinion, should the ukrainian authorities propose a peace formula not only for ukraine, but also for the whole world, since we are talking about the threat from... the russian federation to the entire planet earth? well, i'm here for the sake of it justice should still say a good word about the ukrainian government, since
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this initiative itself, the ukrainian formula for peace, it was a good move in the geopolitical confrontation that is unfolding around this war, around the situation in ukraine, around our, our confrontation with russia, it must be admitted... it was right and good that it is, because the efforts of more than one country are concentrated around this ukrainian initiative to date, and the attention of the whole world is drawn to it. of course, if we proposed something realistic, no only to restore our sovereignty over the occupied territories and attract. to the responsibility of the aggressor, but also for the new world order, it would be even better. uh, so far there are no such, uh, realistic proposals,
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models of the future arrangement of the world, ukraine, probably for objective reasons, we are too fixated on our problems and on our pain, uh, and on our losses, so far we didn't offer it, and apparently it's not a feature. now the party that suffers from external aggression, but in the future, of course, we should, so to speak, focus on this and make efforts, because for ukraine this is a chance, it is an opportunity to enter the top league of world politics, well, of course, if there is progress in achieving our goals in this war and in the political regulation, and especially in those conditions when actually... this peace, or the peace agreement that was reached after the second world war, it was destroyed by the russian federation, it is clear that the formula for peace and or the formula for how to
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coexist after 24 february 22, yes or otherwise it will be discussed, because it is clear that in this story ukraine is one of the main countries that participates in the protection. world order and in order to claim a place in the new architecture of european global security. one more question, mr. maksym, which will be asked literally in a few months, in two months in july at the anniversary summit of nato. it is clear that ukraine is waiting for an invitation from the north atlantic alliance. stoltenberg came to kyiv two days ago, spoke with... zelensky, and then the president of ukraine said that apparently ukraine will become a member of the north atlantic alliance only after
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the end of the war. in your opinion, can we expect any surprise from nato, and that this invitation or a signal to the world will be given despite everything at the washington summit. well , in general, the period that awaits us, may-june, it is so promising in the sense of world-scale events, in fact, this peace forum, which ukraine initiated, and many countries supported, in fact the event supported, is happening simultaneously with a similar attempt consolidate a certain position. and it is possible even to put forward certain proposals from the other side, that is, we know that vladimir putin is going to go to beijing and... it is possible
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that some statements will be made from there and some position will be defined, which by july , so to speak, well, not if if not radically change, then at least it will clarify the geopolitical situation and the confrontation between these two camps, how acute it is, how hopeless it is, or on the contrary, we will see some light at the end of the tunnel and... uh, well, a lot depends on the position of china, whether or not agree it is to reduce this tension little by little and to force russia to avoid further escalation, that will depend on what we will see in july, but it will be more related, i think, to the atmosphere of the upcoming nato summit, most of our
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partners are very ... ovated, very respectable democracies that do not like surprises and that act very carefully, we have received all the signals that there will be no invitation, and that we need to prepare for such a protracted struggle virtually alone, but with the support of our western partners, on in the near future, this model is working, and the only thing that can change is the intensity of the confrontation, the intensity of the conflict. in yesterday's evening address, president zelenskyy emphasized the importance of the fastest possible delivery of american long-range weapons, which will allow us to repel the enemy on all fronts. let's listen to zelensky. we are very much counting on the promptness of the supply from the united states, it is a supply that must feel. in
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the destroyed logistics of the occupier, in their fear of being based anywhere in the occupied territory, and also in our strength, in the strength that should show itself in the pokrov direction and in the kurakhiv, sever, liman, kupyan, in the south of the country, everywhere where russia is pressing and where we have to squeeze it, and also everywhere where there may be new blows, blows. threats mr. maksym, taking into account the fact that the americans have decided on large aid to ukraine. the british also made a rather large, large contribution to the defense sphere of ukraine, announcing 500 million pounds of aid. does this mean that the world has finally decided to show putin
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that... that there will be no russian victory in ukraine and they will never allow it. the only question that remains open is what to do with putin's russia? i think that, indeed, these decisions testify to the determination of our western partners and to the fact that they, roughly, but quite clearly, imagine exactly what. they want, as an intermediate result of this war, i would say that the very mention of long-range weapons shows that we are preparing to stop the russian offensive, we are preparing, together, and the western allies are supporting us in this.


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