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tv   [untitled]    May 3, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EEST

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good morning, we'll be back later, and i'll remind you that at 9 o'clock we all across the country will observe a moment of silence in memory of those ukrainians whose lives were taken by russia. let's honor with a minute of silence the memory of ukrainian soldiers and peaceful citizens of ukraine who died in the war that started it. see up.
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how can putin disrupt the peace summit and will russia be included in the negotiations after the peace summit? britain allowed. lobbies on the territory of russia, and the ukrainian prime minister can receive serious powers. my name is kateryna nekrecha, this freedom of the mornings. ukraine has the right to use the weapons provided by london to strike targets on the territory of russia, the decision whether to do so is up to kyiv. such a statement was made by the minister of foreign affairs in great britain, david cameron, in an interview with reuters. ukraine has the same right. how
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russia strikes inside ukraine. you can totally understand why ukraine feels the need to make sure it protects itself. in addition, cameron promised that his country would provide about 3 billion pounds sterling in military aid to kyiv every year, about the fact that some of kyiv's partner countries have lifted restrictions on strikes by the armed forces of the russian federation with western weapons. earlier, in an interview with european truth, the minister of foreign affairs of latvia, baiba braje, said. in an interview with the economist , vadym skibytskyi, deputy head of the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense of ukraine, said that russia is probably preparing for an offensive in the areas of kharkiv and sumy regions. according to him, the northern group of russia, which is based on the other side of the border from kharkiv, currently has 35,000 people, but plans to expand to 570,000 servicemen. russia is also forming a division. in the central
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part of the country, which they can also add to the main forces. it's not enough to capture a big city, skibytsky says, but it's enough for a smaller task. a quick operation to enter and exit is possible, but an operation to capture kharkiv or even sumy is of a completely different order. the russians know it, and we know it. meanwhile, the sumy regional military administration says that near the borders with the sumy region , there are no groups of the russian army to attack... but there is a high probability of the use of sabotage groups. volodymyr artyukh, the head of the sumy ova, stated this following the results of the meeting of the regional defense council. he once again called on people to leave the border. there is a high probability of the use of sabotage groups of the enemy, because the intensity of their use has recently increased significantly, therefore the danger for residents who remained and did not leave during the evacuation from border communities is quite high, including regarding the use of weapons and seizing our residents by subversives.
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enemy groups. there is a high probability of sabotage. i would like to note that recently additional restrictions of a special regime were introduced in the border zone of sumy oblast. in particular, free entry into the five-kilometer border zone and movement through it were prohibited. it was forbidden to sow tall plants half a kilometer from the fortifications, and short plants only with the approval of the military. restrictions are called temporary, but at the same time note that they will act until completion. martial law but in one of the border communities of bilopolsky, due to the security situation , they decided to send most of the employees of budget organizations on paid leave for the period from may 1 to may 10. this was announced by the head of the community yuriy tsarko. he says that bilopyllya is under shelling every day and is sure that they will continue not only during the easter holiday, but also after, until putin's inauguration on may 7 and victory day.
