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tv   [untitled]    May 2, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm EEST

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time to find out about the main events for this hour, greetings to all espresso viewers, i'm a nerd. seven people were injured, six of them children. the occupiers attacked the city of dorgachi in the kharkiv region with aerial bombs, reported the head of the regional military administration, oleg synigubov. according to him, two children received light injuries, four more - moderate. all the victims were bandaged. the occupiers attacked the dnipro district of kherson. store premises were damaged, doors were knocked out in an educational institution and a residential building, the head of the kherson regional oleksandr prokudin of the military administration. according to him, people were not injured. specialists of the emergency and rescue service are working at the places of hits. the first explosion was terrible, everything in the apartment shook. i ran to the windows, they were... or intact, as if the glass
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had broken, i went into the kitchen, also to look in the window, and under the house bricks are already lying there, i left the apartment to look, although it is not possible to go out at all, and here at this time the second explosion, but the second one was not so strong, maybe because i was already in the entrance, there was no projectile, that is, did it hit or a store or an apartment, near the village of glynske in kharkiv oblast, a tractor blew up on an explosive device, fortunately no one was injured, the police were informed , explosives specialists went to the scene, and investigators also opened criminal proceedings for violation of the laws and customs of war. heavy fighting is taking place near chasovoy yar in donetsk region. there are still a little more than 700 people in the city. espresso aired, serhiy chaus, the head of the city's military administration , spoke in detail about the situation in the city and its surroundings. as of today.
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the information that the russians, the enemies , have established themselves directly on the territory of the community, does not correspond to reality, and let's hope that it will continue to be so. as for the residents who remained, we continue to work with them, because evacuation at the moment really saves lives, evacuation at the moment is still possible, thank god, the foundation lies on us and on our volunteer friends, because... stop by, well it's really dangerous. and the collection of the tv channel for communication and security equipment for the intelligence unit of the third regiment of special forces continues operations in the hot eastern direction, they are fighting for our independence with you in hard battles. thanks to these brave soldiers, we can live, work, study, and to at least give thanks, let's close the collection as soon as possible. the goal is ambitious - uah 720,000. it remains only to collect. 146 small
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donations do not happen, every hryvnia of yours is of great importance, join, you can see all the details on the screen. minus eight schemes for dodgers. the security service of ukraine exposed officials who helped men of draft age escape abroad. the cost of such a service was estimated from 3 to 10 thousand dollars. in cherkasy region, the criminal turned out to be a former tax collector. he sold positions in public organizations. which transport humanitarian aid. the deputy head of one of the hospitals of the rivne region suggested that the petitioners should register a fictitious disability group. law enforcement officers also eliminated illegal transport channels in vinnytsia, kirovohrad and lviv regions. all suspects in the case are currently under investigation. the organizers face up to 9 years in prison, and their clients 5 years behind bars. knocked a woman down pedestrian crossing. kyiv police.
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detained a 19-year-old driver in the pechersk district, the guy hit a woman on an unregulated pedestrian crossing. the victim suffered multiple injuries, the metropolitan police reported. no alcohol was found in kermanych's blood. he was declared a suspect. the state will continue to pay pensions after passing physical identification. we are talking about pensioners who have become immigrants. until february 24, 2022, the ministry of social policy said, money will be paid for all months when a person did not receive a credit due to lack of identification, during april the state bank already handed over to the pension fund additional lists of those who confirmed their identity, they were renewed to bank cards. russia cannot win, emmanuel macron still... excludes the introduction
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of troops into ukraine, but the french president does not give any details, the economist writes. according to macron, the decision to send can be approved under two conditions, if: the russians break through the front line and if there is a corresponding request from kyiv. police detained more than 300 pro-palestinian demonstrators in the usa, reuters reports, anti-israel protests took place in several states in new york. demonstrators took over the hamilton hall campus at columbia university. they also barricaded themselves at the university of california, los angeles. hundreds of activists shouted gas. shame on you, banging drums and waving palestinian flags. the police have already dispersed the protesters. tents are currently being dismantled. the new law on mobilization. who, where and how will serve the summons from may 18, where
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it is necessary to apply and what is the threat to evaders, whether ukraine will return evaders who fled abroad. velikiy lviv says on the air of the project, they will try to figure out what exactly. must be done to stop the confrontation in society on the question of mobilization. talk show host vitaly krutyakov is in touch with us, colleagues, my congratulations, tell me the details. greetings to all viewers of the tv channel from the largest television discussion platform of our country, today at 21:15 the project "great lviv speaks" will start here. not only will we tell about how the mobilization processes will take place in the coming days, indeed. we communicate, and in our opinion, this is important on the eve of the great easter holiday, about how, as you said, to stop confrontation in ukrainian society, because now we all need to be united and work together for ukrainian victory, we traditionally start with a conversation with your and
