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tv   [untitled]    May 3, 2024 8:00am-8:31am EEST

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we will watch with you a fresh selection of news, what happened there in ukraine and the world, our kateryna shirokopoyas knows, katre, you have a word. congratulations to olas, congratulations to andria, in a moment i will tell you about the consequences of the night attacks and the preparation of the russians for the offensive. news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. a 12-year-old child and another adult were killed as a result of mortar shelling in donetsk region. two others were seriously injured. this was announced by the head of the region, vadym filashkin. the russians hit the village from grady through an attack. seven residential buildings were destroyed. the russians
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hit the kryvorizka district in the dnipropetrovsk region with missiles and attacked nikopol with drones. this was reported by the head of the region, serhii lysak. as a result of the impact , a fire broke out, which was promptly extinguished by rescuers. fortunately, there were no casualties. the attack on the occupiers at the luhansk training ground, it is assumed that more than 100 russians were eliminated, and a large number of enemies were wounded. they write about it. american media note that four missiles hit the russian training ground in mozhnyakivtsi, although the consequences are currently being clarified, there has been no official confirmation from the ukrainian command. the occupiers are preparing to advance on kharkiv and sumy regions, but the enemy will not be able to capture a large place, a city, said the deputy head of the main intelligence department, vadym skibitsky. according to him, the russians can... start attacking at the end
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of may or at the beginning of june. their leadership plans to increase the grouping on the border with kharkiv to 50-70 thousand soldiers. and to operational information from the general headquarters of the armed forces of ukraine. 134 combat clashes took place at the front during the day. heavy fighting continues in donetsk region. fifty russian attacks were repelled by our defenders. in the avdiivsk direction, another 22 assaults were stopped on bakhmutsky and 15 on lymansky. the occupiers became active in kharkiv oblast as well. in the kupyan direction, our defenders stopped 12 enemy assaults, eight more attacks were repelled by the defense forces in the kherson region. during the day, ukrainian aviation struck 11 personnel concentration areas and destroyed an anti-aircraft missile complex of muscovites. and rocket launchers and gunners struck. two warehouses with
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ammunition, an anti-aircraft vehicle and two artillery systems of the occupiers. in the meantime, i urge you to join the rally for our defenders. means of communication and security. intelligence units of the third regiment of special operations forces are needed. they fight for the independence of our country in difficult battles on the eastern front and give us the opportunity to live, work and study. in general, our goal is uah 720. thanks to you, we have already paid in advance and we have less to collect 200,000 uah. so let's not delay, the war continues, the help of each of us is crucial. every hryvnia of yours is of great importance. you can now see all the necessary details on your screens. burning in russia, a factory for the production of artificial stone was burning in moscow. this was reported by the emergency services of the aggressor country. the fire covered more than 3,000
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m2 of the one-story building. the roof of the building collapsed as a result of the fire. even aviation and a fire train were involved to extinguish the fire. information about the victims is currently unknown. ukraine has the right to attack targets on the territory of russia with british weapons. this is only a response to the fact that moscow is hitting ukrainian land. this was announced by the prime minister. great britain david cameron. he promised to allocate another £3 billion in annual military aid to ukraine. well, china is not yet ready to work on a just peace in ukraine, said white house adviser john kirby. according to him , america currently does not see china's interest, but washington is ready to support beijing when they are ready to work there and respect the president's goals volodymyr zelenskyi. it is difficult to visit
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ukraine and remain neutral. writer daymond gelgut, laureate of the booker prize , visited the ukrainian cities affected by the disaster. russian invasion. he came as part of a delegation from sparta, india. guests from the global south note that the visit became very emotional and left no one indifferent. this was discussed during a public interview in the space of pen ukraine. the participants of the delegation noted that a better understanding between ukraine and the countries of the global south is hindered by the lack of a real perception of the situation. on the other hand, it is very difficult. to come here and see the situation and feel neutral, unblocked or indifferent is only possible if you consider the problem as abstract, as i said, the abstraction has disappeared in my case, but i would like it to disappear for a great many other people as well in power in
