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tv   [untitled]    May 3, 2024 8:30am-9:00am EEST

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andriy, our father, the commander of the kara nebesna unmanned aerial vehicle crew of the fourth brigade of the border operational assignment of the national guard of ukraine, stay with us. what is bahmud? bahmud is a place of fear and a place of bravery, no matter what he says, but bravery is not the absence of fear. bahmud is an adventure... that will stay with us until the end of our journey. the children were born in the era of independence. who are they? there are many of them, and they are strong and brave. these are the guardians of the traditions and martial arts of their ancestors. these are boys who never cry. lemberg, mom, don't cry. a book by the writer olena cherniyka. mother's book. about his son,
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a hero who was one of the first to volunteer to defend ukraine and went missing in the vast expanses of donbas. fm: galicia. listen! yours, to feel life, not heartburn, take hyalera. hyalera - victory over heartburn. kratal contains natural components that carefully care for your heart. kratal improves blood supply and the functional state of the myocardium, normalizes the heart rate , and increases physical and mental performance. kratal is a natural force for your hearts turn on well - it's when everything is as
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hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda, top guests every day, this is the ship district, kherson, inclusion. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut, we are telling the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new, two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world, the front, society. and feedback. you can express your opinion on the bad day with a phone survey. turn on and
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turn on the verdict with serhii rudenko every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. friends, we are coming back, we will continue our marathon. lesya vakulyuk, andriy saichuk, we work in this studio for you. one viewer wrote that after the law on dodgers , i will no longer report. i was somehow so upset, you know. and then another viewer writes. nadia olyshevko, mrs. lesya, i threw the last ones, my daughter throws as much as we can, we help, for easter we baked a pacha and so a little something , all to help the armed forces of ukraine, and somehow it became warmer and nicer in my heart, mrs. nadia, thank you and all that, who has already donated today, 17, we have collected hryvnias for today, and we still have 80,000 left in order to close this collection for some unfortunate 80,000, so please join in, on your screens you can now see the relevant details on the left qr: if
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facing the screen of the private bank, it must be scanned, if you have the privat-24 application, find the scanner function in this application and point and flip, the card number is indicated on the top, if you don't... want to bother yourself with it, or you do not have the appropriate application, well, if the qr code of monobank is facing the screen and, accordingly , the card number, it is also indicated in the title, and it appears throughout our header, also in the lower left corner, so please join some 80 00, that's quite a bit, me i really hope that this will be our easter gift for the two brigades and they will have fpv drones, but now we need to collect it somehow before sunday. our father, commander of the crew of unmanned aerial vehicles "kara nebesna " of the fourth operational brigade of the rubizh national guard of ukraine, we are adding him to our airwaves. mr. andrii, good morning.
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good morning, studio, good morning viewers. how can you tell where you are and what news you have for us, tell us. please share, er, say exactly where i am, i unfortunately do not i can, which is quite logical, however, eh, we are currently a little bit on the back foot, this is a front-line town, a village, here, regarding the situation at the front, the enemy has become extremely active, he is trying to storm and carry out assaults on a permanent basis, however, they either fail at nothing, or they get something at the lowest possible level, actually eh... you need to understand that with the number with which the enemy is advancing on our territory, there is nothing surprising here, they manage to gain advantages in some directions, and so i joined a few minutes earlier and heard that some woman wrote a donation, wrote a message that
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she will no longer donate after the law on mobilization, it sounds very funny, because she will not donate to us, directly, she will donate to herself, including because of , that what is happening now... in the occupied territories, what is happening now in the front-line territories, is something that you would not wish on anyone, due to the fact that our territory is being completely destroyed, that is, it is not a conditional seizure, yes, it is an absolute destruction and erasure of our territory and power the defense of ukraine and the rubizh brigade directly do everything to ensure that this destruction is less on ukrainian territory, therefore , accordingly, if someone thinks that he will inform us, then in the end such indifference can lead to the fact that this person's house can simply be -simply destroyed, wiped off the face of the earth, ee due to the fact that we did not have, relatively speaking, the fp and that car to get to the task, etc., so i call on everyone to donate, it is extremely necessary and extremely necessary not for us,
