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tv   [untitled]    May 2, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am EEST

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historical realities, well, from the translation from the moscow pseudo-language to the usual one, this means that russia will start some negotiations only when ukraine recognizes russia's territorial conquests, when ukraine agrees to a semi-colonial status in relation to the russian federation, what is written in the so-called turkish plan, and probably the same thing will be repeated in chinese, and only... actions. returning to the summit, if we talk about its participants, the participation of which countries is extremely important for ukraine. and in this context, for example, china, which helps russia in war, earlier... revealed that he is considering whether
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to join this summit, if china does participate, what will it mean? er, in my opinion, he will not take part in this conference for one simple reason, because he needs, at least morally, to continue the course in support of russia, because these are ideological partners, these are countries that er... well, go to a leg in the sense that they both reject democratic values ​​and do not need them, they build their practice on the basis of totalitarianism, in the russian case and russian fascism, so lose china this already de facto enslaved partner, because today china china has turned russia into...
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its economic vassal, well, there is no sense, and what will china's participation in the conference give to china, well, everyone will say that this is the way to observe the norms of international law, this is the way to comply the un charter and the like and so on, china also wrote this in the first paragraph of its so-called peace plan, however, it does not say what the territorial integrity of the state means now, maybe this is what levro says. well, that's why he is, so to speak, some special, benefits from participation, well, i think i won’t get it for myself, and then the question is, why risk friendship with russia, i think not, thank you, thank you for your thoughts, it was volodymyr ogrysko, head of the research center of russia and the minister of foreign affairs of ukraine in 2007-2009, and we talked about the global... peace summit, which
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will be held in switzerland in june. thank you. mass protests continue in georgia. on the eve of the draft law on the transparency of foreign influence, better known as on foreign agents, in the second reading he supported georgian parliament. the first reading took place on april 17, but in the final third, the ruling party georgian dream is going to adopt the draft law in mid-may. the review of the document is accompanied. thousands of protests with violent dispersal of the participants of the action and shooting in recent days, as well as the use of water cannons and tear gas by security forces. protesters are unhappy with the bill, which declares non-governmental and media organizations with more than 20% foreign funding as protect the interests of a foreign state. such organizations must register in a special register and fill out a financial declaration every year. the georgians who took to the streets say that the documents... parliamentarians
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have written off from the russian legislation, and in fact it will provide for the restriction of the activities of those organizations that, in particular , take care of the issue of human rights and corruption, due to the so-called draft law on foreign agents under threat, the integration of georgia into the eu and nato, the us state department announced this, condemning the document and the anti-western rhetoric of the authorities parties that are not compatible with democratic values. at the same time, after the violence against the protesters, the member of the european parliament viola von cramun. called to withdraw from georgia the status of a candidate for eu accession, which it received last december. in april, the ruling georgian dream party announced the restoration of the draft law on the transparency of foreign influence. it is also known as the foreign agents bill. after that, about 10,000 people came out to protest against the bill. this law can become an excuse. to view the status
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candidate in the eu. this is a direct signal that this law is not democratic. this is not a law that georgia needs, but simply a russian law. our freedom is in question because by pushing this law, the government is restricting our freedom of expression and many other rights that we could have, so we must unite and consolidate so that we don't become russia. actions against the draft law on foreign agents continued throughout april. protesters gathered near the parliament building, holding georgian flags and placards with the inscription "no russian law". our european future is at risk. we, the younger generation, believe that this law will threaten our prospects. people of my age want to have the same opportunities and chances as european youth. therefore, our parliament should not pass this law. during
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the georgian ministry of internal affairs announced the arrest of 14 protesters at the rally clashes broke out in the parliament of georgia due to the re-introduction of the draft law by the government. on april 17, the parliament of georgia approved the draft law on the transparency of foreign influence in the first reading. thousands of people again went to rallies. protesters blocked traffic on tbilisi's main highway in front of the parliament building. meanwhile, president of georgia solome. rabishvili announced that she would veto the law on foreign agents, and the european parliament approved a resolution according to which georgia will not be able to join the european union if the law on foreign agents is in force. the protests continued.
