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tv   [untitled]    May 3, 2024 3:00am-3:31am EEST

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it is necessary to do this, now literally in a moment about the most important news, as of this minute i will tell you in detail, the second hour of the great thero has started, so let's start, good evening, we are from ukraine. the number of people injured in the clashes has increased to nine, including eight minors, the kharkiv regional prosecutor's office reported, as the russians bombarded the city from aircraft. in particular, one attack was made on a sports complex where children were attending classes, others on a private residential sector injured seven students, another a boy, an acute reaction to stress, a 76-year-old man was also injured, so something happened to me here, now just a second, near the village of glynske in the kharkiv region. the actor
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blew himself up on an explosive device, fortunately no one was injured, the regional police informed about it. specialists, explosives experts went to the scene, and investigators also opened criminal proceedings on the fact of violation of the laws and customs of war. well, actually, russians, and the laws and customs not only of war, but of anything else, these concepts are incompatible, so it's worth it. tough battles flow near chasovoy yarovna donsk. there are still a little more than 700 people left in the city, well, according to various estimates, there are about 682,683 of them, at least that's what i read from the military, who are now in a time gap. in the city of vateri espresso, the head of the city's military administration, serhiy chaus, spoke in detail about the situation in the city and its surroundings, let's listen. at the moment, the information that the russians and enemies have established themselves without...
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on average already in the territory of the community does not correspond to reality, and let's hope for that it will continue to be so. as for the residents who remained, we continue to work with them, because evacuation at the moment really saves lives, evacuation is still possible at the moment, thank god, the foundation lies on us and on our friends, volunteers, because to go into the city, well, really it's already dangerous indeed , the military writes that the logistics routes are being shot at by the enemy, and they even try not to let journalists in, at that time the situation was quite difficult, and for local civilians it is twice as difficult. the occupiers attacked the dnipro district of kherson. store premises were damaged, windows were broken in an educational institution and in a residential building. oleksandr prokudin, head of the kherson regional military administration, announced this. according to him, fortunately, people were not injured at the scene of the accident.
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specialists of the emergency and rescue service work in vluchan. the first explosion was terrible, everything in the apartment shook. i ran to the windows to see if they were intact, as if the glass had broken. i went into the kitchen, also looked through the window, and there were already bricks lying under the house. she left the apartment to to look, although you can't go out at all, and here at this time there was a second explosion, but the second one was not so strong, maybe because i was already in the entrance. there is no projectile, that is, it... hit either the store or the apartment. well, it's good that no one was hurt, so minus eight schemes for evaders, the security service of ukraine kidnapped officials who helped men of conscription age to escape outside of ukraine. the cost of such a service was estimated from three to 10 thousand dollars. in cherkasy region, the perpetrator turned out to be an ex-tax payer. he sold positions in public organizations that transport humanitarian aid. deputy head of one of rivne region suggested petitioners
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to register a fictitious disability group. law enforcement officers also eliminated illegal transport channels in vinnytsia, kirovohrad and lviv regions. all involved in the cases are currently under investigation. the organizers face up to 9 years in prison, and their clients 5 years behind bars. kyiv police arrested a 19-year-old driver in the pechersk district of the city after hitting a woman at a pedestrian crossing. the guy committed on... on the woman on unregulated pedestrian crossing. the victim suffered numerous injuries, the capital police report that no alcohol was found in kermanych's blood, and he was declared a suspect. seven people are in intensive care after an ice cream van plowed into a crowd and hit 29 schoolchildren in the village of suzak in kyrgyzstan. the truck suddenly moved from its place, local media write, and simply rolled over the child.
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who performed a heroic song on the slopes. the authorities there say that the driver did not put the car on the parking brake. as a result , 18 minors are in the hospital, three in critical condition condition 11 11 were sent home for outpatient treatment. reconstruction in the village of myrotske in the kyiv region, benefactors rebuilt a residential building that was destroyed by the invaders at the beginning of the full-scale invasion. our correspondent dmytro didora also saw the new home. he will tell more. what did you do to our apartment? we lived here peacefully, and what did you do? in march 2022, the village of myrotske near buchi was under occupation. when the ukrainian defense forces were vacating the settlement, the russians destroyed it.