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directly to everyone in general, actually yes, donat is not for the defenders, it is donat for all of us, and the defenders simply sacrificing their most precious lives... risking their lives, do what deters the enemy, mr. andrii, we actually see that now and the russians are razing the earth to the ground in the same way, their tactics do not change, bahmuta, avdiivka, all their achievements are simply the complete destruction of any concrete structures there , turn everything into ruins, and so they are gradually, very slowly advancing, at the same time. .. or after all, their losses are there, well, are they sensitive to losses at all, or do you think this offensive will stop sooner or later? he will 100% sooner or later stop, and he will stop not because of russian losses, because they absolutely do not care about russian losses, in fact, we
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can at least look at the situation with avdiivka, where one russian blogger told on his telegram channel, that who directly participated in the audio. in the direction that 17,000 russians, 17,000 russians died there during the entire period, while capturing 37 km the small industrial town of avdiyivka, which is nevertheless very important for ukraine , i.e. with such losses, any civilized country that cares at least a little about its personnel would have already stopped these attacks, due to the fact that they are completely irrational, regarding the conditionally destroyed and captured territories, as well as the losses of their troops, nevertheless for the russians... absolutely indifferent, they continue to send tens of their own, dozens, hundreds, thousands of their meat battalions into assaults and in the last case are really turning into local battalions, as to where exactly it will stop, how exactly it will stop, everything depends on two
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components, maybe even three components, this is actually the development of the ukrainian military-industrial complex, the military-industrial complex, due to the fact that it is not always necessary to rely on the fact that we will have support from... our partners, the second is, of course, that our partners are all the same, due to the fact that you need to be realistic, but the ukrainian military-industrial complex will not be able to completely cover all needs on the front, it's simple.. . unreal, due to the fact that even such a country how russia, which is a huge empire, which has been engaged in its military-orthodox complex for the entire existence of its empire, still needs ammunition now, buys them from the north, from north korea, and from china, and from iran, etc., that is, this is an indicator of that no matter how big a military-industrial complex you have, it still cannot cover the needs that are currently used in the war, and the third, most important thing is personnel, if there is no... replenishment of personnel, then eh it will be very difficult, it will be
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very difficult, and it will make it extremely difficult for us to carry out our tasks, due to the fact that no matter how much equipment there is, no matter how much weaponry there is, if there is no personnel who can directly control that vehicle, relatively speaking, then it cannot will not work, the personnel here is in the first place and we need it extremely in... actually, i have also been asking recently how you, well, that is, when you went on some combat missions, what is the situation on the battlefield now , whether the tactics of the russians are changing, as they look now is their attack? they started to use a little bit of innovative methods to attack, they actually look quite funny visually, very funny, but still that's enough. working scheme, for example, they make conditional turtles out of their equipment, that is, they completely cover it with metal
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structures, so that the forces of the defense of ukraine, the fighters of the rubizh brigade could not simply hit the one, the other place in the equipment, where it is necessary to to neutralize it. actually, it looks funny on the one hand, on the other hand no less, this is a working scheme, because the enemy's landing party travels from that metal structure, plus, it's very difficult to get to exactly the place you need. the only downside for representatives of the russian federation is that they cannot use this equipment as a combat vehicle, due to the fact that it exclusively turns into a conditional transport. and again, when the rubizh brigade, the fighters of the rubizh brigade or other units fall into such shells, then all the infantry inside receive a sufficiently powerful concussion, but russians, in principle, they do not differ in intelligence, no matter how many concussions they receive, they will still storm with meat, because there are on... and they have two options: either die turning back, or die storming the territory of ukraine, so
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no other is given. but, in addition to that, they are trying to use local employees on equipment so that we cannot fly up with copters, that is, not stationary employees, but employees on equipment. here is what gives its results, of course, that, and, the only thing, it makes us think faster and more original, because you need to find a way around it. of this innovation, conditionally, and accordingly find some methods of solving the situation, which our fighters of the rubizh brigade do quite well, this can be seen on the official pages of our brigade, where we destroy quite a lot of russian equipment and personnel. how to get into your frontier brigade, how to get, for example, to your formation of uav operators for those who are currently watching from us and would like to join, for example. the three easiest methods are to find my page on instagram, and it is
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signed, father of publications, or in a telegram, our father is in touch, this is a telegram channel, or in any social network, the rubizh brigade, this is a recruiting site, where the rubizh brigade tells us what vacancies we currently have, which we need soldiers, what we give, what we teach, and actually, regarding our brigade, i am for... i am 100% sure that the border brigade will provide each serviceman with ammunition, and what is most important is training, that is, the training will be sufficient qualitative level, for example, recently talked with an infantryman of the unit, who said that due to the fact that tactical medicine is taught very well in the brigade, they managed to save more than one life of soldiers of their unit who were wounded, or of fellow soldiers, which is very important, that is, our soldiers sometimes cope better than. .. fighters, for example, of other units, i am sure of this, due to the fact that the level of training in the frontier brigade
