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tv   [untitled]    May 3, 2024 1:30am-2:01am EEST

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hryvnias, we have already collected most of it, and let's finish and finally collect all this, so we really hope for you, look at the account number, you can go to monobank in private, everything will also be broadcast on youtube, you will see, join , please, any contribution is very important, but now let's see what happens. at the front for the last few days on the battle map . map of hostilities for the period april 24 - may 1. the loss of ochereteny created a threat for toretsk and konstantinovka. russians are in a hurry to capture as much of donetsk as possible while the armed forces are short of ammunition and help is still on the way. the armed forces of ukraine found themselves under greater pressure from both manpower, artillery and aviation, and therefore had to retreat. in those
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places where there is nothing and no one to hold on to. on the other hand, even with this advantage, the armed forces of the russian federation cannot develop a rapid offensive. the postavdiyiv front is reaching new horizons. during the week, the russians managed to push through our defenses on almost all areas of this front. with of the southern edge, they captured half of the small village of netaylové and created a threat to advance to karlivka and the exit to the road that... to yasnobrodivka and umansky, where our defensive positions are located. in the area of ​​these villages, the front line did not change, and the assaults of the occupiers were insignificant. however, the situation here may worsen sharply, taking into account the events that took place in other areas, in the area of ​​orlivka, berdychiv. along the entire length of the front, from orlivka to berdychy, the rebels crossed the durna river and captured the village of semenivka and berdychi. the armed forces of ukraine restored the defensive line near novopokrovsky. taking into account the fact that
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the third assault brigade retreated from semenivka, it becomes clear how difficult the operational situation was. however , events developed most dynamically around ocheretny, having occupied the dominant heights where the village is located, which until recently was the main defensive center on this part of the front, the russians continued their offensive in the northwest direction on novooleksandrivka. part of the enemy troops continues to advance along the railway track in the direction of the village of progress. this tactic is connected with the fact that this territory is difficult to mine. on the other hand, the armed forces of the russian federation are quite vulnerable to artillery, advancing practically on open territory. at the same time, the occupiers are expanding their flanks to protect themselves from a counterattack by the armed forces. in this way, they captured novobakhmutivka and solovyovy and began an attack on the village of sokil. on the left flank, the rush managed to drive a wedge between the two brigades and occupy the village of novokalina. ke ceramic, our
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troops retreated to arkhangelsk. after the enemy occupied the reeds, he went on dominated the heights and managed to expand his flanks, he had the opportunity to choose the direction of his main offensive, either to move west towards pokrovsk, or north to kostiantynivka. despite the exact distance of 30 km between the two cities, the attack on pokrovsk is more problematic due to the logistical problems that will inevitably arise if the front line is extended. only in one area. the offensive on kostyantynivka looks more promising, because it is simultaneously being pressed by other troops from the side of the time gap. in addition, it will allow to bypass the defense of turkey and new york, where the front line has not changed since 2014. therefore, the occupiers intensified their attack on the liberation of klishchivka and andriivka in the summer, which stand as a bone against their zagarnytskyi plans. despite the difficult situation under the time gap, the front line has not changed. for strength in the future ot'.
