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tv   [untitled]    May 3, 2024 9:30am-10:01am EEST

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unfortunately, the government is also not involved, the government must manage labor resources , including in the country, the organization of priority, support of priority industries that ensure security, first of all the military industry, yes, if our government, for example, does not provide long-term contracts for enterprises of the military industry, we should at least allow them to export weapons so that they can import currency into our country, because now the protocols of the martial... state of affairs are going, and what, and that's what our government officials are used to, i'm thinking something there, and that's how it will be, well, that's not how it works, in military conditions, the centralization of management is always there, if you look, for example, at the examples of great britain, so during the second world war, the centralization of the government, churchill simultaneously held the position of minister of defense and held... the position of minister of the prime minister,
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and in i solved a lot of things with the manual mode, i solved the issue, because i simply managed many processes, mr. taras, you are now being told that there is a lot of manual mode in ukraine, first of all a full-scale war, taking into account the role of the president's banking office there in that number, and still, if judged from the point of view of legislation, how it should be with the constitution of ukraine and so on, that is, a reduction, for example, in the number of ministries. new people in the positions of the minister, the challenge is still to find these new people so that they agree, it all has its own purpose, which is to save the budget on the one hand, and on the other hand to make this administration effective, more efficient, in order to solve urgent issues faster question, here i do not agree with the associations of ministries, why, because everyone who knows how the bureaucratic works machine, understands that this is just paralysis between these two ministries, well, for three or four months, ukraine cannot afford it.
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it is possible to leave these ministries as they are, but reduce the number of officials, the number of officials, and ukraine is quite capable, because they are not needed in such a number, both at the grassroots level and at the level of the central apparatus. well, for example, we still have city councils of mariupol, city councils of severodonetsk, lisichansk, they even hold some tenders, and in fact pilfer money that they didn't earn it themselves. because the money of the local budget is formed at the expense of taxes, which are located, well, from the place, but there are no places now, they are located in the temporarily occupied territories, so a lot of things can be reduced, simplified in this format, but at the government level, i believe that it is not a very good idea to combine the ministry of economy, for example, and the ministry of agrarian policy. i will only note that you mentioned specific officials who periodically. including that
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they join our broadcast there, so if they have a desire to respond to your such accusation, you can say, then we are ready to give this word on our air, but yes, what is the accusation, they, who do they represent, you said about a bully, it seems, well, you know, here it is a valid, valid comment, but i just have to also involve, let's say so, in this conversation, if it sounds like such a claim to give the other side an opportunity to express themselves, but mr. taras, if we talk about... about in general, well, about the fact that globally there should be a change of ministers, we we actually hear about it, well for weeks, and probably for several months there , he talked about it, including president zelensky, about the big reset, everything started, as we understand, as we remember, from the military sector, and even journalists wrote a lot, that it should have happened in april, a big change of ministers, and why it didn't happen, in your opinion, well , it's hard to say, i, for example, am a supporter.
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that mr. shmyhal should also be replaced, because i have the impression that mr. shmyhal fundamentally does not want to organize this process and manage these processes, which are necessary during martial law, as well as the organization , first of all, of the security of the country, so why did it not happen, well, most likely, or in reality there are no candidates, it is not known what state the monomajority is in, and whether there is a willingness to vote for these candidates, too. .. that this is tere incognito and there are many reasons, but what will be changed, well , most likely it will happen this way, because if the president said that it will be like this, then it will most likely be like this, but we again must understand that, well, during the war again, the main thing is the country after all after all, the position of the supreme commander, so where all the people gather, they must also determine the direction and organization of the country's defense. er, and directions for managing those
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economic processes that need to be managed, and not hoped for - often in our country it refers to a market economy, a market economy in time. war, it does not work, we must clearly understand this, because business will not invest in these risky things, which, especially if they are not insured by the state, that is, military risk, and it is more profitable for him to simply not do some things, to close enterprises, not to provide services that are strategically important for the state, therefore, for example, in the same great britain, the united states of america, there was even the nationalization of many enterprises that did not... live on private capital, or they remained privately owned, but in operational management of the state, they all fell into place. mr. taras, and to another topic, but we still have a moment, so you have time, here is the manifestation of the deputy head of the gur vadym
