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tv   [untitled]    May 3, 2024 1:00am-1:31am EEST

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and although, unfortunately, there will not be an analogue of the fifth article of the washington treaty on the part of the usa, because we see that our partners are afraid of it. well, then, this will mean that we are going in such a slightly circuitous way, but we are somewhere, well, a few steps before that. which is called compatibility, which will later turn into normal membership of ukraine in this organization after our victory. mr. volodymyr, ukraine is already signing bilateral security agreements, and president zelenskyi in an evening video message said that ukraine is preparing seven more new bilateral security agreements, in particular with the united states of america, as you have already mentioned, and is also ready to start negotiations.
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regarding joining the european union, let's listen to what mr. zelensky said. we are preparing seven more new security documents for our state, bilateral security agreements, including the security agreement with the united states, weapons, finances, political interaction. the second is the european direction. as at every previous stage of integration with the european union. a lot depends on it from our activism, ukraine has already fully implemented its part of the obligations in order to actually start accession negotiations this june. mr. volodymyr, if we talk about these bilateral security agreements, take into account the fact that the italian representatives said that there are no such legal obligations, or something like that was said. it is correct that
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this is a framework security agreement, and what is the status of these agreements, if they are not ratified by the verkhovna rada of ukraine, are concluded between two states, that is, i understand that the status international treaties, as it is written in the constitution, these agreements do not have, do i understand correctly? uh, well, i don't know if they're not going to be notified, i don't know, well... how much uh how much should this moment be registered, well, from what we've seen, the ones that are currently signed, they're kind of not require ratification, but let's say, if it is about an agreement with our most important partner, the united states of america, then it seems to me that it should be the ratification process, because it then... imposed and
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we, and the united states of america, have very clear and understandable obligations. regarding the word security, i have said it several times, and now i can repeat it, so to speak, probably for ease of use, but these are important, very important agreements, but on cooperation in the field of defense and security, a security agreement, if brothers, so to speak, well, its essence is what is written in article five of the washington treaty, it is an obligation to go to war in the event of an attack on one of the members of the alliance, such an obligation, unfortunately, these agreements are not have, so to call them 100% safe, i think it will be a bit of an exaggeration, but i repeat once again, at the same time, they will help us a lot precisely in the field of defense. and
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security, and therefore the more of them, the better in principle. against this background , french president emmanuel macron once again said that sending european ground troops to ukraine is possible, provided that the russians break through to the front, if the ukrainian leadership directly asks for it, this is what he said in an interview with the zaekonomist publication. i have a clear strategic goal. russia cannot to win in ukraine, because if russia wins, what will happen to european security? who can claim that putin will stop there, will the neighboring countries, moldova, romania, poland, lithuania be safe? and what will happen to the trust in the europeans, who spent billions, saying that the survival of the continent is at stake, and at the same time did not help to stop russia. so we should not rule anything out, because our goal is that russia can never win. in ukraine. mr. volodymyr, our
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western partners often talk about that russia cannot win in ukraine, and russia should not. maybe, but they do not continue this opinion and do not say that russia must necessarily be defeated, we have already talked about this many times, and yet, well, in the context of what emmanuel macron said, why are they so cautious they talk about or do not agree that russia must be defeated, because, mr. serhiu, they are afraid of it, because of two circumstances, because, and we have talked about this again with you... because they do not know , what what will happen with edible weapons, and secondly, they are afraid of an uncontrolled disintegration, i.e. a civil war that will cover this territory, well, after all, 17 million is a lot, eh, that is why russia should not win, but, you
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are right, without continuation , after that she goes, but she shouldn’t lose, well , the balance, so in... she needs to be shown that she should get away from ukraine and not spoil our euro-atlantic future, but she should be kept the same way, she should hold on buy, because we west do not know what is with this quazi the state to do, but if it starts to fall apart, well, then we will think about it, and now we cannot talk about it, but this is, unfortunately... quite, i would say, a nihilistic position, which actually only helps putin to continue his, his war, if it were, but the truth is that i have to say kind words to president macron, i am generally surprised by his political metamorphosis
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when, when he started, he was very harshly opposed to the kremlin, then a stage of some incomprehensible love began. and long telephone and other conversations with the dictator and fascist putin, and now again, apparently, the insight and understanding that we need to act decisively with this country, and his statements that we also have nuclear weapons, and that we will send our troops to ukraine if the ukrainian government appeals, this is a cold shower for putin, he is wonderful. but he understands and the reaction to these statements was appropriate, well, the only question is that we want the same, so that we do not make important statements, but when it is necessary to make a decision, so that it is really made on time and can help us
