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tv   [untitled]    May 3, 2024 2:00am-2:31am EEST

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somehow it is to change these possibilities a little bit, and yes, first of all, the enemy also uses drones, they saw its effectiveness from us, they liked it and they also adopt this tactic a little bit for themselves, but so far their power, which is at the peak of time, as seen by my comrades from the brigade, the line is not much bigger than ours, that is, conventionally, for one of their drones there are three of ours, now in this case, based on those technologies, we are, shall we say, developed to... much better and can clearly and better destroy the enemy works at the expense of the enemy's slave quite good, namely large-scale networks, such as radar, zoo and so on, which completely try to silence not only the spv drones themselves, but also in communication in general, their main purpose was to create precisely this, so they are now finalizing, reworking certain of their means rap in order to make it impossible for our normal drones to work, which...
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fpv drones, but on the other hand, we went to a different tactic, these are trench raps, which directly on the spot do not allow the enemy to work on the demarcation line itself, first , they are small and easily portable, secondly, they can be installed in almost any position in order to make it impossible for the enemy to work, and the more of them, the better, on the one hand, and on the other, we can control them and use them as we want, conditionally, he , its radius of operation is not so large, and our forces... until we, with our villages, can conditionally turn off the mines in one direction so that our fpvs arrive and destroy the enemy, and then turn it on again, creating a kind of tiny dome that will not allow the enemy can already use their own drones to destroy our forces. well , a week ago we spoke with yehor firsov from the avdiiv district, and he says that there is a problem, after all , the work is not fully coordinated, that is, there is no
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such joint application that would allow us to effectively and timely understand, who where, what included, in your direction, how much do you feel about this problem of discommunication? at the moment, such a problem concerns most of the fact that there are various types of divisions from left to right, and until the information reaches, let's say directly to the position in connection with the operational situation, in connection with the communication itself, and in connection with the timely transmission of the command. because the more, let's say, those intermediate links, the more difficult it is, so yes, there are problems with this always and everywhere, but here the question depends on time, if we take again the fighters of the rubizh brigade, its coordination, it happens practically immediately, because this system of transmission of communication and commands has been set up for a long time, and there have been no problems with this so far in our area, as it happens with other units, with some, it may be better with... which ones are worse, it all depends only on
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the operational situation on the spot, whether the enemy is trying to jam the transmission link and prevent the possibility of transmitting data even through the same radio station, well, you probably too we have already seen the rebs that the russians put on tanks, they hang everything there, how effective it is and these braziers and these rebs on tanks and how much, in principle, we have already managed to somehow also apply it. well, frankly, if they were not effective, the enemy would not have them used, we cannot note that the opponents there, well, they are brainless, no, they have intelligence, they know how, they adapt to war, and all these, as we say, barbecues were created by trial and error, that is, frankly, the enemy tried to make at least some means to make it impossible for fpv to work, and so far they have come to exactly this, to the so-called ... braziers, some are simply,
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no matter how it sounds, they mask their sensitive ordinary homes, some simply make them one additional armor plate. it is effective effective, but disposable, frankly, why, because once an fpv flies over it, it destroys, the second time it destroys the tank itself, that is, instead of making it impossible to work, they just increase the number of fpv that should fly by one, uh, and you know, i want let's talk about... such reconnaissance drones that work at longer distances, well, for example, we have a video from the luhansk region, where you can see how they shop there, well, if they can show where the russians shopped there enough in the body area, they have tanks there some are standing, there are armored vehicles, and they have something there, and they flew there, well, i don't know what's ours there, we won't tell, these are details, you see, they are crowded there.