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part of ivanivskyi, without the occupation of which a full-fledged attack on the city is impossible. summing up, it is worth paying attention to the fact that 2.5 months have passed since the occupation of avdiyivka, and during this time, despite all efforts, the russians did not manage to break through the front, and their the advance was 12-13 km to the west and north, and only diagonally in the direction of ochereteny, they traveled 22 km. at the same time, the armed forces demonstrated the flexibility of defense and the availability of... resources that can be thrown into battle, having the necessary ammunition. battle for krasnohorivka. a week after the russians almost broke through to the central areas of the city, the situation here has changed dramatically. the defense forces managed to repel the rashists not only from the central regions, but also from the eastern ones. currently, the enemy is entrenched only in a small part of the southern districts of the city. fierce battles continue in all other areas. kupyansk is next. this week, the rashists broke through our positions in the district. almost captured
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this village, which is 22 km from kupinsk. this is an attempt to continue the offensive on kupinsk through the route that runs from svatovo. back in january, the russians managed to capture the village of krokhmalnyi and... however, the last zsu managed to repulse it. then the zaharniks occupied 8 km of the strategically important road, but could not develop success, in particular due to the defense in kislivka and nearby kotlyarivka. now, after the occupation of kislivka, our soldiers in kotlyarisci found themselves under threat from the encirclement, and therefore will be forced to withdraw to other positions. in addition, the russians activated their assaults near the villages of beristov and novoselivske, but the defense forces pushed them back. southern prospects for a counteroffensive: while heavy fighting continues in donetsk, the armed forces of ukraine are directing their atakams and drones in a southern direction. after the destruction of the anti-aircraft defense system near jenko, new missiles flew to the tarkhankutu area, where they took out all four s-300 and s-400 air defense systems. in
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addition, the other day there were numerous explosions in simferopol, gvardiysky and again dzhankoya. the results of the pampering will be announced later. in addition, in the krasnodar territory, the russian federation struck with drones. again stopped the refinery in sloviansk, ilskyi. in addition, the strike on the airfield in kushchivsk was well-timed. about fifty sorties of su-34 and su-35 fighters, which carry guided aerial bombs, are carried out from where to ukraine. as a result of the strike , a part of warehouses with aerial bombs was definitely destroyed, and also some of the planes were probably damaged. this strike demonstrates vulnerability strategically important airfields for the russian federation, which will force the russians to disperse. such and move air defense systems. well, in addition to what was said, here is literally the news of the last day, this is that ukrainian troops managed to conduct an attack and restore positions east of yampolivka in
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the kupyansk direction, it was the forces of the 23rd, ta-63 brigade, such a defeat of the enemy's position was carried out followed by an assault, and it was unexpected. for the enemy, this is not bad, and our guest vladislav seleznyov, military expert, colonel of the armed forces of ukraine, spokesman of the general staff, has already joined us. i congratulate you, mr. vladyslav, i congratulate you, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, and here, well, let's start with the most difficult, if not difficult, that is, the actual progress on the cover continues. in the direction of which the novokalynov ceramics were captured, it is advancing further to arkhangelsk, and this advance cannot be stopped at the moment, that is, it is advancing along this railway offensive, just how, well, this is the impression along the avenue, why so, well, actually,
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why is it impossible even on the flanks to somehow squeeze them in, that is, along in fact, now there is such a situation, rolling, rolling, rolling. well, the loss of churetin was unexpected for many, because there was a rotation, and the brigade that entered the position actually did not fall out, did not fulfill the combat order, i hope that there will be an appropriate post-operational analysis at the level of the ministry of defense and the general staff , and the officials who are to blame did not carry out the order, they will be held accountable, because it is obvious that questions about the courage of our soldiers who tried to hold the enemy's onslaught on this part of the front are unlikely to arise. so, this is purely a question organizational, purely unjustified commander's decisions, which destroyed the line of defensive boundaries on this part of the front, the situation is actually very difficult, because the enemy not only has - advancement on this part of the front, he ensures this advancement at
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the expense of a multiple superiority in numbers, he has at least three times, and even four times the number of armored vehicles, it has at least six and seven times the number of personnel, and this... certain opportunities for the enemy army, because more, most likely in the nearest in the perspective of advancing precisely in depth, that is , west of ocheredin, the enemy will stop, but will begin to expand control of the territory on the flanks, well, it is clear why in order to maximally secure these advanced stormtroopers of their own army, which are operating west of cherykhivny. undoubtedly, the challenge is very serious, because after ocheryn, a kind of non-proliferation begins , and on the territory of which it is quite difficult to organize. defensive lines and positions, and this is a serious challenge, despite the fact that the ukrainian army still lacks artillery ammunition, and the fastest of all, this trend will be observed for at least two, and maybe even three weeks, until the american ammunition does not enter the line on the line of battle, with such problems