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hold our ground. mr. volodymyr, minister, the new minister of foreign affairs of latvia, baiba braze, in an interview. european pravda said that some western countries do not object to ukraine using their weapons on russian territory, and reuters now reports that david cameron, during his visit to kyiv, also stated that ukraine has the right to strike on russian territory by british arms, does that mean that is changing, we are seeing a change now. and that fear is moving away from our westerners partners, regarding russia, because we saw how difficult it was for them to give weapons of various modifications, we saw how they took a long time to decide whether to give us tanks, abrams and
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leopards, now we are talking about the fact that western weapons can fly in the direction of russia federations, what does this mean, does it mean that they... want putin to go to some peace talks, or to some negotiations, to some concessions, how to perceive these signals? well, this should be taken, it seems to me, as the fact that some, some, far from all western leaders understand that hopes for any agreements with the kremlin, they are useless. well, unfortunately, we cannot say that this applies to everyone. western managers and leaders, we see how chancellor scholz is afraid to hand over the taurus to ukraine, despite the fact that germany makes a huge contribution to strengthening our defense capabilities, well, now, thank god, there are attacks
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of that range that allow us to do many necessary things , but how much was needed for this time, so this, you know, such a transition. on new thinking, he is so for of western partners is heavy and so onerous, and so they squeeze out these drops from themselves, this decision that... it is still necessary to help ukraine, because otherwise they will have to pay not billions, but trillions. well, that's true. let's imagine that russia, having pierced ukraine, goes to the european borders, to the borders of nato and the european union. well, that 's all, it means that putin won just because he went there, but, as macron rightly said, he's not going to stop there. and then there will be the baltic countries, then there will be poland, then there will be, there will be romania and so on, that is
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, finally the west is beginning to understand that it is necessary to help ukraine beat the enemy, but not only to defend, because the best defense is an offensive, and what our armed forces are doing today, destroying the enemy's refineries , is an example of a completely new strategic thinking. of the ukrainian armed forces in the manner in which it is necessary to attack the enemy asymmetrically and provide him with opportunities to develop his offensive. well, but before that, you see, our western partners also need to grow up, and this growing up is going on so slowly and so innocently that sometimes you think that, well, in order to make a decision, it really takes a year or a half, well, a miracle is strange, as they say, and a lot. it's expensive in ukraine, i mean, one way or another, ukraine is paying
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for this delay, and we have a big front, and we have victims and we have dead, and against this background, mr. volodymyr, one more event that has to take place in switzerland on june 15, 16, this is the global peace summit, and in the official message of the ministry of foreign affairs. switzerland it is said that russia is not invited to this summit, russia is not invited at this stage, the message says, switzerland has always shown openness to inviting russia to this summit, but russia has repeatedly and also publicly stated that it is not interested in participating in this the first summit, a high-level conference in switzerland is called to start a peace process, switzerland is convinced that russia should be involved in this process, a peace process without russia is unthinkable, at the same time, the minister of foreign affairs of ukraine dmytro kuleba believes that sitting down it makes no sense to negotiate with russia,
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since it will not be possible to get conscientious actions from it. let's listen to what he said, commenting on the prospects of the global peace summit in switzerland without the participation of russia. there are only two ways to get russia to act in good faith. the first is success on the battlefield, and the second is the presence of a coalition. countries that share the same principles and the same approaches. that is why the summit does not foresee the participation of russia. because the purpose of this summit is to unite countries that share principles and approaches which further actions will be built. after that , communication with russia can happen, and russia can become a participant in the negotiations, because you are right. after all, you can't end a war without both sides participating. mr. volodymyr, under what conditions do you think russia
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can be a participant in the negotiations? well, under the condition of signing the agreement on the act of surrender, or rather the act of surrender, i honestly don’t see any other reasonable conditions, well, because let’s, let’s hear, or rather remember, what russian officials of the highest level say that... ukraine must recognize new territorial reality, which translated from moscow means that we must agree to the seizure of our lands, and the second, key thing that is said in the kremlin is that ukraine must actually become a semi-colony of russia, because if we look at these proposals, which were distributed under under the rubric of turkish initiatives, and something is leaking from
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the chinese direction, then russian demands are written there, and some are sprinkled with other, it is already the whims of one or another country, that is, there is no ukrainian interest there, so what kind of negotiations are possible on such a basis to speak, i honestly can't imagine it, that's why... well, by the way , i honestly didn't hear the imperative in minister kuleba's statement. it was said that maybe something will happen after this conference, maybe there will be some contacts, maybe there will be some not necessarily direct meetings and so on, that is, i think that talking now about negotiations with russia is, well, simply pointless,
