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tv   [untitled]    May 2, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EEST

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greetings to everyone from espresso, yananamelyk. and this issue begins with the following: they damaged the fire station. odesa rescuers posted photos of one of their units online. as a result of the russian strike , the building and ceiling were damaged there, windows and studs were broken. fortunately, the emergency workers were not injured, they were all in shelter, the state emergency service of ukraine noted. and the video from the sorting department of the new post was shown to the national police. a large-scale fire broke out at the site of the impact, and civilian infrastructure in the surrounding areas was damaged.
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windows were broken in the houses, according to the head of the regional military administration oleg kiper, there were no casualties, 14 people were injured. the 10th anniversary of the mass riots in odesa on april 2, 2014, as a result of clashes between supporters of euromaidan and participants of the anti-maidan campaign and a fire in the building of trade unions, 48 ​​people died. let's remember how the events of that tragic day developed. the events of that day are called the battle for odessa. on may 2 , 2014, a football match between chornomorets and metalist was to be held in the city. before the game football fans and pro-ukrainian activists marched peacefully through the city center. the fans failed to march. they were attacked by pro-russian anti-maidan activists, armed youths with tape on their sleeves. one for all and all for one. square, the first mass
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riots began, so the historic center of odessa turned into a battlefield. first, pyrotechnics were used, then paving stones. the archival footage clearly shows that the anti-maidan activists were hiding behind the backs of the policemen. at 4 p.m., local media reported the first death from a bullet wound to the chest. pro-ukrainian activist andrii biryukov died. the ambulance is on its way, the body still needs to be taken away. in about an hour, the confrontation moved to kulikovo field, where the camp of pro-russian forces was located. anti-maidan activists barricaded themselves in the building of trade unions. a fire broke out inside the building. dozens of people were trapped, some, trying to escape from the fire, jumped out of the windows, according to... witnesses
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, the rescuers did not go to the call for more than half an hour, then 48 people died in odesa, six during the riots in the center, 42 in house of trade unions. more than two hundred injured people went to hospitals. for 10 years , the perpetrators of these tragic events have not been punished. the court acquitted most of the suspected leaders of the anti-maidan, some left for the russian federation and received russian citizenship. several verdicts were handed down in absentia. so in april 2023, the court. announced the sentence to the ex-deputy head of the regional police dmytro fujichy, he was sentenced to 15 years in prison for complicity in the organization of mass riots, abuse of power and official position, fujichy fled to transnistria and has already has been hiding for years. kateryna oliynyk, espresso tv channel. the russians have gained a foothold in ochereteny in donetsk region, khortytsia nazar, the spokesman for the operational-strategic group of troops, said on the air of the telethon. voloshyn, according to
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him, part of the pokrovsky district is under fire control of our defenders, heavy battles are taking place there. occupants managed to break through and gain a foothold in the village of ocheretyn. currently, the defense forces are looking for methods to regain control over the settlement. in particular, reserves were introduced for stabilization. voloshyn notes the situation controlled president volodymyr zelenskyi announced that the first global peace summit will be held. this june 15-16 in switzerland. according to him, the meeting will be a platform where leaders of states from all continents will be able to discuss ways to achieve peace in ukraine. zelensky notes that it will not only be about our country, but also about respect for international law and coexistence in the whole world. the head of the president's office said that russia is doing everything to disrupt the summit. but all the plans are known, and the enemy will not succeed, - concluded device and the collection of the espresso tv channel for
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communication and security equipment for the intelligence unit of the third regiment of special operations forces in the hot eastern direction continues, they are in heavy battles. our independence with you. thanks to these brave soldiers, we can live, work, study, and to at least give thanks, let's close the collection as soon as possible. the goal is ambitious - uah 720,000. it remains to collect only 146 thousand. there are no small donations , every hryvnia of yours is of great importance. join, you can see all the details on the screen. sentenced to life imprisonment. court in kharkiv admitted the guilt of a 49-year-old russian soldier, who on the first day of the full-scale invasion ordered to shoot at civilian cars, was notified in the regional prosecutor's office. the occupiers opened fire on women and children. then a 51-year-old woman died, her daughter managed to escape. in kharkiv, on february 24
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, civilians staged riots on the ring road, they said that they had to go home to... work, the policeman was fed up with it, and he said to shoot at civilians. another scheme for scammers was exposed in odesa. according to the information of the state bureau of investigation, border service inspector together with an accomplice sold special cards to customers for $1,000 that allowed passage through the transit zone of the odesa reni road. there, the fugitives abandoned their cars and fled outside ukraine. at the end of april , investigators detained the organizer. of this scheme and stopped the alleged violators while trying to cross the border. they found a dozen more such special cards from the accomplice. organized an extortion scheme. officials of the state consumer service will be tried in zaporizhzhia. according to the report of the dbr,