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the russians flew there, everything is fine, they were bombed there as a result, but we can’t say that the russians, and actually this is a shot from a drone, that is, the drone still flew there, apparently, but a similar story is also happening with on the other hand, that is, russian reconnaissance drones can fly far enough, and how would you rate this the threat, i.e., do the scouts manage to see these drones, shoot them down, or so far it is some thing that, well, in principle, is a big problem, that is what we observe in this video. the work of an ordinary uav is only already of a tactical or operational level, the enemy’s main uav of this kind is the orlan 10, which is well-known to all military personnel or its modifications, we also have, let’s say, analogues of the russian orlan, which work even at the beginning of a full-scale one, one of these
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examples of the well-known byraktar, that is, it is also a uav of long-range, long-range reconnaissance, thanks to which we can find the enemy in their rears, their stockpiles, their headquarters and... destroy them even before they start doing something, so now that we, the opponent, are actively scouting each other's rears, and i'm trying to see why it is difficult to detect them, it is not difficult to detect them by themselves, because they glow at certain frequencies, it is difficult to detect and destroy them in almost everyone, why, because, frankly, the airspace of ukraine, although it is closed to airplanes, there are different levels of bepla here, and to our forces... because very much often sometimes it is difficult to detect, as they look at the radar, to understand, it is conventionally an eagle, or our uav, or our aviation, or something else, everything that is in the air is recorded and reported by the radar of our air defense systems, and in connection with this , in order to destroy it, it is necessary
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to confirm that it is the enemy, and not our target, and until, let's say, we learn all this, the enemy either can or cannot run away, but mostly those who arrive specifically in specific they try to destroy them instantly and units of them turn back, the hardest of all on the line demarcation, where it is very difficult to distinguish where ours are, where theirs are, and the third is also the lack of sufficient air defenses for us to hit every uav. why, because, frankly, one anti-aircraft missile will be a basket that destroys a uav, it will cost too much more than the destruction of the same uav, so there are nuances, and in any case, the anti-aircraft forces need to be developed in order to ... in order to better cover the rear the space of ukraine to prevent the flight of any reconnaissance equipment. well, how would you rate it? in this particular type of weaponry, in this type of long-range reconnaissance
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uavs, what is the balance of the ratio of our russian ones, who will win here? here i can only say that the opponent. clearly at the beginning of the war had a great advantage in this, since the plants that produced their power were deployed quite well, even at the beginning of the full-scale war, but as of today, i can safely say that if we are not equal, then clearly higher than them in head, it is very, very difficult for the enemy to create new uavs system, taking into account the fact that the last factories were destroyed, which were located in the european territory of russia, from another. on the part of the enemy, it is becoming more and more difficult to pass through our demarcation line, through the forces of our reb, that is, they are being modernized every time, but what is ours, what is theirs, it is becoming more and more difficult and easier to carry out these reconnaissance uavs, that is, it is a
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good tool, but it is not a panacea, we use it only when we need to familiarize ourselves with a certain area, which is possible by other given intercepts. finds own equipment, i.e. conditionally, that radio-electronic intelligence or agency intelligence learns about the location of some equipment in some square, a reconnaissance uav is already calmly sent there, which already begins to peep, invent and destroy it, that is , to adjust the artillery, well, but in principle, well we saw that the russian occupying forces nevertheless managed to establish such, you know... not bad, i would say, interaction, they did not succeed in this for a very long time, but they succeeded in the end, when quickly enough, the uav, when somewhere, even quite far from the front, you can see some kind of accumulation of equipment, even a little, it has stopped somewhere, and it is instantly transmitted to where they have an iskander or
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something, and it flies there, this is such a serious danger, in fact, this interaction between with these two such components, because , well, it doesn't... it allows us to freely move equipment, freely move even the same ppo systems, well, that is, the threat itself is very unpleasant, unfortunately, but... it will always be so unpleasant, why? because like i said the enemy does not stand still and is always developing, its development is constant, just like development, and conditionally, they found a method to bypass our defense forces, our air defense, our means of rep, we at the same moment immediately begin to look for opportunities to bypass his maneuver, yes , that is, he found some kind of loophole in our system, we try to close this loophole right away and it starts to change in the same way, playing cat-and-mouse like that for the entire full-scale tuesday. well, we have literally 20 seconds, just your opinion about the fact that now there is a window of opportunity for the russians that