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skibitskyi about the possible negotiations in the second half of the 25th year, this is a certain preparation of the ukrainian society, including the international community, on the eve of the peace summit, which is to be held in... for such an option, for such an opportunity? well, i think that it is more connected with the peace summit, because the russians are actively promoting the topic that they want peace so much that they can't eat, and ukraine is to blame for everything, so i think that these are such diplomatic bows, because i while i do not see the prerequisites that russia will agree to any negotiations at all, she will either agree to these negotiations in order to disrupt aid to ukraine, this is their main goal now, the scheme is as follows: we start negotiations there, and then circles appear in the west that declare: "let's give peace a chance, stop aid to ukraine, we will not supply weapons to the conflict zone, as they did in 14 year, and this is the main
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goal of russia now, now we, russia, are not ready for any actual negotiations, they announced the goal of destroying ukraine and ukrainians, and here only ukraine can force them to do something." language to russia, this is a move to move the war to the territory, to the territory of russia, yesterday, for example, a rather interesting event happened, well , it is not known whether chiriv or sbu drones flew, for example, into traction stations on the railway, this is a very good thing in reality, ukraine can paralyze the russian economy with strikes not only on oil refineries, sbu drones have already flown there recently in another way in this krasnodar region, there is the plant that produces aviation gas, so, for example, ukraine can paralyze the compressors of oil refineries, oil tankers, gas tankers, they are forced to kill you and i will add that
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information that it is possible for western weapons, including the weapons of great britain, to do this more effectively, because we have already heard from london that they allow their weapons to be hit directly on the territory of russia, taras zahorodnik. political technologist, managing partner of the national anti-crisis group, was a guest of svoboda ranok. thank you. and on the eve of easter, we decided to talk with a representative of the church and ask about the reinterpretation of this holiday during the war, as well as about the role of the church in these difficult times. i spoke with the governor of svyatouspenska avraamiem of the kiev pechersk lavra. let me remind you, he was the first uoc monk in the kyiv pechersk lavra to join the ocu. so, do they talk about the war at the services of god in the kyiv lavra? what will they pray for this easter sunday? father, this is how you should perceive and treat the easter holiday today, when ukraine is fighting for its existence. indeed, for us, easter
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is an important holiday for all christians, not only the orthodox, but also the catholic world, and now we will celebrate this holiday. again in the conditions of this terrible unjustified war, but first of all we are firmly convinced, and our faith prompts us to this, that the resurrected christ will still hear our prayers, and our ukraine, our defenders, will return home alive and healthy. this is the main goal and task of each of us, every ukrainian, every ukrainian woman, to work on what we can bring closer to victory, and of course, the easter holiday instills in us great faith, great hope, that this is exactly how it will be, because we
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know , for believing christians, her faith is capable of working miracles, and we hope that... the lord will hear our prayers, and this easter, of course, many will celebrate it, not so and probably joyfully, because... we understand, many do not return to their homes, there are many boys who died in this war, but the church, like a child-loving mother, she leaves no one behind, the church tries to pay attention to everyone in order to comfort, in order to announce this joyful news, christ is risen, truly risen, and as the paschal morticians sing, that christ rose from the dead, by death he overcame death and
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those who in the graves gave life to him we remember that there are no dead in god, all are alive in god. and in the services of god, do you talk about the war, about the realities in which ukraine, ukrainians found themselves, what hurts people in general, what do they ask about and do they ask such questions, and why did god allow such a terrible war? yes, of course, our... task is to speak the truth and only the truth, and at every service, in particular in the heart of our spirituality, in the cradle of orthodoxy, the assumption kyiv pechersk lavra, the majestic assumption cathedral, we always say, we emphasize all the attention on that , what the war started by the russian federation against us continues. which treacherously invaded our state, and of course, every church service we pray,
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offer prayers for our homeland, for our defenders, for volunteers, doctors, all those who bring us closer to victory, because if we do not talk about these things, then it is impossible to consider ourselves a ukrainian, a ukrainian woman, because each of us must do what is possible... to help the army in those matters, to help all those who have certain opportunities of their own, and the church first of all it deals with it and first of all it talks about those things that are obvious, that we continue to be killed, that russian missiles will continue to fly, that their patriarch will continue to bless the so-called one, where the declaration of the holy war was officially sounded. and we cannot react to these things or remain silent in any way, and
