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tv   [untitled]    May 3, 2024 10:00am-10:30am EEST

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eventually returns to the verkhovna rada and we will also talk about the ukrainian easter, as well as about the poles and the fact that now every tenth business there is ukrainian, but that will be later, now we are watching the news, kateryna shirokopoyas is already with you, colleague, i congratulate you . greetings olesya, in a moment i will quickly talk about the most important events as of this hour. news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. president volodymyr zelensky met with the minister of foreign affairs of great britain david cameron. this was reported in the office the president the meeting took place in kyiv. the leaders discussed the situation at the front. as well as the new
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aid package from the uk announced last week. let me remind you that ammunition, armored vehicles and missiles of various types will be brought to it. a 12-year-old child and another adult died as a result of the shelling. memryka in donetsk region, two more were seriously injured. this was announced by the head of the region, vadym filashkin. the russians hit the village with hailstones, seven houses were destroyed due to the attack. houses one person was injured due to enemy shelling of kherson region. occupiers the occupiers attacked the city itself. two high-rise buildings and 10 private houses were damaged. this was announced by the head of the region, the regional military administration, oleksandr prokudin. educational institutions, economic buildings are also damaged. port
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infrastructure, warehouses and gas pipelines. during the day, the russians hit eight settlements in zaporizhzhia almost 350 times from the air, they hit novoandriivka, and they also shelled mala tokmachka, orikhov and gulyaipole. about this the head of the region, ivan fedorov, said. as a result of the attack, 17 residential buildings were destroyed in the region. the enemy attacked the village of novoosynove in the kharkiv region , a 66-year-old man died due to shelling. this was reported to the regional prosecutor's office. private homes and commercial buildings were also damaged, and the law enforcement officers started a pre-trial investigation. the enemy, and the russians hit the kryvyi rih district with missiles at the bottom.
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of the propetrovs'ka region, and they also attacked nikopol with drones, the head of the regional military administration, serhiy lysak, said. as a result of the impact, a fire broke out, which was promptly extinguished by rescuers. fortunately, there were no casualties. russia is capable of capturing the baltic states faster than nato can react. this was stated by the deputy head of the main directorate of intelligence, vadym skibitsky. for his words. the occupiers are able to occupy the baltic states in seven days, while the alliance needs 10 days to take action under the fifth article. skibitskyi also emphasized that with its bravery, ukraine has already given europe a significant advantage by weakening the air and naval forces of russia, but without of further aid, other countries will eventually find themselves in the crosshairs as well. another 1,270 occupiers...
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did not live to see easter and went to eternal torment in hell, and in total, since the beginning of the full-scale russian invasion , 472.40 occupiers have been washing away their sins in the devil's tea house, and their metallobrukt is being brewed there with them. just yesterday, the defense forces burned 22 tanks, 33 armored fighting vehicles, 58 artists, 42 cars, two anti-aircraft vehicles and five units of special equipment. forever landed 19 enemy drones, the general staff reminds, all data indicative in the meantime, i urge you to join the collection for our defenders, communication and security equipment, needed by the intelligence unit of the third regiment of special operations forces. they fight for the independence of our country in difficult battles on the eastern front and give them the opportunity to live, work and study. our goal is uah 720,000. with your help. we have already made
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an advance payment and we have less than uah 200,00 left to collect, so let's not delay, the war continues, the help of each of us is extremely important, every hryvnia of yours is of great importance. all of them you now see the necessary details on your screens. doctor anna divichenko devoted seven years to the army. her mother took up volunteering so that the years of waiting for her daughter would pass faster. she helps the military at the front and in the body. yes, he says, victory and anna's return home are getting closer. our journalists got to know the krapyvchanka women. the first thing i will do with ours. victory, i will go to the crimea with my son and show him the places where i have been, this is the city of pharos, i will climb with him the mountain that i climbed, and we will raise our blue and yellow, and we will shout, we won. in anna divichenko's phone, there are practically no