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the head of the sector of the state body, together with subordinates and his wife, deliberately created obstacles for farmers to register equipment. to resolve some issues, the official. recommended to turn to the company of his relatives, there the agrarians received advice and the necessary documents, for such information services they paid from uah 2 to 700. participants of the scheme face up to 10 years in prison. they profited from salt. law enforcement officers exposed the chief of the district of the utility company of the podilsky district of kyiv to official negligence. in december 2022, he concluded. contract with a contracting organization for the purchase of salt in the amount of about 11 million hryvnias. during the inspection, it was found that the product is of lower quality than stated in the documents and does not comply with dstu. in this way, the manager overpaid uah 5.5 million for salt. the chief
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was informed about the suspicion. a man brought contraband to poland through the shagyny checkpoint. tried to smuggle 130 packs of cigarettes of different brands, the western regional office of the state border service informed. the police stopped the minibus for a thorough check. during the inspection, they found a hiding place, a car and tobacco products were seized, a pre-trial investigation is being conducted regarding the perpetrator's actions. a warehouse with auto parts is on fire. this is how the russian ministry of emergency situations explains the large-scale fire. in novosibirsk, the fire has already covered 400 m2, 50 local rescuers and 16 pieces of equipment were involved in extinguishing it. the causes of this fire are being established. the ships irpin
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and reni were included in the ukrainian national fleet. flags were raised on them - reports. in the naval forces , the solemn ceremony was attended by the commander of the navy, oleksiy neishpa, ukrainian sailors and a delegation from the republic of estonia headed by the commander of the estonian navy, commodore jurii saska, because it was the estonians who handed over these ships to us. now they will officially carry out combat missions to protect civil shipping. muralal. the sportsman appeared in kyiv, from now on kotelnikova street 51 in the svyatoshyn district you can see the image of valery zaluzhny, the area of ​​the mural is 120 m2. it took 13 hours to create, said the head of the art project yevgenia fullen. according to her,
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the ex-commander-in-chief of the armed forces is a symbol of the indomitable character of ukrainians. the artists registered their work in the national register. records of ukraine. these are the things for the moment, i tell you, see you at 15, be with espresso, because my colleagues will work for you in the future. marta olyarnyk and antin burkovskyi. greetings to all viewers of espresso. the information day is in full swing. today there are many events. in the next few hours we will be in the same company, we will inform you about all the most important things. well, the most important thing is that we will analyze it all so that you understand
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and knew even more. marta ulyarnyk is in the studio, my colleague antin borkovskyi will join me in a few minutes, and we will start in the meantime. we will start with the guest oleksandr osiyeenko, whom we will now add to our broadcast. in the meantime, i want to announce a new statement by macron, who said that the sending of french troops to ukraine will be the subject. in the event that the russians break through the front line and ukraine makes a request, the french leader said in an interview with the economist we will talk with mr. oleksandr about macron's statement and more. oleksandr musienko, director of the center for military legal research, is already in touch. mr. oleksandr, i am glad to welcome you to the spresso airwaves. glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes, i congratulate you. let's start with macron's statement, which says that if... they don't break through the front line and ukraine makes a request, then the french president seems
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ready to send french troops to ukraine. if we are now looking at the battle map, can we already talk about a certain breakthrough of the front line, and actually, well , are we approaching somewhere in this issue, or do you really think that ukraine will be in such a situation where we will have to ask for help from our own people. allies and partners to help us not only with equipment, but also with people. well, the fact is that it would be quite a favorable and not bad scenario for us, if it happened, it would be a real help, and in fact it would mean that the allies are ready to enter the war. and another question, with what purpose to send these troops, and this is where specification is needed, details are always important here. that is, you can send troops not necessarily only. only to participate in hostilities, it should already be agreed in the ukraine-france format and
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agreed on how who will command these troops, what functions they will perform, what actions, actually speaking, because the scenarios may be different, this is a must it is necessary that the french contingent will immediately fight, although this cannot be ruled out, it may mean that the french contingent will also defend, for example, kyiv, odesa, which... most often sounded just like the french side, and there were reports in the french media in terms of how these troops could be involved, and there could be a lot of options, but i think that all these statements that are being made , they are not for nothing, these are all signals to the kremlin that ukraine is important for the west, that the west is still finally decided, if ever there are still 10 years on... back 15 ukraine could be perceived as a de facto country in the zone pro-russian
