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tv   [untitled]    May 2, 2024 6:00pm-6:30pm EEST

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opposes the decision of the same, the same body. if this trend continues, the entire qualification assessment, and thus the general cleansing of the judicial system of ukraine, will be at risk. qualification assessment of judges is one of the priorities. rebooting the vkks was one, there was number two, rebooting the vkks and vrp from seven points, which we needed to fulfill in order to obtain candidate status and open negotiations on joining the eu. that is, in fact, if this reform fails, everything goes to that, then there will be no european integration for us, well that is, we will be in this limbo for an infinite number of years in the status of a candidate, and we will surpass turkey in this parameter, which has already been there for 25 years. so, currently, the quality of the work of the higher qualification commission of judges depends on whether the judicial reform will continue in ukraine, and thus the path to the european union. and that's all for today, if you
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want to report corrupt judges or illegal decisions, write to me on facebook or to this email address. see you right after week. the heavy fighting near the temporal ravine, about the situation in uzherine, into which the muscovites broke through. the occupiers launched the first train from the mariupol port to volnovakha, and why did she die in zhytomyr oblast. this family.
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greetings, the news editor will tell you about today's main events. anna eva melnyk is with you. the number of people injured in skirmishes in kharkiv region has increased to eight. there, a russian aerial bomb hit the territory of the enterprise. six children were injured. two of them received light injuries, four more medium. at the time of the attack, they were in sports club, the regional police informed. a 75-year-old man was also injured, he was given the necessary treatment. help a tractor detonated on an explosive device near the village of glynske in kharkiv oblast. fortunately , no one was injured, the regional police informed. specialists of explosives went to the scene. investigators also opened criminal proceedings for violating the laws and customs of war. the occupiers attacked the dnipro district of kherson. store premises were damaged. knocked out spikes in
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an educational institution and a residential building oleksandr prokudin, the head of the kherson regional military administration, reported that according to his data, no people were injured, emergency and rescue service specialists are working at the places of the hits. the first explosion was terrible, everything in the apartment shook, i ran to the windows to see if they were intact, as if the glass had broken, i went into the kitchen to look through the window, and there was already a pile of bricks under the house. i left the apartment to look, although it is not allowed to go out at all, and here at this time there was a second explosion, but the second one was not so strong, maybe because that i was already in the entrance, there was no projectile, that is, it hit either the store or the apartment. heavy battles are taking place near the temporary ravine in donetsk region, a little more than 700 people still remain in the city, in espresso, the head of the city's military administration serhiy chaus spoke in detail about the situation in the city and its surroundings. at the moment
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, the information that the russians, the enemies , have established themselves directly on the territory of the community, does not correspond to reality, and let's hope that it will continue to be so. as for the remaining residents, we continue with they work, because evacuation at the moment really saves lives, evacuation at the moment is still possible, thank god, the foundation lies on us and on... our friends, volunteers, because it is really dangerous to enter the city. the russians have gained a foothold in ochereteny in donetsk region, nazar voloshyn, spokesman for the khortytsia operational-strategic group of troops, said on the air of the telethon. according to him, part of the pokrovsky district is under fire control of our defenders. heavy fighting is going on there. the occupiers managed to break through to the village of ocheretyn to establish defense forces are currently looking for a method. return of control over the
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settlement, in particular, reserves were introduced for stabilization. voloshen notes that the situation is under control. and the collection of the tv channel for... means of communication and security for the intelligence unit of the third regiment of special operations forces in the hot eastern direction is going on, they will choose our independence with you in difficult battles. thanks to these brave soldiers , we can live, work, study, and to at least give thanks, let's close the collection as soon as possible. the goal is ambitious - uah 720,000. only 140,000 remain to be collected, there are no small donations. every hryvnia of yours is of great importance. join, you can see all the details on the screen. in the zhytomyr region , the whole family was found dead, in the village of poliske, the bodies of three people, a father, a mother and a seven-year-old daughter, were found in the house , the regional police reported, previously the police qualified the case as an intentional murder , the korosten district police department
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received a report, it was previously determined that the death a seven-year-old girl, a 43-year-old woman and a 43-year-old man occurred as a result of a gunshot wound. one of the versions of the event is that a man shot a child and a woman, and then committed suicide. drug dealer wholesaler. the capital police detained an armed drug dealer. the 49-year-old suspect received $31,000 for selling four buckets of drugs. during the search , the law enforcement officers seized money, a pistol, a rifle and two grenades from the man, they announced to him. about suspicion minus eight schemes for evaders sbu kidnapped officials who helped evaders. the cost of such a service