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photos in dresses and heels, instead there are photos in military uniform. the girl, who had dreamed of pediatrics since childhood, changed her job. who should do it? i passed both the trenches and the positions, now, of course, it’s easier, you don’t have to eat there directly in advance, but still i was there, for example, my brother also died in the kherson direction, we ran into enemy myno, a native person died , my own uncle died in the sands. anna signed the contract after work in the national patriotic camp, where she was invited to work during the summer vacation, since then about another life... and she does not want to hear about it, says her mother. it had such an impact on her, it was azov's cadetship, it was their culture, their relationship. she comes to me and says: "mom, i'm going to war, i 'll be needed there more than i will be in a children's hospital." very difficult. it happens that i am sitting
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on the balcony, i always tell her: "you are at least a plus to me, you can't, there is no connection, well, at least a plus" became. it happens that i sit on the balcony at night, it happens twice. i call her at night. every loss at the front hurts - a military woman admits. she holds on, she says, thanks to her character, which she inherited from her mother. as it should be, it will be so. i even see people driving at crossings with the doors open, like if there is an incoming flight, you will be thrown out of the car by a shock wave. well, i didn't throw you out now, but if you're lucky, you're lucky, and while the only daughter is serving, the mother volunteers, she helps the soldiers at the front and in the hospital. so he says, the victory and anna's return home are approaching, i believe that i am doing the right thing, i have a daughter helps over there, our poor boys who have suffered, who are lying wounded, and i help them here. anna says that she could
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terminate the contract, because she is raising her son herself, and she does not intend to do so until ukraine wins. from kropyvnytskyi for the espresso tv channel. in ternopil, tsk employees caught a fraudster who ran away from the police. the swindler defrauded an elderly pensioner of uah 5,400. operatives searched for the man for a week, and found him in the training center of the armed forces. previously, after committing the crime, the suspect kicked his heels and suddenly came across military personnel from the territorial assembly center. they call me like this. little voice, female, oh, i came without warning you, and i got hit by a car, and i am lying in the hospital, i need money, he comes, i give him the money, and he says, i will now
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transfer the money to the bank and come to pick you up, take you to my granddaughter, the television and radio company did not play a single song in russian for a year, these are the conclusions of the report of taras kremin, the commissioner for the protection of the ukrainian language. in total, 14 organizations and almost 8,500 songs were analyzed. currently, a share of ukrainian speakers 67% of musical works on radio and television, the rest in official languages ​​of the european union. kremin also emphasized that last year his office received more than 3,500 complaints about language violations. legislation across the regions, among the largest number of appeals received at our address, they concern the city of kyiv, on the one hand, and a sufficient number of violations, but also issues of linguistic awareness, linguistic
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stability, as well as the reluctance of ukrainian citizens to put up with the violation of their rights in various spheres of social life in the territory city ​​of kyiv. the following are ours: kharkiv oblast, and the lion's share of violations is the city of kharkiv, odesa oblast, dnipropetrovsk oblast, and partly kyiv oblast, this is our kind of five and... and we cooperate with each head of government, there are positive the results to find out more interesting and up-to-date information, follow the updates on our website, as well as on our social networks, meet my colleagues andriy saichuk and lesya vakalyuk in a moment. we will see you in less than an hour. dear friends, we are back on the air, lesya
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vakulyuk, andriy saichuk, two hours ahead, and this hour we are opening a conversation with pyotr chernyk, a military expert and colonel. mr. peter, we welcome you to our airwaves, glory to ukraine, glory, glory, well, we always expect from mr. ptor some such broader, actually analytical assessments, i know, i have read such. ray is a well-known military blogger in estonia, he covers the war in ukraine, and he recently published, for example, a report with one of the servicemen the third stormtrooper, that is, he was here, he is here in ukraine often, he is really popular in estonia, there are 700 thousand subscribers for estonia, i think this is a lot, millions of followers, so he recently published an analysis, but he is a military blogger, again well, although he himself is a military serviceman, he nevertheless published an analysis of the m... mistakes, in his opinion, of the ukrainians in this war, and he singles out
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14 points there, but to put it very briefly, he thinks that ukraine is very, very good fighting, well done ukrainians, the russians suffered in this war a bunch of his various mistakes and defeats, but he singles out two mistakes: the first is that the ukrainians were tempted by a counteroffensive for which they were not fully prepared, neither the preparation was sufficient, the coordination of the troops, nor enough... weapons for this, and the second is that the mobilization is late, probably almost a year now, and we are reaping now, and the conclusions he draws are that ukraine should not make a third mistake, hopefully, after this russian offensive is over, immediately counterattack, it was would be a mistake, or would you agree with these assessments, what is your assessment of our mistakes during these two years of war? i agree, i will agree in part, as winston churchill once said, that war is a catalog of mistakes, it cannot be otherwise, but the way
