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tv   [untitled]    May 2, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm EEST

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transported from turkey to belarus, and we witnessed the repeated storming of the belarusian-polish border by citizens of turkey who are ethnic kurds, the number of these people was from 12 to 17. i have a question about where these people went, according to the data, which are indirectly voiced, a large part of citizens, kurdish men, kurdish. received belarusian passports and joined the ranks of the armed forces of the russian federation, including belarus. so, the scenario can be calculated in this way, because when we talk about war, we calculate the worst options, and i'm not saying this now to scare lviv residents, or to draw attention to some harsh narratives, it may be that the russians will come up with a story about a crucified boy, about some other conflict. or a misunderstanding with
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the russian-speaking population in norway or in lithuania, and from the belarusian border to vilnius is only 40 km, and when this conflict begins, nato, all the partners who support us, will concentrate on reducing this conflict or making it impossible, and then the situation in ukraine can become a trading card. i will remind the people of lviv, maybe someone has forgotten that we... live at a distance of 180 km in a straight line from belarus, there are iskander brigades in belarus that are ready to launch the appropriate missiles, the duration of the approach to lviv there is literally two or three minutes we have a significant concentration of the armed forces of both belarus and russia in belarusian territory, so a helicopter like the mi-28 can take 80 people on board, and imagine. that after extinguishing all signal identification
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locators, 20-30 helicopters appear on the outskirts of lviv. what will we do? i am addressing those people who say that they will not go to the rtcc, that they will somehow wait, because the war is supposedly far away. we must have an understanding that the division into rear and front currently does not exist, both in the information format and in direct military operations. and in the conduct of special operations , we have a real level of threats, when russia is fighting a hybrid, it will create one conflict to divert attention in that place where they are preparing an offensive, directly it can be in the south, and in the north, and behind and in the west and in the east, we live in a regime of total danger, so people should now push this feeling, you know, holidays, spring, to the background , we must be prepared for a huge. work that russia will deploy
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absolutely in the near future in all directions and in all spheres of social life as well. and there is one more point: ukraine is perceived by us in different categories, as a country, a geographical category, as a nation, as a collection of ethnic groups and nationalities that all live on the territory of ukraine, as a state, as a social or socio-political entity, the dominant part of the population, who agreed on some rules of coexistence, and it is important that this our town... or the understanding that ukraine is only lviv or a village, or some place where they live, so that our consciousness is not limited only to the solution of our everyday and small problems within the limits of the town. ukraine is a state, it is a political organization of society, where every institution must speak the truth, address people as adults, we have already talked about it, prepare people for the worst-case scenarios and talk about it openly, what... tools,
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resources, these problems can be solved, what is their risk, and engage in principle as an independent entity on the foreign market, on external political scenes, because we rely too much on external help, and it looks like if this external help is not there, then we will disappear, this is not true, we have enough resources , both human and technical, intellectual, ukraine is a nation of warriors, we actually fulfilled our historical... mission in this generation, we stopped the second army of the world, which is standing with a nuclear warhead and waving at europe, now the question of subjectivity of internal nationality, internal national with a clear explanation to the people , threats, tools and risk with people, you have to talk to people like adults, mr. khrapchynskyi, i have a question for you in the context of what we expect this week, well, many people are wrong. but interpreted this statement from
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yevlash, a spokesman for the air defense forces, that when he was asked when they would appear on the 16th, he answered after. pasky, realizing that so far there is really no understanding when they will definitely be, what do you know and how did these, you know, for many ukrainians, maybe not completely justified, but dream f16s appear, how much we already say that they have to change the situation on the battlefield, i.e. when they will and if they will, will they really change the fundamental situation, let's start with the fact that after easter mr. ignat said this about the patriot: yes, by the way, that's probably why it's already such a meme from the air forces in terms of the f16s, in fact, we see a significant problem, and a lot of significant problems that these aircraft can solve, and counting the strengthening of air defense, because we say, we will be able to
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respond much faster with cruise missiles, an example of how israel and the allies of israel coped with the mass of iranian missiles, and we can talk about... the significant creation of a gray zone about 100 km from the border, i.e. sumyshchyna , chernihiv region, russian planes will not be able to fly up and drop off mr. andrey kvi in ​​volyn it is also necessary to strengthen in general, if we are talking about a gray zone, then it must be created along the entire border around ukraine, which concerns belarus and russia, and again, we are talking about the fact that we can significantly influence strategic goals on the territory of the russian federation, therefore what do we have... in fact , there is an important situation now, it is containment, containment of the front zone, and strikes on strategic objects of the russian federation, which are taking place now, unfortunately, with small forces, that is, these are our own developments, we are talking about uav strikes , and here i would note that you very correctly pointed out that it was
