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tv   [untitled]    May 2, 2024 10:00pm-10:30pm EEST

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there is no force, but how does homo sapiens differ from the usual reflex behavior of animals? the presence of this resource of awareness, the presence of the resource of the volitional component, and what is the problem of fear, that in effect our consciousness is narrowed, our iq drops by a third, and from the fact that we can analyze, predict how dangerous these all are, ugh. winding up, how dangerous are all these hyperstimulations of danger, because then you do not function with your cognitive resources, analysis, forecast of consequences, and this is well understood by the authors of manipulative technologies of influence, great, scare and you can do whatever you want, and if we remember the beginning of a full-scale invasion, the truth is, why did people rush, here we were listening to the report of the mayor of the city... shrewdly, 14 million
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ran through the city with children with fear, with staring eyes, but eight of them returned because of the same confusion, why? the effect is over, it is true what remains after the effect, but if the effect is stimulated, if the effect is continued, if the effect is intensified, people will continue to have this narrowed consciousness, people will no longer be in touch with reality. fear, calling a spade a spade , is a product. we don't know how it will be, we imagine it, and someone offers us this imagination, catastrophizes it, adds the usual mechanism of induction or so-called group infection and that's it, and that's it, why are negative emotions more powerful than positive ones, it's very simple, because it's a marker danger, we have a lot of emotionally charged events, but even centers in the frontal part. of our brain, which
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signal danger, more than positive ones, why, because from positive events we nothing will happen, but the negative ones just mark the place of fear and lack of fear, and understanding this, realizing this, is actually the main task, because the mechanism of group induction works with any emotions, the same way we get infected in the stadium, after 15 minutes everyone. luck, although they came calm and balanced, but in the same way we are infected with emotions in the theater, at concerts, and there are completely different emotions, but they are also induced, which means that we really need to change what it is about, and the narratives, and here is this main idea, if the effect is not transitory but the effect inevitable, then not to hyperbolize the danger, because then we see only... a narrowed tunnel
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consciousness and avoid it, but to offer actually other effects. fear makes us weaker, we have to remember that, lydia smula, you emphasized and just asked about these narratives, let's go back to skype and then to you, okay. mr. fedienko, i know that you have heard the question, our previous communication has been established, so we are giving you the opportunity to answer. all thunder. data about yourself through one or another tool in the centers, well, in the assembly centers or through application, as i said, or through the service department, can it happen that the application starts to hang, is this option being considered and what will happen... if suddenly this happens,
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what will be the consequence for the person who wanted to register in the application, but couldn't i think there will be no consequences for any people, because people have three tools to update their data, not only the digital application, you can go through the central committee, or you can go to the service center. well, it is clear, if the application does not work, then you have to go to the tsc, there is no other way. thank you, it was alexander fedienko, so briefly, the people's deputy of ukraine, a member of the committee on national security, defense and intelligence, answered us. father yustin, do you have a word? mrs. lydia, did you promise? yes, let's go to ms. lidia, you mentioned these narratives that the government should promote, and the psychologist, ms. larisa , very well dissected this nature of fear into molecules, and really. that if we
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worked more, perhaps, on those positive narratives, somehow spread them, or were informative, it is obvious that there are some problems in this, if we ... see such incitement and in social networks and in our comments, if you look under our broadcast now, there are also people who throw some kind of thesis there, and it affects people so much, everyone immediately begins to react to it, how can we conclude that you think about it, and i would start by saying that everything that the honorable participants said today, they are absolutely right, and this is a certain tactical level, i would suggest to raise the problem in general, when russia... attacked on a large scale , there was no question about the ochyliants, there were no questions to protect, not to protect, there were huge queues under the military police, they were also in lviv, they were in kyiv, i saw it with my own eyes, and we all saw it, we knew it all, and the people