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was estimated from three to 10 thousand dollars. on cherkaschyna turned out to be an ex-taxpayer. he sold positions in public organizations that transport humanitarian aid. the deputy head of one of the hospitals in the rivne region offered petitioners to form a fictitious disability group, law enforcement officers also eliminated illegal transport channels in vinnytsia, kirovohrad and lviv regions. all those involved in the case are currently under investigation, the organizers face up to 9 years in prison, and their clients 5 years behind bars. the first train from the mariupol port left for waves these are the consequences of the construction of the railway by the occupiers - said petro andryushchenko, adviser to the mariupol mayor , the occupiers placed a special anti-mine platform in front of the diesel locomotive so that it would be impossible to detonate the cars. also, according to andryushchenko
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, a new batch of concrete fortifications for fortifications was recorded in the port of occupied mariupol. it is difficult to record this news as good news - concludes the adviser. he rode a bicycle from stalin to kyiv, all for the purpose of collecting for the armed forces. estonian mp, member of the state defense commission, krisno envaga covered 1700 km by bicycle. in this way , he wanted to show his support for ukraine and help raise €50,000 for fpv drones and cars. during the trip, vago managed to collect more than 30,000, and tomorrow the deputy plans to meet with various brigades. to learn about their needs. saved a child from a fire in prykarpattia in the village of dolynyany , there was a fire in a house. at the time of the fire
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, there were five people in the apartment building, including three children, all of them, except for a two-year-old girl, left the house on their own, the local the resident ran into the house before the rescuers arrived. took the child out of there. all the victims were examined by doctors. the police are investigating the circumstances of the fire. that 's all for a moment, then watch vasyl zima's big broadcast. lacal fix reliably fixes, my dentist advised me, it reduces inflammation of the gums, and the price is good, economical lacaka fix, legend
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foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback , you can have your say on the badass of the day with a phone survey, plug and play, verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. what to do when there is a liver? alohol, but what for bile? alohol, it protects the liver and gallbladder, alohol with care and respect for the liver and gallbladder. good evening, we are from ukraine. congratulations friends, well , if your enemies are also watching, then i don't congratulate you, but listen carefully to what awaits you, it's a big show on espressu tv channel, my name is vasyl zima, me and my colleagues. starting our ether during the next. for 47 minutes, you and i will talk about the most important thing, analyze important topics, and we will also promptly
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report on what will happen during our broadcast. well, we start with the announcement of the collection, which is already traditional, so we ask you to join the collection for the repair of heavy armored vehicles in the combat zone in the solodarsk and zaporizhzhia directions. the repair and restoration regiment works mainly on the contact line or in the so-called gray zone in the open air in all weathers , day and night. so for... emergency recovery and return to the battlefield of damaged military equipment, in particular tanks, bmps, armored personnel carriers, a minibus is needed to deliver mobile repair groups and equipment to the combat zone, as well as pneumohydraulic jacks for prompt repair of foreign equipment. our goal is uah 630,000. the goal is quite ambitious, but i know that you and i will do it quite quickly. today i will try to check how much we have already been able to collect in these few days. well, because, because. literally in the second day and our meeting, i think we will quickly close this issue and
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send our soldiers to the front what they need now, you are doing your job excellent, thank you, and now i will add him to the conversation of serhiy zgurets, the avdiiv direction, the times of the yar, what is happening there, and also about the special equipment that is on the front, which our military needs, serhiy will tell in detail, good evening , serhii, please, who is at the front, today in our column we will really talk about what is happening to the west of avdiyivka, under ocherin and in other areas. the flag in the assessments of our military in this direction, as well as about the use of new technologies on the battlefield, more precisely, as new robotic platforms help our bins, more on that in a moment. the situation on the front line remains
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extremely difficult, the dynamics of clashes per day. more than 120 and that's a lot, and the three hottest areas are avdiivskyi, bakhmutivskyi and novopavlivskyi. the enemy is now trying to achieve success in these areas, using the advantage in manpower, ground equipment, aviation, artillery, so now the enemy has certain advances, so the armed forces are now directing their efforts to prevent the enemy from converting certain tactics. good luck on the operative, now it is precisely for this that certain stabilization measures are taken, in particular, the spokesman of the khortytsia operational-strategic grouping , nazar voloshyn, said that with this beta , additional forces and reserve assets are being transferred to certain areas, later we will talk in more detail about the area of ​​our front