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the ukrainians who developed these systems that can fly at such a distance and can do such damage to the russian economy, but taking into account the presence of the f-16, we can talk about strikes at ... up to 1000 km, and this is the majority of strategically important objects of the russian federation, that is , we must do our best to break up the russian logistical component so that we can see, as it was at the beginning, gestures of goodwill . that is, due to the acquisition of these f-16 aircraft, we can say that we will be able to significantly to strengthen the capabilities, but we must talk about a complex solution, we must also talk about obtaining artillery in order to hold back the line directly. offensive of the russian federation, it is necessary to talk about obtaining other types of weapons, which will significantly help us to solve the issue in the complex, because we see how the atakams accurately hit modern russian s-400s, so to speak, so in fact we are talking about that there is a need,
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we are all waiting, but rest assured, you will not know exactly when we will receive them, as us, as we found out only after using the first attacks. i'd like to add, for what it's worth, that it would be correct to say that we're from 2022, when we were so excited, remember, march, april, that we're getting the javelins, that look at the javelins being shot down, and now we 're talking about f- 16, now we are talking about ukrainian developments that are destroying russian mpzts, oil refineries... plants, i have been analyzing the russian information space a lot and for a long time, and if you look from our position, russia will advance again, probably, of course, she will make an effort, but i analyze what they
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say inside, well, those who allow themselves, at least their soldiers, their volunteers, in the language of zopa, because they cannot be criticized for this in their imprisonment . but they talk about the fact that society does not support, and that we do not know how long we will fight, that the khokhlys do not surrender, and that there are thefts, now in the russian information space there is a discussion of the arrest of the deputy minister of defense ivanov, and about huge embezzlements, which there are, the new wave that has gone to them is forced, voluntarily, forcibly in... enterprises must give part of their salary to the so-called svo, and what is being discussed is that we don't have money to fight anymore, or is this an attempt to involve in the war? that is, to look at this situation not only from the position that russia is very
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big, because it is very big, but in two and a half years it managed to capture a small part, but to talk about what could inspire us to victory. that we are destroying the really last message that bloomberg was giving that about almost 20% down, and the issue of their supply. gasoline and petroleum products, it must be said that little ukraine, like david, still allows and destroys this big demonic goliath, mr. father yustin, i know that you, father, had to, we have to let you go at 8:45 p.m., so we will jump from the topic of war strategy a little to what many ukrainians are thinking about now, i think that many people are there right now, maybe even during our broadcast, they are baking pascha, easter... well, we are probably already talking to you about this for the third time let's talk, unfortunately, for the third time, the first time,
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the first year of a full-scale invasion, the second year, how to behave correctly in order to preserve traditions on the one hand, and again, so that it does not look like that ukrainians forget about all holidays and exclusively celebrate the most important thing on easter, paska, sausage, painted egg or something else ? surely, when we talk about easter, we are talking about the fact that it is an event of such, such a scale in the history of the world, where the son of god came to earth and freed us from the bondage of sin, that is the essence, but obviously, our people have such a framing of this holiday, as well as every holiday, christmas, etc., i will refer here to the example of our... predecessors, er, while working in the archive, i quite often meet among others
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there, how even the insurgents behaved, the ukrainian insurgent army, or people who sat in constabularies, how they behaved in the darkest times, they were bright people, something must inspire them, and here it is necessary that we always be inspired by faith, and faith - this is not a philosophy, i... i'll tell you, i already am i will repeat countless times that , it seems to me, that we are fighting against such a monster, and we are still standing, despite the fact that we have internal, internal quarrels, some such misunderstandings, and we are still fighting and fighting well , this is a miracle of god for me, you know, once, i don’t know if i told you in the history of the catholic church, there was such a pope paul i... pope paul vi, well, he led the church after the second vatican
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council and people came to him freemasons are those who wanted to destroy the church and ask him whether he is ready to cooperate with them, well, he obviously rejected them, i heard this from the stories of the old roman priests, and then they told him: if you do not cooperate with us, then we will destroy your church, and... he answered as follows: listen , dear, if my priests did not destroy the church, then you definitely will not be able to do it, therefore, referring to the phenomenon of the existence of a church in which there were various people who seemed to have collapsed its institution a long time ago, it exists, then this is a proof the existence of god and his actions in the history of mankind. current ukraine is for me also a proof not only of the existence of god, but also of the actions of god in such circumstances, because, as was
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mentioned, imagine that a powerful nato was being created to fight against the soviet union, that's all came together in one ukraine, and therefore one should appreciate oneself among others and thank god for that, gratitude to god, this is one of the elements of self-motivation. mykola knyazhytskyi, i speak to you. thank you, father. for such motivation and inspiration, thank you, i will talk about prosaic things after the spiritual things that father ustin spoke about, here is one a word about mobilization, yes, russia was mentioned here, first of all, we have to realize that their mobilization resource is about five times greater than ours, which means that the ukrainians have to kill them five times more than we take losses, it's simple math, it's more or less true. and the problem with people is that we make up for the losses that exist through mobilization, but they are no longer there, and
