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tv   [untitled]    May 2, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm EEST

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my greetings, this is svoboda life. the russian army occupied part of ochereteny. at this time, ukraine is preparing for the global peace summit, protests against the so-called law on foreign agents continue in georgia. the topics of today's issue, my name is iryna sysak, and we begin. more than 300 rockets, almost 300 rockets and more than 3,200 guided aerial bombs were released by the russian army over ukraine in april. this was announced by president volodymyr zelenskyi. russia has recently stepped up its attacks on energy and civilian infrastructure, and one of the latest attacks took place last night. russia hit odesa with ballistic missiles. on the frame.
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which you can see now, the fire-ravaged sorting depot and the new post office, the warehouses of local companies and the sports school. it was these objects that the russian missile hit. as a result of the attack , 14 people were injured, local authorities reported. this is the third russian attack on odesa since the beginning of the week. on monday, russia hit the city with a ballistic missile with a cluster munition, killing six people. three more people were killed by ballistic missiles in tuesday. we will talk about why russia is so active in shelling odesa and whether this means a change in its tactics, but first , watch the exclusive footage of the consequences of the attack on the city, which was filmed today by rfe/rl correspondents.
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yesterday, my son, as usual, went to training after school, he was supposed to stay for additional classes, but i called and asked them to cancel them, and he came home, because after the competition he missed a lot of school, my husband, thank god, took they only got home and heard an explosion, the calls started that the new post office was on fire, i understood that if the new post office was on fire, then our club was also on fire, i barely calmed the child, because they have their own children's group. employees
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of the ministry of emergency situations are not allowed to enter the premises, but from the videos and photos that are already circulating on the internet, we can see that the destruction, unfortunately, is quite extensive, the most important thing is that all people are safe, no one was injured, there is no not even injured, not injured, fortunately the working day was already over and... and our employees were not inside, it's really a shock, because well right now we have spring, the height of the season, our company is engaged in activities related to the sale of planting material, saplings, seeds, seedlings, flowers, and our product, it is definitely not the target that could be or attract the attention of the russian federation, but unfortunately, if the russians are already at war with flowers and seedlings, then it is difficult to comment on anything here.
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anton shalygailo, deputy chairman of odesa ova, joins our broadcast. mr. anton, i congratulate you. congratulations. please tell us more about the consequences of today's attack on odesa, what was destroyed and what is the number of victims as of now? yesterday evening, the enemy again attacked odesa with rockets, rescuers spent the whole night putting out fires at civil infrastructure facilities, namely warehouses. the fire covered a large area. an area
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of ​​more than 300 m2, emergency services workers and doctors worked quickly, unfortunately 14 civilians were injured, one man was taken to the hospital, he underwent a complex operation, he is currently in a serious condition, but there are no threats to life, doctors are doing everything necessary, everyone else was given help on in terms of destruction, the warehouse of logistics companies was significantly destroyed, and in some buildings and houses, which are located nearby, windows and panes were blown out by the explosion . tell me, please, and is there an understanding of what kind of rockets fired at the city at night and how many there were in general? yesterday's attack was carried out by two missiles, according to preliminary data, these are iskander m ballistic missiles, but
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experts will provide official information. huh, so the details are still being installed, am i correct? yes, more details are installed well, actually, this is already the third shelling of odesa since the beginning of the week and... how do you explain such activity of russia with strikes on the city, especially with the use of a ballistic missile with a cluster munition on monday? yes, this week has become very difficult for the townspeople, constant alarms and shelling exhaust and, unfortunately, take the lives of peaceful residents. the aggressor country is trying to terrorize the civilian population, the enemy is trying to intimidate odessans and guests of the city. before the start of summer, why before the start of summer, what do you mean, or can you elaborate well, traditionally in odesa, in the summer before the season, a large number of guests gather to walk and stroll through