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around the president united, not the president about "united, and people united, had very low, low level of expectations, that's why... the phrase came out: because he didn't run away, as we know. what happened next? the marathon arose as an opportunity to convey information, as a format of communication with society, this is not a big, one eternal marathon, this format survived, people, people did not wanted to perceive one of the greatest, and they wanted to have more information and began to lose confidence in where people went. they went to telegram channels, i remind you that the russian fsb is behind the servers and these telegram channels, we even recently had examples when some telegram channels were blocked, what could the authorities do, because tiktok is really
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being closed, and i, in principle, i believe that telegram channels, despite the fact that there are university telegram channels, family ones, it would be worth closing them down, at least in the conditions of war, but what did the government do, it... several telegram channels were invited to press conferences, government structures have their own telegram channels, well, at least there should be no government structures, so when the ladies from the national security and defense council talk about the fact that they are fighting with telegram channels and others, it stands question, and what prevents it from blocking these channels, this is one moment, the next moment, when a full-scale war began, there was a question of survival, there were thoughts about how russia is fighting, who is fighting, there was a rush, because the father has nowhere to cry, not the only bread , people went to defend the country, and there was an uproar, there was irpin, what came after, the government does not want to take responsibility,
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but wants to consume the positives from what it receives, what would be worth doing to the country's leadership to take responsibility? and not to talk about mobilization, because it is a tool, to talk about the militarization of the country. about narratives, i asked, could you say, because what are narratives, it's a framework to explain to people, it's not just stories, in certain frameworks that we live in, we all live there in narratives of fairy tales and so on, fear exists indeed, but in certain within the framework, people learned to overcome, and a respected military man can say about it, and... what could be the narrative of a heroic nation, why there are no stories about a crane in the same long-suffering, but eternal marathon, who can say da vinci's real name on the street , well, maybe
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someone will remember that the last name is kotsyubailo, who could say dmytro kotsyubailo, why are there no stories about self-sacrifice, about such... an act that skakun, a sniper, did at the beginning, and why are people not reminded that there is something more than just choosing who will leave, who will not, and here arises one very, very important moment, the moment that mr. mykola spoke about, the moment of justice that the government did, it secured and protected the security apparatus, that is, the police, and all other employees of the security structures have armor. there were conversations and a lot about the advance guard and so on. but why not return part of the pensioners who would stand on the streets and stop violators of traffic rules, and
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send these people, who are knowledgeable, to the front with weapons. why not, for example speak protations certain, we cannot speak at all. there is no such thing, because there, well , i even have acquaintances there, teachers of the institute of internal affairs go, stand at roadblocks right next to the photo, so that we just don't get everything under one roof. one more thing that needs to be said, i could be wrong, but i know that for one combatant there must be at least eight people who make their economic contribution, that is, who make it possible for him to fight, why do the heads of government come out and say that everyone will fight, and there is a question justice, why don't they say, if we talk about the narratives that the 26th army in the world, well, what was the ukrainian army to the fullest. large-scale, knocking out the teeth of the second army in the world, why are they not talking about the fact that how many
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russians died near avdiivka, how many on average they say 20-25 thousand die there? why not talk about the fact that people want to go to the army, come and go, they choose certain moments for us, because when a certain discord is sown, when another image is chosen... the enemy, then in the kremlin people are very happy, why focus on those who are abroad, we will talk about the fact that many of those who are abroad have three children, have absolute reasons to be abroad, that is, what is happening, at the strategic level, and there is no war strategy, there are no conversations about the fact that i take responsibility, i am the president, and i as the president ... this, this, this, and it, maybe, probably, we have an example
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of the same cherchal, who lost the election, i will be responsible for it, why don't we have heroes whom everyone would know, who are fighting now, we have one figure of a general zaluzhnyi, who caused terrible jealousy in the authorities, and after general zaluzhnyi , a number of generals were also dismissed, and this in wartime, because there should be... only one person, so when we talk about evaders or mobilization problems, we must talk about an extremely negative situation with strategic communications, because , as the leader said, do not invite the military, but what images, what ideas, and what is offered to the society that is ready to fight, but this does not happen, because it is much easier to put... society on an emotional swing , and when society is on an emotional swing,
