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tv   [untitled]    May 2, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm EEST

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pro-palestinian protests at universities and colleges in the united states do not stop as the police disperse them with force. how will the confrontation end, how will it... affect the country's politics and the upcoming elections, we are talking about this on the bbc live from london, i'm yevgenia shytlovska. broken tents, erected barricades, clashes with the police, student protests in support of the palestinians are taking place in dozens of universities in the united states. in general, pro- palestinian student demonstrations have been taking place in the us since october, when hamas militants attacked israeli settlements and israel started a war in the gaza sector, but now...
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demonstrations, actions that were previously relatively peaceful, have entered a new phase of confrontation with the police. in more than two weeks, police have arrested more than a thousand protesters across the country, and these student demonstrations are of such magnitude that president biden had to make a special statement from the white house, and here is what he said. we are a civil society, and order must be restored. in our history, there have often been similar cases, and we are a great variety. free thinker a nation that loves freedom. in such cases , there are always those who seek to score political points, but now is not the time for political games. now is the time for clarity, so let me be clear, peaceful protests should be in america, violent protests are not protected by law, but peaceful protests are. violence is illegal, destruction of property is not a peaceful protest, it is a crime, vandalism, illegal seizure - vandalism. windows,
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closing campuses, canceling lectures, graduation ceremonies, none of this is a peaceful protest, threats, intimidation are not peaceful protests, it's illegal, dissent is central to democracy, but dissent shouldn't lead to riots and denying the rights of others, because students should be able to finish the semester and their studies, and that's what biden reacted to, one of the ... bigger confrontations happened on thursday night at ucla. the police demolished the protestors' tent camp after warnings. dozens of demonstrators were detained, and our correspondents saw how it happened. behind me you can see three police officers, they moved a little aside from the barricades. the barriers were created from lanterns and are being dismantled after last night's skirmishes. this is exactly what they were trying to achieve, and... you see, now
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the special forces have begun to advance here. they tried to do it from the other side before, just imagine how far it is to the opposite side of the camp. i talked to people i know in the middle of the camp and they suggested that it looks like there were clashes with the police and the police retreated. you can see what is happening now, hear the sounds of explosions, see traces of flashes in the air in the direction and. during the time that i was here, i witnessed this operation, i saw dozens, maybe 20-30 people, whose hands were tied behind their backs, with plastic handcuffs with ties, for example, like these people who are now near the tree. on the left you can see the university building.
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in that direction is the library, which was also barricaded by the protesters. that 's where you can see the flashes and hear the explosions right now. in this way, they are trying to expel people from here. i'll try to get a little closer now. we see that someone is trying to surround the protesters around the perimeter they come out of there. let's get closer to see what exactly is happening there. as you can see, there are detainees, their hands are tied behind their backs, they were searched. one of the women, leaving the camp, said that she did not give permission for the search. this is what is happening here now. however, the situation inside the camp is unclear. we see that the gazebo just turns over. policemen at one of the points tried to overturn the barricade. or simply throw it
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aside, we see flashes again, and now we have a clearer picture of what is inside now camp you can see how many police officers there are a sea of ​​helmets, they continue to hold the line and move forward. and what is left of the camp of protesters at the university of california in los angeles. you can see the police tore it down after the higher ups declared these protests illegal. why now pro-palestinian protests have spread to universities across the united states and turned into such a confrontation. it happened after that. as at columbia university in new york, a small group of students broke up camp, thus spoke out against israel's war in the gas sector, and the next day the president of the university stated that the students are illegally in the territory, refuse to leave it and create an environment of intimidation for other students. the police dispersed the protesters, more than a hundred students
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were arrested, and after such actions tent camps began to appear on other campuses. to understand the scale of the protests, take a look at this map. from columbia university in new york. to others: yale university, harvard, massachusetts institute of technology the institute is the east coast of the usa, on the west coast there are universities of california and the university of texas and educational institutions in other states. during this week , a number of other universities joined the protests. but let's go back to new york. columbia university, there is still a standoff. when the nypd arrived, she was there. many police officers in full gear ready to face off, they climbed through the windows to clear the university building of the protesters. this student said bbc that the police acted harshly. there was someone unconscious on the floor, they arrested him and took him in, four people
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were pushed down the stairs while they were unconscious, and it was the nypd. both here and at the city university of new york , about 300 protesters were arrested. they put on handcuffs and took them away in a car park. the authorities are sure that third-party agitators and well-known anarchists infiltrated the demonstration. it is a global problem that young people are being influenced by those who are professionals in radicalizing our children and i will not allow this will happen as the mayor of new york city. and in the afternoon outside the columbia university campus, the students, joined by many of their teachers, defiantly continued. from the university to sell all the shares it owns in companies connected to israel. at the university of wisconsin, protesters also tried to push back the police, and dozens were arrested. footage like this is igniting more and more demonstrations on
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most campuses as these protests roll across the country from coast to coast. what could it all come to, considering the end of the semester is approaching. many universities hope. that these protests will die down during the summer holidays, but not before graduation ceremonies can be disrupted, especially those where president biden is scheduled to give a speech, this is a very , very difficult political issue for him, he knows that he risks losing the support of thousands young activists, but he should also consider moderate voters who would like to hear him condemn the unrest that continues on campuses. so, not only universities in los angeles, new york, in iskonka. also texas. special forces pushed the demonstrators out of the tent camp at the university of texas at dallas. university officials said police intervened when protesters began setting up camp on the campus's main pedestrian thoroughfare. bbc correspondents saw it happen.