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recreational areas, that is why the use of such weapons at this time is prohibited by convention, there are no cluster munitions, well, they try to scare as many residents and guests of odesa as possible. tell me, please, under these conditions, do you even have an understanding of how to protect odesa from strikes, is it a matter of air defense systems or something? yes, it is possible to protect yourself from enemy missile weapons only with help strengthening of forces and means of air defense, this issue. both the president of ukraine, knocking out aid for odesa region in particular, and the regional and city authorities, strengthening mobile fire groups on the ground, are constantly and unceasingly engaged. this work is done constantly. thank you, it
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was anton shalygailo, deputy head of odessa ovai, we were talking about today's shelling of odessa. thank you. associated press journalists showed how the city of chasivyar in donetsk region, destroyed by russian strikes, looks like. these exclusive shots from the drone were taken on monday. the video shows that there is not a single whole building left in the city. ruined private houses, charred high-rise buildings, a ruined temple, and completely deserted streets. according to local authorities, there are still about 700 residents in chasovoy yar, while before the war there were 1,200 people living in the city. the city of rosiyska. the army has been continuously attacking and trying to capture for several months, if this happens, russia will gain control of the high ground from which it can attack other cities that form the backbone of ukraine's eastern defenses, and it already can to create a basis for a potentially broader russian offensive,
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the associated press reports. let me remind you that earlier the commander-in-chief of the armed forces oleksandr syrskyi stated that the russian army was tasked with capturing chasiv by may 9. and to ours. mykhailo samus, director of the network of new geopolitical studies, joins the broadcast. mr. mykhailo, good evening to you. i congratulate you. we have just shown footage from drun of a virtually destroyed and deserted time ravine, and we can state that russia continues to use scorched earth tactics, as it was also the case with other ukrainian cities. yesterday on our broadcast, a military man holding defenses near chasovoy yar noted that the military is still waiting for additional weapons and ammunition from western partners. under these conditions, do the armed forces have the resources to defend the city and is it possible for the russian army to seize the city by may 9? well, actually the situation is really complicated, and it was understandable, according to the, ah, the situation that was
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after the united states got into its turbulence, as they called it, but in fact, it led to the fact that when russia launched its full-scale offensive last october. from the attack on avdiivka, it was october 9-10, just at that time the congress just started its incomprehensible processes, which even now, it seems to me, they will not explain themselves what they... were doing these six months, so russia tried during this period, to really break through the front, and not only for the time of somo, of course, in several directions, creating opportunities for operational advancement, entry into the operational space and further, in fact the realization of its main task, now the political task of occupying the entire donbas. in fact, they did not succeed, and after the congress and the president of the united states signed anyway... the window of opportunity for the allocation of aid to russia is closing, but it will close, of course, when the ukrainian
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troops actually on the front line receive a sufficient amount of ammunition, artillery systems, anti-tank weapons and other military materials, which the united states did not actually supply for six months, therefore indeed, the situation is difficult, but every day more is still coming... from that aid directly to our guys on the front line, and i think that because the russians, for example, have now put the main emphasis in their offensive on reed and at times, in these areas, the ukrainian command, the highest command is making all possible and impossible efforts in order to stabilize the situation here, i do not think that it will be easy for the russians here. i think that all possible concentration will be done
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resources in order to stop the russians in these directions, here, in addition to the rise to the dominant height in the time ravine, now a wider operation of the russians is visible, it is precisely on ocheretyn, this is such a northern face and the southern face of chasiv, when they want to cover turkey and it is even possible to go to kostyantynivka. mr. mykhailo, we will talk more about ocheretyn now, but just about the chapel, that is, you mean that russia is taking advantage of this moment, while western weapons have not yet arrived at the front, and what about the deadline until may 9, what are yours , they understand that in a few weeks they will not have such an opportunity, because if the armed forces of ukraine have not only parity, but at least a minimal amount of ammunition, they simply will not be able to go with such pressure, and... and their advance will not simply stop, so they are trying to use this time lag