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because there is no subject for negotiations, and what this summit can do, yes, it can be... politically useful, because yes, well, there are 80 or 90 or 100 countries that will gather, they will adopt an important document, some statement, some declaration, if the right words are said, it really will not have any practical impact on russia, because more than once, more than one year the relevant resolutions are adopted at the un, with all the right words, but the only thing is that russia does not react to them, as it were, that's why, in fact, it will also be the same in geneva, in switzerland, excuse me, after this conference, and the main thing an argument that will make russia think about the way to end the war is the success of our armed forces on the battlefield,
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there is no other option in the conversation with russia, that's when russia will understand that it will lose, and exactly when... russia will understand that its industrial complex and its refinery, and what it sits on will be destroyed in a flash, and then the people around putin will say, dear comrade putin, it's time for you to go to bed, and we 'll figure it out somehow without you here, that's actually what means the possibility of final negotiations with russia, otherwise we will get the same beast, only after a certain period of time, which will then destroy ukraine completely. mr. volodymyr. another topic that will be discussed during this month, for sure, is the topic that the russian federation is trying to spread through its media and disinformation, in particular in the west, this is the topic of the alleged illegitimacy of president zelensky. on may 20, it will be 5
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years since the inauguration of zelenskyi, lavrov has already said that, well, we will see what we will recognize there... we will not recognize it, we will not, like, zelenskyi will no longer be legitimate president, it is clear that it is quite clear to us that president zelenskyi was and remains the legitimate president until the next elections, will it be clear to the western audience that the president's powers will be extended, this is the first time, and secondly, whether it could be effective in this situation ... counter-propaganda regarding the legitimacy or illegitimacy of putin, because he was elected in the temporarily occupied territories of the ukrainian state, and this is a violation of all international rules, conventions and an excuse for, starting from the resolution of the european parliament,
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talk about the fact that putin is illegitimate and with the corresponding consequences, you admit it, sir. it just seems to me that lavrov should better think about his pseudo-president and how he will move around the world, having an arrest warrant. after these pseudo-elections , even more so, so you know, the ipso called the illegitimacy of the ukrainian government, it has already been launched for a long time, it is already working, and now until the end of the month, i think it will be simple... the screams of all these russian propagandists and so on, but i think we should to watch completely calmly, understanding that we will not hear anything else from this russian propaganda, but to work calmly with our western partners in order
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to prevent those pseudo-arguments that will come. can be launched and are already being launched on the western information market so that they do not make any impression there, it is necessary to make appropriate clear and clear statements, statements of a legal nature, i hope that this will be done before this date, in order to put an end to end all these insinuations, because for muscovy the most important and the most important not only. some kind of tactical advancement on the battlefield, and the division of ukrainian society, and for this they will do everything, everything depends on them. mr. volodymyr, at the end, a very short question, regarding... this resolution of the european parliament regarding the illegitimacy of putin, to what extent this resolution, which usually has a recommendatory character, how far it can be adapted or how far
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other countries can say by referring to it: we do not recognize powers of putin? well, you are right, mr. sergey, she is it is advisory, it is political, but it creates the appropriate atmosphere, and therefore, i think that... the significance is incommensurable, then everything depends on the political will of each country, if it is there, then you can safely refer to this resolution and adopt the appropriate resolution, if there is none, then no resolution will help. thank you, mr. volodymyr, for the conversation, this was volodymyr ogrysko, politician, diplomat, minister of foreign affairs of ukraine in 2007-9. well, one more small topic at the very end of our program. it is an application of artificial intelligence in the ministry of foreign affairs, the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine has created
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a digital person named victoria shi using artificial intelligence technologies, who will officially comment on consular information for the media. in her congratulatory video message, the virtual spokeswoman of the ministry of foreign affairs explained the essence of her work. let's listen. first of all, i will inform the public, report. operational and verified information of the consular service of the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine, i will inform journalists of news about the work of consuls in protecting the rights and interests of ukrainian citizens abroad. i also i will tell about the response of the ministry of foreign affairs to incidents or emergency situations abroad and inform about other important consular issues. this lady was created on the basis of a real person, that is, created by artificial intelligence. from a real person, this is the ukrainian singer ruseli nombre, to be honest, i do not know such a singer, well , at least the message says about it, that she is roseli nombre, and the question here is quite