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people sang the anthems of georgia and the european union while holding national flags and banners with pro-european inscriptions. no more, we are now fighting for our rights, not the russian government, nor the russian law, but for our equality, be it economic or any other rights, that is why we are here to guard our rights and freedom. on april 29, the ruling party of georgia organized a rally in support of the law on foreign agents. first of all , georgia chooses europe, but this european choice must be made with georgian dignity and observance of georgian traditions. the president of georgia criticized the rally, as i quote, putin's action. on april 30, closer to
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midnight, the special forces began dispersing the protest, using tear gas and water cannons against the protesters. in the morning, the ministry of internal affairs of georgia reported the detention of 63 participants. protests, and the georgian parliament declared a red level of security amid the protests. the president of georgia, solome zorabishvili, appealed to the minister of internal affairs to stop the crackdown on the peaceful demonstration. nevertheless, on may 1, deputies they still supported the bill in the second reading. the ruling georgian dream party can approve the bill in the final third reading in mid-may. of course there will be demonstrations today, and during the third reading, and during the veto override, but we will pass everything. anastasia potapenko, radio liberty. anna plieva, a journalist of the radio liberty echo of the caucasus project, joins our broadcast. good evening,
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nano. good evening, i greet you. according to the prime minister of georgia, kobakhid, the adoption of the draft law on foreign agents is necessary for that, i quote, in the long term. pacify this country, how to decipher it, what does it mean? this means that, as the protesters and the opposition say, the pacification will be like in russia, because georgian society perceives it as some authoritarian kren, and we are already talking about this openly after the speech of the founder of the georgian dream, the de facto leader of georgia, billionaire bidzina ivannishvili. showed every time his rally was a demonstration, which they brought people from all over georgia, and it was an unprecedented speech, it was anti-western rhetoric multiplied by paranoia multiplied by
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conspiracy theories, what exactly did he say, he said that the west would grow an agency in the country, led the foreign administration in 2003 after the... rose revolution, now we have such a national, patriotic government, and they don't will allow this to happen again, that is, the law on foreign agents is for them... an opportunity to control and somehow silence the voices, the voices of the opposition and the civil sector, not non-governmental organizations, this is exactly how it is perceived in georgia, he called opponents with bats, he said that they are not patriots, they do not have a homeland, that is, it is a bat, it is not a mouse and not a bird, it is so unclear that... after that, they already beat the leader of the largest opposition
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party of the united national movement, that is, this is such an announcement of repression, and it also shows that the country can follow the russian-russian path, and this is also being talked about in the european union, in brussels, in washington, as well, you said that there are critics, they point out that the country moves away from the european union and... by this law , it is not european, as much as it is not about it georgian dream said, this is a law that distances georgia from europe, and it will be such an authoritarian mechanism that they can add there, as russia did, some amendments, and it will be a tool against those who are dissatisfied in the country. and how, by the way, do georgians react to these statements coming from the west regarding the withdrawal of applications for joining the european union? pruzynska society still hopes that the oligarch will be punished,
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those in his entourage will be punished, and those people who have been going out for the third week will not be punished streets, there are a lot of them, this is true, if you also ask the veterans of various protests, there were many of them in 30 years, more than 30 years of independence in the country, they say that they do not remember such a thing, very, very many people have been standing for the third week under water cannons of tear... gas, as you said, rubber bullets, and these protesters, these citizens of georgia, georgian society, shows the west that it says yes to europe, and no to russia, and it, a lot of people say that they expect support for the event, and not some kind of punishment that the oligarch should be punished as they call him a russian oligarch, and his entourage, who chose an authoritarian path for themselves in... nano, please tell me , is it correct to draw parallels
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between kyiv 10 years ago and georgia today, between ukraine and georgia, because in both cases european integration is at stake in kuna, and what is happening now on the streets of tbilisi is very reminiscent of the center of kyiv in 2014, do georgians draw such parallels? this is a very good question, before coming to you on the air, i also asked georgian experts. and yet we cannot say what it is euromaidan, but there are parallels, first of all, that at an unexpected moment, when their own team did not have any problems, they calmly went to the elections, they could win these elections, they come out and turn the whole society against them, and this causes very there are many questions, what is the power of this government, and many people say that it is pressure from moscow, that it is... ivanishvili's speech, his such a turn over the atlantic, yes, it was such a report to putin,
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he repeated his theses about the west, his theses about the war in ukraine, even, he never speaks about russia in a negative way, he never says that it is russia's aggression in ukraine, he says that this event put ukraine and georgia in such a situation, they did not accept us in nato, and that's what happened. with us never says anything about russia, about putin in a negative sense, and many analysts believe that you are pressure from russia, and in this sense it was also pressure against yanukovych, then, but what will be his response, or he is capable of losing these elections, if he loses them, if he leaves, or he will shoot, as yanukovych did, we cannot i can't say now, but the only thing that is very clear is that in georgia, the government that shoots, it... is going away. nano, thank you, it was nana plieva, a journalist of the radio liberty echo of the caucasus project. thanks. well, i encourage you