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long live palestine. we have just received a written warning. it says all tents and structures must be removed immediately. and failure to comply with this warning may result in forced expulsion from territory for illegal entry. now we are being pushed out by the state police, zmi representatives and protesters. the police are getting closer to the tent city, they are going to go inside, they say they will tear down the tents. they are now pushing us back to the nearby trees. with tents, protesters shout abuse as soon as the special forces approach the barricades.
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now the protesters are being dragged away one by one. the special forces have plastic ties and they are taking the students out. when we first came, it was a peaceful protest here there were about 12 tents. however, the administration quickly ordered them to vacate the area immediately, and you can see how quickly the situation escalated when the state police came in with sticks and batons and dispersed the protesters. due to the threat
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of new arrests, the demonstrators decided to leave the territory, and the rest of the camp was dismantled. the university does not allow you to pitch tents, special forces have come here in full gear. how will this affect the protests? how it will affect, i will only tell you the following. this, on the contrary, will have the opposite effect to what the administration and the state government thought it would have, because what we did here, we showed ours. we showed the campus the true face of our university, the true face of the state of texas, and they are willing to brutally arrest their students. protesters promise to continue their actions, but texas state authorities say they will not tolerate such protests. so a new generation of americans is beginning to feel the consequences of this foreign war.
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that the protesters are demanding that their educational institutions end any financial ties to companies that they are believed to be related to israel's war in the gas sector, from buying shares to sponsoring events, the demands vary, but this is how they can be summarized, stopped. and these protests are compared to student demonstrations against the war in vietnam, but what impact can they have on american politics and on the election campaign, because the elections in the united states are six months away. iron david miller has been an adviser to the united states secretaries of state on arab-israeli negotiations for over 15 years, and here are his assessments and predictions. on mine opinion, the problem is multifaceted, i'm sure there is real dissatisfaction. anger at the casualties that have been caused by the war in gaza, caused by israel's fight against hamas. i
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think some of these students clearly have a distorted view of jews, of american jews. it seems that they are clearly associating israeli politics with young american jews and placing the blame on them, which i think is completely unfair. i'm actually amazed, you know why? we were in iraq and afghanistan throughout 20. years, these were the two longest wars in american history, americans were dying, they were killing unintentionally, tens of thousands of afghans and iraqis, and we had never really seen this scale of outrage on college campuses, probably since the united states in 1968, especially at columbia university. so i think it's going to have a big impact on joe biden's politics and the '24 election, i doubt it. that it will have at least some effect on the biden administration's gas policy.
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so how does president biden react to these protests? he made a short address in which he declared that freedom of speech and the rule of law must be protected, peaceful protests are legal, violence is illegal - these are his words and actually protests against the war in vietnam, at columbia university in 1958. and then recently there were such mass arrests at columbia university, and there is another historical parallel to the current pro-palestinian actions and arrests of demonstrators: why protests against israel's war in the gas sector can overshadow the election campaign. in the summer, the parties will officially name their own candidates, the democrats will be convening in chicago, and that's where the 1960 democratic convention was held. well, president biden was asked if the protests would change his
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position on the gas sector, and he said no. that's all, see you tomorrow. traditionally, every thursday on the espresso tv channel , the project talks about velikiy lviv - it is the biggest discussion square. of our state, but we start our broadcast from our impromptu room of frankness, where we communicate with vitaly portnikov, also traditionally every thursday, good evening everyone. congratulations to everyone who joined us, we will continue the conversation, then we will be in our studio, where there are already guests, they are waiting for us, and we will have a discussion today about what
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is happening with the mobilization, and what are the contradictory moments. we will be able to discuss all this on our broadcast. mr. vitaly, the next question, you and i have been sitting longer on the youtube channel velikiy lviv, and we have already touched on the topic, macron’s statements about the troops in ukraine, but i would like to return to it in what context, can the last statement macron can also be read between the lines in such a way that europe understands that there is not so much mobilization in ukraine, not only that there are problems with the mobilization resource that is available, but if this is a long-term war, then obviously ukraine will have to help , because it’s just banal in russia, there are many more troops, theoretically, i think that this is not a matter of mobilization resources, it is a question of the fact that if the troops of one nuclear power enter a certain territory, then another nuclear power must be careful with further advancement of your troops, this is another