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they tighten their mobilization resources, so mobilization is definitely needed, how to do it, but there are also other mechanisms, in the same in the country of the aggressors, they use financial instruments very much, because all the studies show that, on the one hand, the ukrainian military, those who are in the combat zone , they earn well, 100 00 each, many of them have never earned such money , but ... but for people it is not surprising, for some reason it is not an incentive, those who are afraid of the tsc, although it is a large amount, because these people do not have much money, but in russia there are still incentives for families, here we once took local dfo value added tax, remember how much we just argued, took away and was given to the state intelligence agency allegedly for the purchase of drones, and then after this happened, there were a whole series of corruption scandals, if you go to any military unit, about 10-20% of them get these drones through this line , and the rest is what is taken by volunteers or what is purchased separately by the ministry of defense, where this money, by the way, does not
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go, but if where does the personal income tax come from, it is paid by business, business wants to protect itself. and wants to support their families, because the business is located locally, and the business says: we are ready to help those families who are fighting, and if this personal tax was left on the ground, or at least half of it from this personal tax would be paid once to the family of the person who is mobilized, relatively speaking, the equivalent of up to €500. in russia they pay significantly more, then for many people and studies show this, it would be an incentive, but this is an element of state policy, in our country, unfortunately, no one thinks about it, just like when we talk about it. it's research, it's sociology, because we 're working there with a small synctank, and i see how people react, what people there is a lack of what people want, and the state could do it, and business says that we were ready for it, when we spoke, we touched on the topic of social networks, the topic of social networks is what ms. smala spoke about, it is the topic of information security, yes, yes, here is my bill, which was signed by colleagues from different factions, when we talk about
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telegram, tiktok and everything else, the fear is no longer that this or that channel exists, channels exist everywhere. the problem is that according to our obligations to the european union, we have to act like this the way the countries of the european union operate, they have a whole series of acts that relate to this, in particular the european digital act, which the european digital act says that if you want to have a platform for the transmission of information in the territory of the european union, there must be registered under the representative office so that the regulatory authorities can contact him, and then if there is something that threatens the national. security , the regulatory body applies and they react, close certain or other channels, and it works everywhere, we are exactly the same in our law predicted that it is necessary to open a representative office either on the territory of ukraine or the countries of the european union, so that there is contact, because what is happening with this very telegram, the danger in the telegram is that all the transport, that is, the companies that transmit the signal, they are located , these are russian
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companies, it is proven, just like the servers are located on the territory of russia, this means that when you... you allow access to your location in telegram, then in principle to your contacts, then in principle all this someone may have, it is unknown who is the owner of the telegram is also unknown, it is only known that a number of rich russian businessmen invested money there, some of whom are subject to sanctions, this is a matter of information, and that is why the russian federation, which takes information security very seriously, allows soldiers to use on the front by only two networks, it is vkontakte, which was created by the same dorov and telegram, not by chance. an american propagandist, immediately after putin and immediately before dugin, that is, random people, interestingly, there are no random people there, today, realizing what happened next, when ukrainians turned to youtube, youtube takes these or other videos, she told you about it, the representative of this body, telegram did not respond in any way at all, then through
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private contacts, the department fedorov appealed to the apple store, the apple store for... in order for them to remove certain ones , for telegram to respond to their appeals, that is, we appeal to the apple store, but we cannot appeal to the playmarket or directly to other networks, and they then it is removed that what durov does after that, he blocks telegram bots of ukrainian networks, which is normal to have telegram bots there, i understand that it is convenient, but it is also dangerous, after that the state enters into contact with him so that he puts pressure on us, so that we stop blocking it, i... am in these processes, working closely with the government and with the verkhovna rada, so i tell you frankly what is happening, this is a network that is not under our control, what is the essence of our law ? in the fact that they should open a representative office here, there is no need to close them and must contact our, our state, if our state sees danger in the form of regulatory agencies, they must respond, if they do not respond, then we
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must ban not all, but civil servants and public services and those who ... transmit personal data, because through chat bots , national banks transfer personal data every day, that is, this is the biggest real danger, this transfer and actions are used, that is, they are used more than last year by the state investment fund russia, it belongs to the state, they invested a billion in telegram, that is, the russian state invested a billion in telegram, i don't know why they don't talk about it here. and now look, from 72 to 82% of the population use telegram, the population of ukraine will receive reports, in the russian federation only 44% receive information from telegram. in other words , telegram has become a real information monopoly in our country. why did he become like that? because the ukrainian authorities decided that they have two media, this is a telethon for their propaganda and