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all around, a direct hit of an enemy shell into the house caused a big fire, four apartments were completely destroyed, two were partially destroyed, there was such a crash, there was smoke, when we looked... nod, we immediately jumped out of the apartment, because it was on fire and they were shooting, in my the balcony completely shattered into shards , the glass itself, everything fell down, immediately you started to beat, because it was scary. the woman temporarily moved in with her neighbors, now she and her brother live in buch, they really want to return to their home, anastasia serhiivna admits. she wants it, but it's scary, you you know, they just start from scratch, when you had everything and nothing, it's scary, there's no way to move, like nothing. it is not connected, the light is not connected, the gas is also not connected, there is nothing, you come, you have nothing to sit on, nothing to sit on, and no gas stove, no refrigerator, nothing, nothing, empty. the american organization global empowerment mission, in partnership with the representative office of the un refugee agency, undertook to restore the residential building. this is the first time
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jim and unhcr have teamed up to help families repair their homes apartments, but i mean... i mean from our side there are programs that we did, so unhcr has helped to repair houses or apartments for almost 29 thousand families. 300 projects, including clinics, apartment buildings, some very large. we also focused on the window repair program, so we've already replaced 140,00 windows, which is a lot of people, it's very important. reconstruction of the house was completed, thanks to the financial support of partners and donors , it was possible to restore the facade and roof, replace windows and doors, repair apartments and attic i have hope and a great desire that
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all these houses will be repaired or rebuilt, but for this it really takes many different participants and countries to support ukraine and ... families, we are united, but a large part of our work is also to encourage others to join us and support because it really is a team effort. so far , almost 18,000 objects have been restored in the kyiv region, the regional military administration noted, including about 9,000 with the assistance of international partners and funds. dmytro didora and dmytro nikiferov, espresso tv channel. where we see how our partners, philanthropists abroad invest their own funds, or find funds from foundations or other citizens of european union countries, education, and this is invested in reconstruction, in helping ukrainians, we are very grateful to them, and it is a shame that many ukrainians , unfortunately, officials, officials, somewhere there
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continue to steal budget money, it is very unfortunate, but we hope that we will still overcome it someday, well, but we will definitely not overcome our good tradition, yuliy fisery. time must speak of events beyond of ukraine, he is with me, yury, good evening, please, well, let's not beat vasyl, good evening to you, good evening to everyone who joined us at this time, today in the column the world is about ukraine, in particular about russia used chemical weapons in ukraine and at the same time several times, some countries allowed us to use the weapons that we received from them for shelling targets in the territory of the terrorist country, and trump's confession, my name is yuriy fiz. this is a world about ukraine and i will start in a moment. develop a road map that will become the basis for the peaceful end of the russian war in ukraine. this will be the agenda
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of the peace conference in switzerland, which is scheduled for june 15-16 this year. this was reported by the ministry of foreign affairs of the confederation, according to... published information, during this meeting, all participants will be able to express ideas and ideas about a fair and long-term peace in ukraine, below is a quote from a message from the parties: the ministry of foreign affairs of switzerland. the conference will be based on the discussions of the last months, in particular on the ukrainian peace formula and other peace proposals based on the charter of the united nations and the basic principles of international law. the most interesting thing, vasyl, is that russia was not invited to this conference, well, at least not to this first conference , we'll see what happens next time. i read you a phrase, i am literally in front of ether, now i am not... well, they just
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say, we will develop a road map, maybe after that there will be another peaceful meeting, but russia will probably have to be invited to this peaceful meeting , today peskov, the question in what status already then today peskov commented on this information from switzerland and he said that they were not invited, well they were not invited. almost without us, we can't imagine, and by the way, representatives from 160 countries and organizations were invited to this conference, because there are not only countries there, for example, the united nations, the osce, even the vatican was invited, in a word, i've been waiting for this conference for a month and a half, i'm really waiting, you will be the first to know all the details from this meeting, in order to force it to stop russia, to force russia to stop... the war in ukraine, it is necessary to continue to pressure it with sanctions, said