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then it does not ask the question, why money is now allocated for roads, well, it is probably easy to bury this money there, and it is allocated, why is not a high-quality production of weapons with our partners established, and many, many other questions could arise, the state could do a very simple thing, the authorities, for example, could offer mr. mykola. and the opposition, i will no longer talk about the martial law government, but for the opposition to visit the camps where training is taking place, about what mr. vyacheslav said that there are training camps for people who have been mobilized, the opposition will not cover for the government, and mr. mykola would come and say yes, they are working, well, i went even without their invitation, but whenever it was, i would call for it. position, then there would be an understanding that there are no political interests now, but national interests, and we see
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the political interests of the authorities, which are inferior to the national interests, because the question will be raised not only on may 18, but there will be a question of the end of the mandate on may 21, and on this in the absence of this joint action strategy, it is very easy to act in a hostile manner, despite the fact that the absurdity is that there is no politics, then... because what kind of politics during the war, what kind of elections, it is simply impossible, and political interests are an instinct, atavism remains, you understand, this is not an atavism, this is a strategy of action, anatoly, you can, but then the word to justin boyk, because, everyone, let's start with something else, well, you talk about telegram, you talk about tiktok, and what can you say about a social network x , which is filled with russian propaganda, wait? what can you say about facebook what can you say about other channels on
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whatsapp like viber let me tell you how the author of the network regulation law after father not to interrupt him yes so i just want to clarify what we are talking about now how to shoot down cabs and save people from death, and we do not talk about how to destroy factories where these cabs are made and how to destroy airplanes. i give an example, the contract was signed with the military unit for the supply of electronic warfare equipment at the end of last year, now there is a need to change some components, because the war. it is dynamic, we need to change, our good treasury is significant changes to the contract, we cannot sign the application, and that's it, then this person from the treasury comes out and asks, why is this field on the territory of poland, a missile flies for 39 seconds, and it does not shoot down, you have to do something yourself, you don't need to look for the opposition or who is against or who is in favor, you have to work, i always say that this war will be won by the military,
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volunteers and engineers, and it's up to you to decide who you will be, you don't need to look for why now only... they passed a law on mobilization, it should have been done in 2003, when putin putin started washing his crimean bridge, you know, when since 2003 our ammunition depots were blown up, that we had nothing to fight in 2014 , it is necessary to solve the question of what to do now, and not to look for the problems that we are currently facing. father yustin, i have the floor, and then we will return to the topic of telegram channels and everything else, because here, too, we must not forget that telegram channels remain for now. one of the most popular sources of information for ukrainians, the only thing we say is that you have a choice there, you can subscribe either to those people you know, we often have experts, people who have their own sites there, telegram channels, they write there, they answer with their face, there are mass media, like us, for example, we also have
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our telegram channel, well, but we have a reputation, we do not write anything there, we cannot write rumors, unconfirmed information , unverified and so on. at least it is, as long as our audience is there, we have to be there be, well, as you said, there are official sources of power, they've always been there, give it up, well, for now, for now, we can't either, we don't do that, as we have to , so what, what do you see from that is now happening in society and how can we help people, how can we help, what else can we tell them? i would continue the line of fear. which as a priest i notice very much, and it is present in absolutely everyone, i would like to give an example, not that fear is present, because it is a natural self, a natural phenomenon, a person who does not have fear is probably an incomplete person of the mind, that is, it is a psychiatric disease, but look, i have been in a monastery for 30 years, why