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that is why, of course, our task is to try to convey to all ukrainians that we should love our church, which was given to us by god, here, having a recognized svilyan patriarch, and we realize that... our so- called brothers are only working to divide, to ensure that the unification of the churches never takes place, it is their task to divide, to sow enmity, which we see and observe at the present time, talking about the role of the church in this matter, and perhaps you will tell how the church now joins assistance to the army, for example, whether the paskas are consecrated to the front, perhaps already sent. these days on the eve, and why is the service of chaplains important, are there enough chaplains to cover the needs
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of the military at the front, is there such a request from the ukrainian military today? yes of course, that now, almost every day , pastures for our soldiers are consecrated, they are sent to forward positions, in particular, after easter, i will personally make a trip. in the front-line zone, where i have my friends, the military, and to bring them gifts from our all- ukrainian shrine, the st. stephen's kiev-pechers lavra, of course, the need for chaplains is extremely great at the moment, and the church is working on this to provide, because this is an important question, and i think that in the near future it will be ... decided what easter will be about service this year? i understand that you
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have told a little bit that this is exactly what we will be talking about, right? yes, first of all, it will be about this , of course, as always there will be a solemn service, in connection with the curfew, it will begin in the morning, in particular, in our kyiv assumption lavra, the main cathedral of the assumption lavra. cathedral, and of course , all those people, parishioners, who are not... indifferent to the fate of our country, to the fate of our church and to participate together in this easter. thank you, our viewers, for being with us. have a peaceful easter and subscribe to radio svoboda and our social networks to keep up to date with the news, even during such important holidays. my name is kateryna nykrecha, i and the entire
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remove the protective film and the mattress takes its shape. call now and order a camel orthopedic mattress, instead of the full price of the mattress, pay only half. dear friends, we are coming back to the air, vakulyuk andriy saichuk. let me remind you that we are open until 12 hours let me remind you that you are watching the espresso tv channel, and let me remind you that you can subscribe to the tv channel's social network. let me remind you that you can watch our broadcast as well. and on youtube, for this you can find the espresso tv channel on youtube, subscribe to the page, and why do it, if you watch us on tv, i will explain why, if you didn’t make it there, missed something, or were busy, or liked something , or some detail was missed somewhere, you can watch it all on our youtube channel, all recordings are posted there,
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the privat-24 application, open this application, find in the bottom line there... the scanner function, click on the scanner and the frame that you point to appears here is this black and white square on the left, or write down the indicated card number above. the qr code on the right, you see, and the card number is above it, and this card number is indicated on the title, this is a monobank, everything is easier, you can just open the phone camera and scan it, besides, this qr code, and also the card number, it appears from time to time. on our air in the lower left corner, just during the conversations with our guests, and right now we will start our next conversation, our next guest, lyudmila denisova, right-winger. head of the ukrainian center for the protection of human rights. mrs. lyudmila, good morning. good morning everyone. mrs. lyudmila, let's talk today about
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the volunteers who, from the first days, stood up for the defense of our state. who are they, and what protection do they have from the state? this is a very relevant topic that you have raised now, because there are many such calls with such questions, there are... we provide clarification, but the process is very difficult: who exactly are these volunteers? well , remember, at the beginning of the full-scale invasion, alongside the military, there were simply civilians who defended their towns and villages with their own weapons without any registration. so, these citizens later, or they were mobilized, or they signed a contract, went to... military service, or joined the defenders of their territorial communities, then we have several such categories of volunteers, well, the first is the same category of volunteers who from
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february 24 to march 25 in the 22nd year, they defended ukraine and directly participated in hostilities, either independently or together with the military as part of volunteer formations. and together with the security and defense forces, they did not have any contract at the time, and by law they do now the right to become participants in hostilities, and many of them have become, and they receive the appropriate rights and social protection. the others are the forces of territorial defense, the armed forces of ukraine, it is equipped with the military under a contract, it is distributed to them. the entire statute of the armed forces of ukraine and all the rights and social protection of servicemen. and the third group is voluntary formations of territorial communities, which are staffed on