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these questions are formulated, i do not agree, and i will argue why, so really we had a counteroffensive, and in my personal opinion, it was successful, we were not able to finally cut through the surovikin line, we really underestimated the enemy's ability to dig in, but somehow, a bridgehead 10 on 10 km cut down and at least behind 3,600 artillery installations during this time we destroyed precisely in the counteroffensive mode, i must remind you that 95% of the war is an artillery war, which is a lot if you divide by 72, and this is one full-time artillery brigade , then we destroyed more than 50 artillery brigades, and in september a record of 947 guns per day was set at that time, give a month, understanding that the russians are removing more than 200-300 guns from conservation and repairing them. and they cannot and will not be able to deliver to the battlefield, then this is colossal a huge success, realizing that the russians have
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only six machines, i emphasize, not factories, but machines that can drill barrels and build high-quality new barrel artillery, then this is a colossal success, so underestimated, once again forgive me for repeating, underestimated the regime called entrenchment, it is indeed true, but it is not a mistake, it is an underestimation, it is not the same thing, the nation for 30 years was... in the illusions of pacifism, which did not expect this huge blow, cannot learn in two years of fighting at the highest operational level art, the israelis have been fighting every day since 1948, and yet the strike by hamas, the pre-war political leadership missed last year, the same applies to mobilization, first of all, mobilization has not been suspended for a single minute, unfortunately, the package of legislation has not developed in peacetime in such a way as he had. to be developed and the fact that in the state of emergency, and the fault is an emergency,
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we had to develop a whole package of legislative acts, well, this is a natural process, therefore, as formulated by this honorable man, our mistakes, i fundamentally disagree, we still hear now that after the russian offensive there will be our counteroffensive, does ukraine have the strength, power, enough... sufficient preparation for this? there is one fundamental point: weapons are a war of quantity and quality. in general, we are doing phenomenally well. the 22nd army of the world at the beginning of this war. the 18th according to the results of 2023 and the second army in the world , a nuclear country, a nation of 140 million is fighting a nation of 35 million, so indeed the enemy occupied up to 25% of our territory, but if they were fundamentally sure, fundamentally sure that they would reach uzhhorod with tanks in a few weeks, and this did not happen, and the war entered the third stage
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of grinding each other's resources, then we showed quite a result. now in terms of a potential counter...offensive, if a large enough number of weapons appear, i emphasize, really seriously, that i invest really seriously, first of all, a large number of long-range atakams missiles, with which it will be possible to destroy their logistics, what is their logistics, this is in the first place railway echelons, 95% of everything that is brought to the occupation zone is brought by rail, if you put their extermination on a regular methodical basis every day, every week, every month, and work like this for 2-3 months, the soldier in the trenches will have nothing, no ammunition, no water, no food, no medicine, this is the first moment. the second point is to finally solve the problem of the sky, that is, to knock down preschool meetings , the fourth, which does not allow us to unfold, thanks to the heavy caliber cabs, fab 250, fab 500 and pap 1500, f16 solve this problem, but you need not a couple of machines, that is, two parts,
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we need at least one squadron, a 120 mm 180 km missile, the task is successful. in the air, air mode, the f16 can take six missiles on board, understanding that this is a network machine and that the locator of the patriot, which calculates a body at 600 km, provides for integrated work with the f-16, then we can really arrange an airplane crash for several dozen, in total of working machines - 80 units, a drop of 30 will not be able to use them anymore, and if in such a comprehensive way, together with the hymers ika... we ammunition for artillery, everything will work at a high pace in cycles of dry weather, then there is at least a chance to repel the southern plandarm. i am not in any way saying that it will happen, in any way, but i am saying that with a really large arms allocation, it is possible. this russian offensive, which is going on now, is intensifying, the russians are throwing some sort of military units into