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in order to really make their way as far as possible, especially since they clearly promised access to the operational space, starting the offensive last october, that is, in fact during this period, well, i would say so, they achieved tactical success, avdiivka was destroyed, but in reality it is very difficult to call it an operational success, regarding may 9, i think that they... will no longer be able to meet these deadlines. the associated press is just writing about the fact that capturing the heights of the temporal ravine for the russian army will mean more opportunities to attack other settlements. which settlements are under threat here and what is the strategic importance of the time ravine today? please explain. if we talk about strategy, then strategy, of course, this is the highest level, and the strategic , political task is to occupy the entire donbas. regarding operatives. tasks, the exit to kostyantynivka and further gaining space already with the exit to kramatorsk, these are operational
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tasks, tactical, if we talk about populated areas, there are a lot of populated areas, but if we talk about, let's say, the tactical result that the russians would like to achieve , once again, if we look at this map now, in the north there is a chasiver, in the south there is a reed, and this, if you imagine these two big arrows, which converge in constancy. and the smaller arrows, which could be depicted further east, then they could converge on turetska, this is a large stronghold of the ukrainian army, if you pay attention to the color near horlivka, then in this direction, russia has not advanced a single millimeter, and not on on the map, namely in the area, first a large-scale offensive, and of course they would like to destroy this defensive area, let's say in the area of ​​turkey, occupy and thus... align the front line and then go further on what i said for the occupation all of donbas,
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this is precisely the threat to turetsk, new york and eventually kostyantynivka, this is in the context, you mean the capture of ochreting, today, by the way, it was announced that the russian military broke through and entrenched in the part of ochereteny, and the ukrainian military is trying to get them from there knock out, that is, just from the village to from ocheretingo to the logistically important route. from pokrovsk to kostiantynka is about 10 km, this is what you are talking about, if i understand correctly, about the threat to these nearby settlements, when conducting military operations, everything is connected we. we cannot say that, for example, if they achieve success in ocheretina, but do not achieve success in success, for example, in chasom yaru, then they will be able to perform even a tactical task, they have to make their way in two directions, and in the north, and in the south, and try to push, maybe in other directions further east, for example, in the direction of the same new york, because if they even
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make their way through, it will simply be a breakthrough to nowhere, and sooner or later ukraine. the army will neutralize this threat if they break through at the same time as such with pincers in the direction of kostiantynivka in the direction of kostiantynivka , the turn on new york with several such arrows, then this will allow them to really, i repeat once again, threaten toretska and further logistical routes that connect chasivyar, pokrovsk, kostantinivka, and thus inflict a real defeat on the ukrainian army in this district, but there is still a long way to go. that is, that is all i am now telling you about the possible plans of the russians and what their tactical operational plans are aimed at, and of course, the ukrainian command has its own tactical operational plans, to prevent the implementation of what the russians have planned, and i think that every day, since in any case
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there will be more ammunition, armored vehicles, other means of defeating the ukrainian army, because, let me remind you, the ukrainian army has withstood a mine since october... a year without this onslaught of the russians, and the russians suffered terrible losses, and now we will have more help, more opportunities to neutralize these threats. russia is pressing not only in the east, but also continues shelling the cities of ukraine, at night they were shelled with ballistics odesa, and literally in a few days, this is already the third attack on the city with dead and wounded, and on monday they probably hit an iskander missile with a cluster munition, then the new york times wrote: that this, i quote, could mean an escalation of russian tactics, because it uses weapons normally reserved for war zones to target civilian cities. do you agree, or can you explain in more detail, in general, why russia took odesa? i can't explain the new york times statement, they have an opinion, but far from a military explanation, which
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means that tactics are changed and so on, in fact, russia does not change its tactics, they constantly strike. on civilian objects with a terrorist purpose, that is, a terrorist purpose, it has nothing to do with military tasks, it is mainly a weapon of psychological pressure, that is, a terrorist act, as a rule , is carried out for the purpose of psychological pressure, and now i am sure that these strikes on odesa, they are tied in their sick brain, tied to may 2, that's understandable, that is , they have their artificially created sacred dates, which they are now marking, including strikes on civilian objects, although... they of course wrote in their propaganda reports that these were stormshadow warehouses, that is , the russians said that this was a military object, but in fact it was revenge , as they say, on may 2, for the fact that the people of odessa sold themselves to the banderas, the nazis, and submitted to them, in fact, odessa is a russian city, that is, it is all sick, sick
