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tv   [untitled]    May 3, 2024 3:30am-4:01am EEST

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begins to grow even in some difficult moments, this is the responsibility of this business if it wants to live, it is different here, when it comes to small and medium-sized businesses, which are dependent on many things, but big business, i think, still invests in that , in order to emerge from this situation and find people, it is interesting that really large companies can essentially still stay afloat, if we talk about the shortage of personnel, the shortage of people, they can still recruit employees, then find a qualified er... employee in a small business, small or medium, well, even micro-business, it is quite difficult now, we talked about this with the expert of the borsch recruitment agency, it is really a big problem now, due to the fact that many people go abroad, and also the male population continues to mobilize to the front, well, and then, just as we are moving on to the topic of our conversation today, it is how to return ukrainians home, how
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to motivate ukrainians to raise the ukrainian economy, and from here i will first read that in ireland they can cut even more payments to ukrainian refugees, the irish times writes about it. it is known that our citizens now receive €220 per adult there every week, also have the right to live in public housing for an unlimited time, but different rules apply to those who arrived in ireland from march 1. such refugees are entitled to a weekly allowance. only 38.80 cents per adult and 29.80 cents per child, and free housing is provided to them for only 3 months, then preferences are promised to be reduced, well, i can tell you about him, because i have communication and experience of understanding people in ireland, well 38€ is 5€ bus, so relatively speaking, it's nothing at all, but on the other hand ireland, what it does, it motivates people to work, offers you...
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courses, programs, english courses, only , so that there is a desire, and you are given time to be able to learn something and apply yourself. if you don't want to study, you can do some simple work, which will be more than the payments that you will receive, then you will not receive payments, but you really have housing, these are those, i mean, who came before there to to until march 1 and to ireland, they have a certain, but ireland is interested in ukrainians staying. now the question is how to get ukrainians interested and then return home, possibly having acquired skills. knowledge of some certain financial or some kind of wealth, but to return. well, we will talk about this with oleg hetman, economist, coordinator of the economic expert platform, he joins the conversation on the phone. good evening. i congratulate you. mr. oleg, well, the main motivation, in my opinion, is money. and wherever they are paid, there will be ukrainians to stay until the last, despite some reduction in preferences, will really, perhaps, go to advanced training, get. well, a new specialty, to learn
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a language, but if there is money there, they will live there, and despite the fact that the nostalgia factor is indeed present, but here the question is economic motivation, how ukraine can now attract ukrainians to raise our economy, is there any mechanism ? yes, of course, economic motivation is one of those that our military migrants...temporaries name among the factors why they returned, so according to the infosapiens survey, these are literally five factors, one of the most important is security, and people say that they are ready to live in cities if there is no significant destruction, so at least western ukraine is already for them fits, plus they call it normal work, housing, if they have it... destroyed,
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then accordingly, somehow it must be provided to them, well, these are also smaller factors, but these are the main ones, and accordingly we did with experts review of international, international practice, as returning migrants after the great wars of the last 50 years, and these factors and guidelines are actually universal enough that people need to be given. yes, the top, mr. olezh, what are the top three such factors that can be applied in ukraine? well, first of all, if people have destroyed housing, they need to be provided with housing, there is a recovery program in place, but it needs to be expanded, housing must also be provided to those who lost it in the temporarily occupied territories, and not only to those who had it destroyed , and you need to provide it, well, these certificates are worth it. to small
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entrepreneurs, start at least with small ones, in which it has also been destroyed, because now the program is extended only to individuals, then people are very interested in this... them, well, security in terms of relations with the state, therefore the rule of law, reform of law enforcement agencies, police, pep, judges, we also identified this as one of the most important reforms that can now attract migrants, and the third economic factors, there are a number of proposals, starting from the expansion of the grant program, there is work, and ending with a certain reduction of the burden on tax labor fund, so that salaries will increase significantly and become more competitive compared to neighboring countries, this is also realistic to do, so there are three blocks of questions, and we proposed solutions for them, well, you just mentioned the economic factor, i
