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tv   [untitled]    May 2, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm EEST

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recruitment does not mean automatic mobilization to the front, it is about registration and information, why do you think the authorities failed this communication, communication when it was necessary to simply say that all men who consider themselves citizens of ukraine should be registered with the tsk, and starting from may 18 , we will not provide any services there, or we will provide these services in some limited way, and not as simple as simply lowering the iron curtain and saying: that's it, the office is not working, there will be no exchange, sorry, the money has run out in the cash register, that the case when i i understand and agree with you, mr. vitaliy, and with you, mr. serhiy, in that, well, this one was, that was stupid, yes, there is the type that we limit people there in providing government jobs... there i am i wanted
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to be complementary here, that is, how can i say, for example, i am a supporter of restricting evaders as much as possible, yes, but it is correctly said that it is necessary to restrict according to the law, according to some kind of law, first the law, and then the by-law act, yes standard, i.e. first the law, then the resolution. cabinet, not the other way around, and when our allies said, no, no, we will not play with it, because we act according to european norms, yes, that is the case when i would like to limit evaders, but they cannot be limited, why, because unlike ukraine, in in ukraine, mentally, mentally, in our country, in europe , it’s... harsh, but it’s a law, even from the time
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of mark havrie, yes, in ukraine, the law is, as you turn, as you turn, that’s how it turned out, here we are mentally , why not europeans, because in our country, law and justice are, well, different concepts, yes, there, here, and this, this is actually a problem, and in them right equals justice, that is, if it is written that this is not possible, then everything is not possible, and there... germany has already declared and other countries have also declared that they will not chase ukrainians, hand them over, give them somewhere in ukraine , that take your own, let them fight, that is, our government, well, as always, i messed up, yes i messed up and showed that we really have everything, they want to show that they are acting justly, but in fact it has no right relation, not only that, not only that, let's imagine... ukraine, in ukraine
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there can be two mothers, yes, both of them are 60 years old, conditionally, and one mother’s son left on february 24, 2022, and the son is there, well, 30 years old, now he is conditionally 32, he left, and she says, show me the law about mobilization, so that there will be about demobilization, when you return my son to me, i want to see him alive, healthy, well... when will it be, when will he be demobilized, yes, in 36 months, in 48, at least show me secondly, right here in kyiv on the site, another mother lives with her, whose son is 25 years old, and her justice is that there is like no, no can you take my son, call me up, why, because he is still young, he does not know how to fight, let those who already know how to fight, who have fought for two years, fight, and we have two mothers on the same platform, and they have... justice, and
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then when, and there is also me, who is 53 years old with diabetes, i say, well, where am i going to go, yes, you can call me there, but will i be useful at the front? yes, i have problems with my eyes, and someone else who, one more justice of the one who makes drones, he says, well, i have armor, yes, that is, we have 100 people and 100 different justices, and for this it is necessary... and for this, precisely , the right is needed for zelensky to come out and say: i am the leader of the nation, well, as of now, i have made such a decision , so, there will be this dodger, this one is right, this one is wrong, according to the law and then by-laws, and not the other way around, but zelenskyi is the biggest dodger in ukraine, he evades making decisions, he wants to say i’m in the houses, and i’m making such decisions i didn’t accept it, it’s... hardworking, it’s syrian, they want
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to call up 500 thousand, and something else, i don’t want no one, why, because zelenskyi wants most of all, he wants to be liked by all the mothers in the... and the mother whose son is fighting, and the mother who does not want to send her son to the war, there he is , and zelenskyi wants both mothers to vote for him further, it won’t work out that way, volodymyr oleksandrovich, i want to tell him, but they want to sweat it out, zelenskyi is the biggest dodger in ukraine, and this is how ukraine explains to the world, and in particular to the council of europe , that ukraine withdraws, partially withdraws from... observance of the european convention on protection of human rights and freedoms on april 4 , 2024, ukraine submitted a written statement to this effect. what's in this document? the document lists the measures taken in ukraine during martial law, which can be considered a departure from the convention on the protection of