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west of avdiyivka, but before introducing... our guest, i will make a small announcement that the public organization ukrainian ants is collecting funds for the 59th separate motorized infantry brigade named after yakov handziuk, there is a need for pilots bombers, the required amount is uah 3 million. these funds can be donated using the details and the qr code that you see on the screens now, please contribute, every such combat hryvnia. ordered to the account brings ukrainian victory closer, then we will talk with an officer who knows the situation on this part of the front, when we talk about the western part from avdiyivka, serhiy tsehotskyi joins us, he is an officer of the 59th separate motorized infantry brigade named after yakov hantsyuk, mr. serhiy , welcome to the channel spresso, glad to see and hear, congratulations, glory
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ukraine, glory to the heroes, your brigade is now holding. so to speak, the right flank of our group to the west of avdiyivka, in front of you there, the enemy is trying to push through to pervomaiske, from pervomaiske to netaylovye, this is conditionally such a pokrovsky direction, a little below you there is a novopavlov direction, which is happening yesterday and today , what was the dynamic, what can you tell our viewers? they are pressing, they are pressing very hard, eh... they said exactly the netail direction, what we see, nevelske, the same krasnohorivka, actively, using absolutely great, is there any threat to our logistics, because speaking, behind your back there are a number of our bridges, on which the enemy from time to time tries to strike with their
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aircraft with bombs, are our logistics working, are they there are some nuances related to provisions. on our divisions, there is a risk, let's say, the risk is precisely in the process of delivering bc, food and other means there, but let's say, at this time, where we are, our brigade will say, we already know all possible and impossible moves , here in including when the same karlov dam was destroyed there, we also found ways to supply. there is the same weaponry up to directly on the line of combat combat, so let’s say that on our side there is no such threat in this regard, we really need more means of unmanned systems, these are drones, fpivishki, we really need them, this is what we need constantly
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lacking, i will remind you that this is so, please continue. yes, yes, yes, and i would like to ask about who is carrying the main burden now in order to, well, resist these offensive actions of the enemy, the operators , mortars, gunners, who has more work now, this is complex work, you understand, it is complex, everyone works absolutely, and everything depends on the tasks that are there, i.e. , well, when the equipment is moving, it is more the work of the artillery and, again, the pilots of our bombers, because... the equipment must be tracked, if it is on the move, then it is better to do it with the same drone, which catches up, catches up with it, when, or when a mini taco explodes there... you have to burn it down so it doesn't it was possible to pull back and re -arrange, so we can’t say here and also infantry, there are also counter-fights,
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i want to note that we take prisoners every day, and yesterday and today there are captured orcs, so let’s say it’s difficult, but we still do his work, regardless of any difficulties, this should be noted, well, the situation is like this. we are doing everything to make it impossible for them to enter the post-operational spaces there for the same reservoirs as kurakhivske, karlivske, in order for them to have the opportunity there, well, let's say to fulfill the tasks that their führer set for them, and what about us now with our own replenishment, with personnel, with sergeants, with junior officers, is there an opportunity to select these categories into the brigade in order to act more effectively on the line will fade well, i will not reveal the secrets, i will say that the replenishment goes every day, the replenishment goes every day, this is the only
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thing i can say, that is trained, a little not trained, and they come from the training centers, and plus they are transferred there to supplement the brigades there from other units , so we work, we work, how can we carry out the tasks that the command sets before us, mr. serhiu, and what motivations are motivational now? factors, relatively speaking, i saw that someone wrote that they still pay our soldiers for destroyed enemy equipment, 50,000 for a tank, 40,000 for an infantry fighting vehicle, does it work in your unit, or is it actually rather well, it is not always possible to ensure that these nuances are related to material incentives for the destruction of enemy equipment, i know, i will speak for the servicemen directly of our brigades the question is that we absolutely do not expect any payments for the destroyed equipment, we are happy when we destroy it, we are happy when we have something to destroy, and
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the only thing that the servicemen ask for is, well, the units are different, i have to deal with the fact that i communicate every day with different units, they are asking for more fpv drones, give more ammunition, that's the only thing we ask, that's all, i'm really saying that. er, everyone who is there now, the question is, i destroyed there, pay me the money, probably there is, they probably pay, to be honest, i didn’t delve into it, but the question was never raised anywhere, maybe in a circle, when it’s more or less calm, we sit there over a cup of tea and talk like that, it would be nice, but we we are not fighting, that is what i say unequivocally, it is motivation, of course, additionally, thank god. so be it, let them pay, but there is no time to even think about it at the moment, mr. serhiy, thank you very much for the inclusion, for your explanations, for what you and your returnees are doing for our country,