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we need this window of opportunity for them to close at the front in their advance, continuously increase the number of artillery, continuously increase the number of equipment from the air defense force in order to disable their aviation, artillery, that is, the main task is to suppress their fire means in order to , so that we can maneuver more without fearing, let's say, a threat from the sky. if we can overcome that, everything else, i.e. destroying their enemy manpower, will not be too much of a problem for us. thank you, thank you, this is maksym matviychuk, the commander of the intelligence platoon of the rubizh brigade, an officer of the nsu. well, actually, i remind you, always join our meetings, now it's fpv. well, our time is up, then we have news, so stay with espresso, and we 'll see you in a week. good evening, we are from
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ukraine. congratulations, friends, well, if the enemies are also watching, then i don’t congratulate you, but listen carefully to what awaits you, this is a great host on the spresso tv channel, my name is vasyl zemai, my colleagues and i will start our broadcast for the next hour and 47 minutes , we are with you we will talk about the most important things, analyze important topics, and we will also promptly report on what is happening. well , we start with the announcement of the collection, which is already traditional, so we ask you to join the collection for the repair of heavy armored vehicles in the combat zone in the solodarsk and zaporizhzhia directions. the repair and recovery regiment works mainly on the contact line or in the so-called gray zone in the open air in all weathers, day and night. so for the emergency recovery and return to the battlefield of damaged military equipment, in particular tanks, armored personnel carriers, armored personnel carriers, we need a minibus that will transport mobile repair groups and equipment to the combat zone, as well as pneumohydraulic jacks for prompt
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repair of foreign equipment. our goal is uah 630,000. the goal is quite ambitious, but i know that you and i will do it quite quickly. today i will try to check how much we have already been able to collect in these few days, well literally in the second day of our gathering. i think that we will quickly close this issue and send our soldiers to the front what is in favor. they have need, you are doing your job perfectly, thank you, and now i will include serhiy zgurets in the conversation, the avdiiv direction, the yar times, what is happening there, and also about the special equipment that is on the front, which our military needs, serhiy i will tell you in detail, good evening, serhiy, please, who is at the front, please, i congratulate you, vasyl, i congratulate our viewers, today in our column we will talk about what is really happening in... the west of avdiivka, under the ocherin and in other places, in the assessments of our
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military from this direction, as well as about the use of new technologies on the battlefield, specifically how new robotic platforms are helping our warfighters at a moment's notice. the situation on the front line. remains extremely difficult, the dynamics of collisions per day is more than 120, and that is a lot, and three directions are the hottest, they are avdiivskyi, bakhmutivskyi and novopavlivskyi. the enemy is now trying to make progress in these areas, using the advantage in manpower, ground equipment, aviation, artillery, so now the enemy has some advances, so the armed forces now are directing their... to prevent the enemy from turning certain tactical successes into
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operational ones, now precisely for this purpose certain stabilization measures are being taken, in particular, the spokesman of the khortytsia operational-strategic group nazar voloshyn said that for this purpose in certain areas additional forces and means of reserve are being transferred, then we will talk in more detail about the section of our front. to the west of avdiyivka, but before introducing our guest, i will make a small announcement that the public organization ukrainian ants. collects funds for the 59th separate motorized infantry brigade named after yakov handziuk, there is a need for bomber pilots, the required amount is uah 3 million. these funds can be donated using the details and the qr code that you see on the screens now, please join us, every combat hryvnia transferred to the account brings ukrainian
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victory closer. and then we will talk with an officer who knows the situation on... this section of the front, when we are talking about the western section from avdiyivka, serhiy tsehotsky joins us, he is an officer of the 59th separate motorized infantry brigade named after yakov gantsyuk. mr. sergey, welcome to the spresso channel, glad to see and hear. congratulations, glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. your brigade is now holding, so to speak, the right flank of our group west of avdiivka. in front of you , the enemy is trying. squeeze there to pervomaiske, from pervomaiske to netaylovo, this is conditionally such a pokrovsky direction, a little below you there is a novopavlov direction, what is happening now yesterday and today, what were the dynamics, what can you tell our viewers? they press, they press very hard, exactly they said correctly, the netail direction, what we
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see, nevelske, is the same beautiful. horivka is actively using an absolutely large number of artillery shells, using a large number of mortars, tanks from closed positions, he says exactly closed, that is, they are afraid to go out for direct fire, and infantry, infantry, infantry, constant assaults, and currently there is also an assault, in the same direction, netailov, i.e. small groups... advances, tries to gain a foothold, but before that they destroy everything they can, and so it comes to in such cases, to withdraw personnel in order to save lives, but in fact, well , the situation is very difficult, but we know that the command is doing something to add additional forces there, this is also done every day, but we are waiting for those powerful western