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the ukrainian army will face, on the one hand, the speed of the enemy army - this is a few hundred meters per day, but nevertheless the trend is not very great, but... so that we do not make such mistakes in the future, a thorough postoperative analysis must be carried out here now, that is, we need to find out, because of whose activity, or rather without action such a situation occurred. and to bring to the appropriate responsibility the military officials whose inaction caused such a tragedy. we must also understand this: the enemy will use the same window of opportunity created by the ukrainian army's lack of not only artillery, but also air defense systems. of course, the aviation component is as powerful as that of the russians, president volodymyr zelenskyi declares that the ratio of aviation equipment does not add up. 30 per ukrainian plane of the russians, that is, under such conditions, the enemy , using this window of opportunity, will
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push wherever possible and to the maximum distance, because the mission, which began in february of the 22nd year, regarding the complete occupation of the entire territory of donetsk and luhansk regions, it must be implemented, and precisely all the actions of the russians, the russian occupiers, are now focused on the implementation of this mission, well, besides the fact that there is a certain place for us, well... actually at the local level in the brigade, some conclusions must be drawn, but probably also the headquarters planning should there must be something else. responsibility must be individual, but it is precisely a combination of certain decisions, whether decisions made or not, on the contrary, that led to this extremely difficult situation. most likely, the ukrainian defense forces will have to withdraw in some sections of the front, precisely in this part of the line, and for to... align the front line, and of course, i hope that president volodymyr zelenskyi's task of creating
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a three-level line of defense structures has been implemented, and therefore our soldiers, who are now forced to leave, will be able to establish themselves on new frontiers and positions, which will be built, properly equipped and provided with everything necessary in time, that is, in advance. well, the plan, mr. vladyslav, it is clear that in the direction of, well... let's say , behind the reeds, it's hard to say if it's pokrovsky there, or if they're more aimed at konstantinivka, the russians even brought some two new brigades there, but between those, well, it seems like such a main direction is emerging, but meanwhile we see an escalation of fighting in the kupyan direction, which did not happen for a long time and their advance in the kupyansk direction, which also did not happen for a long time, well, in fact, in addition to that, here is also the latest news that... the occupier managed to advance near novooleksandrivka and in urozhany, the fertile area is west of
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ugledar, er, that is, there too, this is what you say, they are trying to press and probe in different directions, what is it like? i think that the enemy is already here laying the foundations of the future summer offensive, because most likely the enemy will act in two main directions, implementing his alarm plans, and on two auxiliaries, two auxiliaries... this, as you rightly note, is the kupinsky district, it is there that the enemy has concentrated 71,000 of his soldiers, who, by the way, are equipped with the largest tank component. we remember that tanks are primarily for attack, and most likely our soldiers, who hold a bridgehead on the left bank of the askil river, will have a rather difficult time in the long run, the short-armed battle of ensuring the encirclement of the army and, accordingly , a sufficient amount of resources creates many challenges for our warriors who will now be hardened. hostilities on this part of the front, which the same concerns the intensification of hostilities in the south of zaporizhzhia region, this is in
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the staromayorsky area, this is in the rabotino area, yes, i think that in this way the enemy is trying to stretch our strategic reserves as much as possible, because all these two areas of the front are on diametrically opposite sides of the battle line the intersection, where its battles mainly take place, as for the main directions where the fighting will take place, then most likely it is the same... the area in the direction of pokrovsk, i.e. cheretina and its surroundings, and accordingly the area chasyar, and i am not sure that further the enemy will attack our garrison defending the chaser head-on, and it is quite likely that he will try to go around the heights, on the flanks, in order to form a suitable line behind the chasyar a bridgehead in order to move further towards the slavic-kramator agglomeration of miej, because in fact this agglomeration is the largest still in the territories of donetsk region that is under control. government, in any case, i agree with all statesmen and military experts who
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they claim that the summer of this year will be extremely difficult for us, because the enemy has not acquired the appropriate resources, and i hope that the ukrainian army will manage to get enough resources by that time, so that you will oppose all the enemy's plans for his offensive. but you already said that this is a window of opportunity for the russians, and how long do you think this window of opportunity will last? great question? in fact, because when general budanov said a few months ago that by the beginning of march the enemy would run out of all his resources for conducting large-scale offensive operations, i... absolutely clearly understood that our head of military intelligence is right, usually large-scale combat operations of an offensive nature take place within three, maximum five months, here it is the seventh month in a row that the enemy army finds appropriate resources, uses in particular strategic reserves in order to continue the offensive campaign. the logic of the russians' actions is clear, they are trying