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is extremely high-quality, and what i am also sure of is that, in principle, the level of training of the ukrainian defense forces is growing sufficiently, and in each the brigade is trained at a sufficiently good level. mr. andriy, you are not the first year in the war, and you know well from your own experience this festive period, i will ask you again. because i saw posts from the military that don't bombard us with belts, as with belts, with the provision of belts and... and what would you say to our viewers, what do your soldiers, your crew, need more? first of all, i want to thank everyone who sends these passes, sends dumplings, etc., because it really raises the morale and psychological state of the fighters, and it is very nice, but there is so much of it that, unfortunately, in to the extent of our official duties, when for the most
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part we are somewhere on the front lines or perform other types of tasks, we, unfortunately, simply do not have time. to eat it all, that is, ukrainians try so hard to feed us, that is, in some cases, unfortunately, we have to throw it away, for example, this happened in the past last year, which oppresses me very much and scratches me very much dear, that’s why i ask every ukrainian to better install fpv copters on drones, cars, etc., and send a smaller number of dumplings with dumplings than vice versa. due to the fact that we do not have a large number of freezers, refrigerators, at least, etc., for example, now we do not even have light, here, accordingly, there is a high probability that it will spoil not because we do not want to eat something, but because something that we simply do not have time to eat in such large quantities. well, i hope that our viewers heard, and somewhere out there, maybe someone wanted to pass on a little something, but held back, meanwhile took and sent
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a small donation, either to our collection or to your collection, because i also know what you are collecting from..., so look for andriy otchenash's social networks, and there you will find all the necessary information about what kind of meetings he is holding, well, it's a nice step, well, the minimum will be uah 100, the cost is the cost, well, 100%, well , you won’t get any less, because the egg, the milk is good there, the butter, there’s something else, there’s something else, well , it’s 100 uah simple, it’s better to send it, well, there’s such a thing... lychka 100 hryvnias is half a kilogram of weight, so dear friends, you hear what the military says, you hear what the people say, the best shepherd nowadays is donation for the collection, people who conduct the collection, who are volunteers, who are often in contact with the military, so when you hesitate, or do not know what to spend money on, whether for
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a shepherd or for a donation, a donation may be more important, although attention, of course, it is also, also very nice, what mr. andriy told us, friends, let's go for a short break, we will come back, we will talk about what is happening at the front, we will talk about it with serhiy zgruts, a military expert, we are tired of difficult and bulky saws, then strong saws from rozpaku tv are just for you, they will easily cut trees and bushes, they are convenient to use for carpentry work, it is an ideal tool for your home or garden, and the price is only from uah 999. choose a basic model or a model with a telescopic handle and order now. free delivery is available. check with consultants. cut branches, cut timber, chop firewood. you will do all this in one movement, with strong saws. just
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the russians held thousands of prisoners of war and civilian hostages. they wrapped them with tape and beat them very hard. journalists found those involved in the crimes. the names of those responsible for the crimes in olenivka in the new film. on may 6 at 9:15 p.m., an unusual look at the news: good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen, a sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions, in america they also say, let's make better roads , we will have even better ones, a special look at events in ukraine, on the border of kyiv will be located some katsaps and beyond, what a world dreams of, mr. norman, we can imagine it, it's all him... informational marathon with mykola september, saturday 5:10 p.m., sunday 6:15 p.m. at espresso. dear friends, let's go back and continue. serhiy zurets, military expert,
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director of the defense express company. while we are talking, you can donate 26,000, for this morning we have already collected 27,000, i apologize, and we only have 70, this is what we only have to collect and we will have 2 million. mr. serhiy, we congratulate you. but also end with the signing of contracts that it would be enough. start for us, mr. sergey? well, in fact, the interview with the economist from kibitsky is quite interesting, because there are many components, there are not only questions about
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negotiations, there is still talk about the fact that the enemy, first of all, increased the number of groups of his troops on our territory , there skibiyskyi talks about 510 thousand enemy personnel, let me remind you that earlier it was about 470, that is, in fact, in the last few months, about 40 thousand russian forces have been added to the territory of ukraine, while skibiyskyi says that the enemy primarily focused on reaching the borders of the donetsk-luhansk regions, this political goal remains unchanged, the enemy wants to have certain successes by may 9, if it does not succeed, then somewhat later, and there is another extremely interesting block that concerns... possible offensive actions of the enemy on sumy kharkiv, skibitskyi says that in the kharkiv area there are 3,500