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our popular expert vitaly portnikov, with whom every thursday we summarize the most important events of the week, followed by a discussion. in our studio regarding mobilization, regarding what is currently happening at the front, because there is a feeling that the capabilities and resources of our enemy, the russian federation, may be at their peak right now, and what will happen next, as ukrainians will answer, today here in lviv, more precisely in the yavoriv district rather alarming information has appeared that they are restricting movement through the forests in this area due to possible military actions, although this may also be due to... that these forests directly border the polish border and in order to make it impossible illegal crossing of these borders. so tune in at 9:15 p.m. the largest discussion platform of our country, the project velikiy lviv is waiting for all viewers of the tv channel. thank you vitaliy
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krutyakov, with the announcement of today's talk show broadcast, velikiy lviv speaks, watch at 21:15 on espresso. seven people are in intensive care, a van with ice cream drove into the crowd, knocking down two. 29 schoolchildren in the village of suzak in kyrgyzstan, the truck suddenly moved from its place, local media write, and simply rolled over the children who were performing a heroic song on the slopes. the authorities there say that the driver did not put the car on the parking brake. as a result , 18 minors are in the hospital, three are in serious condition, 11 were sent home for outpatient treatment. russian navy to the bottom. ukrposhta has announced the release of a new stamp - reported general director ihor smilyanskyi. russian ships destroyed or damaged by ukrainian defenders are depicted there. the photo was announced on maundy thursday and dedicated to the cleansing of the black sea from the invaders.
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pre-orders have already been opened on the website of ukrposhta, 8 stamps will be put into circulation may on the day of memory and victory over nazism. look for more interesting videos on the espresso youtube channel. be sure to subscribe, because there are live ether broadcasts, all news releases, programs and special projects that can only be seen here, as well as a short video on hot topics in the shorts section, share them, comment, be close. the news editorial office is preparing for the final issue, we will meet at 6 p.m., then meet olga len with the chronicles of information war project. when you sleep on an uneven surface, the spine is in the wrong position, because you are not you can feel energetic in the morning and
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you ever seen a classic in underwear or something? i wrote a children's poem here, will you listen? the tractor in the field is dir-dir, so why are we for peace? to feel life, not heartburn, take hyalera. hyalera - victory over pe'. whose discounts are coco's may discounts on voltaren forte 20% in pharmacies plantain, bam and oshkad. see this week in the judicial control program with tatyana shustrova. another bribe to themidi, how the police detained judge burhanat. receipt of funds by the persons involved was documented. why did the supreme court of appeals lower the quality of judging judges, the higher quality commission throws all the facts
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about judges, their dishonesty, and their property into the trash. on thursday, may 2 at 5:45 p.m., watch the judicial control program with tetyana shustrova on the espresso tv channel. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of air time, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is about. two hours to be aware of savings. news and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like-minded to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people, at dinner at espresso. taking the wounded from the battlefield in time means saving his life. from bc, a ride for the boys, a quad bike - this is the way from zero to
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our life. at this stage of the war, an atv is the best solution for evacuating the wounded from scratch. we encourage everyone to donate to the collection from scratch to life on quad bikes for the 93rd brigade, cold ravine in the direction of chasiv yar. congratulations, for two weeks now in russia there has been a continuous immersion of russians into such a past, well, this immersion, it is the actual one, why is it suddenly sacred, sometimes even the propagandists themselves do not really understand and somehow broadcast their doubts on some tv channels, such as mordan, he does not understand what may day is, why he is may day , and why himself. it should be a holiday. today,
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the pioneers triumph over the boys' holiday. may 1. i congratulate everyone who celebrates. although i must confess to you in my entire conscious life, i have not met a single person who would have been aware, meaningful, understanding the mythology of this date, and would have celebrated may 1. well, forgive me, for god's sake. day of international workers' solidarity. it used to be called that, i don't know what it's called now. workers most likely, like americans on labor day. colleagues, look, just now, on the internet, what is the name of the first of may in russia now. in general, no pranks, may day, which is such a may day, they did not torture themselves at all. who is may day? well, what is may day? and