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yar's time, skibitsky suggests that yar's time may be lost in the interview. namist, is this already the culmination, what can be the culmination of this russian offensive and when and where will it end, what are the options here, what can be options? in my understanding, the culmination of the russian offensive in this time perspective is the entry to the administrative borders of donetsk and luhansk regions, we have thwarted it at least three times, we thwarted it in october of last year, we thwarted it in december of last year before during putin's speech. maso and such a task was set for them, and we broke it in the part that concerns up to the moment of his self-reappointment to the post of president of the russian federation. it is extremely important to disrupt this task now before the day of his inauguration and good afternoon, in general it is very important to disrupt this in principle, so that they cannot implement this task, why? my point of view, again, i don't know what's in their heads,
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but for 30 years i've been studying the enemy and trying to put myself in their place, so i somehow managed to predict the war with an accuracy of up to one day, that they think as follows: it is necessary to go to the administrative borders of donetsk and luhansk regions, to say to their pedlomas, that's it, we have achieved everything, we did not want to take over any ukraine, kyiv - it was a distracting manner, but two to two republics, which are already part of our, big family, and which declared their independence, and then we included it back, are already ours, and putin says to the whole world, i am a special military operation finished, the ukrainians do not want to end the war and... unfortunately, in the world, especially in the group called the global south, and the turks, in the end they are the same ones, will start calling for everything, we need to find a formula, we need to stop everything, it is very important that it was not implemented, at the moment the donetsk region is occupied by 57%, well we still have to go, we still have to go through 43, it is very, very much, and how good the weapons will be, i emphasize how good the weapons will be and there will be a lot of them, i am
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full of restrained optimism that this operational task can be eliminated. putin met yesterday with the governor of the tula region, who is associated with wagner's pmk, oleksii dyumin, and the institute for the study of war suggests that this meeting is one of the measures to punish shoigu for the fact that he cannot achieve military goals, or here are some showdowns of the leadership of the top management of russian with the highest military leadership. somehow affect, or we don't even have to pay attention to it? you don't even need to pay attention to it, the fact that the spiders in the jar started a deadly dance, and by the way, they always had such a deadly dance, theirs. history is full of endless palace coups and endless murders at the highest level, only alexander ii is worth anything, who gave
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silent consent to the murder of his own father about stalin's purge and the great terror of the 30s, we know very well about the duel between stalin and beria, beria, where beria won by eliminating stalin, but no one saw khrushchev, who eliminated beria, and that's their entire history in the elite part. the towers of the kremlin have always fought among themselves for power and will continue to fight, and let them fight, the more chaos there is, the better, but we remember the fundamental rule about us ukrainians, the sum does not change by rearranging the terms, at the beginning of the stormy 20th century, when we fought for their independence with them, by the way, for us, what are the bolsheviks, what are the whites, dinikina, what are the whites wrangel were fundamental enemies, in their value scale it does not matter what their regime is, what their power is. as putin said, kyiv is the soul of russia or whatever he calls it there, and nothing will change in their part of the identity, but if someone gets a heart attack there again and he suddenly experiences a
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heart attack, we will of course only be amused by it, literally there, i i know that there is only a moment left, general kshipczak of poland gave an interview to les vokulyuk, in fact, this interview will appear soon on espresso, but he also said, i was just taking participation in dubbing. the general speaks polish, and one of the questions that lesya asked him very, very rudely is called when this war will end, he said that he believes that by the end of this year the war will be frozen, the ukrainian army said, he unfortunately, it does not have the opportunity to go to the borders of the 91st year in the near future, are you with such an estimate, after all, in the same interview, the economy said that by the end of the second half of the 25th year, they may sit down at the negotiating table, because such a... do not end on the battlefield? well, you asked a very deep question, so i will allow myself to take a little more minutes of time, if you allow, the war is existential, either we are them,
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or they are us, there will be no other way, the moscow sub-empire is impossible without ukraine, and until karpnagan disintegrates into 25- 30 states, we are doomed to war with them, that is , is it possible now in this phase of historical development to suspend hostilities, because freezing is the same as in cyprus. in 974, the turks did not fight the greeks and, in my opinion, they will not, that's it a freeze, in our reality a freeze is impossible, if someone ends up losing in 5, 6, 7, 10, 15, 20 years, then it will be a suspension, not a freeze, it is very correct to identify the categories here, really for the moment we cannot and will not be able to cross the borders of 1991, why, because i still do not understand how to pass donbas, but i do not understand, i will explain in a few words, it is a height. this is a concrete geography, so let's call it such a specific expression, they took the little girl from avdi without sparing their soldier for 10 years, then