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which is celebrated in russia on may 9. zarko too called on the residents of bilopil not to go to the city center unless absolutely necessary, and families with children to leave there. yury zarko himself, the mayor of bilopil joined our broadcast. mr. yuri, congratulations, thank you for joining. good morning everyone. glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes, why did you call on people to leave the community whenever possible and even sent employees of city and budget institutions on vacation for 10 days? well, look, we already have, unfortunately, this is not the first year, we have such a situation when the enemy really increases the shelling. in particular we saw this last year, the year before last, so there is a certain tendency, we have already, let's say, learned to analyze something, to predict the actions of the enemy, and especially now, understanding that they need to divert part of the troops from the direction of the east somewhere and
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get here in this direction, and if we saw there was a lot of activity a sunday or two ago, and hail and artillery fire. then some lull - this means first of all that this lull is, as they say, the prelude to the storm, that they are preparing a really new blow and more, well, i am sure from my personal experience, i that this there will be holidays, they will want, as they say, to congratulate us, that is, it is not a mandatory evacuation, i understand correctly, it is optional, so to speak, it is not, it is not an evacuation at all, it is just a recommendation, because you understand, c. .. we are in bilopol, the enemy is shooting directly into the center of the city and shooting, and, well, it’s 3 seconds, it’s better when, if the artillery is 6 seconds, a whole 6 seconds, as we say, in 3 seconds we don’t have time to do anything, at most only to fall somewhere on the ground where a person is walking, but there is no, as i wrote there with mine, that
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there is absolutely no logic, so where they are shooting and when and how, that is, it is impossible to understand, today they wanted to shoot, let's say in one residential area. tomorrow in another, then in the center, then some fourth district, they are just randomly shelling the entire territory of the city, so there are no safe places, there are no safe zones, and why did i just call to be somewhere as close as possible to the shelters, because a projectile or rocket can fly by anywhere and anytime, and there is a shelter, is it some common shelter, let's say, more protected, or do people have to take shelter, well to hide... somewhere, i don't know, in the basements, there near the houses, and for those who stay, who have nowhere to go, there is no way to go, maybe this is mostly about older people, is there some kind of there for them help for these 10 days, if there is, as you say, such a high probability of shelling there,
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where will they get food, water, or should we just stock up for these days? no, that's all, let's say, there are products, there is water, there are medicines, medicines, that is, it all works, everything works, there are no questions about it, it is exclusively a safety factor, if anyone, well, let's say so, will not be able to, well, god forbid there will be some situation, we are not, well, we are preparing for this, ee somewhere to place people in a safer place, provide them with food, a safe place to stay, well, a safer zone, but let's say on the territory of the community, we have such a specificity that multi-story buildings, in principle, they have a shelter. i.e. what is the private sector equipped for, as a rule , people use their own basements, you understand what else i’m saying, the question is to catch up, even when a person is in the city center is somewhere or somewhere near the store and i heard the exit that it will be there in a few seconds, the most dangerous thing is
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to run and look for shelter, the best thing to do is to look for some protected city and fall and close and cover your head, that is, close your ear . so that, god forbid, the bar doesn't get injured there, that is, a person, when moving, is the most likely target for debris for everything, because it was precisely her last victims, when we had them, it was a person walking, returning from the bazaar , and well, if we say she fell, maybe she would be alive, but if so, how she was standing, then a person was simply torn to pieces and another such case, well, you say that it is literally seconds, the only thing is that... you can do this only if you fall to the ground, are there people who cannot to move independently with a disability, older people, maybe who need help, they want to leave for this period, let's say, do you organize some help for them in this sense, are there places where they can be accepted for these two
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weeks? look, we have the whole category of people, which is indicated, as a rule, it is them territorial centers for serving pensioners are registered, each for each. he has a social worker attached to him, so far at the moment, well, we have not received requests to somehow evacuate them there or move them to safer places, here... you understand, 99% of all the dead in our country are those people , who are in crowded places, somewhere in the center or on the street, we understand that these are groups with limited mobility, who are somewhere in their homes, well, because they cannot move, from hail, well, from rockets of course, the house will not protect against hail, if it even flies a short distance, then the house protects, well, there is not such a big problem here, eh, so if there are similar... appeals, theoretically, we are also preparing places somewhere so that the masses can stay en masse , so that
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people could be evacuated there, especially since there are humanitarian sanitary vehicles, but unfortunately they are also partially damaged by shelling, but somehow, somehow, we will transport them if there is such a need, at the moment there is no such need, most of all people with children are worried children, because even if it is not as much as possible , people are afraid of something that will fly by, and all these sounds of its shelling are constant, they simply have a very strong effect on the children's psyche. under your post on facebook, there is a comment from lyudmila baidyuk, your subscriber, apparently with a request to those who remained to feed the animals, i quote: people left, dogs were let out, and i, for example, put food near my yard in the evening and everyone if everyone does this, then they will not attack, and they are so hungry and angry, no one will dine on... a piece of bread for the animal, such a quote, how critical is the situation with abandoned animals, is it becoming dangerous