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influence, which is trying to break out, but still, now everyone sees and perceives ukraine as a subject of international politics, as a state that must preserve its independence, existence, and sovereignty. there are different positions on when and how to liberate all the occupied territories, there are discussions, but there is definitely no discussion on what ukrainian independence should be preserved. and i think that in this way the french president outlines these certain red lines, and he says that no one abandons the idea of ​​sending troops, that this idea, it is valid, that this idea is on the agenda, and under certain conditions it can happen, and it is the drawing of attention to this topic that has shaken the french president, well, the entire international community, with such statements as he has made. since the end of february, when he announced it in paris, i think that
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there is definitely a lot of benefit for ukraine, in this sense, because it attracts attention, it says that there are western countries that are ready to do much more, and this is a signal to the kremlin that they should not be so self-confident there that they can succeed in something, and as for the breakthrough of the front directly, i would did not say that it exists today, that is, the front line is holding, what is... the retreat of our troops from certain positions, well, it could be, it is happening because the enemy is advancing, because we did not receive a long time of help, it was difficult. our units are exhausted and that is why they are gradually retreating somewhere, but as of today there is no such collapse of the front or failure, there is a retreat, but it cannot be qualified as a collapse of the front or a breakthrough of the enemy and a retreat of our group, we agree with you, mr. alexander, look, we would like to ask you about the so -called signals, so we understand that russia has started
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firing ballistic missiles with cluster munitions. this is an exceptional crime, and surprisingly, the number of victims is less than the kremlin could have predicted, that is, it is a strategy and tactic to intimidate very specific cities, and there are fears, so to speak, that the enemy may not stop there, so regularly shelling odesa , are regularly shelling kharkiv, in your opinion, for what purpose does the enemy do this, yes, well, because from a military review it doesn't make any sense, but it destroys and kills. civilians, and the use of cluster munitions in the shelling of civilian cities, well, this is not just a separate line in the future tribunal, it is a separate, separate circle of hell that russian criminals will be forced to go through, well, the fact is that both military and military expediency it it should too, because i want to recall the ideas that existed
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at the beginning of the 20th century, and not only mass-produced aircraft. strikes on civilian cities, which were later abandoned and recognized as an international crime, in fact, russia it is trying to act on the demoralization of the rear, it is a purely military goal from the point of view that by killing civilians, they want to achieve military goals as well, they cannot otherwise achieve them exclusively on the battlefield, and that is why they act in this way, and that what is happening now in odesa, it has... exclusively the character of such a terrorist nature, demoralizing, and the sowing of panic and fear, against the background of the current situation, which is active in one way or another in the information space, in social networks, that there may be activation the russian offensive, it is happening, that it will be a difficult may, it may be a difficult june, what we hear about in statements from
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the head of ukrainian military intelligence, from our officials, i tell you... they say that even a month or two ago, a powerful information the campaign was, for example, in the kherson region, when people were in such real fear, panic, because russia was allegedly preparing to cross over to the right bank of the kherson region. currently , various messages are actively spreading, hints that russia may once again go to odessa, to odeshchyna, although, well, this is now an almost unrealistic scenario, given the direct offensive. kodolo, that's why all this accumulates as a factor of destabilization, demoralization directly, and this is in order to cause such a certain restlessness, fear, panic and demoralization, the same partly applies to kharkiv, but to see what concerns kharkiv, if there are no
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signs of odesa, in general, that there might be an offensive, i will not even say kharkiv, but kharkiv oblast. there is a different situation, still there the probability and risks that russian troops can, say, revive and start offensive actions, or continue in the kupyan direction, or add directly to kharkiv oblast, are greater, and accordingly, there, say, russia pursues a goal, in addition to demoralizing population, well, they have a goal, to create a picture of how people are already panicking, how they are leaving the city, how kharkiv from a big city is beautifully transformed into a wasteland or a wasteland, which does not happen, but they count on it. actually, that's all factors, indicators of why such terror occurs, and plus in the case of, say, the same kharkiv or sumy oblast, unfortunately, the proximity to the border and the geographical factor, it also
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matters. mr. oleksandr, i would also like to ask you about switzerland's statement. that russia was not invited to the peace summit at this stage, but the process is unthinkable without it. zelensky has already said that this summit will be held on june 15-16 in bürgenstock, which is near the city of lucerne in switzerland, and china itself insists that russia be present at it, and switzerland looks like that, also believes that it would be appropriate to invite russia there, because without it the process is unthinkable. what do you think, first of all, can this summit really outline some approximate formula for peace, and will it have any practical significance, and should russia be invited there? well, first, it will matter. important, political, symbolic, i think it is primarily because the goal will still attract attention, well, first of all, i will tell you the informational goal, also because