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will add information from the study infosapiens, which you also mentioned, more than 60% of ukrainian refugees abroad have higher incomes than they did before the... full-scale invasion, and that's an important fact, but, you know, what point i 'd like to make, to the fact that i understand, let's say in ireland, and it all works, and these salaries make it possible for people to feel good while you have free housing, the one that they don't give you, it's a completely different story if you start living, an independent life, because in the same ireland it's quite a high fee, and utility and everything else, and everything else, and everything else, so the question here is that as long as they give you housing and you can work and have this money for yourself, it's very cool, it's simple. that's generally great, but here the question is whether people will want to stay when they come utilities, when they have to buy or rent housing, and they realize that they do not earn much, it turns out that it is 100%, and some countries are already beginning to abandon such a social package, and
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in principle, this is a pan-european trend, switzerland started it when it these are all benefits and payments, which turned the monthly into... one big payment of about 4-5 thousand ee for those who will go home, and in principle, this is another very stimulating package when the countries are european, and they are i see , which are planned to be done, will be gradual refuse such monthly payments and turn them into a one-time package, our state can do the same to help those who are ready to move from... europe already home, but there is no housing, no work for the first time, so it can be provided to them at the expense of a certain for a certain time there for the first year of public housing and help with employment, these are sufficiently important factors. well, here it is very important, if european countries begin to essentially
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reduce payments, some preferences for ukrainian refugees, it is important that at the same time ukraine showed that it is ready to accept its own. citizens in the motherland and really give certificates for those who need housing, really give some even more grant programs for entrepreneurs who had a business before the great war and want to work for themselves, synergy is needed here, in my opinion, i thank oleg hetman, to the coordinator of the economic expert platform for the conversation, i will also finish my column, but the big broadcast will continue, there will be more, watch us. so in a moment we will talk about eurovision and about how the 3rd stormtrooper continues to very coolly campaign to join their ranks in
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a second, so here we go, here we go with... the movie that's in theaters today is out now, i encourage you to watch it, especially if you're sitting and you are worried about mobilization, you are thinking of mobilizing, but how, and what, and how will it be, if you go and watch a tape called we were recruits or recruits, recruits, vasyl, that’s right, recruits, and yes, then you will see what a third separate assault brigade has prepared for you, which is famous for its... on the popular youtube, where they constantly talk about what they are about, how they fight and so on, here we see the main character, this is a pseudo-documentary with the callsign journalist, he is 19 years old, he is still decides to join love the third stormova and
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makes a film for us, the main characters of which are seven fighters, boys and one female fighter with the call sign... helga and here he is, they are all going from kyiv to some hot spot for the war, and he, in parallel tells us about these heroes and what they do. let's let's look and listen to a passage. my call sign is a journalist, and now i am a recruit in the third separate assault brigade, these soldiers are fighting for ukraine and for the honor of their unit, on the way to a decisive battle, i will tell you who these people are, i just wanted to add, just as we were talking , was quite famous at one time. the hollywood film we were soldiers with mel gibson was right then, this is a film about the war that took place in vietnam, well
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, actually then it is not exactly the war that is now, because now it is the liberation war of the ukrainian people against the aggressor, but well me to the point that it's cool, it's always dramatic stories that, if everything is done well, attract attention and arouse interest, so i think that this film will also arouse interest, i don't think it can be if you analyze it from an artistic point of view, i don't think that this film was made. in order for film critics to write their reviews, it was filmed in order to explain to people what the third separate assault brigade is - it's time, who serves there, what they do, and there the characters speak, maybe the main fears or insecurities of people thinking about mobilization, for example, one of the heroes who is now running a training camp, he has two concussions, he is now training other people, and he says that it is not necessary at all to have some kind of strong physical training... , and the main thing is to have spirit, and he says that