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for local residents, and on the other hand, maybe there are volunteers there who take them out, feed them, somehow help to resolve this situation, yes, there is a problem, there is a problem, well more it was in those villages where the evacuation was carried out, there were even such cases when people simply did not even have time to untie dogs, or cows, or even goats, and it was really terrible. the sight then yes, when people came after some time to see in the city, as a rule, people have only or temporarily left, they ask someone to look at their relatives there, to prepare them, for example , animals, well, for example, i already have four dogs at home, yes, because so-and-so was killed, and they were killed and all of them they prepare because it hurts the animals, there are volunteers, there are defenders, there are people who come, take animals, there are people... who are constantly preparing, there are our doctors who provide
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constant medical assistance, but it is still a problem if people , well, partly people will not return, i think there will be a problem, but indeed, there are many volunteers precisely among the defenders who have such intentions, want to help, they even came and took away the chernihiv region, there is another one there, as far as i know, yesterday was even the last such action, when cats were taken away, so... thanking people, help, but really the problem is that it takes place. mr. yuriy, i thank you, i want to finish the information from the head of the sumy uva volodymyr artyukh, he said that the believers who will come to consecrate easter baskets, during air alarms and probable strikes, will have the opportunity to stay in protective structures on the territory of temples, that is , we understand the situation on the border, that even such a big and significant holiday for christians, easter baskets will have to be consecrated. in protective structures, thank you for joining, yuriy zarko, the mayor of bilopil, and
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we talked about the situation in sumy oblast. write in your comments, in the comments under this video, by the way, if you are from sumy oblast or from other border regions, what is your situation, do you have such plans, is it possible to really leave in this period of may, when in russia there will be several such significant dates for them, and you consider it dangerous for yourself, write about your experience and your... decision, like you, that you make about this, well, the peace summit announced by the ukrainian authorities, which will take place on june 15-16 in switzerland, will be the first real chance to start restoring a just peace, president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi said about it the day before in his evening video message. we must all understand that only a global force can force russia to peace, and that is why we are working to attract as much as possible in... participants to the summit in switzerland and related communication. ukraine
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expects that from 80 to 100 countries will participate in the meeting at the luxury resort of bürnenstock, near the city of lucerne, during the peace summit. meanwhile, the minister of foreign affairs of ukraine, dmytro koleba , believes that it makes no sense to invite russia to this summit, as it cannot be guaranteed that it will act in good faith. kuleba told about this in an american publication. according to him , when the coalition of countries is formed, then communication can already take place with russia, and moscow can then already be part of the negotiations. there are only two ways to bring russia to a situation where it will act in good faith: the first is success on the battlefield, and the second is a coalition of countries that share the same principles and approaches, which is why there are no plans to invite russia to the summit as a participant, because the purpose of this summit - to unite countries that share the principles and approaches on which they will build further actions. but the representative of the russian ministry of foreign affairs, maria zakharova, responded in russian
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regarding the holding of the peace summit , the quote stated that russia will not participate in the... tsarist summits either at the first or subsequent stages, regardless of whether it receives an invitation or not, such a quote. in his turn , the head of the office of the president of ukraine, andriy yermak , said on the broadcast of the news telethon that ukraine will make maximum efforts to ensure that china joins the global peace summit in switzerland. china had not previously been represented at the summit where the ukrainian formula for peace in davos was discussed. however chinese representatives were at the august summit in saudi arabia in 2020. the third year, i will also add that the deputy head of ukrainian intelligence, vadym skibitskyi, in an interview with the economist newspaper, said that he does not see a way for ukraine to win the war only on the battlefield, according to him, such wars may end in treaties. well, we will also discuss this further. oleksandr levchenko, ukrainian diplomat, extraordinary and plenipotentiary ambassador of ukraine to the republic of
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croatia in the 10th-17th years joined our broadcast. congratulations, thank you joined greetings to you and the viewers and listeners. president zelensky also stated in his evening address yesterday that putin will try to disrupt the peace summit. do you really think that the russian president has such a goal, how can the russian federation do it? well, of course, they will try to disrupt this summit, well, first of all, through the leaders of their politics, who are on every continent. it is both in africa and in asia, as a matter of fact, and in latin america, to try to get them to agitate, among neighboring countries, to they did not participate in this summit, secondly , moscow itself will communicate with a number of countries, offer them something, in exchange for that, if they do not go to the summit. third,