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did i go to a monastery, because the first thing i did on my life's path... i met people who impressed me, and they were monks in the underground, they were people, secondly, they did not show me any great perspective, but they told me one thing, that you know, you will live your life not in vain, and thirdly, they accompanied me through life, of course, in wartime, we will not think through all these problems, we will not solve them immediately , and it is even necessary that the people go, that they want to fight, he must be motivated, motivation plays a phenomenal role in any business, you look at what profession you have, what profession you have not taken, there must be motivations, motivation, and that is exactly the problem, and when motivation goes out, motivation goes out then, when at the informational level, i will now confirm with a biblical example, the negative begins to outweigh
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this positive, i will give you an example, i am here once reminding you of vitaly... i gave the example of eve, who made her choice, only unconsciously, the way the devil approaches eve, he is not her he says a lot there, he asks her a question that is a half-truth, you understand, this is a question of a half-truth, it provokes doubt, doubt provokes fear, then there is a struggle for self-survival, and then she takes a step that distances her from god and finally has her like this, let's say , global consequences. that's why, as for me, i'm watching from the outside, probably now, that's why so much negativity has gone, i'll say about lviv that politics is somewhere in the negative sense of that word, because you can't say that politics is all negative, somewhere prevailed, that's what mr. mykola says for elections, i also understand that elections cannot
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be held in wartime, everyone says that, but on the other hand, no matter where you look, you get the impression that it's about to... tomorrow there should be clearly motivational, even commercials , which are being done, i have seen ttskads who have done, well, they are of a negative nature, after watching such a video, which depicts some russian military man who gets up in the morning, looks and sees the lviv town hall with the russian flag, and this should motivate a person to go and defend country, you know, it had to be well, completely illiterate. in order to come up with such an anti-motivational video, and the dogs don't work here anymore, you have to admit that people who absolutely don't understand just do those things. human anthropology. we attach ms. iryna burman, a serviceman of the 82nd separate airborne assault brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. mrs. iryna,
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we have talked with you more than once in our lviv studio, we are discussing the topic of mobilization here, i think that our regular viewers perfectly understand your position, and we also know it, it is so categorical and decisive. ago that people are needed at the front, to what extent there is a shortage of people in those military units with which you somehow communicate, but today we heard a number from our guests that some brigades and battalions are staffed, well , at best, by 50% of what is needed, what do you know, well, i think that the military personnel who are present in your broadcast, i'm sorry, i didn't watch the broadcast very much, or because we have a little bad communication. here the stralinkas are doing something wrong, they have no right to say and disclose such things, as far as i know, uh, there is a shortage, but the only thing i can agree with
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is that there is a shortage, there are not enough people, how much does this affect the situation at the front, because we are constantly now on the one hand, we hear that some american or european weapons will be at the front soon , will help, maybe something in... is already there, but nevertheless, we also read about the fact that the russians, one way or another, without achieving, perhaps, strategic successes, but they have operational-tactical ones, and they are advancing, which is now situation? uh, well, there are not enough people, just as there are not enough bc, russians, and they are not just advancing, they start mobilization in the occupied territories, and they write about it in their telegram channels, but they talk about it out loud. therefore, somehow it is like that in our country, that is, they are already conducting mobilization in those territories, which they literally
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recently captured and temporarily occupied there, do we understand correctly? well, i don't know how they carry out mobilization there in the same avdiivka, for example, but i know that in zaporizhzhia they have announced, well, where they seized the territory of zaporizhzhia region, mobilization has been announced, i... come on, listen to me now i like the directors will tell you, because there were nuances with the sound. mrs. irina, today we are still here discussing the story with various ipso, which are often in social networks, with those messages that are scattered throughout all groups, how someone is caught, put in a car and taken immediately to the front, what, well, actually primarily intimidate ukrainians, and we are in such an incomprehensible situation. state, and how do the military react to what they see on social networks, because we know that there tiktok actively looks at information, if they have this is an opportunity and a time when there are these