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south africa. i think it's very powerful and important to see all this here because it's one thing to read something in the press and another thing to see the actual destruction and evidence of war crimes, i'd like to go home, but while the war continues, residents of luhansk region are forced to look for new homes all over the country. our correspondents found out how the lysychan city military administration helps them in this and where the people of luhansk can settle. we will talk about the new life in the capital later in the story. we really want to come to ukrainian luhansk, but we don't know anymore. how it will turn out julia tells how her family had to look for a new home three times. in 2014 , they moved from luhansk to severodonetsk, in 2022 from there to the dnipro, and then to the capital. it is impossible to prepare for this every time
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he is so sudden. well, for the first time we still thought, we hoped, hoped that we would return home. when it was the second time. when you pack your suitcase, you realize that most likely you will not return to your house, you will not return to this city, so the third time was already a little easier. yulia has a large family, previously she and her husband, two children and parents rented an apartment, but rent prices in the capital skyrocketed, so she had to look for something else. the woman saw that the lysichan city military administration was offering housing for idps in kyiv. i thought it was only for lysichanskyi, because we were from severodonetsk, no, i called, they told me that they accept everyone from the luhansk region, so we decided to move. now they will live in the dormitory of mykhailo drahomanov ukrainian state university.
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the memorandum on cooperation with the institution of higher education was signed by the lysychan city military administration. so from now on, they will be able to arrange their new nest nearby. five hundred internally displaced people, many signed up because people are leaving from rural areas, they know that you can find a job in kyiv, so some are finishing the school year, some have signed up for the summer, we even have several families who will come on monday from hot spots in the donetsk region, they applied through volunteers, accommodation here is free , residents will pay only for communal services, in addition to that... the building will organize access to various services. our cna service of the polish military administration will work here, our usn services, territorial centers will work here assistance to the population. the lysychan city military administration has been supporting idps since the beginning of the great war.
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three shelters are already functioning in this way. thanks to them , immigrants from luhansk region have a chance to build a life in a new city, and also not to lose hope one day. to return to his hometown. tori kvateri tv and radio companies did not play a single song in russian. these are the conclusions of the report of the commissioner for the protection of the ukrainian language, taras kremin kremin. in total, 14 organizations and almost 85 songs were analyzed. currently, a share of ukrainian speakers of musical works on radio and television is 67%. the rest are in official languages. union, kremin also emphasized that last year his office received more than 3,500 appeals regarding violations of language legislation. in terms of regions, among the largest number of appeals received at our address, they concern
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the city of kyiv, on the one hand, and a sufficient number of violations, but also issues of language awareness, language stability, as well as the reluctance of citizens. of ukraine to put up with the violation of their rights in various spheres of public life on the territory of the city of kyiv. the kharkiv region is next and the lion's share of violations. consists of the city of kharkiv, odesa region, dnipropetrovsk region and partly kyiv region, this is a kind of five in our country, and we cooperate with each of the heads of government bodies, there are positive results, look for espresso on youtube and be sure to subscribe, there you can watch the broadcast tr, all program releases and special projects that can be seen only from us, also a short video on a hot topic shorts section, subscribe, comment on your... your thoughts, be there every day. and to
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to find out more interesting and relevant information, follow the updates on our website, as well as on our social networks, in a moment meet my colleagues andriy saichuk and lesya vakalyuk. we will see you at 10 o'clock. dear friends, we are returning to eter, lesya vakulyuk, andriy saichuk, in this studio today we are working for you until 12 o'clock, in the previous hour we ended it with a conversation with a volunteer from dnipro, about the fact that volunteers are now collecting shepherds and handing them over to our defenders , and about how many strips there are it should be so that they do not spoil, so that the military does not throw them away, so that... this number is optimal, and not just cover them