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to subscribe to radio liberty's pages on social networks, like this issue, and leave comments. radio svoboda live will be back on the air tomorrow. before meeting. problems with... joints restrict movement, it is unpleasant and painful. strengthen them with the help of long joints. these are sachets with collagen and vitamin c for recovery articular cartilage. long joints contributes to the normal functioning of joints and has a positive effect on bone health. stretching the joints improves motor functions. stay calm, move freely. there are discounts, represented by coco discounts in may for relief, 10% in the pharmacies psyllanyk, bam and oskad. turn on well - it's when everything is as you want. click and
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we will discuss with you today, two o'clock, to learn about the war, right now we will talk more about the war, serhiy sgurets. and how the world lives now, about what has happened in the world, yuriy fizar will speak in more detail, yuriy good evening, please speak to you. two hours to keep up with economic news. time to talk about money in wartime. oleksandr morchivka is with us. alexander, congratulations, please. and sports news. review of sporting events by yevhen pastukhov. two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. thank you very much to elina chechenna for the information about culture news. leading that to many people, they have become similar. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather on the day of advent, as well as respectable ones. guests of the studio andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast. a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. protect
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yours. the result of their work is our safety. they, the boys from volyn, proved that... everyone can be a warrior, strong in spirit, they appreciate the ability to stand side by side with their brothers until the holy victory. everyone who pilots a uav understands it, prepares, treats, repairs, rolls kilometers of roads, fills piles of documents, significantly strengthens those who cover the enemy with heavy fire and return meter by meter our native land. join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. let's stick together. congratulations, the search for 17-year-old stefania tylenina, who disappeared in january 2024, has been going on for more than six months. and immediately i want to urge you, please share this video on your social networks, because in this way there will be
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much more chances to find the missing child. so stefania lived in a foster family in the kharkiv region, in the village of lozivske. when the full-scale invasion began, the girl and her adoptive mother evacuated to the czech republic, and after some time they returned to ukraine. we spoke with stefania's adoptive mother, and let's listen to a fragment of the conversation. we returned to ukraine after four or five months. we returned from july, in october, she ran away. just in time for the holidays. mrs. marina says that she and stefania had a good relationship, they repaired and went home, she definitely did not because of conflicts in the family. we had a very good relationship, she has been in my family for 8 years, there were no problems with her at all, she helped me at the institution, she performed, we didn't have any such that we quarreled there. the girl's adoptive mother says that the probable reason for the escape is stefania's desire to live
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abroad, at least she said this more than once after returning from the czech republic to ukraine. why did she run away, well, she didn't want to be here in ukraine, and she didn't want to come back here i liked it there. mrs. marina said that stefania left home in october 2022. at first, she contacted her, although she did not tell where she was, only that she was alive and everything was fine. however, she last called on august 1 , 2023, and there was no further contact with her. unfortunately, all this time stefania has not informed about herself, so where the girl is now, in ukraine, abroad, and if she is really abroad, then in which country, it is not known exactly. however, her adoptive mother revealed what she had information that stefania crossed the border of slovakia in october 2023. so it is
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likely that she is in slovakia. therefore, we, in turn, after talking with ms. marina, contacted our colleagues from the international federation of missing children europe, who made a request to the slovak police. however, unfortunately, there is no actual information about the girl yet. and... so if you know at least something about stefania tielenina, or if maybe you live in slovakia and suddenly see her or learn something about her, immediately call 11630. 11630 is the only european hotline for missing children that works in 28 european countries. we really hope that stefania will be found, and we are doing everything possible for this, but in general , it is worth saying that it is teenagers who most often resort to running away from home, and the reasons are very different: conflicts in the family, insufficient or vice versa, excessive attention of parents, bullying at
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school, unfortunately, violence, or the banal search for adventures of independence and freedom. the child tracing service has prepared a series of tips for parents from a psychologist about what you should do first of all to prevent a child from running away from home. one of these tips is to be... attentive to the child and monitor his emotional manifestations and behavior. let's listen. be attentive to your child. there are some manifestations in the behavior of children and adolescents that indicate that they need to be taken care of more. we need to take more care of them. what could it be? first, it is a disturbed sleep pattern. when a child goes to bed at three o'clock and gets up at 12 o'clock, it's definitely not good, it's definitely a reason to worry. next, it can be depressed. a condition where the child is depressed most of the day for more than two weeks, this is definitely a reason to take care of him. if you notice any problems with
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the child's memory, attention, or productivity, this may also be evidence that he has some strong negative experiences. if nothing brings joy to the child, satisfaction, if nothing makes him happy, this is also a reason to take care of him, have some kind of warm and trusting conversation with him, support, help, and sometimes refer him to specialists. refer for help to a psychologist or other specialists. we have created a resource through which you can report any crime against a child. in any city, at any time, just go to the site and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal. stop krajm uua.