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the official representative of the us state department, vedant patel, during the briefing. according to him, the official washington will do this until the policy of the kremlin changes, and until the leadership of russia stops the war and withdraws all its troops from ukraine. according to the spokesperson of the us state department , there are no changes in us policy towards russia, so the government. of the united states will continue to introduce anti-russian sanctions and at the same time will not stop helping ukraine as much as necessary. and by the way, another piece of information from the state department of the united states of america has been published on their website about the investigation, and according to this investigation, according to this information, it became known that russia has used repeatedly over the past two years. on the territory of ukraine, at least on the front line, chemical weapons, and these
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are not isolated cases, which is referred to in this messages, probably dictated by the desire of the russian troops to dislodge the ukrainian troops from fortified positions and achieve a tactical advantage on the battlefield, this is a quote from the state department's statement, and they used... chloropicrin, this is a chemical element that is now prohibited from being used during hostilities, its was used even during the first world war, and it is somewhat similar to something like a tear gas, but worse, in a word, it is prohibited, and the russians used it and at the same time repeatedly, and then he will come out and say no , no no, this is slander, by the way, he said it today, french president emmanuel. macron once again confirmed that he does not rule out that at a certain point in time he may send his
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armed forces to the territory of ukraine, he said this in an interview with the economist publication. according to him, if necessary, the leaders of european countries will have to show that they can be trusted and that they really care about security on the continent, and in ukraine in particular. but - says the owner of the elusei palace, he will send its troops to ukraine. if the russians break through the defense line and most importantly, if the ukrainian leadership asks for it. next, let's listen to emmanuel macron in direct speech. i have a clear strategic goal: russia cannot win in ukraine, because if russia wins, what will happen to european security? who can claim that putin will stop there, will the neighboring countries, moldova, romania, poland, lithuania be safe? and what will happen to the trust in the europeans, who... spent billions saying that what is at stake survival of the continent, and at the same time did not help to stop russia, so we should not
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rule anything out, because our goal is that russia will never be able to win in ukraine. many thanks to emmanuel macron for this position, thanks that he is trying to at least rally other european countries and their leaders around him, around helping ukraine, and it is bad that not everyone listens to him. for example, emmanuel. macron is ready at some point to send even his troops to help ukraine, and some countries and their leaders are afraid to help us long-distance countries, because they think that we will, and in the end we want to use them. in order to fire at targets on enemy territory, in particular, and they are afraid to do this, but again i see, according to the results of a survey, among the youth of france, there, men from the age of 18, more than 50% were ready to fight on the territory of ukraine, if it is really necessary for protection of the interests of france, but we remember polls in other countries, i won't say in which ones, only, in my opinion, less than
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a few tens of percent of all people were ready to fight on their territory in order to claim theirs. ukraine, that's why, well, france is france, that's why here it is, and well, it's obvious, it's a tradition, probably, although i don't know, well, but it's a very good position, and we thank you for this position, and we believe that if necessary will be, emmanuel macron will keep his word. the united states of america is concerned about the deepening cooperation between russia, the democratic people's republic of korea and iran, and about what, and therefore will immediately respond. if tehran and pyongyang continue to support moscow in introducing its aggressive unmotivated war on the territory of ukraine. this was stated by the official representative of the us ministry of defense, sabrina sinht, during the briefing. in addition, according to her, the pentagon will continue to strengthen cooperation with allies and partners in order to search for weapons for
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their further shipment to ukraine. and what's more, says ms. sing, the official washington prodov. introduce sanctions against those countries and governments that have not stopped helping russia in this war. well, i don't know whether it is precisely for this statement the official representative of the pentagon reacted in china, but the reaction definitely refers to the american sanctions introduced against china. pyongyang, beijing strongly opposes illegal economic restrictions, unilateral. against chinese companies, the press secretary of the chinese embassy in washington, liu penyu, said in an interview with the russian propaganda agency tas. according to him, official beijing continues to defend its right to normal trade and economic interaction with russia, which meets all the rules world trade organization. at the same time, he added that this cooperation is not