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many people came to them like this, a guy came who did not show any hope at all, but as he says, he is now running there on the front line and showing himself from the best side, this tape was shot by lubomyr levitskyi, you know him for example, behind stollen, behind the selfie party, behind the shadows of the forgotten ancestors behind the third mad wedding, he also made a documentary... the film is during the full-scale invasion, and now we can watch his third tape about the third separate assault brigade called we were recruits, and i think that my program will be released on saturday, where we will talk with the creators and question them in more detail. also, friends, a teaser of roman bondarchuk's film called "editorial" was released, it is one of the few films about journalists so far, and very it will be interesting to watch it, already the tape... at various film festivals, at the berlinale there is such a big trailer, which is international, and
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there it tells about the main character, about a photographer who gets a job in an editorial office in the kherson region, and there he encounters enough funny, i understand, from the trailer and from the teaser , the situations are not very complimentary of our journalistic brothers, i am not against such criticism, let's see... a freelance artist is not an insult, it's just that he is barefoot and naked to pay the utility bill, i ate one potato with her hands. if you touch the reader emotionally, no one will check anything. yes, we saw some characters there ambiguously. in this film, but well, let's wait for it, i will say that, let me remind you, roman bondarchuk once made
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the film vulcan, it is also about the kherson region, and many people said after the release of this film that if roman bondarchuk had acted, had taken on i wanted a film adaptation of the book, i decided to play it, but he would make it cool, although i also really like the film adaptation that we have, which was directed by yaroslav vladygin, i need more of ukrainian films, i'll tell you again, once upon a time there was a film about... a football player who from mexico reached the stars of world football and all the football players said yes, no , there is no such thing in life, and the same when you shoot films, the editorial office is about a robot journalists, i am 26 years old in journalism and somewhere around that i will say it is obvious that this is not the case in life, well, but it is always a movie, a movie is for those idiots who are not in this process to understand what is happening there , well , although, well, and cinema, i understand a little grotesque, but let's wait, in any case, i think it will be cool, and also the first video from the eurovision rehearsals has appeared. of our alyona alyona and jeri gale, we can already watch an excerpt, well
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now you can look at how it all looks, absolutely spectacular, and if the girls, especially on twitter, well twitter in general is absolutely toxic, there they were rinsed after they won our semi-finals, but now judging by the reactions i've seen on social media, almost everyone is enjoying it here's this excerpt, here's this number, and it was performed by tanya moigneau, who... i'll remind you in just a minute, but now let's watch and listen to jerry hale sing. and we were walking on the ground, who is tanya, i think you know, it is tanya, not tanya, she is our director of music videos, who started to be very successful here,
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shot for top stars, she has a characteristic style, such colors she has cheerful videos, and then she... went abroad to the states and now she shoots music videos for top already world stars last last the video she made for dualipa has already been watched a lot and it is certainly the most famous ukrainian director in the world so far. thank you very much lina. well, lina shoyna told us in detail about the culture and she and i will say goodbye to you until tomorrow and now i will talk about the weather. didenko , don't miss the verdict program at 8 p.m., stay with the express and i wish you a good evening.
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synoptic, hello to all, our dear ones. we will of course talk about the weather that is expected in the coming days, before easter, very special attention to the weather, to the synoptic situation, but since may has started, and we do not forget that at the beginning of each month , we review a short climatic characteristic of what the month is usually like in ukraine, based on many years of, of course , extensive research and information, therefore according to the data of... opticians, the average monthly air temperature in may is 13-17°. in mountainous areas, it is clear that below +7 +12. the absolute minimum air temperature is 0.6 degrees of frost, and in some places in the sumy region and again in mountainous areas -7 -10. the absolute maximum air temperature in in may, it was fixed in the range of 30-37° above zero.