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psyche, sick mentality of russians who they hit ballistic missiles at... really at the place where civilians are walking the population, there are absolutely no military facilities, they are hitting the warehouses of the new post office, claiming that this is a complex shadow storm, i understand that they have to report again for the ribbons of awards and the stars on the epaulettes, but on the other hand, i i am sure that this is connected to some kind of sacred revenge for may 2 and so on, that is , there is nothing to do with military tasks in general, it is not. as it is not related to what is happening in the east, of course, what is spread on the internet, by telegram, that now russia will attack sumy, kharkiv, will now break through to odesa, even musk wrote, but he has something in his head, he just got richer by 37 billion, well, i would also, perhaps, write not quite
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adequate things in the x network, he wrote, that now the only question is whether russia will take odesa. well, really the only question, well, the truth is, we need to restore the fleet of landing ships, then take zaporizhzhia, then take kherson again, forcing the dnipro, well, in principle, the tasks are so normal, if you look at how much russia spends to take the village of ocheretyne there, yes, ocheretin and, for example, force the dnipro, or take millions of zaporizhzhia or millions of kharkiv. mr. mykhailo, another question in the context of russian weapons, in the latest statement the us state department blamed. russia in the use of chloropicrin in the war in ukraine. this substance is prohibited by the un convention on chemical weapons. can you explain why russia uses this weapon, is it more effective and how is it in general? works because russia uses everything it can, everything that kills ukrainians, everything that destroys them, everything that creates fear and so on, the problem is
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that, unfortunately, the united states, having lost world leadership, has allowed that russia can spit on international law, spit on the united states, spit on the european union or other actions of our partners, so the statement the united states, unfortunately, has no influence on... on russia, only ukraine has an influence on russia, which can destroy russian ships, russian refineries, although the united states for some reason has a bad attitude towards this, can destroy russian soldiers and destroy russian objects on russian territory, only ukraine is currently imposing real sanctions, and if you look around, india trades, china trades, they get nothing for it, well , the united states threatens china with something. but to be honest, i very much doubt that this will prevent russia from earning hundreds of billions of dollars again for the sale of oil, that is , the situation, it is very, very difficult in the world, and
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all this is because, unfortunately, our western partners have lost their leadership and general sense of the situation in the world, they lose any conceptual meaning at all their own activities at the global level, and those... china, russia, iran, and even, it seems, north korea, have their own specific tasks and strategies at the global level. thank you, it was mykhailo samus, director of the new geopolitical research network. thank you. the date of the first global peace summit has become known. it will take place in switzerland on june 15 and 16. this is stated in a statement on the president's website. of ukraine. the meeting is organized by ukraine and switzerland. at the conference, they plan to discuss how to achieve for ukraine - i quote, all-encompassing, a just and long-lasting peace that would
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comply with the un charter and the norms of international law. leaders of countries and heads of government from all continents will take part in the summit, but there is currently no list or specific number of participants. earlier, volodymyr zelenskyy stated that he expects the presence of up to a hundred countries. who will definitely not be at this meeting is russia. the swiss government stated that the russian federation was not invited, however, with clarification at this stage, at the same time, the head of the ministry of foreign affairs, dmytro kuleba, in a comment to the american publication foreign policy also confirmed that russia will not be invited to the summit. in his opinion, it makes no sense. there are only two ways to get russia to act in good faith. the first is success on the battlefield, and the second is a coalition of dividing countries. the same principles and approaches, that is why it is not planned to invite russia as a participant to the first summit, because the purpose of this summit is to unite countries that share the principles and approaches on which
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they will build further actions, and then it will be possible to communicate with russia, and russia can negotiate because you 're right, after all, you can't end a war without both sides. earlier in early april, putin's press secretary dmytro piskov stated that any peace talks would make no sense without russia, but the representative of the russian foreign ministry, maria zakharova , noted at the same time that even if they were invited, russia would not be present at the peace summit in switzerland . we will now talk about the peace summit and its prospects with volodymyr ogrysk, head of the russian research center and minister of foreign affairs of ukraine in 2007-2009 years. good evening to you. greetings, good evening. mr. volodymyr, what are your expectations from this summit? foreign ministry? switzerland says that it is quite logically called to start the peace process, and do you think there are prerequisites for this? well, you know, i have been