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weapons , which should come and still will not give... the opportunity for the enemy to enter the operational space, but is there any threat to our logistics, because, relatively speaking, there are a number of our bridges behind your back, over which the enemy from time to time time trying strike with your aircraft with bombs, is our logistics working, are there any nuances related to the provision of our units? there is a risk, let's say, there is a risk precisely in the process of delivering bc there. food and so on there are other means, but let's say, during this time, where we are, let's say our brigade, we already know all possible and impossible moves, including when the same karlov dam was destroyed there, we were also finding ways to deliver the
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same weapons there directly to the line combat collision, so let's say... there is no such threat from our side so far in this regard, we really need more means of unmanned systems, these are drones, fpivishki, we really need them, this is what we constantly lack, let me remind you that yes, yes, please continue, yes, yes, yes, and i would like to ask about the fact that who now bears the main burden in order to, well, resist... this is a complex work, you understand, it is complex, everyone works absolutely, and everything depends on the tasks that are there, that is, when it comes to technology, it's more the work of the artillery and, again, the pilots of our bombers, because the equipment must be investigated,
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if it is on the move, then it is better to do it with the same drone, which the... catches up with it when, or when a mine blows up there, it is also necessary burn it down so that it cannot be pulled away and put in formation again, that's why we can't say here, and also the infantry, there are also counter-fights, i want to note that we take prisoners every day, and yesterday and today there are captured orcs, so let's say, hard, but we still do our job regardless no difficulties it should be noted that the situation is such that we are doing everything to make it impossible for them to enter the open space behind the same reservoirs as kurakhivske karl'. in order for them to be able there, well, let's say, to fulfill the tasks that their führer set for them, and how do we now with our own replenishment, with
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personnel, with sergeants, with junior officers, is there an opportunity for this category to select the composition of the brigade in order to act more effectively on the front line? well, i won't reveal any secrets, i'll just say that replenishment goes every day, replenishment. every day goes by, that's all i can say, trained, a little untrained, and they come from the training centers, and plus they are transferred there , they supplement the brigades there from other units, that's why we work, we work, as we can, that's how we carry out the tasks that puts the command before us. mr. serhiy, what are the current motivational, motivational factors, relatively speaking, i saw that someone wrote that they still pay our fighters for the destroyed enemy. equipment there for a tank 50,000, for bmp - 40,000, does it work in your unit, or is it actually rather well, it is not always possible to
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ensure there these nuances are related to material incentives for the destruction of enemy equipment, i know, i will say for the servicemen directly of our brigade, the question in because we absolutely do not expect any payments for the destroyed equipment, we are happy when we... , i have to deal with the fact that i communicate with everyone day with various units, they are asking for more fp drones, give more ammunition, that's the only thing we're asking for, that's all i'm really saying, here's the question for everyone now , i destroyed it there, pay me the money, i guess there is, they probably pay, i... to be honest, i didn’t get into it, but the question was never raised anywhere, maybe in a circle, when it’s more or less calm,
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we sit there with a cup of tea and chat like that, it would be nice, but we we are not fighting, that's what i 'm saying unequivocally, it's motivation, of course, additionally, thank god, let it be, let it be are paid, but there is no time to even think about it at the moment, mr. sergey, thank you very much for the inclusion, for your explanations for... what you and your returnees are doing for our country, for our defense, for our defense, let me remind you that this was serhiy tsekhotskih, an officer of the 59th separate motorized infantry brigade named after yakob hantsyuk, and i will also remind you once again about the collection for this brigade, the public organization ukrainian ants is collecting funds for this brigade, now you will see a qr code, funds are needed for bomber pilots, necessary the amount of uah 3 million, the amount is large enough. but in any case, we understand that all these funds will be used to destroy the enemy, and every such hryvnia brings our victory closer, yes,
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we will talk about technology and war in the future, because serhiy tsyhotskyi said that we need more fpv drones, but in addition to fpv drones, the ukrainian army also uses other technological things, in particular robotic platforms that operate on the front line, in particular during... had a conversation with my friend, he says that due to robotic platforms we carry out mining the directions along which russian tanks can move. i asked how effective it is to use these robotic platforms, he said 700-00 m is quite effective and it works. and now in more detail about these platforms, how they are created, which is an incentive for our teams, we will talk with our guest. we are now joined by vladyslav kosyanchuk, head of the bray one cluster's ground robotic platforms department. mr. vladyslav, i congratulate