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with straws, if you, if you do not know any unit, do not contact them personally, but you think what to give paskas, maybe think, and maybe this money, which should have gone to bake paska or buy it for the military, maybe transfer it to our collection, i strongly urge you, and it will be our easter gift for our defenders, for defenders from two brigades, the 93rd kholodny yar. 72nd black zaporozhets. dear friends, in fact, to have 2 million hryvnias, which is exactly how much we want to collect for fpv drones for the military. we lack some 95,000. you and i collected 49 yesterday. 95 00 separate us. i don't know how much i didn't look at the prices of the belts, you didn't look, andriy, you don't know how much you look, no, no, i didn't look, i saw that a columba is about 600 hryvnias. well, then it's not a columba, this is one 1/6 of a columbia, listen, we need
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to collect uah 95 00, so you see a qr code in the corner, you see a card number, if you want a qr code and a card number of a private bank, you can find under the description, on under our youtube broadcast, please join, let's close that collection already and give 2 million fpv drones to our defenders, and those fpv drones. small, but kindly spoil the nerves of muscovites, and this will be our greeting to our defenders for the bright easter holiday. in the meantime, we continue our roll call and serhiy nikitenko, editor-in-chief of the publication most from kherson joins us. mr. sergey, good morning. congratulations. tell me how the night went in kherson oblast? well, last night, as always, under observation when the russians shelled almost all the settlements along
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the dnieper with artillery, as a rule, kherson may not have been shelled as intensively as last night, but that does not mean that it was calm, in principle, explosions were heard, to the east, in the eastern part of kherson , explosions were definitely heard, actually, which ones, what is the situation now. in the dnipro delta, saldo writes and publishes information about the alleged expulsion of the ukrainian military from one of the islands, is this really the case, or is this the island that was recently reported, well having a total vacuum of information on the situation in the dnieper delta, we simply do not know what is happening there, well, let's say this, i don't know either, yes, there for sure, but some facts... say that well, first of all, first, the very first mention that ukrainian soldiers
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were knocked out of this island was on the same day when there was information from the general staff about its occupation, but in the next two or three days the russians began to actively drop cabs, guided air bombs on this island , it is not clear why, if they say that they fired him, well, in principle, i do not i'm sure... that they would have enough strength there, yes, because it's quite a large one of those large, well, large islands, which stretches along - three large settlements, well , such... quite large, i don't think that they have there would be enough forces there to take back this island, but for sure we don't have any information, these are just my guesses, in general, i don't know, but after the journalists managed to change the head of the press center and the command south, the situation has somehow changed, improved,
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has worsened, we understand more what is happening, maybe we don’t just need to know, well, there is... there is something in the mines, and thank god, they taught new marines to send them there, and it’s good, and there somehow, well, honestly saying, well, i agree here that we don't need to know some of the information, especially what concerns the islands, because uh, well, the situation is, you know, not easy there, and it may not be necessary to tell some details, yes, uh , and we , in principle, when we fought, right? i do not know whether this word can be used arbitrarily by the lady humenyuk, in fact, we didn't fight for some tactical people to tell us the details of it, or to show us the details of the hostilities, but we fought for information in general, and in principle,
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we can see some progress, we are already being promised some, yes, but well, no one fought with... to tell directly, i read a lot in the comments that it is not necessary, there is no need to tell anything at all, well, here is such a story, you know, it is on the one hand we ask, we all ask on some fees, yes you are collecting there for fp drones, we are collecting, my friends now collected for active armor for self-propelled guns for marines in the kherson direction, and not showing combat operations. showing how heroically these people fight, yes, it would be much more difficult to raise money, and you need a lot of money and , well, a lot of fees, so it's obvious that, what you need to show how these people fight, how they, well, it's heroic they do, and precisely so that ukrainians do not forget that there is a war in the country,
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and the war is not only on tv, yes, it is a war. and there live hundreds, hundreds of thousands of people live in this state, about hundreds of thousands people who remain in the occupation, the russians are now taking away housing, they come and say, it was yours, now it will be ours, mr. serhiy, do you know the details of such and such russian improvement of the lives of ukrainians, well, i myself will most likely, well, first, i have already become a victim, then the house on the left bank, which... belongs to our family, it has long been seized by the russians and local collaborators, and now they invented a story that they will take away the legal ones, well, obviously, the legal ones grounds, issued the balance a number of documents, that is, they have developed some kind of legal basis for seizing property from people,