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directed against third countries and should not be subject to interference or pressure from third countries. next is a short one. quote: regarding ukraine, china's position has always been fair and objective. we are actively working to promote peace and political settlement negotiations. today i did not find any information about whether china agreed to visit switzerland for this peace conference. i really hope that they will agree to this and come, although earlier they insisted on it because... russia has to be there, because otherwise, what else is unknown, maybe otherwise they won't come, well, i really hope that beijing will send a representative to this peace conference, and most likely it will be lihui, i think so . and about china, to finish this topic, china refused further negotiations with the united states of america
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on arms control and nuclear non-proliferation after consultations in 2002. 23 in november, that is, on the one hand, they articulate the desire to create a peaceful world, with on the other hand they say they don't want to continue such consultations. serbia does not want to join brics or anywhere else, but only to the european union, the day before, the elected, but not yet appointed prime minister of the country, milos vucevic, confirmed this, although he emphasized. that official belgrade wants to maintain ties with russia, the head of the serbian government said during a speech in the country's parliament, according to him, the country will not give up its european integration progress, even despite strong pressure from brussels, which forces to recognize the independence of kosovo. the elected head of the serbian government emphasized that his country will not humiliate itself, and even more,
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will maintain relations with russia at a level that will be mutually beneficial for both countries. and belgrade wants to continue these mutually beneficial relations for both countries with beijing, the elected prime minister of serbia said the same. ukraine can use some of the weapons it has withheld from its western partners to strike targets on the territory of the refia. she said this in an interview with european pravda minister of foreign affairs of latvia. according to her, ukraine receives weapons from western partners with a public warning to avoid striking them outside of ukraine. however, says the leader of latvia. of the ministry of foreign affairs, this approach can change and even more, it is already changing, moreover, ukraine already has such a weapon with the permission to fire at the territory of russia,
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however, the minister did not specify which countries gave us such a weapon, and at the same time i repeat myself once again , that we know which countries do not give permission to send us their long-range weapons, because they are afraid that we will use them for shelling. shelling of targets on the territory of the terrorist country, well, that's exactly what we need these weapons for, well, but they don't give us them. the self-proclaimed president of belarus, oleksandr lukashenko, is the source of the migrant problem in europe, which has stopped growing into a hybrid invasion. polish foreign minister radosław sikorski said this during a meeting with his german colleague, annalena anna lena berbuk. in his words for that lukashenko deliberately canceled the visa regime that previously operated with many countries in africa and asia, and at the same time, grigorovich wants, says the head of the polish
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foreign ministry, to blackmail europe in general and poland in particular with migrants, but, as minister sikorsky summarizes, europe must be united in this matter and repel together this threat, very. i hope there will be unity. dozens of detainees are injured. just like that, yesterday, already late at night , another protest against the law on foreign agents, which was adopted in the georgian parliament in the second reading the night before. citizens of the country once again took to the streets to demonstrate their disagreement with this law, and clashes began to arise between them and the security forces, who... forged approaches to the highest legislative body of georgia. protesters even tried to break into the parliament building, so security forces used special means, including
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tear gas, water cannons and even rubber bullets. towards the morning, people dispersed, but promised to gather again. well, right there right now, another protest action is being held in the forest, what it will be tonight and possibly even at night, you will find out already in tomorrow's espresso broadcasts. it is also interesting that both the state department of the united states and many people in brussels, many european officials criticized this law. in a statement by the prime minister of the state department, and on the official website of the united states, it is said that this law is inspired. kremlin, this is a quote, and to silence critical and voices and destroy the active civil society, and let me remind you, it was in the second reading, the third reading may
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take place, the third and the last one may take place somewhere in two weeks, i suspect that during these two weeks there will be some unrest in the streets and squares of the georgian capital, well at least until now, and in conclusion , donald trump admitted that he wanted to join the anti... who stormed the us congress in january on january 6, 2021. this was said by the 45th president of the united states of america during a meeting with supporters in the us city of wauke, wisconsin. for him words, at that moment he was sitting in a car near the building of the highest legislative body of the united states, but the secret service did not allow him to go out to the protesters. thus, the former owner of the white house confirmed the testimony of others that he tried to direct the presidential car to the capitol building on the day when the crowd stormed it. that is why he