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various lines about the fact that they don't want to go there, someone is being dragged, someone, someone is a dodger and so on, well, look, i don't know who is being dragged where...they are dragging me, but i there have been videos where chinese civilians, including females of the female gender, throw themselves at the employees of the tsc, forgetting, apparently, that the lion's share of the lion's share of employees of the tsc are guys who have been discharged from service due to injuries that have already well, recently there was a video clip where a woman rushes out and screams straight out to get there a little... he took off his pants and showed his wound, well, that’s a game, well, that’s a kind of game, uh, why do i have to prove that i served, well
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, well, it’s somehow abnormal that civilians rush to me and shouted about their rights, i also have rights, i would like us to have permission just like in civilized, developed countries, especially in the usa, in the united states. use even force, avoiding such cases, we are establishing a connection, is there a connection, tell me, but the idea is in principle clear, the connection, ms. irena, you can continue, there is connection with you, i don't know how it happens there, it actually happened, because no one really knows, we only see what is served by those who are profitable to serve something there. in principle, this is how it works, that you make cuts, something is edited there, or not edited, but it is cut out of context, but i have repeatedly seen videos where people throw themselves
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at employees... and as far as i know, an employee of the tsc has the right to defend myself and use force, as far as i know, i have the right to defend myself. heard, ms. irena burban, call sign witch, by the way, servicewoman of the 82nd separate amphibious assault brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. we started talking about the problems at the front. and in principle, this is a question of mobilization, use of mobilization resources, replenishment. the brigade, replenishment of reserves, all this affects the situation at the front. mr. andreykiv, we want to hear your analysis and analysis of what is happening at the front, because, after all, we now understand that some are not some, but the occupiers are making progress, and many after ocheretiny began to say that this is even possible breakthrough of the front, well it seems that everything is fine, they have stabilized what
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you would learn now. because there are rumors that the russians may enter the second round of a full-scale invasion, trying to repeat the ways in which they attacked ukraine in the first weeks of a full-scale invasion. well, look, i really like the idea that the head of the intelligence of estonia recently expressed, and he was building his conclusions based on the information that he was getting. about the movement of russian troops, actually more russians in the northern direction definitely concentrate their efforts, or show that they are concentrating in the area of ​​sumy oblast, kharkiv oblast, and they aim , it looks like this, and most likely will continue to do so, to stretch the forces, resources of the armed forces of ukraine to the maximum length of the border, er,
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without ... kharkiv region is definitely the most interesting destination for them, but we understand that the logic of urban battles is a ratio of one to one to five, that is, there should be five times more people who aim to capture urban areas or fortifications than those who attack, do the russians have such resources, no, it is not there, er, do they have the resources to achieve strategic and tactical successes in the area. south of zaporizhzhia, avdiivka or further. well, let's remember, the new year, the 23rd, january 23rd, the russians are trying to attack bakhmut. a year has passed, they have now advanced from bakhmut there by literally 10 km. after spending huge human resources, huge budgetary forces, spending a significant amount of weapons, personnel. if we read even our news, every day
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the russians at the moment... lose from 900 to 1200, 1300 personnel, recently news came there of 30, 40, 50 units of armored vehicles by an artist, it is clear that they are gathering their efforts into a fist, they want to go to the line of the administrative border of the luhansk donetsk region, because this is declared in the statutory documents of the lpr and dpr, but i i see a threat in something else, the analytics that our baltic colleagues are talking about. and friends testify that a significant amount of the resource is concentrated on the border of lithuania and belarus, they openly conduct training there, their concentration is extremely high. i want to remind you that in in 2020 , kurds were transported from turkey to belarus by a significant number of flights from turkey, and we witnessed the
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repeated storming of the belarusian-polish border by citizens of the eu... ethnic kurds. the number of these people was between 12 and 17,000. i wonder where these people went. according to the data that is indirectly voiced, a large part of the citizens are men. kurds, of kurdish ethnicity, received belarusian passports and joined the ranks of the armed forces of the russian federation, including belarus. so, the scenario can be calculated in this way, because we, when we talk about war, we calculate the worst options, and i am not saying this now to scare the people of lviv, or to draw attention to some hard narratives, it may be that the russians will make up a story about the crucified boy, about some kind of conflict .


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