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telegram for anonymous, anonymously to destroy your competitors, because if you don't check it, you won't be taken to court. prior to this, the popularity of the telegram was promoted by various channels that spread rumors. the security service proved that all these channels were created by the armed forces of the russian federation. when they gained popularity, public services came there, they made it even more popular, because no matter what you say, there is a convenient interface, people use it, and then came pr companies that work for the government, and they are afraid to lose it as a tool, and russia uses it to collect information and data about each of us, this is the danger, and what will this data give them, well wait, what does it mean that they can go into your phone, see who you are talking to, where you are, imagine you are a military man... so this is the reason why
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tiktok is being restricted in the united states for the same reason, not because tiktok is showing something wrong. biden opened a channel in tiktok, he should, like you , communicate with his voters. biden opens a channel in tiktok, but representatives of his party vote to ban tele, not telegram, sorry tiktok, not immediately, but if... he does not fulfill certain conditions, he does not transfer part of his property to american companies, that is, he does not become transparent for american regulation, we should act in the same way, and we should act in the same way, this is our law does not apply only to telegram or tiktok, it's just that other networks go to such contact, it applies to everyone, in our country, for example, the law says that youtube has long been subject to this regulation, because they fall video networks, youtube is not a video network for a long time, texts can be published there for a long time, videos can be published in telegram for a long time, we just... we have to put everyone on an equal footing and give the state this tool for our national security, i would add that it gives knowledge of information about you, there is a great documentary,
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i would advise everyone to watch it, it is called a social network, and there is such a preface, if you do not pay for a product, for some service or some product, then you are a product, what it gives, it gives your preferences, your fears, but each the social network does it, and eh, no-no, no, such. the networks that became the prototype for the movie brexit, for example, were banned and their activities were banned, the network itself was obliged to ban it, nobody bans telegram, i guess, as well as tiktok, maybe someone else, because they are not regulated or neither european nor american legislation, in fact they are a conditional legalized darknet, there is the internet, there is a darknet, and this dark side, and where drug trafficking, pornography and everything else, telegram has no restrictions. and has huge access to a huge audience, and this access, except for this telethon, which people do not get
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sources, this access to the telegram network, telegram inspires trust in society, that is , society, voters, military personnel who read in telegram, because the gentleman spoke about media literacy, in they teach in schools, i give lectures about it, and... it is impossible to force a person to think critically, it is an internal need, and it exists, a person must make internal efforts, and very many people do not want to do this in conditions of fear, war and everything else, so i would mention the example of the second world war, when in the second world war there were many pro-nazi newspapers in the united states, and then there was an elite, intellectuals, among whom there was a lasso. expressed the opinion that we need to follow these newspapers, which say that this is not our war, it is somewhere in europe, we have no problems with hitler, we only have a problem with japan over aperov
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harbor, and there was a legislative algorithm worked out, and in the united states , in a democratic country, a lot of newspapers were closed because it was in the foreground issues of national security, by the way, about telegram and vkontakte, we draw a parallel with... the man pavel durov, who created these two networks, i think these are the two networks in which there was absolutely no censorship of music, videos, never nothing was censored , unlike youtube or facebook itself, when it is a violation of auto, it is not a lack of censorship, telegram allows you to do anything, and it was very similar in vkontakte, mr. khrepchinsky, we give you the floor already, unfortunately, only in on our youtube, as well as on the air of the inta tv channel, to the viewers of the tv channel, see you next week. at 20:15 21:15 the long broadcast started traditionally on youtube, i will continue to take care of yourself and see you.
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my name is mykola veresen. sharp serve facts and competent opinions, in america they also say, let's have better roads , we will have even better ones, a special view of events in ukraine and beyond, which the world dreams of, mr. norman, all this in an information marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 17 :10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. greetings, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already approached the serpent himself. the following shots may shock you. news. this event is live. political analytics, objectively and meaningfully. there is no political season. exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. freedom life - frankly and impartially. you draw your own conclusions.
11:00 pm
the russian army occupied part of the reeds. ukraine is currently preparing for the global peace summit, in georgia there are ongoing protests against the so -called law on foreign agents, these are the topics of today's issue, my name is iryna. yes, and here we go. more than 300 rockets, almost 300 rockets and more than 3,200 guided aerial bombs were released by the russian army over ukraine in april. this was announced by president volodymyr zelenskyi. recently, russia has settled strikes on energy and civilian infrastructure and one of the latest attacks took place this night. russia hit odesa with ballistic missiles. on the footage.


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