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human rights and the international covenant on civil and political rights. first: carrying out an inspection of things, transport, luggage, cargo and premises. the second is prohibition. conscripts to change their place of residence without permission, the third - restrictions on the choice of place of stay, introduction curfew, a special regime for entering and leaving the country, banning peaceful meetings, rallies, demonstrations and other peaceful mass events, forced alienation of private or communal property for the needs of the state, while the head of the ministry of justice, denys smalyuska, says that ukraine in no way suspended the protection of people's rights. this update is a regulated report by the min yo. according to him , the government simply clarified the list of existing restrictions and even reduced it. ukraine did not suspend its defense in april, but quite the opposite reviewed and removed the caveat regarding the restriction of a certain set of rights - emphasized
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the minister of justice denys malyuska. in one way or another, this discussion and these, let's say, are society's reaction to some decisions. of the ukrainian authorities, they coincide in time with the five-year anniversary of the inauguration of president zelensky, and it is obvious that in may we will see many different trends, trends of different vectors, and obviously russia will take advantage of the fact that they say that zelensky's powers have come to an end, and he is already illegitimate , that's absolutely everything predicted, but how in this situation, when we understand... that the next elections will not be held soon after ukraine's victory over russia, how should we react in this situation, how should society react to those trends that, well, maybe, let's say, do not coincide with the norms democracy in ukraine, or are considered
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a violation of human rights, and i how long it can last, let's say when the people who came. in power until 2019, they can sit in this power, well, i don't know, until the 27th year or until the 26th year, mr. vitaly, well, i am also interested in the question, this, after the victory, when? not holding elections - how long? let's imagine that the war in our country continues in a mode of such flickering, as they say in russian, there in a mode of low intensity. five more years, we have not held presidential and verkhovna rada elections for all these five years, will there be any special law that will regulate the holding of elections in conditions of real war? is there a discussion about this issue? no,
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that is, then we conclude that victory is expected this year or next year, huh? or what will it be, that is, this postponement, the postponement raises questions, the postponement raises not just a question, it raises no, vagueness, blurring the situation, uncertainty i expect, and this uncertainty, legal uncertainty, it provokes a conversation about illegitimacy, about the fact that temporality can become long-lived letter, that the state of emergency will become a permanent state of emergency, that even a reduction in intensity will not lead to the withdrawal of all these restrictions on rights, which malyuska says that it can become the norm of the new political reality is that
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new restrictions will be introduced in addition to the existing ones, and they may not be disproportionate to the challenges and threats that exist. and what's more , in our country, these restrictions of rights are not regulated by legal, by-laws, but sometimes they say one thing, but... they do something completely different, that is, deception becomes a tool of coercion, these issues, they concern precisely society, i have no claim to statements of malyusk and before these, before this statement and before the appeal to the council of europe, because primarily this statement is directed to the european court of human rights, since people can file lawsuits against the state of ukraine for violation of rights, referring to the restriction of their rights, and since... if there were no such appeals and accordingly there would be whole cases where the state
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of ukraine would bear losses and in the decision they could be issued against the state of ukraine, as long as there is martial law, there is an explanation, there is a suspension of these norms, accordingly, this does not allow the european court of human rights to make a decision against the state of ukraine in these cases, this does not mean that in others we will or will not have a decision against states of ukraine during this war, we will have, unfortunately, they are not gathered there yet. in one block, but these decisions will be made, and the problem is that we cannot go through all the instances in ukraine itself to protect our rights, the courts do not accept the lawsuit, referring, by the way, to the law on martial law, so and the decision on martial law, so i think that this is a problem so far not a solution. moreover, i believe that, by and large, if the authorities want to remove
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the issue with conversations around legitimacy the president, so she should turn to the constitutional court. in our country, the constitutional court of the criminal constitution provides an explanation of the norms of the constitution in terms of extending the powers of the president, in particular. and this would be the instance, it would be the last instance, the position of which is actually. would be the norm of the law, what is happening in our country is that they do not appeal to the constitutional court, they appeal to the cec, to the central election commission, which does not have the competence to make statements regarding the possibility of holding presidential elections or impossibility, this is a question for the constitutional court, which would remove these questions, okay, you suspended the constitutional court, you made it ineffective, you have a conflict. with the leadership of the constitutional court, okay, then hold a discussion, sit lawyers, a round table,