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in odesa, luhansk and crimea up to 38-30. where the average monthly amount of precipitation in may is 22.60 mm, in the western regions and in vinnytsia 62.91 mm, well, in the carpathians the most is up to 148 mm. this is how wonderful, interesting and sometimes capricious may is. we are moving on to our next sub-topic, which is geomagnetic activity, and it is clear that there will be fluctuations tomorrow. uh, so please pay attention to yourself, to your health, to your well-being, and calmly, let's move on to the weather forecast, which is will be throughout ukraine and in every region, in particular, therefore, on may 3, the air temperature in the western regions of ukraine will practically not change and will occupy a high, so to speak,
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position, everywhere will be dry, mostly sunny, white clouds, in short, very comfortable. year in the north of ukraine tomorrow the air temperature will drop a little and it will fluctuate somewhere between 16-19° after today's very warm day, i think you will feel it. no precipitation is expected in the north. in the eastern part of ukraine , the degrees will also settle down a little, so to speak +16 +19, somewhere with more intense solar heating up to +20, but nevertheless the air temperature will be like this. precipitation is also not expected in the east. in the central part of ukraine, a dry air mass will prevail, and the weather will be anti-cyclonic almost everywhere. the air temperature will fluctuate in the center from 20 to 24, but for example in poltava oblast, vinnytsia oblast, cherkasy oblast, it may be lower in some places. in
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the southern part of ukraine tomorrow it will be 20-25, 20-26° above zero, no precipitation is expected. and in kyiv. temperature in the capital tomorrow the air will drop a little, the maximum is expected to be somewhere between +18 and +19°, but no precipitation is expected. in the future, on may 4, here is such fresh weather that tomorrow is expected in the north, there, for example, i said, or in the central regions, it will cover a significant part of the territory of ukraine, but without precipitation, but on may 5, easter, the night will be dry , eat, dress a little warmer, on the day of easter in the west in the north , short-term rains will pass in places, thunderstorms will thunder in some places, but everywhere in ukraine it will be... warm weather. good evening, we are of ukraine. events, events that are happening right
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now and affect our lives. of course, the news feed reports on them. however, it was not enough to know what was happening. it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 13:10 with a repeat on sunday at 10:10. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. i am olga lentsia of the chronicles of war. congratulations. in the donetsk operational zone, hellish battles are going on, in general, the battles along the entire front line are quite heavy, and so far the situation is stable. not improving the rolling back of the front on the donetsk sector is also continuing, in principle we can say that the situation is now quite
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difficult for us, because the enemy is trying to take advantage of that, you know, the opportunity created for him by the lack of sufficient ammunition, the lack of a sufficient number of people, and in fact, while this absence will make itself felt, until... the enemy will practically advance, and in this, in this situation, i remind you of our collection, which is very important, espresso and the public organization baza ua, the resistance is called to support the collection for fpv drones, which actually have to compensate for this lack of shells, the lack of ammunition, the collection for the 93rd brigade of the cold yart, the 72nd brigade of the black zaporozhets, who are without rest. are constantly in the war zone, our contributions will help to establish our own production, testing, variations for the needs
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of the defenders, we can do all this and provide together, having collected 2 million hryvnias. we have already collected most of it, and let's finish and finally make this entire collection, so we really hope for you, look to... the account number, privately, you can go to monobank, everything will also be broadcast on youtube, you will see, please join, any contribution is very important. well, now let's take a look at what has been happening at the front, the last few days on the map of hostilities. map of hostilities for the period from april 24 to may 1. the loss of ochereteny created a threat for toretsk and konstantin. the russians are in a hurry to capture as much of donetsk as possible, while the armed forces are running out of ammunition and help is still on the way. the armed forces found themselves under greater pressure
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pressure injuries and manpower, and artillery and aviation, and therefore we have to retreat in those places where there is nothing and no one to hold on to. on the other hand, even with this advantage, the armed forces of the russian federation cannot develop a rapid mood. the postavdiyiv front is starting new ones. umbrellas during the week , the russians managed to push through our defenses on almost all areas of this front. from the southern edge, they captured half of the small village of netaylové and created a threat to advance to karlivka and the exit to the road leading to yasnobrodivka and umansky, where are our defensive positions. in the area of ​​these villages, the front line did not change, and the assaults of the occupiers were insignificant. however, the situation here can escalate sharply. taking into account the events that took place in other areas in the area of ​​orlivka, berdychiv. along the entire length of the front, from orlivka to berdychi, the rebels crossed the durna river and captured the villages of semenivka and