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formula, please tell me, mr. vitali, these... passions around mobilization, your position, how can we all stop arguing endlessly, and obviously, maybe some steps should be taken by our authorities in order to for society to think more in the direction of victory, and not in the direction of how not to get into love, this is completely illogical, and from the point of view of history for us, it is also a path that we have already... obviously once passed, i i want to say what i think that the procedure for updating data by those who have changed their place of residence in its territorial recruitment centers, er, the situation with passing the military hospital commission, the situation with the mobilization itself, these are three different tracks, and this must be clearly stated, because
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we all time we say practically different things, we perfectly understand that... the number of people who should be mobilized, even if we talk about the maximum needs of the armed forces of ukraine, which were announced and then denied, is only a few percent of the entire male population ukraine, this is also true, right? we are not saying that we should mobilize 10 million people there, as many as we currently have military conscripts on the territory of ukraine, that 's about as many, probably, yes, yes, if we could separate these tracks and talk about , that... the armed forces there need people for various functions, to ensure their functionality not only on the front line, but also in the rear and so on, so on, that would be one conversation, when for us exactly, the very approach to tck is some kind of punishment, that's absolutely
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another story. i, let's say, absolutely welcome the idea of ​​an electronic office, i believe that this is where all subpoenas, subpoenas should be updated, i'm sorry, all the data that citizens have, in a normal state citizens simply report their personal data, i don't see any problems in order for this personal cabinet of a military serviceman to be in action, i don't understand why create additional things, that is, if you... are afraid that all people will refuse to act, well, then you trust your own population so much, but it is absolutely obvious to me that that, tsc should be unloaded, because if all the millions of people come to update their data in two months, all the tsk will end in a week, and in a week all the military hospital commissions will end, and in another week all
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the demobilization will end, there is no need to explain this, you can just sit down and calculate with a calculator the number of employees, working hours. considering the curfew, even if there is 24/7 work, but as you know, the curfew also exists, queues, plus hospital fees, especially doctors like you you know, they are engaged in other matters, they not only work in military hospital commissions, they are ordinary doctors who work in ordinary polyclinics, they also unfortunately have to treat people, not only to look at their military fitness and so on, so all this should be digitized as much as possible. should be simplified as much as possible, those who are needed by whom should be called to the military hospital commission, and from those who are called to the military hospital... commission, people can already mobilize. that's how it should be to work in a normal country, with a normal state administration, that's all. it is necessary
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to calmly allow conscripts to travel abroad for a specific number of days in order to destroy corruption schemes that take away billions of dollars from the budget, and clearly state that a person receiving a summons, or let's say, an invitation to receive a summons, can conduct such a procedure, limit it. going abroad, then we would stop feeding this entire corruption vertical, which has been created over the years, that is, a clear mechanism, from rejection of erroneous decisions that were calculated for three months, but have been in effect for 2.5 years, a clear mechanism for the real mobilization of people needed by the armed forces of ukraine and the separation of these tracks. and also, we still need to stop political parasitism on this topic, you see, you can't engage in
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political partisanship on the topic of war, because those who do this must realize that if the state disappears, there will be no elections, and they will be killed , they may not even have time to escape, we are all in the same boat, and those who go to the bank, and those who... to the ukrainian village, where there may no longer be any men left, and those who are in a large ukrainian place where these men do not want to go to the shopping center, or on the contrary want to, but stand in queues there for months and cannot get into the right door, and this must be remembered, we either all of us in this state will survive, or most of us in this state will die, and no position and no amount of money, even corrupt ones, will save anyone. these are the forecasts from vitaly portnikov today, the journalist, publicist was with us on the phone. thank you, mr. vitaly, for ours viewers who are now watching us on espresso, i will say that the conversation with mr. vitaly
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will be all on our youtube channel, says velikiy lviv. soon this cut will appear, you can listen to it again, because there were many important and interesting thoughts. we are moving to our studio, where the guests are already waiting for us. we welcome everyone and are ready to introduce those who are with us in the studio today, who will have a conversation, a discussion on the topics that we have already started with portnikov, and we will continue here. mykola knyazhytskyi is with us, people's deputy of ukraine, european solidarity, co-chairman of the group on inter-parliamentary relations with the republic of poland. congratulations. vyacheslav smirnov, head of recruiting of the 47th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. good evening. glory to heroes. andriy andreykiv. candidate of legal sciences, military-political expert, member of the aspen club of ukraine. anatoly hrabchynskyi, aviation expert, deputy general director of milteri tech company, good evening. we welcome larisa didkovska to our