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to take advantage of this opportunity when we are critically lacking an artillery component, but nevertheless there are well... physical limits capabilities, personnel, there is psychological, physical, emotional fatigue, but we can see that even these factors somehow do not have too much influence on the intensity of hostilities, against the background of the president's statements that from the beginning of may and the beginning of summer, or rather at the end may, at the beginning of the summer large-scale hostilities of the new phase will begin, then the question arises how quickly russia ... managed to accumulate the appropriate material and technical resources and prepare a sufficient number of reserves, although, if we talk about the total number enemy personnel, then 469 thousand, this number does not change, a certain rotation of enemy forces took place, for example , up to 10 thousand enemy troops were partially moved from the territory of the luhansk region, occupied
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by the enemy in the territory of the belgorod region, for example, in the belgorod direction, it now holds more than 30. and in general, if we are talking about the russian regions bordering ukraine, we are talking about bryadchyna, korsk region and bolkorodsky region, there are a total of approximately 50 thousand russian servicemen who perform certain tasks mission, whether they can be used for a large-scale attack towards our territories, whether on chernihiv, or on sumy, or on kharkiv, it is hardly enough, because the enemy knows that we have carried out a considerable amount of work on creating engineering fortifications along. the border is still with the russian federation, but nevertheless the trend is quite dangerous and i think that it is worth waiting for official reports from our intelligence, what will happen in the future, we all understand about this, most likely the same auxiliary direction will play in kharkiv oblast a considerable role in the intensification of hostilities, because
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it is precisely because of the short shoulder of the delivery of everything and everything for the needs of the russian occupations operating on this part of the front. there may be a rather intense and dynamic situation, well , besides, apparently there may simply be an attempt to divert our forces again, to drag them there, so we cannot completely rule out even being involved in some form, the sumy direction, the kharkiv direction, well, you can't , yes, in fact, it is very important to emphasize, because despite the fact that it is unlikely that the enemy will be pushed from for the purpose of occupation, for example, sumy, but most likely its subversive reconnaissance will operate. groups at our border , enemy mortars and enemy artillery will be actively working, the enemy will also actively use the aviation component to launch an air-guided bomb in our direction, that is, such challenges definitely exist, and this must be taken into account, but regarding a large-scale offensive operation , as it was in february of the 22nd year, it is unlikely, well, and another thing, too
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, there were reports about the f-16 after easter and parallel reports appeared about the fact that... the russians are withdrawing their planes somewhere deeper in russia, that is, from those airfields that were directly along the border, and this is the impression that these are some kind of interconnected events, what do you think? i think that the enemy is reflecting on the processes that take place at airfields located at distances of up to 300 km from the line of combat with the ukrainian defense forces, because the further we are, the more often we use them. our drones, if we are talking about the territories of the russian federation, as well as our missiles, including if we are talking about the temporarily occupied territories of our country in order to search for the same planes. vorok suffers losses, including aviation equipment, and in order to protect it from the influence of our drones and missiles, he moves them further. in fact, this is a serious challenge and a problem for the russians, because
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if the radius of combat use of enemy aircraft is physically increased, then the capabilities of russian attack aircraft will be somewhat reduced, but this creates certain advantages for us, certain opportunities, or will for us, the f-16 fighters are wunderwaffes, i have a rather cautious skepticism for an obvious reason, we do not know with what missile equipment and weapons we will receive the same f-16 fighters, and it is precisely on this that their combat capabilities of these f-16s and, accordingly , ee ... possibilities for destroying enemy equipment, enemy salad, i.e. support with help in 16 actions of ukrainian troops, both nazis, and i hope in the future over the waters of the black and azov seas, you. very serious, but i think these things do not become public, that is, the missile weapons that will be transferred together with the f-16 for absolutely obvious reasons, the less
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the general public knows about such information, the less the enemy knows about it, i hope that our air forces, together with western partners, are preparing a lot of unpleasant surprises for enemy troops and forces. well, in general, you yourself evaluate the conversations about the fact that the f-16 can be based. to fly to romania from there and then work there in the territory, how realistic is this story? but that's actually it the direct participation of romania, if we are talking about this country, as a country that is a direct participant in the russian-ukrainian confrontation, and this is actually the involvement of nato in this conflict, it is unlikely that there will be any legal basis for the implementation of these missions, i think it is worth everything trust the spokesman's statement. the air force command of mr. yevlash, who says that underground bunkers, protective, concrete bunkers are being built to protect our aviation equipment, for the same litovych, including operational ones
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there are a lot of airfields in our country or on the territory of our country, and precisely by dispersing, as well as reliably covering these military facilities with the help of air defense systems, it is possible to achieve, it is possible to achieve the corresponding successes, for example, the lithuanian settlement near the settlement of starokostiantynov in the territory . khmelnytskyi, the enemy was constantly directing his drones and missiles there, does he have any profit, it seems that not, because the territory is quite large, a fairly powerful air defense system is located there, eh, and i think that the enemy constantly launches missile and drone strikes there for a reason, because his previous missile and drone strikes did not achieve the appropriate results and the corresponding missions were not implemented, it is quite likely that there is another military airfield located in... in this part of our of the country, i.e., the western, southwestern part of our country can be used exactly this, although again, it is unlikely that we