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they are different, first of all... this is property that they will recognize as ownerless, that is, there is no person, or even there is a person, but the person does not have a russian passport, a special commission, which they themselves will still create, will recognize this property as having no owner and give it to be taken away, let's say it is state property, that is, russia does not have enough of our country houses, there are some houses in the village of russia. i really need this property, well, it is obvious that they will be distributed further, maybe with a collaborator, there or with specialists in coffee shops who moved there from russia, it means nothing, they were seizing before that, and in kherson they were seizing houses, and then when they were kicked out of kherson and they are seizing houses on the left bank, this case in
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abrykosivka, near oleshok, well, he is known throughout the country. when drunken russian soldiers killed a local collaborator, the oleshka village headman, because she did not want to settle them in other people's houses, this is a completely normal russian story and they live in it, you know, very a large part of ukrainians fortunately live in their homes and fortunately no one takes these homes away from them, but they do not fully understand... people who lose their homes, you see, you said such a detail about yourself, as how you have already come to terms with this idea that the russians are there and that they took this house and maybe with it... we will have to say goodbye, well , it's just a house, you see, the main thing is that, well, the main people here are, yes, some kind of property, well, here such a story, profitable property, most importantly
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people, there are many people left there, er, mine friends, relatives of my friends, who tell terrible things about the fact that, for example, in this village, where this house is located, the russians have stopped letting anyone in, because it is on the coast, and now there is simply... they told me that terror is being committed the people were detained, but they are not actually released, they are very afraid of the russians, well, from there, by the way, it is not so far from the island that ours captured, and it is obvious that all the events on the islands will also happen to the residents of these settlements on the left bank , this is directly the delta, the dnipro delta, yes, and there, and there are many such forces, it starts there... from kinburgska kosa, if from below, from ivanivka, there is heroysky rybalchy, an old building, a bare pier, to oleshok, to kakhovka almost, well, a huge number
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of people live there, and the main thing is not property , the main life, health of these people, i hope they will wait for the arrival of the armed forces of ukraine, but in and they are waiting, really waiting there, does it make sense, i don't know, i don't know now. of course, i may be saying some fantastic things, yes, but does it make sense to try to organize a safe departure or relocation of those people who are would definitely like to be on the right bank, is it possible to do it in the way of some kind of negotiations, for example, i think not, you remember when kherson oblast was destroyed, and i will remind you that... 98% of kherson oblast was in the spring of 22 year was occupied, there were attempts to arrange some kind of humanitarian corridors for the evacuation
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of people, and there were certain agreements on the exit of people, and through vasylivka, you remember, before that, well, vasylivka was the safest place of exit, before that there were exits directly through the line front and through oleksandrivka, where directly. raging battles raged through david's brit and later people tried to leave through other settlements, just the other day i was in vysokopil, it was the first settlement that was liberated by the armed forces, and there people directly told me this story, maybe you remember how local residents left the occupied vysokopil on bicycles, that is, the russians did not let anyone ride cars. no there on some kind of transport, at most it is a bicycle, and then these bicycles were dumped in one place, there on the border with the zelenodol community, and
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the local head of the military administration told me, that these bicycles are still lying with them at the communal enterprise, people who return to visokopill, go looking for and find these bicycles, and this is really, you know, this is the best illustration that the russians, well, just not people and... actually subjected to such to the torture of elite people and others, it is obvious that it is not profitable for them to release people from the left bank now, volunteers manage to evacuate elderly people, they do not tell how they do it, any details, and we do not particularly ask, understanding that it is, well, it is difficult work, in a different way, it is very difficult, people are leaving, but very few are leaving recently, because i am telling you, in some... populated areas, people are simply not being let out, they made a noise, they have to sit there, and most of the people who wanted to leave, well most likely he has already left, those who