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is accused. if my colleagues are ready, i just dropped the image there, even though our viewers looked in which city in switzerland will be the first peace summit will take place, where some issues are to be resolved, this city is called bürgenstock, there is the bürgenstock mountain near lake lucerne, if there is a ready photo. just let's see and now they will tell me whether i'm ready or not, i'm not there, well, i 'll show you later, but i don't quite understand why this is, well, the spa resort was chosen in order to solve the biggest problem and the most terrible war of the 21st century, well, i don't know vasyl, well, it seems to me that this is not the main thing , the main thing is that in order to collect it, you need to be in a normal situation to decide such difficult questions, and not this lounge mode, there are mountains. well, that's all i have for today in the world about ukraine column, that's all for today, there will be more tomorrow and more will be in our next broadcast, so don't
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switch. hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. this is the shipping district, kherson, live streaming. we are somewhere in... bakhmut, we tell you the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00. good evening, we are from ukraine. we continue, this is a big ater, i will remind you on the espresso tv channel. and now about oleksandr mochka will talk about money. very important and interesting topics today. oleksandr, congratulations, i would like to speak to you. thank you, vasyl, in the next few minutes, dear viewers, i will tell you about what changes await ukrainian pensioners and how to return ukrainians
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for... raising the ukrainian economy and working for the homeland, i will tell you everything in detail in a moment. i am oleksandr morchavka, congratulations, this is a column about money during the war. so, it is interesting that the payment of the pension will be extended after passing the physical identification. it's going about pensioners who became displaced before 2000. 2022 until february 24, that is, before the start of a full-scale invasion. this was announced today by the ministry of social policy. the money will be paid for all the months when the person did not receive it due to the fact that, for certain reasons, he could not come to the bank, confirm his identity, bring documents. therefore, they will pay out everything that has accumulated. during april, oschadbank has already handed over to the pension fund additional lists
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of citizens, which have all been verified. their data, they have already been restored to bank cards. well, despite the war, the economy is likely to grow by about 4.6% this year. however, missile attacks, in particular on energy infrastructure , can worsen this indicator. well, this is the forecast announced by the deputy prime minister yulia svyridenko. the gross domestic product will grow thanks primarily to the development of the military-industrial sector. of the complex of our state, the expansion of exports and the improvement of logistics routes, for example, the expansion of the maritime corridor, will also continue, not only for agricultural products, but also for other types of processing industry, i think, the share of metal exports via this sea route will also increase, and foreign currency income to the state will only increase, well, if we speak, well, around this indicator.
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of the ukrainian economy is really 4.6 after a record drop in the first year of the great war -30%, then such an optimistic figure is enough. ukrainian business also supports this optimistic figure for vasyl. traditionally, the national bank from time to time makes such a growth survey of ukrainian companies. and indeed, for several months in a row, ukrainian business, well prospectively predicts an increase in its production, also invests in... salary growth, although not enough, so to speak, vasyl, well, sure, because realistic growth, but also the national bank says that ukrainian entrepreneurs have now begun to complain more often about the labor shortage , well , first of all, business, well, even more so, quality ukrainian business, good, well, there are always some exceptions, exceptions, but it is more mobile, it always hires people who are
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there, maybe there is a crisis somewhere, managers who... change, about something is offered, and he in begins to grow even in some difficult moments, this is the responsibility of this business if it wants to live, here it is different when it comes to small and medium-sized businesses, which are dependent on many things, but big businesses, i think, still invest in , in order to emerge from this situation and find, and here vasyl is interested, that really large companies can essentially still stay afloat, if we talk about the shortage of personnel, the shortage of people who can recruit employees, then from... a qualified employee to a small business, small or medium, well, even micro-business, it is quite difficult now, we talked about it with you and the expert of the borshch recruitment agency, it is really a big problem now, due to the fact that many people go abroad, and also the male population continues to mobilize to the front, and then just as we are moving on to the topic of our conversation today, it's like...
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ukrainians go home.


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