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you, i am glad to see and hear you. greetings, very glad to see and hear from you too. your cluster takes care of such technological things so that new developments get to the security and defense forces faster, and i know that you work with the teams in detail. who create such robotic platforms and with the military, who uses these platforms, and i would like to hear from you, what is the current situation with the development of such platforms and which robotic platforms are currently most needed by our military, thank you for the question, to date the situation with robotic production of robotic complexes next, because nrk ground robotic complexes are a top priority. bryvan, well, because they can take our troops off the battlefield, we are putting all our efforts into developing this direction, and now we have
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more than two. 200 robotic complexes on the braiva platform, moreover, we have already tested more than 50 of them on the training ground, on the training ground we divided them into groups, these were logistics, evacuation, combat work, kamikatsia work, mining work, demining work, we tested these robots , each robot performed its specific mission, was under the supervision of a specific commission, conclusions and protocols were made, which will be further used by the military, the most important thing is that these robots can take our... from the battlefield, that is why we are so actively developing this direction, and which now here are the main problems of our creative or industrial teams in the development and production of robotic platforms, which are assisted by clustervan, the problems primarily relate to obtaining the most relevant requirements that are needed to create the robots they have to move, what range of communication they should
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receive and provide. plus the scaling of this production, plus the codification, that is, the pool of problems, it is actually quite wide, but today bryvan provides full support at every stage, this is from the game, from the provision of grant funds, assistance and support to the codification according to nato standards of these developments, plus we are looking for investors, we help with investments, we also help to find talent to join the teams for the production of terrestrial robotics complexes, we will provide testing on landfills. these robots, we also help to get feedback from the military, who are actually using all these robotic complexes right on the front lines, then we help to implement all these recommendations, and in this way a certain market is created with the help of us, and the manufacturers, and the military, and all , who is involved in this process. vladyslav, you said that it is necessary to obtain actual requirements for certain platforms, but do there already exist, conditionally
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speaking, constant formalized... requirements from of the general staff, how is the otv to these platforms, so that the developers clearly know what our military wants from them, yes, this data exists, this is the responsibility of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine, and the most important thing is that the developers, they actively use the information for , to develop, because how do we understand both the situation on the ground and the needs of robots and their functions, their? it is constantly changing, for example, if we have a logistics robot, it is very important today that it performs a logistics function, further it should perform a medevacuation function, and it would be if this robot were added to it, in addition to this, as you already correctly mentioned, there is a very important option there is remote demining, and it could also be an add-on above the logistics platform, if so, but such things , as the capacity of the platform
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to be there. to be able to float, and the ability of this platform to perform combat missions at night, how relevant are these requirements now, how widespread are they on those platforms that are already used by our military? for today it is only a small part of those requirements that are relevant for manufacturers of ground robotic complexes, because the situation on the battlefield is constantly changing, and as soon as a certain need appears, it immediately goes from the military to the manufacturers of ground... robotic complexes and is implemented as widely as possible in everyone, so really, well, these two options that you mentioned, they are already distributed among manufacturers, and they are modernizing it. but does it happen, or at what stage does the analysis of our experience, foreign experience or the enemy's experience take place experience in using platforms, how this acquired knowledge is accumulated, how it is distributed, how it is taken into account in the requirements
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to obtain knowledge is accumulated, how it is distributed. how is it taken into account in the requirements for certain designs? look, all the experience gained on the battlefield when using ground-based robotic systems is collected by the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine, and then it is extended to all troops that can also be used in the future, use ground-based robotic systems, and so on in such a way that they then these needs and things will be taken into account in the production of the next generations of terrestrial robotic complexes. we have several samples of foreign production, estonian works are well-known there, and there are new platforms from other countries, this experience is also taken into account, are there any things that we, well, can integrate there with foreign solutions into our platforms, because the direction of terrestrial robotic complexes is quite new, in this case all
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experience is taken into account, it can also be... terrestrial developments and our developments in...


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