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for our defense, for our protection. let me remind you that it was serhii tsekhotskikh, an officer of the 59th separate motorized infantry brigade named after yakov handziuk, and i will also remind you once again about the collection for this brigade, the public organization ukrainian ants is collecting funds for this brigade, for now excuse the qr code, the funds are needed for the pilots bombers, the necessary sum of 3 million hryvnias is quite large, but in any case, we understand that all these funds will be used to destroy the enemy, and every such hryvnia brings our victory closer, further, we will talk about technologies and war, because serhii tsyhotskyi spoke about the need for more fpv drones, but in addition to fpv drones, the ukrainian army uses other technological things, in particular , robotic platforms that operate on the front line, in particular, during ivaram had a conversation with his friend, he says that with the help
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of robotic platforms we mine the directions in which russian tanks can move, i asked how effective it is to use these robotic platforms, he answered 700 thousand m quite effectively and it works, and now more in detail... about these platforms, how they are created, which is an incentive for our teams, we will talk with our guest, we are joined now by vladyslav kosyanchuk, this is the head of the direction of ground robotic platforms of the bray1 cluster, mr. vladyslav, congratulations, nice to see you and hey, congratulations, i'm very glad to see and hear you too, your cluster takes care of such technological things so that new developments arrive faster. to the security and defense forces, and i know that you work in detail with the teams that create such robotic platforms, and with
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military that use these platforms. and i would like to hear from you, what is the current situation with the development of such platforms and which robotic platforms are most needed by our military? thank you for the question, today the situation with robotics and the production of robotic complexes is as follows: since the nrk ground robotic complexes are a top priority bryvan, then because they can take our... military from the battlefield, we are putting all our efforts into for this direction to develop, and now we have more 200 robotic complexes on the braiva platform, moreover, we have already tested more than 50 of them on the training ground, on the training ground we divided them into groups, these were logistics, evacuation, combat work, kamikaze work, mining work, demining work, we tested these robots , each robot performed its specific mission, was under the supervision
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of a specific commission. conclusions and protocols are made, which will be further used by the military. the most important thing is that these robots can take our military from the battlefield, which is why we are actively developing this direction. and what are the main problems of our creative or industrial teams there in the development and production of robotic platforms, which help is provided by clustervan. the problem is primarily to get the most relevant. which are needed to create those robots, how they should move, what range of communication they should receive and provide, plus the scaling of this production, plus codification, that is, the pool of problems is actually quite wide, but today bryvan provides full support at every stage , it is from the provision grant funds, assistance and support in the codification of these developments according to nato standards, plus we are looking for investors, help with
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investments. in the same way, we help to find talents who join the teams for the production of ground-based robotic complexes, we provide testing of these robots on training grounds, we also help to receive feedback from the military, who actually use all these robotic complexes right on the front lines, and further help in the implementation of all these recommendations, and thus is created a certain market with the help of us, and the manufacturers, and the military, and everyone involved in this process. vladyslav, you said that... that it is necessary to obtain actual requirements for these or other platforms, but do there already exist, conditionally speaking, permanent formalized requirements from the general staff, such as otv for these platforms, so that the developers clearly did they know what our military wanted from them? these data exist, it is the responsibility of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine, and the most important thing is that the developers are actively
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using them. information in order to to develop, because, as we understand, both the situation in the field and the needs for robots and their functions, their options, it is constantly changing, for example, if we have a logistics robot, then today it is very important that it performed a logistic function, then it should perform a medevacuation function, and that would be if this robot were added to it, in addition to this, as you already correctly mentioned, there is a very important option , there is remote demining, and it can also be added. over the logistics platform, if so, but such things as the ability of the platform there, to be afloat, to be able to float, yes, or the ability of this platform to perform combat missions at night, how relevant are these requirements now, how widespread are they on those platforms that are already used by our military? today, this is only a small part of the requirements that are relevant for...


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