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leave a little through the crimea are still leaving, but there are not so many people, and there are not so many people left there, in some settlements, in the same villages they say there are literally 10, maybe 15% of people remained, including me in the naked marina told very few people, in kakhovka, well, that is, the points of population where he flies, it is obvious that people leave, not all of them leave directly to the de-occupied territory or to europe, some leave further away, yes, somewhere to skadovsk, to henichesk, somewhere there, but eh, but i understand that the russians have no desire to release these people, because they need a picture, they need to show a happy life, how they will show it to empty people, they have already shown. elections in half-empty, or empty polling stations, or thereabouts, so, well, it's political it is not profitable for them to release people, a terrible and sad
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reality, and we also understand that those people who remained, perhaps because they hoped that everything would happen quickly, and ukraine would regain control, mr. sergey, while you were telling this whole story, i was all time also remembered this performance, which i attended, lesia and i were there, it is said that you cannot stay, it is the kherson theater, the kherson theater, but there is, but they actors just tell their stories there, it does not invent occupied kherson, and and it's just that. every story is it is possible to immediately take a volleyball doll by the cheek because well but but look at it but part of the actors remained more then part of the actors then remained and part of the actors together then with the russian troops went to the left bank, too, it’s true, well, to go so much , honestly, we recently visited about this the text of the other
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traitors, more than that, i know one of them right from my student years, we were friends with his wife, we studied together , and we analyzed what was not so much and what was left although, well, although it is painful, yes , painful for the audience too, because - kherson was and remains such a theater city, we held the largest theater festival of ukraine, for example, every year in the spring, literally in may about... a huge festival was held, it is obvious that people who loved the theater are hurt by it, but, well, i always say, that compared to, well, percentage-wise, it's not that many, well, a large number of people, honestly cheated on theatergoers, and it's obvious that they, well, let's say, i think they did it just for money and nothing
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more. ideological ones there, let's say, among these theater money and some kind of resentment for how they lived there or, after all, such a situation in the morning, although they lived not bad, they got, got titles, and positions and apartments, this gamayunov, about whom i am talking, yes, he got an apartment from the city somewhere in in the 20th or 21st year, that is, a person got an apartment for free, just like in the soviet union, and still, for some reason... ukraine was not his native country, and this is not the story, it is human, human stories, yes , uh, unpleasant, but they exist, there is something in it, you know, if people are like that i don't know, maybe it's for the better, you know, it's also the same, it's the same, not self-cleansing, but cleaning is certain, yes, they cleaned our land, i keep saying that kherson,
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despite the fact, well, how it is now... he lives, yes, nine months of a terrible occupation, now it's been a year and a half of terrible shelling, but kherson has been cleared, well, i'm just looking there, and someday, yes, after the victory, after the end of the war, well, it should work, how ee well, to speed us up a little, yes, because these are the leaders of these political clans, criminal and political, politically. them clans, they went with the russians, well , for the most part, let’s say, and this should improve both politics, as we see, and culture a little, yes, they slowed down development, built schemes and stole budget funds, i have no doubt about it, mr. serhiy, thank you thank you very much for this conversation, serhiy nikitenko , the editor-in-chief of the most kherson publication, was with us, but now we are going on a short break, we will return, we will continue, andriy ochynash,
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the commander of the drone crew, will be with us. of the kara nebesna aircraft of the fourth brigade of the operational frontiers of the national guard of ukraine. stay with us. what is bakhmut? bahmud is a place of fear and a place of bravery. no matter what anyone says, bravery is not the absence of fear. bahmud is an adventure that will stay with us until the end. these are boys who never cry, lemberk, mommy, don't cry, a book by the writer olena cherninka, a mother's book.


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