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enemy personnel concentrated, but here i emphasize that this information is not new, and it does not indicate the accumulation of forces near kharkiv, here in general, i finally remembered what impressed them the most in this story from kybytskyi, he said that the loss of time did not bother her... maybe it will be avoided only as a matter of time, there is such a pun here and here i would probably interpret it a little differently, because he says, everything will depend on the forces and means, on the reserves that the ukrainian side has, and i would not think that this clearly says that about the projected loss in the times of the ravine, now we have a situation when the enemy cannot penetrate there in the areas he is there for determined himself, and if reinforcements with reserves and artillery are provided. then i think that in reality the enemy will have months to attack the czechs and to talk about some kind of capture of this city as an unambiguously predicted
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situation, i think it is still not inappropriate, really the enemy can act as if under cover, when artillery and aviation are used, which completely destroys our defensive structures, then one way or another, of course, it is extremely difficult to defend something that has been completely destroyed, but in any case, we are talking about the fact that this is an interview... of kybytskyi in a foreign publications are targeted, including at the european and american audiences, where it is said that europe should continue to provide stable support to ukraine, because otherwise the entire war will spill over into the territory of nato countries, and this will be a much greater challenge for nato countries than that , which is currently happening on the territory of ukraine. well, let's talk about what the new spokesman promised us. of the air force, that we will have f-16s after easter, what will this mean, how do we do it, yes indeed, we are waiting for
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the arrival. of f-16 aircraft, there, representatives, in particular, the dutch were talking about the fact that they will arrive at the beginning of summer, but in any case, these time indicators are still floating. we are now talking about the fact that we expect six aircraft in the first batch, then there will be 12. and in any case, we understand that these quantitative indicators are not decisive for the overall impact on the situation on the battlefield, they are. the first step to strengthen our anti-aircraft defense, and then everything will depend on the number of aircraft and the armament on those aircraft that we receive from our partners in any case, i hope that the summer should be such that we will still receive the first samples of this aircraft from our partners. they also write about the fact that the russians allegedly started to build
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a military summer house literally 70 km from the border with the kharkiv region. for transport planes, have you seen this information, haven’t you, well, that is, it is within direct range, i think you can even hit it with gamers, there was indeed such information, but i would pay attention to other information that after appearing in the arsenal ukrainian army of atakams, on the contrary, the enemy began to transfer its aircraft from the jumping airfield or from the front airfields, which are located there at a distance of up to 200 km. to other airfields, which are located further into the territory of the russian federation, so the construction of a new airfield 70 km from the state border with ukraine, of course, this is such a rather risky step on the part of the enemy, i think that it will not have any impact on the situation on the line the front well, and also regarding the fact that, perhaps,
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kazakhstan has sold its... its planes as well of russian, still soviet production to the usa, can these planes then end up in ukraine? yes, there was such information, it is about a significant list of soviet, used aircraft models, which most likely can be used partially for the function of donors, when certain elements can be used to repair our models, part of this... equipment can be used as, conditionally speaking, mock-ups of equipment in order to divert the enemy's strikes there to the used equipment that will be placed at the airfields, but we'll see in fact, when it really comes to the delivery of these samples to ukraine, because, relatively speaking, now all these directions are related to the restoration of innovative equipment and the creation of mock-ups, the ukrainian side is now
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deciding quite effectively. independently, we will see what exactly will be received from kazakhstan, how it will really be used by the ukrainian side. thank you very much, mr. serhiy, serhii sgorets , a military expert, director of the defense express company, was with us today. temporary yar to advance, but they are methodically destroying the city, a video appeared on reuters about that, in fact, there are no survivors either. houses, there are no people on the street, on the streets of the city, that civilians would walk there, for example, dare to do so. dear friends, our marathon continues, i will remind you that we are working until the 12th, and we will return with andrii and continue, we still have a long list of guests and topics, but the next project will be the project of our colleagues from radio svoboda, svoboda ranok, after that we will return and let me remind you that at 9 o'clock we all remember a minute of silence throughout the country.
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the memory of those ukrainians whose lives were taken by russia. let's observe a minute of silence in memory of ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.


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