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how can we take it, if they maintain the stability of management, they poured everything there with concrete, and they are ready to die, die and die again, in order to take donbas, it is necessary to kill 200 thousand people, who in their right mind will do it, this is madness, that who dares to take such a bold step, i cannot find the words to identify such and such. people and everything can be covered with thousands of tons of bombs, i emphasize, not ten bombs, not two, not a hundred, but thousands of tons. in 1943 , 900 tons of bombs were dropped over hamburg. we'll think about it in numbers, such a bombing can only be done by the americans, no one else. let's be honest, they won't do it, they won't go to war, because it's to go to war. if we manage to compress, compress the dividing line to the old, to the old. it will be a fantastic success, to reach an intermediate stage, to reach a new defense structure of our state, and when the geopolitical situation in the world changes, and it will
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definitely change, the americans and the chinese are doomed to sit down at the negotiating table in some time to divide russia and then fight back. i in no way want to be either a good or a bad prophet, i only give my assessment, i may be wrong, forgive me. and crimea? mr. peter, crimea. crimea is much easier to recapture. ugh. crimea is much easier to recapture. why? this is a peninsula. the crimean bridge is falling down, completely falling down, they cannot repair it. we cut the land corridor and with long-range missiles of the type agm 158 jasm, we close everything that we can close. why this rocket? because up to 900 km will sink all large amphibious ships, will sink all boats. mentioned aim 120 amram missiles will shoot down. all the planes that fly to crimea, half a year of such suppression, half a year, that's all, they will simply confess, it's not a rocket that fights, it's not a machine gun that fights, it's all tools, a man fights, a man in a trench
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needs food. water, medicines, there is nothing, you can't fight, we hit like a turnip, but again, again, it's a fundamental question, and i don't know where, where, how to find this cruel truth, we need 180 f-16 machines, here they are need, and a few thousand rockets, will they give my my, my honest position is definitely not now, thank you very much sir peter, petro chernyk, a colonel, a military expert was with us, thank you for this conversation, and for these sober assessments, dear friends, before we go on a break, i want to tell you... one more thing about the fact that 61 00 remains for us in order to close the collection and to have 2 million in us, more precisely in our military from two brigades from the 93rd 72nd, for these 2 million we will have them and we and you will have a lot of fpi drones that will destroy russian equipment, you and i have already collected 36 00 this morning, join the collection, see it now on your screens
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announcement of evils and if the qr code of privat is facing the screen and it is scanned using the privat-24 application, there is a scanner function, which you click on, a square appears and you point this square to the black and white picture on the left, the card number is also indicated , well, it’s a monobank, which is scanned much easier, just with the phone’s camera, if you don’t know how to scan, write down the card number, which is indicated above the qr code, and which can also be found on our title, and watch for the appearance of... a square such during our conversations, we thank all those who join our collection, this is an easter gift for our military, we hope that it will be like this, that next week we will not take this collection away, that this week we will say these two cherished words, well first of all , christ is risen, and secondly, stop gathering, that's how it is, friends, i want it to be, let's go for a short break, then we'll continue, they say that by the way, jesus was asked, but now somewhere, somewhere so
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recently, yes. they say, god, tell us how we should better celebrate the fact, your miracle resurrection, do we need to wash all the windows, he says, well, you can, he says, bake paushka, well, you can, so, so, consecrate, well, of course, yes, he says, sweep the sidewalks, he says, okay, continue, but what will please you the most , he says, donat for espresso, for this this collection should be closed, they are needed until easter, i told you, that's it, dear friends, let's go, god's word. a short pause, the qr code and card number will appear after this pause, we will talk with our next guest, people's deputy of ukraine yevgenia kravchuk, we will talk about the fact that journalists can finally return to the sidelines of the verkhovna rada and why marijani bezuglii so muddies public broadcasting and whether it is only marijani bezuglii, all this will be discussed later. petrol trimmers are so heavy, loud
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