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a public round table, with a public manifestation of the position of all lawyers and not only defenders of the office of the president, by post, who are now commenting on this situation, all jurists who would have a consolidated position on this issue, well, it's simple, simple enough, they don't even go for it, that's why that they are afraid of criticism, they are afraid that anyone who did not... said the wrong thing, because among legal scholars there is also a question that there is a white space in the constitution, there is a white space in the legislation, that our constitution does not provide for a similar situation, we do not have , we already have elections, if they were to be held, they would be held outside the borders, they are not premature, not extraordinary, we do not even have such type of elections in the electoral legislation, which should be held in the near future, if that is the condition . are laid down, we don't even talk about it, we have all the work done,
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proposals for a law to amend the legislation, which provided for such elections, are happening behind the scenes, somewhere closed in some working groups with vultures for official use, well, this is also wrong, so we will be, we are doomed to discussions about the legitimacy of the president, doomed, and this is not only kotovinors and the russian pso, this is... communication, lack of clarifications, positions that could remove this excessive politicization of this problem, if only to put it aside, we have a war, the powers have been extended, and we are up to that let's come back if, or at least put a time stamp, that we anticipate that if the situation drags on, then we can enter into a situation of discussing a special law, and then we have different options of the electoral system that can be involved, in that... elections in a smartphone, if they want it so much, they are talking about it, about elections in a smartphone, and
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of course, in this situation, a lot of questions arise, the main question, perhaps, is what will happen after may 20, 2024 , that is, if there is no decision of the constitutional court, it is clear that the powers of the president are extended, the powers of the verkhovna rada have already been extended, because the elections were to be held on october 23. er year, but this is an absolutely logical and logical conclusion and a logical question, and why, why is there no such decision of the constitutional court, mr. viktor, what do you think, why... the authorities, where, in principle, there are lawyers who can it is on the fingers to say that it is necessary to do so, well, we remember, kuchma at one time made the conclusion of the constitutional court that two terms can to be president, well, two terms in a row, and then the constitutional court concluded
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that kuchma had started one term before the adoption of the constitution. well, that is, for the third term, only the situation that was quite difficult in ukraine after the gongadze case and the tape scandal, in principle, probably also drove kuchma away from the third presidential term, there really was no one to say here, is it just a combination where the presidential team, well , is considering the possibility that this election could be held on... during a war, but, for example, next year, no, it's a combination, they have very clear control, that's what, what you can't cancel, you can't take away from the green government, it's that they conduct social polls there every two weeks, well, maybe once a month and focus -groups, they
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monitor the situation very clearly, and what about the electorate, and so far they would not mind. to hold elections, why, because for now zelenskyi has, if not allowed, he will not have more worthy competitors, yes, that is, he has the only worthy competitor for now, but the further, the more they are will see, and we can safely predict that zelenskyi's rating will fall, then they can turn 180°, they will go from the idea of ​​holding elections here and now... go to the idea, well, if zelenskyi has no chance, and they understand, then continue to prolong the power, as yaermak has already stated, yermak said no, and we will not, when the war is over, we will not be there for another two years, a state of emergency, to shoot there, why, because we have to
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rebuild ukraine, that is, they have already abandoned this idea as well, that is... there will be power to try to hold on, well, let's start from that, and i'm sure, yes, you know serhii, that i make good predictions, i state directly that the green government will try to hold on to power at any cost, by any method, by using any what, and we can only consider the options, how they want to hold on, what method they will use to stay in power, like irmak, that is, he said... no, the war is over, okay, but we will still be in power for two more years, why in power, but to knock down all competitors and then win, yes they are not allowed to submit, well, the main competitors, why, because they will test putin’s method, but how about putin, who do we know besides putin, but putin had elections, who were his
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competitors, and no one knows, 99 % of ukrainians will not name any. all the more so for all four of putin's competitors, why there is no sense there, but there was a cleared field, navalny was killed, they didn't allow him there, that's all, they want to do the same thing, they want to do yarmak so that there is zelensky and no one else, so that poroshenko can discredit the guy there yulia and boyka are not there competitors, don't let anything bad happen and that's all, there is zelensky and everyone there, we will go to vote, well, who but zelensky? no one, that is, it will be like this, well, this is their strategy, i very briefly told the strategy, yes, the strategy of our government for the next elections, and it will be, but, but i warn you, it will not be like that, because the fair is not with podalyak they do not understand the most important thing, that they will vote for anyone, but not for