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there will be informational spills that will try to discredit the idea of ​​holding the summit. agreed, why do it, it is ridiculous, russia does not take part there, but what will they agree on at all, these are completely different things, the war should end with an agreement between ukraine and russia, and russia is not here, so moscow will carry out these various things, although she declared that she is not going to the summit, she is not going, because no one wants her invites, but - it is obvious that the summit will take place, let's see how many countries. the more it will be, the better, and the most important thing is that a common position is formed there, so that there is no destructive work there, i do not rule out that the russians will work with some countries, so that you consciously, consciously introduce some amendments that will not accepted, they will not delay the process, the summit itself will take place in two days, the 15th-16th, if
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you delay some moments, then in the end you will not be able to reach any mutually acceptable formulation of how what will be the position of the countries of goodwill regarding negotiations to end the war with russia. studio: what could this position be? minister kuleba was asked in an interview for foren policy, i quote: what sense does ukraine see in holding the swiss global peace summit to bring the end of the war closer, if the party that started that war is not there. he was asked such a question, in your opinion, what is the point, is there any point in it at all, well, relatively speaking, you can't expect that they will solve it there. to end the war, well, it is obvious to the civilized countries of the world that it is necessary, that it is bad, and such decisions, well, what will russia implement, well, no, no, of course not, this is a founding summit, and its idea is that countries that focus on the statute, international law, the current system of international relations, will discuss the topic russian aggression
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and will discuss the prospect of ending it from the point of view of international law, not from the point of view of concepts, or gangster petersburg, as putin proposes, or from the point of view of some principles, some integrity or justice, which beijing offers, well, the question arises, but it turns out, what is international right, statuton is something, not a principle of injustice, but you propose principles of justice, to which you hint, that ukraine should lose some territories, well , putin is determined to do so, but it is so respectable. a country like china to play along in this way, being a permanent member of the security council, and one of the guarantors of territorial integrity, according to the budapest memorandum, well , it is at least strange, so here is... the statement of the head of the office, we very much count on china's participation in this summit , and the summit formulates a position countries of good will, who see how
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it is justly possible and in accordance with applicable international law to end this aggression, this bloody war, and then enter into negotiations with russia, ukraine enters into negotiations with russia to end the war, and behind it conditionally 100-120 countries of good will that support it all. negotiations studio. mr. oleksandr, do you think china will still join this peace summit? what are the chances? well, we'll see, we hope that he will join, if he doesn't join, then it will be without him, he is held at this event, he will lose then to a certain extent and the face among many countries, because he actually did not come to the countries that want to end the war, in accordance with the current international law. therefore, china will hesitate, given that it is a supporter of moscow somewhere, has strategic relations with it somewhere, and of course beijing is maneuvering how much it is
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profitable for it to support russia to the end, or after all to show flexibility and come to the summit and at least listen and what is happening there and will feel the pulse, the international pulse, the world pulse in relation to that... in the assessment of russian aggression studio. perhaps in paris, emmanuel macron will somehow manage to convince the chinese leader xuzhenpin of this. we have seen information in the media that the visit of the chinese leader is to take place in may and that mr. macron seems to have such a goal, to influence putin through xi. do you think there are such leverages? well, first of all, once again we say the obvious, that everyone is influenced by putin. nai can influence, russia listens to china. the second point, whether it is necessary, is the most important point, that is, macron cannot find such
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arguments and some things that will interest china in order to influence putin. macron can offer something from france, but of course he, i think, would be right if he speaks on behalf of the actual ji. wen, yes, from these, from this group of countries, about how they see the end of this war and what the big seven see in their relations with china, and the possibilities, the possible reactions, if beijing continues this covert support for moscow , it is very good that there is no open military support, supply of weapons, meanwhile some others are felt things, with regard to dual-use goods, with regard to serious economic ties and so on, so it will be a difficult conversation, and to be
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convinced that macron will be able to convince these, well, you have to be naive, but in any case, he can do some things and tete tete to say, regarding the prospects of the entire global development for the near future, and what can be expected from... this and what can be expected , including regarding relations and issues such as, for example, taiwan, yes, regarding the issue of russian encroachment on central asia so next, where are china's interests, so this meeting will be important and it should be used, studio. mr. oleksandr, the deputy chief of the gur , vadym skibitskyi, in an interview with the newspaper, stated that ukraine has no way to win the war against russia only on the field. battle and that both sides are currently fighting for the most favorable position before potential negotiations, but meaningful such negotiations can begin , he said, no earlier than in the second