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why is it suddenly a holiday? it can be assumed that this is a holiday because it is the nearest you... day and all the main russian political shows were not aired, and this is, in principle, a rest of the russian people from russian propagandists, it can also be considered as such, you know, even a holiday somewhere , and the fact that this is just a broadcast of some such endless soviet union, well, that’s what their news shows, that’s basically how they present it, as you know, we’re going back to... the soviet union, we’re going back somewhere that someone there once remembered, and not very much, like, for example, in these news. a warm holiday, today is the day of spring and labor, many of us still well remember the traditional may day demonstrations, where thousands of people gathered. now the holiday is overgrown with new
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traditions, but, as before, everything is bright and with a special scope. well, about the traditions that existed before, you can show how, for example, the parade took place on may 1, 1941, at the same time it will also show the traditions, these are beautiful traditions, this is in moscow, the 41st year, and who are the guests at this saint may 1, right now they will show such guests in a beautiful, such a nazi uniform, realistically, that is, in europe for a year and a half... the war continues, almost the entire continent is already occupied there, britain is at war, here the soviet military meets the nazis, well, who else can they meet , if these are actually their best allies, here in britain 180,000
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have been destroyed so far, 2 million houses have been destroyed there, meanwhile, here is the soviet union, you see... salutes the nazi officers, this is the tradition of may 1, and probably exactly this is what they are trying to revive in modern russia, otherwise it is difficult to explain, and you know, other traditions of the soviet union are also ready to be revived in modern russia, for example, labor camps, this is a good soviet tradition that is proposed to be revived, some kind of action... well, this is the ruling party in russia, the party of the president, literally, no, he proposes to revive the labor camps. today in the construction sector, about 30% of vacancies are not filled, i believe that we do not have unemployment at all in the tomsk region, but the people you are talking about need
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a mark, and they go to your fund employment and receive unemployment benefits. so, do you think it might be worth considering some labor camps? that's all we had, well, colleagues, why are you laughing, if there are no concrete workers, rebar fitters, welders, electricians on the construction site, especially in winter, when you need to warm up the concrete, well, i'll tell you, today i have engineers and technical staff and connect those power lines and take turns to warm up the concrete. in winter, especially, we have winter, excuse me, for six months, a lot of people who simply do not want to work and use state support, well, they are just vermin, they are worms on our body, maybe i said it badly, sorry, but there are a lot of such people, and the fact that you are talking about the measures that you propose, they
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will not immediately give results, and it won't be there for a long, long time, people need to be educated, well , let's... apply some drastic measures, especially since there are many, many vacancies, well, such a good may day idea on labor day to revive the camps, especially in winter, well, that's right, but who you can still plant it somewhere in a barrack in the winter, it is preferable not to heat it, well, why, well, it should be traditionally in russia, like this year, so that there is no heating, and let them go and connect some wires, well, a good idea came up. well, on the other hand, of course, in addition to the fact that they are resting from the russians and propagandists, well, what do they go to barbecues, obviously, yes, and there you are too.
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it is impossible to argue with this, this is an example of a typical classic appropriation, russians in this sense are nationally imperial, everything we like, we take and declare it our own, it is our national. borscht is russian national soup. pelmeni is a russian national dish, shashlik, there is nothing more russian than shashlik. well , yes, borscht was stolen from the ukrainians, from the chinese, matryoshka dolls from the japanese, in the end they stole barbecue from the caucasian peoples, they stole everything, well, to say that in fact the imperial peoples somehow
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brought something more there, built roads there, something else, no, these are just they steal, and that's what they say, we are an imperial people, because we steal something from everyone, and the only idea of ​​the russian world is to steal something, and here we go, well, for some reason, this is the interpretation. of the russian world, somehow it is not very widespread in europe, and in vain, because more often it is necessary to somehow explain that the russians themselves see the idea of ​​the russian world as stealing something from someone, well, they steal what is there, but no, and just a few days ago, well , we already know takir carlson, an american propagandist like that, who used to interview putin there, then... pavel durov, the owner of telegram, now he released an interview with oleksandr dugin , which
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he is considered to be some kind of ideologue of the russian world, well, he is probably an ideologue of how to steal better, and this ideologue actually told him something, and ktaker kardson was listening with such, you know, seriousness, and here is what about what they... said, in principle , is quite characteristic in itself, because it does not show, but what exactly the russians are trying to promote in the united states of america, because you know, this is the sequence, there is putin, then after him durov, as such a representative, you know, or something like that technical, something so fashionable, some new creative industry, and now here is an ideologue, a fool, all this is a clear sequence. a clear attempt to promote in the united states some, some such, you know, here is a mysterious russian measure, yes, which seems like how can