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a voluntary basis by civilians. yes, this is a paramilitary unit formed on on a voluntary basis from civilians who perform the tasks of territorial defense within the boundaries of their communities. the activity is regulated. their provisions, which are approved by the cabinet of ministers. such volunteers enter into a contract with the commander of the volunteer formation of the territorial community. it is covered by all guarantees of social protection, in accordance with the law on social legal protection of military personnel. these members of the dftg, they fulfill a public or public duty, their working time, therefore, it is up to them keeps place of work, salary according to their place of work, but it is important to know that membership in such voluntary formations of territorial communities does not exempt them from
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the obligations of military service, and they can be mobilized upon call-up during mobilization, at this time the military is by order of the commander-in-chief the armed forces of ukraine, such volunteer formations... of territorial communities may be involved in actions outside their territorial communities and be directly or all or partially directed to the areas of hostilities. and what exactly is the difference in these benefits for volunteers, for servicemen, who are actually from those servicemen who are already directly participating in hostilities, you know, because of... the arrival of these dftv, that is , volunteers who take part and sign a contract with of voluntary formations of territorial communities, when they
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fall under the operational subordination of the commanders of the tro forces of the armed forces of ukraine, such members receive all the guarantees established for contract workers and mobilized, the guarantees apply to them social protection of war veterans. well, for example, if a dftg volunteer was injured. without during direct participation in hostilities, and because of this he was diagnosed with a disability, then he can receive the status of a person with a disability as a result of the war through the appropriate mechanism. if a volunteer who is a member of the dftg has died, then the family members can receive the status of the family of the deceased defender, get the appropriate certificate, use it, or not use it. rights, but it is not clear why the state separates members of the dftg from others defenders, military personnel who also
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died. protecting the motherland, the amount of this one-time monetary aid when a dftg volunteer dies is 750 subsistence minimums, which are set on january 1 of the corresponding year for able-bodied persons, when the date of the volunteer's death is set, for example, in 2024, such aid is 2,271. and as we know that when a serviceman died, such assistance amounts to 15 million, and the main issue is that according to the law that came into force on 21 of march 2022, and volunteers, almost all of them, both those in tro and those in dftg, they are classified as participants in hostilities. there is only one thing, but what... and these
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dftg volunteers still cannot obtain this status of a participant in hostilities, because the cabinet of ministers has not yet developed a procedure by which these participants of volunteer formations of territorial communities can precisely receive this status of a participant in hostilities actions, but there is no status, no certificate, no state support, and therefore i think that... the cabinet of ministers of ukraine will still introduce the appropriate changes in the procedure for obtaining yes from such a certificate, which is established by the cabinet of ministers of ukraine. ms. lyudmila, we still have a few minutes left, i wanted to ask you about the law on mobilization, about the suspension of services in consular institutions of ukrainians abroad, which would upset a huge number of ukrainians, and they
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started talking about what... this is a violation of their rights, what would you say about it? well, you know, in general, any restrictions that weren't previously legislated, that can be considered as a limitation of our rights and the rights of those who are currently there, but it must be borne in mind that we are all citizens of ukraine, and we need to fulfill our duties in relation to our homeland, and therefore ... here it should be considered in this way that the law on mobilization should have been passed a long time ago, and so that a person would have the opportunity to plan his life, return to ukraine and defend it, so now such actions of the authorities, i think, can be ensured by the fact that to date , ukraine is suffering huge losses, which is not
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completed about these brigades, which the military calls us on the hotline and need protection, and need treatment, and already need rehabilitation and rotation, they can also be understood, therefore every citizen of ukraine must understand that no one will protect our country without us, ms. lyudmylo, and so it's not you, thank you. for clarification, ludmila denisova , a law enforcement officer, head of the ukrainian center for the protection of human rights, contacted us. dear friends, i will remind you that i will lose two more hours of our time, ours with andrii saichuk vokulyuk participation in espresso marathons is ahead, we will have petro chernyk, we will talk with him about the affairs at the front, the people's deputy of ukraine yevgenia kravchuk will be there, we will talk about the fact that journalists are finally
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returning to the verkhovna rada. council and we will also talk about the ukrainian easter, as well as about the poles and the fact that now every 10th business there is ukrainian, but that will be later, we are now watching the news, kateryna shirokopoyas is already with you, colleague, i congratulate you on the word, i congratulate olesya, i will quickly write about the most important events as of this hour. news time on spresso tv channel, kateryna shirokpoyas works in the studio. president volodymyr zelenskyi met with the minister of foreign affairs of great britain david cameron. this was reported in the president's office. the meeting took place in kyiv. the leaders discussed the situation at the front, and so...


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