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again, this will put the issue of the topic of ukraine, somewhat in the information space of the world, once again on the front pages, which is called, because after all, israel and the situation with the elections in the usa and many other issues, and china, after all, they ... is currently being popularized in the information space of the event, so it would be very useful to draw attention to ukraine in this way. second, it is very important that this summit will take place right now, because on may 7 the so -called inauguration of putin will take place, so-called because he is illegitimate and illegally elected president, this should be understood through the elections in the occupied territories and not only. and during this inauguration, it coincides so. may 7, may 9, i think that a number of positions will be announced, aa the despot of the kremlin, and these positions will be about what russia will start, and putin will definitely, i
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think, start talking about what, look, i say i was re-elected, like there are no elections in ukraine, there is illegitimacy in ukraine, ukraine is a terrorist state, and everything, everything, all these narratives will go further, but for us at this time. and that ukraine does not seek peace there and so on, and for us at this time it is very important to break all these kremlin propaganda fake narratives and come out with the position that ukraine is absolutely constructively ready for dialogue, but based on the positions and norms of international law and the un charter: territorial integrity , independence, sovereignty and basic principles, i think that's also important, plus it won't allow those who are now... who are the critics there and the like, who are in the west, in particular, unfortunately, as well talk about what they say well, russia demonstrated some steps,
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ukraine does not want to sit at the table of transitions and so on, there will be a demonstration that ukraine has never objected, only ukraine insists on fair demands and should russia be called there, mr. oleksandr, look, i would like for mr. oleksandr to comment on the now important statement of the minister of foreign affairs of ukraine, mr. koly. so, kuleba's last interview, i quote, is now a direct speech, an extremely loud statement. yes, we are talking about the prospects of holding certain conversations with the state aggressor the first is success on the battlefield, the second is if we have a coalition of countries that share the same principles and approaches, and therefore this summit is not intended to involve russia, its purpose is to unite the countries so-and-so -and, after that , communication with russia can take place, russia can be a participant in the changes. after all, you are right, in the end, you cannot put an end to the war without the participation of both sides, an extremely, extremely important message from the minister of foreign affairs
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of ukraine kuleba. of course, everything is like that. actually, that's what i wanted to say now there can be no participation of russia, because russia categorically rejects it. well, there is also ukrainian legislation that prohibits the corresponding. yes, and no one. does not say that these are direct negotiations directly with putin, uh, this is the first, secondly, here another factor will now be that russia will also forbid negotiations at a certain stage, i think, with ukraine, because putin will say that in there were no elections in ukraine, and accordingly the government is illegitimate from his point of view, and this will put pressure on the west, in fact, to provoke, let's say and put pressure on... the country, let's look at some scenarios, think about something, because there, well, the end of this year, next year and so on, russia will not achieve the goals on the battlefield in
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the operational-strategic sense either, they are not , they will not be able to conquer ukraine, and they understand that, so they are still looking for a negotiating position from the negotiations of strength, well , strength, respectively, so i think that at some stage, it is if... sometime imagine, and this , if indeed all these states that will, they will come forward and support the ukrainian plan, and all together will put pressure on russia, and russia will be forced to make concessions under the pressure of the international community, then at some stage this involvement of russia, in particular in this dialogue, may become possible. look, the swiss summit, which will now be an extremely important platform for discussion. or an exchange of views on certain things, including those you said, i don't, russia will definitely not be at this summit, it seems obvious, it's clear,
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that's why... it can't be now, the situation is being resolved now on the battlefield, that is, she, she a priori, it cannot be now, while the active phase of hostilities is in full swing, and, let’s say, and we want to achieve victory, and russia actually does not stop aggression, i think it is impossible at all, for this in your opinion, they can take over a certain functionality, if the chinese will really be observers, not direct participants in the negotiations, for example, the peace formula, yes, observers who can, so to speak, convey certain messages, maybe as observers, yes, another question, do you understand, here another question and china is wary that the dismantling and fall of putin's regime, which could happen after russia makes concessions and after russia loses the war, could mean
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for them that this is the end. the united states, which will want to extend its influence and strengthen russia, and they didn't really want to do that, and here there are, unfortunately, certain, let's say, unpleasant things for us, because i don't think that china will support, but to end 100% of the peace formula that suits ukraine, they will still look for what is called he-he, well as lukashenko declared a draw, let's declare, well, roughly the same position. i think it will be china. thank you, mr. oleksandr. oleksandr mosienko, director of the center for military legal research was eteri espresso. we will now move on and continue our ether in a few minutes, but we are going on a short break now, so stay with us. honor traditions and be proud of your culture with unbox tv. we present a collection of modern
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is throwing millions of petrodollars at what... to turn ukrainians into little russians.


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