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you do anything with it, that they are not only there killing everyone around them, they are not only stupid aggressors , but they still have some ideas, and what kind of ideas and why suddenly the american... part of the american society can somehow be so favorable to them, it can be seen, for example, from this comment, it was even published in the russian news, precisely in order to show that this was, as it were, the main thing in what dugin said to tucker kardson, let's see what is the cause of western russophobia and what values ​​our country protects, answers to these questions were asked by... oleksandr dugin in an interview with tucker carlson, an american journalist calls him the most famous political philosopher in russia and notes: "the ukrainian government
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killed his daughter." here is a fragment of the interview. more recently, a year ago, putin signed a decree on political protection of traditional values. and this, i would say, was the starting point. but observers from the progressive camp in the west, i think, understood this from the beginning of his leadership. so it is. so this hatred is not just a coincidence or some ... mood, if your main task and goal is to destroy traditional values, traditional family, traditional states, traditional relations, traditional beliefs, and here is someone with nuclear weapons and not the smallest arsenal, which important, as an argument, begins to seriously defend traditional values ​​that you are going to abolish, i think they have reasons for this russophobia and hatred of putin, that is, the idea of ​​nuclear... nuclear weapons, it turns out, they are just protecting traditional values, you know, this is such, such manipulation, very deep, but this is exactly what... the russians
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are trying, roughly speaking, to sell to these conservative americans, i say again, not that they are just stupidly aggressively trying to seize the territories around them, yes, but as if they are protecting traditional values there are some, well, the thing is that recently there is literally no propaganda program on russian television that would... talk about something, you know all the traditional so-called values, well, they are absolutely correct, because this is the only thing that they currently have in as a result of all these two years of war , it turns out that the only thing they can say is what they are fighting against in ukraine , it turns out that they are fighting for traditional values, as if there are some wrong
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values ​​in ukraine. not so incomprehensible to anyone except perhaps dugin, but there is something else to say, why do they fight, they can’t, there’s just no such thing, well, for example, it’s always in order to, you know, somehow explain it, they constantly invent some legends, here’s a new legend, for example, this is the statement of the speaker of the state duma volodin from about how russia was excluded from the list, see how he explains it. it is also enough, well, i would say, this, you know, marismic explanation in general. we did not leave pare by chance. the pair began to form various types of persons of non-traditional orientation, moreover, forcing parliaments of different countries should be delegated in pairs, actually representatives of different groups of transgender people, and so on. and this already says a lot, they don't look at whether the majority
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is in this faction or not. they selectively, necessarily demand that people of non-traditional orientation be represented, well , it's not for volodin to talk about it, volodyan is simply known, let's say, for his non-traditional orientation, well, simply throughout the russian elite, that is, he would not be able to talk about it somehow there is something to say, but less so, the funniest thing in this comment of his is actually the fact that the parliamentary assembly of the council of europe... in march of this year, it expelled russia, well , that is, russia did not leave the par, russia was expelled, excluded, and excluded from the par precisely because of the incompatibility of its behavior with the principles of the organization, because it is an aggressive country , she attacks everyone and carries an otaku, well , in the end, her leadership is constantly taking the delusion, but for
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this she was excluded, and before that... the russian federation was already excluded before, and it must be said that at that time they somehow did not pay much attention to who was ahead , moreover, russia is there with its hands and feet grasped for them to be brought forward again, the russians gave, well , not quite literally, bribes, corrupted the leadership, tried to corrupt the couple, so that they would be returned to this couple, that is, they did not want to sit there , that they just all... made an effort to have them there, well, nothing worked out, they were kicked out and now such legends tell, well, this is just such a small episode, but let's return to dugin and the interview with tucker carson, what are russian propagandists trying to do, well, they are trying to show the americans, you know, some kind of their own, well, i don't know, intellectual
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culture. ability and intellectual and cultural value, here you are, well, who is being shown, well, they showed putin, well, they showed durov, well, now they are showing him as a philosopher, and this interview was taken at the same time when tucker carson was in moscow, interviewed putin, that is, in fact, if we look at it now, how it all unfolds, we understand that most likely takir karlsson took, you know, well, such a ... broadcast from the kremlin on such promotion of russia in the united states as such, promotion of all these russian values, let's say, this is an order that he is working on, and you see, he is already working on it, well , in fact, it has been more than one month, because since that interview with putin, well, enough has passed.


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