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on the air from washington, the program of the ukrainian voice of america chsa time, i'm yuliya yarmolenko, congratulations. russia's war against ukraine will not end anytime soon, and putin will continue his aggressive tactics of attacks on the civilian population and infrastructure. she stated this at the hearings in the senate. us national intelligence avril gaines. according to her, putin has been giving signals of readiness for negotiations for months, but no signals of readiness to make concessions. his female tactics, says gaines, are aimed at getting ukraine to make concessions. putin's increasingly aggressive tactics against ukraine, such as strikes on ukraine's electricity infrastructure, are aimed at convincing ukraine that continued fighting will only add to its damage. and will not offer a plausible path to victory, targeting vital infrastructure, moscow seeks to damage logistics that will hamper ukraine's ability to move forces and supplies to
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the front, slow ukrainian defense production, and increase pressure on kyiv to consider ways out of the war, including negotiations. these aggressive tactics are likely to continue and the war is unlikely to end anytime soon. switzerland. announced thursday that it has invited 160 delegations from around the world to participate in the june global peace summit, which aims to promote establishing a just peace in ukraine. russia has not been invited to the conference, which will be held on june 15-16 near the city of lucerne. the only thing that can motivate putin to serious peace talks is the language of force and military pressure, according to nicolange, a researcher at the european policy analysis center. ukraine's partners should realize this, he is convinced, and provide kiev with everything.
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it is obvious that the only way to reach meaningful negotiations with vladimir putin and the russian regime is to increase military pressure on russia. if they have a feeling that they have a chance to win this war against ukraine, then the russian side will not be ready for serious negotiations. and in my opinion, what the united states, as well as other partners of ukraine in the west, should understand, the only language that will encourage putin to negotiate peace is the language of strength, and the military equipment of ukraine. that she could be in such a position, as well as increasing pressure on crimea, is a way that can contribute to the success of negotiations in switzerland. the full interview with nikolanga, watch it soon on our broadcasts and read it on the voice of america website in ukrainian in social networks. meanwhile, american lawmakers believe that the administration of president joe biden should increase not only military, but also sanctions pressure on russia. in the comments to my colleague kateryna lisonova, they
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expressed the hope that the american... aid would get into the hands of the ukrainian military as soon as possible, and it would help them turn the situation around on the battlefield. i was informed that they are working as fast as possible to get aid to the front lines. we were supposed to do it months ago and i was talking about it many times, unfortunately, this has not happened, so for now, i'm just hoping that help comes as soon as possible. we must make sure that the american people remember how important this conflict is. for the same reasons, we fought in the second world war. war and for the same reasons we created nato and the un. i wish it would happen much sooner. this is a question i keep asking the secretary of state, the secretary of defense and everyone else. why can't we pass this on as soon as possible. slow aid to ukraine is disastrous for its people. for our goals as a country that supports its friends. people forget that people are still dying there, children are still being kidnapped, people are still being shot. these are innocent civilians.
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europe. is losing ground because it doesn't have enough weapons, we did it six months ago, but right now we need to get this aid as soon as possible. yes, i think it took too long. i also believe that the biden administration should end its lax sanctions policy against russia. i 'm calling for a move away from putting a price cap on oil that doesn't work. we need to deprive putin of the resources and funding that he uses for his own. war machine, which means ending the general license for russian banks, closing this loophole, and imposing severe sanctions on russian energy exports, this will deprive putin of the funding he is using for this war. if we really want to help ukraine win. the united states condemns a kremlin-inspired foreign influence bill advancing in
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georgia's parliament and narratives that... used by government officials to protect him. such a statement was made by the spokesman of the us state department, matthew miller. he noted that secretary of state anthony blinken is closely following the development of the situation in georgia. protests against the bill continue in tbilisi. on wednesday evening, law enforcement officers used tear gas and water cannons to disperse the protesters, which injured a number of people. the eu and the us have condemned violence against peaceful demonstrators, as well as against journalists covering the events. parliament of georgia canceled for thursday plenary meeting. on wednesday evening , the controversial bill passed the second reading. if approved , it would require organizations that receive more than 20% of their funding from abroad to register in ukraine as agents of foreign influence. brussels has already warned that the adoption could prevent the planambilis from joining the eu. in washington, they are concerned about the potential impact of the bill on freedom of speech and the general course of georgia. we are deeply concerned about
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the legislation currently moving through the georgia legislature. we also we are concerned and condemn the false narratives that government officials are using to defend this legislation and the anti-western rhetoric of the georgian leadership. the georgian authorities have led the country on a questionable trajectory and are jeopardizing georgia's euro-atlantic path and undermining us-georgia relations. right now it's a draft law, and i'm not going to say what exactly we... can respond to, but i think we've made it clear how seriously we take this issue and how concerned we are. president joe biden on thursday emphasized the importance of freedom of speech and peaceful assembly in the united states. peaceful protest, he said, is the best tradition of how americans respond to important issues. at the same time, the president added: "we are not a lawless country," and called on the pro-palestinian protesters who continue their actions at university campuses.


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