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will find out in the near future the locations of the f16 deployments, this is fair, and exactly how they will act, although what is now the aviation component is quite actively used to carry out certain missions, in particular over the territory of temporarily occupied crimea, because not only drones are flying over crimea, no... we know that the carriers of these missiles are our good old 124 bombers, so these planes are also are carrying out a very important mission to destroy the enemy's military potential in the crimea and sevastopol, well, let's hope that the main thing for us in principle is that the enemy does not find out where the planes are, or cannot throw anything there, cannot attack, this is for us first and foremost, and literally briefly... in one word, how far can the russians drag their planes away from the front line and for them to still fly to this front line, how many
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kilometers is that? i think that here we can talk about distances of about 400 km, no more, it will be completely ineffective, as far as attack aircraft are concerned, well, that is, in theory , after all, attacks, if we were to throw them there, then it would be realistic to get so much more- less from certain places. well, maybe, maybe, yes, thanks to vladyslav seliznyov, this is a military expert, a colonel of the armed forces of ukraine, the spokesman of the general staff in 2014-17, now we have a break, i remind you about our collection of fpv drones for the 93rd brigade of the cold gorge of the 72nd brigade of the black zaporozhets, do you remember about that's it, join in, and actually now a pause, after the pause we 'll go back to talking about... the direction of the time gap, and also again about the work of rap, about the work of drones, about various things like that with the person who is directly
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on the front line, so wait, there are discounts, represent coco may discounts on relief, 10% in pharmacies plantain bam and savings. every week , maria gurska meets with the head of the committee on foreign affairs of the polish sejm, the representative of the polish government for the restoration of ukraine, pawel koval. as always, we talk about the most important things that happened this week in poland, ukraine, and europe. what is being said about ukraine in the eu, how should we perceive the statements of european politicians and what will our accession to the eu look like. in the project close to politics, close to the world with maria gurska. every sunday at 15:30 with a repeat at 22:00 in collaboration with sestra au. verdict with serhii rudenko from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad.
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so, we are coming back, i remind you about the fpv collection of drones for the 93rd kholodny yar brigade and the 72nd brigades of black zaporozhets, we collect. they are for our own production, testing, variations according to the needs of the people, join us, you see private, monobank, you see the qr code, it is very important and we really hope for your support, because there is already a small part left, and another guest has joined us , this is maksym matviychuk, the commander of the intelligence platoon
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of the rubizh brigade, an officer... of the national guard of ukraine, congratulations, maksym, congratulations studio, congratulations tv viewers, well, as far as i understand, you are now in the direction of the yar times and well a little tell me then, because the situation seems to have escalated there as well, but literally also these days, as far as we know, and it is true, the enemy does not stop trying to continue, therefore... actions in the direction of the temporal ravine, in time, near the front, let's say so , bodies, he is trying to bypass the settlement from the flanks, why, because it takes time to re-enter the city battles, well, the enemy understands that it will be very difficult for them, in some cases even impossible, that is, they really put a sufficient number of their personnel composition, what they can't do now, they are frankly also running out of people, they already
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don't have enough... trees, they are being removed by combat units from other areas of the front in order to develop success at least somewhere. now they act according to a different principle, that they conduct reconnaissance of the battle in different sections of the battle line, find weak points and then carry out assault actions there. now they have intensified, this is the first nuance, the second nuance: the enemy has increased the number of artillery and aviation in this direction, that is, in fact, he is now on this moment completely destroys everything... our platoon strongholds, the city itself as a whole. well, a week ago you said on our broadcast that, in principle , you use fpv drones quite effectively as a replacement for other types of weapons that are lacking there, but it is interesting to what extent the enemy is able to do this, to use drones just as effectively, is it possible our servant should somehow
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change these a little. opportunities, er, yes, first of all, the enemy also uses podrons, they saw its effectiveness from us, and they liked it, and they also adopt this tactic a little bit on themselves, but so far their power, which in the temporal ravine, as can be seen by my comrades from the rubizh brigade, is not much greater than ours, that is, conventionally, one of their epividrons accounts for three of ours. now, in this case, we are, let's say, much better developed in terms of these technologies and can clearly and better discount. the enemy at the expense of the enemy, the enemy works quite well, namely , a large-scale enemy, such as a radar, a zoo, and so on, which completely try to silence not only the fpv drones themselves, but also communication in general, their main purpose was the creation of this, that is how they are currently refining, reworking certain of their rep tools in order to make it impossible for our ordinary drones to work, which...


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