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studio, psychologist, president of the ukrainian association of gestalt therapy. lidia smola, professor of kpi national university, doctor of political sciences, ex-adviser of the secretary of the national security council of ukraine. good evening. and father yustin boyko, clergyman, doctor of theology and patriarchal sciences. ukrainian greek catholic church. mr. father, sometime on the eve of easter, we will talk about how we should meet this holiday, i wouldn't say internal troubles, but internal experiences that most ukrainians have now. mr. smirnov, let's start with you, you do recruiting, you you understand what the draft is, and right now , a lot of our viewers have a lot of questions about how it's going to play out because the law goes into effect on may 18th, certain changes to what
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we have on the streets , at least if we believe the videos that appear there, they have already appeared, although on the other hand we must understand that these, i constantly emphasize that we only see those videos and are scared by those videos of single people. who filmed it, they did not want to communicate adequately with the representatives territorial commissions, yes, but there are many cases, and i personally have many cases when they simply approached, were interested, showed documents, everything is fine, there is no wanted person, there is no valid summons, and in fact the situation is not so critical, what do you want to say and you have to say to all those who are now turning on our air with these questions, thank you very much for. your question, i think we are witnessing today, where we see, where the old army transitions into the new, but we see it as it is today, and we do not see it as
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it really is. the army is something about more adequate than what we can see in our media, and i think that the military in general, the armed forces need to start thinking more business-wise, because after doing a little bit of analytics, we realized that there are actually a lot of people who want to serve, and they actually they just don't know what their future will be, they don't know... what the army is, what the armed forces are, they think if he puts on the pixel tomorrow, he's in the trenches tomorrow, and he thinks that's the only possible scenario . so why recruiting, why us insist that it develop, because we conduct analytics, we choose those people who and we understand what they want, we send them a request, what can we give them, close their needs, close their opportunities, that the army is in fact, it is a very large organism that one infantryman needs at least
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seven or eight positions that will be for... to ensure his vital activity, the infantryman himself is not so scary when you ride in a bradley fighting vehicle, for example, it is safe when you are guided by drones from above, there is an escort when you on the right, the artillery is covering from the left, when you are confident in your comrades, when they have passed the klachen high school and when it is coordinated work, team work, and having arrived here in lviv, after minimally talking with the candidates there, who applied and wanted to talk in person. realized that they do not know basic things so much, they do not even know that they can be guaranteed to get into the part of the position they want, they basically, well, do not realize that there is legislation, that there is a class directive from of the general staff since february, which ensures their path to exactly where they want to go there under specific conditions from the unit, and i think that all this should be told, this should all be shown, just as we are looking for a client for business, and we care about him ,
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we're... looking for where he is and what we can give him, the same with military units, i think it's time to pay attention to people, their emotions, uh, explain that it's not so scary when there is competence, and this competence must be demonstrated. thank you. i want to clarify in fact, it is important, because, as you said to me, a necessary and important thing is that what happens in terms of mobilization and recruiting is not always equal to what... what is in the media field very often cannot be put , and please tell me, from the other side, let’s go in, you said that you work in lviv, you have already gotten to know the people, what is the number of people who still want to voluntarily go to fight, of course, well, i also, how much they can now approximately this number of people cover the needs of the army, which are now exist, that is the point, i think that it was not
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carried out. internal analytics, since i conducted it, i have a robot team working, and every month we have an increase in the number of these requests, we are developing our infrastructure, we can understand that people want more and more and more, that's why i believe that and the audience of people, they are actually just sitting, waiting, waiting for information, watching, they need to be given information, what is the armed forces, what is the army, what are their personal needs we can cover. must understand that it is the same as going to work and performing some specific tasks, these are different professions, there you can realize yourself in the same way, many people do not know, because the image of the armed forces today, well, it is under great question, yes, everyone thinks that all tomorrow you are in the trenches, no one knows that you went through excellent training, came, received cool support, coordination with the team, left with thermal imagers with night vision devices, you
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are taken care of, or that the patronage service there will treat you, there will be some kind of escort, i.e. this one caring for a person, for a serviceman, it is not covered much, and it should be covered, and recruiting, this is one of the tools to convey to people that today the army is actually very powerful and interesting, and it is important, we will talk a lot about it today , just that these are such scandalous cases when someone is put in a bag, everyone immediately discusses it, it becomes a viral video of him... they forward each other and focus on this, and the same applies to sad stories related to with military service, they also somehow affect our insides more, mrs. larisa, i think she will tell us more about it, but i want to ask mr. andreykiv, vitaly portnikov, i touched on the story interestingly, and if everyone after the entry into force already has the law there, when necessary to update their data, will everyone go to the tsc, or will they really do it physically?


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