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half of next year 2025. in your opinion, ukraine is preparing for negotiations with the summit peace, with such a coalition, with such statements, which ukrainian society already hears, which means that there is time to prepare morally for this, and will russia be included in the negotiations already? so to speak, to such a process, maybe not public, already after this peace summit, preparing for some result already in the second half of the 25th year. well, it is important to emphasize that at this summit a consensus was reached between the countries present there, well, and the second point, you had in the story that the minister of foreign affairs stated that it was very it is important how the situation on the battlefield will be at this moment, because to a certain extent. the text of the future peace agreement will be written by our armed forces, we will have success there, which means that this agreement will be successful for
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ukraine. in the context of the end of the war, if we do not have any victories there, there will be no displacement of russian troops from our territory, at least partially, then of course we can count on the fact that russia will take it like this and agree to the conditions that ukraine will offer and conditionally 100- 120 countries, unfortunately, no, unfortunately, probably not. studio: and victories in this sense, the armed forces depends, among other things, on the supply of weapons from western partners, so everything is connected. thank you, mr. oleksandr, for joining. oleksandr levchenko, diplomat, extraordinary plenipotentiary ambassador of ukraine to the republic of croatia, was a guest of svoboda ranok in 2010-17. in the meantime, write in the comments what you think, and whether ukrainian society is being prepared in this way for possible negotiations with russia . we
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heard from mr. skibytskiy representative gur about... that such negotiations can only take place in the second half of 2025. we will be interested to read and hear your opinion in the comments under this video. well, let's talk about a big reboot of the government. in ukraine , the center of the government may appear - this is a single structure that will control all ministries. the first version of such a project will be presented already this month, ukrainian pravda reports with reference to the minister of the cabinet of ministers oleg nemchynov. we will work to ensure that regulatory work, which is currently concentrated in the secretariat of the cabinet of ministers and the four so-called regulatory ministries of the ministry of justice, the ministry of economy, the ministry of finance and the ministry of statistics to transfer to the site of the newly created center of the government. the government center will provide legal, personnel, and accounting support to the ministries, and they will deal exclusively with policy formation, and not with the implementation of initiatives, as it is now. ukrainian truth notes that among government officials and experts there is a warning that
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after... the launch of the government center, the role of the prime minister will significantly increase, through this center he will be able to dictate the terms of the ministry, influence their work, finances, programs and projects, yes writes the publication. in addition, a reduction is expected the reboot of the government, which was announced by both president zelenskyi and prime minister shmyhal himself. the ministry of culture and information policy and the ministry of youth and sports may fall under the reduction. this was previously reported by the public with reference to sources in the servant of the people faction. a. in addition, the ministry of agricultural policy can be combined with the ministry of economy, although, as ukrainian pravda journalists write, there is a shortage of personnel in the government, so the appointment of new ministers is postponed for weeks, and candidates still need to be persuaded to take a place in the state apparatus. we will talk about these details of these reforms later. taras zagorodnik, political technologist, political scientist, managing partner of the national anti-crisis group, joined our broadcast. taras, congratulations, thank you for joining. good day. in
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your opinion, reformatting. and creating a center of government is a good idea, so the state will be more efficient? well, i just don't understand, here you have eyeliners, some experts said that the prime minister will impose the ministry and so on, we have a war going on, centralization, i will explain, mr. taras, because in in this article of ukrainian pravda, journalists write about the fact that, with reference to former prime ministers there, they say that in essence , the prime minister is such a high position, but he cannot actually influence it through legislation. well, it's bad, it's bad, because it's directed at all in wartime, it's unacceptable, because the government has to manage many processes manually, no matter what we say here, we don't have peacetime protocols, they just don't work in modern times conditions, the government should deal with the organization of the military economy, the government should be engaged in providing credit to the military economy, including what it is not currently engaged in, by the way, the government
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should ensure... the secrecy of the military industry, which the government, unfortunately, is not currently involved in either, the government should manage both labor resources, including number in the country, organizations of priority, support of priority industries that ensure security, first of all the military industry , yes, if the government in our country, for example, does not provide long-term contracts for enterprises in the pc, at least they should allow them to export weapons, so that they have currency brought to us. the country, because now the protocols of martial law are in effect, and what are the things that our government officials are used to, i think something to myself, and this is how it will be, well, it does not work like that, in military conditions, there is always centralization of management, if you look , for example, examples of great britain, yes, during the second world war, the centralization of the government, churchill held
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the position of minister at the same time. defenses and hugs.


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