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simple: is the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine lacking experienced diplomats, internationals who can to comment on consular issues and be real spokespeople for the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine, why is it necessary to... resort to artificial intelligence, to the shi avatar, which will comment on consular information, and the question arises quite simply: why is the ukrainian government gradually turning into some a hologram, that is, if a live, living person, a real person comes out, begins to comment on consular issues, which now, of course, there is quite an active need for these issues among ukrainians abroad , some of whom currently do not receive consular services, because they have to update their data in the tsc there, whether
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this avatar inspires some trust or distrust, for me it is an open question, because i would like to see a real person with a real name, a spokesperson of the ministry of foreign affairs, who will comment on all it is a consular issue, not some kind of avatar, an artificial intelligence that is trying to explain something to the ukrainians, it seems to me: during the war, this is a completely unsuccessful idea, especially since this avatar, this victoria shi, speaks in such a state language, which is very difficult in general to understand what she is talking about, it seems that they wrote some circulars and wrote a speech this inaugural speech to this shi avatar, well, let's see how they will use this shi avatar. friends, i would like to remind you that during this broadcast we conducted a survey and asked about... whether the global peace summit in switzerland will accelerate the victory of ukraine. let's look at the intermediate results of this survey: 26% - yes, 74% -
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no. these are the results of our survey today. do not forget that espresso is not only tv channel. we still have a website and social networks. join our information resources. thank you all for your attention, this was the verdict program, hosted by serhiy rudenko, goodbye. there are discounts representing coco discounts of may on eurofast softcaps 20% in travel pharmacies for you and savings. exclusively. on the air of our channel. congratulations, friends, politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week: russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis. on
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the border between ukraine and poland. topics that cause a resonance in our society. drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other russian cities. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. the country should get the right to start negotiations simply b. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored because there is nothing to fight about. let's. to gain insight into the present and predict the future, the second trump presidency will be terrible for the world, a project for those who care and think politclub, every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. olenivka is a prison in the occupied territory of ukraine, where the russians kept thousands of prisoners of war and civilian hostages, they wrapped them up.
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with tape and beat very hard. journalists found those involved in the crimes. the names of those responsible for the crimes in olenivka in the new film on the investigation of olenivka. curators of evil. on the air of the espresso tv channel. may 6 at 9:15 p.m. an unusual look at the news. hello ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say let's. we would have better roads even better. a special look at the events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond. what kind of world does norman dream of, can we imagine it? all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. events events that are happening right now and affect our lives. of course, the news
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feed reports on them. however, it is not enough to know what is happening, it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskyi and invited experts are sober evaluate events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 13:10 with a repeat at 22:00. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. i am olga lentse chronicle. congratulations, hellish fighting is going on in the donetsk operational zone, in general, the fighting along the entire front line is quite heavy, and while the situation does not improve, the retreat, rolling back of the front on the donetsk sector also continues, in principle , we can say that the situation is quite difficult for us now, because the enemy is trying to take advantage of that, you know, opportunity.
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er, which was created, er, for him, the lack of sufficient ammunition, the lack of a sufficient number of people, and in fact, as long as this lack makes itself felt, until then the enemy will practically advance, and in this situation, i remind you of our collection, which is very important, espresso and public organization the ua base, the opposition, are calling for support for the levy on fpv drones, which should actually be compensated. shortage of shells, shortage of ammunition, collection for the 93rd kholodny yar brigade and the 72nd brigade of black zaporozhets, who are constantly in the combat zone without rest, our contributions will help to establish our own production, testing, variations for the needs of defenders, we can do all this and provide it together, having collected uah 2 million,
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more. we have already collected part of it and let 's finish it and finally make this entire collection, so we really hope for you, look at the account number, you can go to monobank in private, everything will also be broadcast on youtube, you will see, please join any contribution is very important, but now let's see what has been happening at the front for the last few days on the combat map. map hostilities for the period april 24 - may 1. the loss of ochereteny created a threat for toretsk and konstantinovka. the russians are in a hurry to capture as much of donetsk as possible, while the armed forces are low on ammunition and help is still on the way. the armed forces found themselves under greater pressure from manpower, artillery and aviation. and that's why we have to retreat.


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