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saying for a long time, from the very beginning of these still preliminary negotiations on the preparation for this summit, that my personal expectations from him are quite, well , to put it delicately diplomatically, such, well, small. i will explain why, because there are no appeals to russia, no resolutions, none coalitions do not encourage anything. we have already seen this many times. let's recall the resolutions of the general assembly, condemning the actions of russia, and this has been done several times, and something has changed, nothing has changed. and unfortunately, nothing will change this time either. for many countries, this is a good opportunity to speak from the right positions, to say that they are for peace and friendship between peoples, that they are for justice and so on and so forth, but
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this call for peace will not have any practical... purpose, because you absolutely correctly said that russia will not react positively to these things in any way, you quoted zakharova there, and her immediate boss is the head of this propaganda department, why call it the ministry of foreign affairs. it has not been possible for a long time, he said that you see, they want to put us in front of the facts, they want to dictate conditions to us, they will produce them, and then they will tell us what we need to do, so this will never happen, so the question is, what we count on the fact that something will happen in the sky, the stars will begin to move in a different direction, or the earth will begin to rotate
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on the contrary, no, this will not happen. that's why you can't expect anything practical from this, so the political profit will be certain, there will be opportunities to refer to the declaration of this summit, to the fact that there 80 or 90 or 100 countries have spoken in favor of this, in order for peace to finally come, well, but, peace is achieved in relations with russia in only one way, and you know it well. you know, through coercion for peace, but at the same time, other options will not work, at the same time, mr. volodymyr, switzerland has already stated today that they are, quote, peaceful the process without russia is unthinkable, so at what stage can russia be involved in general and how, under what conditions can this happen? well, i think that at the stage of russia's capitulation, then of course there will be representatives of this country who have to sign the act of surrender, as
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hitler's once did. germany, in fact, today we are talking about the same fascist state, which is called a racist state, that is, russian fascism, which today rules, which rules this country today, so i think there really are no options here, and the right-wing minister koleb, when says that in the end two parties should put the signature, well, i think that they will be put not really by two parties, but on the one hand by the winning coalition of states, and on the other hand by the defeated group. russia, this will be, this will be the end, the peaceful end of everything that happened, and what will happen after that with the remnants of this so -called russia, well, we will look at that a little later. well, dmytro kuleba just announced that we will have to communicate with russia somehow, but what could these negotiations be, because we already have them, in ukraine already has the experience of negotiations with the russian
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side after the beginning. east in 2014, which ended in a de facto full-scale invasion? i'm iryna, i just didn't hear any hints in kuleba's interview that we will negotiate with russia, although now for some reason this topic has gone all over the place today, and i have the feeling that kukledov said that we have already we sit down at the negotiation table, as far as i know, there was the word possible, so communication is possible, it is possible to communicate. and possible and impossible, that is, this is only a diplomatic formula for that, well, so to speak, at some point, perhaps, not to cut off some ways, but i don't understand what to talk about with a country that makes completely inadequate demands, you are definitely informed that all of them they are talking about new historical realities, well... well, from
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the translation from the moscow pseudo-language to the usual one, this means that russia will start any negotiations only when ukraine recognizes russia's territorial conquests, when ukraine agrees to a semi-colonial status in relation to the russian federation, then , what it is spelled out in the so-called turkish plan, and probably the same will be repeated in the chinese one, and only after that it is all out... that is, it is a kind of political nonsense, but it is very far from practical actions. returning to the summit, if we talk about its participants, the participation of which countries is extremely important for ukraine, and in this context, for example, china, which helps russia in the war, earlier than...


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