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zelensky, so, thank you, mr. viktor, one more news of the day: ukraine was created using artificial intelligence technologies a digital person named victoria shi, who will officially comment on consular information for the media, in her welcome video message, the virtual spokeswoman of the ministry of foreign affairs explained the essence of her work. let's listen. first of all, i will inform the public, convey operational and verified information of the consular service of the mfa of ukraine. i will inform journalists about the work of consuls in the protection of rights and interests. citizens of ukraine abroad. i will also talk about the response of the ministry of foreign affairs to incidents or emergency situations abroad and inform about other important consular issues. gentlemen, here is the story with this artificial intelligence and the spokeswoman of the ministry of foreign affairs, it is clear that a similar thing was done in russia, and they launched it there earlier, it would be possible to joke that
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when there is no natural intelligence, artificial intelligence is taken, but what is the connection with that , that the ministry of foreign affairs, that they lack diplomats, there are no internationalists, good journalists, internationalists who could be spokespersons for the ministry of foreign affairs. and well, the question arises that our government is turning into some kind of hologram, or how can all this be explained, mr. vitaly, well you you will not appeal to artificial intelligence that it is wrong, argue with it, or demand empathy from it, it is artificial intelligence, accordingly , it makes no sense to demand empathy from it, it is ridiculous to criticize it, to hate it. you can only hate the idea itself, but not the hologram, you have to hate, accordingly, well, a good strategic move, and if without humor, well, in my opinion, we really need
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a spokesperson from some position, and not especially in such a sensitive area as consular services, not artificial intelligence, which can be relied on for a certain time, because until of the consular office, to the consular service in... the text of the restrictions, there will not just be a gigantic number of requests and criticism and hate and just pouring out negativity, here exactly we would need a person who would empathically approach the problem, share cases, show that there are such options, there are such options that the ministry of foreign affairs is moving from some kind of total ban to some kind of cut-off curtain to... from consideration of separate groups of cases related to people who have lived there for a long time, have a prominent residence, that their work is there connected with it, or there people left for
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on illegal grounds and cannot, due to various circumstances, return to ukraine to make these documents in the military registration, and this is another matter, people understand people, a person may have left legally, but understands that if he enters ukraine again, he simply will not leave, because once again some things are being changed, some new resolution, by-laws are being implemented again, and the border will simply be closed permanently, no one will be let out at all, mr. vitaly, we have very limited time, if possible, mr. viktor, a word, thank you in your opinion, as you, as you this artificial intellectual from the ministry of foreign affairs, i don’t know, but this is a real woman, the fact that you show her, they filmed her for real, she is some popular ukrainian singer about... no one knows, but well, yeah, that’s how it is, and that is she will now speak in her voice and she speaks, and they will
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show her, yes, yes, i’m talking about voting in action, well, for me it’s madness and an opportunity for the authorities to falsify the elections, that’s for sure, that is, if you ask me, using action to vote is fraud. we saw it, by the way, in moscow, when you have 15 seconds to vote, sir, and that is why i am all, i am a supporter of artificial intelligence, but if it does not concern the election process, thank you, viktor boberenko, vitaly kulyk, were guests of our program today, gentlemen, thank you for participation in the program, during the program we conducted a survey, we asked you about whether you see a threat to democracy in ukraine, let's see the results of the television survey, 92%. yes 8% no, i put a full stop on that, this program was also conducted by serhii rudenko, see you soon see you tomorrow at 20:00, bye.
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greetings to everyone from espresso, yana vamelnyk and this issue begins with the following: they gave the fire department. odesa rescuers posted photos of one of their units online. as a result of the russian strike , the building and ceiling were damaged there, windows and studs were broken. fortunately, the emergency workers were not injured, all of them were in shelters - noted the state emergency service of ukraine. and a video from the sorting department of nova poshta showed in the national police. a large-scale fire broke out at the site of the impact, and civilian infrastructure in the surrounding area was damaged.


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