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berdychi. the armed forces of ukraine restored the defensive line near novopokrovsky. taking into account the fact that the third assault brigade retreated from semenivka, it becomes clear how difficult it was operational situation. however, the events around ocheretiny developed most dynamically, occupying the dominant heights where the village is located. which until recently was the main defense center on this part of the front, the russians continued their offensive in the north-western direction on novooleksandrivka. part of the enemy troops continues to advance along the railway track in the direction of the village of progress. this tactic is connected with the fact that this territory is difficult to mine. on the other hand, the armed forces of the russian federation are quite vulnerable to artillery, moving almost across open territory. however, the occupiers are expanding their flanks. to protect against a counterattack by the armed forces. in this way, they captured novobakhmutivka and solovyovy and began an attack on the village of sokil. on the left flank, the rashistas
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managed to drive a wedge. between the two brigades and the occupied villages of novokalynovo and keramik, our troops retreated to arkhangelsk. after the enemy occupied the reeds, gained commanding heights and managed to expand his flanks, he had the opportunity to choose the direction of his main attack, or move west towards pokrovsk or north to kostyantynivka. despite the equal distance of 30 km between both cities, the attack on pokrovsk is more problematic due to logistical problems, which... will certainly arise if the front line is extended only in one section. the offensive on kostyantynivka looks more promising, because it is simultaneously being pressed by other troops from the side of the time gap. in addition, it will allow to bypass the defense of turkey and new york, where the front line has not changed since 2014. therefore, the occupiers intensified their attack on released in the summer klishchivka and andriivka, who stand like a bone across their zaharnytsia plans. despite the difficult situation under the time
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gap. the front line has not changed, for strength in the future it receives a part of ivanovsky, without the occupation of which a full-fledged attack on the city is impossible. summarizing, it is worth paying attention to the fact that 2.5 months have passed since the occupation of avdiyivka, and during this time, despite all efforts , the russians did not manage to break through the front, and their advance was 12-13 km to the west and north, and only diagonally in they traveled 22 km in the direction of ochereteny. at the same time, the armed forces demonstrated the flexibility of the defense and the availability of resources that can be thrown into battle, having the necessary ammunition. battle for krasnohorivka. a week after the russians almost broke through to the central areas of the city, the situation here has changed dramatically. the defense forces managed to repel the rashists not only from the central regions, but also from the eastern ones. currently, the enemy is entrenched only in a small part of the southern districts of the city. fierce battles continue in all other areas.
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the next one. this week, the rashists broke through our positions in the kislivka area and almost captured this village, which is 22 km from kupyansk, this is an attempt to continue the offensive on kupinsk through the route that runs from svatovo. back in january, the russians managed to capture the villages of krokhmalnyi and bayivka, but the last zsu was repulsed. then the invaders occupied 8 km of the strategically important road, but could not develop success, in particular thanks to the defense in kislivka and nearby kotlyarivka. now, after... the occupation of kislivka, our soldiers in kotlyarivka found themselves under threat from the encirclement, and therefore will be forced to move to other positions. in addition, the russians activated their assaults near the villages of beristov and novoselivske, but the defense forces pushed them back. southern prospects of a counteroffensive. while heavy fighting continues in donetsk region, the ukrainian armed forces direct their atakams and drones in the southern direction. after the destruction of anti-aircraft defense near dzhanko, new rockets arrived in the tarkhankutu area, where they took off. all
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four s-300 and s-400 air defense systems. in addition, the other day there were numerous explosions in simferopol, gvardiysky, and again in dzhankoya. balovna's results will be known later. in addition, in the krasnodar region of the russian federation, a massive strike by drones once again stopped the refineries in slovyansk and ilsky. in addition, the strike on the airfield in kushchivsk was well-timed. about fifty su-34 and su-35 fighter jets, which are not... guided aerial bombs, fly from where to ukraine per day. as a result of the strike , a part of the warehouses behind the aerial bombs was definitely destroyed, and also a part of the planes was probably damaged. this strike demonstrates the vulnerability of strategically important airfields for the russian federation, which will force the russians to disperse aircraft and move air defense systems. well, in addition to what was said, here is literally the news of the last day, it is
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ukrainian troops, uh, managed to conduct an attack and restore positions east of yampolivka in the kupyansk direction, this was carried out by the forces of the 23rd brigade and the 63rd brigade such a defeat of the enemy's position followed by an assault, and it was unexpected for the enemy and it is not bad. well, our guest vladyslav seleznyov, military expert, colonel of the armed forces of ukraine, spokesman of the general staff, has already joined us . i congratulate you. mr. vladyslav, ms. olga, congratulations you, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, and here, well, let's start with the most, well, if, difficult, uh, that is, actually, the advance continues in the pokrovsky direction, they captured the ceramics, novokalynovo, advances further to arkhangelsk, and this advance cannot be stopped at the moment, that is, they are advancing along the uh...


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